@@@EnglishNative language nameSuomi--Native language country name (empty if this language is for all countries)EnglishLanguage name, in EnglishFinnish--Language country name, in English (empty if native country name is empty)Sun Microsystems, Inc.Comma-separated list of translatorsJarno Kiuttu, Timo JyrinkiBootItemsListMove Up (Ctrl-Up)Siirrä ylös (Ctrl+ylös)Move Down (Ctrl-Down)Siirrä alas (Ctrl+alas)Moves the selected boot device up.Siirrä valittu käynnistys laite ylös.Moves the selected boot device down.Siirrä valittu käynnistys laite alas.HDItemsModelDouble-click to add a new attachmentHard DiskKiintolevySlotPaikkaQApplicationExecutable <b>%1</b> requires Qt %2.x, found Qt %3.Sovellus <b>%1</b> vaatii Qt %2.x, löydettiin Qt %3.Incompatible Qt Library ErrorQt-kirjastovirheQIHelpButton&HelpQIHotKeyEditLeft Vasen Right Oikea Left ShiftVasen vaihtonäppäinRight ShiftOikea vaihtonäppäinLeft CtrlVasen CtrlRight CtrlOikea CtrlLeft AltVasen AltRight AltOikeat AltLeft WinKeyVasen WinRight WinKeyOikea WinMenu keyMenu-näppäinAlt GrAlt GrCaps LockCaps LockScroll LockScroll Lock<key_%1>PauseKeskeytäPrint ScreenF1F1F2F2F3F3F4F4F5F5F6F6F7F7F8F8F9F9F10F10F11F11F12F12F13F13F14F14F15F15F16F16F17F17F18F18F19F19F20F20F21F21F22F22F23F23F24F24Num LockForwardSeuraavaBackEdellinenQILabelPrivate&CopyQIMessageBoxOKOKYesKylläNoEiCancelPeruIgnoreOhitaQIRichLabelCopy to clipboardKopioi leikepyödälleQIWidgetValidatornot completevalue stateinvalidvalue state<qt>Value of the <b>%1</b> field on the <b>%2</b> page is %3.</qt><qt>One of the values on the <b>%1</b> page is %2.</qt>VBoxAboutDlgVirtualBox - AboutVirtualBox - tietoja<qt>VirtualBox Graphical User Interface Version %1<br>
%2</qt><qt>VirtualBox - graafinen käyttöliittymä; versio %1<br>
%2</qt><qt>VirtualBox Graphical User Interface Version %1<br>%2</qt>VBoxAboutNonOSEDlgVirtualBox - AboutVirtualBox - tietojaVirtualBox Graphical User Interface
Version %1VirtualBox - graafinen käyttöliittymä; versio %1VBoxAddNIDialogAdd Host InterfaceLisää isäntäkoneen liitäntäInterface NameLiitännän nimiDescriptive name of the new network interfaceKuvaava nimi uudelle verkkoliitännälle&OK&OKCancelPeruVBoxAddSFDialogAdd ShareLisää jakoEdit ShareMuokkaa jakoaSelect a folder to shareValitse jaettava kansioFolder PathKansion polkuFolder NameKansion nimiOKOKCancelPeru&OK&OK&Make Permanent&Tee pysyväksi&Read-only&Vain lukuVBoxCloseVMDlgClose Virtual MachineSulje virtuaalikoneYou want to:Valitse toiminto:&Save the machine state&Tallenna koneen tilaAlt+SAlt+T&Power off the machine&Sammuta koneAlt+PAlt+S&Revert to the current snapshot&Palauta nykyiseen palautuspisteeseenAlt+RAlt+IRevert the machine state to the state stored in the current snapshotPalauta laite tilaan, joka on tallennettu nykyiseen palautuspisteeseenHelpOhjeF1F1&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OCancelPeruS&end the shutdown signalLäh&etä sammuta-signaali<p>When checked, the machine state will be restored from the state stored in the current snapshot right after it is turned off. This is useful if you are sure that you want to discard the results of your last sessions and go back to the current snapshot.</p><p>Saves the current execution state of the virtual machine to the physical hard disk of the host PC.</p><p>Next time this machine is started, it will be restored from the saved state and continue execution from the same place you saved it at, which will let you continue your work immediately.</p><p>Note that saving the machine state may take a long time, depending on the guest operating system type and the amount of memory you assigned to the virtual machine.</p><p>Sends the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine.</p><p>Normally, the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine will detect this event and perform a clean shutdown procedure. This is a recommended way to turn off the virtual machine because all applications running inside it will get a chance to save their data and state.</p><p>If the machine doesn't respond to this action then the guest operating system may be misconfigured or doesn't understand ACPI Power Button events at all. In this case you should select the <b>Power off the machine</b> action to stop virtual machine execution.</p><p>Turns off the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that this action will stop machine execution immediately so that the guest operating system running inside it will not be able to perform a clean shutdown procedure which may result in <i>data loss</i> inside the virtual machine. Selecting this action is recommended only if the virtual machine does not respond to the <b>Send the shutdown signal</b> action.</p>VBoxConsoleWnd<nobr>[<b>not attached</b>]</nobr>USB device indicator<nobr>[<b>ei liitetty</b>]</nobr><nobr>[<b>USB Controller is disabled</b>]</nobr>USB device indicator<nobr>[<b>USB Ohjain ei ole käytössä</b>]</nobr>VirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSEinnotek VirtualBoxinnotek VirtualBox&Fullscreen Mode&KokoruututilaSwitch to fullscreen modeVaihda kokoruututilaanMouse Integrationenable/disable...Hiiren integrointiAuto-resize Guest Displayenable/disable...Muuta automaattisesti asiakkaan näytön kokoaAuto-resize &Guest Display&Muuta automaattisesti asiakkaan näytön kokoaAutomatically resize the guest display when the window is resized (requires Guest Additions)Muuta asiakkaan näytön kokoa automaattisesti, kun ikkunan kokoa muutetaan (vaatii asiakaslisäykset)&Adjust Window Size&Säädä ikkunan kokoaAdjust window size and position to best fit the guest displaySäädä ikkunan kokoa ja sijaintia sopimaan asiakkaan näyttöön&Insert Ctrl-Alt-Del&Lähetä Ctrl-Alt-DelSend the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to the virtual machineLähetä Ctrl-Alt-Del-näppäinyhdistelmä virtuaalikoneelle&Insert Ctrl-Alt-BackspaceLä&hetä Ctrl-Alt-BackspaceSend the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace sequence to the virtual machineLähetä Ctrl-Alt-Backspace-näppäinyhdistelmä virtuaalikoneelle&Reset&PalautaReset the virtual machinePalauta virtuaalikoneACPI S&hutdownACPI-samm&utusSend the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine&Close...&Sulje...Close the virtual machineSulje virtuaalikoneTake &Snapshot...Luo &palautuspiste...Take a snapshot of the virtual machineLuo palautuspiste virtuaalikoneesta&Floppy Image...&Levykkeen levykuva...Mount a floppy image fileLiitä levykkeen levykuva tiedostoUnmount F&loppyIrrota l&evykeUnmount the currently mounted floppy media&CD/DVD-ROM Image...&CD/DVD-ROM-levykuva...Mount a CD/DVD-ROM image fileUnmount C&D/DVD-ROMIrrota C&D/DVD-ROMUnmount the currently mounted CD/DVD-ROM mediaRemote Desktop (RDP) Serverenable/disable...Etätyöpöytä (RDP) -palvelinRemote Dis&playEtätyö&pöytäEnable or disable remote desktop (RDP) connections to this machineOpenAvaa&Shared Folders...&Jaetut kansiot...Open the dialog to operate on shared folders&Install Guest Additions...&Asenna asiakaslisäykset...Mount the Guest Additions installation imageLiitä asiakaslisäyksien asennuslevykuva&Statistics...&Tilastot...&Command line...&Komentorivi...&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox-WWW-sivusto...&About VirtualBox...&Tietoja VirtualBoxista...Show a dialog with product informationNäytä tuotetiedot sisältävä valintaikkuna&Reset All Warnings&Poista kaikki varoituksetMount &FloppyLiitä &levykeMount &CD/DVD-ROMLiitä &CD/DVD-ROM&USB Devices&USB-laitteet&Devices&LaitteetDe&bug&Virheenhaku&HelpO&hjeShows the currently assigned Host key.<br>This key, when pressed alone, toggles the the keyboard and mouse capture state. It can also be used in combination with other keys to quickly perform actions from the main menu.Host Drive Floppy tooltipPalvelin PC:n asema not mountedFloppy tooltipei liitettyHost Drive DVD-ROM tooltipPalvelin PC:n Asema not mountedDVD-ROM tooltipei liitetty<br>[<b>not attached</b>]HDD tooltip<br>[<b>ei liitetty</b>]<hr>VRDP Server is listening on port %1&Pause&KeskeytäSuspend the execution of the virtual machineKeskeytä virtuaalikoneen suoritusR&esume&JatkaResume the execution of the virtual machineJatka virtuaalikoneen suorittamistaDisable &Mouse IntegrationOta &hiiren integrointi pois käytöstäTemporarily disable host mouse pointer integrationEnable &Mouse IntegrationOta &hiiren integrointi käyttöönEnable temporarily disabled host mouse pointer integrationSnapshot %1Palautuspiste %1Host Drive Isäntäkoneen asema &Machine&KoneconnectedNetwork adapters indicatoryhdistettydisconnectedNetwork adapters indicatorkatkaistu<br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr>Network adapters indicator<br><nobr><b>Kaikki verkkosovittimet poistettu käytössä</b></nobr>&Network Adapters&VerkkosovittimetAdapter %1networkSovitin %1Mount the selected physical drive of the host PCFloppy tipMount the selected physical drive of the host PCCD/DVD tipDisconnect the cable from the selected virtual network adapterConnect the cable to the selected virtual network adapterSeam&less ModeSaumato&n tilaSwitch to seamless desktop integration modeVaihda saumattoman työpöytäintegraation tilaan<qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the floppy media:</nobr>%1</qt>Floppy tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset levykemediat:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Levykuva</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>Floppy tooltip<br><nobr><b>Mediaa ei ole liitetty</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the CD/DVD-ROM media:</nobr>%1</qt>DVD-ROM tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset CD/DVD-ROM-mediat:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Host Drive</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Image</b>: %1</nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Levykuva</b>: %1</nobr><br><nobr><b>No media mounted</b></nobr>DVD-ROM tooltip<br><nobr><b>Mediaa ei ole liitetty</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of virtual hard disks:</nobr>%1</qt>HDD tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset virtuaalikiintolevyt:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No hard disks attached</b></nobr>HDD tooltip<br><nobr><b>Kiintolevyjä ei ole liitetty</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the network interfaces:</nobr>%1</qt>Network adapters tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset verkkoliitännät:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>Adapter %1 (%2)</b>: cable %3</nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Sovitin %1 (%2)</b>: kaapeli %3</nobr>connectedNetwork adapters tooltipyhdistettydisconnectedNetwork adapters tooltipkatkaistu<br><nobr><b>All network adapters are disabled</b></nobr>Network adapters tooltip<br><nobr><b>Kaikki verkkosovittimet poistettu käytössä</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of the attached USB devices:</nobr>%1</qt>USB device tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset liitetyt USB-laitteet:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No USB devices attached</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>USB-laitteita ei ole liitetty</b></nobr><br><nobr><b>USB Controller is disabled</b></nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr><b>USB-ohjain ei ole käytössä</b></nobr><qt><nobr>Indicates the activity of shared folders:</nobr>%1</qt>Shared folders tooltip<qt><nobr>Ilmaisee aktiiviset jaetut kansiot:</nobr>%1</qt><br><nobr><b>No shared folders</b></nobr>Shared folders tooltip<br><nobr><b>Ei jaettuja kansioita</b></nobr>&Contents...&Sisältö...F1F1R&egister VirtualBox...R&ekisteröi VirtualBox...Open VirtualBox registration formAvaa VirtualBoxin rekisteröintilomakkeenSun xVM VirtualBoxSession I&nformation DialogShow Session Information Dialog&Statistics...debug action&Tilastot...&Command Line...debug actionIndicates whether the guest display auto-resize function is On (<img src=:/auto_resize_on_16px.png/>) or Off (<img src=:/auto_resize_off_16px.png/>). Note that this function requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indicates whether the host mouse pointer is captured by the guest OS:<br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_disabled_16px.png/> pointer is not captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_16px.png/> pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> mouse integration (MI) is On</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is captured</nobr><br><nobr><img src=:/mouse_can_seamless_uncaptured_16px.png/> MI is Off, pointer is not captured</nobr><br>Note that the mouse integration feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Indicates whether the keyboard is captured by the guest OS (<img src=:/hostkey_captured_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>).Indicates whether the Remote Display (VRDP Server) is enabled (<img src=:/vrdp_16px.png/>) or not (<img src=:/vrdp_disabled_16px.png/>).VBoxDiskImageManagerDlgNameNimiVirtual SizeVirtuaalinen kokoActual SizeTodellinen kokoSizeKokoVirtual Disk ManagerVirtuaalilevyjen hallinta&Hard Disks&Kiintolevyt&CD/DVD Images&CD/DVD-levykuvat&Floppy Images&LevykelevykuvatHelpOhjeF1F1&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OCancelPeru--no info&New...&Uusi...&Add...&Lisää...R&emove&PoistaRe&lease&VapautaRe&freshPä&ivitäNewUusiAddLisääRemovePoistaReleaseJulkaiseRefreshPäivitäCtrl+NCtrl+UCtrl+ACtrl+LCtrl+DCtrl+PCtrl+LCtrl+VCtrl+RCtrl+I&Actions&ToiminnotLocationSijaintiDisk TypeLevyn tyyppiStorage TypeTallennustyyppiAttached toLiitetty kohteeseenSnapshotPalautuspisteChecking accessibilityTarkistetaan esteettömyyttä<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Checking accessibility...HDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Tarkistetaan esteettömyyttä...<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Disk type: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Storage type: %3</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Levyn tyyppi: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Tallennustyyppi: %3</nobr><br><nobr>Attached to: %1</nobr>HDD<br><nobr>Liitetty: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Snapshot: %5</nobr>HDD<br><nobr>Palautuspiste: %5</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Error checking media accessibilityHDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2HDD<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Checking accessibility...CD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Tarkistetaan esteellisyydet...<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>CD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br><nobr>Attached to: %1</nobr>CD/DVD/Floppy<br><nobr>Liittetty: %1</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>Error checking media accessibilityCD/DVD/Floppy<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2<nobr><b>%1</b></nobr><br>%2The image file is not accessibleCD/DVD/FloppyTämä levykuvatiedosto ei ole käytettävissä&Select&ValitseAll hard disk images (*.vdi; *.vmdk);;Virtual Disk images (*.vdi);;VMDK images (*.vmdk);;All files (*)Kaikki kiintolevyjen levykuvat (*.vdi; *.vmdk);;Virtuaalilevyjen levykuvat (*.vdi);;VMDK levykuvat (*.vmdk);;Kaikki tiedostot (*)Select a hard disk image fileValitse kiintolevyn levykuvatiedostoSelect a CD/DVD-ROM disk image fileValitse CD/DVD-ROM levykuvatiedostoSelect a floppy disk image fileValitse levykkeen levykuvatiedostoCreate a new virtual hard diskLuo uusi virtuaalikiintolevyAdd (register) an existing image fileLisää (rekisteröi) olemassa oleva levykuvatiedostoRemove (unregister) the selected mediaPoista (poista rekisteröinti) valittu mediaRelease the selected media by detaching it from the machineRefresh the media listPäivitä medialuetteloCD/DVD-ROM images (*.iso);;All files (*)CD/DVD-ROM-levykuvat (*.iso);;Kaikki tiedostot (*)Floppy images (*.img);;All files (*)Levykkeiden levykuvat (*.img);;Kaikki tiedostot (*)All hard disk images (*.vdi *.vmdk *.vhd);;Virtual Disk images (*.vdi);;VMDK images (*.vmdk);;VHD images (*.vhd);;All files (*)Hard &Disks<nobr>Location:</nobr><nobr>Disk Type:</nobr><nobr> Storage Type:</nobr><nobr>Attached to:</nobr><nobr> Snapshot:</nobr>VBoxDownloaderWgtCancelPeruDownloading the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Lataa VirtualBox-asiakaslisäyksien CD-levykuva <nobr><b>%1</b>...</nobr>Cancel the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image downloadPeru VirtualBox-asiakaslisäyksien CD-levykuvan latausCould not locate the file on the server (response: %1).<p>Failed to save the downloaded file as <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr></p>Select folder to save Guest Additions image toConnection timed out.The download process has been cancelled by the user.VBoxFilePathSelectorWidget<reset to default>The actual default path value will be displayed after accepting the changes and opening this dialog again.<not selected><ei valintaa>Please use the <b>Other...</b> item from the drop-down list to select a desired path.Other...ResetPalautaOpens a dialog to select a different folder.Resets the folder path to the default value.Opens a dialog to select a different file.Resets the file path to the default value.&CopyPlease type the desired folder path here.Please type the desired file path here.VBoxGLSettingsDlgGeneralYleisetInputUpdateLanguageKieliUSBUSBVirtualBox - %1VBoxGLSettingsGeneralDisplays the path to the default VDI folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when adding existing or creating new virtual hard disks.Displays the path to the default virtual machine folder. This folder is used, if not explicitly specified otherwise, when creating new virtual machines.Displays the path to the library that provides authentication for Remote Display (VRDP) clients.Default &Hard Disk Folder:Default &Machine Folder:V&RDP Authentication Library:VBoxGLSettingsInputHost &Key:Displays the key used as a Host Key in the VM window. Activate the entry field and press a new Host Key. Note that alphanumeric, cursor movement and editing keys cannot be used as a Host Key.When checked, the keyboard is automatically captured every time the VM window is activated. When the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) are directed to the VM.&Auto Capture KeyboardVBoxGLSettingsLanguage (built-in)Language (sisäänrakennettu)<unavailable>Language<Ei käytettävissä><unknown>Author(s)<tuntematon>DefaultLanguageOletusLanguage:Kieli:&Interface Language:Lists all available user interface languages. The effective language is written in <b>bold</b>. Select <i>Default</i> to reset to the system default language.NameNimiIdLanguageKieliAuthorAuthor(s):Tekijä(t):VBoxGLSettingsUpdateWhen checked, the application will periodically connect to the VirtualBox website and check whether a new VirtualBox verison is available.&Check for updates&Once per:Specifies how often the new version check should be performed. Note that if you want to completely disable this check, just clear the above check box.Next Check:VBoxGlobalDifferencinghard diskUnknown device %1:%2USB device details<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr><br><nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>Serial No. %1</nobr>USB device tooltip<br><nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB device tooltipNamedetails reportNimiOS Typedetails reportKäyttöjärjestelmän tyyppiBase Memorydetails reportJärjestelmän muisti<nobr>%3 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%3 MB</nobr>Generaldetails reportYleisetVideo Memorydetails reportVideomuisti<nobr>%4 MB</nobr>details report<nobr>%4 MB</nobr>Boot Orderdetails reportKäynnistysjärjestysACPIdetails reportACPIIO APICdetails reportIO APICNot Attacheddetails report (HDDs)Ei liitettyHard Disksdetails reportKiintolevytEnableddetails report (ACPI)KäytössäDisableddetails report (ACPI)Ei käytössäEnableddetails report (IO APIC)KäytössäDisableddetails report (IO APIC)Ei käytössäNot mounteddetails report (floppy)ei liitettyImagedetails report (floppy)LevykuvaHost Drivedetails report (floppy)Isäntäkoneen asemaFloppydetails reportLevykeNot mounteddetails report (DVD)Ei liitettyImagedetails report (DVD)LevykuvaHost Drivedetails report (DVD)Isäntäkoneen asemaCD/DVD-ROMdetails reportCD/DVD-ROMAdapterdetails report (audio)SovitinDisableddetails report (audio)Ei käytössäAudiodetails reportÄäniAdapter %1details report (network)Sovitin %1Disableddetails report (network)Ei käytössäNetworkdetails reportVerkkoDevice Filtersdetails report (USB)Laitesuodattimet%1 (%2 active)details report (USB)Disableddetails report (USB)Ei käytössäUSB Controllerdetails reportUSB OhjainVRDP Server Portdetails report (VRDP)VRDP-palvelimen portti%1details report (VRDP)%1Disableddetails report (VRDP)Ei käytössäRemote Displaydetails reportEtätyöpöytäOpening URLs is not implemented yet.Powered OffMachineStateSammutettuSavedMachineStateTallennettuAbortedMachineStateKeskeytettyRunningMachineStateKäynnistettyPausedMachineStatePysäytettyStartingMachineStateKäynnistetäänStoppingMachineStatePysäytetäänSavingMachineStateTallennetaanRestoringMachineStatePalautetaanDiscardingMachineStatePeruutetaanClosedSessionStateSuljettuOpenSessionStateAvoinnaSpawningSessionStateClosingSessionStateSuljetaanNoneDeviceTypeEi mitäänFloppyDeviceTypeLevykeCD/DVD-ROMDeviceTypeCD/DVD-ROMHard DiskDeviceTypeKiintolevyNetworkDeviceTypeVerkkoPrimaryDiskControllerTypeEnsisijainenSecondaryDiskControllerTypeToissijainenNormalDiskTypeNormaaliImmutableDiskTypeMuuttamatonWritethroughDiskTypeVirtual Disk ImageDiskStorageTypeVirtuaalilevyn levykuvaiSCSIDiskStorageTypeVMDK ImageDiskStorageTypeVMDK-levykuvaNullVRDPAuthTypeExternalVRDPAuthTypeUlkoinenGuestVRDPAuthTypeAsiakasIgnoreUSBFilterActionTypeOhitaHoldUSBFilterActionTypePidäMasterDiskControllerDeviceIsäntä (master)SlaveDiskControllerDeviceOrja (slave)Device %1DiskControllerDeviceLaite %1Null Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeNull-ääniajuriWindows MultimediaAudioDriverTypeOSS Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeOSS-ääniajuriALSA Audio DriverAudioDriverTypeALSA-ääniajuriWindows DirectSoundAudioDriverTypeCoreAudioAudioDriverTypeNot attachedNetworkAttachmentTypeEi liitettyNATNetworkAttachmentTypeNATHost InterfaceNetworkAttachmentTypeIsäntäkoneen liitäntäInternal NetworkNetworkAttachmentTypeSisäinen verkkoNot supportedUSBDeviceStateEi tuettuUnavailableUSBDeviceStateEi käytettävissäBusyUSBDeviceStateVarattuAvailableUSBDeviceStateKäytettävissäHeldUSBDeviceStatePidossaCapturedUSBDeviceStateKaapattu<i>Checking...</i>hard disk<i>Inaccessible</i>hard diskEi käytettävissäDisabledClipboardTypeEi käytössäHost To GuestClipboardTypeIsännältä asiakkaalleGuest To HostClipboardTypeAsiakkaalta isännälleBidirectionalClipboardTypeKaksisuuntainenSelect a directoryValitse kansioSelect a fileValitse tiedostoPort %1details report (serial ports)Portti %1Disableddetails report (serial ports)Ei käytössäSerial Portsdetails reportSarjaportitUSBdetails reportUSBShared Foldersdetails report (shared folders)Jaetut kansiot%1details report (shadef folders)%1Nonedetails report (shared folders)Ei mitäänShared Foldersdetails reportJaetut kansiotStuckMachineStateDisconnectedPortModeHost PipePortModeIsäntäkoneen putkiHost DevicePortModeIsäntäkoneen laiteUser-definedserial portKäyttäjän määrittämäCustom Hard DiskDiskStorageTypeVT-x/AMD-Vdetails reportPAE/NXdetails reportEnableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)KäytössäDisableddetails report (VT-x/AMD-V)Ei käytössäEnableddetails report (PAE/NX)KäytössäDisableddetails report (PAE/NX)Ei käytössäHost Driverdetails report (audio)Isäntäkoneen ajuriControllerdetails report (audio)Port %1details report (parallel ports)Portti %1Disableddetails report (parallel ports)Ei käytössäParallel Portsdetails reportRinnakkaisportitUSBDeviceTypeUSBShared FolderDeviceTypeJaettu kansioIDEStorageBusIDESATAStorageBusSATAPrimaryStorageBusChannelEnsisijainenSecondaryStorageBusChannelToissijainenMasterStorageBusDeviceIsäntä (master)SlaveStorageBusDeviceOrja (slave)Port %1StorageBusChannelPortti %1VHD ImageDiskStorageTypeVHD-levykuvaSolaris AudioAudioDriverTypeSolaris AudioPulseAudioAudioDriverTypePulseAudioICH AC97AudioControllerTypeSoundBlaster 16AudioControllerTypePCnet-PCI II (Am79C970A)NetworkAdapterTypePCnet-FAST III (Am79C973)NetworkAdapterTypeIntel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)NetworkAdapterTypePIIX3IDEControllerTypePIIX4IDEControllerTypeIntel PRO/1000 T Server (82543GC)NetworkAdapterType<nobr>Vendor ID: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Product ID: %2</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Revision: %3</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Product: %4</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Manufacturer: %5</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Serial No.: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>Port: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltip<nobr>State: %1</nobr>USB filter tooltiphost interface, %1details report (network)internal network, '%1'details report (network)Adapter %1networkSovitin %1VBoxGlobalSettings'%1 (0x%2)' is an invalid host key code.The value '%1' of the key '%2' doesn't match the regexp constraint '%3'.Cannot delete the key '%1'.VBoxGlobalSettingsDlgCategoryLuokka[id][id][link][linkki][name][nimi]<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information<i>.<i>Valitse asetusryhmä vasemmalla puolella olevasta luettelosta, ja siirrä hiiren osoitinta asetusten yli saadaksesi lisää tietoja<i>. General Yleiset 0011 USB USB 22Default &FoldersOletus&kansiotMachinesKoneetVDI filesVDI-tiedostotSelectValitse&Keyboard&Näppäimistö&Host Key&Isäntänäppäin&Auto capture keyboardKaappaa näppäimistö &automaattisesti&USB Device FiltersUSB-laite&suodattimetInsInsAdd Empty (Ins)Lisää tyhjä (Ins)Alt+InsAlt+InsAdd From (Alt+Ins)Lisää...(Alt+Ins)DelDelRemove (Del)Poista (Del)Removes the selected USB filter.Poista valittu USB-suodatin.Ctrl+UpCtrl+ylösMove Up (Ctrl+Up)Siirrä ylös (Ctrl+ylös)Moves the selected USB filter up.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet ylös.Ctrl+DownCtrl+alasMove Down (Ctrl+Down)Siirrä alas (Ctrl+alas)Moves the selected USB filter down.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet alas.HelpOhjeF1F1Displays the dialog help.Näyttää valintaikkunan ohjeen.Invalid settings detectedAsetukset tunnistettu virheellisiksi&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OAccepts (saves) changes and closes the dialog.Hyväksyy (tallentaa) muutokset ja sulkee valintaikkunan.CancelPeruCancels changes and closes the dialog.Peruu muutokset ja sulkee valintaikkunan.VirtualBox PreferencesVirtualBox-asetuksetNew Filter %1usbUusi suodatin %1LanguageKieli Language Kieli 33&Interface Language&Käyttöliittymän kieliAuthor(s):Tekijä(t):Language:Kieli: (built-in)Language (sisäänrakennettu)<unavailable>Language<Ei käytettävissä><unknown>Author(s)<tuntematon>DefaultLanguageOletus&Extended Features&Laajennetut ominaisuudetEnable &VT-x/AMD-VOta &VT-x/AMD-V käyttöönAdd Empty FilterLisää tyhjä suodatin&Add Empty Filter&Lisää tyhjä suodatinRemove FilterPoista suodatin&Remove Filter&Poista suodatinVBoxHardDiskSettingsSlotPaikkaHard DiskKiintolevy&Hard Disks&Kiintolevyt&Enable SATA Controller&Ota SATA-ohjain käyttöönHard Disks &AttachmentsLiitetyt &kiintolevytAdd AttachmentLisää liitos&Add Attachment&Lisää liitosInsInsRemove AttachmentPoista liitos&Remove Attachment&Poista liitosDeletePoistaSelect Hard DiskValitse kiintolevy&Select Hard Disk&Valitse kiintolevyCtrl+SpaceCtrl+välilyöntiVBoxLicenseViewerI &Agree&HyväksyI &DisagreeH&ylkääVirtualBox LicenseVBoxLogSearchPanelClose the search panelSulje hakupaneeliFind Esti Enter a search string hereKirjoita haettava teksti tähän&Previous&EdellinenSearch for the previous occurrence of the string&Next&SeuraavaSearch for the next occurrence of the stringC&ase SensitiveH&uomioi kirjainkokoPerform case sensitive search (when checked)String not foundTekstiä ei löytynytVBoxMediaComboBox<no hard disk><ei kiintolevyä>No hard diskEi kiintolevyäVBoxNIListVirtualBox Host Interface %1VirtualBox-isäntäkoneen liitäntä %1<p>Do you want to remove the selected host network interface <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p><b>Note:</b> This interface may be in use by one or more network adapters of this or another VM. After it is removed, these adapters will no longer work until you correct their settings by either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter attachment type.</p>Host &Interfaces&Isäntäkoneen liitännätLists all available host interfaces.A&dd New Host Interface&Remove Selected Host InterfaceAdds a new host interface.Removes the selected host interface.VBoxNewHDWzdCreate New Virtual DiskLuo uusi virtuaalilevy<p>This wizard will help you to create a new virtual hard disk image for your virtual machine.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard
and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Tämä ohjattu toiminto auttaa uuden virtuaalisen kiintolevykuvan luomisesssa virtuaalikoneelle.</p>
<p>Käytä <b>Seuraava</b>-painiketta siirtyäksesi seuraavalle sivulle
ja <b>Edellinen</b>-painiketta siirtyäksesi edelliselle sivulle.</p>Welcome to the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard!Tervetuloa uuden virtuaalilevyn ohjattuun luomiseenImage TypeLevykuvan tyyppi&Dynamically expanding image&Dynaamisesti laajentuva levykuvaAlt+DAlt+A&Fixed-size image&Kiinteän kokoinen levykuvaVirtual Disk Image TypeVirtuaalilevyn tyyppi<p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location and name of the file
to store the virtual hard disk image or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Napsauta <b>Valitse</b>-painiketta valitaksesi tallennettavan virtuaalikiintolevyn
levykuvan sijainnin ja nimen, tai kirjoita tiedostonimi tekstikenttään.</p>&Image File Name&Levykuvatiedoston nimiSelectValitseImage &SizeLevykuvan &kokoVirtual Disk Location and SizeVirtuaalilevyn sijainti ja kokoYou are going to create a new virtual hard disk image with the following parameters:Uutta virtuaalista kiintolevyn levykuvaa ollaan luomassa seuraavilla parametreilla:If the above settings are correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button.
Once you press it, a new hard disk image will be created.
Jos yllä olevat asetukset ovat oikein, napsauta <b>Valmis</b>-painiketta.
Kun painiketta napsautetaan, uusi kiintolevyn levykuva luodaan.
SummaryYhteenveto<nobr>%1 Bytes</nobr>Hard disk images (*.vdi)Kiintolevyjen levykuvat (*.vdi)Select a file for the new hard disk image fileValitse tiedosto uudelle kiintolevyn levykuvalle<p>This wizard will help you to create a new virtual hard disk image for your virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p>< &Back&Next ><p>Select the type of virtual hard disk image you want to create.</p><p>A <b>dynamically expanding image</b> initially occupies a very small amount of space on your physical hard disk. It will grow dynamically (up to the size specified) as the Guest OS claims disk space.</p><p>A <b>fixed-size image</b> does not grow. It is stored in a file of approximately the same size as the size of the virtual hard disk. The creation of a fixed-size image may take a long time depending on the image size and the write performance of your harddisk.</p><p>Press the <b>Select</b> button to select the location and name of the file to store the virtual hard disk image or type a file name in the entry field.</p><p>Select the size of the virtual hard disk image in megabytes. This size will be reported to the Guest OS as the size of the virtual hard disk.</p>If the above settings are correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new hard disk image will be created.&Finish<table><tr><td><nobr>%1: </nobr></td><td><nobr>%2</nobr></td></tr><tr><td><nobr>%3: </nobr></td><td><nobr>%4</nobr></td></tr><tr><td><nobr>%5: </nobr></td><td><nobr>%6 (%7 %8)</nobr></td></tr></table>TypesummaryLocationsummarySijaintiSizesummaryKokoBytessummaryCancelPeruVBoxNewVMWzdCreate New Virtual MachineLuo uusi virtuaalikone<p>This wizard will guide you through the steps that are necessary to create
a new virtual machine for VirtualBox.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go the next page of the wizard
and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p><p>Tämä ohjattu toiminto auttaa uuden virtuaalikoneen luomisessa
VirtualBoxia varten.</p>
<p>Käytä <b>Seuraava</b>-painiketta siirtyäksesi seuraavalle sivulle
ja <b>Edellinen</b>-painiketta palataksesi edelliselle sivulle.</p>Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard!Tervetuloa virtuaalikoneen ohjattuun luontiin<p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating
system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p>
<p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration.
It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Syötä uuden virtuaalikoneen nimi ja valitse virtuaalikoneeseen asennettavaksi
suunnitellun asiakaskäyttöjärjestelmän tyyppi.</p>
<p>Virtuaalikoneen nimi kuvailee yleensä sen laitteisto- ja ohjelmistoasennuksen.
Kaikki VirtualBoxin komponentit käyttävät sitä koneen tunnistukseen.</p>N&ame&NimiOS &TypeKäyttöjärjestelmän &tyyppiVM Name and OS TypeVirtuaalikoneen nimi ja käyttöjärjestelmän tyyppi<p>Select the amount of base memory (RAM) in megabytes to be allocated to the virtual machine.</p><p>Valitse virtuaalikoneelle varattavan järjestelmämuistin (RAM) määrä megatavuissa.</p>Base &Memory SizeJärjestelmä&muistin määrä<<==>>MBMBMemoryMuistiB&oot Hard Disk (Primary Master)&Käynnistä kovalevyltä (ensisijainen isäntä)N&ew...&Uusi...E&xisting...Ole&massa oleva...Virtual Hard DiskVirtuaalikiintolevy
You are going to create a new virtual machine
with the following parameters:
Uutta virtuaalikonetta ollaan luomassa
seuraavilla parametreilla:
SummaryYhteenveto<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt>The recommended base memory size is <b>%1</b> MB.The recommended size of the boot hard disk is <b>%1</b> MB.<p>This wizard will guide you through the steps that are necessary to create a new virtual machine for VirtualBox.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page.</p>< &Back&Next ><p>Enter a name for the new virtual machine and select the type of the guest operating system you plan to install onto the virtual machine.</p><p>The name of the virtual machine usually indicates its software and hardware configuration. It will be used by all VirtualBox components to identify your virtual machine.</p><p>Select a hard disk image to be used as the boot hard disk of the virtual machine. You can either create a new hard disk using the <b>New</b> button or select an existing hard disk image from the drop-down list or by pressing the <b>Existing</b> button (to invoke the Virtual Disk Manager dialog).</p><p>If you need a more complicated hard disk setup, you can also skip this step and attach hard disks later using the VM Settings dialog.</p><p>You are going to create a new virtual machine with the following parameters:</p><p>If the above is correct press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, a new virtual machine will be created. </p><p>Note that you can alter these and all other setting of the created virtual machine at any time using the <b>Settings</b> dialog accessible through the menu of the main window.</p>&FinishMBmegabytesMBNamesummaryNimiOS TypesummaryKäyttöjärjestelmän tyyppiBase MemorysummaryJärjestelmän muistiBoot Hard DisksummaryCancelPeruVBoxProblemReporterVirtualBox - Informationmsg box titleVirtualBox - tietojaVirtualBox - Questionmsg box titleVirtualBox - kysymysVirtualBox - Warningmsg box titleVirtualBox - varoitusVirtualBox - Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - virheVirtualBox - Critical Errormsg box titleVirtualBox - kriittinen virheDo not show this message againmsg box flagÄlä näytä tätä viestiä uudestaanFailed to open <tt>%1</tt>. Make sure your desktop environment can properly handle URLs of this type.<p>Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running or failed to start.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p>Failed to set global VirtualBox properties.Failed to access the USB subsystem.Failed to create a new virtual machine.Failed to create a new virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to apply the settings to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to start the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to pause the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to resume the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to save the state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to stop the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to remove the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to discard the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to discard the current snapshot and the current state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.There is no virtual machine named <b>%1</b>.<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>Are you sure you want to unregister the inaccessible virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>You will no longer be able to register it back from GUI.</p><p>Are you sure you want to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p><p>This operation is equivalent to resetting or powering off the machine without doing a proper shutdown by means of the guest OS.</p><p>Releasing this media image will detach it from the following virtual machine(s): <b>%1</b>.</p><p>Continue?</p><p>The image file <b>%1</b> already exists. You cannot create a new virtual hard disk that uses this file, because it can be already used by another virtual hard disk.</p><p>Please specify a different image file name.</p>Failed to delete the virtual hard disk image <b>%1</b>.<p>Do you want to remove (unregister) the virtual hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p>Failed to create the virtual hard disk image <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>hard diskkiintolevyCD/DVD imageCD/DVD-levykuvafloppy imagelevykkeen levykuvaFailed to register the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Failed to unregister the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.Failed to create a new session.Failed to open a session for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.Failed to get the accessibility state of the media <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Some of the registered media may become inaccessible.Failed to create the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Failed to remove the host network interface <b>%1</b>.Failed to attach the USB device <b>%1</b> to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to detach the USB device <b>%1</b> from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.Failed to create a shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) for the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.<p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS does not support <b>mouse pointer integration</b> in the current video mode. You need to capture the mouse (by clicking over the VM display or pressing the host key) in order to use the mouse inside the guest OS.</p><p>The Virtual Machine is currently in the <b>Paused</b> state and therefore does not accept any keyboard or mouse input. If you want to continue to work inside the VM, you need to resume it by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>Cannot run VirtualBox in <i>VM Selector</i> mode due to local restrictions.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><nobr>Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Kriittinen virhe</nobr><nobr>Non-Fatal Error</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Ei-kriittinen virhe</nobr><nobr>Warning</nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Varoitus</nobr><nobr>Error ID: </nobr>runtime error info<nobr>Virheen tunniste: </nobr>Severity: runtime error infoVakavuus: <p>A fatal error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The virtual machine will be powered off. It is suggested to use the clipboard to copy the following error message for further examination:</p><p>An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! The error details are shown below. You can try to correct the described error and resume the virtual machine execution.</p><p>The virtual machine execution may run into an error condition as described below. You may ignore this message, but it is suggested to perform an appropriate action to make sure the described error will not happen.</p>Result Code: error infoComponent: error infoInterface: error infoCallee: error infoCallee RC: error info<p>Could not find a language file for the language <b>%1</b> in the directory <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p><p>The language will be temporarily reset to the system default language. Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>Could not load the language file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. <p>The language will be temporarily reset to English (built-in). Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too old: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) will most likely stop working properly.</p><p>Please update Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are outdated: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, guest display auto-resize) may not work as expected.</p><p>It is recommended to update Guest Additions to the current version by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p><p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too recent for this version of VirtualBox: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2.</p><p>Using a newer version of Additions with an older version of VirtualBox is not supported. Please install the current version of Guest Additions by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p>Failed to change the snapshot folder path of the virtual machine <b>%1<b> to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.<p>Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> (pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.</p><p>Please close all programs in the guest OS that may be using this shared folder and try again.</p><p>Could not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> or <nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you want to download this CD image from the Internet?</p><p>Failed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a>.</nobr></p><p>%3</p><p>Are you sure you want to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> (size %3 bytes)?</p><p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image has been successfully downloaded from <nobr><a href="%1">%2</a></nobr> and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you want to register this CD image and mount it on the virtual CD/DVD drive?</p><p>The virtual machine window is optimized to work in <b>%1 bit</b> color mode but the color quality of the virtual display is currently set to <b>%2 bit</b>.</p><p>Please open the display properties dialog of the guest OS and select a <b>%3 bit</b> color mode, if it is available, for best possible performance of the virtual video subsystem.</p><p><b>Note</b>. Some operating systems, like OS/2, may actually work in 32 bit mode but report it as 24 bit (16 million colors). You may try to select a different color quality to see if this message disappears or you can simply disable the message now if you are sure the required color quality (%4 bit) is not available in the given guest OS.</p><p>A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped.</p><p>For help, please see the Community section on <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>http://www.virtualbox.org</a> or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the log file <tt>VBox.log</tt> and the image file <tt>VBox.png</tt>, which you can find in the <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> directory, as well as a description of what you were doing when this error happened. Note that you can also access the above files by selecting <b>Show Log</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirualBox window.</p><p>Press <b>OK</b> if you want to power off the machine or press <b>Ignore</b> if you want to leave it as is for debugging. Please note that debugging requires special knowledge and tools, so it is recommended to press <b>OK</b> now.</p><p>You didn't attach a hard disk to the new virtual machine. The machine will not be able to boot unless you attach a hard disk with a guest operating system or some other bootable media to it later using the machine settings dialog or the First Run Wizard.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p>Failed to find license files in <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.Failed to open the license file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. Check file permissions.Failed to send the ACPI Power Button press event to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.<p>Failed to connect to the VirtualBox online registration service.</p><p>%1</p><p>Congratulations! You have been successfully registered as a user of VirtualBox.</p><p>Thank you for finding time to fill out the registration form!</p><p>Failed to register the VirtualBox product</p><p>%1</p><p>Failed to save the global VirtualBox settings to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>Failed to load the global GUI configuration from <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p><p>Failed to save the global GUI configuration to <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>.</p><p>The application will now terminate.</p>Failed to save the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.Failed to load the settings of the virtual machine <b>%1</b> from <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.DeletemachinePoistaUnregistermachinePoista rekisteröintiDiscardsaved stateHylkääContinuedetach imageJatka<p>Do you want to delete this hard disk's image file <nobr><b>%1</b>?</nobr></p><p>If you select <b>Delete</b> then the image file will be permanently deleted after unregistering the hard disk. This operation cannot be undone.</p><p>If you select <b>Unregister</b> then the virtual hard disk will be unregistered and removed from the collection, but the image file will be left on your physical disk.</p>Deletehard diskPoistaUnregisterhard diskPoista rekisteröinti<p>There are hard disks attached to SATA ports of this virtual machine. If you disable the SATA controller, all these hard disks will be automatically detached.</p><p>Are you sure that you want to disable the SATA controller?</p>Disablehard diskPoista käytöstäFailed to attach a hard disk image with UUID %1 to device slot %2 on channel %3 of the %4 bus of the machine <b>%5</b>.Failed to detach a hard disk image from device slot %1 on channel %2 of the %3 bus of the machine <b>%4</b>.DownloadadditionsNoudaMountadditionsLiitä<p>The host key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p>additional message box paragraphCapturedo input capture<p>One or more of the registered virtual hard disks, CD/DVD or floppy media are not currently accessible. As a result, you will not be able to operate virtual machines that use these media until they become accessible later.</p><p>Press <b>Check</b> to open the Virtual Disk Manager window and see what media are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to ignore this message.</p>Checkinaccessible media message box<p>The following VirtualBox settings files have been automatically converted to the new settings file format version <b>%1</b>.</p><p>However, the results of the conversion were not saved back to disk yet. Please press:</p><ul><li><b>Save</b> to save all auto-converted files now (it will not be possible to use these settings files with an older version of VirtualBox in the future);</li><li><b>Backup</b> to create backup copies of the settings files in the old format before saving them in the new format;</li><li><b>Cancel</b> to not save the auto-converted settings files now.<li></ul><p>Note that if you select <b>Cancel</b>, the auto-converted settings files will be implicitly saved in the new format anyway once you change a setting or start a virtual machine, but <b>no</b> backup copies will be created in this case.</p>&SavewarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box&Tallenna&BackupwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box&VarmuuskopioiCancelwarnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message boxPeruSwitchfullscreenSwitchseamless<p>Do you really want to reset the virtual machine?</p><p>When the machine is reset, unsaved data of all applications running inside it will be lost.</p>ResetmachinePalautaContinueno hard disk attachedJatkaGo Backno hard disk attachedMene takaisinFailed to copy file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> (%3).<p>There are no unused hard disks available for the newly created attachment.</p><p>Press the <b>Create</b> button to start the <i>New Virtual Disk</i> wizard and create a new hard disk, or press the <b>Select</b> button to open the <i>Virtual Disk Manager</i> and select what to do.</p>&Createhard diskSelecthard diskValitse<p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Could not switch the guest display to fullscreen mode due to insufficient guest video memory.</p><p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p><p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch to fullscreen mode anyway or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following network error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>You have already installed the latest VirtualBox version. Please repeat the version check later.<p>You have <b>clicked the mouse</b> inside the Virtual Machine display or pressed the <b>host key</b>. This will cause the Virtual Machine to <b>capture</b> the host mouse pointer (only if the mouse pointer integration is not currently supported by the guest OS) and the keyboard, which will make them unavailable to other applications running on your host machine.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM.</p><p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the <img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/> icon. This icon, together with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard and mouse capture state.</p><p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS supports <b>mouse pointer integration</b>. This means that you do not need to <i>capture</i> the mouse pointer to be able to use it in your guest OS -- all mouse actions you perform when the mouse pointer is over the Virtual Machine's display are directly sent to the guest OS. If the mouse is currently captured, it will be automatically uncaptured.</p><p>The mouse icon on the status bar will look like <img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/> to inform you that mouse pointer integration is supported by the guest OS and is currently turned on.</p><p><b>Note</b>: Some applications may behave incorrectly in mouse pointer integration mode. You can always disable it for the current session (and enable it again) by selecting the corresponding action from the menu bar.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>fullscreen</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in fullscreen mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p><p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to <b>Seamless</b> mode. You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing <b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently defined as <b>%2</b>.</p><p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p>&Contents...&Sisältö...Show the online help contents&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox-WWW-sivusto...Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web site&Reset All WarningsCause all suppressed warnings and messages to be shown againR&egister VirtualBox...R&ekisteröi VirtualBox...Open VirtualBox registration formAvaa VirtualBoxin rekisteröintilomakkeenC&heck for Updates...Check for a new VirtualBox version&About VirtualBox...&Tietoja VirtualBoxista...Show a dialog with product informationNäytä tuotetiedot sisältävä valintaikkuna<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="http://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version from this direct link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p>VBoxRegistrationDlgVirtualBox Registration Dialog&Name&NimiEnter your full name using Latin characters.&E-mailEnter your valid e-mail address.&Please do not use this information to contact meWelcome to the VirtualBox Registration Form!Connection timed out.Could not locate the registration form on the server (response: %1).Could not perform connection handshake.<p>Please fill out this registration form to let us know that you use VirtualBox and, optionally, to keep you informed about VirtualBox news and updates.</p><p>Enter your full name using Latin characters and your e-mail address to the fields below. Please note that Sun Microsystems will use this information only to gather product usage statistics and to send you VirtualBox newsletters. In particular, Sun Microsystems will never pass your data to third parties. Detailed information about how we use your personal data can be found in the <b>Privacy Policy</b> section of the VirtualBox Manual or on the <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/PrivacyPolicy>Privacy Policy</a> page of the VirtualBox web-site.</p>Check this box if you do not want to receive mail from Sun Microsystems at the e-mail address specified above.C&onfirmCancelPeruVBoxSFDialogShared FoldersJaetut kansiotOKOKCancelPeruHelpOhje&OK&OKVBoxSelectorWndVirtualBox OSEVirtualBox OSEinnotek VirtualBoxinnotek VirtualBox&Details&YksityiskohdatVirtual &Disk Manager...Virtuaali&levyjen hallinta...Ctrl+DCtrl+LDisplay the Virtual Disk Manager dialogNäyttää virtuaalilevyjen hallinnan valintaikkunan&Preferences...global settings&Asetukset...Ctrl+GCtrl+GDisplay the global settings dialogNäyttää yleisten asetusten valintaikkunanE&xit&SuljeCtrl+QCtrl+EClose applicationSulje sovellus&New...&Uusi...NewUusiCtrl+NCtrl+UCreate a new virtual machineLuo uusi virtuaalikone&Settings...&Asetukset...SettingsAsetuksetCtrl+SCtrl+AConfigure the selected virtual machineMuokkaa valittua virtuaalikonetta&Delete&PoistaDeletePoistaDelete the selected virtual machinePoista valittu virtuaalikoneD&iscardH&ylkääDiscardHylkääDiscard the saved state of the selected virtual machineHylkää valitun virtuaalikoneen tallennettu tila&RefreshPä&ivitäRefreshPäivitäCtrl+RCtrl+IRefresh the accessibility state of the selected virtual machine&Contents...&Sisältö...F1F1&VirtualBox Web Site...&VirtualBox-WWW-sivusto...&About VirtualBox...&Tietoja VirtualBoxista...Show a dialog with product informationNäytä tuotetiedot sisältävä valintaikkuna&Reset All Warnings&Palauta kaikki varoitukset&File&Tiedosto&Help&Ohje&Snapshots&PalautuspisteetD&escriptionKu&vausD&escription *Ku&vaus *S&how&NäytäShowNäytäSwitch to the window of the selected virtual machineS&tart&KäynnistäStartKäynnistäStart the selected virtual machineKäynnistä valittu virtuaalikone&Machine&KoneShow &Log...Näytä &loki...Show Log...Näytä loki...Ctrl+LCtrl+LShow the log files of the selected virtual machineNäyttää lokitiedostot valitusta virtuaalikoneestaR&egister VirtualBox...R&ekisteröi VirtualBox...Open VirtualBox registration formAvaa VirtualBoxin rekisteröintilomakkeenSun xVM VirtualBoxR&esumeJ&atkaResumeJatkaResume the execution of the virtual machineJatka virtuaalikoneen suorittamista&Pause&KeskeytäPauseKeskeytäSuspend the execution of the virtual machineKeskeytä virtuaalikoneen suoritus<h3>Welcome to VirtualBox!</h3><p>The left part of this window is intended to display a list of all virtual machines on your computer. The list is empty now because you haven't created any virtual machines yet.<img src=:/welcome.png align=right/></p><p>In order to create a new virtual machine, press the <b>New</b> button in the main tool bar located at the top of the window.</p><p>You can press the <b>F1</b> key to get instant help, or visit <a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>www.virtualbox.org</a> for the latest information and news.</p>VBoxSettingsDialog<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information</i>.Invalid settings detectedSettingsAsetuksetVBoxSharedFoldersSettingsNameNimiPathPolkuShared &Folders&Jaetut kansiot<qt>Lists all shared folders accessible to this machine.
<tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share</tt>
to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or
<tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point</tt>
to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.</qt><qt>Luettelee kaikki jaetut kansiot jotka ovat käyttävissä tällä koneella.
<tt>net use x: \\vboxsvr\share</tt>
to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or
<tt>mount -t vboxsf share mount_point</tt>
to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.</qt>AddLisääAdds a new shared folder definition.Lisää uuden jaettujen kansioiden määrittelyn.EditMuokkaaRemovePoistaRemoves the selected shared folder definition.Poistaa valitun jaettujen kansiouden määrityksen.Add a new shared folderLisää jaettu kansioEdit the selected shared folderMuokkaa valittua jaettua kansiotaRemove the selected shared folderPoista valittu jaettu kansio Machine Folders Koneen Kansio Transient Folders Väliaikaiset Kansiot<nobr>Name: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Path: %2</nobr><nobr>Nimi: %1</nobr><br><nobr>Polku: %2</nobr>Edits the selected shared folder definition.Muokkaa valitun jaetun kansion määrityksiä.InsInsAdd a new shared folder (Ins)Lisää jaettu kansio (Ins)SpaceVälilyöntiEdit the selected shared folder (Space)Muokkaa valittua jaettua kansiota (Välilyönti)DelDelRemove the selected shared folder (Del)Poista valittu jaettu kansio (Del)AccessPääsyCtrl+SpaceCtrl+välilyöntiFullTäysiRead-onlyVain lukuVBoxSnapshotDetailsDlgVBoxSnapshotDetailsDlg Snapshot Details Palautuspisteen yksityiskohdat &Name&Nimi&Description&Kuvaus&Machine Details&Koneen yksityiskohdatHelpOhjeF1F1&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OCancelPeruDetails of %1 (%2)Yksityiskohdat %1 (%2)Snapshot DetailsVBoxSnapshotsWgt[snapshot][palautuspiste]VBoxSnapshotsWgtDiscard SnapshotHylkää palautuspiste&Discard Snapshot&Hylkää palautuspisteCtrl+Shift+DCtrl+Shift+PTake SnapshotLuo palautuspisteTake &SnapshotLuo &palautuspisteCtrl+Alt+SCtrl+Alt+PShow DetailsNäytä yksityiskohdatS&how DetailsNäy&tä yksityiskohdatSpaceVälilyöntiCurrent State (changed)Current State (Modified)Nykyinen tila (muuttunut)Current StateCurrent State (Unmodified)Nykyinen tilaThe current state differs from the state stored in the current snapshotThe current state is identical to the state stored in the current snapshot (current, Snapshot details (nykyine, online)Snapshot detailsoffline)Snapshot detailsTaken at %1Snapshot (time)Luotu Taken on %1Snapshot (date + time)Luotu %1 since %2Current State (time or date + time)%1 viimeksi %2Snapshot %1Palautuspiste %1Revert to Current SnapshotPalauta nykyiseen palautuspisteeseen&Revert to Current Snapshot&Palauta nykyiseen palautuspisteeseenShow details of the selected snapshotNäytä yksityiskohdat valitusta palautuspisteestäCtrl+SpaceCtrl+välilyöntiD&iscard Current Snapshot and StateDiscard the selected snapshot of the virtual machineTake a snapshot of the current virtual machine stateRestore the virtual machine state from the state stored in the current snapshotDiscard the current snapshot and revert the machine to the state it had before the snapshot was takenVBoxSwitchMenuDisableEi käytössäEnableKäytössä%1 %2%1 %2VBoxTakeSnapshotDlgTake Snapshot of Virtual MachineLuo palautuspiste virtuaalikoneestaSnapshot &NamePalautuspisteen &nimiSnapshot &DescriptionPalautuspisteen &kuvausHelpOhjeF1F1&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OCancelPeruVBoxUSBFilterSettings&Name&NimiDisplays the filter name.Näytä suodattimen nimi.&Manufacturer&ValmistajaPro&ductTu&ote&Serial No.&Sarjanumero&Action&Toiminto&Vendor ID&Valmistajan tunniste&Product ID&Tuotteen tunniste&Revision&VersioPor&tPor&ttiAnyremoteKaikkiYesremoteKylläNoremoteEiVBoxUSBMenu<no available devices>USB devices<ei laitetta valittuna>No supported devices connected to the host PCUSB device tooltipTuettuja laitteita ei ole yhdistettynä palvelin-PC:henVBoxUpdateDlg1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days6 days1 week2 weeks3 weeks1 monthNeverConnection timed out.Could not locate the latest version list on the server (response: %1).Chec&k&Close&SuljeVirtualBox Update WizardCheck for Updates<p>This wizard will connect to the VirtualBox web-site and check if a newer version of VirtualBox is available.</p>
<p>Use the <b>Check</b> button to check for a new version now or the <b>Cancel</b> button if you do not want to perform this check.</p>
<p>You can run this wizard at any time by choosing <b>Check for Updates...</b> from the <b>Help</b> menu.</p>CancelPeruSummaryYhteenveto<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href="http://www.virtualbox.org/">virtualbox.org</a>.</p><p>You can download this version from this direct link:</p><p><a href=%2>%3</a></p><p>Unable to obtain the new version information due to the following network error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>You have already installed the latest VirtualBox version. Please repeat the version check later.VBoxVMDescriptionPageNo description. Press the Edit button below to add it.Ei kuvausta. Napsauta Muokkaa-painiketta ja lisää se.EditMuokkaaEdit (Ctrl+E)Muokkaa (Ctrl+M)Ctrl+ECtrl+MVBoxVMDetailsViewThe selected virtual machine is <i>inaccessible</i>. Please inspect the error message shown below and press the <b>Refresh</b> button if you want to repeat the accessibility check:VBoxVMFirstRunWzdFirst Run WizardEnsimmäisen suorituskerran ohjattu toiminto<p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for installing an operating system of your choice onto this virtual machine.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p>Welcome to the First Run Wizard!Tervetuloa ensimmäisen suorituskerran ohjattuun toimintoon<p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for installation purposes below.</p>Media Type&CD/DVD-ROM Device&Floppy Device<p>Select the media which contains the setup program of the operating system you want to install. This media must be bootable, otherwise the setup program will not be able to start.</p>Media Source&Host Drive&Image File&LevykuvatiedostoAlt+IAlt+LVDMVDMSelect Installation Media<p>You have selected the following media to boot from:</p>SummaryYhteenvetoCD/DVD-ROM DeviceFloppy DeviceHost Drive %1<p>You have started a newly created virtual machine for the first time. This wizard will help you to perform the steps necessary for booting an operating system of your choice on the virtual machine.</p><p>Note that you will not be able to install an operating system into this virtual machine right now because you did not attach any hard disk to it. If this is not what you want, you can cancel execution of this wizard, select <b>Settings</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main VirtualBox window to access the settings dialog of this machine and change the hard disk configuration.</p><p>Use the <b>Next</b> button to go to the next page of the wizard and the <b>Back</b> button to return to the previous page. You can also press <b>Cancel</b> if you want to cancel execution of this wizard.</p><p>Select the type of the media you would like to use for booting an operating system.</p><p>Select the media that contains the operating system you want to work with. This media must be bootable, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.</p><p>You have selected the following media to boot an operating system from:</p><p>If the above is correct, press the <b>Finish</b> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p>< &Back&Next ><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If the above is correct, press the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Finish</span> button. Once you press it, the selected media will be temporarily mounted on the virtual machine and the machine will start execution.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Please note that when you close the virtual machine, the specified media will be automatically unmounted and the boot device will be set back to the first hard disk.</p>
<p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Depending on the type of the setup program, you may need to manually unmount (eject) the media after the setup program reboots the virtual machine, to prevent the installation process from starting again. You can do this by selecting the corresponding <span style=" font-weight:600;">Unmount...</span> action in the <span style=" font-weight:600;">Devices</span> menu<span style=" font-weight:600;">.</span></p></body></html>&Finish<table><tr><td>%1: </td><td>%2</td></tr><tr><td>%3: </td><td>%4</td></tr></table>TypesummarySourcesummaryCancelPeruVBoxVMInformationDlg&Close&Sulje%1 - Session Information&Details&Yksityiskohdat&RuntimeDMA TransfersPIO TransfersData ReadData WrittenData TransmittedData ReceivedEnabledKäytössäDisabledEi käytössäRuntime AttributesScreen ResolutionCD/DVD-ROM StatisticsNetwork Adapter StatisticsNot attachedEi liitettyVersion %1.%2guest additionsNot Detectedguest additionsNot Detectedguest os typeGuest AdditionsGuest OS TypeHard Disk StatisticsNo Hard DisksNo Network AdaptersEnablednested pagingKäytössäDisablednested pagingEi käytössäNested PagingVBoxVMInformationDlgVBoxVMListBox<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 viimeksi %3</nobr><br><nobr>Istunto %4</nobr>InaccessibleEi käytettävissäVBoxVMListViewInaccessibleEi käytettävissä<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 since %3</nobr><br><nobr>Session %4</nobr>VM tooltip (name, last state change, session state)<nobr>%1<br></nobr><nobr>%2 viimeksi %3</nobr><br><nobr>Istunto %4</nobr><nobr><b>%1</b><br></nobr><nobr>Inaccessible since %2</nobr>Inaccessible VM tooltip (name, last state change)VBoxVMLogViewerLog ViewerLokikatselin&Save&TallennaAlt+SAlt+T&RefreshPä&ivitäAlt+RAlt+I&Close&SuljeAlt+CAlt+S%1 - VirtualBox Log Viewer%1 - VirtualBox-lokikatselin<p>No log files found. Press the <b>Refresh</b> button to rescan the log folder <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p><p>Lokitiedostoja ei löydetty. Napsauta <b>Päivitä</b>-painiketta tutkiaksesi lokikansion uudestaan <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>.</p>Save VirtualBox Log AsTallenna VirtualBox-loki nimelläHelpOhjeF1F1&Find&EtsiCloseSuljeVBoxVMNetworkSettings&Enable Network Adapter&Käytä verkkosovitinta&Attached to&Liitetty kohteeseen&MAC Address&MAC-osoite&GenerateL&uoAlt+GAlt+LGenerates a new random MAC address.Luo uusi satunnainen MAC-osoite.Ca&ble ConnectedKaapeli k&ytkettyAlt+BAlt+KHost Interface SettingsIsäntäliitännän asetukset&Interface Name&Liitännän nimi&File Descriptor&TiedostokahvaSelectValitse&Network Name&Verkon nimiAdapter &TypeSovitin&tyyppiVBoxVMSettingsAudioWhen checked, the virtual PCI audio card is plugged into the virtual machine that uses the specified driver to communicate to the host audio card.Enable &AudioHost Audio &Driver:Controls the audio output driver. The <b>Null Audio Driver</b> makes the guest see an audio card, however every access to it will be ignored.Audio &Controller:Selects the type of the virtual sound card. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different audio hardware to the virtual machine.VBoxVMSettingsCDHost CD/DVD drive is not selectedCD/DVD image file is not selectedCD/DVD:n levykuvatiedostoa ei ole valittuWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine.&Mount CD/DVD Drive&Liitä CD/DVD-asemaMounts the specified CD/DVD drive to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Liittää määritellyn CD/DVD-aseman virtuaaliseen CD/DVD-asemaan.Host CD/DVD &DriveIsäntäkoneen CD/DVD-&asemaLists host CD/DVD drives available to mount to the virtual machine.When checked, allows the guest to send ATAPI commands directly to the host drive which makes it possible to use CD/DVD writers connected to the host inside the VM. Note that writing audio CD inside the VM is not yet supported.Enable &PassthroughMounts the specified CD/DVD image to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Liittää määritellyn CD/DVD-levykuvan virtuaaliseen CD/DVD-asemaan.&ISO Image File&ISO-levykuvatiedostoDisplays the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a CD/DVD image to mount.VBoxVMSettingsDlgCategoryLuokka[id][id][link][linkki][name][nimi]<i>Select a settings category from the list on the left side and move the mouse over a settings item to get more information<i>.<i>Valitse asetusryhmä vasemmalla puolella olevasta luettelosta, ja siirrä hiiren osoitinta asetusten yli saadaksesi lisää tietoja<i>. General Yleiset 00 Hard Disks Kiintolevyt 11 Floppy Levyke 22 CD/DVD-ROM CD/DVD-ROM 33 Audio Ääni 44 Network Verkko 55 USB USB 66 Remote Display Etätyöpöytä 77 Shared Folders Jaetut kansiot 88&Identification&Tunnistus&Name&NimiDisplays the name of the virtual machine.Näytettävä nimi virtuaalikoneelle.OS &TypeKäyttöjärjestelmän &tyyppiBase &Memory SizeJärjestelmä&muistin koko<<==>>MBMB&Video Memory Size&Videomuistin määräControls the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Säädä videomuistin määrää virtuaalikoneelle.&Basic&PerustiedotSelectValitseSelects the snapshot folder path.Valitse palautuspistekansion polku.ResetPalautaExtended FeaturesLaajennetut ominaisuudetEnable A&CPIOta A&CPI käyttöönAlt+CAlt+CEnable IO A&PICOta IO AC&PI käyttöönAlt+PAlt+PBoo&t Order&Käynnistysjärjestys&Advanced&Lisäasetukset&Description&Kuvaus&Primary Master&Ensisijainen isäntä (Primary Master)<not selected><ei valintaa>P&rimary Slave&Ensisijainen orja (Primary Slave)&Secondary (IDE 1) Slave&Toissijainen orja (Secondary Slave)&Mount Floppy Drive&Liitä levykeasemaHost Floppy &DriveIsäntäkoneen levyke&asemaAlt+DAlt+AMounts the specified host Floppy drive to the virtual Floppy drive.Liittää määritellyn levykeaseman virtuaaliseen levykeasemaan.&Image File&LevykuvatiedostoAlt+IAlt+LMounts the specified Floppy image to the virtual Floppy drive.Liittää määritellyn levykkeenl levykuvan virtuaaliseen levykeasemaan.&Mount CD/DVD Drive&Liitä CD/DVD-asemaHost CD/DVD &DriveIsäntäkoneen CD/DVD-&asemaMounts the specified CD/DVD drive to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Liittää määritellyn CD/DVD-aseman virtuaaliseen CD/DVD-asemaan.&ISO Image File&ISO-levykuvatiedostoMounts the specified CD/DVD image to the virtual CD/DVD drive.Liittää määritellyn CD/DVD-levykuvan virtuaaliseen CD/DVD-asemaan.&Enable Audio&Ota ääni käyttöönHost Audio &DriverIsäntäkoneen ääni&ajuriEnable &USB ControllerOta &USB-ohjain käyttöönAlt+UAlt+UUSB Device &FiltersUSB-laite&suodattimetInsInsAdd Empty (Ins)Lisää tyhjä (Ins)Alt+InsAlt+InsAdd From (Alt+Ins)Lisää kohteesta (Alt+Ins)DelDelRemove (Del)Poista (Del)Removes the selected USB filter.Poista valitut USB-suodattimet.Ctrl+UpCtrl+ylösMove Up (Ctrl+Up)Siirrä ylös (Ctrl+ylös)Moves the selected USB filter up.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet ylös.Ctrl+DownCtrl+alasMove Down (Ctrl+Down)Siirrä alas (Ctrl+alas)Moves the selected USB filter down.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet alas.&Enable VRDP Server&Käytä VRDP-palvelintaServer port Palvelimen portti Authentication Method Todennusmenetelmä Authentication Timeout Todennuksen aikakatkaisu Displays the VRDP Server port.Näyttää VRDP-palvelimen portin.Defines the VRDP authentication method.Määrittelee VRDP-todennusmenetelmän.Specifies the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Määrittelee tunnistuksen aikakatkaisun, millisekunneissa.HelpOhjeF1F1Displays the dialog help.Näyttää valintaikkunan ohjeen.Invalid settings detectedVirheellisiä asetuksia&OK&OKAlt+OAlt+OAccepts (saves) changes and closes the dialog.Tallentaa muutokset ja sulkee valintaikkunan.CancelPeruCancels changes and closes the dialog.Peruuttaa muutokset ja sulkee valintaikkunan.<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt><not attached>hard disk<ei liitetty>Primary Master hard disk is not selected.Ensisijaista Isäntä (Primary Master) kiintolevyä ei ole valittu.Primary Slave hard disk is not selected.Ensisijaista Orja (Primary Slave) kiintolevyä ei ole valittu.Secondary Slave hard disk is not selected.Toissijaista Orja (Secondary Slave) kiintolevyä ei ole valittu.CD/DVD image file is not selected.CD/DVD:n levykuva tiedostoa ei ole valittu.Floppy image file is not selected.Levykkeen levykuva tiedostoa ei ole valittu.VRDP Port is not set.VRDP Porttia ei ole asetettu.VRDP Timeout is not set.VRDP Aikarajaa ei ole asetettu. - Settings - asetuksetNew Filter %1usbUusi suodatin %1&Shared Clipboard&Jaettu leikepöytäS&napshot FolderP&alautuspisteiden kansioAdapter %1networkSovitin %1Host &Interfaces&Isäntäkoneen liitännätAddLisääRemovePoistaVirtualBox Host Interface %1VirtualBox-isäntäkoneen liitäntä %199 Serial Ports Sarjaportit Enable &VT-x/AMD-VOta &VT-x/AMD-V käyttöönOther &SettingsMuut &asetukset&Remember Media Mounted at Runtime&Muista suoritettaessa liitetyt mediatAlt+RAlt+IO&therMuu&t&Enable Passthrough&Ota läpivienti käyttöönAuthentication &Method Todennus&menetelmä Authentication &Timeout &Todennuksen aikakatkaisu Primary Master hard disk is not selectedEnsisijaista isäntäkiintolevyä (Primary Master) ei ole valittuPrimary Slave hard disk is not selectedEnsisijaista orjakiintolevyä (Primary Slave) ei ole valittuSecondary Slave hard disk is not selectedToissijaista orjakiintolevyä (Secondary Slave) ei ole valittuCD/DVD image file is not selectedCD/DVD:n levykuvatiedostoa ei ole valittuFloppy image file is not selectedLevykkeen levykuvatiedostoa ei ole valittu%1 on the <b>%2</b> page.Port %1serial portsPortti %100000101020203030404050508081010090906060707Enable PA&E/NXOta PA&E/NX käyttöön&IDE Controller Type&IDE-ohjaimen tyyppiAudio &ControllerÄäni&ohjainEnable USB &2.0 ControllerOta USB &2.0 -ohjain käyttöönAdd Empty FilterLisää tyhjä suodatin&Add Empty Filter&Lisää tyhjä suodatinRemove FilterPoista suodatin&Remove Filter&Poista suodatinPort %1parallel portsPortti %1GeneralYleisetStorageHard DisksKiintolevytCD/DVD-ROMCD/DVD-ROMFloppyLevykeAudioÄäniNetworkVerkkoPortsSerial PortsSarjaportitParallel PortsRinnakkaisportitUSBUSBShared FoldersJaetut kansiotRemote DisplayEtätyöpöytä%1 - %2VBoxVMSettingsFDHost floppy drive is not selectedFloppy image file is not selectedLevykkeen levykuvatiedostoa ei ole valittuWhen checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the virtual machine.&Mount Floppy Drive&Liitä levykeasemaMounts the specified host Floppy drive to the virtual Floppy drive.Liittää määritellyn levykeaseman virtuaaliseen levykeasemaan.Host Floppy &DriveIsäntäkoneen levyke&asemaLists host Floppy drives available to mount to the virtual machine.Mounts the specified Floppy image to the virtual Floppy drive.Liittää määritellyn levykkeenl levykuvan virtuaaliseen levykeasemaan.&Image File&LevykuvatiedostoDisplays the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy drive and allows to quickly select a different image.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a Floppy image to mount.VBoxVMSettingsGeneral<qt>%1 MB</qt><qt>%1 MB</qt>Displays the path where snapshots of this virtual machine will be stored. Note that snapshots can take quite a lot of disk space.&Basic&PerustiedotIdentification&Name:Displays the name of the virtual machine.Näytettävä nimi virtuaalikoneelle.OS &Type:Displays the operating system type that you plan to install into this virtual machine (called a guest operating system).Base &Memory SizeControls the amount of memory provided to the virtual machine. If you assign too much, the machine might not start.<<>>MBMB&Video Memory Size&Videomuistin määräControls the amount of video memory provided to the virtual machine.Säädä videomuistin määrää virtuaalikoneelle.&Advanced&LisäasetuksetBoo&t Order:Defines the boot device order. Use checkboxes to the left to enable or disable individual boot devices. Move items up and down to change the device order.[device]Move Up (Ctrl-Up)Siirrä ylös (Ctrl+ylös)Moves the selected boot device up.Siirrä valittu käynnistys laite ylös.Move Down (Ctrl-Down)Siirrä alas (Ctrl+alas)Moves the selected boot device down.Siirrä valittu käynnistys laite alas.Extended Features:When checked, the virtual machine will support the Advanced Configuration and Power Management Interface (ACPI). <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Enable A&CPIOta A&CPI käyttöönWhen checked, the virtual machine will support the Input Output APIC (IO APIC), which may slightly decrease the VM performance. <b>Note:</b> don't disable this feature after having installed a Windows guest operating system!Enable IO A&PICOta IO AC&PI käyttöönWhen checked, the virtual machine will try to make use of the host CPU's hardware virtualization extensions such as Intel VT-x and AMD-V.Enable &VT-x/AMD-VOta &VT-x/AMD-V käyttöönWhen checked, the Physical Address Extension (PAE) feature of the host CPU will be exposed to the virtual machine.Enable PA&E/NXOta PA&E/NX käyttöön&Shared Clipboard:Defines the mode of sharing the clipboard between the guest and the host OS. Note that this feature requires Guest Additions to be installed in the guest OS.Defines the type of the virtual IDE controller. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different virtual IDE hardware devices to the guest OS.&IDE Controller Type:S&napshot Folder:&Description&KuvausDisplays the description of the virtual machine. The description field is useful for commenting configuration details of the installed guest OS.&OtherIf checked, any change to mounted CD/DVD or Floppy media performed during machine execution will be saved in the settings file in order to preserve the configuration of mounted media between runs.&Remember Mounted MediaRuntime:VBoxVMSettingsHDNo hard disk is selected for <i>%1</i><i>%1</i> uses the hard disk that is already attached to <i>%2</i>&Add Attachment&Lisää liitos&Remove Attachment&Poista liitos&Select Hard Disk&Valitse kiintolevyAdds a new hard disk attachment.Removes the highlighted hard disk attachment.Invokes the Virtual Disk Manager to select a hard disk to attach to the currently highlighted slot.When checked, enables the virtual SATA controller of this machine. Note that you cannot attach hard disks to SATA ports when the virtual SATA controller is disabled.&Enable SATA Controller&Ota SATA-ohjain käyttöön&AttachmentsLists all hard disks attached to this machine. Use a mouse click or the <tt>Space</tt> key on the highlighted item to activate the drop-down list and choose the desired value. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove hard disk attachments.VBoxVMSettingsNetworkSelect TAP setup applicationSelect TAP terminate applicationWhen checked, plugs this virtual network adapter into the virtual machine.&Enable Network Adapter&Käytä verkkosovitintaA&dapter Type:Selects the type of the virtual network adapter. Depending on this value, VirtualBox will provide different network hardware to the virtual machine.&Attached to:Controls the way how this virtual adapter is attached to the real network of the Host OS.&Network Name:Displays the name of the internal network selected for this adapter.&MAC Address:Displays the MAC address of this adapter. It contains exactly 12 characters chosen from {0-9,A-F}. Note that the second character must be an even digit.Generates a new random MAC address.Luo uusi satunnainen MAC-osoite.&GenerateL&uoIndicates whether the virtual network cable is plugged in on machine startup or not.Ca&ble ConnectedKaapeli k&ytketty&Interface Name:Displays the TAP interface name.&Setup Application:Displays the command executed to set up the TAP interface.Selects the setup application.&Terminate Application:Displays the command executed to terminate the TAP interface.Selects the terminate application.Host Interface SettingsIsäntäliitännän asetuksetVBoxVMSettingsNetworkPageNo host network interface is selectedInternal network name is not setVBoxVMSettingsParallelPort %1parallel portsPortti %1When checked, enables the given parallel port of the virtual machine.&Enable Parallel PortPort &Number:Displays the parallel port number. You can choose one of the standard parallel ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.&IRQ:Displays the IRQ number of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may be used only if the <b>IO APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.I/O Po&rt:Displays the base I/O port address of this parallel port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Port &Path:Displays the host parallel device name.VBoxVMSettingsParallelPageDuplicate port number is selected Port path is not specified Duplicate port path is entered VBoxVMSettingsSF&Add New Shared Folder&Edit Selected Shared Folder&Remove Selected Shared FolderAdds a new shared folder definition.Lisää uuden jaettujen kansioiden määrittelyn.Edits the selected shared folder definition.Muokkaa valitun jaetun kansion määrityksiä.Removes the selected shared folder definition.Poistaa valitun jaettujen kansiouden määrityksen. Machine Folders Koneen Kansio Transient Folders Väliaikaiset KansiotFullTäysiRead-onlyVain lukuLists all shared folders accessible to this machine. Use 'net use x: \\vboxsvr\share' to access a shared folder named <i>share</i> from a DOS-like OS, or 'mount -t vboxsf share mount_point' to access it from a Linux OS. This feature requires Guest Additions.NameNimiPathPolkuAccessPääsyVBoxVMSettingsSFDetailsAdd ShareLisää jakoEdit ShareMuokkaa jakoaDialogFolder Path:Folder Name:Displays the name of the shared folder (as it will be seen by the guest OS).When checked, the guest OS will not be able to write to the specified shared folder.&Read-only&Vain luku&Make Permanent&Tee pysyväksiVBoxVMSettingsSerialPort %1serial portsPortti %1When checked, enables the given serial port of the virtual machine.&Enable Serial PortPort &Number:Displays the serial port number. You can choose one of the standard serial ports or select <b>User-defined</b> and specify port parameters manually.&IRQ:Displays the IRQ number of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>255</tt>. Values greater than <tt>15</tt> may be used only if the <b>IO APIC</b> is enabled for this virtual machine.I/O Po&rt:Displays the base I/O port address of this serial port. Valid values are integer numbers in range from <tt>0</tt> to <tt>0xFFFF</tt>.Port &Mode:Controls the working mode of this serial port. If you select <b>Disconnected</b>, the guest OS will detect the serial port but will not be able to operate it.If checked, the pipe specified in the <b>Port Path</b> field will be created by the virtual machine when it starts. Otherwise, the virtual machine will try to use the existing pipe.&Create PipePort &Path:Displays the path to the serial port's pipe on the host when the port works in <b>Host Pipe</b> mode, or the host serial device name when the port works in <b>Host Device</b> mode.VBoxVMSettingsSerialPageDuplicate port number is selected Port path is not specified Duplicate port path is entered VBoxVMSettingsUSB&Add Empty Filter&Lisää tyhjä suodatinA&dd Filter From Device&Edit Filter&Remove Filter&Poista suodatin&Move Filter UpM&ove Filter DownAdds a new USB filter with all fields initially set to empty strings. Note that such a filter will match any attached USB device.Adds a new USB filter with all fields set to the values of the selected USB device attached to the host PC.Edits the selected USB filter.Removes the selected USB filter.Moves the selected USB filter up.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet ylös.Moves the selected USB filter down.Siirrä valitut USB-suodattimet alas.New Filter %1usbUusi suodatin %1When checked, enables the virtual USB controller of this machine.Enable &USB ControllerOta &USB-ohjain käyttöönWhen checked, enables the virtual USB EHCI controller of this machine. The USB ECHI controller provides USB 2.0 support.Enable USB 2.0 (E&HCI) ControllerUSB Device &FiltersUSB-laite&suodattimetLists all USB filters of this machine. The checkbox to the left defines whether the particular filter is enabled or not. Use the context menu or buttons to the right to add or remove USB filters.[filter]VBoxVMSettingsUSBFilterDetailsAnyremoteKaikkiYesremoteKylläNoremoteEi&Name:Displays the filter name.Näytä suodattimen nimi.&Vendor ID:Defines the vendor ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Product ID:Defines the product ID filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>XXXX</tt> where <tt>X</tt> is a hexadecimal digit. An empty string will match any value.&Revision:Defines the revision number filter. The <i>exact match</i> string format is <tt>IIFF</tt> where <tt>I</tt> is a decimal digit of the integer part and <tt>F</tt> is a decimal digit of the fractional part. An empty string will match any value.&Manufacturer:Defines the manufacturer filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Pro&duct:Defines the product name filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.&Serial No.:Defines the serial number filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.Por&t:Defines the host USB port filter as an <i>exact match</i> string. An empty string will match any value.R&emote:Defines whether this filter applies to USB devices attached locally to the host computer (<i>No</i>), to a VRDP client's computer (<i>Yes</i>), or both (<i>Any</i>).&Action:Defines an action performed by the host computer when a matching device is attached: give it up to the host OS (<i>Ignore</i>) or grab it for later usage by virtual machines (<i>Hold</i>).USB Filter DetailsVBoxVMSettingsVRDPWhen checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect and operate the VM (when it is running) using a standard RDP client.&Enable VRDP Server&Käytä VRDP-palvelintaServer &Port:Displays the VRDP Server port number. You may specify <tt>0</tt> (zero) to reset the port to the default value.Authentication &Method:Defines the VRDP authentication method.Määrittelee VRDP-todennusmenetelmän.Authentication &Timeout:Specifies the timeout for guest authentication, in milliseconds.Määrittelee tunnistuksen aikakatkaisun, millisekunneissa.