1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software
5 |
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 | import sys
8 |
9 | def main():
10 | name = sys.argv[1]
11 | Name = sys.argv[2]
12 |
13 | print("""/* This code is AUTOGENERATED!!! */
14 |
15 | #include "state.h"
16 | #include "state_internals.h\"""")
17 |
18 | print("""
19 | void crState%(Name)sDiff(CR%(Name)sBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
20 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx)
21 | {
22 | PCRStateTracker pState = fromCtx->pStateTracker;
23 | CR%(Name)sState *from = &(fromCtx->%(name)s);
24 | CR%(Name)sState *to = &(toCtx->%(name)s);"""%vars())
25 | gendiffcode("state_%s.txt"%(name.lower()), name, docopy=1, doinvalid=0)
26 | print("""}
27 |
28 | void crState%(Name)sSwitch(CR%(Name)sBits *b, CRbitvalue *bitID,
29 | CRContext *fromCtx, CRContext *toCtx)
30 | {
31 | PCRStateTracker pState = fromCtx->pStateTracker;
32 | CR%(Name)sState *from = &(fromCtx->%(name)s);
33 | CR%(Name)sState *to = &(toCtx->%(name)s);"""%vars())
34 | gendiffcode("state_%s.txt"%(Name.lower()), Name, docopy=0, doinvalid=1)
35 | print("}\n")
36 |
37 | def gendiffcode(fname, state_name, docopy, doinvalid):
38 | target = "to"
39 | current = "from"
40 | bit = "b"
41 | extrabit = ""
42 | tab = "\t"
43 | current_guard = ""
44 | current_dependency = ""
45 |
46 | v_types = {
47 | 'l': 'GLboolean',
48 | 'b': 'GLbyte',
49 | 'ub': 'GLubyte',
50 | 's': 'GLshort',
51 | 'us': 'GLushort',
52 | 'i': 'GLint',
53 | 'ui': 'GLuint',
54 | 'f': 'GLfloat',
55 | 'd': 'GLdouble'
56 | }
57 |
58 | FILE = open(sys.argv[3]+"/"+fname, "r")
59 |
60 | print(""" unsigned int j, i;
61 | CRbitvalue nbitID[CR_MAX_BITARRAY];
62 | CRASSERT(fromCtx->pStateTracker == toCtx->pStateTracker);
63 | for (j = 0; j<CR_MAX_BITARRAY; j++)
64 | nbitID[j] = ~bitID[j];
65 | i = 0; /* silence compiler */""")
66 |
67 | import re
68 | for line in FILE:
69 | line = line.rstrip()
70 |
71 | if re.match("#", line):
72 | continue
73 |
74 | ## Handle text dump
75 | m = re.match("\+(.*)", line)
76 | if m:
77 | if doinvalid:
78 | continue
79 | line = m.group(1)
80 |
81 | else:
82 | m = re.match("-(.*)", line)
83 | if m:
84 | if docopy:
85 | continue
86 | line = m.group(1)
87 |
88 | m = re.match(">(.*)", line)
89 | if m:
90 | text = m.group(1)
91 | if re.search("}", line):
92 | tab = tab[:-1]
93 | print(tab+text)
94 | if re.search("{", line):
95 | tab = tab+"\t"
96 | continue
97 |
98 | ## Handle commands
99 |
100 | m = re.search("%target=(\w*)", line)
101 | if m:
102 | target = m.group(1)
103 | m = re.search("%current=(\w*)", line)
104 | if m:
105 | current = m.group(1)
106 | m = re.search("%bit=(\w*)", line)
107 | if m:
108 | bit = m.group(1)
109 | m = re.search("%extrabit=(\w*)", line)
110 | if m:
111 | extrabit = m.group(1)
112 |
113 | if re.search("%flush", line):
114 | if current_guard != "":
115 | print(tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars())
116 | tab = tab[:-1]
117 | print(tab+"}")
118 | if docopy and current_dependency != "":
119 | tab = tab[:-1]
120 | print(tab+"}")
121 | current_guard = ""
122 | current_dependency = ""
123 | if re.search("%", line):
124 | continue
125 |
126 | ## Load the line
127 | (dependency, guardbit, members, func) = \
128 | (re.split(":", line) + ["", ""])[0:4]
129 | func = func.rstrip()
130 |
131 | ## Close the guardbit and dependency
132 | if current_guard != "" and current_guard != guardbit:
133 | print(tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars())
134 | tab = tab[:-1]
135 | print(tab+"}")
136 | if docopy and current_dependency != "" and current_dependency != dependency:
137 | tab = tab[:-1]
138 | print(tab+"}")
139 |
140 | ## Open the dependency if
141 | if docopy and current_dependency != dependency and dependency != "":
142 | print(tab+"if (%(target)s->%(dependency)s)\n%(tab)s{"%vars())
143 | tab = tab+"\t"
144 | current_dependency = dependency
145 |
146 | ## Open the guard if
147 | if docopy and current_dependency != dependency and dependency != "":
148 | print(tab+"if ($(target)s->%(dependency)s)\n%(tab)s{"%vars())
149 | tab = tab+"\t"
150 |
151 | if current_guard != guardbit and guardbit != "":
152 | print(tab+"if (CHECKDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(guardbit)s, bitID))\n%(tab)s{"%vars())
153 | tab = tab+"\t"
154 | if members[0] != "*" and guardbit[0:6] == "enable":
155 | print(tab+"glAble able[2];")
156 | print(tab+"able[0] = pState->diff_api.Disable;")
157 | print(tab+"able[1] = pState->diff_api.Enable;")
158 |
159 | current_dependency = dependency
160 | current_guard = guardbit
161 |
162 | ## Handle text dump
163 | if members[0] == "*":
164 | print(tab+members[1:])
165 | else:
166 | ## Parse the members variable
167 | mainelem = re.split(",", members)
168 | elems = re.split("\|", members)
169 | if len(elems) > 1:
170 | mainelem = [""]
171 | mainelem[0] = elems[0]
172 | elems = re.split(",", elems[1])
173 | newelems = []
174 | for elem in elems:
175 | elem = mainelem[0] + "." + elem
176 | newelems += [elem]
177 | elems = newelems
178 | else:
179 | elems = re.split(",", members)
180 |
181 | ## Check member values
182 | if guardbit != "extensions":
183 | sys.stdout.write(tab+"if (")
184 | first = 1
185 | for elem in elems:
186 | if first != 1:
187 | print(" ||\n"+tab+" ", end="")
188 | first = 0
189 | sys.stdout.write("%(current)s->%(elem)s != %(target)s->%(elem)s"%vars())
190 | print(")\n"+tab+"{")
191 | tab = tab+"\t"
192 |
193 | ## Handle text function
194 | if func[0] == "*":
195 | func = func[1:]
196 | print(tab+func)
197 | else:
198 | if func != "":
199 | ## Call the glhw function
200 | if guardbit[0:6] == "enable":
201 | print(tab+"able["+target+"->"+elems[0]+"]("+func+");")
202 | elif guardbit == "extensions":
203 | print(tab+"crState$state_name",end="")
204 | if docopy == 1:
205 | print("Diff",end="")
206 | else:
207 | print("Switch",end="")
208 | print("Extensions(from, to);")
209 | else:
210 | funcargs = re.split(",", func)
211 | #print "// funcargs:",funcargs
212 | func = funcargs.pop(0)
213 |
214 | if func[-1] == "v":
215 | v_type = func[-2:-1]
216 | num_elems = len(elems)
217 | print(tab+v_types[v_type]+" varg["+str(num_elems)+"];")
218 | i = 0
219 | for elem in elems:
220 | print(tab+"varg["+str(i)+"] = "+target+"->"+elem+";")
221 | i += 1
222 | elif func[-3:] == "vNV":
223 | v_type = func[-4:-3]
224 | num_elems = len(elems)
225 | print(tab+v_types[v_type]+" varg["+str(num_elems)+"];")
226 | i = 0
227 | for elem in elems:
228 | print(tab+"varg["+str(i)+"] = "+target+"->"+elem+";")
229 | i += 1
230 |
231 | sys.stdout.write(tab+"pState->diff_api.%(func)s("%vars())
232 | for funcarg in funcargs:
233 | sys.stdout.write(funcarg+", ")
234 |
235 | ## Handle vargs
236 | if func[-1] == "v" or func[-3:] == "vNV":
237 | sys.stdout.write("varg")
238 | else:
239 | first = 1
240 | for elem in elems:
241 | if first != 1:
242 | sys.stdout.write(",\n"+tab+" ")
243 | first = 0
244 | sys.stdout.write(target+"->"+elem)
245 | print(");")
246 |
247 | ## Do the sync if necessary
248 | if docopy and guardbit != "extensions":
249 | for elem in mainelem:
250 | print(tab+current+"->"+elem+" = "+target+"->"+elem+";")
251 |
252 | ## Do the clear if necessary
253 | if doinvalid:
254 | if guardbit != "":
255 | print(tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(guardbit)s);"%vars())
256 | print(tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(bit)s->dirty);"%vars())
257 | if extrabit != "":
258 | print(tab+"FILLDIRTY(%(extrabit)s->dirty);"%vars())
259 |
260 | ## Close the compare
261 | if guardbit != "extensions":
262 | tab = tab[:-1]
263 | print(tab+"}")
264 |
265 | ## Do final closures
266 | if current_guard != "":
267 | print(tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->%(current_guard)s, nbitID);"%vars())
268 | tab = tab[:-1]
269 | print(tab+"}")
270 | if docopy and current_dependency != "":
271 | tab = tab[:-1]
272 | print(tab+"} /*%(current_dependency)s*/"%vars())
273 |
274 | print(tab+"CLEARDIRTY(%(bit)s->dirty, nbitID);"%vars())
275 |
276 | main()