1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "renderspu.h"
8 |
9 | #include "cr_string.h"
10 | #include "cr_mem.h"
11 | #include "cr_error.h"
12 | #include "cr_environment.h"
13 | #include "cr_url.h"
14 |
15 |
16 | static void set_window_geometry( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
17 | {
18 | int x, y, w, h;
19 | CRASSERT(response[0] == '[');
20 | sscanf( response, "[ %d, %d, %d, %d ]", &x, &y, &w, &h );
21 | render_spu->defaultX = (int) x;
22 | render_spu->defaultY = (int) y;
23 | render_spu->defaultWidth = (unsigned int) w;
24 | render_spu->defaultHeight = (unsigned int) h;
25 | }
26 |
27 | static void set_default_visual( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
28 | {
29 | if (crStrlen(response) > 0) {
30 | if (crStrstr(response, "rgb"))
31 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_RGB_BIT;
32 | if (crStrstr(response, "alpha"))
33 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_ALPHA_BIT;
34 | if (crStrstr(response, "z") || crStrstr(response, "depth"))
35 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_DEPTH_BIT;
36 | if (crStrstr(response, "stencil"))
37 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_STENCIL_BIT;
38 | if (crStrstr(response, "accum"))
39 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_ACCUM_BIT;
40 | if (crStrstr(response, "stereo"))
41 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_STEREO_BIT;
42 | if (crStrstr(response, "multisample"))
43 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_MULTISAMPLE_BIT;
44 | if (crStrstr(response, "double"))
45 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_DOUBLE_BIT;
46 | if (crStrstr(response, "pbuffer"))
47 | render_spu->default_visual |= CR_PBUFFER_BIT;
48 | }
49 | }
50 |
51 | static void set_display_string( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
52 | {
53 | if (!crStrcmp(response, "DEFAULT")) {
54 | const char *display = crGetenv("DISPLAY");
55 | if (display)
56 | crStrncpy(render_spu->display_string,
57 | display,
58 | sizeof(render_spu->display_string));
59 | else
60 | crStrcpy(render_spu->display_string, ""); /* empty string */
61 | }
62 | else {
63 | crStrncpy(render_spu->display_string,
64 | response,
65 | sizeof(render_spu->display_string));
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | static void set_fullscreen( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
70 | {
71 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->fullscreen) );
72 | }
73 |
74 | static void set_on_top( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
75 | {
76 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->ontop) );
77 | }
78 |
79 | static void set_system_gl_path( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
80 | {
81 | if (crStrlen(response) > 0)
82 | crSetenv( "CR_SYSTEM_GL_PATH", response );
83 | }
84 |
85 | static void set_title( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
86 | {
87 | crFree( render_spu->window_title );
88 | render_spu->window_title = crStrdup( response );
89 | }
90 |
91 | #if defined(GLX)
92 | static void set_try_direct( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
93 | {
94 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->try_direct) );
95 | }
96 |
97 | static void set_force_direct( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
98 | {
99 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->force_direct) );
100 | }
101 | #endif /* GLX */
102 |
103 | static void render_to_app_window( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
104 | {
105 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->render_to_app_window) );
106 | }
107 |
108 | static void render_to_crut_window( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
109 | {
110 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->render_to_crut_window) );
111 | }
112 |
113 | static void resizable( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
114 | {
115 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->resizable) );
116 | }
117 |
118 | static void set_borderless( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
119 | {
120 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->borderless) );
121 | }
122 |
123 | static void set_cursor( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
124 | {
125 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->drawCursor) );
126 | }
127 |
128 | static void gather_url( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
129 | {
130 | char protocol[4096], hostname[4096];
131 | unsigned short port;
132 |
133 | if (!crParseURL(response, protocol, hostname, &port, 0))
134 | {
135 | crError( "Malformed URL: \"%s\"", response );
136 | }
137 |
138 | render_spu->gather_port = port;
139 | }
140 |
141 | static void gather_userbuf( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
142 | {
143 | sscanf( response, "%d", &(render_spu->gather_userbuf_size) );
144 | }
145 |
146 | static void set_lut8( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
147 | {
148 | int a;
149 | char **lut;
150 |
151 | if (!response[0]) return;
152 |
153 | lut = crStrSplit(response, ",");
154 | if (!lut) return;
155 |
156 | for (a=0; a<256; a++)
157 | {
158 | render_spu->lut8[0][a] = crStrToInt(lut[a]);
159 | render_spu->lut8[1][a] = crStrToInt(lut[256+a]);
160 | render_spu->lut8[2][a] = crStrToInt(lut[512+a]);
161 | }
162 |
163 | crFreeStrings(lut);
164 |
165 | render_spu->use_lut8 = 1;
166 | }
167 |
168 | static void set_master_url ( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
169 | {
170 | if (response[0])
171 | render_spu->swap_master_url = crStrdup( response );
172 | else
173 | render_spu->swap_master_url = NULL;
174 | }
175 |
176 | static void set_is_master ( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
177 | {
178 | render_spu->is_swap_master = crStrToInt( response );
179 | }
180 |
181 | static void set_num_clients ( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
182 | {
183 | render_spu->num_swap_clients = crStrToInt( response );
184 | }
185 |
186 | static void set_use_osmesa ( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
187 | {
188 | int val = crStrToInt( response );
189 | #ifdef USE_OSMESA
190 | render_spu->use_osmesa = val;
191 | #else
192 | if (val != 0)
193 | crError( "renderspu with Conf(use_osmesa, 1) but not compiled with -DUSE_OSMESA");
194 | #endif
195 | }
196 |
197 | static void set_nv_swap_group( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
198 | {
199 | render_spu->nvSwapGroup = crStrToInt( response );
200 | if (render_spu->nvSwapGroup < 0)
201 | render_spu->nvSwapGroup = 0;
202 | }
203 |
204 | static void set_ignore_papi( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
205 | {
206 | render_spu->ignore_papi = crStrToInt( response );
207 | }
208 |
209 | static void set_ignore_window_moves( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
210 | {
211 | render_spu->ignore_window_moves = crStrToInt( response );
212 | }
213 |
214 | static void set_pbuffer_size( RenderSPU *render_spu, const char *response )
215 | {
216 | CRASSERT(response[0] == '[');
217 | sscanf( response, "[ %d, %d ]",
218 | &render_spu->pbufferWidth, &render_spu->pbufferHeight);
219 | }
220 |
221 | static void set_use_glxchoosevisual( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
222 | {
223 | render_spu->use_glxchoosevisual = crStrToInt( response );
224 | }
225 |
226 | static void set_draw_bbox( RenderSPU *render_spu, char *response )
227 | {
228 | render_spu->draw_bbox = crStrToInt( response );
229 | }
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 | /* option, type, nr, default, min, max, title, callback
234 | */
235 | SPUOptions renderSPUOptions[] = {
236 | { "title", CR_STRING, 1, "Chromium Render SPU", NULL, NULL,
237 | "Window Title", (SPUOptionCB)set_title },
238 |
239 | { "window_geometry", CR_INT, 4, "[0, 0, 256, 256]", "[0, 0, 1, 1]", NULL,
240 | "Default Window Geometry (x,y,w,h)", (SPUOptionCB)set_window_geometry },
241 |
242 | { "fullscreen", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
243 | "Full-screen Window", (SPUOptionCB)set_fullscreen },
244 |
245 | { "resizable", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
246 | "Resizable Window", (SPUOptionCB)resizable },
247 |
248 | { "on_top", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
249 | "Display on Top", (SPUOptionCB)set_on_top },
250 |
251 | { "borderless", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
252 | "Borderless Window", (SPUOptionCB) set_borderless },
253 |
254 | { "default_visual", CR_STRING, 1, "rgb, double, depth", NULL, NULL,
255 | "Default GL Visual", (SPUOptionCB) set_default_visual },
256 |
257 | #if defined(GLX)
258 | { "try_direct", CR_BOOL, 1, "1", NULL, NULL,
259 | "Try Direct Rendering", (SPUOptionCB)set_try_direct },
260 |
261 | { "force_direct", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
262 | "Force Direct Rendering", (SPUOptionCB)set_force_direct },
263 | #endif
264 |
265 | { "render_to_app_window", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
266 | "Render to Application window", (SPUOptionCB)render_to_app_window },
267 |
268 | { "render_to_crut_window", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
269 | "Render to CRUT window", (SPUOptionCB)render_to_crut_window },
270 |
271 | { "show_cursor", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
272 | "Show Software Cursor", (SPUOptionCB) set_cursor },
273 |
274 | { "system_gl_path", CR_STRING, 1, "", NULL, NULL,
275 | "System GL Path", (SPUOptionCB)set_system_gl_path },
276 |
277 | { "display_string", CR_STRING, 1, "DEFAULT", NULL, NULL,
278 | "X Display String", (SPUOptionCB)set_display_string },
279 |
280 | { "gather_url", CR_STRING, 1, "", NULL, NULL,
281 | "Gatherer URL", (SPUOptionCB)gather_url},
282 |
283 | { "gather_userbuf_size", CR_INT, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
284 | "Size of Buffer to Allocate for Gathering", (SPUOptionCB)gather_userbuf},
285 |
286 | { "lut8", CR_STRING, 1, "", NULL, NULL,
287 | "8 bit RGB LUT", (SPUOptionCB)set_lut8},
288 |
289 | { "swap_master_url", CR_STRING, 1, "", NULL, NULL,
290 | "The URL to the master swapper", (SPUOptionCB)set_master_url },
291 |
292 | { "is_swap_master", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
293 | "Is this the swap master", (SPUOptionCB)set_is_master },
294 |
295 | { "num_swap_clients", CR_INT, 1, "1", NULL, NULL,
296 | "How many swaps to wait on", (SPUOptionCB)set_num_clients },
297 |
298 | { "use_osmesa", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
299 | "Use offscreen rendering with Mesa", (SPUOptionCB)set_use_osmesa },
300 |
301 | { "nv_swap_group", CR_INT, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
302 | "NVIDIA Swap Group Number", (SPUOptionCB) set_nv_swap_group },
303 |
304 | { "ignore_papi", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
305 | "Ignore Barrier and Semaphore calls", (SPUOptionCB) set_ignore_papi },
306 |
307 | { "ignore_window_moves", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
308 | "Ignore crWindowPosition calls", (SPUOptionCB) set_ignore_window_moves },
309 |
310 | { "pbuffer_size", CR_INT, 2, "[0, 0]", "[0, 0]", NULL,
311 | "Maximum PBuffer Size", (SPUOptionCB) set_pbuffer_size },
312 |
313 | { "use_glxchoosevisual", CR_BOOL, 1, "1", NULL, NULL,
314 | "Use glXChooseVisual", (SPUOptionCB) set_use_glxchoosevisual },
315 |
316 | { "draw_bbox", CR_BOOL, 1, "0", NULL, NULL,
317 | "Draw Bounding Boxes", (SPUOptionCB) set_draw_bbox },
319 | };
320 |
321 |
322 | void renderspuSetVBoxConfiguration( RenderSPU *render_spu )
323 | {
324 | int a;
325 |
326 | for (a=0; a<256; a++)
327 | {
328 | render_spu->lut8[0][a] =
329 | render_spu->lut8[1][a] =
330 | render_spu->lut8[2][a] = a;
331 | }
332 | render_spu->use_lut8 = 0;
333 |
334 | set_title(render_spu, "Chromium Render SPU");
335 | set_window_geometry(render_spu, "[0, 0, 0, 0]");
336 | set_fullscreen(render_spu, "0");
337 | resizable(render_spu, "0");
338 | set_on_top(render_spu, "1");
339 | set_borderless(render_spu, "1");
340 | set_default_visual(render_spu, "rgb, double, depth");
341 | #if defined(GLX)
342 | set_try_direct(render_spu, "1");
343 | set_force_direct(render_spu, "0");
344 | #endif
345 | render_to_app_window(render_spu, "0");
346 | render_to_crut_window(render_spu, "0");
347 | set_cursor(render_spu, "0");
348 | set_system_gl_path(render_spu, "");
349 | set_display_string(render_spu, "DEFAULT");
350 | gather_url(render_spu, "");
351 | gather_userbuf(render_spu, "0");
352 | set_lut8(render_spu, "");
353 | set_master_url(render_spu, "");
354 | set_is_master(render_spu, "0");
355 | set_num_clients(render_spu, "1");
356 | set_use_osmesa(render_spu, "0");
357 | set_nv_swap_group(render_spu, "0");
358 | set_ignore_papi(render_spu, "0");
359 | set_ignore_window_moves(render_spu, "0");
360 | set_pbuffer_size(render_spu, "[0, 0]");
361 | set_use_glxchoosevisual(render_spu, "1");
362 | set_draw_bbox(render_spu, "0");
363 |
364 | render_spu->swap_mtu = 1024 * 500;
365 |
366 | /* Some initialization that doesn't really have anything to do
367 | * with configuration but which was done here before:
368 | */
369 | render_spu->use_L2 = 0;
370 | render_spu->cursorX = 0;
371 | render_spu->cursorY = 0;
372 | #if defined(GLX)
373 | render_spu->sync = 0;
374 | #endif
375 |
376 | /* Config of "render force present main thread" (currently implemented by glx and wgl). */
377 | const char *forcePresent = crGetenv("CR_RENDER_FORCE_PRESENT_MAIN_THREAD");
378 | if (forcePresent)
379 | render_spu->force_present_main_thread = crStrToInt(forcePresent) ? 1 : 0;
380 | else
381 | {
382 | #if defined(GLX)
383 | /* Customer needed this for avoiding system 3D driver bugs. */
384 | render_spu->force_present_main_thread = 1;
385 | #else
386 | render_spu->force_present_main_thread = 0;
387 | #endif
388 | }
389 | }
390 |