1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Stanford University
2 | All rights reserved.
3 |
4 | See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */
5 |
6 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
7 | #include "server.h"
8 | #include "cr_mem.h"
9 |
10 |
11 | /*
12 | * Notes on ID translation:
13 | *
14 | * If a server has multiple clients (in the case of parallel applications)
15 | * and N of the clients all create a display list with ID K, does K name
16 | * one display list or N different display lists?
17 | *
18 | * By default, there is one display list named K. If the clients put
19 | * identical commands into list K, then this is fine. But if the clients
20 | * each put something different into list K when they created it, then this
21 | * is a serious problem.
22 | *
23 | * By zeroing the 'shared_display_lists' configuration option, we can tell
24 | * the server to make list K be unique for all N clients. We do this by
25 | * translating K into a new, unique ID dependant on which client we're
26 | * talking to (curClient->number).
27 | *
28 | * Same story for texture objects, vertex programs, etc.
29 | *
30 | * The application can also dynamically switch between shared and private
31 | * display lists with:
32 | * glChromiumParameteri(GL_SHARED_DISPLAY_LISTS_CR, GL_TRUE)
33 | * and
34 | * glChromiumParameteri(GL_SHARED_DISPLAY_LISTS_CR, GL_FALSE)
35 | *
36 | */
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 | static GLuint TranslateListID( GLuint id )
41 | {
42 | if (!cr_server.sharedDisplayLists) {
43 | int client = cr_server.curClient->number;
44 | return id + client * 100000;
45 | }
46 | return id;
47 | }
48 |
49 |
50 | GLuint crServerTranslateTextureID( GLuint id )
51 | {
52 | if (!cr_server.sharedTextureObjects && id) {
53 | int client = cr_server.curClient->number;
54 | return id + client * 100000;
55 | }
56 | return id;
57 | }
58 |
59 | /* XXXX Note: shared/separate Program ID numbers aren't totally implemented! */
60 | GLuint crServerTranslateProgramID( GLuint id )
61 | {
62 | if (!cr_server.sharedPrograms && id) {
63 | int client = cr_server.curClient->number;
64 | return id + client * 100000;
65 | }
66 | return id;
67 | }
68 |
69 |
71 | crServerDispatchNewList( GLuint list, GLenum mode )
72 | {
73 | if (mode == GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE)
74 | crWarning("using glNewList(GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE) can confuse the crserver");
75 |
76 | list = TranslateListID( list );
77 | crStateNewList( list, mode );
78 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.NewList( list, mode );
79 | }
80 |
81 |
83 | crServerDispatchCallList( GLuint list )
84 | {
85 | list = TranslateListID( list );
86 |
87 | if (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->lists.mode == 0) {
88 | /* we're not compiling, so execute the list now */
89 | /* Issue the list as-is */
90 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.CallList( list );
91 | }
92 | else {
93 | /* we're compiling glCallList into another list - just pass it through */
94 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.CallList( list );
95 | }
96 | }
97 |
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * Translate an array of display list IDs from various datatypes to GLuint
101 | * IDs while adding the per-client offset.
102 | */
103 | static void
104 | TranslateListIDs(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists, GLuint *newLists)
105 | {
106 | int offset = cr_server.curClient->number * 100000;
107 | GLsizei i;
108 | switch (type) {
109 | case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:
110 | {
111 | const GLubyte *src = (const GLubyte *) lists;
112 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
113 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
114 | }
115 | }
116 | break;
117 | case GL_BYTE:
118 | {
119 | const GLbyte *src = (const GLbyte *) lists;
120 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
121 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
122 | }
123 | }
124 | break;
126 | {
127 | const GLushort *src = (const GLushort *) lists;
128 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
129 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
130 | }
131 | }
132 | break;
133 | case GL_SHORT:
134 | {
135 | const GLshort *src = (const GLshort *) lists;
136 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
137 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
138 | }
139 | }
140 | break;
141 | case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
142 | {
143 | const GLuint *src = (const GLuint *) lists;
144 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
145 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
146 | }
147 | }
148 | break;
149 | case GL_INT:
150 | {
151 | const GLint *src = (const GLint *) lists;
152 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
153 | newLists[i] = src[i] + offset;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | break;
157 | case GL_FLOAT:
158 | {
159 | const GLfloat *src = (const GLfloat *) lists;
160 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
161 | newLists[i] = (GLuint) src[i] + offset;
162 | }
163 | }
164 | break;
165 | case GL_2_BYTES:
166 | {
167 | const GLubyte *src = (const GLubyte *) lists;
168 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
169 | newLists[i] = (src[i*2+0] * 256 +
170 | src[i*2+1]) + offset;
171 | }
172 | }
173 | break;
174 | case GL_3_BYTES:
175 | {
176 | const GLubyte *src = (const GLubyte *) lists;
177 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
178 | newLists[i] = (src[i*3+0] * 256 * 256 +
179 | src[i*3+1] * 256 +
180 | src[i*3+2]) + offset;
181 | }
182 | }
183 | break;
184 | case GL_4_BYTES:
185 | {
186 | const GLubyte *src = (const GLubyte *) lists;
187 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
188 | newLists[i] = (src[i*4+0] * 256 * 256 * 256 +
189 | src[i*4+1] * 256 * 256 +
190 | src[i*4+2] * 256 +
191 | src[i*4+3]) + offset;
192 | }
193 | }
194 | break;
195 | default:
196 | crWarning("CRServer: invalid display list datatype 0x%x", type);
197 | }
198 | }
199 |
200 |
202 | crServerDispatchCallLists( GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists )
203 | {
204 | if (!cr_server.sharedDisplayLists) {
205 | /* need to translate IDs */
206 | GLuint *newLists = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
207 | if (newLists) {
208 | TranslateListIDs(n, type, lists, newLists);
209 | }
210 | lists = newLists;
211 | type = GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
212 | }
213 |
214 | if (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->lists.mode == 0) {
215 | /* we're not compiling, so execute the list now */
216 | /* Issue the list as-is */
217 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.CallLists( n, type, lists );
218 | }
219 | else {
220 | /* we're compiling glCallList into another list - just pass it through */
221 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.CallLists( n, type, lists );
222 | }
223 |
224 | if (!cr_server.sharedDisplayLists) {
225 | crFree((void *) lists); /* malloc'd above */
226 | }
227 | }
228 |
229 |
230 | GLboolean SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchIsList( GLuint list )
231 | {
232 | GLboolean retval;
233 | list = TranslateListID( list );
234 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.IsList( list );
235 | crServerReturnValue( &retval, sizeof(retval) );
236 | return retval;
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchDeleteLists( GLuint list, GLsizei range )
241 | {
242 | list = TranslateListID( list );
243 | crStateDeleteLists( list, range );
244 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DeleteLists( list, range );
245 | }
246 |
247 |
248 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchBindTexture( GLenum target, GLuint texture )
249 | {
250 | texture = crServerTranslateTextureID( texture );
251 | crStateBindTexture( target, texture );
252 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.BindTexture( target, texture );
253 | }
254 |
255 |
256 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchDeleteTextures( GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures)
257 | {
258 | if (!cr_server.sharedTextureObjects) {
259 | GLuint *newTextures = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
260 | GLint i;
261 | if (!newTextures) {
262 | crError("crServerDispatchDeleteTextures: out of memory");
263 | return;
264 | }
265 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
266 | newTextures[i] = crServerTranslateTextureID( textures[i] );
267 | }
268 | crStateDeleteTextures( n, newTextures );
269 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DeleteTextures( n, newTextures );
270 | crFree(newTextures);
271 | }
272 | else {
273 | crStateDeleteTextures( n, textures );
274 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DeleteTextures( n, textures );
275 | }
276 | }
277 |
278 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchPrioritizeTextures( GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities )
279 | {
280 | if (!cr_server.sharedTextureObjects)
281 | {
282 | GLuint *newTextures = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
283 | GLint i;
284 | if (!newTextures) {
285 | crError("crServerDispatchDeleteTextures: out of memory");
286 | return;
287 | }
288 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
289 | newTextures[i] = crServerTranslateTextureID( textures[i] );
290 | }
291 | crStatePrioritizeTextures(n, newTextures, priorities);
292 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.PrioritizeTextures(n, newTextures, priorities);
293 | crFree(newTextures);
294 | }
295 | else
296 | {
297 | crStatePrioritizeTextures(n, textures, priorities);
298 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.PrioritizeTextures(n, textures, priorities);
299 | }
300 | }
301 |
302 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchDeleteProgramsARB(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs)
303 | {
304 | GLuint *pLocalProgs = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
305 | GLint i;
306 | if (!pLocalProgs) {
307 | crError("crServerDispatchDeleteProgramsARB: out of memory");
308 | return;
309 | }
310 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
311 | pLocalProgs[i] = crServerTranslateProgramID(programs[i]);
312 | }
313 | crStateDeleteProgramsARB(n, pLocalProgs);
314 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DeleteProgramsARB(n, pLocalProgs);
315 | crFree(pLocalProgs);
316 | }
317 |
318 | /*@todo will fail for textures loaded from snapshot */
319 | GLboolean SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchIsTexture( GLuint texture )
320 | {
321 | GLboolean retval;
322 | texture = crServerTranslateTextureID( texture );
323 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.IsTexture( texture );
324 | crServerReturnValue( &retval, sizeof(retval) );
325 | return retval; /* WILL PROBABLY BE IGNORED */
326 | }
327 |
328 | /*@todo will fail for progs loaded from snapshot */
329 | GLboolean SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchIsProgramARB( GLuint program )
330 | {
331 | GLboolean retval;
332 | program = crServerTranslateTextureID(program);
333 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.IsProgramARB( program );
334 | crServerReturnValue( &retval, sizeof(retval) );
335 | return retval; /* WILL PROBABLY BE IGNORED */
336 | }
337 |
339 | crServerDispatchAreTexturesResident(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures,
340 | GLboolean *residences)
341 | {
342 | GLboolean retval;
343 | GLboolean *res = (GLboolean *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLboolean));
344 | GLsizei i;
345 |
346 | (void) residences;
347 |
348 | if (!cr_server.sharedTextureObjects) {
349 | GLuint *textures2 = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
350 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
351 | textures2[i] = crServerTranslateTextureID(textures[i]);
352 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.AreTexturesResident(n, textures2, res);
353 | crFree(textures2);
354 | }
355 | else {
356 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.AreTexturesResident(n, textures, res);
357 | }
358 | crServerReturnValue(res, n * sizeof(GLboolean));
359 |
360 | crFree(res);
361 |
362 | return retval; /* WILL PROBABLY BE IGNORED */
363 | }
364 |
365 |
367 | crServerDispatchAreProgramsResidentNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs,
368 | GLboolean *residences)
369 | {
370 | GLboolean retval;
371 | GLboolean *res = (GLboolean *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLboolean));
372 | GLsizei i;
373 |
374 | (void) residences;
375 |
376 | if (!cr_server.sharedTextureObjects) {
377 | GLuint *programs2 = (GLuint *) crAlloc(n * sizeof(GLuint));
378 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
379 | programs2[i] = crServerTranslateProgramID(programs[i]);
380 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.AreProgramsResidentNV(n, programs2, res);
381 | crFree(programs2);
382 | }
383 | else {
384 | retval = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.AreProgramsResidentNV(n, programs, res);
385 | }
386 |
387 | crServerReturnValue(res, n * sizeof(GLboolean));
388 | crFree(res);
389 |
390 | return retval; /* WILL PROBABLY BE IGNORED */
391 | }