/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved. * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include #include "cr_threads.h" #include "cr_error.h" /* perror() messages */ #define INIT_TSD_ERROR "InitTSD: failed to allocate key" #define FREE_TSD_ERROR "FreeTSD: failed to destroy key" #define SET_TSD_ERROR "InitTSD: thread failed to set thread specific data" #define GET_TSD_ERROR "InitTSD: failed to get thread specific data" /* Magic number to determine if a CRtsd has been initialized */ #define INIT_MAGIC 0xff8adc98 /* Initialize a CRtsd */ void crInitTSDF(CRtsd *tsd, void (*destructor)(void *)) { #ifdef WINDOWS tsd->key = TlsAlloc(); if (tsd->key == 0xffffffff) { crError("crInitTSD failed!"); } (void) destructor; #else if (pthread_key_create(&tsd->key, destructor) != 0) { perror(INIT_TSD_ERROR); crError("crInitTSD failed!"); } #endif tsd->initMagic = INIT_MAGIC; } void crInitTSD(CRtsd *tsd) { crInitTSDF(tsd, NULL); } void crFreeTSD(CRtsd *tsd) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* Windows returns true on success, 0 on failure */ if (TlsFree(tsd->key) == 0) { crError("crFreeTSD failed!"); } #else if (pthread_key_delete(tsd->key) != 0) { perror(FREE_TSD_ERROR); crError("crFreeTSD failed!"); } #endif tsd->initMagic = 0x0; } /* Set thread-specific data */ void crSetTSD(CRtsd *tsd, void *ptr) { if (tsd->initMagic != (int) INIT_MAGIC) { /* initialize this CRtsd */ crInitTSD(tsd); } #ifdef WINDOWS if (TlsSetValue(tsd->key, ptr) == 0) { crError("crSetTSD failed!"); } #else if (pthread_setspecific(tsd->key, ptr) != 0) { crError("crSetTSD failed!"); } #endif } /* Get thread-specific data */ void *crGetTSD(CRtsd *tsd) { #ifdef WINDOWS void * value; DWORD err; LPVOID lpMsgBuf; #endif if (tsd->initMagic != (int) INIT_MAGIC) { crInitTSD(tsd); } #ifdef WINDOWS value = TlsGetValue(tsd->key); if (!value) { err = GetLastError(); if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); crError("crGetTSD failed with %d: %s", err, lpMsgBuf); LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); } } return value; #else return pthread_getspecific(tsd->key); #endif } /* Return ID of calling thread */ unsigned long crThreadID(void) { #ifdef WINDOWS return (unsigned long) GetCurrentThreadId(); #else return (unsigned long) pthread_self(); #endif } void crInitMutex(CRmutex *mutex) { #ifdef WINDOWS InitializeCriticalSection(mutex); #else pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL); #endif } void crFreeMutex(CRmutex *mutex) { #ifdef WINDOWS DeleteCriticalSection(mutex); #else pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex); #endif } void crLockMutex(CRmutex *mutex) { #ifdef WINDOWS EnterCriticalSection(mutex); #else pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); #endif } void crUnlockMutex(CRmutex *mutex) { #ifdef WINDOWS LeaveCriticalSection(mutex); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); #endif } void crInitCondition(CRcondition *cond) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* XXX fix me */ (void) cond; #else int err = pthread_cond_init(cond, NULL); if (err) { crError("crInitCondition failed"); } #endif } void crFreeCondition(CRcondition *cond) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* XXX fix me */ (void) cond; #else int err = pthread_cond_destroy(cond); if (err) { crError("crFreeCondition error (threads waiting on the condition?)"); } #endif } /** * We're basically just wrapping the pthread condition var interface. * See the man page for pthread_cond_wait to learn about the mutex parameter. */ void crWaitCondition(CRcondition *cond, CRmutex *mutex) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* XXX fix me */ (void) cond; (void) mutex; #else pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex); #endif } void crSignalCondition(CRcondition *cond) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* XXX fix me */ (void) cond; #else pthread_cond_signal(cond); #endif } void crInitBarrier(CRbarrier *b, unsigned int count) { #ifdef WINDOWS unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) b->hEvents[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); #else b->count = count; b->waiting = 0; pthread_cond_init( &(b->cond), NULL ); pthread_mutex_init( &(b->mutex), NULL ); #endif } void crFreeBarrier(CRbarrier *b) { /* XXX anything to do? */ } void crWaitBarrier(CRbarrier *b) { #ifdef WINDOWS DWORD dwEvent = WaitForMultipleObjects( b->count, b->hEvents, FALSE, INFINITE ); #else pthread_mutex_lock( &(b->mutex) ); b->waiting++; if (b->waiting < b->count) { pthread_cond_wait( &(b->cond), &(b->mutex) ); } else { pthread_cond_broadcast( &(b->cond) ); b->waiting = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock( &(b->mutex) ); #endif } void crInitSemaphore(CRsemaphore *s, unsigned int count) { #ifdef WINDOWS crWarning("CRsemaphore functions not implemented on Windows"); #else sem_init(s, 0, count); #endif } void crWaitSemaphore(CRsemaphore *s) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* to do */ #else sem_wait(s); #endif } void crSignalSemaphore(CRsemaphore *s) { #ifdef WINDOWS /* to do */ #else sem_post(s); #endif }