/* $Id: ProgressProxyImpl.cpp 30976 2010-07-22 10:06:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IProgress implementation for Machine::openRemoteSession in VBoxSVC. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #if defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) #include #include #include #endif /* defined (VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) */ #include "ProgressProxyImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxErrorInfoImpl.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProgressProxy class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor / uninitializer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT ProgressProxy::FinalConstruct() { mfMultiOperation = false; muOtherProgressStartWeight = 0; muOtherProgressWeight = 0; muOtherProgressStartOperation = 0; HRESULT rc = Progress::FinalConstruct(); return rc; } /** * Initalize it as a one operation Progress object. * * This is used by SessionMachine::OnSessionEnd. */ HRESULT ProgressProxy::init( #if !defined (VBOX_COM_INPROC) VirtualBox *pParent, #endif IUnknown *pInitiator, CBSTR bstrDescription, BOOL fCancelable) { mfMultiOperation = false; muOtherProgressStartWeight = 1; muOtherProgressWeight = 1; muOtherProgressStartOperation = 1; return Progress::init( #if !defined (VBOX_COM_INPROC) pParent, #endif pInitiator, bstrDescription, fCancelable, 1 /* cOperations */, 1 /* ulTotalOperationsWeight */, bstrDescription /* bstrFirstOperationDescription */, 1 /* ulFirstOperationWeight */, NULL /* pId */); } /** * Initialize for proxying one other progress object. * * This is tailored explicitly for the openRemoteSession code, so we start out * with one operation where we don't have any remote object (powerUp). Then a * remote object is added and stays with us till the end. * * The user must do normal completion notification or risk leave the threads * waiting forever! */ HRESULT ProgressProxy::init( #if !defined (VBOX_COM_INPROC) VirtualBox *pParent, #endif IUnknown *pInitiator, CBSTR bstrDescription, BOOL fCancelable, ULONG uTotalOperationsWeight, CBSTR bstrFirstOperationDescription, ULONG uFirstOperationWeight, ULONG cOtherProgressObjectOperations) { mfMultiOperation = false; muOtherProgressStartWeight = uFirstOperationWeight; muOtherProgressWeight = uTotalOperationsWeight - uFirstOperationWeight; muOtherProgressStartOperation = 1; return Progress::init( #if !defined (VBOX_COM_INPROC) pParent, #endif pInitiator, bstrDescription, fCancelable, 1 + cOtherProgressObjectOperations /* cOperations */, uTotalOperationsWeight, bstrFirstOperationDescription, uFirstOperationWeight, NULL); } void ProgressProxy::FinalRelease() { uninit(); mfMultiOperation = false; muOtherProgressStartWeight = 0; muOtherProgressWeight = 0; muOtherProgressStartOperation = 0; } void ProgressProxy::uninit() { LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); mptrOtherProgress.setNull(); Progress::uninit(); } // Public methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Just a wrapper so we can automatically do the handover before setting * the result locally. */ HRESULT ProgressProxy::notifyComplete(HRESULT aResultCode) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(true /* fEarly */); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (!mCompleted) hrc = Progress::notifyComplete(aResultCode); return hrc; } /** Just a wrapper so we can automatically do the handover before setting * the result locally. */ HRESULT ProgressProxy::notifyComplete(HRESULT aResultCode, const GUID &aIID, const char *pcszComponent, const char *aText, ...) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(true /* fEarly */); HRESULT hrc = S_OK; if (!mCompleted) { va_list va; va_start(va, aText); hrc = Progress::notifyCompleteV(aResultCode, aIID, pcszComponent, aText, va); va_end(va); } return hrc; } /** * Sets the other progress object unless the operation has been completed / * canceled already. * * @returns false if failed/canceled, true if not. * @param pOtherProgress The other progress object. Must not be NULL. */ bool ProgressProxy::setOtherProgressObject(IProgress *pOtherProgress) { LogFlowThisFunc(("setOtherProgressObject: %p\n", pOtherProgress)); ComPtr ptrOtherProgress = pOtherProgress; /* * Query information from the other progress object before we grab the * lock. */ ULONG cOperations; HRESULT hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(OperationCount)(&cOperations); if (FAILED(hrc)) cOperations = 1; Bstr bstrOperationDescription; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Description)(bstrOperationDescription.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc)) bstrOperationDescription = "oops"; /* * Take the lock and check for cancelation, cancel the other object if * we've been canceled already. */ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); BOOL fCompletedOrCanceled = mCompleted || mCanceled; if (!fCompletedOrCanceled) { /* * Advance to the next object and operation. If the other object has * more operations than anticipated, adjust our internal count. */ mptrOtherProgress = ptrOtherProgress; mfMultiOperation = cOperations > 1; muOtherProgressStartWeight = m_ulOperationsCompletedWeight + m_ulCurrentOperationWeight; muOtherProgressWeight = m_ulTotalOperationsWeight - muOtherProgressStartWeight; Progress::SetNextOperation(bstrOperationDescription, muOtherProgressWeight); muOtherProgressStartOperation = m_ulCurrentOperation; m_cOperations = cOperations + m_ulCurrentOperation; /* * Check for cancelation and completion. */ BOOL f; hrc = ptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&f); fCompletedOrCanceled = FAILED(hrc) || f; if (!fCompletedOrCanceled) { hrc = ptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&f); fCompletedOrCanceled = SUCCEEDED(hrc) && f; } if (fCompletedOrCanceled) { LogFlowThisFunc(("Other object completed or canceled, clearing...\n")); clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(false /*fEarly*/); } else { /* * Finally, mirror the cancelable property. * Note! Note necessary if we do passthru! */ if (mCancelable) { hrc = ptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Cancelable)(&f); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && !f) { LogFlowThisFunc(("The other progress object is not cancelable\n")); mCancelable = FALSE; } } } } else { LogFlowThisFunc(("mCompleted=%RTbool mCanceled=%RTbool - Canceling the other progress object!\n", mCompleted, mCanceled)); hrc = ptrOtherProgress->Cancel(); LogFlowThisFunc(("Cancel -> %Rhrc", hrc)); } LogFlowThisFunc(("Returns %RTbool\n", !fCompletedOrCanceled)); return !fCompletedOrCanceled; } // Internal methods. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Clear the other progress object reference, first copying over its state. * * This is used internally when completion is signalled one way or another. * * @param fEarly Early clearing or not. */ void ProgressProxy::clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(bool fEarly) { if (!mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) { ComPtr ptrOtherProgress = mptrOtherProgress; mptrOtherProgress.setNull(); copyProgressInfo(ptrOtherProgress, fEarly); } } /** * Called to copy over the progress information from @a pOtherProgress. * * @param pOtherProgress The source of the information. * @param fEarly Early copy. * * @note The caller owns the write lock and as cleared mptrOtherProgress * already (or we might recurse forever)! */ void ProgressProxy::copyProgressInfo(IProgress *pOtherProgress, bool fEarly) { HRESULT hrc; LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); NOREF(fEarly); /* * No point in doing this if the progress object was canceled already. */ if (!mCanceled) { /* Detect if the other progress object was canceled. */ BOOL fCanceled; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (FAILED(hrc)) fCanceled = FALSE; if (fCanceled) { LogFlowThisFunc(("Canceled\n")); mCanceled = TRUE; if (m_pfnCancelCallback) m_pfnCancelCallback(m_pvCancelUserArg); } else { /* Has it completed? */ BOOL fCompleted; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted); if (FAILED(hrc)) fCompleted = TRUE; Assert(fCompleted || fEarly); if (fCompleted) { /* Check the result. */ LONG hrcResult; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&hrcResult); if (FAILED(hrc)) hrcResult = hrc; if (SUCCEEDED((HRESULT)hrcResult)) LogFlowThisFunc(("Succeeded\n")); else { /* Get the error information. */ ComPtr ptrErrorInfo; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(ErrorInfo)(ptrErrorInfo.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { Bstr bstrIID; hrc = ptrErrorInfo->COMGETTER(InterfaceID)(bstrIID.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(hrc); if (FAILED(hrc)) bstrIID.setNull(); Bstr bstrComponent; hrc = ptrErrorInfo->COMGETTER(Component)(bstrComponent.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(hrc); if (FAILED(hrc)) bstrComponent = "failed"; Bstr bstrText; hrc = ptrErrorInfo->COMGETTER(Text)(bstrText.asOutParam()); AssertComRC(hrc); if (FAILED(hrc)) bstrText = ""; Utf8Str strText(bstrText); LogFlowThisFunc(("Got ErrorInfo(%s); hrcResult=%Rhrc\n", strText.c_str(), hrcResult)); Progress::notifyComplete((HRESULT)hrcResult, Guid(bstrIID), Utf8Str(bstrComponent).c_str(), "%s", strText.c_str()); } else { LogFlowThisFunc(("ErrorInfo failed with hrc=%Rhrc; hrcResult=%Rhrc\n", hrc, hrcResult)); Progress::notifyComplete((HRESULT)hrcResult, COM_IIDOF(IProgress), "ProgressProxy", tr("No error info")); } } } else LogFlowThisFunc(("Not completed\n")); } } else LogFlowThisFunc(("Already canceled\n")); /* * Did cancelable state change (point of no return)? */ if (mCancelable && !mCompleted && !mCanceled) { BOOL fCancelable; hrc = pOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Cancelable)(&fCancelable); AssertComRC(hrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && !fCancelable) { LogFlowThisFunc(("point-of-no-return reached\n")); mCancelable = FALSE; } } } // IProgress properties //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Cancelable)(BOOL *aCancelable) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aCancelable); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* ASSUME: The cancelable property can only change to FALSE. */ if (!mCancelable || mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) *aCancelable = mCancelable; else { hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Cancelable)(aCancelable); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && !*aCancelable) { LogFlowThisFunc(("point-of-no-return reached\n")); mCancelable = FALSE; } } } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Percent)(ULONG *aPercent) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aPercent); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(Percent)(aPercent); else { /* * Get the overall percent of the other object and adjust it with * the weighting given to the period before proxying started. */ ULONG uPct; hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Percent)(&uPct); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { double rdPercent = ((double)uPct / 100 * muOtherProgressWeight + muOtherProgressStartWeight) / m_ulTotalOperationsWeight * 100; *aPercent = RT_MIN((ULONG)rdPercent, 99); /* mptrOtherProgress is cleared when its completed, so we can never return 100%. */ } } } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(TimeRemaining)(LONG *aTimeRemaining) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aTimeRemaining); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(TimeRemaining)(aTimeRemaining); else hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(TimeRemaining)(aTimeRemaining); } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Completed)(BOOL *aCompleted) { /* Not proxied since we EXPECT a normal completion notification call. */ return Progress::COMGETTER(Completed)(aCompleted); } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Canceled)(BOOL *aCanceled) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aCanceled); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* Check the local data first, then the other object. */ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(Canceled)(aCanceled); if ( SUCCEEDED(hrc) && !*aCanceled && !mptrOtherProgress.isNull() && mCancelable) { hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(aCanceled); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && *aCanceled) /* This will not complete the object, only mark it as canceled. */ clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(false /*fEarly*/); } } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(ResultCode)(LONG *aResultCode) { /* Not proxied since we EXPECT a normal completion notification call. */ return Progress::COMGETTER(ResultCode)(aResultCode); } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(ErrorInfo)(IVirtualBoxErrorInfo **aErrorInfo) { /* Not proxied since we EXPECT a normal completion notification call. */ return Progress::COMGETTER(ErrorInfo)(aErrorInfo); } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Operation)(ULONG *aOperation) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aOperation); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(Operation)(aOperation); else { ULONG uCurOtherOperation; hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(Operation)(&uCurOtherOperation); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) *aOperation = uCurOtherOperation + muOtherProgressStartOperation; } } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(OperationDescription)(BSTR *aOperationDescription) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aOperationDescription); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull() || !mfMultiOperation) hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(OperationDescription)(aOperationDescription); else hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(OperationDescription)(aOperationDescription); } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(OperationPercent)(ULONG *aOperationPercent) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aOperationPercent); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull() || !mfMultiOperation) hrc = Progress::COMGETTER(OperationPercent)(aOperationPercent); else hrc = mptrOtherProgress->COMGETTER(OperationPercent)(aOperationPercent); } return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMSETTER(Timeout)(ULONG aTimeout) { /* Not currently supported. */ NOREF(aTimeout); AssertFailed(); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::COMGETTER(Timeout)(ULONG *aTimeout) { /* Not currently supported. */ CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aTimeout); AssertFailed(); return E_NOTIMPL; } // IProgress methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::WaitForCompletion(LONG aTimeout) { HRESULT hrc; LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); LogFlowThisFunc(("aTimeout=%d\n", aTimeout)); /* No need to wait on the proxied object for these since we'll get the normal completion notifications. */ hrc = Progress::WaitForCompletion(aTimeout); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::WaitForOperationCompletion(ULONG aOperation, LONG aTimeout) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); LogFlowThisFunc(("aOperation=%d aTimeout=%d\n", aOperation, aTimeout)); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); CheckComArgExpr(aOperation, aOperation < m_cOperations); /* * Check if we can wait locally. */ if ( aOperation + 1 == m_cOperations /* final operation */ || mptrOtherProgress.isNull()) { /* ASSUMES that Progress::WaitForOperationCompletion is using AutoWriteLock::leave() as it saves us from duplicating the code! */ hrc = Progress::WaitForOperationCompletion(aOperation, aTimeout); } else { LogFlowThisFunc(("calling the other object...\n")); ComPtr ptrOtherProgress = mptrOtherProgress; alock.release(); hrc = ptrOtherProgress->WaitForOperationCompletion(aOperation, aTimeout); } } LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::Cancel() { LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); HRESULT hrc = autoCaller.rc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (mptrOtherProgress.isNull() || !mCancelable) hrc = Progress::Cancel(); else { hrc = mptrOtherProgress->Cancel(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) clearOtherProgressObjectInternal(false /*fEarly*/); } } LogFlowThisFunc(("returns %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return hrc; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::SetCurrentOperationProgress(ULONG aPercent) { /* Not supported - why do we actually expose this? */ NOREF(aPercent); return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP ProgressProxy::SetNextOperation(IN_BSTR bstrNextOperationDescription, ULONG ulNextOperationsWeight) { /* Not supported - why do we actually expose this? */ NOREF(bstrNextOperationDescription); NOREF(ulNextOperationsWeight); return E_NOTIMPL; } /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */