/* $Id: Performance.cpp 32056 2010-08-27 16:04:23Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBox Performance Classes implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /* * @todo list: * * 1) Detection of erroneous metric names */ #ifndef VBOX_COLLECTOR_TEST_CASE #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h" #include "MachineImpl.h" #endif #include "Performance.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef VBOX_WITH_VRDP_MEMLEAK_DETECTOR #include #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_VRDP_MEMLEAK_DETECTOR */ #include #include #include "Logging.h" using namespace pm; // Stubs for non-pure virtual methods int CollectorHAL::getHostCpuLoad(ULONG * /* user */, ULONG * /* kernel */, ULONG * /* idle */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::getProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS /* process */, ULONG * /* user */, ULONG * /* kernel */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::getRawHostCpuLoad(uint64_t * /* user */, uint64_t * /* kernel */, uint64_t * /* idle */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::getRawProcessCpuLoad(RTPROCESS /* process */, uint64_t * /* user */, uint64_t * /* kernel */, uint64_t * /* total */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::getHostMemoryUsage(ULONG * /* total */, ULONG * /* used */, ULONG * /* available */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::getProcessMemoryUsage(RTPROCESS /* process */, ULONG * /* used */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::enable() { return E_NOTIMPL; } int CollectorHAL::disable() { return E_NOTIMPL; } /* Generic implementations */ int CollectorHAL::getHostCpuMHz(ULONG *mhz) { unsigned cCpus = 0; uint64_t u64TotalMHz = 0; RTCPUSET OnlineSet; RTMpGetOnlineSet(&OnlineSet); for (RTCPUID iCpu = 0; iCpu < RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS; iCpu++) { LogAleksey(("{%p} " LOG_FN_FMT ": Checking if CPU %d is member of online set...\n", this, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int)iCpu)); if (RTCpuSetIsMemberByIndex(&OnlineSet, iCpu)) { LogAleksey(("{%p} " LOG_FN_FMT ": Getting frequency for CPU %d...\n", this, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int)iCpu)); uint32_t uMHz = RTMpGetCurFrequency(RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(iCpu)); if (uMHz != 0) { LogAleksey(("{%p} " LOG_FN_FMT ": CPU %d %u MHz\n", this, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (int)iCpu, uMHz)); u64TotalMHz += uMHz; cCpus++; } } } AssertReturn(cCpus, VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); *mhz = (ULONG)(u64TotalMHz / cCpus); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifndef VBOX_COLLECTOR_TEST_CASE uint32_t CollectorGuestHAL::cVMsEnabled = 0; CollectorGuestHAL::CollectorGuestHAL(Machine *machine, CollectorHAL *hostHAL) : CollectorHAL(), cEnabled(0), mMachine(machine), mConsole(NULL), mGuest(NULL), mLastTick(0), mHostHAL(hostHAL), mCpuUser(0), mCpuKernel(0), mCpuIdle(0), mMemTotal(0), mMemFree(0), mMemBalloon(0), mMemShared(0), mMemCache(0), mPageTotal(0) { Assert(mMachine); /* cannot use ComObjPtr in Performance.h, do it manually */ mMachine->AddRef(); } CollectorGuestHAL::~CollectorGuestHAL() { /* cannot use ComObjPtr in Performance.h, do it manually */ mMachine->Release(); Assert(!cEnabled); } int CollectorGuestHAL::enable() { /* Must make sure that the machine object does not get uninitialized * in the middle of enabling this collector. Causes timing-related * behavior otherwise, which we don't want. In particular the * GetRemoteConsole call below can hang if the VM didn't completely * terminate (the VM processes stop processing events shortly before * closing the session). This avoids the hang. */ AutoCaller autoCaller(mMachine); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); HRESULT ret = S_OK; if (ASMAtomicIncU32(&cEnabled) == 1) { ASMAtomicIncU32(&cVMsEnabled); ComPtr directControl; ret = mMachine->getDirectControl(&directControl); if (ret != S_OK) return ret; /* get the associated console; this is a remote call (!) */ ret = directControl->GetRemoteConsole(mConsole.asOutParam()); if (ret != S_OK) return ret; ret = mConsole->COMGETTER(Guest)(mGuest.asOutParam()); if (ret == S_OK) mGuest->COMSETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)(1 /* 1 sec */); } return ret; } int CollectorGuestHAL::disable() { if (ASMAtomicDecU32(&cEnabled) == 0) { if (ASMAtomicDecU32(&cVMsEnabled) == 0) { if (mHostHAL) mHostHAL->setMemHypervisorStats(0 /* ulMemAllocTotal */, 0 /* ulMemFreeTotal */, 0 /* ulMemBalloonTotal */, 0 /* ulMemSharedTotal */); } Assert(mGuest && mConsole); mGuest->COMSETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)(0 /* off */); } return S_OK; } int CollectorGuestHAL::preCollect(const CollectorHints& /* hints */, uint64_t iTick) { if ( mGuest && iTick != mLastTick) { ULONG ulMemAllocTotal, ulMemFreeTotal, ulMemBalloonTotal, ulMemSharedTotal; mGuest->InternalGetStatistics(&mCpuUser, &mCpuKernel, &mCpuIdle, &mMemTotal, &mMemFree, &mMemBalloon, &mMemShared, &mMemCache, &mPageTotal, &ulMemAllocTotal, &ulMemFreeTotal, &ulMemBalloonTotal, &ulMemSharedTotal); if (mHostHAL) mHostHAL->setMemHypervisorStats(ulMemAllocTotal, ulMemFreeTotal, ulMemBalloonTotal, ulMemSharedTotal); mLastTick = iTick; } return S_OK; } #endif /* !VBOX_COLLECTOR_TEST_CASE */ bool BaseMetric::collectorBeat(uint64_t nowAt) { if (isEnabled()) { if (nowAt - mLastSampleTaken >= mPeriod * 1000) { mLastSampleTaken = nowAt; Log4(("{%p} " LOG_FN_FMT ": Collecting %s for obj(%p)...\n", this, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, getName(), (void *)mObject)); return true; } } return false; } /*bool BaseMetric::associatedWith(ComPtr object) { LogFlowThisFunc(("mObject(%p) == object(%p) is %s.\n", mObject, object, mObject == object ? "true" : "false")); return mObject == object; }*/ void HostCpuLoad::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mUser->init(mLength); mKernel->init(mLength); mIdle->init(mLength); } void HostCpuLoad::collect() { ULONG user, kernel, idle; int rc = mHAL->getHostCpuLoad(&user, &kernel, &idle); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { mUser->put(user); mKernel->put(kernel); mIdle->put(idle); } } void HostCpuLoadRaw::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */) { hints.collectHostCpuLoad(); } void HostCpuLoadRaw::collect() { uint64_t user, kernel, idle; uint64_t userDiff, kernelDiff, idleDiff, totalDiff; int rc = mHAL->getRawHostCpuLoad(&user, &kernel, &idle); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { userDiff = user - mUserPrev; kernelDiff = kernel - mKernelPrev; idleDiff = idle - mIdlePrev; totalDiff = userDiff + kernelDiff + idleDiff; if (totalDiff == 0) { /* This is only possible if none of counters has changed! */ LogFlowThisFunc(("Impossible! User, kernel and idle raw " "counters has not changed since last sample.\n" )); mUser->put(0); mKernel->put(0); mIdle->put(0); } else { mUser->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * userDiff / totalDiff)); mKernel->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * kernelDiff / totalDiff)); mIdle->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * idleDiff / totalDiff)); } mUserPrev = user; mKernelPrev = kernel; mIdlePrev = idle; } } void HostCpuMhz::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mMHz->init(mLength); } void HostCpuMhz::collect() { ULONG mhz; int rc = mHAL->getHostCpuMHz(&mhz); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) mMHz->put(mhz); } void HostRamUsage::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mTotal->init(mLength); mUsed->init(mLength); mAvailable->init(mLength); mAllocVMM->init(mLength); mFreeVMM->init(mLength); mBalloonVMM->init(mLength); mSharedVMM->init(mLength); } void HostRamUsage::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */) { hints.collectHostRamUsage(); } void HostRamUsage::collect() { ULONG total, used, available; int rc = mHAL->getHostMemoryUsage(&total, &used, &available); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { mTotal->put(total); mUsed->put(used); mAvailable->put(available); } ULONG allocVMM, freeVMM, balloonVMM, sharedVMM; mHAL->getMemHypervisorStats(&allocVMM, &freeVMM, &balloonVMM, &sharedVMM); mAllocVMM->put(allocVMM); mFreeVMM->put(freeVMM); mBalloonVMM->put(balloonVMM); mSharedVMM->put(sharedVMM); } void MachineCpuLoad::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mUser->init(mLength); mKernel->init(mLength); } void MachineCpuLoad::collect() { ULONG user, kernel; int rc = mHAL->getProcessCpuLoad(mProcess, &user, &kernel); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { mUser->put(user); mKernel->put(kernel); } } void MachineCpuLoadRaw::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */) { hints.collectProcessCpuLoad(mProcess); } void MachineCpuLoadRaw::collect() { uint64_t processUser, processKernel, hostTotal; int rc = mHAL->getRawProcessCpuLoad(mProcess, &processUser, &processKernel, &hostTotal); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (hostTotal == mHostTotalPrev) { /* Nearly impossible, but... */ mUser->put(0); mKernel->put(0); } else { mUser->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * (processUser - mProcessUserPrev) / (hostTotal - mHostTotalPrev))); mKernel->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * (processKernel - mProcessKernelPrev ) / (hostTotal - mHostTotalPrev))); } mHostTotalPrev = hostTotal; mProcessUserPrev = processUser; mProcessKernelPrev = processKernel; } } void MachineRamUsage::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mUsed->init(mLength); } void MachineRamUsage::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t /* iTick */) { hints.collectProcessRamUsage(mProcess); } void MachineRamUsage::collect() { ULONG used; int rc = mHAL->getProcessMemoryUsage(mProcess, &used); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) mUsed->put(used); } void GuestCpuLoad::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mUser->init(mLength); mKernel->init(mLength); mIdle->init(mLength); } void GuestCpuLoad::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t iTick) { mHAL->preCollect(hints, iTick); } void GuestCpuLoad::collect() { ULONG CpuUser = 0, CpuKernel = 0, CpuIdle = 0; mGuestHAL->getGuestCpuLoad(&CpuUser, &CpuKernel, &CpuIdle); mUser->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * CpuUser) / 100); mKernel->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * CpuKernel) / 100); mIdle->put((ULONG)(PM_CPU_LOAD_MULTIPLIER * CpuIdle) / 100); } void GuestRamUsage::init(ULONG period, ULONG length) { mPeriod = period; mLength = length; mTotal->init(mLength); mFree->init(mLength); mBallooned->init(mLength); mShared->init(mLength); mCache->init(mLength); mPagedTotal->init(mLength); } void GuestRamUsage::preCollect(CollectorHints& hints, uint64_t iTick) { mHAL->preCollect(hints, iTick); } void GuestRamUsage::collect() { ULONG ulMemTotal = 0, ulMemFree = 0, ulMemBalloon = 0, ulMemShared = 0, ulMemCache = 0, ulPageTotal = 0; mGuestHAL->getGuestMemLoad(&ulMemTotal, &ulMemFree, &ulMemBalloon, &ulMemShared, &ulMemCache, &ulPageTotal); mTotal->put(ulMemTotal); mFree->put(ulMemFree); mBallooned->put(ulMemBalloon); mShared->put(ulMemShared); mCache->put(ulMemCache); mPagedTotal->put(ulPageTotal); } void CircularBuffer::init(ULONG ulLength) { if (mData) RTMemFree(mData); mLength = ulLength; if (mLength) mData = (ULONG*)RTMemAllocZ(ulLength * sizeof(ULONG)); else mData = NULL; mWrapped = false; mEnd = 0; mSequenceNumber = 0; } ULONG CircularBuffer::length() { return mWrapped ? mLength : mEnd; } void CircularBuffer::put(ULONG value) { if (mData) { mData[mEnd++] = value; if (mEnd >= mLength) { mEnd = 0; mWrapped = true; } ++mSequenceNumber; } } void CircularBuffer::copyTo(ULONG *data) { if (mWrapped) { memcpy(data, mData + mEnd, (mLength - mEnd) * sizeof(ULONG)); // Copy the wrapped part if (mEnd) memcpy(data + (mLength - mEnd), mData, mEnd * sizeof(ULONG)); } else memcpy(data, mData, mEnd * sizeof(ULONG)); } void SubMetric::query(ULONG *data) { copyTo(data); } void Metric::query(ULONG **data, ULONG *count, ULONG *sequenceNumber) { ULONG length; ULONG *tmpData; length = mSubMetric->length(); *sequenceNumber = mSubMetric->getSequenceNumber() - length; if (length) { tmpData = (ULONG*)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(*tmpData)*length); mSubMetric->query(tmpData); if (mAggregate) { *count = 1; *data = (ULONG*)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(**data)); **data = mAggregate->compute(tmpData, length); RTMemFree(tmpData); } else { *count = length; *data = tmpData; } } else { *count = 0; *data = 0; } } ULONG AggregateAvg::compute(ULONG *data, ULONG length) { uint64_t tmp = 0; for (ULONG i = 0; i < length; ++i) tmp += data[i]; return (ULONG)(tmp / length); } const char * AggregateAvg::getName() { return "avg"; } ULONG AggregateMin::compute(ULONG *data, ULONG length) { ULONG tmp = *data; for (ULONG i = 0; i < length; ++i) if (data[i] < tmp) tmp = data[i]; return tmp; } const char * AggregateMin::getName() { return "min"; } ULONG AggregateMax::compute(ULONG *data, ULONG length) { ULONG tmp = *data; for (ULONG i = 0; i < length; ++i) if (data[i] > tmp) tmp = data[i]; return tmp; } const char * AggregateMax::getName() { return "max"; } Filter::Filter(ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn(IUnknown *, objects)) { /* * Let's work around null/empty safe array mess. I am not sure there is * a way to pass null arrays via webservice, I haven't found one. So I * guess the users will be forced to use empty arrays instead. Constructing * an empty SafeArray is a bit awkward, so what we do in this method is * actually convert null arrays to empty arrays and pass them down to * init() method. If someone knows how to do it better, please be my guest, * fix it. */ if (ComSafeArrayInIsNull(metricNames)) { com::SafeArray nameArray; if (ComSafeArrayInIsNull(objects)) { com::SafeIfaceArray objectArray; objectArray.reset(0); init(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(nameArray), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objectArray)); } else { com::SafeIfaceArray objectArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(objects)); init(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(nameArray), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objectArray)); } } else { com::SafeArray nameArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(metricNames)); if (ComSafeArrayInIsNull(objects)) { com::SafeIfaceArray objectArray; objectArray.reset(0); init(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(nameArray), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objectArray)); } else { com::SafeIfaceArray objectArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(objects)); init(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(nameArray), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(objectArray)); } } } void Filter::init(ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, metricNames), ComSafeArrayIn(IUnknown *, objects)) { com::SafeArray nameArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(metricNames)); com::SafeIfaceArray objectArray(ComSafeArrayInArg(objects)); if (!objectArray.size()) { if (nameArray.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nameArray.size(); ++i) processMetricList(com::Utf8Str(nameArray[i]), ComPtr()); } else processMetricList("*", ComPtr()); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < objectArray.size(); ++i) switch (nameArray.size()) { case 0: processMetricList("*", objectArray[i]); break; case 1: processMetricList(com::Utf8Str(nameArray[0]), objectArray[i]); break; default: processMetricList(com::Utf8Str(nameArray[i]), objectArray[i]); break; } } } void Filter::processMetricList(const com::Utf8Str &name, const ComPtr object) { size_t startPos = 0; for (size_t pos = name.find(","); pos != com::Utf8Str::npos; pos = name.find(",", startPos)) { mElements.push_back(std::make_pair(object, iprt::MiniString(name.substr(startPos, pos - startPos).c_str()))); startPos = pos + 1; } mElements.push_back(std::make_pair(object, iprt::MiniString(name.substr(startPos).c_str()))); } /** * The following method was borrowed from stamR3Match (VMM/STAM.cpp) and * modified to handle the special case of trailing colon in the pattern. * * @returns True if matches, false if not. * @param pszPat Pattern. * @param pszName Name to match against the pattern. * @param fSeenColon Seen colon (':'). */ bool Filter::patternMatch(const char *pszPat, const char *pszName, bool fSeenColon) { /* ASSUMES ASCII */ for (;;) { char chPat = *pszPat; switch (chPat) { default: if (*pszName != chPat) return false; break; case '*': { while ((chPat = *++pszPat) == '*' || chPat == '?') /* nothing */; /* Handle a special case, the mask terminating with a colon. */ if (chPat == ':') { if (!fSeenColon && !pszPat[1]) return !strchr(pszName, ':'); fSeenColon = true; } for (;;) { char ch = *pszName++; if ( ch == chPat && ( !chPat || patternMatch(pszPat + 1, pszName, fSeenColon))) return true; if (!ch) return false; } /* won't ever get here */ break; } case '?': if (!*pszName) return false; break; /* Handle a special case, the mask terminating with a colon. */ case ':': if (!fSeenColon && !pszPat[1]) return !*pszName; if (*pszName != ':') return false; fSeenColon = true; break; case '\0': return !*pszName; } pszName++; pszPat++; } return true; } bool Filter::match(const ComPtr object, const iprt::MiniString &name) const { ElementList::const_iterator it; LogAleksey(("Filter::match(%p, %s)\n", static_cast (object), name.c_str())); for (it = mElements.begin(); it != mElements.end(); it++) { LogAleksey(("...matching against(%p, %s)\n", static_cast ((*it).first), (*it).second.c_str())); if ((*it).first.isNull() || (*it).first == object) { // Objects match, compare names if (patternMatch((*it).second.c_str(), name.c_str())) { LogFlowThisFunc(("...found!\n")); return true; } } } LogAleksey(("...no matches!\n")); return false; } /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */