/* $Id: service.cpp 44529 2013-02-04 15:54:15Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Guest Property Service: Host service entry points. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /** @page pg_svc_guest_properties Guest Property HGCM Service * * This HGCM service allows the guest to set and query values in a property * store on the host. The service proxies the guest requests to the service * owner on the host using a request callback provided by the owner, and is * notified of changes to properties made by the host. It forwards these * notifications to clients in the guest which have expressed interest and * are waiting for notification. * * The service currently consists of two threads. One of these is the main * HGCM service thread which deals with requests from the guest and from the * host. The second thread sends the host asynchronous notifications of * changes made by the guest and deals with notification timeouts. * * Guest requests to wait for notification are added to a list of open * notification requests and completed when a corresponding guest property * is changed or when the request times out. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_HGCM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for auto_ptr */ #include #include namespace guestProp { /** * Structure for holding a property */ struct Property { /** The string space core record. */ RTSTRSPACECORE mStrCore; /** The name of the property */ std::string mName; /** The property value */ std::string mValue; /** The timestamp of the property */ uint64_t mTimestamp; /** The property flags */ uint32_t mFlags; /** Default constructor */ Property() : mTimestamp(0), mFlags(NILFLAG) { RT_ZERO(mStrCore); } /** Constructor with const char * */ Property(const char *pcszName, const char *pcszValue, uint64_t u64Timestamp, uint32_t u32Flags) : mName(pcszName), mValue(pcszValue), mTimestamp(u64Timestamp), mFlags(u32Flags) { RT_ZERO(mStrCore); mStrCore.pszString = mName.c_str(); } /** Constructor with std::string */ Property(std::string name, std::string value, uint64_t u64Timestamp, uint32_t u32Flags) : mName(name), mValue(value), mTimestamp(u64Timestamp), mFlags(u32Flags) {} /** Does the property name match one of a set of patterns? */ bool Matches(const char *pszPatterns) const { return ( pszPatterns[0] == '\0' /* match all */ || RTStrSimplePatternMultiMatch(pszPatterns, RTSTR_MAX, mName.c_str(), RTSTR_MAX, NULL) ); } /** Are two properties equal? */ bool operator==(const Property &prop) { if (mTimestamp != prop.mTimestamp) return false; if (mFlags != prop.mFlags) return false; if (mName != prop.mName) return false; if (mValue != prop.mValue) return false; return true; } /* Is the property nil? */ bool isNull() { return mName.empty(); } }; /** The properties list type */ typedef std::list PropertyList; /** * Structure for holding an uncompleted guest call */ struct GuestCall { uint32_t u32ClientId; /** The call handle */ VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE mHandle; /** The function that was requested */ uint32_t mFunction; /** Number of call parameters. */ uint32_t mParmsCnt; /** The call parameters */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM *mParms; /** The default return value, used for passing warnings */ int mRc; /** The standard constructor */ GuestCall(void) : u32ClientId(0), mFunction(0), mParmsCnt(0) {} /** The normal constructor */ GuestCall(uint32_t aClientId, VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE aHandle, uint32_t aFunction, uint32_t aParmsCnt, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM aParms[], int aRc) : u32ClientId(aClientId), mHandle(aHandle), mFunction(aFunction), mParmsCnt(aParmsCnt), mParms(aParms), mRc(aRc) {} }; /** The guest call list type */ typedef std::list CallList; /** * Class containing the shared information service functionality. */ class Service : public RTCNonCopyable { private: /** Type definition for use in callback functions */ typedef Service SELF; /** HGCM helper functions. */ PVBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS mpHelpers; /** Global flags for the service */ ePropFlags meGlobalFlags; /** The property string space handle. */ RTSTRSPACE mhProperties; /** The number of properties. */ unsigned mcProperties; /** The list of property changes for guest notifications; * only used for timestamp tracking in notifications at the moment */ PropertyList mGuestNotifications; /** The list of outstanding guest notification calls */ CallList mGuestWaiters; /** @todo we should have classes for thread and request handler thread */ /** Callback function supplied by the host for notification of updates * to properties */ PFNHGCMSVCEXT mpfnHostCallback; /** User data pointer to be supplied to the host callback function */ void *mpvHostData; /** The previous timestamp. * This is used by getCurrentTimestamp() to decrease the chance of * generating duplicate timestamps. */ uint64_t mPrevTimestamp; /** The number of consecutive timestamp adjustments that we've made. * Together with mPrevTimestamp, this defines a set of obsolete timestamp * values: {(mPrevTimestamp - mcTimestampAdjustments), ..., mPrevTimestamp} */ uint64_t mcTimestampAdjustments; /** * Get the next property change notification from the queue of saved * notification based on the timestamp of the last notification seen. * Notifications will only be reported if the property name matches the * pattern given. * * @returns iprt status value * @returns VWRN_NOT_FOUND if the last notification was not found in the queue * @param pszPatterns the patterns to match the property name against * @param u64Timestamp the timestamp of the last notification * @param pProp where to return the property found. If none is * found this will be set to nil. * @thread HGCM */ int getOldNotification(const char *pszPatterns, uint64_t u64Timestamp, Property *pProp) { AssertPtrReturn(pszPatterns, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* Zero means wait for a new notification. */ AssertReturn(u64Timestamp != 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pProp, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = getOldNotificationInternal(pszPatterns, u64Timestamp, pProp); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT /* * ENSURE that pProp is the first event in the notification queue that: * - Appears later than u64Timestamp * - Matches the pszPatterns */ /** @todo r=bird: This incorrectly ASSUMES that mTimestamp is unique. * The timestamp resolution can be very coarse on windows for instance. */ PropertyList::const_iterator it = mGuestNotifications.begin(); for (; it != mGuestNotifications.end() && it->mTimestamp != u64Timestamp; ++it) {} if (it == mGuestNotifications.end()) /* Not found */ it = mGuestNotifications.begin(); else ++it; /* Next event */ for (; it != mGuestNotifications.end() && it->mTimestamp != pProp->mTimestamp; ++it) Assert(!it->Matches(pszPatterns)); if (pProp->mTimestamp != 0) { Assert(*pProp == *it); Assert(pProp->Matches(pszPatterns)); } #endif /* VBOX_STRICT */ return rc; } /** * Check whether we have permission to change a property. * * @returns Strict VBox status code. * @retval VINF_SUCCESS if we do. * @retval VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED if the value is read-only for the requesting * side. * @retval VINF_PERMISSION_DENIED if the side is globally marked read-only. * * @param eFlags the flags on the property in question * @param isGuest is the guest or the host trying to make the change? */ int checkPermission(ePropFlags eFlags, bool isGuest) { if (eFlags & (isGuest ? RDONLYGUEST : RDONLYHOST)) return VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED; if (isGuest && (meGlobalFlags & RDONLYGUEST)) return VINF_PERMISSION_DENIED; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Gets a property. * * @returns Pointer to the property if found, NULL if not. * * @param pszName The name of the property to get. */ Property *getPropertyInternal(const char *pszName) { return (Property *)RTStrSpaceGet(&mhProperties, pszName); } public: explicit Service(PVBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS pHelpers) : mpHelpers(pHelpers) , meGlobalFlags(NILFLAG) , mhProperties(NULL) , mcProperties(0) , mpfnHostCallback(NULL) , mpvHostData(NULL) , mPrevTimestamp(0) , mcTimestampAdjustments(0) { } /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS::pfnUnload * Simply deletes the service object */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) svcUnload(void *pvService) { AssertLogRelReturn(VALID_PTR(pvService), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); SELF *pSelf = reinterpret_cast(pvService); int rc = pSelf->uninit(); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) delete pSelf; return rc; } /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS::pfnConnect * Stub implementation of pfnConnect and pfnDisconnect. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) svcConnectDisconnect(void * /* pvService */, uint32_t /* u32ClientID */, void * /* pvClient */) { return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS::pfnCall * Wraps to the call member function */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) svcCall(void * pvService, VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE callHandle, uint32_t u32ClientID, void *pvClient, uint32_t u32Function, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { AssertLogRelReturnVoid(VALID_PTR(pvService)); LogFlowFunc(("pvService=%p, callHandle=%p, u32ClientID=%u, pvClient=%p, u32Function=%u, cParms=%u, paParms=%p\n", pvService, callHandle, u32ClientID, pvClient, u32Function, cParms, paParms)); SELF *pSelf = reinterpret_cast(pvService); pSelf->call(callHandle, u32ClientID, pvClient, u32Function, cParms, paParms); LogFlowFunc(("returning\n")); } /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS::pfnHostCall * Wraps to the hostCall member function */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) svcHostCall(void *pvService, uint32_t u32Function, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { AssertLogRelReturn(VALID_PTR(pvService), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowFunc(("pvService=%p, u32Function=%u, cParms=%u, paParms=%p\n", pvService, u32Function, cParms, paParms)); SELF *pSelf = reinterpret_cast(pvService); int rc = pSelf->hostCall(u32Function, cParms, paParms); LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCHELPERS::pfnRegisterExtension * Installs a host callback for notifications of property changes. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) svcRegisterExtension(void *pvService, PFNHGCMSVCEXT pfnExtension, void *pvExtension) { AssertLogRelReturn(VALID_PTR(pvService), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); SELF *pSelf = reinterpret_cast(pvService); pSelf->mpfnHostCallback = pfnExtension; pSelf->mpvHostData = pvExtension; return VINF_SUCCESS; } private: static DECLCALLBACK(int) reqThreadFn(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser); uint64_t getCurrentTimestamp(void); int validateName(const char *pszName, uint32_t cbName); int validateValue(const char *pszValue, uint32_t cbValue); int setPropertyBlock(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int getProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int setProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], bool isGuest); int delProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], bool isGuest); int enumProps(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int getNotification(uint32_t u32ClientId, VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE callHandle, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int getOldNotificationInternal(const char *pszPattern, uint64_t u64Timestamp, Property *pProp); int getNotificationWriteOut(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], Property prop); int doNotifications(const char *pszProperty, uint64_t u64Timestamp); int notifyHost(const char *pszName, const char *pszValue, uint64_t u64Timestamp, const char *pszFlags); void call(VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE callHandle, uint32_t u32ClientID, void *pvClient, uint32_t eFunction, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int hostCall(uint32_t eFunction, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]); int uninit(); void dbgInfoShow(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp); static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgInfo(void *pvUser, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs); }; /** * Gets the current timestamp. * * Since the RTTimeNow resolution can be very coarse, this method takes some * simple steps to try avoid returning the same timestamp for two consecutive * calls. Code like getOldNotification() more or less assumes unique * timestamps. * * @returns Nanosecond timestamp. */ uint64_t Service::getCurrentTimestamp(void) { RTTIMESPEC time; uint64_t u64NanoTS = RTTimeSpecGetNano(RTTimeNow(&time)); if (mPrevTimestamp - u64NanoTS > mcTimestampAdjustments) mcTimestampAdjustments = 0; else { mcTimestampAdjustments++; u64NanoTS = mPrevTimestamp + 1; } this->mPrevTimestamp = u64NanoTS; return u64NanoTS; } /** * Check that a string fits our criteria for a property name. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pszName the string to check, must be valid Utf8 * @param cbName the number of bytes @a pszName points to, including the * terminating '\0' * @thread HGCM */ int Service::validateName(const char *pszName, uint32_t cbName) { LogFlowFunc(("cbName=%d\n", cbName)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (cbName < 2)) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; for (unsigned i = 0; RT_SUCCESS(rc) && i < cbName; ++i) if (pszName[i] == '*' || pszName[i] == '?' || pszName[i] == '|') rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LogFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Check a string fits our criteria for the value of a guest property. * * @returns IPRT status code * @param pszValue the string to check, must be valid Utf8 * @param cbValue the length in bytes of @a pszValue, including the * terminator * @thread HGCM */ int Service::validateValue(const char *pszValue, uint32_t cbValue) { LogFlowFunc(("cbValue=%d\n", cbValue)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbValue == 0) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogFlow((" pszValue=%s\n", cbValue > 0 ? pszValue : NULL)); LogFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Set a block of properties in the property registry, checking the validity * of the arguments passed. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @thread HGCM */ int Service::setPropertyBlock(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { const char **papszNames; const char **papszValues; const char **papszFlags; uint64_t *pau64Timestamps; uint32_t cbDummy; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Get and validate the parameters */ if ( cParms != 4 || RT_FAILURE(paParms[0].getPointer((void **)&papszNames, &cbDummy)) || RT_FAILURE(paParms[1].getPointer((void **)&papszValues, &cbDummy)) || RT_FAILURE(paParms[2].getPointer((void **)&pau64Timestamps, &cbDummy)) || RT_FAILURE(paParms[3].getPointer((void **)&papszFlags, &cbDummy)) ) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /** @todo validate the array sizes... */ for (unsigned i = 0; RT_SUCCESS(rc) && papszNames[i] != NULL; ++i) { if ( !RT_VALID_PTR(papszNames[i]) || !RT_VALID_PTR(papszValues[i]) || !RT_VALID_PTR(papszFlags[i]) ) rc = VERR_INVALID_POINTER; else { uint32_t fFlagsIgn; rc = validateFlags(papszFlags[i], &fFlagsIgn); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Add the properties. No way to roll back here. */ for (unsigned i = 0; papszNames[i] != NULL; ++i) { uint32_t fFlags; rc = validateFlags(papszFlags[i], &fFlags); AssertRCBreak(rc); Property *pProp = getPropertyInternal(papszNames[i]); if (pProp) { /* Update existing property. */ pProp->mValue = papszValues[i]; pProp->mTimestamp = pau64Timestamps[i]; pProp->mFlags = fFlags; } else { /* Create a new property */ pProp = new Property(papszNames[i], papszValues[i], pau64Timestamps[i], fFlags); if (!pProp) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } if (RTStrSpaceInsert(&mhProperties, &pProp->mStrCore)) mcProperties++; else { delete pProp; rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3; AssertFailedBreak(); } } } } return rc; } /** * Retrieve a value from the property registry by name, checking the validity * of the arguments passed. If the guest has not allocated enough buffer * space for the value then we return VERR_OVERFLOW and set the size of the * buffer needed in the "size" HGCM parameter. If the name was not found at * all, we return VERR_NOT_FOUND. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @thread HGCM */ int Service::getProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { int rc; const char *pcszName = NULL; /* shut up gcc */ char *pchBuf; uint32_t cbName, cbBuf; /* * Get and validate the parameters */ LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); if ( cParms != 4 /* Hardcoded value as the next lines depend on it. */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[0].getString(&pcszName, &cbName)) /* name */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[1].getBuffer((void **)&pchBuf, &cbBuf)) /* buffer */ ) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else rc = validateName(pcszName, cbName); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /* * Read and set the values we will return */ /* Get the property. */ Property *pProp = getPropertyInternal(pcszName); if (pProp) { char szFlags[MAX_FLAGS_LEN]; rc = writeFlags(pProp->mFlags, szFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Check that the buffer is big enough */ size_t const cbFlags = strlen(szFlags) + 1; size_t const cbValue = pProp->mValue.size() + 1; size_t const cbNeeded = cbValue + cbFlags; paParms[3].setUInt32((uint32_t)cbNeeded); if (cbBuf >= cbNeeded) { /* Write the value, flags and timestamp */ memcpy(pchBuf, pProp->mValue.c_str(), cbValue); memcpy(pchBuf + cbValue, szFlags, cbFlags); paParms[2].setUInt64(pProp->mTimestamp); /* * Done! Do exit logging and return. */ Log2(("Queried string %s, value=%s, timestamp=%lld, flags=%s\n", pcszName, pProp->mValue.c_str(), pProp->mTimestamp, szFlags)); } else rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } } else rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; LogFlowThisFunc(("rc = %Rrc (%s)\n", rc, pcszName)); return rc; } /** * Set a value in the property registry by name, checking the validity * of the arguments passed. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @param isGuest is this call coming from the guest (or the host)? * @throws std::bad_alloc if an out of memory condition occurs * @thread HGCM */ int Service::setProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], bool isGuest) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; const char *pcszName = NULL; /* shut up gcc */ const char *pcszValue = NULL; /* ditto */ const char *pcszFlags = NULL; uint32_t cchName = 0; /* ditto */ uint32_t cchValue = 0; /* ditto */ uint32_t cchFlags = 0; uint32_t fFlags = NILFLAG; uint64_t u64TimeNano = getCurrentTimestamp(); LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); /* * General parameter correctness checking. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && ( (cParms < 2) || (cParms > 3) /* Hardcoded value as the next lines depend on it. */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[0].getString(&pcszName, &cchName)) /* name */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[1].getString(&pcszValue, &cchValue)) /* value */ || ( (3 == cParms) && RT_FAILURE(paParms[2].getString(&pcszFlags, &cchFlags)) /* flags */ ) ) ) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* * Check the values passed in the parameters for correctness. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = validateName(pcszName, cchName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = validateValue(pcszValue, cchValue); if ((3 == cParms) && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrValidateEncodingEx(pcszFlags, cchFlags, RTSTR_VALIDATE_ENCODING_ZERO_TERMINATED); if ((3 == cParms) && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = validateFlags(pcszFlags, &fFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /* * If the property already exists, check its flags to see if we are allowed * to change it. */ Property *pProp = getPropertyInternal(pcszName); rc = checkPermission(pProp ? (ePropFlags)pProp->mFlags : NILFLAG, isGuest); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { /* * Set the actual value */ if (pProp) { pProp->mValue = pcszValue; pProp->mTimestamp = u64TimeNano; pProp->mFlags = fFlags; } else if (mcProperties < MAX_PROPS) { try { /* Create a new string space record. */ pProp = new Property(pcszName, pcszValue, u64TimeNano, fFlags); AssertPtr(pProp); if (RTStrSpaceInsert(&mhProperties, &pProp->mStrCore)) mcProperties++; else { AssertFailed(); delete pProp; rc = VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } else rc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; /* * Send a notification to the guest and host and return. */ // if (isGuest) /* Notify the host even for properties that the host // * changed. Less efficient, but ensures consistency. */ int rc2 = doNotifications(pcszName, u64TimeNano); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } LogFlowThisFunc(("%s=%s, rc=%Rrc\n", pcszName, pcszValue, rc)); return rc; } /** * Remove a value in the property registry by name, checking the validity * of the arguments passed. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @param isGuest is this call coming from the guest (or the host)? * @thread HGCM */ int Service::delProperty(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], bool isGuest) { int rc; const char *pcszName = NULL; /* shut up gcc */ uint32_t cbName; LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); /* * Check the user-supplied parameters. */ if ( (cParms == 1) /* Hardcoded value as the next lines depend on it. */ && RT_SUCCESS(paParms[0].getString(&pcszName, &cbName)) /* name */ ) rc = validateName(pcszName, cbName); else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /* * If the property exists, check its flags to see if we are allowed * to change it. */ Property *pProp = getPropertyInternal(pcszName); if (pProp) rc = checkPermission((ePropFlags)pProp->mFlags, isGuest); /* * And delete the property if all is well. */ if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS && pProp) { uint64_t u64Timestamp = getCurrentTimestamp(); PRTSTRSPACECORE pStrCore = RTStrSpaceRemove(&mhProperties, pProp->mStrCore.pszString); AssertPtr(pStrCore); NOREF(pStrCore); mcProperties--; delete pProp; // if (isGuest) /* Notify the host even for properties that the host // * changed. Less efficient, but ensures consistency. */ int rc2 = doNotifications(pcszName, u64Timestamp); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } LogFlowThisFunc(("%s: rc=%Rrc\n", pcszName, rc)); return rc; } /** * Enumeration data shared between enumPropsCallback and Service::enumProps. */ typedef struct ENUMDATA { const char *pszPattern; /**< The pattern to match properties against. */ char *pchCur; /**< The current buffer postion. */ size_t cbLeft; /**< The amount of available buffer space. */ size_t cbNeeded; /**< The amount of needed buffer space. */ } ENUMDATA; /** * @callback_method_impl{FNRTSTRSPACECALLBACK} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) enumPropsCallback(PRTSTRSPACECORE pStr, void *pvUser) { Property *pProp = (Property *)pStr; ENUMDATA *pEnum = (ENUMDATA *)pvUser; /* Included in the enumeration? */ if (!pProp->Matches(pEnum->pszPattern)) return 0; /* Convert the non-string members into strings. */ char szTimestamp[256]; size_t const cbTimestamp = RTStrFormatNumber(szTimestamp, pProp->mTimestamp, 10, 0, 0, 0) + 1; char szFlags[MAX_FLAGS_LEN]; int rc = writeFlags(pProp->mFlags, szFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; size_t const cbFlags = strlen(szFlags) + 1; /* Calculate the buffer space requirements. */ size_t const cbName = pProp->mName.length() + 1; size_t const cbValue = pProp->mValue.length() + 1; size_t const cbRequired = cbName + cbValue + cbTimestamp + cbFlags; pEnum->cbNeeded += cbRequired; /* Sufficient buffer space? */ if (cbRequired > pEnum->cbLeft) { pEnum->cbLeft = 0; return 0; /* don't quit */ } pEnum->cbLeft -= cbRequired; /* Append the property to the buffer. */ char *pchCur = pEnum->pchCur; pEnum->pchCur += cbRequired; memcpy(pchCur, pProp->mName.c_str(), cbName); pchCur += cbName; memcpy(pchCur, pProp->mValue.c_str(), cbValue); pchCur += cbValue; memcpy(pchCur, szTimestamp, cbTimestamp); pchCur += cbTimestamp; memcpy(pchCur, szFlags, cbFlags); pchCur += cbFlags; Assert(pchCur == pEnum->pchCur); return 0; } /** * Enumerate guest properties by mask, checking the validity * of the arguments passed. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @thread HGCM */ int Service::enumProps(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Get the HGCM function arguments. */ char const *pchPatterns = NULL; char *pchBuf = NULL; uint32_t cbPatterns = 0; uint32_t cbBuf = 0; LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); if ( (cParms != 3) /* Hardcoded value as the next lines depend on it. */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[0].getString(&pchPatterns, &cbPatterns)) /* patterns */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[1].getBuffer((void **)&pchBuf, &cbBuf)) /* return buffer */ ) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbPatterns > MAX_PATTERN_LEN) rc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; /* * First repack the patterns into the format expected by RTStrSimplePatternMatch() */ char szPatterns[MAX_PATTERN_LEN]; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < cbPatterns - 1; ++i) if (pchPatterns[i] != '\0') szPatterns[i] = pchPatterns[i]; else szPatterns[i] = '|'; szPatterns[cbPatterns - 1] = '\0'; } /* * Next enumerate into the buffer. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ENUMDATA EnumData; EnumData.pszPattern = szPatterns; EnumData.pchCur = pchBuf; EnumData.cbLeft = cbBuf; EnumData.cbNeeded = 0; rc = RTStrSpaceEnumerate(&mhProperties, enumPropsCallback, &EnumData); AssertRCSuccess(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { paParms[2].setUInt32((uint32_t)(EnumData.cbNeeded + 4)); if (EnumData.cbLeft >= 4) { /* The final terminators. */ EnumData.pchCur[0] = '\0'; EnumData.pchCur[1] = '\0'; EnumData.pchCur[2] = '\0'; EnumData.pchCur[3] = '\0'; } else rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } } return rc; } /** Helper query used by getOldNotification */ int Service::getOldNotificationInternal(const char *pszPatterns, uint64_t u64Timestamp, Property *pProp) { /* We count backwards, as the guest should normally be querying the * most recent events. */ int rc = VWRN_NOT_FOUND; PropertyList::reverse_iterator it = mGuestNotifications.rbegin(); for (; it != mGuestNotifications.rend(); ++it) if (it->mTimestamp == u64Timestamp) { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } /* Now look for an event matching the patterns supplied. The base() * member conveniently points to the following element. */ PropertyList::iterator base = it.base(); for (; base != mGuestNotifications.end(); ++base) if (base->Matches(pszPatterns)) { *pProp = *base; return rc; } *pProp = Property(); return rc; } /** Helper query used by getNotification */ int Service::getNotificationWriteOut(uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[], Property prop) { AssertReturn(cParms == 4, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* Basic sanity checking. */ /* Format the data to write to the buffer. */ std::string buffer; uint64_t u64Timestamp; char *pchBuf; uint32_t cbBuf; int rc = paParms[2].getBuffer((void **)&pchBuf, &cbBuf); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char szFlags[MAX_FLAGS_LEN]; rc = writeFlags(prop.mFlags, szFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { buffer += prop.mName; buffer += '\0'; buffer += prop.mValue; buffer += '\0'; buffer += szFlags; buffer += '\0'; u64Timestamp = prop.mTimestamp; } } /* Write out the data. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { paParms[1].setUInt64(u64Timestamp); paParms[3].setUInt32((uint32_t)buffer.size()); if (buffer.size() <= cbBuf) buffer.copy(pchBuf, cbBuf); else rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } return rc; } /** * Get the next guest notification. * * @returns iprt status value * @param cParms the number of HGCM parameters supplied * @param paParms the array of HGCM parameters * @thread HGCM * @throws can throw std::bad_alloc */ int Service::getNotification(uint32_t u32ClientId, VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE callHandle, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszPatterns = NULL; /* shut up gcc */ char *pchBuf; uint32_t cchPatterns = 0; uint32_t cbBuf = 0; uint64_t u64Timestamp; /* * Get the HGCM function arguments and perform basic verification. */ LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); if ( (cParms != 4) /* Hardcoded value as the next lines depend on it. */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[0].getString(&pszPatterns, &cchPatterns)) /* patterns */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[1].getUInt64(&u64Timestamp)) /* timestamp */ || RT_FAILURE(paParms[2].getBuffer((void **)&pchBuf, &cbBuf)) /* return buffer */ ) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogFlow(("pszPatterns=%s, u64Timestamp=%llu\n", pszPatterns, u64Timestamp)); /* * If no timestamp was supplied or no notification was found in the queue * of old notifications, enqueue the request in the waiting queue. */ Property prop; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && u64Timestamp != 0) rc = getOldNotification(pszPatterns, u64Timestamp, &prop); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (prop.isNull()) { /* * Check if the client already had the same request. * Complete the old request with an error in this case. * Protection against clients, which cancel and resubmits requests. */ CallList::iterator it = mGuestWaiters.begin(); while (it != mGuestWaiters.end()) { const char *pszPatternsExisting; uint32_t cchPatternsExisting; int rc3 = it->mParms[0].getString(&pszPatternsExisting, &cchPatternsExisting); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc3) && u32ClientId == it->u32ClientId && RTStrCmp(pszPatterns, pszPatternsExisting) == 0) { /* Complete the old request. */ mpHelpers->pfnCallComplete(it->mHandle, VERR_INTERRUPTED); it = mGuestWaiters.erase(it); } else ++it; } mGuestWaiters.push_back(GuestCall(u32ClientId, callHandle, GET_NOTIFICATION, cParms, paParms, rc)); rc = VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE; } /* * Otherwise reply at once with the enqueued notification we found. */ else { int rc2 = getNotificationWriteOut(cParms, paParms, prop); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) rc = rc2; } } LogFlowThisFunc(("returning rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Notify the service owner and the guest that a property has been * added/deleted/changed * @param pszProperty the name of the property which has changed * @param u64Timestamp the time at which the change took place * * @thread HGCM service */ int Service::doNotifications(const char *pszProperty, uint64_t u64Timestamp) { AssertPtrReturn(pszProperty, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowThisFunc(("pszProperty=%s, u64Timestamp=%llu\n", pszProperty, u64Timestamp)); /* Ensure that our timestamp is different to the last one. */ if ( !mGuestNotifications.empty() && u64Timestamp == mGuestNotifications.back().mTimestamp) ++u64Timestamp; /* * Try to find the property. Create a change event if we find it and a * delete event if we do not. */ Property prop; prop.mName = pszProperty; prop.mTimestamp = u64Timestamp; /* prop is currently a delete event for pszProperty */ Property const * const pProp = getPropertyInternal(pszProperty); if (pProp) { /* Make prop into a change event. */ prop.mValue = pProp->mValue; prop.mFlags = pProp->mFlags; } /* Release guest waiters if applicable and add the event * to the queue for guest notifications */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; try { CallList::iterator it = mGuestWaiters.begin(); while (it != mGuestWaiters.end()) { const char *pszPatterns; uint32_t cchPatterns; it->mParms[0].getString(&pszPatterns, &cchPatterns); if (prop.Matches(pszPatterns)) { GuestCall curCall = *it; int rc2 = getNotificationWriteOut(curCall.mParmsCnt, curCall.mParms, prop); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) rc2 = curCall.mRc; mpHelpers->pfnCallComplete(curCall.mHandle, rc2); it = mGuestWaiters.erase(it); } else ++it; } mGuestNotifications.push_back(prop); /** @todo r=andy This list does not have a purpose but for tracking * the timestamps ... */ if (mGuestNotifications.size() > MAX_GUEST_NOTIFICATIONS) mGuestNotifications.pop_front(); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && mpfnHostCallback) { /* * Host notifications - first case: if the property exists then send its * current value */ if (pProp) { char szFlags[MAX_FLAGS_LEN]; /* Send out a host notification */ const char *pszValue = prop.mValue.c_str(); rc = writeFlags(prop.mFlags, szFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = notifyHost(pszProperty, pszValue, u64Timestamp, szFlags); } /* * Host notifications - second case: if the property does not exist then * send the host an empty value */ else { /* Send out a host notification */ rc = notifyHost(pszProperty, "", u64Timestamp, ""); } } LogFlowThisFunc(("returning rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Notify the service owner that a property has been added/deleted/changed. * @returns IPRT status value * @param pszName the property name * @param pszValue the new value, or NULL if the property was deleted * @param u64Timestamp the time of the change * @param pszFlags the new flags string */ int Service::notifyHost(const char *pszName, const char *pszValue, uint64_t u64Timestamp, const char *pszFlags) { LogFlowFunc(("pszName=%s, pszValue=%s, u64Timestamp=%llu, pszFlags=%s\n", pszName, pszValue, u64Timestamp, pszFlags)); HOSTCALLBACKDATA HostCallbackData; HostCallbackData.u32Magic = HOSTCALLBACKMAGIC; HostCallbackData.pcszName = pszName; HostCallbackData.pcszValue = pszValue; HostCallbackData.u64Timestamp = u64Timestamp; HostCallbackData.pcszFlags = pszFlags; int rc = mpfnHostCallback(mpvHostData, 0 /*u32Function*/, (void *)(&HostCallbackData), sizeof(HostCallbackData)); LogFlowFunc(("returning rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Handle an HGCM service call. * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCFNTABLE::pfnCall * @note All functions which do not involve an unreasonable delay will be * handled synchronously. If needed, we will add a request handler * thread in future for those which do. * * @thread HGCM */ void Service::call (VBOXHGCMCALLHANDLE callHandle, uint32_t u32ClientID, void * /* pvClient */, uint32_t eFunction, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("u32ClientID = %d, fn = %d, cParms = %d, pparms = %p\n", u32ClientID, eFunction, cParms, paParms)); try { switch (eFunction) { /* The guest wishes to read a property */ case GET_PROP: LogFlowFunc(("GET_PROP\n")); rc = getProperty(cParms, paParms); break; /* The guest wishes to set a property */ case SET_PROP: LogFlowFunc(("SET_PROP\n")); rc = setProperty(cParms, paParms, true); break; /* The guest wishes to set a property value */ case SET_PROP_VALUE: LogFlowFunc(("SET_PROP_VALUE\n")); rc = setProperty(cParms, paParms, true); break; /* The guest wishes to remove a configuration value */ case DEL_PROP: LogFlowFunc(("DEL_PROP\n")); rc = delProperty(cParms, paParms, true); break; /* The guest wishes to enumerate all properties */ case ENUM_PROPS: LogFlowFunc(("ENUM_PROPS\n")); rc = enumProps(cParms, paParms); break; /* The guest wishes to get the next property notification */ case GET_NOTIFICATION: LogFlowFunc(("GET_NOTIFICATION\n")); rc = getNotification(u32ClientID, callHandle, cParms, paParms); break; default: rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogFlowFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); if (rc != VINF_HGCM_ASYNC_EXECUTE) { mpHelpers->pfnCallComplete (callHandle, rc); } } /** * Enumeration data shared between dbgInfoCallback and Service::dbgInfoShow. */ typedef struct ENUMDBGINFO { PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp; } ENUMDBGINFO; static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgInfoCallback(PRTSTRSPACECORE pStr, void *pvUser) { Property *pProp = (Property *)pStr; PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp = ((ENUMDBGINFO*)pvUser)->pHlp; char szFlags[MAX_FLAGS_LEN]; int rc = writeFlags(pProp->mFlags, szFlags); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTStrPrintf(szFlags, sizeof(szFlags), "???"); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%s: '%s', %RU64", pProp->mName.c_str(), pProp->mValue.c_str(), pProp->mTimestamp); if (strlen(szFlags)) pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " (%s)", szFlags); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "\n"); return 0; } void Service::dbgInfoShow(PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp) { ENUMDBGINFO EnumData = { pHlp }; RTStrSpaceEnumerate(&mhProperties, dbgInfoCallback, &EnumData); } /** * Handler for debug info. * * @param pvUser user pointer. * @param pHlp The info helper functions. * @param pszArgs Arguments, ignored. */ void Service::dbgInfo(void *pvUser, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs) { SELF *pSelf = reinterpret_cast(pvUser); pSelf->dbgInfoShow(pHlp); } /** * Service call handler for the host. * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCFNTABLE::pfnHostCall * @thread hgcm */ int Service::hostCall (uint32_t eFunction, uint32_t cParms, VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[]) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("fn = %d, cParms = %d, pparms = %p\n", eFunction, cParms, paParms)); try { switch (eFunction) { /* The host wishes to set a block of properties */ case SET_PROPS_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("SET_PROPS_HOST\n")); rc = setPropertyBlock(cParms, paParms); break; /* The host wishes to read a configuration value */ case GET_PROP_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("GET_PROP_HOST\n")); rc = getProperty(cParms, paParms); break; /* The host wishes to set a configuration value */ case SET_PROP_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("SET_PROP_HOST\n")); rc = setProperty(cParms, paParms, false); break; /* The host wishes to set a configuration value */ case SET_PROP_VALUE_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("SET_PROP_VALUE_HOST\n")); rc = setProperty(cParms, paParms, false); break; /* The host wishes to remove a configuration value */ case DEL_PROP_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("DEL_PROP_HOST\n")); rc = delProperty(cParms, paParms, false); break; /* The host wishes to enumerate all properties */ case ENUM_PROPS_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("ENUM_PROPS\n")); rc = enumProps(cParms, paParms); break; /* The host wishes to set global flags for the service */ case SET_GLOBAL_FLAGS_HOST: LogFlowFunc(("SET_GLOBAL_FLAGS_HOST\n")); if (cParms == 1) { uint32_t eFlags; rc = paParms[0].getUInt32(&eFlags); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) meGlobalFlags = (ePropFlags)eFlags; } else rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; case GET_DBGF_INFO_FN: if (cParms != 2) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; paParms[0].u.pointer.addr = (void*)(uintptr_t)dbgInfo; paParms[1].u.pointer.addr = (void*)this; break; default: rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogFlowFunc(("rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } int Service::uninit() { return VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* namespace guestProp */ using guestProp::Service; /** * @copydoc VBOXHGCMSVCLOAD */ extern "C" DECLCALLBACK(DECLEXPORT(int)) VBoxHGCMSvcLoad (VBOXHGCMSVCFNTABLE *ptable) { int rc = VERR_IPE_UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; LogFlowFunc(("ptable = %p\n", ptable)); if (!RT_VALID_PTR(ptable)) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else { LogFlowFunc(("ptable->cbSize = %d, ptable->u32Version = 0x%08X\n", ptable->cbSize, ptable->u32Version)); if ( ptable->cbSize != sizeof(VBOXHGCMSVCFNTABLE) || ptable->u32Version != VBOX_HGCM_SVC_VERSION) rc = VERR_VERSION_MISMATCH; else { Service *pService = NULL; /* No exceptions may propagate outside. */ try { pService = new Service(ptable->pHelpers); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } catch (int rcThrown) { rc = rcThrown; } catch (...) { rc = VERR_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* We do not maintain connections, so no client data is needed. */ ptable->cbClient = 0; ptable->pfnUnload = Service::svcUnload; ptable->pfnConnect = Service::svcConnectDisconnect; ptable->pfnDisconnect = Service::svcConnectDisconnect; ptable->pfnCall = Service::svcCall; ptable->pfnHostCall = Service::svcHostCall; ptable->pfnSaveState = NULL; /* The service is stateless, so the normal */ ptable->pfnLoadState = NULL; /* construction done before restoring suffices */ ptable->pfnRegisterExtension = Service::svcRegisterExtension; /* Service specific initialization. */ ptable->pvService = pService; } else Assert(!pService); } } LogFlowFunc(("returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; }