1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "cr_spu.h"
8 | #include "chromium.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "cr_net.h"
11 | #include "cr_rand.h"
12 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
13 | #include "server.h"
14 | #include "cr_mem.h"
15 | #include "cr_string.h"
16 |
18 | crServerDispatchCreateContext(const char *dpyName, GLint visualBits, GLint shareCtx)
19 | {
20 | return crServerDispatchCreateContextEx(dpyName, visualBits, shareCtx, -1, -1);
21 | }
22 |
23 | GLint crServerDispatchCreateContextEx(const char *dpyName, GLint visualBits, GLint shareCtx, GLint preloadCtxID, int32_t internalID)
24 | {
25 | GLint retVal = -1;
26 | CRContext *newCtx;
27 | CRCreateInfo_t *pCreateInfo;
28 |
29 | if (shareCtx > 0) {
30 | crWarning("CRServer: context sharing not implemented.");
31 | shareCtx = 0;
32 | }
33 |
34 | /* Since the Cr server serialized all incoming clients/contexts into
35 | * one outgoing GL stream, we only need to create one context for the
36 | * head SPU. We'll only have to make it current once too, below.
37 | */
38 | if (cr_server.firstCallCreateContext) {
39 | cr_server.SpuContextVisBits = visualBits;
40 | cr_server.SpuContext = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.
41 | CreateContext(dpyName, cr_server.SpuContextVisBits, shareCtx);
42 | if (cr_server.SpuContext < 0) {
43 | crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext() failed.");
44 | return -1;
45 | }
46 | cr_server.firstCallCreateContext = GL_FALSE;
47 | }
48 | else {
49 | /* second or third or ... context */
50 | if ((visualBits & cr_server.SpuContextVisBits) != visualBits) {
51 | int oldSpuContext;
52 |
53 | /* the new context needs new visual attributes */
54 | cr_server.SpuContextVisBits |= visualBits;
55 | crDebug("crServerDispatchCreateContext requires new visual (0x%x).",
56 | cr_server.SpuContextVisBits);
57 |
58 | /* Here, we used to just destroy the old rendering context.
59 | * Unfortunately, this had the side effect of destroying
60 | * all display lists and textures that had been loaded on
61 | * the old context as well.
62 | *
63 | * Now, first try to create a new context, with a suitable
64 | * visual, sharing display lists and textures with the
65 | * old context. Then destroy the old context.
66 | */
67 |
68 | /* create new rendering context with suitable visual */
69 | oldSpuContext = cr_server.SpuContext;
70 | cr_server.SpuContext = cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.
71 | CreateContext(dpyName, cr_server.SpuContextVisBits, cr_server.SpuContext);
72 | /* destroy old rendering context */
73 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.DestroyContext(oldSpuContext);
74 | if (cr_server.SpuContext < 0) {
75 | crWarning("crServerDispatchCreateContext() failed.");
76 | return -1;
77 | }
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | /* Now create a new state-tracker context and initialize the
82 | * dispatch function pointers.
83 | */
84 | newCtx = crStateCreateContextEx(&cr_server.limits, visualBits, NULL, internalID);
85 | if (newCtx) {
86 | crStateSetCurrentPointers( newCtx, &(cr_server.current) );
87 | crStateResetCurrentPointers(&(cr_server.current));
88 | retVal = preloadCtxID<0 ? crServerGenerateID(&cr_server.idsPool.freeContextID) : preloadCtxID;
89 | crHashtableAdd(cr_server.contextTable, retVal, newCtx);
90 |
91 | pCreateInfo = (CRCreateInfo_t *) crAlloc(sizeof(CRCreateInfo_t));
92 | pCreateInfo->pszDpyName = dpyName ? crStrdup(dpyName) : NULL;
93 | pCreateInfo->visualBits = visualBits;
94 | pCreateInfo->internalID = newCtx->id;
95 | crHashtableAdd(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable, retVal, pCreateInfo);
96 | }
97 |
98 | if (retVal != -1 && !cr_server.bIsInLoadingState) {
99 | int pos;
100 | for (pos = 0; pos < CR_MAX_CONTEXTS; pos++) {
101 | if (cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] == 0) {
102 | cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] = retVal;
103 | break;
104 | }
105 | }
106 | }
107 |
108 | crServerReturnValue( &retVal, sizeof(retVal) );
109 |
110 | return retVal;
111 | }
112 |
114 | crServerDispatchDestroyContext( GLint ctx )
115 | {
116 | CRContext *crCtx;
117 |
118 | crCtx = (CRContext *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.contextTable, ctx);
119 | if (!crCtx) {
120 | crWarning("CRServer: DestroyContext invalid context %d", ctx);
121 | return;
122 | }
123 |
124 | crDebug("CRServer: DestroyContext context %d", ctx);
125 |
126 | crHashtableDelete(cr_server.contextTable, ctx, NULL);
127 | crStateDestroyContext( crCtx );
128 | crHashtableDelete(cr_server.pContextCreateInfoTable, ctx, crServerCreateInfoDeleteCB);
129 |
130 | if (cr_server.curClient)
131 | {
132 | int32_t pos;
133 |
134 | /* If we delete our current context, default back to the null context */
135 | if (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx == crCtx) {
136 | cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber = -1;
137 | cr_server.curClient->currentCtx = cr_server.DummyContext;
138 | }
139 |
140 | for (pos = 0; pos < CR_MAX_CONTEXTS; ++pos)
141 | if (cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] == ctx)
142 | {
143 | cr_server.curClient->contextList[pos] = 0;
144 | break;
145 | }
147 | }
148 | }
149 |
150 |
152 | crServerDispatchMakeCurrent( GLint window, GLint nativeWindow, GLint context )
153 | {
154 | CRMuralInfo *mural;
155 | CRContext *ctx;
156 |
157 | if (context >= 0 && window >= 0) {
158 | mural = (CRMuralInfo *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.muralTable, window);
159 | if (!mural && window == MAGIC_OFFSET &&
160 | !cr_server.clients[0]->conn->actual_network) {
161 | /* We're reading from a file and not a real network connection so
162 | * we have to fudge the window id here.
163 | */
164 | window = 0;
165 | mural = (CRMuralInfo *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.muralTable, 0);
166 | }
167 | CRASSERT(mural);
168 |
169 | /* Update the state tracker's current context */
170 | ctx = (CRContext *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.contextTable, context);
171 | if (!ctx) {
172 | crWarning("CRserver: NULL context in MakeCurrent %d", context);
173 | return;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | else {
177 | ctx = cr_server.DummyContext;
178 | window = -1;
179 | mural = NULL;
180 | return;
181 | }
182 |
183 | /*
184 | crDebug("**** %s client %d curCtx=%d curWin=%d", __func__,
185 | cr_server.curClient->number, ctxPos, window);
186 | */
187 | cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber = context;
188 | cr_server.curClient->currentCtx = ctx;
189 | cr_server.curClient->currentMural = mural;
190 | cr_server.curClient->currentWindow = window;
191 |
192 | CRASSERT(cr_server.curClient->currentCtx);
193 |
194 | /* This is a hack to force updating the 'current' attribs */
195 | crStateUpdateColorBits();
196 |
197 | if (ctx)
198 | crStateSetCurrentPointers( ctx, &(cr_server.current) );
199 |
200 | /* check if being made current for first time, update viewport */
201 | if (ctx) {
202 | /* initialize the viewport */
203 | if (ctx->viewport.viewportW == 0) {
204 | ctx->viewport.viewportW = mural->width;
205 | ctx->viewport.viewportH = mural->height;
206 | ctx->viewport.scissorW = mural->width;
207 | ctx->viewport.scissorH = mural->height;
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | /*
212 | crDebug("**** %s currentWindow %d newWindow %d", __func__,
213 | cr_server.currentWindow, window);
214 | */
215 |
216 | if (1/*cr_server.firstCallMakeCurrent ||
217 | cr_server.currentWindow != window ||
218 | cr_server.currentNativeWindow != nativeWindow*/) {
219 | /* Since the cr server serialized all incoming contexts/clients into
220 | * one output stream of GL commands, we only need to call the head
221 | * SPU's MakeCurrent() function once.
222 | * BUT, if we're rendering to multiple windows, we do have to issue
223 | * MakeCurrent() calls sometimes. The same GL context will always be
224 | * used though.
225 | */
226 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MakeCurrent( mural->spuWindow,
227 | nativeWindow,
228 | cr_server.SpuContext );
229 | cr_server.firstCallMakeCurrent = GL_FALSE;
230 | cr_server.currentWindow = window;
231 | cr_server.currentNativeWindow = nativeWindow;
232 |
233 | /* Set initial raster/window position for this context.
234 | * The position has to be translated according to the tile origin.
235 | */
236 | if (mural->numExtents > 0)
237 | {
238 | GLint x = -mural->extents[0].imagewindow.x1;
239 | GLint y = -mural->extents[0].imagewindow.y1;
240 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.WindowPos2iARB(x, y);
241 | /* This MakeCurrent is a bit redundant (we do it again below)
242 | * but it's only done the first time we activate a context.
243 | */
244 | crStateMakeCurrent(ctx);
245 | crStateWindowPos2iARB(x, y);
246 | }
247 | }
248 |
249 | /* This used to be earlier, after crStateUpdateColorBits() call */
250 | crStateMakeCurrent( ctx );
251 |
252 | /* This is pessimistic - we really don't have to invalidate the viewport
253 | * info every time we MakeCurrent, but play it safe for now.
254 | */
255 | mural->viewportValidated = GL_FALSE;
256 | }
257 |