1 | #!/bin/sh
2 | # $Id: vboxconfig.sh 40190 2012-02-21 09:51:01Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | #
5 | # VirtualBox Configuration Script, Solaris host.
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Oracle Corporation
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 |
18 | # Never use exit 2 or exit 20 etc., the return codes are used in
19 | # SRv4 postinstall procedures which carry special meaning. Just use exit 1 for failure.
20 |
21 | # LC_ALL should take precedence over LC_* and LANG but whatever...
22 | LC_ALL=C
23 | export LC_ALL
24 |
25 | LANG=C
26 | export LANG
27 |
29 | DIR_CONF="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/platform/i86pc/kernel/drv"
30 | DIR_MOD_32="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/platform/i86pc/kernel/drv"
31 | DIR_MOD_64="$DIR_MOD_32/amd64"
32 |
33 | # Default paths, these will be overridden by 'which' if they don't exist
34 | BIN_ADDDRV=/usr/sbin/add_drv
35 | BIN_REMDRV=/usr/sbin/rem_drv
36 | BIN_MODLOAD=/usr/sbin/modload
37 | BIN_MODUNLOAD=/usr/sbin/modunload
38 | BIN_MODINFO=/usr/sbin/modinfo
39 | BIN_DEVFSADM=/usr/sbin/devfsadm
40 | BIN_BOOTADM=/sbin/bootadm
41 | BIN_SVCADM=/usr/sbin/svcadm
42 | BIN_SVCCFG=/usr/sbin/svccfg
43 | BIN_IFCONFIG=/sbin/ifconfig
44 | BIN_SVCS=/usr/bin/svcs
45 | BIN_ID=/usr/bin/id
46 | BIN_PKILL=/usr/bin/pkill
47 |
48 | # "vboxdrv" is also used in sed lines here (change those as well if it ever changes)
49 | MOD_VBOXDRV=vboxdrv
50 | DESC_VBOXDRV="Host"
51 |
52 | MOD_VBOXNET=vboxnet
53 | DESC_VBOXNET="NetAdapter"
55 |
56 | MOD_VBOXFLT=vboxflt
58 |
59 | MOD_VBOXBOW=vboxbow
60 | DESC_VBOXBOW="NetFilter (Crossbow)"
61 |
62 | # No Separate VBI since (3.1)
63 | #MOD_VBI=vbi
64 | #DESC_VBI="Kernel Interface"
65 |
66 | MOD_VBOXUSBMON=vboxusbmon
68 |
69 | MOD_VBOXUSB=vboxusb
71 |
74 | FATALOP=fatal
75 | NULLOP=nulloutput
76 | SILENTOP=silent
77 | IPSOP=ips
79 | ISIPS=
80 |
81 | infoprint()
82 | {
83 | if test "$ISSILENT" != "$SILENTOP"; then
84 | echo 1>&2 "$1"
85 | fi
86 | }
87 |
88 | subprint()
89 | {
90 | if test "$ISSILENT" != "$SILENTOP"; then
91 | echo 1>&2 " - $1"
92 | fi
93 | }
94 |
95 | warnprint()
96 | {
97 | if test "$ISSILENT" != "$SILENTOP"; then
98 | echo 1>&2 " * Warning!! $1"
99 | fi
100 | }
101 |
102 | errorprint()
103 | {
104 | echo 1>&2 "## $1"
105 | }
106 |
107 | helpprint()
108 | {
109 | echo 1>&2 "$1"
110 | }
111 |
112 | printusage()
113 | {
114 | helpprint "VirtualBox Configuration Script"
115 | helpprint "usage: $0 <operation> [options]"
116 | helpprint
117 | helpprint "<operation> must be one of the following:"
118 | helpprint " --postinstall Perform full post installation procedure"
119 | helpprint " --preremove Perform full pre remove procedure"
120 | helpprint " --installdrivers Only install the drivers"
121 | helpprint " --removedrivers Only remove the drivers"
122 | helpprint " --setupdrivers Setup drivers, reloads existing drivers"
123 | helpprint
124 | helpprint "[options] are one or more of the following:"
125 | helpprint " --silent Silent mode"
126 | helpprint " --fatal Don't continue on failure (required for postinstall)"
127 | helpprint " --ips This is an IPS package postinstall/preremove"
128 | helpprint " --altkerndir Use /usr/kernel/drv as the driver directory"
129 | helpprint
130 | }
131 |
132 | # find_bin_path()
133 | # !! failure is always fatal
134 | find_bin_path()
135 | {
136 | if test -z "$1"; then
137 | errorprint "missing argument to find_bin_path()"
138 | exit 1
139 | fi
140 |
141 | binfilename=`basename $1`
142 | binfilepath=`which $binfilename 2> /dev/null`
143 | if test -x "$binfilepath"; then
144 | echo "$binfilepath"
145 | return 0
146 | else
147 | errorprint "$1 missing or is not an executable"
148 | exit 1
149 | fi
150 | }
151 |
152 | # find_bins()
153 | # !! failure is always fatal
154 | find_bins()
155 | {
156 | # Search only for binaries that might be in different locations
157 | if test ! -x "$BIN_ID"; then
158 | BIN_ID=`find_bin_path "$BIN_ID"`
159 | fi
160 |
161 | if test ! -x "$BIN_ADDDRV"; then
162 | BIN_ADDDRV=`find_bin_path "$BIN_ADDDRV"`
163 | fi
164 |
165 | if test ! -x "$BIN_REMDRV"; then
166 | BIN_REMDRV=`find_bin_path "$BIN_REMDRV"`
167 | fi
168 |
169 | if test ! -x "$BIN_MODLOAD"; then
170 | BIN_MODLOAD=`check_bin_path "$BIN_MODLOAD"`
171 | fi
172 |
173 | if test ! -x "$BIN_MODUNLOAD"; then
174 | BIN_MODUNLOAD=`find_bin_path "$BIN_MODUNLOAD"`
175 | fi
176 |
177 | if test ! -x "$BIN_MODINFO"; then
178 | BIN_MODINFO=`find_bin_path "$BIN_MODINFO"`
179 | fi
180 |
181 | if test ! -x "$BIN_DEVFSADM"; then
182 | BIN_DEVFSADM=`find_bin_path "$BIN_DEVFSADM"`
183 | fi
184 |
185 | if test ! -x "$BIN_BOOTADM"; then
186 | BIN_BOOTADM=`find_bin_path "$BIN_BOOTADM"`
187 | fi
188 |
189 | if test ! -x "$BIN_SVCADM"; then
190 | BIN_SVCADM=`find_bin_path "$BIN_SVCADM"`
191 | fi
192 |
193 | if test ! -x "$BIN_SVCCFG"; then
194 | BIN_SVCCFG=`find_bin_path "$BIN_SVCCFG"`
195 | fi
196 |
197 | if test ! -x "$BIN_SVCS"; then
198 | BIN_SVCS=`find_bin_path "$BIN_SVCS"`
199 | fi
200 |
201 | if test ! -x "$BIN_IFCONFIG"; then
202 | BIN_IFCONFIG=`find_bin_path "$BIN_IFCONFIG"`
203 | fi
204 |
205 | if test ! -x "$BIN_PKILL"; then
206 | BIN_PKILL=`find_bin_path "$BIN_PKILL"`
207 | fi
208 | }
209 |
210 | # check_root()
211 | # !! failure is always fatal
212 | check_root()
213 | {
214 | # Don't use "-u" option as some id binaries don't support it, instead
215 | # rely on "uid=101(username) gid=10(groupname) groups=10(staff)" output
216 | curuid=`$BIN_ID | cut -f 2 -d '=' | cut -f 1 -d '('`
217 | if test "$curuid" -ne 0; then
218 | errorprint "This script must be run with administrator privileges."
219 | exit 1
220 | fi
221 | }
222 |
223 | # get_sysinfo
224 | # cannot fail
225 | get_sysinfo()
226 | {
227 | BIN_PKG=`which pkg 2> /dev/null`
228 | if test -x "$BIN_PKG"; then
229 | PKGFMRI=`$BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_PKGOPT contents -H -t set -a name=pkg.fmri -o pkg.fmri pkg:/system/kernel 2> /dev/null`
230 | if test -z "$PKGFMRI"; then
231 | # Perhaps this is old pkg without '-a' option and/or system/kernel is missing and it's part of 'entire'
232 | # Try fallback.
233 | PKGFMRI=`$BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_PKGOPT contents -H -t set -o pkg.fmri entire | head -1 2> /dev/null`
234 | if test -z "$PKGFMRI"; then
235 | # Perhaps entire is conflicting. Try using opensolaris/entire.
236 | # Last fallback try.
237 | PKGFMRI=`$BIN_PKG $BASEDIR_PKGOPT contents -H -t set -o pkg.fmri opensolaris.org/entire | head -1 2> /dev/null`
238 | fi
239 | fi
240 | if test ! -z "$PKGFMRI"; then
241 | # The format is "pkg://solaris/system/kernel@0.5.11,5.11-0.161:20110315T070332Z"
242 | # or "pkg://solaris/system/kernel@0.5.11,5.11-"
243 | STR_KERN=`echo "$PKGFMRI" | sed 's/^.*\@//;s/\:.*//;s/.*,//'`
244 | if test ! -z "$STR_KERN"; then
245 | # The format is "5.11-0.161" or "5.11-"
246 | HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION=`echo "$STR_KERN" | cut -f1 -d'-'`
247 | HOST_OS_MINORVERSION=`echo "$STR_KERN" | cut -f2 -d'-' | cut -f2 -d '.'`
248 | else
249 | errorprint "Failed to parse the Solaris kernel version."
250 | exit 1
251 | fi
252 | else
253 | errorprint "Failed to detect the Solaris kernel version."
254 | exit 1
255 | fi
256 | else
257 | HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION=`uname -r`
258 | if test -z "$HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION" || test "$HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION" != "5.10"; then
259 | # S11 without 'pkg' ?? Something's wrong... bail.
260 | errorprint "Solaris $HOST_OS_MAJOR_VERSION detected without executable $BIN_PKG !? Confused."
261 | exit 1
262 | fi
263 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
264 | # Use uname to verify it's S10.
265 | # Major version is S10, Minor version is no longer relevant (or used), use uname -v so it gets something
266 | # like "Generic_blah" for purely cosmetic purposes
267 | HOST_OS_MINORVERSION=`uname -v`
268 | else
269 | # Remote installs from S10 local.
270 | BIN_PKGCHK=`which pkgchk 2> /dev/null`
271 | if test ! -x "$BIN_PKGCHK"; then
272 | errorprint "Failed to find an executable pkgchk binary $BIN_PKGCHK."
273 | errorprint "Cannot determine Solaris version on remote target $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT"
274 | exit 1
275 | fi
276 |
277 | REMOTE_S10=`$BIN_PKGCHK -l -p /kernel/amd64/genunix $BASEDIR_PKGOPT 2> /dev/null | grep SUNWckr | tr -d ' \t'`
278 | if test ! -z "$REMOTE_S10" && test "$REMOTE_S10" = "SUNWckr"; then
281 | else
282 | errorprint "Remote target $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT is not Solaris 10."
283 | errorprint "Will not attempt to install to an unidentified remote target."
284 | exit 1
285 | fi
286 | fi
287 | fi
288 | }
289 |
290 | # check_zone()
291 | # !! failure is always fatal
292 | check_zone()
293 | {
294 | currentzone=`zonename`
295 | if test "$currentzone" != "global"; then
296 | errorprint "This script must be run from the global zone."
297 | exit 1
298 | fi
299 | }
300 |
301 | # check_isa()
302 | # !! failure is always fatal
303 | check_isa()
304 | {
305 | currentisa=`uname -i`
306 | if test "$currentisa" = "i86xpv"; then
307 | errorprint "VirtualBox cannot run under xVM Dom0! Fatal Error, Aborting installation!"
308 | exit 1
309 | fi
310 | }
311 |
312 | # check_module_arch()
313 | # !! failure is always fatal
314 | check_module_arch()
315 | {
316 | cputype=`isainfo -k`
317 | if test "$cputype" != "amd64" && test "$cputype" != "i386"; then
318 | errorprint "VirtualBox works only on i386/amd64 hosts, not $cputype"
319 | exit 1
320 | fi
321 | }
322 |
323 | # update_boot_archive()
324 | # cannot fail
325 | update_boot_archive()
326 | {
327 | infoprint "Updating the boot archive..."
328 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
329 | $BIN_BOOTADM update-archive > /dev/null
330 | else
331 | $BIN_BOOTADM update-archive -R "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT" > /dev/null
332 | fi
334 | }
335 |
336 |
337 | # module_added(modname)
338 | # returns 1 if added, 0 otherwise
339 | module_added()
340 | {
341 | if test -z "$1"; then
342 | errorprint "missing argument to module_added()"
343 | exit 1
344 | fi
345 |
346 | # Add a space at end of module name to make sure we have a perfect match to avoid
347 | # any substring matches: e.g "vboxusb" & "vboxusbmon"
348 | loadentry=`cat "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/name_to_major" | grep "$1 "`
349 | if test -z "$loadentry"; then
350 | return 1
351 | fi
352 | return 0
353 | }
354 |
355 | # module_loaded(modname)
356 | # returns 1 if loaded, 0 otherwise
357 | module_loaded()
358 | {
359 | if test -z "$1"; then
360 | errorprint "missing argument to module_loaded()"
361 | exit 1
362 | fi
363 |
364 | modname=$1
365 | # modinfo should now work properly since we prevent module autounloading.
366 | loadentry=`$BIN_MODINFO | grep "$modname "`
367 | if test -z "$loadentry"; then
368 | return 1
369 | fi
370 | return 0
371 | }
372 |
373 | # add_driver(modname, moddesc, fatal, nulloutput, [driverperm])
374 | # failure: depends on "fatal"
375 | add_driver()
376 | {
377 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
378 | errorprint "missing argument to add_driver()"
379 | exit 1
380 | fi
381 |
382 | modname="$1"
383 | moddesc="$2"
384 | fatal="$3"
385 | nullop="$4"
386 | modperm="$5"
387 |
388 | if test -n "$modperm"; then
389 | if test "$nullop" = "$NULLOP"; then
390 | $BIN_ADDDRV $BASEDIR_OPT -m"$modperm" $modname >/dev/null 2>&1
391 | else
392 | $BIN_ADDDRV $BASEDIR_OPT -m"$modperm" $modname
393 | fi
394 | else
395 | if test "$nullop" = "$NULLOP"; then
396 | $BIN_ADDDRV $BASEDIR_OPT $modname >/dev/null 2>&1
397 | else
398 | $BIN_ADDDRV $BASEDIR_OPT $modname
399 | fi
400 | fi
401 |
402 | if test $? -ne 0; then
403 | subprint "Adding: $moddesc module ...FAILED!"
404 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
405 | exit 1
406 | fi
407 | return 1
408 | elif test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 1 && test "$?" -eq 0; then
409 | subprint "Added: $moddesc driver"
410 | fi
411 | return 0
412 | }
413 |
414 | # rem_driver(modname, moddesc, [fatal])
415 | # failure: depends on [fatal]
416 | rem_driver()
417 | {
418 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
419 | errorprint "missing argument to rem_driver()"
420 | exit 1
421 | fi
422 |
423 | modname=$1
424 | moddesc=$2
425 | fatal=$3
426 |
427 | module_added $modname
428 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
430 | if test "$ISIPS" != "$IPSOP"; then
431 | $BIN_REMDRV $BASEDIR_OPT $modname
432 | else
433 | $BIN_REMDRV $BASEDIR_OPT $modname >/dev/null 2>&1
434 | fi
435 | # for remote installs, don't bother with return values of rem_drv
436 | if test $? -eq 0; then
437 | subprint "Removed: $moddesc module"
438 | return 0
439 | else
440 | subprint "Removing: $moddesc ...FAILED!"
441 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
442 | exit 1
443 | fi
444 | return 1
445 | fi
446 | fi
447 | }
448 |
449 | # unload_module(modname, moddesc, [fatal])
450 | # failure: fatal
451 | unload_module()
452 | {
453 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
454 | errorprint "missing argument to unload_module()"
455 | exit 1
456 | fi
457 |
458 | # No-OP for non-root installs
459 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 1; then
460 | return 0
461 | fi
462 |
463 | modname=$1
464 | moddesc=$2
465 | fatal=$3
466 | modid=`$BIN_MODINFO | grep "$modname " | cut -f 1 -d ' ' `
467 | if test -n "$modid"; then
468 | $BIN_MODUNLOAD -i $modid
469 | if test $? -eq 0; then
470 | subprint "Unloaded: $moddesc module"
471 | else
472 | subprint "Unloading: $moddesc module ...FAILED!"
473 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
474 | exit 1
475 | fi
476 | return 1
477 | fi
478 | fi
479 | return 0
480 | }
481 |
482 | # load_module(modname, moddesc, [fatal])
483 | # pass "drv/modname" or "misc/vbi" etc.
484 | # failure: fatal
485 | load_module()
486 | {
487 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2"; then
488 | errorprint "missing argument to load_module()"
489 | exit 1
490 | fi
491 |
492 | # No-OP for non-root installs
493 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 1; then
494 | return 0
495 | fi
496 |
497 | modname=$1
498 | moddesc=$2
499 | fatal=$3
500 | $BIN_MODLOAD -p $modname
501 | if test $? -eq 0; then
502 | subprint "Loaded: $moddesc module"
503 | return 0
504 | else
505 | subprint "Loading: $moddesc ...FAILED!"
506 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
507 | exit 1
508 | fi
509 | return 1
510 | fi
511 | }
512 |
513 | load_vboxflt()
514 | {
515 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxflt.conf"; then
516 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXFLT" "$DESC_VBOXFLT" "$FATALOP"
517 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXFLT" "$DESC_VBOXFLT" "$FATALOP"
518 | else
519 | # For custom pkgs that optionally ship this module, let's not fail but just warn
520 | warnprint "$DESC_VBOXFLT installation requested but not shipped in this package."
521 | fi
522 | }
523 |
524 | load_vboxbow()
525 | {
526 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxbow.conf"; then
527 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXBOW" "$DESC_VBOXBOW" "$FATALOP"
528 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXBOW" "$DESC_VBOXBOW" "$FATALOP"
529 | else
530 | # For custom pkgs that optionally ship this module, let's not fail but just warn
531 | warnprint "$DESC_VBOXBOW installation requested but not shipped in this package."
532 | fi
533 | }
534 |
535 | # install_drivers()
536 | # !! failure is always fatal
537 | install_drivers()
538 | {
539 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxdrv.conf"; then
540 | if test -n "_HARDENED_"; then
541 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXDRV" "$DESC_VBOXDRV" "$FATALOP" "not-$NULLOP" "'* 0600 root sys'"
542 | else
543 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXDRV" "$DESC_VBOXDRV" "$FATALOP" "not-$NULLOP" "'* 0666 root sys'"
544 | fi
545 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXDRV" "$DESC_VBOXDRV" "$FATALOP"
546 | else
547 | errorprint "Extreme error! Missing $DIR_CONF/vboxdrv.conf, aborting."
548 | return 1
549 | fi
550 |
551 | # Add vboxdrv to devlink.tab
552 | if test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"; then
553 | sed -e '/name=vboxdrv/d' "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" > "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
554 | echo "type=ddi_pseudo;name=vboxdrv \D" >> "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
555 | mv -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox" "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"
556 | else
557 | errorprint "Missing $PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab, aborting install"
558 | return 1
559 | fi
560 |
561 | # Create the device link for non-remote installs
562 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
563 | /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i "$MOD_VBOXDRV"
564 | if test $? -ne 0 || test ! -h "/dev/vboxdrv"; then
565 | errorprint "Failed to create device link for $MOD_VBOXDRV."
566 | exit 1
567 | fi
568 | fi
569 |
570 | # Load VBoxNetAdp
571 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxnet.conf"; then
572 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXNET" "$DESC_VBOXNET" "$FATALOP"
573 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXNET" "$DESC_VBOXNET" "$FATALOP"
574 | fi
575 |
576 | # If both vboxinst_vboxbow and vboxinst_vboxflt exist, bail.
577 | if test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxflt" && test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxbow"; then
578 | errorprint "Force-install files '$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxflt' and '$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxbow' both exist."
579 | errorprint "Cannot load $DESC_VBOXFLT and $DESC_VBOXBOW drivers at the same time."
580 | return 1
581 | fi
582 |
583 | # If the force-install files exists, install blindly
584 | if test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxflt"; then
585 | load_vboxflt
586 | elif test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/vboxinst_vboxbow"; then
587 | infoprint "here"
588 | load_vboxbow
589 | else
590 | # If host is S10 or S11 (< snv_159) or vboxbow isn't shipped, then load vboxflt
591 | if test "$HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION" = "5.10" || test "$HOST_OS_MINORVERSION" -lt 159 || test ! -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxbow.conf"; then
592 | load_vboxflt
593 | else
594 | # For S11 snv_159+ load vboxbow
595 | load_vboxbow
596 | fi
597 | fi
598 |
599 | # Load VBoxUSBMon, VBoxUSB
600 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxusbmon.conf" && test "$HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION" != "5.10"; then
601 | # For VirtualBox 3.1 the new USB code requires Nevada > 123
602 | if test "$HOST_OS_MINORVERSION" -gt 123; then
603 | # Add a group "vboxuser" (8-character limit) for USB access.
604 | # All users which need host USB-passthrough support will have to be added to this group.
605 | groupadd vboxuser >/dev/null 2>&1
606 |
607 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXUSBMON" "$DESC_VBOXUSBMON" "$FATALOP" "not-$NULLOP" "'* 0666 root sys'"
608 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXUSBMON" "$DESC_VBOXUSBMON" "$FATALOP"
609 |
610 | chown root:vboxuser "/devices/pseudo/vboxusbmon@0:vboxusbmon"
611 |
612 | # Add vboxusbmon to devlink.tab
613 | sed -e '/name=vboxusbmon/d' "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" > "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
614 | echo "type=ddi_pseudo;name=vboxusbmon \D" >> "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
615 | mv -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox" "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"
616 |
617 | # Create the device link for non-remote installs
618 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
619 | /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i "$MOD_VBOXUSBMON"
620 | if test $? -ne 0; then
621 | errorprint "Failed to create device link for $MOD_VBOXUSBMON."
622 | exit 1
623 | fi
624 | fi
625 |
626 | # Add vboxusb if present
627 | # This driver is special, we need it in the boot-archive but since there is no
628 | # USB device to attach to now (it's done at runtime) it will fail to attach so
629 | # redirect attaching failure output to /dev/null
630 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxusb.conf"; then
631 | add_driver "$MOD_VBOXUSB" "$DESC_VBOXUSB" "$FATALOP" "$NULLOP"
632 | load_module "drv/$MOD_VBOXUSB" "$DESC_VBOXUSB" "$FATALOP"
633 | fi
634 | else
635 | if test -n "$HOST_OS_MINORVERSION"; then
636 | warnprint "Solaris 5.11 build 124 or higher required for USB support. Skipped installing USB support."
637 | else
638 | warnprint "Failed to determine Solaris 5.11 snv version. Skipped installing USB support."
639 | fi
640 | fi
641 | fi
642 |
643 | return $?
644 | }
645 |
646 | # remove_drivers([fatal])
647 | # failure: depends on [fatal]
648 | remove_drivers()
649 | {
650 | fatal=$1
651 |
652 | # Remove vboxdrv from devlink.tab
653 | if test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"; then
654 | devlinkfound=`cat "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" | grep vboxdrv`
655 | if test -n "$devlinkfound"; then
656 | sed -e '/name=vboxdrv/d' "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" > "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
657 | mv -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox" "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"
658 | fi
659 |
660 | # Remove vboxusbmon from devlink.tab
661 | devlinkfound=`cat "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" | grep vboxusbmon`
662 | if test -n "$devlinkfound"; then
663 | sed -e '/name=vboxusbmon/d' "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab" > "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox"
664 | mv -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.vbox" "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/devlink.tab"
665 | fi
666 | fi
667 |
668 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXUSB" "$DESC_VBOXUSB" "$fatal"
669 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXUSB" "$DESC_VBOXUSB" "$fatal"
670 |
671 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXUSBMON" "$DESC_VBOXUSBMON" "$fatal"
672 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXUSBMON" "$DESC_VBOXUSBMON" "$fatal"
673 |
674 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXFLT" "$DESC_VBOXFLT" "$fatal"
675 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXFLT" "$DESC_VBOXFLT" "$fatal"
676 |
677 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXBOW" "$DESC_VBOXBOW" "$fatal"
678 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXBOW" "$DESC_VBOXBOW" "$fatal"
679 |
680 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXNET" "$DESC_VBOXNET" "$fatal"
681 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXNET" "$DESC_VBOXNET" "$fatal"
682 |
683 | unload_module "$MOD_VBOXDRV" "$DESC_VBOXDRV" "$fatal"
684 | rem_driver "$MOD_VBOXDRV" "$DESC_VBOXDRV" "$fatal"
685 |
686 | # No separate VBI since 3.1
687 | # unload_module "$MOD_VBI" "$DESC_VBI" "$fatal"
688 |
689 | # remove devlinks
690 | if test -h "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxdrv" || test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxdrv"; then
691 | rm -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxdrv"
692 | fi
693 | if test -h "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxusbmon" || test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxusbmon"; then
694 | rm -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/dev/vboxusbmon"
695 | fi
696 |
697 | # unpatch nwam/dhcpagent fix
698 | nwamfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/nwam/llp"
699 | nwambackupfile=$nwamfile.vbox
700 | if test -f "$nwamfile"; then
701 | sed -e '/vboxnet/d' $nwamfile > $nwambackupfile
702 | mv -f $nwambackupfile $nwamfile
703 | fi
704 |
705 | # remove netmask configuration
706 | if test -h "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks"; then
707 | nmaskfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/inet/netmasks"
708 | else
709 | nmaskfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks"
710 | fi
711 | nmaskbackupfile=$nmaskfile.vbox
712 | if test -f "$nmaskfile"; then
713 | sed -e '/#VirtualBox_SectionStart/,/#VirtualBox_SectionEnd/d' $nmaskfile > $nmaskbackupfile
714 | mv -f $nmaskbackupfile $nmaskfile
715 | fi
716 |
717 | if test $UPDATEBOOTARCHIVE -eq 1; then
718 | update_boot_archive
719 | fi
720 |
721 | return 0
722 | }
723 |
724 | # install_python_bindings(pythonbin)
725 | # remarks: changes pwd
726 | # failure: non fatal
727 | install_python_bindings()
728 | {
729 | # The python binary might not be there, so just exit silently
730 | if test -z "$1"; then
731 | return 0
732 | fi
733 |
734 | if test -z "$2"; then
735 | errorprint "missing argument to install_python_bindings"
736 | exit 1
737 | fi
738 |
739 | pythonbin=$1
740 | pythondesc=$2
741 | if test -x "$pythonbin"; then
743 | export VBOX_INSTALL_PATH
744 | cd $DIR_VBOXBASE/sdk/installer
745 | $pythonbin ./vboxapisetup.py install > /dev/null
746 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
747 | subprint "Installed: Bindings for $pythondesc"
748 | fi
749 | return 0
750 | fi
751 | return 1
752 | }
753 |
754 | # stop_process(processname)
755 | # failure: depends on [fatal]
756 | stop_process()
757 | {
758 | if test -z "$1"; then
759 | errorprint "missing argument to stop_process()"
760 | exit 1
761 | fi
762 |
763 | procname=$1
764 | procpid=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep $procname | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
765 | if test ! -z "$procpid" && test "$procpid" -ge 0; then
766 | $BIN_PKILL "$procname"
767 | sleep 2
768 | procpid=`ps -eo pid,fname | grep $procname | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
769 | if test ! -z "$procpid" && test "$procpid" -ge 0; then
770 | subprint "Terminating: $procname ...FAILED!"
771 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
772 | exit 1
773 | fi
774 | else
775 | subprint "Terminated: $procname"
776 | fi
777 | fi
778 | }
779 |
780 |
781 | # stop_service(servicename, shortFMRI-suitable for grep, full FMRI)
782 | # failure: non fatal
783 | stop_service()
784 | {
785 | if test -z "$1" || test -z "$2" || test -z "$3"; then
786 | errorprint "missing argument to stop_service()"
787 | exit 1
788 | fi
789 | servicefound=`$BIN_SVCS -a | grep "$2" 2>/dev/null`
790 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
791 | $BIN_SVCADM disable -s "$3"
792 | # Don't delete the manifest, this is handled by the manifest class action
793 | # $BIN_SVCCFG delete "$3"
794 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
795 | subprint "Unloaded: $1"
796 | else
797 | subprint "Unloading: $1 ...ERROR(S)."
798 | fi
799 | fi
800 | }
801 |
802 |
803 | # cleanup_install([fatal])
804 | # failure: depends on [fatal]
805 | cleanup_install()
806 | {
807 | fatal=$1
808 |
809 | # No-Op for remote installs
810 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 1; then
811 | return 0
812 | fi
813 |
814 | # stop the services
815 | stop_service "Web service" "virtualbox/webservice" "svc:/application/virtualbox/webservice:default"
816 | stop_service "Balloon control service" "virtualbox/balloonctrl" "svc:/application/virtualbox/balloonctrl:default"
817 | stop_service "Zone access service" "virtualbox/zoneaccess" "svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess:default"
818 |
819 | # unplumb all vboxnet instances for non-remote installs
820 | inst=0
821 | while test $inst -ne $MOD_VBOXNET_INST; do
822 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet$inst >/dev/null 2>&1`
823 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
824 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet$inst unplumb
825 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
826 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet$inst' couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
827 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
828 | exit 1
829 | fi
830 | fi
831 | fi
832 |
833 | # unplumb vboxnet0 ipv6
834 | vboxnetup=`$BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet$inst inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1`
835 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
836 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet$inst inet6 unplumb
837 | if test "$?" -ne 0; then
838 | errorprint "VirtualBox NetAdapter 'vboxnet$inst' IPv6 couldn't be unplumbed (probably in use)."
839 | if test "$fatal" = "$FATALOP"; then
840 | exit 1
841 | fi
842 | fi
843 | fi
844 |
845 | inst=`expr $inst + 1`
846 | done
847 |
848 | # Stop our other daemons, non-fatal
849 | stop_process VBoxSVC
850 | stop_process VBoxNetDHCP
851 | }
852 |
853 |
854 | # postinstall()
855 | # !! failure is always fatal
856 | postinstall()
857 | {
858 | infoprint "Detected Solaris $HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION Version $HOST_OS_MINORVERSION"
859 | infoprint "Loading VirtualBox kernel modules..."
860 | install_drivers
861 |
862 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
863 | if test -f "$DIR_CONF/vboxnet.conf"; then
864 | # nwam/dhcpagent fix
865 | nwamfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/nwam/llp"
866 | nwambackupfile=$nwamfile.vbox
867 | if test -f "$nwamfile"; then
868 | sed -e '/vboxnet/d' $nwamfile > $nwambackupfile
869 |
870 | # add all vboxnet instances as static to nwam
871 | inst=0
872 | networkn=56
873 | while test $inst -ne 1; do
874 | echo "vboxnet$inst static 192.168.$networkn.1" >> $nwambackupfile
875 | inst=`expr $inst + 1`
876 | networkn=`expr $networkn + 1`
877 | done
878 | mv -f $nwambackupfile $nwamfile
879 | fi
880 |
881 | # plumb and configure vboxnet0 for non-remote installs
882 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
883 | # S11 175a renames vboxnet0 as 'netX', undo this and rename it back
884 | if test "$HOST_OS_MAJORVERSION" = "5.11" && test "$HOST_OS_MINORVERSION" -gt 174; then
885 | vanityname=`dladm show-phys -po link,device | grep vboxnet0 | cut -f1 -d':'`
886 | if test $? -eq 0 && test ! -z "$vanityname" && test "$vanityname" != "vboxnet0"; then
887 | dladm rename-link "$vanityname" vboxnet0
888 | if test $? -ne 0; then
889 | errorprint "Failed to rename vanity interface ($vanityname) to vboxnet0"
890 | fi
891 | fi
892 | fi
893 |
894 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 plumb
895 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 up
896 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
897 | $BIN_IFCONFIG vboxnet0 netmask up
898 |
899 | # /etc/netmasks is a symlink, older installers replaced this with
900 | # a copy of the actual file, repair that behaviour here.
901 | recreatelink=0
902 | if test -h "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks"; then
903 | nmaskfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/inet/netmasks"
904 | else
905 | nmaskfile="$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks"
906 | recreatelink=1
907 | fi
908 |
909 | # add the netmask to stay persistent across host reboots
910 | nmaskbackupfile=$nmaskfile.vbox
911 | if test -f $nmaskfile; then
912 | sed -e '/#VirtualBox_SectionStart/,/#VirtualBox_SectionEnd/d' $nmaskfile > $nmaskbackupfile
913 |
914 | if test $recreatelink -eq 1; then
915 | # Check after removing our settings if /etc/netmasks is identifcal to /etc/inet/netmasks
916 | anydiff=`diff $nmaskbackupfile "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/inet/netmasks"`
917 | if test ! -z "$anydiff"; then
918 | # User may have some custom settings in /etc/netmasks, don't overwrite /etc/netmasks!
919 | recreatelink=2
920 | fi
921 | fi
922 |
923 | echo "#VirtualBox_SectionStart" >> $nmaskbackupfile
924 | inst=0
925 | networkn=56
926 | while test $inst -ne 1; do
927 | echo "192.168.$networkn.0" >> $nmaskbackupfile
928 | inst=`expr $inst + 1`
929 | networkn=`expr $networkn + 1`
930 | done
931 | echo "#VirtualBox_SectionEnd" >> $nmaskbackupfile
932 | mv -f $nmaskbackupfile $nmaskfile
933 |
934 | # Recreate /etc/netmasks as a link if necessary
935 | if test $recreatelink -eq 1; then
936 | cp -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks" "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/inet/netmasks"
937 | ln -sf ./inet/netmasks "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/etc/netmasks"
938 | elif test $recreatelink -eq 2; then
939 | warnprint "/etc/netmasks is a symlink (to /etc/inet/netmasks) that older"
940 | warnprint "VirtualBox installers incorrectly overwrote. Now the contents"
941 | warnprint "of /etc/netmasks and /etc/inet/netmasks differ, therefore "
942 | warnprint "VirtualBox will not attempt to overwrite /etc/netmasks as a"
943 | warnprint "symlink to /etc/inet/netmasks. Please resolve this manually"
944 | warnprint "by updating /etc/inet/netmasks and creating /etc/netmasks as a"
945 | warnprint "symlink to /etc/inet/netmasks"
946 | fi
947 | fi
948 | else
949 | # Should this be fatal?
950 | warnprint "Failed to bring up vboxnet0!!"
951 | fi
952 | fi
953 | fi
954 |
955 | if test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox/virtualbox-webservice.xml" || test -f "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/var/svc/manifest/application/virtualbox/virtualbox-zoneaccess.xml"; then
956 | infoprint "Configuring services..."
957 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 1; then
958 | subprint "Skipped for targetted installs."
959 | else
960 | # Enable Zone access service for non-remote installs, other services (Webservice) are delivered disabled by the manifest class action
961 | servicefound=`$BIN_SVCS -a | grep "virtualbox/zoneaccess" | grep "disabled" 2>/dev/null`
962 | if test ! -z "$servicefound"; then
963 | $BIN_SVCADM enable -s svc:/application/virtualbox/zoneaccess
964 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
965 | subprint "Loaded: Zone access service"
966 | else
967 | subprint "Loading Zone access service ...FAILED."
968 | fi
969 | fi
970 | fi
971 | fi
972 |
973 | # Update mime and desktop databases to get the right menu entries
974 | # and icons. There is still some delay until the GUI picks it up,
975 | # but that cannot be helped.
976 | if test -d "$PKG_INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/icons"; then
977 | infoprint "Installing MIME types and icons..."
978 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
979 | /usr/bin/update-mime-database /usr/share/mime >/dev/null 2>&1
980 | /usr/bin/update-desktop-database -q 2>/dev/null
981 | else
982 | subprint "Skipped for targetted installs."
983 | fi
984 | fi
985 |
986 | # Install python bindings for non-remote installs
987 | if test "$REMOTEINST" -eq 0; then
988 | if test -f "$DIR_VBOXBASE/sdk/installer/vboxapisetup.py" || test -h "$DIR_VBOXBASE/sdk/installer/vboxapisetup.py"; then
989 | PYTHONBIN=`which python 2> /dev/null`
990 | if test -f "$PYTHONBIN" || test -h "$PYTHONBIN"; then
991 | infoprint "Installing Python bindings..."
992 |
994 | PYTHONBIN=`which python2.4 2>/dev/null`
995 | install_python_bindings "$PYTHONBIN" "Python 2.4"
996 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
998 | fi
999 | PYTHONBIN=`which python2.5 2>/dev/null`
1000 | install_python_bindings "$PYTHONBIN" "Python 2.5"
1001 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
1003 | fi
1004 | PYTHONBIN=`which python2.6 2>/dev/null`
1005 | install_python_bindings "$PYTHONBIN" "Python 2.6"
1006 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
1008 | fi
1009 |
1010 | # remove files installed by Python build
1011 | rm -rf $DIR_VBOXBASE/sdk/installer/build
1012 |
1013 | if test "$INSTALLEDIT" -ne 0; then
1014 | warnprint "No suitable Python version found. Required Python 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6."
1015 | warnprint "Skipped installing the Python bindings."
1016 | fi
1017 | else
1018 | warnprint "Python not found, skipped installed Python bindings."
1019 | fi
1020 | fi
1021 | else
1022 | warnprint "Skipped installing Python bindings. Run, as root, 'vboxapisetup.py install' manually from the booted system."
1023 | fi
1024 |
1025 | update_boot_archive
1026 |
1027 | return 0
1028 | else
1029 | errorprint "Failed to install drivers"
1030 | exit 666
1031 | fi
1032 | return 1
1033 | }
1034 |
1035 | # preremove([fatal])
1036 | # failure: depends on [fatal]
1037 | preremove()
1038 | {
1039 | fatal=$1
1040 |
1041 | cleanup_install "$fatal"
1042 |
1043 | remove_drivers "$fatal"
1044 | if test "$?" -eq 0; then
1045 | return 0;
1046 | fi
1047 | return 1
1048 | }
1049 |
1050 |
1051 | # And it begins...
1052 | if test "x${PKG_INSTALL_ROOT:=/}" != "x/"; then
1056 | fi
1057 | find_bins
1058 | check_root
1059 | check_isa
1060 | check_zone
1061 | get_sysinfo
1062 |
1063 |
1064 | # Get command line options
1065 | while test $# -gt 0;
1066 | do
1067 | case "$1" in
1068 | --postinstall | --preremove | --installdrivers | --removedrivers | --setupdrivers)
1069 | drvop="$1"
1070 | ;;
1071 | --fatal)
1072 | fatal="$FATALOP"
1073 | ;;
1074 | --silent)
1076 | ;;
1077 | --ips)
1078 | ISIPS="$IPSOP"
1079 | ;;
1080 | --altkerndir)
1081 | # Use alternate kernel driver config folder (dev only)
1082 | DIR_CONF="/usr/kernel/drv"
1083 | ;;
1084 | --help)
1085 | printusage
1086 | exit 1
1087 | ;;
1088 | *)
1089 | break
1090 | ;;
1091 | esac
1092 | shift
1093 | done
1094 |
1095 | case "$drvop" in
1096 | --postinstall)
1097 | check_module_arch
1098 | postinstall
1099 | ;;
1100 | --preremove)
1101 | preremove "$fatal"
1102 | ;;
1103 | --installdrivers)
1104 | check_module_arch
1105 | install_drivers
1106 | ;;
1107 | --removedrivers)
1108 | remove_drivers "$fatal"
1109 | ;;
1110 | --setupdrivers)
1111 | remove_drivers "$fatal"
1112 | infoprint "Installing VirtualBox drivers:"
1113 | install_drivers
1114 | ;;
1115 | *)
1116 | printusage
1117 | exit 1
1118 | esac
1119 |
1120 | exit "$?"
1121 |