1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 | <TS version="2.1" language="sl">
4 | <context>
5 | <name>AudioOutput</name>
6 | <message>
7 | <source><html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html></source>
8 | <translation><html>Naprava za predvajanje zvoka <b>%1</b> ne deluje.<br/>Povratek na <b>%2</b>.</html></translation>
9 | </message>
10 | <message>
11 | <source><html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html></source>
12 | <translation><html>Preklapljanje na napravo za predvajanje zvoka <b>%1</b>, ki je pravkar postala na voljo in ima višjo prednost.</html></translation>
13 | </message>
14 | <message>
15 | <source>Revert back to device '%1'</source>
16 | <translation>Povrni se nazaj na napravo '%1'</translation>
17 | </message>
18 | </context>
19 | <context>
20 | <name>CloseButton</name>
21 | <message>
22 | <source>Close Tab</source>
23 | <translation>Zapri zavihek</translation>
24 | </message>
25 | </context>
26 | <context>
27 | <name>FakeReply</name>
28 | <message>
29 | <source>Fake error !</source>
30 | <translation type="vanished">Lažna napaka.</translation>
31 | </message>
32 | <message>
33 | <source>Invalid URL</source>
34 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven URL</translation>
35 | </message>
36 | </context>
37 | <context>
38 | <name>MAC_APPLICATION_MENU</name>
39 | <message>
40 | <source>Services</source>
41 | <translation>Storitve</translation>
42 | </message>
43 | <message>
44 | <source>Hide %1</source>
45 | <translation>Skrij %1</translation>
46 | </message>
47 | <message>
48 | <source>Hide Others</source>
49 | <translation>Skrij druge</translation>
50 | </message>
51 | <message>
52 | <source>Show All</source>
53 | <translation>Prikaži vse</translation>
54 | </message>
55 | <message>
56 | <source>Preferences...</source>
57 | <translation>Nastavitve …</translation>
58 | </message>
59 | <message>
60 | <source>Quit %1</source>
61 | <translation>Končaj %1</translation>
62 | </message>
63 | <message>
64 | <source>About %1</source>
65 | <translation>O %1</translation>
66 | </message>
67 | </context>
68 | <context>
69 | <name>Phonon::</name>
70 | <message>
71 | <source>Notifications</source>
72 | <translation>Obvestila</translation>
73 | </message>
74 | <message>
75 | <source>Music</source>
76 | <translation>Glasba</translation>
77 | </message>
78 | <message>
79 | <source>Video</source>
80 | <translation>Video posnetki</translation>
81 | </message>
82 | <message>
83 | <source>Communication</source>
84 | <translation>Komunikacija</translation>
85 | </message>
86 | <message>
87 | <source>Games</source>
88 | <translation>Igre</translation>
89 | </message>
90 | <message>
91 | <source>Accessibility</source>
92 | <translation>Dostopnost</translation>
93 | </message>
94 | </context>
95 | <context>
96 | <name>Phonon::AudioOutput</name>
97 | <message>
98 | <source><html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html></source>
99 | <translation type="vanished"><html>Naprava za predvajanje zvoka <b>%1</b> ne deluje.<br/>Preklapljanje na <b>%2</b>.</html></translation>
100 | </message>
101 | <message>
102 | <source><html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html></source>
103 | <translation type="vanished"><html>Preklapljanje na napravo za predvajanje zvoka <b>%1</b>,<br/>ki je ravnokar postala dostopna in ima višjo preferenco.</html></translation>
104 | </message>
105 | <message>
106 | <source>Revert back to device '%1'</source>
107 | <translation type="vanished">Povrni nazaj na napravo »%1«</translation>
108 | </message>
109 | <message>
110 | <source><html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which has higher preference or is specifically configured for this stream.</html></source>
111 | <translation type="vanished"><html>Preklapljanje na napravo za predvajanje zvoka <b>%1</b>,<br/>ki ima višjo preferenco ali pa je posebej nastavljena za ta tok.</html></translation>
112 | </message>
113 | </context>
114 | <context>
115 | <name>Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend</name>
116 | <message>
117 | <source>Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
118 | Some video features have been disabled.</source>
119 | <translation>Opozorilo: videti je, da nimate nameščenega paketa gstreamer0.10-plugins-good.
120 | Nekatere značilnosti video posnetkov so bile onemogočene.</translation>
121 | </message>
122 | <message>
123 | <source>Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
124 | All audio and video support has been disabled</source>
125 | <translation>Opozorilo: videti je, da nimate nameščenih osnovnih vstavkov GStreamer.
126 | Vse značilnosti zvoka in video posnetkov so bile onemogočene.</translation>
127 | </message>
128 | </context>
129 | <context>
130 | <name>Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject</name>
131 | <message>
132 | <source>Cannot start playback.
133 |
134 | Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you
135 | have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.</source>
136 | <translation>Predvajanja ni mogoče začeti.
137 |
138 | Preverite namestitev Gstreamerja in se prepričajte,
139 | da imate nameščen libgstreamer-plugins-base.</translation>
140 | </message>
141 | <message numerus="yes">
142 | <source>A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0</source>
143 | <translation>
144 | <numerusform>Zahtevani kodek manjka. Namestiti morate naslednji kodek za predvajanje te vsebine: %0</numerusform>
145 | <numerusform>Zahtevani kodek manjka. Namestiti morate naslednja kodeka za predvajanje te vsebine: %0</numerusform>
146 | <numerusform>Zahtevani kodek manjka. Namestiti morate naslednje kodeke za predvajanje te vsebine: %0</numerusform>
147 | <numerusform>Zahtevani kodek manjka. Namestiti morate naslednje kodeke za predvajanje te vsebine: %0</numerusform>
148 | </translation>
149 | </message>
150 | <message>
151 | <source>Could not open media source.</source>
152 | <translation>Vira predstavnosti ni bilo mogoče odpreti.</translation>
153 | </message>
154 | <message>
155 | <source>Invalid source type.</source>
156 | <translation>Neveljavna vrsta vira.</translation>
157 | </message>
158 | <message>
159 | <source>Could not locate media source.</source>
160 | <translation>Vira predstavnosti ni bilo mogoče najti.</translation>
161 | </message>
162 | <message>
163 | <source>Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.</source>
164 | <translation>Zvočne naprave ni bilo mogoče odpreti. Ta naprava je že v uporabi.</translation>
165 | </message>
166 | <message>
167 | <source>Could not decode media source.</source>
168 | <translation>Vira predstavnosti ni bilo mogoče odkodirati.</translation>
169 | </message>
170 | <message>
171 | <source>Cannot start playback.
172 |
173 | Check your GStreamer installation and make sure you
174 | have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.</source>
175 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč začeti predvajanja.
176 |
177 | Preverite namestitev GStreamerja in se prepričajte,
178 | da je nameščen paket libgstreamer-plugins-base.</translation>
179 | </message>
180 | <message>
181 | <source>Missing codec helper script assistant.</source>
182 | <translation type="vanished">Manjka pomožni skript pomočnika za kodeke.</translation>
183 | </message>
184 | <message>
185 | <source>Plugin codec installation failed for codec: %0</source>
186 | <translation type="vanished">Namesitev vstavka s kodekom ni uspela: %0</translation>
187 | </message>
188 | </context>
189 | <context>
190 | <name>Phonon::MMF</name>
191 | <message>
192 | <source>Audio Output</source>
193 | <translation type="vanished">Predvajanje zvoka</translation>
194 | </message>
195 | <message>
196 | <source>The audio output device</source>
197 | <translation type="vanished">Naprava za predvajanje zvoka</translation>
198 | </message>
199 | <message>
200 | <source>No error</source>
201 | <translation type="vanished">Brez napake</translation>
202 | </message>
203 | <message>
204 | <source>Not found</source>
205 | <translation type="vanished">Ni najdeno</translation>
206 | </message>
207 | <message>
208 | <source>Out of memory</source>
209 | <translation type="vanished">Zmanjkalo pomnilnika</translation>
210 | </message>
211 | <message>
212 | <source>Not supported</source>
213 | <translation type="vanished">Ni podprto</translation>
214 | </message>
215 | <message>
216 | <source>Overflow</source>
217 | <translation type="vanished">Prekoračitev zgornje meje</translation>
218 | </message>
219 | <message>
220 | <source>Underflow</source>
221 | <translation type="vanished">Prekoračitev spodnje meje</translation>
222 | </message>
223 | <message>
224 | <source>Already exists</source>
225 | <translation type="vanished">Že obstaja</translation>
226 | </message>
227 | <message>
228 | <source>Path not found</source>
229 | <translation type="vanished">Pot ni najdena</translation>
230 | </message>
231 | <message>
232 | <source>In use</source>
233 | <translation type="vanished">V uporabi</translation>
234 | </message>
235 | <message>
236 | <source>Not ready</source>
237 | <translation type="vanished">Ni pripravljeno</translation>
238 | </message>
239 | <message>
240 | <source>Access denied</source>
241 | <translation type="vanished">Dostop zavrnjen</translation>
242 | </message>
243 | <message>
244 | <source>Could not connect</source>
245 | <translation type="vanished">Povezava ni mogoča</translation>
246 | </message>
247 | <message>
248 | <source>Disconnected</source>
249 | <translation type="vanished">Povezava prekinjena</translation>
250 | </message>
251 | <message>
252 | <source>Permission denied</source>
253 | <translation type="vanished">Ni dovoljenja</translation>
254 | </message>
255 | <message>
256 | <source>Insufficient bandwidth</source>
257 | <translation type="vanished">Pasovna širina ni zadostna</translation>
258 | </message>
259 | <message>
260 | <source>Network unavailable</source>
261 | <translation type="vanished">Omrežje ni na voljo</translation>
262 | </message>
263 | <message>
264 | <source>Network communication error</source>
265 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka komunikacije prek omrežja</translation>
266 | </message>
267 | <message>
268 | <source>Streaming not supported</source>
269 | <translation type="vanished">Pretakanje ni podprto</translation>
270 | </message>
271 | <message>
272 | <source>Server alert</source>
273 | <translation type="vanished">Opozorilo strežnika</translation>
274 | </message>
275 | <message>
276 | <source>Invalid protocol</source>
277 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven protokol</translation>
278 | </message>
279 | <message>
280 | <source>Invalid URL</source>
281 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven URL</translation>
282 | </message>
283 | <message>
284 | <source>Multicast error</source>
285 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka oddajanja večim</translation>
286 | </message>
287 | <message>
288 | <source>Proxy server error</source>
289 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka posredniškega strežnika</translation>
290 | </message>
291 | <message>
292 | <source>Proxy server not supported</source>
293 | <translation type="vanished">Posredniški strežnik ni podprt</translation>
294 | </message>
295 | <message>
296 | <source>Audio output error</source>
297 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka predvajanja zvoka</translation>
298 | </message>
299 | <message>
300 | <source>Video output error</source>
301 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka prevajanja videa</translation>
302 | </message>
303 | <message>
304 | <source>Decoder error</source>
305 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka dekodirnika</translation>
306 | </message>
307 | <message>
308 | <source>Audio or video components could not be played</source>
309 | <translation type="vanished">Zvočne ali video komponente ni bilo moč predvajati</translation>
310 | </message>
311 | <message>
312 | <source>DRM error</source>
313 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka upravljanja z omejitvami</translation>
314 | </message>
315 | <message>
316 | <source>Unknown error (%1)</source>
317 | <translation type="vanished">Neznana napaka (%1)</translation>
318 | </message>
319 | </context>
320 | <context>
321 | <name>Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer</name>
322 | <message>
323 | <source>Not ready to play</source>
324 | <translation type="vanished">Ni pripravljen na predvajanje</translation>
325 | </message>
326 | <message>
327 | <source>Error opening file</source>
328 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odpiranju datoteke</translation>
329 | </message>
330 | <message>
331 | <source>Error opening URL</source>
332 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odpiranju URL-ja</translation>
333 | </message>
334 | <message>
335 | <source>Error opening resource</source>
336 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odpiranju vira</translation>
337 | </message>
338 | <message>
339 | <source>Error opening source: resource not opened</source>
340 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odporanju vira: vir ni bil odprt</translation>
341 | </message>
342 | <message>
343 | <source>Setting volume failed</source>
344 | <translation type="vanished">Nastavljanje glasnosti ni uspelo</translation>
345 | </message>
346 | <message>
347 | <source>Loading clip failed</source>
348 | <translation type="vanished">Nalaganje posnetka ni uspelo</translation>
349 | </message>
350 | <message>
351 | <source>Playback complete</source>
352 | <translation type="vanished">Predvajanje je zaključeno</translation>
353 | </message>
354 | </context>
355 | <context>
356 | <name>Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayer</name>
357 | <message>
358 | <source>Pause failed</source>
359 | <translation type="vanished">Prekinitev ni uspela</translation>
360 | </message>
361 | <message>
362 | <source>Seek failed</source>
363 | <translation type="vanished">Pomik ni uspel</translation>
364 | </message>
365 | <message>
366 | <source>Getting position failed</source>
367 | <translation type="vanished">Pridobivanje položaja ni uspelo</translation>
368 | </message>
369 | <message>
370 | <source>Opening clip failed</source>
371 | <translation type="vanished">Odpiranje posnetka ni uspelo</translation>
372 | </message>
373 | </context>
374 | <context>
375 | <name>Phonon::MMF::AudioEqualizer</name>
376 | <message>
377 | <source>%1 Hz</source>
378 | <translation type="vanished">%1 Hz</translation>
379 | </message>
380 | </context>
381 | <context>
382 | <name>Phonon::MMF::AudioPlayer</name>
383 | <message>
384 | <source>Getting position failed</source>
385 | <translation type="vanished">Pridobivanje položaja ni uspelo</translation>
386 | </message>
387 | </context>
388 | <context>
389 | <name>Phonon::MMF::DsaVideoPlayer</name>
390 | <message>
391 | <source>Video display error</source>
392 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka prikaza videa</translation>
393 | </message>
394 | </context>
395 | <context>
396 | <name>Phonon::MMF::EffectFactory</name>
397 | <message>
398 | <source>Enabled</source>
399 | <translation type="vanished">Omogočeno</translation>
400 | </message>
401 | </context>
402 | <context>
403 | <name>Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb</name>
404 | <message>
405 | <source>Decay HF ratio (%)</source>
406 | <extracomment>DecayHFRatio: Ratio of high-frequency decay time to the value specified by DecayTime.
407 | </extracomment>
408 | <translation type="vanished">VF razmerje zamrtja (%)</translation>
409 | </message>
410 | <message>
411 | <source>Decay time (ms)</source>
412 | <extracomment>DecayTime: Time over which reverberation is diminished.
413 | </extracomment>
414 | <translation type="vanished">Čas zamrtja (ms)</translation>
415 | </message>
416 | <message>
417 | <source>Density (%)</source>
418 | <extracomment>Density Delay between first and subsequent reflections. Note that the S60 platform documentation does not make clear the distinction between this value and the Diffusion value.
419 | </extracomment>
420 | <translation type="vanished">Gostota (%)</translation>
421 | </message>
422 | <message>
423 | <source>Diffusion (%)</source>
424 | <extracomment>Diffusion: Delay between first and subsequent reflections. Note that the S60 platform documentation does not make clear the distinction between this value and the Density value.
425 | </extracomment>
426 | <translation type="vanished">Razpršitev (%)</translation>
427 | </message>
428 | <message>
429 | <source>Reflections delay (ms)</source>
430 | <extracomment>ReflectionsDelay: Amount of delay between the arrival the direct path from the source and the arrival of the first reflection.
431 | </extracomment>
432 | <translation type="vanished">Zamik odbojev (ms)</translation>
433 | </message>
434 | <message>
435 | <source>Reflections level (mB)</source>
436 | <extracomment>ReflectionsLevel: Amplitude of reflections. This value is corrected by the RoomLevel to give the final reflection amplitude.
437 | </extracomment>
438 | <translation type="vanished">Glasnost odbojev (mB)</translation>
439 | </message>
440 | <message>
441 | <source>Reverb delay (ms)</source>
442 | <extracomment>ReverbDelay: Amount of time between arrival of the first reflection and start of the late reverberation.
443 | </extracomment>
444 | <translation type="vanished">Zamik odmeva (ms)</translation>
445 | </message>
446 | <message>
447 | <source>Reverb level (mB)</source>
448 | <extracomment>ReverbLevel Amplitude of reverberations. This value is corrected by the RoomLevel to give the final reverberation amplitude.
449 | </extracomment>
450 | <translation type="vanished">Glasnost odmeva (ms)</translation>
451 | </message>
452 | <message>
453 | <source>Room HF level</source>
454 | <extracomment>RoomHFLevel: Amplitude of low-pass filter used to attenuate the high frequency component of reflected sound.
455 | </extracomment>
456 | <translation type="vanished">VF glasnost prostora</translation>
457 | </message>
458 | <message>
459 | <source>Room level (mB)</source>
460 | <extracomment>RoomLevel: Master volume control for all reflected sound.
461 | </extracomment>
462 | <translation type="vanished">Glasnost prostora (mB)</translation>
463 | </message>
464 | </context>
465 | <context>
466 | <name>Phonon::MMF::MediaObject</name>
467 | <message>
468 | <source>Error opening source: type not supported</source>
469 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odpiranju vira: vrsta ni podprta</translation>
470 | </message>
471 | <message>
472 | <source>Error opening source: resource is compressed</source>
473 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odporanju vira: vir je stisnjen</translation>
474 | </message>
475 | <message>
476 | <source>Error opening source: resource not valid</source>
477 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odporanju vira: vir ni veljaven</translation>
478 | </message>
479 | <message>
480 | <source>Error opening source: media type could not be determined</source>
481 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri odpiranju vira: ni bilo moč ugotoviti vrste večpredstavnostne datoteke</translation>
482 | </message>
483 | </context>
484 | <context>
485 | <name>Phonon::MMF::StereoWidening</name>
486 | <message>
487 | <source>Level (%)</source>
488 | <translation type="vanished">Stopnja (%)</translation>
489 | </message>
490 | </context>
491 | <context>
492 | <name>Phonon::MMF::SurfaceVideoPlayer</name>
493 | <message>
494 | <source>Video display error</source>
495 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka prikaza videa</translation>
496 | </message>
497 | </context>
498 | <context>
499 | <name>Phonon::VolumeSlider</name>
500 | <message>
501 | <source>Volume: %1%</source>
502 | <translation>Glasnost: %1%</translation>
503 | </message>
504 | <message>
505 | <source>Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%</source>
506 | <translation>Uporabite ta drsnik za prilagoditev glasnosti. Skrajni levi položaj je 0%, skrajno desni %1%</translation>
507 | </message>
508 | <message>
509 | <source>Muted</source>
510 | <translation type="vanished">Utišan</translation>
511 | </message>
512 | </context>
513 | <context>
514 | <name>Q3Accel</name>
515 | <message>
516 | <source>%1, %2 not defined</source>
517 | <translation>%1, %2 ni določen</translation>
518 | </message>
519 | <message>
520 | <source>Ambiguous %1 not handled</source>
521 | <translation>Nejasen %1 ni obdelan</translation>
522 | </message>
523 | </context>
524 | <context>
525 | <name>Q3DataTable</name>
526 | <message>
527 | <source>True</source>
528 | <translation>Prav</translation>
529 | </message>
530 | <message>
531 | <source>False</source>
532 | <translation>Napak</translation>
533 | </message>
534 | <message>
535 | <source>Insert</source>
536 | <translation>Vstavi</translation>
537 | </message>
538 | <message>
539 | <source>Update</source>
540 | <translation>Posodobi</translation>
541 | </message>
542 | <message>
543 | <source>Delete</source>
544 | <translation>Izbriši</translation>
545 | </message>
546 | </context>
547 | <context>
548 | <name>Q3FileDialog</name>
549 | <message>
550 | <source>Copy or Move a File</source>
551 | <translation>Kopiraj ali Premakni datoteko</translation>
552 | </message>
553 | <message>
554 | <source>Read: %1</source>
555 | <translation>Beri: %1</translation>
556 | </message>
557 | <message>
558 | <source>Write: %1</source>
559 | <translation>Zapiši: %1</translation>
560 | </message>
561 | <message>
562 | <source>Cancel</source>
563 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
564 | </message>
565 | <message>
566 | <source>All Files (*)</source>
567 | <translation>Vse datoteke (*)</translation>
568 | </message>
569 | <message>
570 | <source>Name</source>
571 | <translation>Ime</translation>
572 | </message>
573 | <message>
574 | <source>Size</source>
575 | <translation>Velikost</translation>
576 | </message>
577 | <message>
578 | <source>Type</source>
579 | <translation>Vrsta</translation>
580 | </message>
581 | <message>
582 | <source>Date</source>
583 | <translation>Datum</translation>
584 | </message>
585 | <message>
586 | <source>Attributes</source>
587 | <translation>Lastnosti</translation>
588 | </message>
589 | <message>
590 | <source>&OK</source>
591 | <translation>&V redu</translation>
592 | </message>
593 | <message>
594 | <source>Look &in:</source>
595 | <translation>&Išči v:</translation>
596 | </message>
597 | <message>
598 | <source>File &name:</source>
599 | <translation>I&me datoteke:</translation>
600 | </message>
601 | <message>
602 | <source>File &type:</source>
603 | <translation>&Vrsta datoteke:</translation>
604 | </message>
605 | <message>
606 | <source>Back</source>
607 | <translation>Nazaj</translation>
608 | </message>
609 | <message>
610 | <source>One directory up</source>
611 | <translation>Eno mapo gor</translation>
612 | </message>
613 | <message>
614 | <source>Create New Folder</source>
615 | <translation>Ustvari novo mapo</translation>
616 | </message>
617 | <message>
618 | <source>List View</source>
619 | <translation>Seznamski pogled</translation>
620 | </message>
621 | <message>
622 | <source>Detail View</source>
623 | <translation>Podrobni pogled</translation>
624 | </message>
625 | <message>
626 | <source>Preview File Info</source>
627 | <translation>Predogled podatkov datoteke</translation>
628 | </message>
629 | <message>
630 | <source>Preview File Contents</source>
631 | <translation>Predogled vsebine datoteke</translation>
632 | </message>
633 | <message>
634 | <source>Read-write</source>
635 | <translation>Branje in pisanje</translation>
636 | </message>
637 | <message>
638 | <source>Read-only</source>
639 | <translation>Samo za branje</translation>
640 | </message>
641 | <message>
642 | <source>Write-only</source>
643 | <translation>Samo za pisanje</translation>
644 | </message>
645 | <message>
646 | <source>Inaccessible</source>
647 | <translation>Nedostopno</translation>
648 | </message>
649 | <message>
650 | <source>Symlink to File</source>
651 | <translation>Simbolna povezava do datoteke</translation>
652 | </message>
653 | <message>
654 | <source>Symlink to Directory</source>
655 | <translation>Simbolna povezava do mape</translation>
656 | </message>
657 | <message>
658 | <source>Symlink to Special</source>
659 | <translation>Simbolna povezava do posebne</translation>
660 | </message>
661 | <message>
662 | <source>File</source>
663 | <translation>Datoteka</translation>
664 | </message>
665 | <message>
666 | <source>Dir</source>
667 | <translation>Mapa</translation>
668 | </message>
669 | <message>
670 | <source>Special</source>
671 | <translation>Posebna</translation>
672 | </message>
673 | <message>
674 | <source>Open</source>
675 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
676 | </message>
677 | <message>
678 | <source>Save As</source>
679 | <translation>Shrani kot</translation>
680 | </message>
681 | <message>
682 | <source>&Open</source>
683 | <translation>&Odpri</translation>
684 | </message>
685 | <message>
686 | <source>&Save</source>
687 | <translation>&Shrani</translation>
688 | </message>
689 | <message>
690 | <source>&Rename</source>
691 | <translation>&Preimenuj</translation>
692 | </message>
693 | <message>
694 | <source>&Delete</source>
695 | <translation>Iz&briši</translation>
696 | </message>
697 | <message>
698 | <source>R&eload</source>
699 | <translation>&Ponovno naloži</translation>
700 | </message>
701 | <message>
702 | <source>Sort by &Name</source>
703 | <translation>Razvrsti po i&menu</translation>
704 | </message>
705 | <message>
706 | <source>Sort by &Size</source>
707 | <translation>Razvrsti po &velikosti</translation>
708 | </message>
709 | <message>
710 | <source>Sort by &Date</source>
711 | <translation>Razvrsti po &datumu</translation>
712 | </message>
713 | <message>
714 | <source>&Unsorted</source>
715 | <translation>&Nerazvrščeno</translation>
716 | </message>
717 | <message>
718 | <source>Sort</source>
719 | <translation>Razvrsti</translation>
720 | </message>
721 | <message>
722 | <source>Show &hidden files</source>
723 | <translation>Prikaži &skrite datoteke</translation>
724 | </message>
725 | <message>
726 | <source>the file</source>
727 | <translation>datoteka</translation>
728 | </message>
729 | <message>
730 | <source>the directory</source>
731 | <translation>mapa</translation>
732 | </message>
733 | <message>
734 | <source>the symlink</source>
735 | <translation>simbolna povezava</translation>
736 | </message>
737 | <message>
738 | <source>Delete %1</source>
739 | <translation>Izbriši %1</translation>
740 | </message>
741 | <message>
742 | <source><qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt></source>
743 | <translation><qt>Ali res želite izbrisati %1 "%2"?</qt></translation>
744 | </message>
745 | <message>
746 | <source>&Yes</source>
747 | <translation>&Da</translation>
748 | </message>
749 | <message>
750 | <source>&No</source>
751 | <translation>&Ne</translation>
752 | </message>
753 | <message>
754 | <source>New Folder 1</source>
755 | <translation>Nova mapa 1</translation>
756 | </message>
757 | <message>
758 | <source>New Folder</source>
759 | <translation>Nova mapa</translation>
760 | </message>
761 | <message>
762 | <source>New Folder %1</source>
763 | <translation>Nova mapa %1</translation>
764 | </message>
765 | <message>
766 | <source>Find Directory</source>
767 | <translation>Poišči mapo</translation>
768 | </message>
769 | <message>
770 | <source>Directories</source>
771 | <translation>Mape</translation>
772 | </message>
773 | <message>
774 | <source>Directory:</source>
775 | <translation>Mapa:</translation>
776 | </message>
777 | <message>
778 | <source>Error</source>
779 | <translation>Napaka</translation>
780 | </message>
781 | <message>
782 | <source>%1
783 | File not found.
784 | Check path and filename.</source>
785 | <translation>%1
786 | Datoteka ni bila najdena.
787 | Preverite pot in ime.</translation>
788 | </message>
789 | <message>
790 | <source>All Files (*.*)</source>
791 | <translation type="vanished">Vse datoteke (*.*)</translation>
792 | </message>
793 | <message>
794 | <source>Open </source>
795 | <translation type="vanished">Odpri </translation>
796 | </message>
797 | <message>
798 | <source>Select a Directory</source>
799 | <translation type="vanished">Izberite mapo</translation>
800 | </message>
801 | </context>
802 | <context>
803 | <name>Q3LocalFs</name>
804 | <message>
805 | <source>Could not read directory
806 | %1</source>
807 | <translation>Ni bilo mogočle brati mape
808 | %1</translation>
809 | </message>
810 | <message>
811 | <source>Could not create directory
812 | %1</source>
813 | <translation>Ni bilo mogočle ustvariti mape
814 | %1</translation>
815 | </message>
816 | <message>
817 | <source>Could not remove file or directory
818 | %1</source>
819 | <translation>Ni bilo mogoče odstraniti datoteke ali mape
820 | %1</translation>
821 | </message>
822 | <message>
823 | <source>Could not rename
824 | %1
825 | to
826 | %2</source>
827 | <translation>Ni bilo mogoče preimenovati
828 | %1
829 | v
830 | %2</translation>
831 | </message>
832 | <message>
833 | <source>Could not open
834 | %1</source>
835 | <translation>Ni bilo mogoče odpreti
836 | %1</translation>
837 | </message>
838 | <message>
839 | <source>Could not write
840 | %1</source>
841 | <translation>Ni bilo mogoče zapisati
842 | %1</translation>
843 | </message>
844 | </context>
845 | <context>
846 | <name>Q3MainWindow</name>
847 | <message>
848 | <source>Line up</source>
849 | <translation>Vrstica gor</translation>
850 | </message>
851 | <message>
852 | <source>Customize...</source>
853 | <translation>Prilagodi …</translation>
854 | </message>
855 | </context>
856 | <context>
857 | <name>Q3NetworkProtocol</name>
858 | <message>
859 | <source>Operation stopped by the user</source>
860 | <translation>Opravilo je ustavil uporabnik</translation>
861 | </message>
862 | </context>
863 | <context>
864 | <name>Q3ProgressDialog</name>
865 | <message>
866 | <source>Cancel</source>
867 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
868 | </message>
869 | </context>
870 | <context>
871 | <name>Q3TabDialog</name>
872 | <message>
873 | <source>OK</source>
874 | <translation>V redu</translation>
875 | </message>
876 | <message>
877 | <source>Apply</source>
878 | <translation>Uporabi</translation>
879 | </message>
880 | <message>
881 | <source>Help</source>
882 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
883 | </message>
884 | <message>
885 | <source>Defaults</source>
886 | <translation>Privzete</translation>
887 | </message>
888 | <message>
889 | <source>Cancel</source>
890 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
891 | </message>
892 | </context>
893 | <context>
894 | <name>Q3TextEdit</name>
895 | <message>
896 | <source>&Undo</source>
897 | <translation>&Razveljavi</translation>
898 | </message>
899 | <message>
900 | <source>&Redo</source>
901 | <translation>&Uveljavi</translation>
902 | </message>
903 | <message>
904 | <source>Cu&t</source>
905 | <translation>I&zreži</translation>
906 | </message>
907 | <message>
908 | <source>&Copy</source>
909 | <translation>&Kopiraj</translation>
910 | </message>
911 | <message>
912 | <source>&Paste</source>
913 | <translation>&Prilepi</translation>
914 | </message>
915 | <message>
916 | <source>Clear</source>
917 | <translation>Počisti</translation>
918 | </message>
919 | <message>
920 | <source>Select All</source>
921 | <translation>Izberi vse</translation>
922 | </message>
923 | </context>
924 | <context>
925 | <name>Q3TitleBar</name>
926 | <message>
927 | <source>System</source>
928 | <translation>Sistem</translation>
929 | </message>
930 | <message>
931 | <source>Restore up</source>
932 | <translation>Obnovi gor</translation>
933 | </message>
934 | <message>
935 | <source>Minimize</source>
936 | <translation>Skrči</translation>
937 | </message>
938 | <message>
939 | <source>Restore down</source>
940 | <translation>Obnovi dol</translation>
941 | </message>
942 | <message>
943 | <source>Maximize</source>
944 | <translation>Razpni</translation>
945 | </message>
946 | <message>
947 | <source>Close</source>
948 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
949 | </message>
950 | <message>
951 | <source>Contains commands to manipulate the window</source>
952 | <translation>Vsebuje ukaze za upravljanje z oknom</translation>
953 | </message>
954 | <message>
955 | <source>Puts a minimized back to normal</source>
956 | <translation>Postavi skrčeno nazaj na običajno</translation>
957 | </message>
958 | <message>
959 | <source>Moves the window out of the way</source>
960 | <translation>Premakne okno na stran</translation>
961 | </message>
962 | <message>
963 | <source>Puts a maximized window back to normal</source>
964 | <translation>Postavi razpeto okno nazaj na običajno</translation>
965 | </message>
966 | <message>
967 | <source>Makes the window full screen</source>
968 | <translation>Preklopi okno v celozaslonski način</translation>
969 | </message>
970 | <message>
971 | <source>Closes the window</source>
972 | <translation>Zapre okno</translation>
973 | </message>
974 | <message>
975 | <source>Holds the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it</source>
976 | <translation>Vsebuje ime okna in krmilnike za upravljanje</translation>
977 | </message>
978 | <message>
979 | <source>Puts a minimized window back to normal</source>
980 | <translation type="vanished">Obnovi pomanjšano okno na običajno velikost</translation>
981 | </message>
982 | <message>
983 | <source>Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it</source>
984 | <translation type="vanished">Prikazuje ime okna in vsebuje gumbe za nadzor okna</translation>
985 | </message>
986 | </context>
987 | <context>
988 | <name>Q3ToolBar</name>
989 | <message>
990 | <source>More...</source>
991 | <translation>Več …</translation>
992 | </message>
993 | </context>
994 | <context>
995 | <name>Q3UrlOperator</name>
996 | <message>
997 | <source>The protocol `%1' is not supported</source>
998 | <translation>Protokol %1 ni podprt</translation>
999 | </message>
1000 | <message>
1001 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories</source>
1002 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira navajanja map</translation>
1003 | </message>
1004 | <message>
1005 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories</source>
1006 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira ustvarjanja novih map</translation>
1007 | </message>
1008 | <message>
1009 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories</source>
1010 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira odstranjevanja map ali datotek</translation>
1011 | </message>
1012 | <message>
1013 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories</source>
1014 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira preimenovanja map ali datotek</translation>
1015 | </message>
1016 | <message>
1017 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support getting files</source>
1018 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira pridobivanja map</translation>
1019 | </message>
1020 | <message>
1021 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support putting files</source>
1022 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira vstavljanja map</translation>
1023 | </message>
1024 | <message>
1025 | <source>The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories</source>
1026 | <translation>Protokol '%1' ne podpira kopiranja ali premikanja map ali datotek</translation>
1027 | </message>
1028 | <message>
1029 | <source>(unknown)</source>
1030 | <translation>(neznano)</translation>
1031 | </message>
1032 | </context>
1033 | <context>
1034 | <name>Q3Wizard</name>
1035 | <message>
1036 | <source>&Cancel</source>
1037 | <translation>&Prekliči</translation>
1038 | </message>
1039 | <message>
1040 | <source>< &Back</source>
1041 | <translation>< Na&zaj</translation>
1042 | </message>
1043 | <message>
1044 | <source>&Next ></source>
1045 | <translation>&Naprej ></translation>
1046 | </message>
1047 | <message>
1048 | <source>&Finish</source>
1049 | <translation>&Končaj</translation>
1050 | </message>
1051 | <message>
1052 | <source>&Help</source>
1053 | <translation>&Pomoč</translation>
1054 | </message>
1055 | </context>
1056 | <context>
1057 | <name>QAbstractSocket</name>
1058 | <message>
1059 | <source>Host not found</source>
1060 | <translation>Gostitelj ni bil najden</translation>
1061 | </message>
1062 | <message>
1063 | <source>Connection refused</source>
1064 | <translation>Povezava zavrnjena</translation>
1065 | </message>
1066 | <message>
1067 | <source>Socket operation timed out</source>
1068 | <translation>Opravilo vtiča je poteklo</translation>
1069 | </message>
1070 | <message>
1071 | <source>Socket is not connected</source>
1072 | <translation>Vtič ni povezan</translation>
1073 | </message>
1074 | <message>
1075 | <source>Connection timed out</source>
1076 | <translation>Čas za povezavo je potekel</translation>
1077 | </message>
1078 | <message>
1079 | <source>Operation on socket is not supported</source>
1080 | <translation>Dejanje na vtičnici ni podprto</translation>
1081 | </message>
1082 | <message>
1083 | <source>Network unreachable</source>
1084 | <translation>Omrežje ni dosegljivo</translation>
1085 | </message>
1086 | <message>
1087 | <source>Trying to connect while connection is in progress</source>
1088 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1089 | </message>
1090 | </context>
1091 | <context>
1092 | <name>QAbstractSpinBox</name>
1093 | <message>
1094 | <source>&Step up</source>
1095 | <translation>&Nastavitev</translation>
1096 | </message>
1097 | <message>
1098 | <source>Step &down</source>
1099 | <translation>Korak g&or</translation>
1100 | </message>
1101 | <message>
1102 | <source>&Select All</source>
1103 | <translation>I&zberi vse</translation>
1104 | </message>
1105 | </context>
1106 | <context>
1107 | <name>QAccessibleActionInterface</name>
1108 | <message>
1109 | <source>Press</source>
1110 | <translation type="unfinished">Pritisni</translation>
1111 | </message>
1112 | <message>
1113 | <source>Increase</source>
1114 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1115 | </message>
1116 | <message>
1117 | <source>Decrease</source>
1118 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1119 | </message>
1120 | <message>
1121 | <source>ShowMenu</source>
1122 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1123 | </message>
1124 | <message>
1125 | <source>SetFocus</source>
1126 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1127 | </message>
1128 | <message>
1129 | <source>Toggle</source>
1130 | <translation type="unfinished">Preklopi</translation>
1131 | </message>
1132 | <message>
1133 | <source>Scroll Left</source>
1134 | <translation type="unfinished">Premakni levo</translation>
1135 | </message>
1136 | <message>
1137 | <source>Scroll Right</source>
1138 | <translation type="unfinished">Premakni desno</translation>
1139 | </message>
1140 | <message>
1141 | <source>Scroll Up</source>
1142 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1143 | </message>
1144 | <message>
1145 | <source>Scroll Down</source>
1146 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1147 | </message>
1148 | <message>
1149 | <source>Previous Page</source>
1150 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1151 | </message>
1152 | <message>
1153 | <source>Next Page</source>
1154 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1155 | </message>
1156 | <message>
1157 | <source>Triggers the action</source>
1158 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1159 | </message>
1160 | <message>
1161 | <source>Increase the value</source>
1162 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1163 | </message>
1164 | <message>
1165 | <source>Decrease the value</source>
1166 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1167 | </message>
1168 | <message>
1169 | <source>Shows the menu</source>
1170 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1171 | </message>
1172 | <message>
1173 | <source>Sets the focus</source>
1174 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1175 | </message>
1176 | <message>
1177 | <source>Toggles the state</source>
1178 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1179 | </message>
1180 | <message>
1181 | <source>Scrolls to the left</source>
1182 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1183 | </message>
1184 | <message>
1185 | <source>Scrolls to the right</source>
1186 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1187 | </message>
1188 | <message>
1189 | <source>Scrolls up</source>
1190 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1191 | </message>
1192 | <message>
1193 | <source>Scrolls down</source>
1194 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1195 | </message>
1196 | <message>
1197 | <source>Goes back a page</source>
1198 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1199 | </message>
1200 | <message>
1201 | <source>Goes to the next page</source>
1202 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1203 | </message>
1204 | </context>
1205 | <context>
1206 | <name>QAccessibleButton</name>
1207 | <message>
1208 | <source>Press</source>
1209 | <translation type="vanished">Pritisni</translation>
1210 | </message>
1211 | </context>
1212 | <context>
1213 | <name>QAndroidPlatformTheme</name>
1214 | <message>
1215 | <source>Yes</source>
1216 | <translation type="unfinished">Da</translation>
1217 | </message>
1218 | <message>
1219 | <source>Yes to All</source>
1220 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1221 | </message>
1222 | <message>
1223 | <source>No</source>
1224 | <translation type="unfinished">Ne</translation>
1225 | </message>
1226 | <message>
1227 | <source>No to All</source>
1228 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1229 | </message>
1230 | </context>
1231 | <context>
1232 | <name>QApplication</name>
1233 | <message>
1234 | <source>Activate</source>
1235 | <translation>Omogoči</translation>
1236 | </message>
1237 | <message>
1238 | <source>Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.</source>
1239 | <translation>Izvedljiva datoteka '%1' zahteva Qt %2, najden Qt %3.</translation>
1240 | </message>
1241 | <message>
1242 | <source>Incompatible Qt Library Error</source>
1243 | <translation>Napaka nezdružljive knjižnice Qt</translation>
1244 | </message>
1245 | <message>
1246 | <source>QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION</source>
1247 | <comment>Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.</comment>
1248 | <translation>LTR</translation>
1249 | </message>
1250 | <message>
1251 | <source>Activates the program's main window</source>
1252 | <translation>Omogoči glavno okno programa</translation>
1253 | </message>
1254 | </context>
1255 | <context>
1256 | <name>QAxSelect</name>
1257 | <message>
1258 | <source>Select ActiveX Control</source>
1259 | <translation type="vanished">Izberite kontrolnik ActiveX</translation>
1260 | </message>
1261 | <message>
1262 | <source>OK</source>
1263 | <translation type="vanished">V redu</translation>
1264 | </message>
1265 | <message>
1266 | <source>&Cancel</source>
1267 | <translation type="vanished">&Prekliči</translation>
1268 | </message>
1269 | <message>
1270 | <source>COM &Object:</source>
1271 | <translation type="vanished">&Objekt COM:</translation>
1272 | </message>
1273 | </context>
1274 | <context>
1275 | <name>QCheckBox</name>
1276 | <message>
1277 | <source>Uncheck</source>
1278 | <translation>Odznači</translation>
1279 | </message>
1280 | <message>
1281 | <source>Check</source>
1282 | <translation>Označi</translation>
1283 | </message>
1284 | <message>
1285 | <source>Toggle</source>
1286 | <translation>Preklopi</translation>
1287 | </message>
1288 | </context>
1289 | <context>
1290 | <name>QCocoaMenuItem</name>
1291 | <message>
1292 | <source>About Qt</source>
1293 | <translation type="unfinished">O Qt</translation>
1294 | </message>
1295 | <message>
1296 | <source>About</source>
1297 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1298 | </message>
1299 | <message>
1300 | <source>Config</source>
1301 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1302 | </message>
1303 | <message>
1304 | <source>Preference</source>
1305 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1306 | </message>
1307 | <message>
1308 | <source>Options</source>
1309 | <translation type="unfinished">Možnosti</translation>
1310 | </message>
1311 | <message>
1312 | <source>Setting</source>
1313 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1314 | </message>
1315 | <message>
1316 | <source>Setup</source>
1317 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1318 | </message>
1319 | <message>
1320 | <source>Quit</source>
1321 | <translation type="unfinished">Končaj</translation>
1322 | </message>
1323 | <message>
1324 | <source>Exit</source>
1325 | <translation type="unfinished">Končaj</translation>
1326 | </message>
1327 | <message>
1328 | <source>Cut</source>
1329 | <translation type="unfinished">Izreži</translation>
1330 | </message>
1331 | <message>
1332 | <source>Copy</source>
1333 | <translation type="unfinished">Skopiraj</translation>
1334 | </message>
1335 | <message>
1336 | <source>Paste</source>
1337 | <translation type="unfinished">Prilepi</translation>
1338 | </message>
1339 | <message>
1340 | <source>Select All</source>
1341 | <translation type="unfinished">Izberi vse</translation>
1342 | </message>
1343 | </context>
1344 | <context>
1345 | <name>QCocoaTheme</name>
1346 | <message>
1347 | <source>Don't Save</source>
1348 | <translation type="unfinished">Ne shrani</translation>
1349 | </message>
1350 | </context>
1351 | <context>
1352 | <name>QColorDialog</name>
1353 | <message>
1354 | <source>Hu&e:</source>
1355 | <translation>&Odtenek:</translation>
1356 | </message>
1357 | <message>
1358 | <source>&Sat:</source>
1359 | <translation>&Nasičenost:</translation>
1360 | </message>
1361 | <message>
1362 | <source>&Val:</source>
1363 | <translation>&Vrednost:</translation>
1364 | </message>
1365 | <message>
1366 | <source>&Red:</source>
1367 | <translation>&Rdeča:</translation>
1368 | </message>
1369 | <message>
1370 | <source>&Green:</source>
1371 | <translation>&Zelena:</translation>
1372 | </message>
1373 | <message>
1374 | <source>Bl&ue:</source>
1375 | <translation>&Modra:</translation>
1376 | </message>
1377 | <message>
1378 | <source>A&lpha channel:</source>
1379 | <translation>&Kanal alfa:</translation>
1380 | </message>
1381 | <message>
1382 | <source>&Basic colors</source>
1383 | <translation>&Osnovne barve</translation>
1384 | </message>
1385 | <message>
1386 | <source>&Custom colors</source>
1387 | <translation>&Barve po meri</translation>
1388 | </message>
1389 | <message>
1390 | <source>&Add to Custom Colors</source>
1391 | <translation>&Dodaj k barvam po meri</translation>
1392 | </message>
1393 | <message>
1394 | <source>Select color</source>
1395 | <translation>Izberi barvo</translation>
1396 | </message>
1397 | <message>
1398 | <source>Select Color</source>
1399 | <translation>Izberite barvo</translation>
1400 | </message>
1401 | <message>
1402 | <source>&HTML:</source>
1403 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1404 | </message>
1405 | <message>
1406 | <source>Cursor at %1, %2
1407 | Press ESC to cancel</source>
1408 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1409 | </message>
1410 | <message>
1411 | <source>&Pick Screen Color</source>
1412 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1413 | </message>
1414 | </context>
1415 | <context>
1416 | <name>QComboBox</name>
1417 | <message>
1418 | <source>Open</source>
1419 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
1420 | </message>
1421 | <message>
1422 | <source>False</source>
1423 | <translation>Napak</translation>
1424 | </message>
1425 | <message>
1426 | <source>True</source>
1427 | <translation>Prav</translation>
1428 | </message>
1429 | <message>
1430 | <source>Close</source>
1431 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
1432 | </message>
1433 | <message>
1434 | <source>Open the combo box selection popup</source>
1435 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1436 | </message>
1437 | </context>
1438 | <context>
1439 | <name>QCommandLineParser</name>
1440 | <message>
1441 | <source>Displays version information.</source>
1442 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1443 | </message>
1444 | <message>
1445 | <source>Displays this help.</source>
1446 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1447 | </message>
1448 | <message>
1449 | <source>Unknown option '%1'.</source>
1450 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1451 | </message>
1452 | <message>
1453 | <source>Unknown options: %1.</source>
1454 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1455 | </message>
1456 | <message>
1457 | <source>Missing value after '%1'.</source>
1458 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1459 | </message>
1460 | <message>
1461 | <source>Unexpected value after '%1'.</source>
1462 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1463 | </message>
1464 | <message>
1465 | <source>[options]</source>
1466 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1467 | </message>
1468 | <message>
1469 | <source>Usage: %1</source>
1470 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1471 | </message>
1472 | <message>
1473 | <source>Options:</source>
1474 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1475 | </message>
1476 | <message>
1477 | <source>Arguments:</source>
1478 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1479 | </message>
1480 | </context>
1481 | <context>
1482 | <name>QCoreApplication</name>
1483 | <message>
1484 | <source>%1: permission denied</source>
1485 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1486 | <translation>%1: dovoljenje zavrnjeno</translation>
1487 | </message>
1488 | <message>
1489 | <source>%1: already exists</source>
1490 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1491 | <translation>%1: že obstaja</translation>
1492 | </message>
1493 | <message>
1494 | <source>%1: doesn't exists</source>
1495 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1496 | <translation>%1: ne obstaja</translation>
1497 | </message>
1498 | <message>
1499 | <source>%1: out of resources</source>
1500 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1501 | <translation>%1: zmanjkalo virov</translation>
1502 | </message>
1503 | <message>
1504 | <source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
1505 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1506 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka %2</translation>
1507 | </message>
1508 | <message>
1509 | <source>%1: key is empty</source>
1510 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1511 | <translation>%1: ključ je prazen</translation>
1512 | </message>
1513 | <message>
1514 | <source>%1: unable to make key</source>
1515 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1516 | <translation>%1: ustvarjanje ključa ni mogoče</translation>
1517 | </message>
1518 | <message>
1519 | <source>%1: ftok failed</source>
1520 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1521 | <translation>%1: ftok je spodletel</translation>
1522 | </message>
1523 | <message>
1524 | <source>%1: does not exist</source>
1525 | <comment>QSystemSemaphore</comment>
1526 | <translation type="vanished">%1: ne obstaja</translation>
1527 | </message>
1528 | </context>
1529 | <context>
1530 | <name>QCupsJobWidget</name>
1531 | <message>
1532 | <source>Job</source>
1533 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1534 | </message>
1535 | <message>
1536 | <source>Job Control</source>
1537 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1538 | </message>
1539 | <message>
1540 | <source>Scheduled printing:</source>
1541 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1542 | </message>
1543 | <message>
1544 | <source>Billing information:</source>
1545 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1546 | </message>
1547 | <message>
1548 | <source>Job priority:</source>
1549 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1550 | </message>
1551 | <message>
1552 | <source>Banner Pages</source>
1553 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1554 | </message>
1555 | <message>
1556 | <source>End:</source>
1557 | <comment>Banner page at end</comment>
1558 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1559 | </message>
1560 | <message>
1561 | <source>Start:</source>
1562 | <comment>Banner page at start</comment>
1563 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1564 | </message>
1565 | <message>
1566 | <source>Print Immediately</source>
1567 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1568 | </message>
1569 | <message>
1570 | <source>Hold Indefinitely</source>
1571 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1572 | </message>
1573 | <message>
1574 | <source>Day (06:00 to 17:59)</source>
1575 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1576 | </message>
1577 | <message>
1578 | <source>Night (18:00 to 05:59)</source>
1579 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1580 | </message>
1581 | <message>
1582 | <source>Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)</source>
1583 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1584 | </message>
1585 | <message>
1586 | <source>Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)</source>
1587 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1588 | </message>
1589 | <message>
1590 | <source>Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)</source>
1591 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1592 | </message>
1593 | <message>
1594 | <source>Specific Time</source>
1595 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1596 | </message>
1597 | <message>
1598 | <source>None</source>
1599 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1600 | <translation type="unfinished">Brez</translation>
1601 | </message>
1602 | <message>
1603 | <source>Standard</source>
1604 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1605 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1606 | </message>
1607 | <message>
1608 | <source>Unclassified</source>
1609 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1610 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1611 | </message>
1612 | <message>
1613 | <source>Confidential</source>
1614 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1615 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1616 | </message>
1617 | <message>
1618 | <source>Classified</source>
1619 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1620 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1621 | </message>
1622 | <message>
1623 | <source>Secret</source>
1624 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1625 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1626 | </message>
1627 | <message>
1628 | <source>Top Secret</source>
1629 | <comment>CUPS Banner page</comment>
1630 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
1631 | </message>
1632 | </context>
1633 | <context>
1634 | <name>QDB2Driver</name>
1635 | <message>
1636 | <source>Unable to connect</source>
1637 | <translation>Povezava ni mogoča</translation>
1638 | </message>
1639 | <message>
1640 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
1641 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
1642 | </message>
1643 | <message>
1644 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
1645 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
1646 | </message>
1647 | <message>
1648 | <source>Unable to set autocommit</source>
1649 | <translation>Nastavljanje samodejne potrditve ni mogoče</translation>
1650 | </message>
1651 | </context>
1652 | <context>
1653 | <name>QDB2Result</name>
1654 | <message>
1655 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
1656 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
1657 | </message>
1658 | <message>
1659 | <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
1660 | <translation>Priprava stavka ni mogoča</translation>
1661 | </message>
1662 | <message>
1663 | <source>Unable to bind variable</source>
1664 | <translation>Vezava spremenljivke ni mogoča</translation>
1665 | </message>
1666 | <message>
1667 | <source>Unable to fetch record %1</source>
1668 | <translation>Pridobivanje zapisa %1 ni mogoče</translation>
1669 | </message>
1670 | <message>
1671 | <source>Unable to fetch next</source>
1672 | <translation>Pridobivanje naslednjega ni mogoče</translation>
1673 | </message>
1674 | <message>
1675 | <source>Unable to fetch first</source>
1676 | <translation>Pridobivanje prvega ni mogoče</translation>
1677 | </message>
1678 | </context>
1679 | <context>
1680 | <name>QDBusTrayIcon</name>
1681 | <message>
1682 | <source>OK</source>
1683 | <translation type="unfinished">V redu</translation>
1684 | </message>
1685 | </context>
1686 | <context>
1687 | <name>QDateTimeEdit</name>
1688 | <message>
1689 | <source>AM</source>
1690 | <translation>DOP.</translation>
1691 | </message>
1692 | <message>
1693 | <source>am</source>
1694 | <translation>dop.</translation>
1695 | </message>
1696 | <message>
1697 | <source>PM</source>
1698 | <translation>POP.</translation>
1699 | </message>
1700 | <message>
1701 | <source>pm</source>
1702 | <translation>pop.</translation>
1703 | </message>
1704 | </context>
1705 | <context>
1706 | <name>QDateTimeParser</name>
1707 | <message>
1708 | <source>AM</source>
1709 | <translation type="unfinished">dop.</translation>
1710 | </message>
1711 | <message>
1712 | <source>am</source>
1713 | <translation type="unfinished">dop.</translation>
1714 | </message>
1715 | <message>
1716 | <source>PM</source>
1717 | <translation type="unfinished">pop.</translation>
1718 | </message>
1719 | <message>
1720 | <source>pm</source>
1721 | <translation type="unfinished">pop.</translation>
1722 | </message>
1723 | </context>
1724 | <context>
1725 | <name>QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation</name>
1726 | <message>
1727 | <source>Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"</source>
1728 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječe lastnosti »%1« ni moč animirati</translation>
1729 | </message>
1730 | <message>
1731 | <source>Cannot animate read-only property "%1"</source>
1732 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti »%1«, ki je samo za branje, ni moč animirati</translation>
1733 | </message>
1734 | <message>
1735 | <source>Animation is an abstract class</source>
1736 | <translation type="vanished">Animacija je abstrakten razred</translation>
1737 | </message>
1738 | </context>
1739 | <context>
1740 | <name>QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation</name>
1741 | <message>
1742 | <source>Cannot set a duration of < 0</source>
1743 | <translation type="vanished">Trajanja, ki je krajše od 0, ni moč nastaviti</translation>
1744 | </message>
1745 | </context>
1746 | <context>
1747 | <name>QDeclarativeAnchors</name>
1748 | <message>
1749 | <source>Possible anchor loop detected on fill.</source>
1750 | <translation type="vanished">Ob zapolnjevanju je bila zaznana možna zanka sidra.</translation>
1751 | </message>
1752 | <message>
1753 | <source>Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.</source>
1754 | <translation type="vanished">Ob usrediščanju je bila zaznana možna zanka sidra.</translation>
1755 | </message>
1756 | <message>
1757 | <source>Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.</source>
1758 | <translation type="vanished">Na objekt, ki ni nadrejen ali enakovreden, se ni moč zasidrati.</translation>
1759 | </message>
1760 | <message>
1761 | <source>Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.</source>
1762 | <translation type="vanished">Ob navpičnem sidru je bila zaznana možna zanka sidra.</translation>
1763 | </message>
1764 | <message>
1765 | <source>Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.</source>
1766 | <translation type="vanished">Ob vodoravnem sidru je bila zaznana možna zanka sidra.</translation>
1767 | </message>
1768 | <message>
1769 | <source>Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.</source>
1770 | <translation type="vanished">Levih, desnih in vodoravno sredinskih sider ni moč določiti.</translation>
1771 | </message>
1772 | <message>
1773 | <source>Cannot anchor to a null item.</source>
1774 | <translation type="vanished">Na neobstoječ objekt se ni moč zasidrati.</translation>
1775 | </message>
1776 | <message>
1777 | <source>Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.</source>
1778 | <translation type="vanished">Vodoravnega roba ni moč zasidrati na navpični rob.</translation>
1779 | </message>
1780 | <message>
1781 | <source>Cannot anchor item to self.</source>
1782 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč zasidrati samega nase.</translation>
1783 | </message>
1784 | <message>
1785 | <source>Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.</source>
1786 | <translation type="vanished">Vrhnjih, spodnjih in navpično sredinskih sider ni moč določiti.</translation>
1787 | </message>
1788 | <message>
1789 | <source>Baseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.</source>
1790 | <translation type="vanished">Sidra na osnovnici ni moč uporabiti skupaj z vrhnjimi, spodnjimi ali navpično sredinskimi sidri.</translation>
1791 | </message>
1792 | <message>
1793 | <source>Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.</source>
1794 | <translation type="vanished">Navpičnega roba ni moč zasidrati na vodoravni rob.</translation>
1795 | </message>
1796 | </context>
1797 | <context>
1798 | <name>QDeclarativeAnimatedImage</name>
1799 | <message>
1800 | <source>Qt was built without support for QMovie</source>
1801 | <translation type="vanished">Qt je bil zgrajen brez podpore za QMovie</translation>
1802 | </message>
1803 | </context>
1804 | <context>
1805 | <name>QDeclarativeBehavior</name>
1806 | <message>
1807 | <source>Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.</source>
1808 | <translation type="vanished">Animacije, ki je prirejena obnašanju, ni moč spremeniti.</translation>
1809 | </message>
1810 | </context>
1811 | <context>
1812 | <name>QDeclarativeBinding</name>
1813 | <message>
1814 | <source>Binding loop detected for property "%1"</source>
1815 | <translation type="vanished">Za lastnost »%1« je bila zaznana zanka vezave</translation>
1816 | </message>
1817 | </context>
1818 | <context>
1819 | <name>QDeclarativeCompiledBindings</name>
1820 | <message>
1821 | <source>Binding loop detected for property "%1"</source>
1822 | <translation type="vanished">Za lastnost »%1« je bila zaznana zanka vezave</translation>
1823 | </message>
1824 | </context>
1825 | <context>
1826 | <name>QDeclarativeCompiler</name>
1827 | <message>
1828 | <source>Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only property</source>
1829 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: »%1« je lastnost, ki je samo za branje</translation>
1830 | </message>
1831 | <message>
1832 | <source>Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration</source>
1833 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: neznano oštevilčenje</translation>
1834 | </message>
1835 | <message>
1836 | <source>Invalid property assignment: string expected</source>
1837 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je niz</translation>
1838 | </message>
1839 | <message>
1840 | <source>Invalid property assignment: url expected</source>
1841 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je URL</translation>
1842 | </message>
1843 | <message>
1844 | <source>Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expected</source>
1845 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovano je nepredznačeno celo število</translation>
1846 | </message>
1847 | <message>
1848 | <source>Invalid property assignment: int expected</source>
1849 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovano je celo število</translation>
1850 | </message>
1851 | <message>
1852 | <source>Invalid property assignment: number expected</source>
1853 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovano je število</translation>
1854 | </message>
1855 | <message>
1856 | <source>Invalid property assignment: color expected</source>
1857 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovana je barva</translation>
1858 | </message>
1859 | <message>
1860 | <source>Invalid property assignment: date expected</source>
1861 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je datum</translation>
1862 | </message>
1863 | <message>
1864 | <source>Invalid property assignment: time expected</source>
1865 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je čas</translation>
1866 | </message>
1867 | <message>
1868 | <source>Invalid property assignment: datetime expected</source>
1869 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovana sta datum in čas</translation>
1870 | </message>
1871 | <message>
1872 | <source>Invalid property assignment: point expected</source>
1873 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovana je točka</translation>
1874 | </message>
1875 | <message>
1876 | <source>Invalid property assignment: size expected</source>
1877 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovana je velikost</translation>
1878 | </message>
1879 | <message>
1880 | <source>Invalid property assignment: rect expected</source>
1881 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je pravokotnik</translation>
1882 | </message>
1883 | <message>
1884 | <source>Invalid property assignment: boolean expected</source>
1885 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovana je logična vrednost</translation>
1886 | </message>
1887 | <message>
1888 | <source>Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expected</source>
1889 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je 3D vektor</translation>
1890 | </message>
1891 | <message>
1892 | <source>Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"</source>
1893 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: nepodprta vrsta »%1«</translation>
1894 | </message>
1895 | <message>
1896 | <source>Element is not creatable.</source>
1897 | <translation type="vanished">Elementa ni moč ustvariti.</translation>
1898 | </message>
1899 | <message>
1900 | <source>Component elements may not contain properties other than id</source>
1901 | <translation type="vanished">Elementi komponent ne smejo vsebovati drugih lastnosti kot ID</translation>
1902 | </message>
1903 | <message>
1904 | <source>Invalid component id specification</source>
1905 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno določen ID komponente</translation>
1906 | </message>
1907 | <message>
1908 | <source>id is not unique</source>
1909 | <translation type="vanished">ID ni edinstven</translation>
1910 | </message>
1911 | <message>
1912 | <source>Invalid component body specification</source>
1913 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno določeno telo komponente</translation>
1914 | </message>
1915 | <message>
1916 | <source>Component objects cannot declare new properties.</source>
1917 | <translation type="vanished">Objekti komponent ne morejo deklarirati novih lastnosti.</translation>
1918 | </message>
1919 | <message>
1920 | <source>Component objects cannot declare new signals.</source>
1921 | <translation type="vanished">Objekti komponent ne morejo deklarirati novih signalov.</translation>
1922 | </message>
1923 | <message>
1924 | <source>Component objects cannot declare new functions.</source>
1925 | <translation type="vanished">Objekti komponent ne morejo deklarirati novih funkcij.</translation>
1926 | </message>
1927 | <message>
1928 | <source>Cannot create empty component specification</source>
1929 | <translation type="vanished">Prazne specifikacije komponente ni moč ustvariti</translation>
1930 | </message>
1931 | <message>
1932 | <source>Incorrectly specified signal assignment</source>
1933 | <translation type="vanished">Napačno določena prireditev signalu</translation>
1934 | </message>
1935 | <message>
1936 | <source>Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)</source>
1937 | <translation type="vanished">Signalu ni moč prirediti vrednosti (pričakovan je skript, ki bo zagnan)</translation>
1938 | </message>
1939 | <message>
1940 | <source>Empty signal assignment</source>
1941 | <translation type="vanished">Prazna prireditev signalu</translation>
1942 | </message>
1943 | <message>
1944 | <source>Empty property assignment</source>
1945 | <translation type="vanished">Prazna prireditev lastnosti</translation>
1946 | </message>
1947 | <message>
1948 | <source>Attached properties cannot be used here</source>
1949 | <translation type="vanished">Pripete lastnosti tu ne morejo biti uporabljene</translation>
1950 | </message>
1951 | <message>
1952 | <source>Non-existent attached object</source>
1953 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječ pripet objekt</translation>
1954 | </message>
1955 | <message>
1956 | <source>Invalid attached object assignment</source>
1957 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev pripetega objekta</translation>
1958 | </message>
1959 | <message>
1960 | <source>Cannot assign to non-existent default property</source>
1961 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječi privzeti lastnosti ni moč prirediti</translation>
1962 | </message>
1963 | <message>
1964 | <source>Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"</source>
1965 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječi lastnosti »%1« ni moč prirediti</translation>
1966 | </message>
1967 | <message>
1968 | <source>Invalid use of namespace</source>
1969 | <translation type="vanished">Napačna raba imenskega prostora</translation>
1970 | </message>
1971 | <message>
1972 | <source>Not an attached property name</source>
1973 | <translation type="vanished">Ni ime pripete lastnosti</translation>
1974 | </message>
1975 | <message>
1976 | <source>Invalid use of id property</source>
1977 | <translation type="vanished">Napačna raba lastnosti ID</translation>
1978 | </message>
1979 | <message>
1980 | <source>Property has already been assigned a value</source>
1981 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti je že bila prirejena vrednost</translation>
1982 | </message>
1983 | <message>
1984 | <source>Invalid grouped property access</source>
1985 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven dostop do skupinske lastnosti</translation>
1986 | </message>
1987 | <message>
1988 | <source>Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped property</source>
1989 | <translation type="vanished">Skupinski lastnosti ni moč neposredno prirediti vrednosti</translation>
1990 | </message>
1991 | <message>
1992 | <source>Invalid property use</source>
1993 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna raba lastnosti</translation>
1994 | </message>
1995 | <message>
1996 | <source>Property assignment expected</source>
1997 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovana je prireditev lastnosti</translation>
1998 | </message>
1999 | <message>
2000 | <source>Single property assignment expected</source>
2001 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovana je enojna prireditev lastnosti</translation>
2002 | </message>
2003 | <message>
2004 | <source>Unexpected object assignment</source>
2005 | <translation type="vanished">Nepričakovana prireditev objekta</translation>
2006 | </message>
2007 | <message>
2008 | <source>Cannot assign object to list</source>
2009 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč prirediti seznamu</translation>
2010 | </message>
2011 | <message>
2012 | <source>Can only assign one binding to lists</source>
2013 | <translation type="vanished">Seznamom je moč prirediti le eno vezavo</translation>
2014 | </message>
2015 | <message>
2016 | <source>Cannot assign primitives to lists</source>
2017 | <translation type="vanished">Seznamom ni moč prirediti osnovnih tipov</translation>
2018 | </message>
2019 | <message>
2020 | <source>Cannot assign multiple values to a script property</source>
2021 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti »script« ni moč prirediti več vrednosti</translation>
2022 | </message>
2023 | <message>
2024 | <source>Invalid property assignment: script expected</source>
2025 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna prireditev lastnosti: pričakovan je skript</translation>
2026 | </message>
2027 | <message>
2028 | <source>Cannot assign object to property</source>
2029 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč prirediti lastnosti</translation>
2030 | </message>
2031 | <message>
2032 | <source>"%1" cannot operate on "%2"</source>
2033 | <translation type="vanished">»%1« ne more delovati na »%2«</translation>
2034 | </message>
2035 | <message>
2036 | <source>Duplicate default property</source>
2037 | <translation type="vanished">Podvojena privzeta lastnost</translation>
2038 | </message>
2039 | <message>
2040 | <source>Duplicate property name</source>
2041 | <translation type="vanished">Podvojeno ime lastnosti</translation>
2042 | </message>
2043 | <message>
2044 | <source>Property names cannot begin with an upper case letter</source>
2045 | <translation type="vanished">Imena lastnosti se ne smejo začeti z veliko črko</translation>
2046 | </message>
2047 | <message>
2048 | <source>Illegal property name</source>
2049 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno ime lastnosti</translation>
2050 | </message>
2051 | <message>
2052 | <source>Duplicate signal name</source>
2053 | <translation type="vanished">Podvojeno ime signala</translation>
2054 | </message>
2055 | <message>
2056 | <source>Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letter</source>
2057 | <translation type="vanished">Imena signalov se ne smejo začeti z veliko črko</translation>
2058 | </message>
2059 | <message>
2060 | <source>Illegal signal name</source>
2061 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno ime signala</translation>
2062 | </message>
2063 | <message>
2064 | <source>Duplicate method name</source>
2065 | <translation type="vanished">Podvojeno ime metode</translation>
2066 | </message>
2067 | <message>
2068 | <source>Method names cannot begin with an upper case letter</source>
2069 | <translation type="vanished">Imena metod se ne smejo začeti z veliko črko</translation>
2070 | </message>
2071 | <message>
2072 | <source>Illegal method name</source>
2073 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno ime metode</translation>
2074 | </message>
2075 | <message>
2076 | <source>Property value set multiple times</source>
2077 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost lastnosti je bila nastavljena večkrat</translation>
2078 | </message>
2079 | <message>
2080 | <source>Invalid property nesting</source>
2081 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno gnezdenje lastnosti</translation>
2082 | </message>
2083 | <message>
2084 | <source>Cannot override FINAL property</source>
2085 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti FINAL ni moč povoziti</translation>
2086 | </message>
2087 | <message>
2088 | <source>Invalid property type</source>
2089 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna vrsta lastnosti</translation>
2090 | </message>
2091 | <message>
2092 | <source>Invalid empty ID</source>
2093 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven prazen ID</translation>
2094 | </message>
2095 | <message>
2096 | <source>IDs cannot start with an uppercase letter</source>
2097 | <translation type="vanished">ID-ji se ne smejo začeti z veliko črko</translation>
2098 | </message>
2099 | <message>
2100 | <source>IDs must start with a letter or underscore</source>
2101 | <translation type="vanished">ID-ji se morajo začeti s črko ali podčrtajem</translation>
2102 | </message>
2103 | <message>
2104 | <source>IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores</source>
2105 | <translation type="vanished">ID-ji lahko vsebujejo le črke, števke in podčrtaje</translation>
2106 | </message>
2107 | <message>
2108 | <source>ID illegally masks global JavaScript property</source>
2109 | <translation type="vanished">ID neveljavno zakriva globalno lastnost JavaScripta</translation>
2110 | </message>
2111 | <message>
2112 | <source>No property alias location</source>
2113 | <translation type="vanished">Brez lokacije aliasa lastnosti</translation>
2114 | </message>
2115 | <message>
2116 | <source>Invalid alias location</source>
2117 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna lokacija aliasa</translation>
2118 | </message>
2119 | <message>
2120 | <source>Invalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as <id> or <id>.<property></source>
2121 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna referenca aliasa. Referenca aliasa mora biti določena kot <id> ali <id>.<lastnost></translation>
2122 | </message>
2123 | <message>
2124 | <source>Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"</source>
2125 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna referenca aliasa. ID-ja »%1« ni moč najti</translation>
2126 | </message>
2127 | </context>
2128 | <context>
2129 | <name>QDeclarativeComponent</name>
2130 | <message>
2131 | <source>Invalid empty URL</source>
2132 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven prazen URL</translation>
2133 | </message>
2134 | </context>
2135 | <context>
2136 | <name>QDeclarativeCompositeTypeManager</name>
2137 | <message>
2138 | <source>Resource %1 unavailable</source>
2139 | <translation type="obsolete">Vir %1 ni na voljo</translation>
2140 | </message>
2141 | <message>
2142 | <source>Namespace %1 cannot be used as a type</source>
2143 | <translation type="obsolete">Imenskega prostora %1 ni moč uporabiti kot vrste</translation>
2144 | </message>
2145 | <message>
2146 | <source>%1 %2</source>
2147 | <translation type="obsolete">%1 %2</translation>
2148 | </message>
2149 | <message>
2150 | <source>Type %1 unavailable</source>
2151 | <translation type="obsolete">Vrsta %1 ni na voljo</translation>
2152 | </message>
2153 | </context>
2154 | <context>
2155 | <name>QDeclarativeConnections</name>
2156 | <message>
2157 | <source>Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"</source>
2158 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječi lastnosti »%1« ni moč prirediti</translation>
2159 | </message>
2160 | <message>
2161 | <source>Connections: nested objects not allowed</source>
2162 | <translation type="vanished">Povezave: gnezdeni objekti niso dovoljeni</translation>
2163 | </message>
2164 | <message>
2165 | <source>Connections: syntax error</source>
2166 | <translation type="vanished">Povezave: napaka v skladnji</translation>
2167 | </message>
2168 | <message>
2169 | <source>Connections: script expected</source>
2170 | <translation type="vanished">Povezave: pričakovan je skript</translation>
2171 | </message>
2172 | </context>
2173 | <context>
2174 | <name>QDeclarativeEngine</name>
2175 | <message>
2176 | <source>executeSql called outside transaction()</source>
2177 | <translation type="vanished">executeSql je bil klican izven transaction()</translation>
2178 | </message>
2179 | <message>
2180 | <source>Read-only Transaction</source>
2181 | <translation type="vanished">Transakcija samo za branje</translation>
2182 | </message>
2183 | <message>
2184 | <source>Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2</source>
2185 | <translation type="vanished">Neujemanje različic: pričakovana %1, najdena %2</translation>
2186 | </message>
2187 | <message>
2188 | <source>SQL transaction failed</source>
2189 | <translation type="vanished">Transakcija SQL ni uspela</translation>
2190 | </message>
2191 | <message>
2192 | <source>transaction: missing callback</source>
2193 | <translation type="vanished">transaction: manjka povratni klic</translation>
2194 | </message>
2195 | <message>
2196 | <source>SQL: database version mismatch</source>
2197 | <translation type="vanished">SQL: neujemanje različice podatkovne zbirke</translation>
2198 | </message>
2199 | </context>
2200 | <context>
2201 | <name>QDeclarativeFlipable</name>
2202 | <message>
2203 | <source>front is a write-once property</source>
2204 | <translation type="vanished">front je lastnost, ki se jo lahko zapiše samo enkrat</translation>
2205 | </message>
2206 | <message>
2207 | <source>back is a write-once property</source>
2208 | <translation type="vanished">back je lastnost, ki se jo lahko zapiše samo enkrat</translation>
2209 | </message>
2210 | </context>
2211 | <context>
2212 | <name>QDeclarativeImportDatabase</name>
2213 | <message>
2214 | <source>module "%1" definition "%2" not readable</source>
2215 | <translation type="vanished">definicije »%2« modula »%1« ni moč brati</translation>
2216 | </message>
2217 | <message>
2218 | <source>plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2</source>
2219 | <translation type="vanished">vstavka za modul »%1« ni moč naložiti: %2</translation>
2220 | </message>
2221 | <message>
2222 | <source>module "%1" plugin "%2" not found</source>
2223 | <translation type="vanished">vstavek »%2« modula »%1« ni bil najden</translation>
2224 | </message>
2225 | <message>
2226 | <source>module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installed</source>
2227 | <translation type="vanished">modul »%1« različice %2.%3 ni nameščen</translation>
2228 | </message>
2229 | <message>
2230 | <source>module "%1" is not installed</source>
2231 | <translation type="vanished">modul »%1« ni nameščen</translation>
2232 | </message>
2233 | <message>
2234 | <source>"%1": no such directory</source>
2235 | <translation type="vanished">»%1«: mapa ne obstaja</translation>
2236 | </message>
2237 | <message>
2238 | <source>import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespace</source>
2239 | <translation type="vanished">uvoz »%1« nima niti qmldir-a niti imenskega prostora</translation>
2240 | </message>
2241 | <message>
2242 | <source>- %1 is not a namespace</source>
2243 | <translation type="vanished">– %1 ni imenski prostor</translation>
2244 | </message>
2245 | <message>
2246 | <source>- nested namespaces not allowed</source>
2247 | <translation type="vanished">– gnezdeni imenski prostori niso dovoljeni</translation>
2248 | </message>
2249 | <message>
2250 | <source>local directory</source>
2251 | <translation type="vanished">krajevna mapa</translation>
2252 | </message>
2253 | <message>
2254 | <source>is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2</source>
2255 | <translation type="vanished">je dvoumno. Najdeno v %1 in %2</translation>
2256 | </message>
2257 | <message>
2258 | <source>is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5</source>
2259 | <translation type="vanished">je dvoumno. Najdeno v %1 v različicah %2.%3 in %4.%5</translation>
2260 | </message>
2261 | <message>
2262 | <source>is instantiated recursively</source>
2263 | <translation type="vanished">je instanciran rekurzivno</translation>
2264 | </message>
2265 | <message>
2266 | <source>is not a type</source>
2267 | <translation type="vanished">ni vrsta</translation>
2268 | </message>
2269 | </context>
2270 | <context>
2271 | <name>QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached</name>
2272 | <message>
2273 | <source>KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties</source>
2274 | <translation type="vanished">KeyNavigation je na voljo samo s pripetimi lastnostmi</translation>
2275 | </message>
2276 | </context>
2277 | <context>
2278 | <name>QDeclarativeKeysAttached</name>
2279 | <message>
2280 | <source>Keys is only available via attached properties</source>
2281 | <translation type="vanished">Keys je na voljo samo s pripetimi lastnostmi</translation>
2282 | </message>
2283 | </context>
2284 | <context>
2285 | <name>QDeclarativeListModel</name>
2286 | <message>
2287 | <source>remove: index %1 out of range</source>
2288 | <translation type="vanished">remove: indeks %1 je izven obsega</translation>
2289 | </message>
2290 | <message>
2291 | <source>insert: value is not an object</source>
2292 | <translation type="vanished">insert: vrednost ni objekt</translation>
2293 | </message>
2294 | <message>
2295 | <source>insert: index %1 out of range</source>
2296 | <translation type="vanished">insert: indeks %1 je izven obsega</translation>
2297 | </message>
2298 | <message>
2299 | <source>move: out of range</source>
2300 | <translation type="vanished">move: izven obsega</translation>
2301 | </message>
2302 | <message>
2303 | <source>append: value is not an object</source>
2304 | <translation type="vanished">append: vrednost ni objekt</translation>
2305 | </message>
2306 | <message>
2307 | <source>set: value is not an object</source>
2308 | <translation type="vanished">set: vrednost ni objekt</translation>
2309 | </message>
2310 | <message>
2311 | <source>set: index %1 out of range</source>
2312 | <translation type="vanished">set: indeks %1 je izven obsega</translation>
2313 | </message>
2314 | <message>
2315 | <source>ListElement: cannot contain nested elements</source>
2316 | <translation type="vanished">ListElement: ni moč vsebovati gnezdenih elementov</translation>
2317 | </message>
2318 | <message>
2319 | <source>ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" property</source>
2320 | <translation type="vanished">ListElement: ne more uporabiti rezervirane lastnosti »id«</translation>
2321 | </message>
2322 | <message>
2323 | <source>ListElement: cannot use script for property value</source>
2324 | <translation type="vanished">ListElement: ne more uporabiti skripta za vrednost lastnosti</translation>
2325 | </message>
2326 | <message>
2327 | <source>ListModel: undefined property '%1'</source>
2328 | <translation type="vanished">ListModel: nedoločena lastnost »%1«</translation>
2329 | </message>
2330 | </context>
2331 | <context>
2332 | <name>QDeclarativeLoader</name>
2333 | <message>
2334 | <source>Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.</source>
2335 | <translation type="vanished">Loader ne podpira nalaganja elementov, ki niso vidni.</translation>
2336 | </message>
2337 | </context>
2338 | <context>
2339 | <name>QDeclarativeParentAnimation</name>
2340 | <message>
2341 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under complex transform</source>
2342 | <translation type="vanished">Pod kompleksnim preoblikovanjem ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2343 | </message>
2344 | <message>
2345 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale</source>
2346 | <translation type="vanished">Pod ne-enakovrednim povečevanjem ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2347 | </message>
2348 | <message>
2349 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0</source>
2350 | <translation type="vanished">Pod povečavo 0 ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2351 | </message>
2352 | </context>
2353 | <context>
2354 | <name>QDeclarativeParentChange</name>
2355 | <message>
2356 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under complex transform</source>
2357 | <translation type="vanished">Pod kompleksnim preoblikovanjem ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2358 | </message>
2359 | <message>
2360 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale</source>
2361 | <translation type="vanished">Pod ne-enakovrednim povečevanjem ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2362 | </message>
2363 | <message>
2364 | <source>Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0</source>
2365 | <translation type="vanished">Pod povečavo 0 ni moč obdržati videza</translation>
2366 | </message>
2367 | </context>
2368 | <context>
2369 | <name>QDeclarativeParser</name>
2370 | <message>
2371 | <source>Illegal unicode escape sequence</source>
2372 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno ubežno zaporedje Unicode</translation>
2373 | </message>
2374 | <message>
2375 | <source>Illegal character</source>
2376 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven znak</translation>
2377 | </message>
2378 | <message>
2379 | <source>Unclosed string at end of line</source>
2380 | <translation type="vanished">Nezaprt niz na koncu vrstice</translation>
2381 | </message>
2382 | <message>
2383 | <source>Illegal escape sequence</source>
2384 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavno ubežno zaporedje</translation>
2385 | </message>
2386 | <message>
2387 | <source>Unclosed comment at end of file</source>
2388 | <translation type="vanished">Nezaprt komentar na koncu datoteke</translation>
2389 | </message>
2390 | <message>
2391 | <source>Illegal syntax for exponential number</source>
2392 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna skladnja za eksponentno število</translation>
2393 | </message>
2394 | <message>
2395 | <source>Identifier cannot start with numeric literal</source>
2396 | <translation type="vanished">Identifikator se ne sme začeti s številskim literalom</translation>
2397 | </message>
2398 | <message>
2399 | <source>Unterminated regular expression literal</source>
2400 | <translation type="vanished">Nezaključen literal regularnega izraza</translation>
2401 | </message>
2402 | <message>
2403 | <source>Invalid regular expression flag '%0'</source>
2404 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna zastavica »%0« regularnega izraza</translation>
2405 | </message>
2406 | <message>
2407 | <source>Unterminated regular expression backslash sequence</source>
2408 | <translation type="vanished">Nezaključeno zaporedij poševnic nazaj v regularnem izrazu</translation>
2409 | </message>
2410 | <message>
2411 | <source>Unterminated regular expression class</source>
2412 | <translation type="vanished">Nezaključen razred regularnega izraza</translation>
2413 | </message>
2414 | <message>
2415 | <source>Syntax error</source>
2416 | <translation type="vanished">Skladenjska napaka</translation>
2417 | </message>
2418 | <message>
2419 | <source>Unexpected token `%1'</source>
2420 | <translation type="vanished">Nepričakovan žeton »%1«</translation>
2421 | </message>
2422 | <message>
2423 | <source>Expected token `%1'</source>
2424 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovan žeton »%1«</translation>
2425 | </message>
2426 | <message>
2427 | <source>Property value set multiple times</source>
2428 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost lastnosti je bila nastavljena večkrat</translation>
2429 | </message>
2430 | <message>
2431 | <source>Expected type name</source>
2432 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovano ime vrste</translation>
2433 | </message>
2434 | <message>
2435 | <source>Invalid import qualifier ID</source>
2436 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven ID kvalifikatorja uvoza</translation>
2437 | </message>
2438 | <message>
2439 | <source>Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifier</source>
2440 | <translation type="vanished">Rezerviranega imena »Qt« ni moč uporabiti kot kvalifikatorja</translation>
2441 | </message>
2442 | <message>
2443 | <source>Script import qualifiers must be unique.</source>
2444 | <translation type="vanished">Kvalifikatorji uvozov skriptov morajo biti edinstveni.</translation>
2445 | </message>
2446 | <message>
2447 | <source>Script import requires a qualifier</source>
2448 | <translation type="vanished">Uvozi skriptov potrebujejo kvalifikator</translation>
2449 | </message>
2450 | <message>
2451 | <source>Library import requires a version</source>
2452 | <translation type="vanished">Uvozi knjižnic potrebujejo različico</translation>
2453 | </message>
2454 | <message>
2455 | <source>Expected parameter type</source>
2456 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovana vrsta parametra</translation>
2457 | </message>
2458 | <message>
2459 | <source>Invalid property type modifier</source>
2460 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljaven modifikator vrste lastnosti</translation>
2461 | </message>
2462 | <message>
2463 | <source>Unexpected property type modifier</source>
2464 | <translation type="vanished">Nepričakovan modifikator vrste lastnosti</translation>
2465 | </message>
2466 | <message>
2467 | <source>Expected property type</source>
2468 | <translation type="vanished">Pričakovana vrsta lastnosti</translation>
2469 | </message>
2470 | <message>
2471 | <source>Readonly not yet supported</source>
2472 | <translation type="vanished">Tisti, ki so samo za branje, še niso podprti</translation>
2473 | </message>
2474 | <message>
2475 | <source>JavaScript declaration outside Script element</source>
2476 | <translation type="vanished">Deklaracija JavaScripta izven elementa Script</translation>
2477 | </message>
2478 | </context>
2479 | <context>
2480 | <name>QDeclarativePauseAnimation</name>
2481 | <message>
2482 | <source>Cannot set a duration of < 0</source>
2483 | <translation type="vanished">Trajanja, ki je krajše od 0, ni moč nastaviti</translation>
2484 | </message>
2485 | </context>
2486 | <context>
2487 | <name>QDeclarativePixmap</name>
2488 | <message>
2489 | <source>Error decoding: %1: %2</source>
2490 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka dekodiranja: %1: %2</translation>
2491 | </message>
2492 | <message>
2493 | <source>Failed to get image from provider: %1</source>
2494 | <translation type="vanished">Od ponudnika ni bilo moč dobiti slike: %1</translation>
2495 | </message>
2496 | <message>
2497 | <source>Cannot open: %1</source>
2498 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč odpreti %1:</translation>
2499 | </message>
2500 | </context>
2501 | <context>
2502 | <name>QDeclarativePropertyAnimation</name>
2503 | <message>
2504 | <source>Cannot set a duration of < 0</source>
2505 | <translation type="vanished">Trajanja, ki je krajše od 0, ni moč nastaviti</translation>
2506 | </message>
2507 | </context>
2508 | <context>
2509 | <name>QDeclarativePropertyChanges</name>
2510 | <message>
2511 | <source>PropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.</source>
2512 | <translation type="vanished">PropertyChanges ne podpira ustvarjanja objektov sprecifičnih za stanje.</translation>
2513 | </message>
2514 | <message>
2515 | <source>Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"</source>
2516 | <translation type="vanished">Neobstoječi lastnosti »%1« ni moč prirediti</translation>
2517 | </message>
2518 | <message>
2519 | <source>Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"</source>
2520 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč prirediti lastnosti »%1«, ki je samo za branje</translation>
2521 | </message>
2522 | </context>
2523 | <context>
2524 | <name>QDeclarativeTextInput</name>
2525 | <message>
2526 | <source>Could not load cursor delegate</source>
2527 | <translation type="vanished">Ni bilo moč naložiti delegata za kazalec</translation>
2528 | </message>
2529 | <message>
2530 | <source>Could not instantiate cursor delegate</source>
2531 | <translation type="vanished">Ni bilo moč instancirati delegata za kazalec</translation>
2532 | </message>
2533 | </context>
2534 | <context>
2535 | <name>QDeclarativeTypeData</name>
2536 | <message>
2537 | <source>Script %1 unavailable</source>
2538 | <translation type="vanished">Skript %1 ni na voljo</translation>
2539 | </message>
2540 | <message>
2541 | <source>Type %1 unavailable</source>
2542 | <translation type="vanished">Vrsta %1 ni na voljo</translation>
2543 | </message>
2544 | <message>
2545 | <source>Namespace %1 cannot be used as a type</source>
2546 | <translation type="vanished">Imenskega prostora %1 ni moč uporabiti kot vrste</translation>
2547 | </message>
2548 | <message>
2549 | <source>%1 %2</source>
2550 | <translation type="vanished">%1 %2</translation>
2551 | </message>
2552 | </context>
2553 | <context>
2554 | <name>QDeclarativeVME</name>
2555 | <message>
2556 | <source>Unable to create object of type %1</source>
2557 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč ustvariti objekta vrste %1</translation>
2558 | </message>
2559 | <message>
2560 | <source>Cannot assign value %1 to property %2</source>
2561 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti %2 ni moč prirediti vrednosti %1</translation>
2562 | </message>
2563 | <message>
2564 | <source>Cannot assign object type %1 with no default method</source>
2565 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč prirediti objekta vrste %1 brez privzete metode</translation>
2566 | </message>
2567 | <message>
2568 | <source>Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2</source>
2569 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč povezati neujemajočih signalov in rež: %1 in %2</translation>
2570 | </message>
2571 | <message>
2572 | <source>Cannot assign an object to signal property %1</source>
2573 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč prirediti lastnosi signala %1</translation>
2574 | </message>
2575 | <message>
2576 | <source>Cannot assign object to list</source>
2577 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč prirediti seznamu</translation>
2578 | </message>
2579 | <message>
2580 | <source>Cannot assign object to interface property</source>
2581 | <translation type="vanished">Objekta ni moč prirediti lastnosti vmesnika</translation>
2582 | </message>
2583 | <message>
2584 | <source>Unable to create attached object</source>
2585 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč ustvariti pripetega objekta</translation>
2586 | </message>
2587 | <message>
2588 | <source>Cannot set properties on %1 as it is null</source>
2589 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč nastaviti lastnosti za %1, saj ne obstaja</translation>
2590 | </message>
2591 | </context>
2592 | <context>
2593 | <name>QDeclarativeVisualDataModel</name>
2594 | <message>
2595 | <source>Delegate component must be Item type.</source>
2596 | <translation type="vanished">Komponenta delegata mora biti vrste Item.</translation>
2597 | </message>
2598 | </context>
2599 | <context>
2600 | <name>QDeclarativeXmlListModel</name>
2601 | <message>
2602 | <source>Qt was built without support for xmlpatterns</source>
2603 | <translation type="vanished">Qt je bil zgrajen brez podpore za xmlpatterns</translation>
2604 | </message>
2605 | </context>
2606 | <context>
2607 | <name>QDeclarativeXmlListModelRole</name>
2608 | <message>
2609 | <source>An XmlRole query must not start with '/'</source>
2610 | <translation type="vanished">Poizvedba XmlRole se ne sme začeti z »/«</translation>
2611 | </message>
2612 | </context>
2613 | <context>
2614 | <name>QDeclarativeXmlRoleList</name>
2615 | <message>
2616 | <source>An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"</source>
2617 | <translation type="vanished">Poizvedba XmlListModel se mora začeti z »/« ali »//«</translation>
2618 | </message>
2619 | </context>
2620 | <context>
2621 | <name>QDial</name>
2622 | <message>
2623 | <source>QDial</source>
2624 | <translation>QDial</translation>
2625 | </message>
2626 | <message>
2627 | <source>SpeedoMeter</source>
2628 | <translation>Merilec hitrosti</translation>
2629 | </message>
2630 | <message>
2631 | <source>SliderHandle</source>
2632 | <translation>Ročnik drsnika</translation>
2633 | </message>
2634 | </context>
2635 | <context>
2636 | <name>QDialog</name>
2637 | <message>
2638 | <source>What's This?</source>
2639 | <translation>Kaj je to?</translation>
2640 | </message>
2641 | <message>
2642 | <source>Done</source>
2643 | <translation>Končano</translation>
2644 | </message>
2645 | </context>
2646 | <context>
2647 | <name>QDialogButtonBox</name>
2648 | <message>
2649 | <source>OK</source>
2650 | <translation>V redu</translation>
2651 | </message>
2652 | <message>
2653 | <source>Save</source>
2654 | <translation>Shrani</translation>
2655 | </message>
2656 | <message>
2657 | <source>Open</source>
2658 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
2659 | </message>
2660 | <message>
2661 | <source>Cancel</source>
2662 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
2663 | </message>
2664 | <message>
2665 | <source>Close</source>
2666 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
2667 | </message>
2668 | <message>
2669 | <source>Apply</source>
2670 | <translation>Uporabi</translation>
2671 | </message>
2672 | <message>
2673 | <source>Reset</source>
2674 | <translation>Ponastavi</translation>
2675 | </message>
2676 | <message>
2677 | <source>Help</source>
2678 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
2679 | </message>
2680 | <message>
2681 | <source>Don't Save</source>
2682 | <translation>Ne shrani</translation>
2683 | </message>
2684 | <message>
2685 | <source>Discard</source>
2686 | <translation>Zavrzi</translation>
2687 | </message>
2688 | <message>
2689 | <source>&Yes</source>
2690 | <translation>&Da</translation>
2691 | </message>
2692 | <message>
2693 | <source>Yes to &All</source>
2694 | <translation>Da za &vse</translation>
2695 | </message>
2696 | <message>
2697 | <source>&No</source>
2698 | <translation>&Ne</translation>
2699 | </message>
2700 | <message>
2701 | <source>N&o to All</source>
2702 | <translation>Ne za v&se</translation>
2703 | </message>
2704 | <message>
2705 | <source>Save All</source>
2706 | <translation>Shrani vse</translation>
2707 | </message>
2708 | <message>
2709 | <source>Abort</source>
2710 | <translation>Prekini</translation>
2711 | </message>
2712 | <message>
2713 | <source>Retry</source>
2714 | <translation>Ponovno poizkusi</translation>
2715 | </message>
2716 | <message>
2717 | <source>Ignore</source>
2718 | <translation>Prezri</translation>
2719 | </message>
2720 | <message>
2721 | <source>Restore Defaults</source>
2722 | <translation>Obnovi privzeto</translation>
2723 | </message>
2724 | <message>
2725 | <source>Close without Saving</source>
2726 | <translation>Zapri brez shranjevanja</translation>
2727 | </message>
2728 | <message>
2729 | <source>&OK</source>
2730 | <translation>&V redu</translation>
2731 | </message>
2732 | <message>
2733 | <source>&Save</source>
2734 | <translation type="vanished">&Shrani</translation>
2735 | </message>
2736 | <message>
2737 | <source>&Cancel</source>
2738 | <translation type="vanished">&Prekliči</translation>
2739 | </message>
2740 | <message>
2741 | <source>&Close</source>
2742 | <translation type="vanished">&Zapri</translation>
2743 | </message>
2744 | </context>
2745 | <context>
2746 | <name>QDirModel</name>
2747 | <message>
2748 | <source>Name</source>
2749 | <translation>Ime</translation>
2750 | </message>
2751 | <message>
2752 | <source>Size</source>
2753 | <translation>Velikost</translation>
2754 | </message>
2755 | <message>
2756 | <source>Kind</source>
2757 | <comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
2758 | <translation>Zvrst</translation>
2759 | </message>
2760 | <message>
2761 | <source>Type</source>
2762 | <comment>All other platforms</comment>
2763 | <translation>Vrsta</translation>
2764 | </message>
2765 | <message>
2766 | <source>Date Modified</source>
2767 | <translation>Datum spremembe</translation>
2768 | </message>
2769 | </context>
2770 | <context>
2771 | <name>QDnsLookup</name>
2772 | <message>
2773 | <source>Operation cancelled</source>
2774 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2775 | </message>
2776 | </context>
2777 | <context>
2778 | <name>QDnsLookupRunnable</name>
2779 | <message>
2780 | <source>IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported</source>
2781 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2782 | </message>
2783 | <message>
2784 | <source>Invalid domain name</source>
2785 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2786 | </message>
2787 | <message>
2788 | <source>Not yet supported on Android</source>
2789 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2790 | </message>
2791 | <message>
2792 | <source>Resolver functions not found</source>
2793 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2794 | </message>
2795 | <message>
2796 | <source>Resolver initialization failed</source>
2797 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2798 | </message>
2799 | <message>
2800 | <source>Server could not process query</source>
2801 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2802 | </message>
2803 | <message>
2804 | <source>Server failure</source>
2805 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2806 | </message>
2807 | <message>
2808 | <source>Non existent domain</source>
2809 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2810 | </message>
2811 | <message>
2812 | <source>Server refused to answer</source>
2813 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2814 | </message>
2815 | <message>
2816 | <source>Invalid reply received</source>
2817 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2818 | </message>
2819 | <message>
2820 | <source>Could not expand domain name</source>
2821 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2822 | </message>
2823 | <message>
2824 | <source>Invalid IPv4 address record</source>
2825 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2826 | </message>
2827 | <message>
2828 | <source>Invalid IPv6 address record</source>
2829 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2830 | </message>
2831 | <message>
2832 | <source>Invalid canonical name record</source>
2833 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2834 | </message>
2835 | <message>
2836 | <source>Invalid name server record</source>
2837 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2838 | </message>
2839 | <message>
2840 | <source>Invalid pointer record</source>
2841 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2842 | </message>
2843 | <message>
2844 | <source>Invalid mail exchange record</source>
2845 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2846 | </message>
2847 | <message>
2848 | <source>Invalid service record</source>
2849 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2850 | </message>
2851 | <message>
2852 | <source>Invalid text record</source>
2853 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2854 | </message>
2855 | <message>
2856 | <source>Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support</source>
2857 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2858 | </message>
2859 | <message>
2860 | <source>No hostname given</source>
2861 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2862 | </message>
2863 | <message>
2864 | <source>Invalid hostname</source>
2865 | <translation type="unfinished">Neveljavno ime gostitelja</translation>
2866 | </message>
2867 | <message>
2868 | <source>Host %1 could not be found.</source>
2869 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2870 | </message>
2871 | <message>
2872 | <source>Unknown error</source>
2873 | <translation type="unfinished">Neznana napaka</translation>
2874 | </message>
2875 | </context>
2876 | <context>
2877 | <name>QDockWidget</name>
2878 | <message>
2879 | <source>Close</source>
2880 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
2881 | </message>
2882 | <message>
2883 | <source>Dock</source>
2884 | <translation>Dock</translation>
2885 | </message>
2886 | <message>
2887 | <source>Float</source>
2888 | <translation>Lebdeče</translation>
2889 | </message>
2890 | <message>
2891 | <source>Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget</source>
2892 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2893 | </message>
2894 | <message>
2895 | <source>Closes the dock widget</source>
2896 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2897 | </message>
2898 | </context>
2899 | <context>
2900 | <name>QDoubleSpinBox</name>
2901 | <message>
2902 | <source>More</source>
2903 | <translation>Več</translation>
2904 | </message>
2905 | <message>
2906 | <source>Less</source>
2907 | <translation>Manj</translation>
2908 | </message>
2909 | </context>
2910 | <context>
2911 | <name>QErrorMessage</name>
2912 | <message>
2913 | <source>Debug Message:</source>
2914 | <translation>Sporočilo razhroščevanja:</translation>
2915 | </message>
2916 | <message>
2917 | <source>Warning:</source>
2918 | <translation>Opozorilo:</translation>
2919 | </message>
2920 | <message>
2921 | <source>Fatal Error:</source>
2922 | <translation>Usodna napaka:</translation>
2923 | </message>
2924 | <message>
2925 | <source>&Show this message again</source>
2926 | <translation>&Zopet prikaži to sporočilo</translation>
2927 | </message>
2928 | <message>
2929 | <source>&OK</source>
2930 | <translation>&V redu</translation>
2931 | </message>
2932 | </context>
2933 | <context>
2934 | <name>QFile</name>
2935 | <message>
2936 | <source>Destination file exists</source>
2937 | <translation>Ciljna datoteka obstaja</translation>
2938 | </message>
2939 | <message>
2940 | <source>Will not rename sequential file using block copy</source>
2941 | <translation>Sekvenčna datoteka ne bo preimenovana z uporabo kopiranja blokov</translation>
2942 | </message>
2943 | <message>
2944 | <source>Cannot remove source file</source>
2945 | <translation>Ni moč odstraniti izvorne datoteke</translation>
2946 | </message>
2947 | <message>
2948 | <source>Cannot open %1 for input</source>
2949 | <translation>Ni moč odpreti %1 za vhod</translation>
2950 | </message>
2951 | <message>
2952 | <source>Cannot open for output</source>
2953 | <translation>Ni moč odpreti za izhod</translation>
2954 | </message>
2955 | <message>
2956 | <source>Failure to write block</source>
2957 | <translation>Neuspeh pri zapisovanju bloka</translation>
2958 | </message>
2959 | <message>
2960 | <source>Cannot create %1 for output</source>
2961 | <translation>Ni moč ustvariti %1 za izhod</translation>
2962 | </message>
2963 | <message>
2964 | <source>Destination file is the same file.</source>
2965 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2966 | </message>
2967 | <message>
2968 | <source>Source file does not exist.</source>
2969 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2970 | </message>
2971 | <message>
2972 | <source>Error while renaming.</source>
2973 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2974 | </message>
2975 | <message>
2976 | <source>Unable to restore from %1: %2</source>
2977 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2978 | </message>
2979 | </context>
2980 | <context>
2981 | <name>QFileDevice</name>
2982 | <message>
2983 | <source>No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension</source>
2984 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
2985 | </message>
2986 | </context>
2987 | <context>
2988 | <name>QFileDialog</name>
2989 | <message>
2990 | <source>All Files (*)</source>
2991 | <translation>Vse datoteke (*)</translation>
2992 | </message>
2993 | <message>
2994 | <source>Directories</source>
2995 | <translation>Mape</translation>
2996 | </message>
2997 | <message>
2998 | <source>&Open</source>
2999 | <translation>&Odpri</translation>
3000 | </message>
3001 | <message>
3002 | <source>&Save</source>
3003 | <translation>&Shrani</translation>
3004 | </message>
3005 | <message>
3006 | <source>Open</source>
3007 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
3008 | </message>
3009 | <message>
3010 | <source>%1 already exists.
3011 | Do you want to replace it?</source>
3012 | <translation>%1 že obstaja.
3013 | Ali jo želite nadomestiti?</translation>
3014 | </message>
3015 | <message>
3016 | <source>%1
3017 | File not found.
3018 | Please verify the correct file name was given.</source>
3019 | <translation>%1
3020 | Datoteka ni najdena.
3021 | Preverite, ali je bilo datoteki dano pravilno ime.</translation>
3022 | </message>
3023 | <message>
3024 | <source>My Computer</source>
3025 | <translation>Moj računalnik</translation>
3026 | </message>
3027 | <message>
3028 | <source>&Rename</source>
3029 | <translation>&Preimenuj</translation>
3030 | </message>
3031 | <message>
3032 | <source>&Delete</source>
3033 | <translation>Iz&briši</translation>
3034 | </message>
3035 | <message>
3036 | <source>Show &hidden files</source>
3037 | <translation>Prikaži &skrite datoteke</translation>
3038 | </message>
3039 | <message>
3040 | <source>Back</source>
3041 | <translation>Nazaj</translation>
3042 | </message>
3043 | <message>
3044 | <source>Parent Directory</source>
3045 | <translation>Nadrejena mapa</translation>
3046 | </message>
3047 | <message>
3048 | <source>List View</source>
3049 | <translation>Seznamski pogled</translation>
3050 | </message>
3051 | <message>
3052 | <source>Detail View</source>
3053 | <translation>Podrobni pogled</translation>
3054 | </message>
3055 | <message>
3056 | <source>Files of type:</source>
3057 | <translation>Vrste datotek:</translation>
3058 | </message>
3059 | <message>
3060 | <source>Directory:</source>
3061 | <translation>Mapa:</translation>
3062 | </message>
3063 | <message>
3064 | <source>%1
3065 | Directory not found.
3066 | Please verify the correct directory name was given.</source>
3067 | <translation>%1
3068 | Mapa ni najdena.
3069 | Preverite, ali je bilo mapi dano pravilno ime.</translation>
3070 | </message>
3071 | <message>
3072 | <source>'%1' is write protected.
3073 | Do you want to delete it anyway?</source>
3074 | <translation>'%1' je začitena pred pisanjem.
3075 | Ali jo želite vseeno izbrisati?</translation>
3076 | </message>
3077 | <message>
3078 | <source>Are sure you want to delete '%1'?</source>
3079 | <translation>Ali res želite izbrisati '%1'?</translation>
3080 | </message>
3081 | <message>
3082 | <source>Could not delete directory.</source>
3083 | <translation>Datoteke ni bilo mogoče izbrisati.</translation>
3084 | </message>
3085 | <message>
3086 | <source>Save As</source>
3087 | <translation>Shrani kot</translation>
3088 | </message>
3089 | <message>
3090 | <source>Drive</source>
3091 | <translation>Pogon</translation>
3092 | </message>
3093 | <message>
3094 | <source>File</source>
3095 | <translation>Datoteka</translation>
3096 | </message>
3097 | <message>
3098 | <source>Unknown</source>
3099 | <translation>Neznano</translation>
3100 | </message>
3101 | <message>
3102 | <source>Find Directory</source>
3103 | <translation>Poišči mapo</translation>
3104 | </message>
3105 | <message>
3106 | <source>Show </source>
3107 | <translation>Prikaži</translation>
3108 | </message>
3109 | <message>
3110 | <source>Forward</source>
3111 | <translation>Naprej</translation>
3112 | </message>
3113 | <message>
3114 | <source>New Folder</source>
3115 | <translation>Nova mapa</translation>
3116 | </message>
3117 | <message>
3118 | <source>&New Folder</source>
3119 | <translation>&Nova mapa</translation>
3120 | </message>
3121 | <message>
3122 | <source>&Choose</source>
3123 | <translation>I&zberi</translation>
3124 | </message>
3125 | <message>
3126 | <source>Remove</source>
3127 | <translation>Odstrani</translation>
3128 | </message>
3129 | <message>
3130 | <source>File &name:</source>
3131 | <translation>I&me datoteke:</translation>
3132 | </message>
3133 | <message>
3134 | <source>Look in:</source>
3135 | <translation>Išči v:</translation>
3136 | </message>
3137 | <message>
3138 | <source>Create New Folder</source>
3139 | <translation>Ustvari novo mapo</translation>
3140 | </message>
3141 | <message>
3142 | <source>Recent Places</source>
3143 | <translation>Nedavna mesta</translation>
3144 | </message>
3145 | <message>
3146 | <source>All Files (*.*)</source>
3147 | <translation type="vanished">Vse datoteke (*.*)</translation>
3148 | </message>
3149 | <message>
3150 | <source>File Folder</source>
3151 | <comment>Match Windows Explorer</comment>
3152 | <translation>Mapa z datotekami</translation>
3153 | </message>
3154 | <message>
3155 | <source>Folder</source>
3156 | <comment>All other platforms</comment>
3157 | <translation>Mapa</translation>
3158 | </message>
3159 | <message>
3160 | <source>Alias</source>
3161 | <comment>Mac OS X Finder</comment>
3162 | <translation type="vanished">Drugo ime</translation>
3163 | </message>
3164 | <message>
3165 | <source>Shortcut</source>
3166 | <comment>All other platforms</comment>
3167 | <translation>Bližnjica</translation>
3168 | </message>
3169 | <message>
3170 | <source>Go back</source>
3171 | <translation>Vrni se nazaj</translation>
3172 | </message>
3173 | <message>
3174 | <source>Go forward</source>
3175 | <translation>Napreduj naprej</translation>
3176 | </message>
3177 | <message>
3178 | <source>Go to the parent directory</source>
3179 | <translation>Pojdi v matično mapo</translation>
3180 | </message>
3181 | <message>
3182 | <source>Create a New Folder</source>
3183 | <translation>Ustvari novo mapo</translation>
3184 | </message>
3185 | <message>
3186 | <source>Change to list view mode</source>
3187 | <translation>Preklopi v način prikaza seznama</translation>
3188 | </message>
3189 | <message>
3190 | <source>Change to detail view mode</source>
3191 | <translation>Preklopi v način prikaza podrobnosti</translation>
3192 | </message>
3193 | <message>
3194 | <source>Alt+Left</source>
3195 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3196 | </message>
3197 | <message>
3198 | <source>Alt+Right</source>
3199 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3200 | </message>
3201 | <message>
3202 | <source>Alt+Up</source>
3203 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3204 | </message>
3205 | <message>
3206 | <source>Sidebar</source>
3207 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3208 | </message>
3209 | <message>
3210 | <source>List of places and bookmarks</source>
3211 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3212 | </message>
3213 | <message>
3214 | <source>Files</source>
3215 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3216 | </message>
3217 | <message>
3218 | <source>All files (*)</source>
3219 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3220 | </message>
3221 | <message>
3222 | <source>Delete</source>
3223 | <translation type="unfinished">Izbriši</translation>
3224 | </message>
3225 | <message>
3226 | <source>Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?</source>
3227 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3228 | </message>
3229 | <message>
3230 | <source>%1 File</source>
3231 | <extracomment>%1 is a file name suffix, for example txt</extracomment>
3232 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3233 | </message>
3234 | <message>
3235 | <source>Alias</source>
3236 | <comment>OS X Finder</comment>
3237 | <translation type="unfinished">Drugo ime</translation>
3238 | </message>
3239 | </context>
3240 | <context>
3241 | <name>QFileSystemModel</name>
3242 | <message>
3243 | <source>Invalid filename</source>
3244 | <translation>Neveljavna datoteka</translation>
3245 | </message>
3246 | <message>
3247 | <source><b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.</source>
3248 | <translation><b>Imena "%1" ni mogoče uporabiti.</b><p>Poizkusite z drugim z manj znaki ali brez ločil.</translation>
3249 | </message>
3250 | <message>
3251 | <source>Name</source>
3252 | <translation>Ime</translation>
3253 | </message>
3254 | <message>
3255 | <source>Size</source>
3256 | <translation>Velikost</translation>
3257 | </message>
3258 | <message>
3259 | <source>Kind</source>
3260 | <comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
3261 | <translation>Zvrst</translation>
3262 | </message>
3263 | <message>
3264 | <source>Type</source>
3265 | <comment>All other platforms</comment>
3266 | <translation>Vrsta</translation>
3267 | </message>
3268 | <message>
3269 | <source>Date Modified</source>
3270 | <translation>Datum spremembe</translation>
3271 | </message>
3272 | <message>
3273 | <source>My Computer</source>
3274 | <translation>Moj računalnik</translation>
3275 | </message>
3276 | <message>
3277 | <source>Computer</source>
3278 | <translation>Računalnik</translation>
3279 | </message>
3280 | <message>
3281 | <source>%1 TB</source>
3282 | <translation>%1 TB</translation>
3283 | </message>
3284 | <message>
3285 | <source>%1 GB</source>
3286 | <translation>%1 GB</translation>
3287 | </message>
3288 | <message>
3289 | <source>%1 MB</source>
3290 | <translation>%1 MB</translation>
3291 | </message>
3292 | <message>
3293 | <source>%1 KB</source>
3294 | <translation>%1 kB</translation>
3295 | </message>
3296 | <message>
3297 | <source>%1 bytes</source>
3298 | <translation>%1 B</translation>
3299 | </message>
3300 | <message>
3301 | <source>%1 byte(s)</source>
3302 | <translation>%1 B</translation>
3303 | </message>
3304 | </context>
3305 | <context>
3306 | <name>QFontDatabase</name>
3307 | <message>
3308 | <source>Normal</source>
3309 | <translation>Običajno</translation>
3310 | </message>
3311 | <message>
3312 | <source>Bold</source>
3313 | <translation>Krepko</translation>
3314 | </message>
3315 | <message>
3316 | <source>Demi Bold</source>
3317 | <translation>Polkrepko</translation>
3318 | </message>
3319 | <message>
3320 | <source>Black</source>
3321 | <translation>Črno</translation>
3322 | </message>
3323 | <message>
3324 | <source>Demi</source>
3325 | <translation>Pol</translation>
3326 | </message>
3327 | <message>
3328 | <source>Light</source>
3329 | <translation>Svetlo</translation>
3330 | </message>
3331 | <message>
3332 | <source>Italic</source>
3333 | <translation>Ležeče</translation>
3334 | </message>
3335 | <message>
3336 | <source>Oblique</source>
3337 | <translation>Poševno</translation>
3338 | </message>
3339 | <message>
3340 | <source>Any</source>
3341 | <translation>Katerokoli</translation>
3342 | </message>
3343 | <message>
3344 | <source>Latin</source>
3345 | <translation>Latinska</translation>
3346 | </message>
3347 | <message>
3348 | <source>Greek</source>
3349 | <translation>Grška</translation>
3350 | </message>
3351 | <message>
3352 | <source>Cyrillic</source>
3353 | <translation>Cirilica</translation>
3354 | </message>
3355 | <message>
3356 | <source>Armenian</source>
3357 | <translation>Armenska</translation>
3358 | </message>
3359 | <message>
3360 | <source>Hebrew</source>
3361 | <translation>Hebrejska</translation>
3362 | </message>
3363 | <message>
3364 | <source>Arabic</source>
3365 | <translation>Arabska</translation>
3366 | </message>
3367 | <message>
3368 | <source>Syriac</source>
3369 | <translation>Sirska</translation>
3370 | </message>
3371 | <message>
3372 | <source>Thaana</source>
3373 | <translation>Tanajska</translation>
3374 | </message>
3375 | <message>
3376 | <source>Devanagari</source>
3377 | <translation>Devanagarska</translation>
3378 | </message>
3379 | <message>
3380 | <source>Bengali</source>
3381 | <translation>Bengalska</translation>
3382 | </message>
3383 | <message>
3384 | <source>Gurmukhi</source>
3385 | <translation>Gurmuki</translation>
3386 | </message>
3387 | <message>
3388 | <source>Gujarati</source>
3389 | <translation>Gujaratska</translation>
3390 | </message>
3391 | <message>
3392 | <source>Oriya</source>
3393 | <translation>Orijska</translation>
3394 | </message>
3395 | <message>
3396 | <source>Tamil</source>
3397 | <translation>Tamilska</translation>
3398 | </message>
3399 | <message>
3400 | <source>Telugu</source>
3401 | <translation>Telugijska</translation>
3402 | </message>
3403 | <message>
3404 | <source>Kannada</source>
3405 | <translation>Kanadska</translation>
3406 | </message>
3407 | <message>
3408 | <source>Malayalam</source>
3409 | <translation>Malajalamska</translation>
3410 | </message>
3411 | <message>
3412 | <source>Sinhala</source>
3413 | <translation>Sinhalska</translation>
3414 | </message>
3415 | <message>
3416 | <source>Thai</source>
3417 | <translation>Tajska</translation>
3418 | </message>
3419 | <message>
3420 | <source>Lao</source>
3421 | <translation>Laoška</translation>
3422 | </message>
3423 | <message>
3424 | <source>Tibetan</source>
3425 | <translation>Tibetanska</translation>
3426 | </message>
3427 | <message>
3428 | <source>Myanmar</source>
3429 | <translation>Mjanmarska</translation>
3430 | </message>
3431 | <message>
3432 | <source>Georgian</source>
3433 | <translation>Gruzijska</translation>
3434 | </message>
3435 | <message>
3436 | <source>Khmer</source>
3437 | <translation>Kmerska</translation>
3438 | </message>
3439 | <message>
3440 | <source>Simplified Chinese</source>
3441 | <translation>Poenostavljena kitajska</translation>
3442 | </message>
3443 | <message>
3444 | <source>Traditional Chinese</source>
3445 | <translation>Tradicionalna kitajska</translation>
3446 | </message>
3447 | <message>
3448 | <source>Japanese</source>
3449 | <translation>Japonska</translation>
3450 | </message>
3451 | <message>
3452 | <source>Korean</source>
3453 | <translation>Korejska</translation>
3454 | </message>
3455 | <message>
3456 | <source>Vietnamese</source>
3457 | <translation>Vietnamska</translation>
3458 | </message>
3459 | <message>
3460 | <source>Symbol</source>
3461 | <translation>Simbolna</translation>
3462 | </message>
3463 | <message>
3464 | <source>Ogham</source>
3465 | <translation>Ogamska</translation>
3466 | </message>
3467 | <message>
3468 | <source>Runic</source>
3469 | <translation>Runska</translation>
3470 | </message>
3471 | <message>
3472 | <source>N'Ko</source>
3473 | <translation>N'Ko</translation>
3474 | </message>
3475 | <message>
3476 | <source>Normal</source>
3477 | <comment>The Normal or Regular font weight</comment>
3478 | <translation type="unfinished">Običajno</translation>
3479 | </message>
3480 | <message>
3481 | <source>Medium</source>
3482 | <comment>The Medium font weight</comment>
3483 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3484 | </message>
3485 | <message>
3486 | <source>Thin</source>
3487 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3488 | </message>
3489 | <message>
3490 | <source>Extra Light</source>
3491 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3492 | </message>
3493 | <message>
3494 | <source>Extra Bold</source>
3495 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3496 | </message>
3497 | <message>
3498 | <source>Extra</source>
3499 | <extracomment>The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches</extracomment>
3500 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3501 | </message>
3502 | </context>
3503 | <context>
3504 | <name>QFontDialog</name>
3505 | <message>
3506 | <source>&Font</source>
3507 | <translation>&Pisava</translation>
3508 | </message>
3509 | <message>
3510 | <source>Font st&yle</source>
3511 | <translation>&Slog pisave</translation>
3512 | </message>
3513 | <message>
3514 | <source>&Size</source>
3515 | <translation>&Velikost</translation>
3516 | </message>
3517 | <message>
3518 | <source>Effects</source>
3519 | <translation>Učinki</translation>
3520 | </message>
3521 | <message>
3522 | <source>Stri&keout</source>
3523 | <translation>&Prečrtano</translation>
3524 | </message>
3525 | <message>
3526 | <source>&Underline</source>
3527 | <translation>&Podčrtano</translation>
3528 | </message>
3529 | <message>
3530 | <source>Sample</source>
3531 | <translation>Vzorec</translation>
3532 | </message>
3533 | <message>
3534 | <source>Wr&iting System</source>
3535 | <translation>&Sistem pisanja</translation>
3536 | </message>
3537 | <message>
3538 | <source>Select Font</source>
3539 | <translation>Izberite pisavo</translation>
3540 | </message>
3541 | </context>
3542 | <context>
3543 | <name>QFtp</name>
3544 | <message>
3545 | <source>Not connected</source>
3546 | <translation>Ni povezan</translation>
3547 | </message>
3548 | <message>
3549 | <source>Host %1 not found</source>
3550 | <translation>Gostitelj %1 ni najden</translation>
3551 | </message>
3552 | <message>
3553 | <source>Connection refused to host %1</source>
3554 | <translation>Povezava z gostiteljem %1 zavrnjena</translation>
3555 | </message>
3556 | <message>
3557 | <source>Connected to host %1</source>
3558 | <translation>Povezan z gostiteljem %1</translation>
3559 | </message>
3560 | <message>
3561 | <source>Connection refused for data connection</source>
3562 | <translation>Povezava zavrnjena za podatkovno povezavo</translation>
3563 | </message>
3564 | <message>
3565 | <source>Unknown error</source>
3566 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
3567 | </message>
3568 | <message>
3569 | <source>Connecting to host failed:
3570 | %1</source>
3571 | <translation>Povezava z gostiteljem spodeltela:
3572 | %1</translation>
3573 | </message>
3574 | <message>
3575 | <source>Login failed:
3576 | %1</source>
3577 | <translation>Prijava spodletela:
3578 | %1</translation>
3579 | </message>
3580 | <message>
3581 | <source>Listing directory failed:
3582 | %1</source>
3583 | <translation>Navajanje mape spodletelo:
3584 | %1</translation>
3585 | </message>
3586 | <message>
3587 | <source>Changing directory failed:
3588 | %1</source>
3589 | <translation>Spreminjanje mape spodletelo:
3590 | %1</translation>
3591 | </message>
3592 | <message>
3593 | <source>Downloading file failed:
3594 | %1</source>
3595 | <translation>%1</translation>
3596 | </message>
3597 | <message>
3598 | <source>Uploading file failed:
3599 | %1</source>
3600 | <translation>Pošiljanje datoteke spodletelo:
3601 | %1</translation>
3602 | </message>
3603 | <message>
3604 | <source>Removing file failed:
3605 | %1</source>
3606 | <translation>Odstranjevanje datoteke spodletelo:
3607 | %1</translation>
3608 | </message>
3609 | <message>
3610 | <source>Creating directory failed:
3611 | %1</source>
3612 | <translation>Ustvarjanje mape spodletelo:
3613 | %1</translation>
3614 | </message>
3615 | <message>
3616 | <source>Removing directory failed:
3617 | %1</source>
3618 | <translation>Odstranjevanje mape spodletelo:
3619 | %1</translation>
3620 | </message>
3621 | <message>
3622 | <source>Connection closed</source>
3623 | <translation>Povezava zaprta</translation>
3624 | </message>
3625 | <message>
3626 | <source>Host %1 found</source>
3627 | <translation>Gostitelj %1 najden </translation>
3628 | </message>
3629 | <message>
3630 | <source>Connection to %1 closed</source>
3631 | <translation>Povezava s/z %1 zaprta</translation>
3632 | </message>
3633 | <message>
3634 | <source>Host found</source>
3635 | <translation>Gostitelj najden</translation>
3636 | </message>
3637 | <message>
3638 | <source>Connected to host</source>
3639 | <translation>Povezan z gostiteljem</translation>
3640 | </message>
3641 | <message>
3642 | <source>Connection timed out to host %1</source>
3643 | <translation>Čas za povezavo z gostiteljem %1 je potekel</translation>
3644 | </message>
3645 | <message>
3646 | <source>Data Connection refused</source>
3647 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3648 | </message>
3649 | </context>
3650 | <context>
3651 | <name>QGnomeTheme</name>
3652 | <message>
3653 | <source>&OK</source>
3654 | <translation type="unfinished">&V redu</translation>
3655 | </message>
3656 | <message>
3657 | <source>&Save</source>
3658 | <translation type="unfinished">&Shrani</translation>
3659 | </message>
3660 | <message>
3661 | <source>&Cancel</source>
3662 | <translation type="unfinished">&Prekliči</translation>
3663 | </message>
3664 | <message>
3665 | <source>&Close</source>
3666 | <translation type="unfinished">&Zapri</translation>
3667 | </message>
3668 | <message>
3669 | <source>Close without Saving</source>
3670 | <translation type="unfinished">Zapri brez shranjevanja</translation>
3671 | </message>
3672 | </context>
3673 | <context>
3674 | <name>QGuiApplication</name>
3675 | <message>
3676 | <source>QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION</source>
3677 | <comment>Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.</comment>
3678 | <translation>LTR</translation>
3679 | </message>
3680 | </context>
3681 | <context>
3682 | <name>QHostInfo</name>
3683 | <message>
3684 | <source>Unknown error</source>
3685 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
3686 | </message>
3687 | <message>
3688 | <source>No host name given</source>
3689 | <translation>Podano ni bilo nobeno ime gostitelja</translation>
3690 | </message>
3691 | </context>
3692 | <context>
3693 | <name>QHostInfoAgent</name>
3694 | <message>
3695 | <source>Host not found</source>
3696 | <translation>Gostitelj ni najden</translation>
3697 | </message>
3698 | <message>
3699 | <source>Unknown address type</source>
3700 | <translation>Neznana vrsta naslova</translation>
3701 | </message>
3702 | <message>
3703 | <source>Unknown error</source>
3704 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
3705 | </message>
3706 | <message>
3707 | <source>No host name given</source>
3708 | <translation>Podano ni bilo nobeno ime gostitelja</translation>
3709 | </message>
3710 | <message>
3711 | <source>Invalid hostname</source>
3712 | <translation>Neveljavno ime gostitelja</translation>
3713 | </message>
3714 | <message>
3715 | <source>Unknown error (%1)</source>
3716 | <translation type="unfinished">Neznana napaka (%1)</translation>
3717 | </message>
3718 | </context>
3719 | <context>
3720 | <name>QHttp</name>
3721 | <message>
3722 | <source>Unknown error</source>
3723 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
3724 | </message>
3725 | <message>
3726 | <source>Request aborted</source>
3727 | <translation>Zahteva prekinjena</translation>
3728 | </message>
3729 | <message>
3730 | <source>No server set to connect to</source>
3731 | <translation>Strežnik za povezavo ni nastavljen</translation>
3732 | </message>
3733 | <message>
3734 | <source>Wrong content length</source>
3735 | <translation>Napačna dolžina vsebine</translation>
3736 | </message>
3737 | <message>
3738 | <source>Server closed connection unexpectedly</source>
3739 | <translation>Strežnik je nepričakovano zaprl povezavo</translation>
3740 | </message>
3741 | <message>
3742 | <source>Connection refused</source>
3743 | <translation>Povezava zavrnjena</translation>
3744 | </message>
3745 | <message>
3746 | <source>Host %1 not found</source>
3747 | <translation>Gostitelj %1 ni najden</translation>
3748 | </message>
3749 | <message>
3750 | <source>HTTP request failed</source>
3751 | <translation>Zahteva HTTP spodletela</translation>
3752 | </message>
3753 | <message>
3754 | <source>Invalid HTTP response header</source>
3755 | <translation>Neveljavna glava odziva HTTP</translation>
3756 | </message>
3757 | <message>
3758 | <source>Invalid HTTP chunked body</source>
3759 | <translation>Neveljavno razdeljeno telo HTTP</translation>
3760 | </message>
3761 | <message>
3762 | <source>Host %1 found</source>
3763 | <translation>Gostitelj %1 najden</translation>
3764 | </message>
3765 | <message>
3766 | <source>Connected to host %1</source>
3767 | <translation>Povezan z gostiteljem %1</translation>
3768 | </message>
3769 | <message>
3770 | <source>Connection to %1 closed</source>
3771 | <translation>Povezava s/z %1 zaprta</translation>
3772 | </message>
3773 | <message>
3774 | <source>Host found</source>
3775 | <translation>Gostitelj najden</translation>
3776 | </message>
3777 | <message>
3778 | <source>Connected to host</source>
3779 | <translation>Povezan z gostiteljem</translation>
3780 | </message>
3781 | <message>
3782 | <source>Connection closed</source>
3783 | <translation>Povezava zaprta</translation>
3784 | </message>
3785 | <message>
3786 | <source>Proxy authentication required</source>
3787 | <translation>Zahtvana overitev posredniškega strežnika</translation>
3788 | </message>
3789 | <message>
3790 | <source>Authentication required</source>
3791 | <translation>Zahtevana overitev</translation>
3792 | </message>
3793 | <message>
3794 | <source>Connection refused (or timed out)</source>
3795 | <translation>Povezava zavrnjena (ali potekla)</translation>
3796 | </message>
3797 | <message>
3798 | <source>Proxy requires authentication</source>
3799 | <translation>Posredniški strežnik zahteva overitev</translation>
3800 | </message>
3801 | <message>
3802 | <source>Host requires authentication</source>
3803 | <translation>Gostitelj zahteva overitev</translation>
3804 | </message>
3805 | <message>
3806 | <source>Data corrupted</source>
3807 | <translation>Podatki pokvarjeni</translation>
3808 | </message>
3809 | <message>
3810 | <source>Unknown protocol specified</source>
3811 | <translation>Naveden neznan protokol</translation>
3812 | </message>
3813 | <message>
3814 | <source>SSL handshake failed</source>
3815 | <translation>Izmenjava signalov SSL spodletela</translation>
3816 | </message>
3817 | <message>
3818 | <source>HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in</source>
3819 | <translation>Povezava HTTPS zahtevana, vendar podpora za SSL ni vgrajena</translation>
3820 | </message>
3821 | <message>
3822 | <source>Unknown authentication method</source>
3823 | <translation type="vanished">Neznan način overjanja</translation>
3824 | </message>
3825 | <message>
3826 | <source>Error writing response to device</source>
3827 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri pisanju odziva na napravo</translation>
3828 | </message>
3829 | <message>
3830 | <source>Too many redirects</source>
3831 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3832 | </message>
3833 | <message>
3834 | <source>Insecure redirect</source>
3835 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3836 | </message>
3837 | </context>
3838 | <context>
3839 | <name>QHttpSocketEngine</name>
3840 | <message>
3841 | <source>Authentication required</source>
3842 | <translation>Zahtevana overitev</translation>
3843 | </message>
3844 | <message>
3845 | <source>Did not receive HTTP response from proxy</source>
3846 | <translation>Od posrednika ni bil prejet odgovor HTTP</translation>
3847 | </message>
3848 | <message>
3849 | <source>Error parsing authentication request from proxy</source>
3850 | <translation>Napaka pri razčlenjevanju overitvenega zahtevka od posrednika</translation>
3851 | </message>
3852 | <message>
3853 | <source>Proxy denied connection</source>
3854 | <translation>Posrednik je zavrnil povezavo</translation>
3855 | </message>
3856 | <message>
3857 | <source>Error communicating with HTTP proxy</source>
3858 | <translation>Napaka pri komunikaciji s posrednikom HTTP</translation>
3859 | </message>
3860 | <message>
3861 | <source>Proxy server not found</source>
3862 | <translation>Posredniški strežnik ni bil najden</translation>
3863 | </message>
3864 | <message>
3865 | <source>Proxy connection refused</source>
3866 | <translation>Povezava s posrednikom je bila zavrnjena</translation>
3867 | </message>
3868 | <message>
3869 | <source>Proxy server connection timed out</source>
3870 | <translation>Čas za povezavo s posredniškim strežnikom je potekel</translation>
3871 | </message>
3872 | <message>
3873 | <source>Proxy connection closed prematurely</source>
3874 | <translation>Povezava s posrednikom je bila prekinjena predčasno</translation>
3875 | </message>
3876 | </context>
3877 | <context>
3878 | <name>QIBaseDriver</name>
3879 | <message>
3880 | <source>Error opening database</source>
3881 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke</translation>
3882 | </message>
3883 | <message>
3884 | <source>Could not start transaction</source>
3885 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče začeti</translation>
3886 | </message>
3887 | <message>
3888 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
3889 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
3890 | </message>
3891 | <message>
3892 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
3893 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
3894 | </message>
3895 | </context>
3896 | <context>
3897 | <name>QIBaseResult</name>
3898 | <message>
3899 | <source>Unable to create BLOB</source>
3900 | <translation>Zbirke dvojiških podatkov ni mogoče ustvariti</translation>
3901 | </message>
3902 | <message>
3903 | <source>Unable to write BLOB</source>
3904 | <translation>Zbirke dvojiških podatkov ni mogoče zapisati</translation>
3905 | </message>
3906 | <message>
3907 | <source>Unable to open BLOB</source>
3908 | <translation>Zbirke dvojiških podatkov ni mogoče odpreti</translation>
3909 | </message>
3910 | <message>
3911 | <source>Unable to read BLOB</source>
3912 | <translation>Zbirke dvojiških podatkov ni mogoče brati</translation>
3913 | </message>
3914 | <message>
3915 | <source>Could not find array</source>
3916 | <translation>Polja ni bilo mogoče najti</translation>
3917 | </message>
3918 | <message>
3919 | <source>Could not get array data</source>
3920 | <translation>Podatkov polja ni bilo mogoče dobiti</translation>
3921 | </message>
3922 | <message>
3923 | <source>Could not get query info</source>
3924 | <translation>Podatkov poizvedbe ni bilo mogoče dobiti</translation>
3925 | </message>
3926 | <message>
3927 | <source>Could not start transaction</source>
3928 | <translation>Izvršitve ni bilo mogoče začeti</translation>
3929 | </message>
3930 | <message>
3931 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
3932 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
3933 | </message>
3934 | <message>
3935 | <source>Could not allocate statement</source>
3936 | <translation>Stavka ni bilo mogoče dodeliti</translation>
3937 | </message>
3938 | <message>
3939 | <source>Could not prepare statement</source>
3940 | <translation>Stavka ni bilo mogoče pripraviti</translation>
3941 | </message>
3942 | <message>
3943 | <source>Could not describe input statement</source>
3944 | <translation>Vhodnega stavka ni bilo mogoče opisati</translation>
3945 | </message>
3946 | <message>
3947 | <source>Could not describe statement</source>
3948 | <translation>Stavka ni bilo mogoče opisati</translation>
3949 | </message>
3950 | <message>
3951 | <source>Unable to close statement</source>
3952 | <translation>Zapiranje stavka ni mogoče</translation>
3953 | </message>
3954 | <message>
3955 | <source>Unable to execute query</source>
3956 | <translation>Izvedba poizvedbe ni mogoča</translation>
3957 | </message>
3958 | <message>
3959 | <source>Could not fetch next item</source>
3960 | <translation>Naslednjega predmeta ni bilo mogoče pridobiti</translation>
3961 | </message>
3962 | <message>
3963 | <source>Could not get statement info</source>
3964 | <translation>Podatkov stavka ni bilo mogoče dobiti</translation>
3965 | </message>
3966 | </context>
3967 | <context>
3968 | <name>QIODevice</name>
3969 | <message>
3970 | <source>Permission denied</source>
3971 | <translation>Dovoljenje zavrnjeno</translation>
3972 | </message>
3973 | <message>
3974 | <source>Too many open files</source>
3975 | <translation>Preveč odprtih datotek</translation>
3976 | </message>
3977 | <message>
3978 | <source>No such file or directory</source>
3979 | <translation>Datoteka ali mapa ne obstaja</translation>
3980 | </message>
3981 | <message>
3982 | <source>No space left on device</source>
3983 | <translation>Na napravi ni dovolj prostora</translation>
3984 | </message>
3985 | <message>
3986 | <source>Unknown error</source>
3987 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
3988 | </message>
3989 | <message>
3990 | <source>file to open is a directory</source>
3991 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3992 | </message>
3993 | </context>
3994 | <context>
3995 | <name>QImageReader</name>
3996 | <message>
3997 | <source>Invalid device</source>
3998 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
3999 | </message>
4000 | <message>
4001 | <source>File not found</source>
4002 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4003 | </message>
4004 | <message>
4005 | <source>Unsupported image format</source>
4006 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4007 | </message>
4008 | <message>
4009 | <source>Unable to read image data</source>
4010 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4011 | </message>
4012 | <message>
4013 | <source>Unknown error</source>
4014 | <translation type="unfinished">Neznana napaka</translation>
4015 | </message>
4016 | </context>
4017 | <context>
4018 | <name>QImageWriter</name>
4019 | <message>
4020 | <source>Unknown error</source>
4021 | <translation type="unfinished">Neznana napaka</translation>
4022 | </message>
4023 | <message>
4024 | <source>Device is not set</source>
4025 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4026 | </message>
4027 | <message>
4028 | <source>Device not writable</source>
4029 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4030 | </message>
4031 | <message>
4032 | <source>Unsupported image format</source>
4033 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4034 | </message>
4035 | </context>
4036 | <context>
4037 | <name>QInputContext</name>
4038 | <message>
4039 | <source>XIM</source>
4040 | <translation>XIM</translation>
4041 | </message>
4042 | <message>
4043 | <source>XIM input method</source>
4044 | <translation>Način vnosa XIM</translation>
4045 | </message>
4046 | <message>
4047 | <source>Windows input method</source>
4048 | <translation>Način vnosa Windows</translation>
4049 | </message>
4050 | <message>
4051 | <source>Mac OS X input method</source>
4052 | <translation>Način vnosa Mac OS X</translation>
4053 | </message>
4054 | <message>
4055 | <source>FEP</source>
4056 | <translation type="vanished">FEP</translation>
4057 | </message>
4058 | <message>
4059 | <source>S60 FEP input method</source>
4060 | <translation type="vanished">Način za vnašanje S60 FEP</translation>
4061 | </message>
4062 | </context>
4063 | <context>
4064 | <name>QInputDialog</name>
4065 | <message>
4066 | <source>Enter a value:</source>
4067 | <translation>Vnesite vrednost:</translation>
4068 | </message>
4069 | </context>
4070 | <context>
4071 | <name>QJsonParseError</name>
4072 | <message>
4073 | <source>no error occurred</source>
4074 | <translation type="unfinished">ni nobene napake</translation>
4075 | </message>
4076 | <message>
4077 | <source>unterminated object</source>
4078 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4079 | </message>
4080 | <message>
4081 | <source>missing name separator</source>
4082 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4083 | </message>
4084 | <message>
4085 | <source>unterminated array</source>
4086 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4087 | </message>
4088 | <message>
4089 | <source>missing value separator</source>
4090 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4091 | </message>
4092 | <message>
4093 | <source>illegal value</source>
4094 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4095 | </message>
4096 | <message>
4097 | <source>invalid termination by number</source>
4098 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4099 | </message>
4100 | <message>
4101 | <source>illegal number</source>
4102 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4103 | </message>
4104 | <message>
4105 | <source>invalid escape sequence</source>
4106 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4107 | </message>
4108 | <message>
4109 | <source>invalid UTF8 string</source>
4110 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4111 | </message>
4112 | <message>
4113 | <source>unterminated string</source>
4114 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4115 | </message>
4116 | <message>
4117 | <source>object is missing after a comma</source>
4118 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4119 | </message>
4120 | <message>
4121 | <source>too deeply nested document</source>
4122 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4123 | </message>
4124 | <message>
4125 | <source>too large document</source>
4126 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4127 | </message>
4128 | <message>
4129 | <source>garbage at the end of the document</source>
4130 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4131 | </message>
4132 | </context>
4133 | <context>
4134 | <name>QKeySequenceEdit</name>
4135 | <message>
4136 | <source>Press shortcut</source>
4137 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4138 | </message>
4139 | <message>
4140 | <source>%1, ...</source>
4141 | <extracomment>This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."</extracomment>
4142 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4143 | </message>
4144 | </context>
4145 | <context>
4146 | <name>QLibrary</name>
4147 | <message>
4148 | <source>QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)</source>
4149 | <translation>QLibrary::load_sys: %1 (%2) ni mogoče naložiti</translation>
4150 | </message>
4151 | <message>
4152 | <source>QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)</source>
4153 | <translation>QLibrary::unload_sys: %1 (%2) ni mogoče odložiti</translation>
4154 | </message>
4155 | <message>
4156 | <source>QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)</source>
4157 | <translation>QLibrary::resolve_sys: simbol "%1" nedoločen v %2 (%3)</translation>
4158 | </message>
4159 | <message>
4160 | <source>Could not mmap '%1': %2</source>
4161 | <translation>V pomnilnik ni bilo mogoče preslikati '%1': %2</translation>
4162 | </message>
4163 | <message>
4164 | <source>Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'</source>
4165 | <translation>Neujemanje podatkov preverjanja vstavka v '%1'</translation>
4166 | </message>
4167 | <message>
4168 | <source>Could not unmap '%1': %2</source>
4169 | <translation>Ni mogoče odstraniti preslikave '%1': %2</translation>
4170 | </message>
4171 | <message>
4172 | <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</source>
4173 | <translation>Vstavek '%1' uporablja nezdružljivo knjižnico Qt. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</translation>
4174 | </message>
4175 | <message>
4176 | <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"</source>
4177 | <translation>Vstavek '%1' uporablja nezdružljivo knjižnico Qt. Pričakovan ključ izgradnje "%2", dobljen "%3"</translation>
4178 | </message>
4179 | <message>
4180 | <source>Unknown error</source>
4181 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
4182 | </message>
4183 | <message>
4184 | <source>The shared library was not found.</source>
4185 | <translation>Deljena knjižnica ni bila najdena.</translation>
4186 | </message>
4187 | <message>
4188 | <source>The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.</source>
4189 | <translation>Datoteka '%1' ni veljaven vstavek Qt.</translation>
4190 | </message>
4191 | <message>
4192 | <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)</source>
4193 | <translation>Vstavek '%1' uporablja nezdružljivo knjižnico Qt (knjižnic za razhroščevanje in izdajo ni mogoče mešati).</translation>
4194 | </message>
4195 | <message>
4196 | <source>Cannot load library %1: %2</source>
4197 | <translation>Ni moč naložiti knjižnice %1: %2</translation>
4198 | </message>
4199 | <message>
4200 | <source>Cannot unload library %1: %2</source>
4201 | <translation>Ni moč odstraniti knjižnice %1: %2</translation>
4202 | </message>
4203 | <message>
4204 | <source>Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3</source>
4205 | <translation>Ni moč razrešiti simbola »%1« v %2: %3</translation>
4206 | </message>
4207 | <message>
4208 | <source>'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)</source>
4209 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4210 | </message>
4211 | <message>
4212 | <source>'%1' is not an ELF object</source>
4213 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4214 | </message>
4215 | <message>
4216 | <source>'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)</source>
4217 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4218 | </message>
4219 | <message>
4220 | <source>Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'</source>
4221 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4222 | </message>
4223 | <message>
4224 | <source>'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)</source>
4225 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4226 | </message>
4227 | <message>
4228 | <source>file is corrupt</source>
4229 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4230 | </message>
4231 | <message>
4232 | <source>file too small</source>
4233 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4234 | </message>
4235 | <message>
4236 | <source>no suitable architecture in fat binary</source>
4237 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4238 | </message>
4239 | <message>
4240 | <source>invalid magic %1</source>
4241 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4242 | </message>
4243 | <message>
4244 | <source>wrong architecture</source>
4245 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4246 | </message>
4247 | <message>
4248 | <source>not a dynamic library</source>
4249 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4250 | </message>
4251 | <message>
4252 | <source>'%1' is not a Qt plugin</source>
4253 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4254 | </message>
4255 | </context>
4256 | <context>
4257 | <name>QLineEdit</name>
4258 | <message>
4259 | <source>&Undo</source>
4260 | <translation>&Razveljavi</translation>
4261 | </message>
4262 | <message>
4263 | <source>&Redo</source>
4264 | <translation>&Uveljavi</translation>
4265 | </message>
4266 | <message>
4267 | <source>Cu&t</source>
4268 | <translation>I&zreži</translation>
4269 | </message>
4270 | <message>
4271 | <source>&Copy</source>
4272 | <translation>&Kopiraj</translation>
4273 | </message>
4274 | <message>
4275 | <source>&Paste</source>
4276 | <translation>&Prilepi</translation>
4277 | </message>
4278 | <message>
4279 | <source>Delete</source>
4280 | <translation>Izbriši</translation>
4281 | </message>
4282 | <message>
4283 | <source>Select All</source>
4284 | <translation>Izberi vse</translation>
4285 | </message>
4286 | </context>
4287 | <context>
4288 | <name>QLocalServer</name>
4289 | <message>
4290 | <source>%1: Name error</source>
4291 | <translation>%1: napaka imena</translation>
4292 | </message>
4293 | <message>
4294 | <source>%1: Permission denied</source>
4295 | <translation>%1: dovoljenje zavrnjeno</translation>
4296 | </message>
4297 | <message>
4298 | <source>%1: Address in use</source>
4299 | <translation>%1: naslov v uporabi</translation>
4300 | </message>
4301 | <message>
4302 | <source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
4303 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka %2</translation>
4304 | </message>
4305 | </context>
4306 | <context>
4307 | <name>QLocalSocket</name>
4308 | <message>
4309 | <source>%1: Connection refused</source>
4310 | <translation>%1: povezava zavrnjena</translation>
4311 | </message>
4312 | <message>
4313 | <source>%1: Remote closed</source>
4314 | <translation>%1: oddaljena povezava zavrnjena</translation>
4315 | </message>
4316 | <message>
4317 | <source>%1: Invalid name</source>
4318 | <translation>%1: neveljavno ime</translation>
4319 | </message>
4320 | <message>
4321 | <source>%1: Socket access error</source>
4322 | <translation>%1: napaka dostopa do vtiča</translation>
4323 | </message>
4324 | <message>
4325 | <source>%1: Socket resource error</source>
4326 | <translation>%1: napaka vira vtiča</translation>
4327 | </message>
4328 | <message>
4329 | <source>%1: Socket operation timed out</source>
4330 | <translation>%1: opravilo vtiča je poteklo</translation>
4331 | </message>
4332 | <message>
4333 | <source>%1: Datagram too large</source>
4334 | <translation>%1: podatkovni paket prevelik</translation>
4335 | </message>
4336 | <message>
4337 | <source>%1: Connection error</source>
4338 | <translation>%1: napaka povezave</translation>
4339 | </message>
4340 | <message>
4341 | <source>%1: The socket operation is not supported</source>
4342 | <translation>%1: opravilo vtiča ni podprto</translation>
4343 | </message>
4344 | <message>
4345 | <source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
4346 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka %2</translation>
4347 | </message>
4348 | <message>
4349 | <source>%1: Unknown error</source>
4350 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka</translation>
4351 | </message>
4352 | <message>
4353 | <source>%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state</source>
4354 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4355 | </message>
4356 | <message>
4357 | <source>Trying to connect while connection is in progress</source>
4358 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4359 | </message>
4360 | <message>
4361 | <source>%1: Access denied</source>
4362 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4363 | </message>
4364 | </context>
4365 | <context>
4366 | <name>QMYSQLDriver</name>
4367 | <message>
4368 | <source>Unable to open database '</source>
4369 | <translation>Podatkovne zbirke ni mogoče odpreti</translation>
4370 | </message>
4371 | <message>
4372 | <source>Unable to connect</source>
4373 | <translation>Povezava ni mogoča</translation>
4374 | </message>
4375 | <message>
4376 | <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
4377 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4378 | </message>
4379 | <message>
4380 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
4381 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
4382 | </message>
4383 | <message>
4384 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
4385 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
4386 | </message>
4387 | <message>
4388 | <source>Unable to allocate a MYSQL object</source>
4389 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4390 | </message>
4391 | <message>
4392 | <source>Unable to open database '%1'</source>
4393 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4394 | </message>
4395 | </context>
4396 | <context>
4397 | <name>QMYSQLResult</name>
4398 | <message>
4399 | <source>Unable to fetch data</source>
4400 | <translation>Pridobivanje podatkov ni mogoča</translation>
4401 | </message>
4402 | <message>
4403 | <source>Unable to execute query</source>
4404 | <translation>Izvedba poizvedbe ni mogoča</translation>
4405 | </message>
4406 | <message>
4407 | <source>Unable to store result</source>
4408 | <translation>Shranjevanje rezultata ni mogoče</translation>
4409 | </message>
4410 | <message>
4411 | <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
4412 | <translation>Priprava stavka ni mogoča</translation>
4413 | </message>
4414 | <message>
4415 | <source>Unable to reset statement</source>
4416 | <translation>Ponastavitev stavka ni mogoča</translation>
4417 | </message>
4418 | <message>
4419 | <source>Unable to bind value</source>
4420 | <translation>Vezava vrednosti ni mogoča</translation>
4421 | </message>
4422 | <message>
4423 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
4424 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
4425 | </message>
4426 | <message>
4427 | <source>Unable to bind outvalues</source>
4428 | <translation>Vezava izhodnih vrednosti ni mogoča</translation>
4429 | </message>
4430 | <message>
4431 | <source>Unable to store statement results</source>
4432 | <translation>Shranjevanje rezultatov stavka ni mogoče</translation>
4433 | </message>
4434 | <message>
4435 | <source>Unable to execute next query</source>
4436 | <translation>Izvedba naslednje poizvedbe ni mogoča</translation>
4437 | </message>
4438 | <message>
4439 | <source>Unable to store next result</source>
4440 | <translation>Shranjevanje naslednjega rezultata ni mogoče</translation>
4441 | </message>
4442 | </context>
4443 | <context>
4444 | <name>QMdiArea</name>
4445 | <message>
4446 | <source>(Untitled)</source>
4447 | <translation>(brez naziva)</translation>
4448 | </message>
4449 | </context>
4450 | <context>
4451 | <name>QMdiSubWindow</name>
4452 | <message>
4453 | <source>%1 - [%2]</source>
4454 | <translation>%1 - [%2]</translation>
4455 | </message>
4456 | <message>
4457 | <source>Close</source>
4458 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
4459 | </message>
4460 | <message>
4461 | <source>Minimize</source>
4462 | <translation>Skrči</translation>
4463 | </message>
4464 | <message>
4465 | <source>Restore Down</source>
4466 | <translation>Obnovi dol</translation>
4467 | </message>
4468 | <message>
4469 | <source>&Restore</source>
4470 | <translation>&Obnovi</translation>
4471 | </message>
4472 | <message>
4473 | <source>&Move</source>
4474 | <translation>&Premakni</translation>
4475 | </message>
4476 | <message>
4477 | <source>&Size</source>
4478 | <translation>&Velikost</translation>
4479 | </message>
4480 | <message>
4481 | <source>Mi&nimize</source>
4482 | <translation>&Skrči</translation>
4483 | </message>
4484 | <message>
4485 | <source>Ma&ximize</source>
4486 | <translation>&Razpni</translation>
4487 | </message>
4488 | <message>
4489 | <source>Stay on &Top</source>
4490 | <translation>&Ostani na vrhu</translation>
4491 | </message>
4492 | <message>
4493 | <source>&Close</source>
4494 | <translation>&Zapri</translation>
4495 | </message>
4496 | <message>
4497 | <source>- [%1]</source>
4498 | <translation>- [%1]</translation>
4499 | </message>
4500 | <message>
4501 | <source>Maximize</source>
4502 | <translation>Razpni</translation>
4503 | </message>
4504 | <message>
4505 | <source>Unshade</source>
4506 | <translation>Odsenči</translation>
4507 | </message>
4508 | <message>
4509 | <source>Shade</source>
4510 | <translation>Zasenči</translation>
4511 | </message>
4512 | <message>
4513 | <source>Restore</source>
4514 | <translation>Obnovi</translation>
4515 | </message>
4516 | <message>
4517 | <source>Help</source>
4518 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
4519 | </message>
4520 | <message>
4521 | <source>Menu</source>
4522 | <translation>Meni</translation>
4523 | </message>
4524 | </context>
4525 | <context>
4526 | <name>QMenu</name>
4527 | <message>
4528 | <source>Close</source>
4529 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
4530 | </message>
4531 | <message>
4532 | <source>Open</source>
4533 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
4534 | </message>
4535 | <message>
4536 | <source>Execute</source>
4537 | <translation>Izvedi</translation>
4538 | </message>
4539 | </context>
4540 | <context>
4541 | <name>QMenuBar</name>
4542 | <message>
4543 | <source>Actions</source>
4544 | <translation type="vanished">Dejanja</translation>
4545 | </message>
4546 | </context>
4547 | <context>
4548 | <name>QMessageBox</name>
4549 | <message>
4550 | <source>Help</source>
4551 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
4552 | </message>
4553 | <message>
4554 | <source>OK</source>
4555 | <translation>V redu</translation>
4556 | </message>
4557 | <message>
4558 | <source>About Qt</source>
4559 | <translation>O Qt-ju</translation>
4560 | </message>
4561 | <message>
4562 | <source><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p></source>
4563 | <translation><p>Ta program uporablja Qt različice %1.</p></translation>
4564 | </message>
4565 | <message>
4566 | <source>Show Details...</source>
4567 | <translation>Prikaži podrobnosti …</translation>
4568 | </message>
4569 | <message>
4570 | <source>Hide Details...</source>
4571 | <translation>Skrij podrobnosti …</translation>
4572 | </message>
4573 | <message>
4574 | <source><p>This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/company/model/">www.trolltech.com/company/model/</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p></source>
4575 | <translation><p>Ta program uporablja odprtokodno izdajo Qt-ja različice %1.</p><p>Odprtokodna izdajaQt-ja je namenjena razvoju odprtokodnih programov. Za razvoj lastniških (zaprtokodnih) programov potrebujete dovoljenje Qt.</p><p>Za pregled dovoljenj Qt glejte<a href="http://www.trolltech.com/company/model/">www.trolltech.com/company/model/</a>.</p></translation>
4576 | </message>
4577 | <message>
4578 | <source><h3>About Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/qt/">www.trolltech.com/qt/</a> for more information.</p></source>
4579 | <translation><h3>O Qt-ju</h3>%1<p>Qt je nabor orodij C++ za razvoj programov za več okolij.</p><p>Qt dobavi prenosljivost v enem viru za MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux in vse glavne različice tržnega Unixa. Qt je na voljo tudi za vdelane naprave, kot sta Qt za vdelan Linux in Qt za Windows CE.</p><p>Qt je Nokiin izdelek. Za več podatkov glejte <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/qt/">www.trolltech.com/qt/</a>.</p></translation>
4580 | </message>
4581 | <message>
4582 | <source><h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p></source>
4583 | <translation><h3>O Qt</h3><p>Ta program uporablja Qt različice %1.</p></translation>
4584 | </message>
4585 | <message>
4586 | <source><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> for more information.</p></source>
4587 | <translation type="vanished"><p>Qt je skupek gradnikov C++ za razvoj programov, ki tečejo na več platformah.</p><p>Qt omogoča isto kodo prenašati med platformami Linux, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Windows in vsemi večjimi variantami UNIX-a. Qt je na voljo tudi za vgrajene naprave in sicer kot Qt for Embedded Linux in Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt je na voljo pod tremi možnimi licenčnimi pogoji, ki ustrezajo različnim željam uporabnikov.</p><p>Qt pod licenco GNU General Public License različice 3.0 (<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html">GPLv3.0</a>) je primeren za razvoj programov Qt, ki so povsem <a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">prosti in odprto-kodni</a>. S to licenco se uporabnikom programa zagotovijo vse pravice in svoboščine, kot jih je imel izdelovalec programa.</p><p>Qt pod licenco GNU Lesser General Public License različice 2.1 (<a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html">LGPLv2.1</a>) omogoča tudi razvoj programov, ki uporabnikom ne zagotavljajo vseh pravic in svoboščin, kot jih je imel izdelovalec. Omogoča na primer tudi razvoj zaprto-kodnih programov.</p><p>Qt pod posebno komercialno licenco je namenjen razvoju lastniških in zaprto-kodnih programov, kjer izdelovalec z uporabniki noče deliti nič izvorne kode ter pravic in svoboščin, ali pa ne more ustreči pogojem licenc GPLv3.0 ali LGPLv2.1.</p><p>Za pregled licenčnih možnosti si oglejte spletno stran <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a>.</p><p>Avtorske pravice © 2012 Nokia Corporation in/ali podružnice ter zunanji prispevajoči.</p><p>Qt je proizvod podjetja Nokia. Za dodatne podatke si oglejte <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a>.</p><p>Prevedel: <a href="mailto:jlp@holodeck1.com">Jure Repinc</a>, <a href="http://www.lugos.si/">LUGOS</a></p></translation>
4588 | </message>
4589 | <message>
4590 | <source><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p></source>
4591 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4592 | </message>
4593 | </context>
4594 | <context>
4595 | <name>QMultiInputContext</name>
4596 | <message>
4597 | <source>Select IM</source>
4598 | <translation>Izberi IM</translation>
4599 | </message>
4600 | </context>
4601 | <context>
4602 | <name>QMultiInputContextPlugin</name>
4603 | <message>
4604 | <source>Multiple input method switcher</source>
4605 | <translation>Preklopnik več načinov vnosa</translation>
4606 | </message>
4607 | <message>
4608 | <source>Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets</source>
4609 | <translation>Preklopnik več načinov vnosa, ki uporablja vsebinski meni pripomočkov za besedilo</translation>
4610 | </message>
4611 | </context>
4612 | <context>
4613 | <name>QNativeSocketEngine</name>
4614 | <message>
4615 | <source>The remote host closed the connection</source>
4616 | <translation>Oddaljeni gostitelj je zaprl povezavo</translation>
4617 | </message>
4618 | <message>
4619 | <source>Network operation timed out</source>
4620 | <translation>Omrežno opravilo je poteklo</translation>
4621 | </message>
4622 | <message>
4623 | <source>Out of resources</source>
4624 | <translation>Zmanjkalo virov</translation>
4625 | </message>
4626 | <message>
4627 | <source>Unsupported socket operation</source>
4628 | <translation>Nepodprto opravilo vtiča</translation>
4629 | </message>
4630 | <message>
4631 | <source>Protocol type not supported</source>
4632 | <translation>Vrsta protokola ni podprta</translation>
4633 | </message>
4634 | <message>
4635 | <source>Invalid socket descriptor</source>
4636 | <translation>Neveljaven opisnik vtiča</translation>
4637 | </message>
4638 | <message>
4639 | <source>Network unreachable</source>
4640 | <translation>Omrežje nedosegljivo</translation>
4641 | </message>
4642 | <message>
4643 | <source>Permission denied</source>
4644 | <translation>Dovoljenje zavrnjeno</translation>
4645 | </message>
4646 | <message>
4647 | <source>Connection timed out</source>
4648 | <translation>Povezava je potekla</translation>
4649 | </message>
4650 | <message>
4651 | <source>Connection refused</source>
4652 | <translation>Povezava zavrnjena</translation>
4653 | </message>
4654 | <message>
4655 | <source>The bound address is already in use</source>
4656 | <translation>Vezan naslov je že v uporabi</translation>
4657 | </message>
4658 | <message>
4659 | <source>The address is not available</source>
4660 | <translation>Naslov ni na voljo</translation>
4661 | </message>
4662 | <message>
4663 | <source>The address is protected</source>
4664 | <translation>Naslov je zaščiten</translation>
4665 | </message>
4666 | <message>
4667 | <source>Unable to send a message</source>
4668 | <translation>Pošiljanje sporočila ni mogoče</translation>
4669 | </message>
4670 | <message>
4671 | <source>Unable to receive a message</source>
4672 | <translation>Prejemanje sporočila ni mogoče</translation>
4673 | </message>
4674 | <message>
4675 | <source>Unable to write</source>
4676 | <translation>Pisanje ni mogoče</translation>
4677 | </message>
4678 | <message>
4679 | <source>Network error</source>
4680 | <translation>Omrežna napaka</translation>
4681 | </message>
4682 | <message>
4683 | <source>Another socket is already listening on the same port</source>
4684 | <translation>Drug vtič že posluša na istih vratih</translation>
4685 | </message>
4686 | <message>
4687 | <source>Unable to initialize non-blocking socket</source>
4688 | <translation>Neblokirnega vtiča ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4689 | </message>
4690 | <message>
4691 | <source>Unable to initialize broadcast socket</source>
4692 | <translation>Oddajnega vtiča ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4693 | </message>
4694 | <message>
4695 | <source>Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support</source>
4696 | <translation>Poizkusi uporabiti vtič IPv6 v okolju brez podpore za IPv6</translation>
4697 | </message>
4698 | <message>
4699 | <source>Host unreachable</source>
4700 | <translation>Gostitelj nedosegljiv</translation>
4701 | </message>
4702 | <message>
4703 | <source>Datagram was too large to send</source>
4704 | <translation>Podatkovni paket je bil prevelik za pošiljanje</translation>
4705 | </message>
4706 | <message>
4707 | <source>Operation on non-socket</source>
4708 | <translation>Opravilo na neveljavnem vtiču</translation>
4709 | </message>
4710 | <message>
4711 | <source>Unknown error</source>
4712 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
4713 | </message>
4714 | <message>
4715 | <source>The proxy type is invalid for this operation</source>
4716 | <translation>Vrsta posredniškega strežnika je za to opravilo neveljavno</translation>
4717 | </message>
4718 | <message>
4719 | <source>Temporary error</source>
4720 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4721 | </message>
4722 | <message>
4723 | <source>Network dropped connection on reset</source>
4724 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4725 | </message>
4726 | <message>
4727 | <source>Connection reset by peer</source>
4728 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4729 | </message>
4730 | </context>
4731 | <context>
4732 | <name>QNetworkAccessCacheBackend</name>
4733 | <message>
4734 | <source>Error opening %1</source>
4735 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju %1</translation>
4736 | </message>
4737 | </context>
4738 | <context>
4739 | <name>QNetworkAccessDataBackend</name>
4740 | <message>
4741 | <source>Operation not supported on %1</source>
4742 | <translation type="vanished">Dejanje na %1 ni podprto</translation>
4743 | </message>
4744 | <message>
4745 | <source>Invalid URI: %1</source>
4746 | <translation>Neveljaven URI: %1</translation>
4747 | </message>
4748 | </context>
4749 | <context>
4750 | <name>QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend</name>
4751 | <message>
4752 | <source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
4753 | <translation>Napaka pri zapisovanju v %1: %2</translation>
4754 | </message>
4755 | <message>
4756 | <source>Socket error on %1: %2</source>
4757 | <translation>Napaka vtičnice na %1: %2</translation>
4758 | </message>
4759 | <message>
4760 | <source>Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1</source>
4761 | <translation>Oddaljen gostitelj je predčasno prekinil povezavo na %1</translation>
4762 | </message>
4763 | </context>
4764 | <context>
4765 | <name>QNetworkAccessFileBackend</name>
4766 | <message>
4767 | <source>Request for opening non-local file %1</source>
4768 | <translation>Zahteva za odpiranje oddaljene datoteke %1</translation>
4769 | </message>
4770 | <message>
4771 | <source>Error opening %1: %2</source>
4772 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju %1: %2</translation>
4773 | </message>
4774 | <message>
4775 | <source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
4776 | <translation>Napaka pri pisanju v %1: %2</translation>
4777 | </message>
4778 | <message>
4779 | <source>Cannot open %1: Path is a directory</source>
4780 | <translation>%1 ni mogoče odpreti: pot je mapa</translation>
4781 | </message>
4782 | <message>
4783 | <source>Read error reading from %1: %2</source>
4784 | <translation>Napaka pri branju iz %1: %2</translation>
4785 | </message>
4786 | </context>
4787 | <context>
4788 | <name>QNetworkAccessFtpBackend</name>
4789 | <message>
4790 | <source>Cannot open %1: is a directory</source>
4791 | <translation>Ni mogoče odpreti %1: je mapa</translation>
4792 | </message>
4793 | <message>
4794 | <source>Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required</source>
4795 | <translation>Prijava v %1 je spodletela: zahtevana overitev</translation>
4796 | </message>
4797 | <message>
4798 | <source>Error while downloading %1: %2</source>
4799 | <translation>Napaka med prejemanjem %1: %2</translation>
4800 | </message>
4801 | <message>
4802 | <source>Error while uploading %1: %2</source>
4803 | <translation>Napaka med pošiljanjem %1: %2</translation>
4804 | </message>
4805 | <message>
4806 | <source>No suitable proxy found</source>
4807 | <translation>Najden ni bil noben primeren posrednik</translation>
4808 | </message>
4809 | </context>
4810 | <context>
4811 | <name>QNetworkAccessHttpBackend</name>
4812 | <message>
4813 | <source>No suitable proxy found</source>
4814 | <translation type="vanished">Najden ni bil noben primeren posrednik</translation>
4815 | </message>
4816 | </context>
4817 | <context>
4818 | <name>QNetworkAccessManager</name>
4819 | <message>
4820 | <source>Network access is disabled.</source>
4821 | <translation>Omrežni dostop je onemogočen.</translation>
4822 | </message>
4823 | </context>
4824 | <context>
4825 | <name>QNetworkReply</name>
4826 | <message>
4827 | <source>Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2</source>
4828 | <translation>Napaka pri prejemanju %1 - strežnik je odgovoril: %2</translation>
4829 | </message>
4830 | <message>
4831 | <source>Protocol "%1" is unknown</source>
4832 | <translation>Protokol "%1" ni znan</translation>
4833 | </message>
4834 | <message>
4835 | <source>Network session error.</source>
4836 | <translation>Napaka omrežne seje.</translation>
4837 | </message>
4838 | <message>
4839 | <source>Temporary network failure.</source>
4840 | <translation>Začasna omrežna napaka.</translation>
4841 | </message>
4842 | <message>
4843 | <source>Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2</source>
4844 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4845 | </message>
4846 | <message>
4847 | <source>Background request not allowed.</source>
4848 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4849 | </message>
4850 | <message>
4851 | <source>backend start error.</source>
4852 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
4853 | </message>
4854 | </context>
4855 | <context>
4856 | <name>QNetworkReplyHttpImpl</name>
4857 | <message>
4858 | <source>Operation canceled</source>
4859 | <translation type="unfinished">Postopek je bil preklican</translation>
4860 | </message>
4861 | <message>
4862 | <source>No suitable proxy found</source>
4863 | <translation type="unfinished">Najden ni bil noben primeren posrednik</translation>
4864 | </message>
4865 | </context>
4866 | <context>
4867 | <name>QNetworkReplyImpl</name>
4868 | <message>
4869 | <source>Operation canceled</source>
4870 | <translation>Opravilo preklicano</translation>
4871 | </message>
4872 | </context>
4873 | <context>
4874 | <name>QNetworkSession</name>
4875 | <message>
4876 | <source>Invalid configuration.</source>
4877 | <translation>Neveljavna nastavitev.</translation>
4878 | </message>
4879 | </context>
4880 | <context>
4881 | <name>QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl</name>
4882 | <message>
4883 | <source>Roaming error</source>
4884 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka potovanja</translation>
4885 | </message>
4886 | <message>
4887 | <source>Session aborted by user or system</source>
4888 | <translation type="vanished">Sejo je preklical uporabnik ali pa sistem</translation>
4889 | </message>
4890 | <message>
4891 | <source>Unidentified Error</source>
4892 | <translation type="vanished">Neznana napaka</translation>
4893 | </message>
4894 | <message>
4895 | <source>Unknown session error.</source>
4896 | <translation>Neznana napaka seje.</translation>
4897 | </message>
4898 | <message>
4899 | <source>The session was aborted by the user or system.</source>
4900 | <translation>Sejo je preklical uporabnik ali pa sistem.</translation>
4901 | </message>
4902 | <message>
4903 | <source>The requested operation is not supported by the system.</source>
4904 | <translation>Sistem ne podpira zahtevanega dejanja.</translation>
4905 | </message>
4906 | <message>
4907 | <source>The specified configuration cannot be used.</source>
4908 | <translation>Navedenih nastavitev ni moč uporabiti.</translation>
4909 | </message>
4910 | <message>
4911 | <source>Roaming was aborted or is not possible.</source>
4912 | <translation>Potovanje je bilo preklicano ali pa ni možno.</translation>
4913 | </message>
4914 | </context>
4915 | <context>
4916 | <name>QOCIDriver</name>
4917 | <message>
4918 | <source>Unable to logon</source>
4919 | <translation>Prijava ni mogoča</translation>
4920 | </message>
4921 | <message>
4922 | <source>Unable to initialize</source>
4923 | <comment>QOCIDriver</comment>
4924 | <translation>Začenjanje ni mogoče</translation>
4925 | </message>
4926 | <message>
4927 | <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
4928 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4929 | </message>
4930 | <message>
4931 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
4932 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
4933 | </message>
4934 | <message>
4935 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
4936 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
4937 | </message>
4938 | </context>
4939 | <context>
4940 | <name>QOCIResult</name>
4941 | <message>
4942 | <source>Unable to bind column for batch execute</source>
4943 | <translation>Stolpca za paketno izvajanje ni mogoče vezati</translation>
4944 | </message>
4945 | <message>
4946 | <source>Unable to execute batch statement</source>
4947 | <translation>Paketnega stavka ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4948 | </message>
4949 | <message>
4950 | <source>Unable to goto next</source>
4951 | <translation>Na naslednjega ni mogoče iti</translation>
4952 | </message>
4953 | <message>
4954 | <source>Unable to alloc statement</source>
4955 | <translation>Stavka ni mogoče dodeliti</translation>
4956 | </message>
4957 | <message>
4958 | <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
4959 | <translation>Priprava stavka ni mogoča</translation>
4960 | </message>
4961 | <message>
4962 | <source>Unable to bind value</source>
4963 | <translation>Vezava vrednosti ni mogoča</translation>
4964 | </message>
4965 | <message>
4966 | <source>Unable to execute select statement</source>
4967 | <translation>Izbranega stavka ni mogoče začeti</translation>
4968 | </message>
4969 | <message>
4970 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
4971 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
4972 | </message>
4973 | <message>
4974 | <source>Unable to get statement type</source>
4975 | <translation>Ni moč pridobiti vrste izjave</translation>
4976 | </message>
4977 | </context>
4978 | <context>
4979 | <name>QODBCDriver</name>
4980 | <message>
4981 | <source>Unable to connect</source>
4982 | <translation>Povezava ni mogoča</translation>
4983 | </message>
4984 | <message>
4985 | <source>Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality</source>
4986 | <translation>Povezava ni mogoča - gonilnik ne podpira vsega potrebnega delovanja</translation>
4987 | </message>
4988 | <message>
4989 | <source>Unable to disable autocommit</source>
4990 | <translation>Onemogočanje samodejne potrditve ni mogoče</translation>
4991 | </message>
4992 | <message>
4993 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
4994 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
4995 | </message>
4996 | <message>
4997 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
4998 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
4999 | </message>
5000 | <message>
5001 | <source>Unable to enable autocommit</source>
5002 | <translation>Omogočanje samodejne potrditve ni mogoče</translation>
5003 | </message>
5004 | <message>
5005 | <source>Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required</source>
5006 | <translation>Ni se moč povezati - gonilnik ne podpira vseh potrebnih zmožnosti</translation>
5007 | </message>
5008 | </context>
5009 | <context>
5010 | <name>QODBCResult</name>
5011 | <message>
5012 | <source>QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration</source>
5013 | <translation>QODBCResult::reset: 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' ni mogoče nastaviti kot lastnost stavka. Preverite nastavitve gonilnika ODBC.</translation>
5014 | </message>
5015 | <message>
5016 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
5017 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
5018 | </message>
5019 | <message>
5020 | <source>Unable to fetch next</source>
5021 | <translation>Pridobivanje naslednjega ni mogoče</translation>
5022 | </message>
5023 | <message>
5024 | <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
5025 | <translation>Priprava stavka ni mogoča</translation>
5026 | </message>
5027 | <message>
5028 | <source>Unable to bind variable</source>
5029 | <translation>Vezava spremenljivke ni mogoča</translation>
5030 | </message>
5031 | <message>
5032 | <source>Unable to fetch last</source>
5033 | <translation>Pridobivanje zadnjega ni mogoče</translation>
5034 | </message>
5035 | <message>
5036 | <source>Unable to fetch</source>
5037 | <translation>Pridobivanje ni mogoče</translation>
5038 | </message>
5039 | <message>
5040 | <source>Unable to fetch first</source>
5041 | <translation>Pridobivanje prvega ni mogoče</translation>
5042 | </message>
5043 | <message>
5044 | <source>Unable to fetch previous</source>
5045 | <translation>Pridobivanje prejšnjega ni mogoče</translation>
5046 | </message>
5047 | </context>
5048 | <context>
5049 | <name>QObject</name>
5050 | <message>
5051 | <source>Operation not supported on %1</source>
5052 | <translation>Opravilo ni podprto na %1</translation>
5053 | </message>
5054 | <message>
5055 | <source>Invalid URI: %1</source>
5056 | <translation>Neveljaven URI: %1</translation>
5057 | </message>
5058 | <message>
5059 | <source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
5060 | <translation>Napaka pisanja pri pisanju v %1: %2</translation>
5061 | </message>
5062 | <message>
5063 | <source>Read error reading from %1: %2</source>
5064 | <translation>Napaka branja pri branju iz %1: %2</translation>
5065 | </message>
5066 | <message>
5067 | <source>Socket error on %1: %2</source>
5068 | <translation>Napaka vtiča na %1: %2</translation>
5069 | </message>
5070 | <message>
5071 | <source>Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1</source>
5072 | <translation>Oddaljeni gostitelj je prezgodaj zaprl povezavo na %1</translation>
5073 | </message>
5074 | <message>
5075 | <source>Protocol error: packet of size 0 received</source>
5076 | <translation>Napaka protokola: prejet paket velikosti 0</translation>
5077 | </message>
5078 | <message>
5079 | <source>PulseAudio Sound Server</source>
5080 | <translation type="vanished">Zvočni strežnik PulseAudio</translation>
5081 | </message>
5082 | <message>
5083 | <source>"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.</source>
5084 | <translation type="vanished">»%1« podvaja obstoječe ime vloge in bo onemogočena.</translation>
5085 | </message>
5086 | <message>
5087 | <source>invalid query: "%1"</source>
5088 | <translation type="vanished">neveljavna poizvedba: »%1«</translation>
5089 | </message>
5090 | </context>
5091 | <context>
5092 | <name>QPPDOptionsModel</name>
5093 | <message>
5094 | <source>Name</source>
5095 | <translation>Ime</translation>
5096 | </message>
5097 | <message>
5098 | <source>Value</source>
5099 | <translation>Vrednost</translation>
5100 | </message>
5101 | </context>
5102 | <context>
5103 | <name>QPSQLDriver</name>
5104 | <message>
5105 | <source>Unable to connect</source>
5106 | <translation>Povezava ni mogoča</translation>
5107 | </message>
5108 | <message>
5109 | <source>Could not begin transaction</source>
5110 | <translation>Izvršitve ni bilo mogoče začeti</translation>
5111 | </message>
5112 | <message>
5113 | <source>Could not commit transaction</source>
5114 | <translation>Izvršitve ni bilo mogoče potrditi</translation>
5115 | </message>
5116 | <message>
5117 | <source>Could not rollback transaction</source>
5118 | <translation>Izvršitve ni bilo mogoče povrniti</translation>
5119 | </message>
5120 | <message>
5121 | <source>Unable to subscribe</source>
5122 | <translation>Naročnina ni mogoča</translation>
5123 | </message>
5124 | <message>
5125 | <source>Unable to unsubscribe</source>
5126 | <translation>Odjava od naročnine ni mogoča</translation>
5127 | </message>
5128 | </context>
5129 | <context>
5130 | <name>QPSQLResult</name>
5131 | <message>
5132 | <source>Unable to create query</source>
5133 | <translation>Ustvarjanje poizvedbe ni mogoče</translation>
5134 | </message>
5135 | <message>
5136 | <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
5137 | <translation>Priprava stavka ni mogoča</translation>
5138 | </message>
5139 | </context>
5140 | <context>
5141 | <name>QPageSetupWidget</name>
5142 | <message>
5143 | <source>Centimeters (cm)</source>
5144 | <translation>Centimetri (cm)</translation>
5145 | </message>
5146 | <message>
5147 | <source>Millimeters (mm)</source>
5148 | <translation>Milimetri (mm)</translation>
5149 | </message>
5150 | <message>
5151 | <source>Inches (in)</source>
5152 | <translation>Palci (")</translation>
5153 | </message>
5154 | <message>
5155 | <source>Points (pt)</source>
5156 | <translation>Točke</translation>
5157 | </message>
5158 | <message>
5159 | <source>Form</source>
5160 | <translation>Oblika</translation>
5161 | </message>
5162 | <message>
5163 | <source>Paper</source>
5164 | <translation>Papir</translation>
5165 | </message>
5166 | <message>
5167 | <source>Page size:</source>
5168 | <translation>Velikost strani:</translation>
5169 | </message>
5170 | <message>
5171 | <source>Width:</source>
5172 | <translation>Širina:</translation>
5173 | </message>
5174 | <message>
5175 | <source>Height:</source>
5176 | <translation>Višina:</translation>
5177 | </message>
5178 | <message>
5179 | <source>Paper source:</source>
5180 | <translation>Vir papirja:</translation>
5181 | </message>
5182 | <message>
5183 | <source>Orientation</source>
5184 | <translation>Usmerjenost</translation>
5185 | </message>
5186 | <message>
5187 | <source>Portrait</source>
5188 | <translation>Pokončno</translation>
5189 | </message>
5190 | <message>
5191 | <source>Landscape</source>
5192 | <translation>Ležeče</translation>
5193 | </message>
5194 | <message>
5195 | <source>Reverse landscape</source>
5196 | <translation>Obratno ležeče</translation>
5197 | </message>
5198 | <message>
5199 | <source>Reverse portrait</source>
5200 | <translation>Obratno pokončno</translation>
5201 | </message>
5202 | <message>
5203 | <source>Margins</source>
5204 | <translation>Odmiki</translation>
5205 | </message>
5206 | <message>
5207 | <source>top margin</source>
5208 | <translation>Zgornji odmik</translation>
5209 | </message>
5210 | <message>
5211 | <source>left margin</source>
5212 | <translation>Levi odmik</translation>
5213 | </message>
5214 | <message>
5215 | <source>right margin</source>
5216 | <translation>Desni odmik</translation>
5217 | </message>
5218 | <message>
5219 | <source>bottom margin</source>
5220 | <translation>Spodnji odmik</translation>
5221 | </message>
5222 | <message>
5223 | <source>Page Layout</source>
5224 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5225 | </message>
5226 | <message>
5227 | <source>Page order:</source>
5228 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5229 | </message>
5230 | <message>
5231 | <source>Pages per sheet:</source>
5232 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5233 | </message>
5234 | <message>
5235 | <source>Pica (P̸)</source>
5236 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5237 | </message>
5238 | <message>
5239 | <source>Didot (DD)</source>
5240 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5241 | </message>
5242 | <message>
5243 | <source>Cicero (CC)</source>
5244 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5245 | </message>
5246 | <message>
5247 | <source>Custom</source>
5248 | <translation type="unfinished">Po meri</translation>
5249 | </message>
5250 | <message>
5251 | <source>mm</source>
5252 | <extracomment>Unit 'Millimeter'</extracomment>
5253 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5254 | </message>
5255 | <message>
5256 | <source>pt</source>
5257 | <extracomment>Unit 'Points'</extracomment>
5258 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5259 | </message>
5260 | <message>
5261 | <source>in</source>
5262 | <extracomment>Unit 'Inch'</extracomment>
5263 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5264 | </message>
5265 | <message>
5266 | <source>P̸</source>
5267 | <extracomment>Unit 'Pica'</extracomment>
5268 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5269 | </message>
5270 | <message>
5271 | <source>DD</source>
5272 | <extracomment>Unit 'Didot'</extracomment>
5273 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5274 | </message>
5275 | <message>
5276 | <source>CC</source>
5277 | <extracomment>Unit 'Cicero'</extracomment>
5278 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5279 | </message>
5280 | </context>
5281 | <context>
5282 | <name>QPageSize</name>
5283 | <message>
5284 | <source>Custom (%1mm x %2mm)</source>
5285 | <extracomment>Custom size name in millimeters</extracomment>
5286 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5287 | </message>
5288 | <message>
5289 | <source>Custom (%1pt x %2pt)</source>
5290 | <extracomment>Custom size name in points</extracomment>
5291 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5292 | </message>
5293 | <message>
5294 | <source>Custom (%1in x %2in)</source>
5295 | <extracomment>Custom size name in inches</extracomment>
5296 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5297 | </message>
5298 | <message>
5299 | <source>Custom (%1pc x %2pc)</source>
5300 | <extracomment>Custom size name in picas</extracomment>
5301 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5302 | </message>
5303 | <message>
5304 | <source>Custom (%1DD x %2DD)</source>
5305 | <extracomment>Custom size name in didots</extracomment>
5306 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5307 | </message>
5308 | <message>
5309 | <source>Custom (%1CC x %2CC)</source>
5310 | <extracomment>Custom size name in ciceros</extracomment>
5311 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5312 | </message>
5313 | <message>
5314 | <source>%1 x %2 in</source>
5315 | <extracomment>Page size in 'Inch'.</extracomment>
5316 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5317 | </message>
5318 | <message>
5319 | <source>A0</source>
5320 | <translation type="unfinished">A0</translation>
5321 | </message>
5322 | <message>
5323 | <source>A1</source>
5324 | <translation type="unfinished">A1</translation>
5325 | </message>
5326 | <message>
5327 | <source>A2</source>
5328 | <translation type="unfinished">A2</translation>
5329 | </message>
5330 | <message>
5331 | <source>A3</source>
5332 | <translation type="unfinished">A3</translation>
5333 | </message>
5334 | <message>
5335 | <source>A4</source>
5336 | <translation type="unfinished">A4</translation>
5337 | </message>
5338 | <message>
5339 | <source>A5</source>
5340 | <translation type="unfinished">A5</translation>
5341 | </message>
5342 | <message>
5343 | <source>A6</source>
5344 | <translation type="unfinished">A6</translation>
5345 | </message>
5346 | <message>
5347 | <source>A7</source>
5348 | <translation type="unfinished">A7</translation>
5349 | </message>
5350 | <message>
5351 | <source>A8</source>
5352 | <translation type="unfinished">A8</translation>
5353 | </message>
5354 | <message>
5355 | <source>A9</source>
5356 | <translation type="unfinished">A9</translation>
5357 | </message>
5358 | <message>
5359 | <source>A10</source>
5360 | <translation type="unfinished">A10</translation>
5361 | </message>
5362 | <message>
5363 | <source>B0</source>
5364 | <translation type="unfinished">B0</translation>
5365 | </message>
5366 | <message>
5367 | <source>B1</source>
5368 | <translation type="unfinished">B1</translation>
5369 | </message>
5370 | <message>
5371 | <source>B2</source>
5372 | <translation type="unfinished">B2</translation>
5373 | </message>
5374 | <message>
5375 | <source>B3</source>
5376 | <translation type="unfinished">B3</translation>
5377 | </message>
5378 | <message>
5379 | <source>B4</source>
5380 | <translation type="unfinished">B4</translation>
5381 | </message>
5382 | <message>
5383 | <source>B5</source>
5384 | <translation type="unfinished">B5</translation>
5385 | </message>
5386 | <message>
5387 | <source>B6</source>
5388 | <translation type="unfinished">B6</translation>
5389 | </message>
5390 | <message>
5391 | <source>B7</source>
5392 | <translation type="unfinished">B7</translation>
5393 | </message>
5394 | <message>
5395 | <source>B8</source>
5396 | <translation type="unfinished">B8</translation>
5397 | </message>
5398 | <message>
5399 | <source>B9</source>
5400 | <translation type="unfinished">B9</translation>
5401 | </message>
5402 | <message>
5403 | <source>B10</source>
5404 | <translation type="unfinished">B10</translation>
5405 | </message>
5406 | <message>
5407 | <source>Executive (7.5 x 10 in)</source>
5408 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5409 | </message>
5410 | <message>
5411 | <source>Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)</source>
5412 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5413 | </message>
5414 | <message>
5415 | <source>Folio (8.27 x 13 in)</source>
5416 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5417 | </message>
5418 | <message>
5419 | <source>Legal</source>
5420 | <translation type="unfinished">Legal</translation>
5421 | </message>
5422 | <message>
5423 | <source>Letter / ANSI A</source>
5424 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5425 | </message>
5426 | <message>
5427 | <source>Tabloid / ANSI B</source>
5428 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5429 | </message>
5430 | <message>
5431 | <source>Ledger / ANSI B</source>
5432 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5433 | </message>
5434 | <message>
5435 | <source>Custom</source>
5436 | <translation type="unfinished">Po meri</translation>
5437 | </message>
5438 | <message>
5439 | <source>A3 Extra</source>
5440 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5441 | </message>
5442 | <message>
5443 | <source>A4 Extra</source>
5444 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5445 | </message>
5446 | <message>
5447 | <source>A4 Plus</source>
5448 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5449 | </message>
5450 | <message>
5451 | <source>A4 Small</source>
5452 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5453 | </message>
5454 | <message>
5455 | <source>A5 Extra</source>
5456 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5457 | </message>
5458 | <message>
5459 | <source>B5 Extra</source>
5460 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5461 | </message>
5462 | <message>
5463 | <source>JIS B0</source>
5464 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5465 | </message>
5466 | <message>
5467 | <source>JIS B1</source>
5468 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5469 | </message>
5470 | <message>
5471 | <source>JIS B2</source>
5472 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5473 | </message>
5474 | <message>
5475 | <source>JIS B3</source>
5476 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5477 | </message>
5478 | <message>
5479 | <source>JIS B4</source>
5480 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5481 | </message>
5482 | <message>
5483 | <source>JIS B5</source>
5484 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5485 | </message>
5486 | <message>
5487 | <source>JIS B6</source>
5488 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5489 | </message>
5490 | <message>
5491 | <source>JIS B7</source>
5492 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5493 | </message>
5494 | <message>
5495 | <source>JIS B8</source>
5496 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5497 | </message>
5498 | <message>
5499 | <source>JIS B9</source>
5500 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5501 | </message>
5502 | <message>
5503 | <source>JIS B10</source>
5504 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5505 | </message>
5506 | <message>
5507 | <source>ANSI C</source>
5508 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5509 | </message>
5510 | <message>
5511 | <source>ANSI D</source>
5512 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5513 | </message>
5514 | <message>
5515 | <source>ANSI E</source>
5516 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5517 | </message>
5518 | <message>
5519 | <source>Legal Extra</source>
5520 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5521 | </message>
5522 | <message>
5523 | <source>Letter Extra</source>
5524 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5525 | </message>
5526 | <message>
5527 | <source>Letter Plus</source>
5528 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5529 | </message>
5530 | <message>
5531 | <source>Letter Small</source>
5532 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5533 | </message>
5534 | <message>
5535 | <source>Tabloid Extra</source>
5536 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5537 | </message>
5538 | <message>
5539 | <source>Architect A</source>
5540 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5541 | </message>
5542 | <message>
5543 | <source>Architect B</source>
5544 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5545 | </message>
5546 | <message>
5547 | <source>Architect C</source>
5548 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5549 | </message>
5550 | <message>
5551 | <source>Architect D</source>
5552 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5553 | </message>
5554 | <message>
5555 | <source>Architect E</source>
5556 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5557 | </message>
5558 | <message>
5559 | <source>Note</source>
5560 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5561 | </message>
5562 | <message>
5563 | <source>Quarto</source>
5564 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5565 | </message>
5566 | <message>
5567 | <source>Statement</source>
5568 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5569 | </message>
5570 | <message>
5571 | <source>Super A</source>
5572 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5573 | </message>
5574 | <message>
5575 | <source>Super B</source>
5576 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5577 | </message>
5578 | <message>
5579 | <source>Postcard</source>
5580 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5581 | </message>
5582 | <message>
5583 | <source>Double Postcard</source>
5584 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5585 | </message>
5586 | <message>
5587 | <source>PRC 16K</source>
5588 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5589 | </message>
5590 | <message>
5591 | <source>PRC 32K</source>
5592 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5593 | </message>
5594 | <message>
5595 | <source>PRC 32K Big</source>
5596 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5597 | </message>
5598 | <message>
5599 | <source>Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)</source>
5600 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5601 | </message>
5602 | <message>
5603 | <source>Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)</source>
5604 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5605 | </message>
5606 | <message>
5607 | <source>Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)</source>
5608 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5609 | </message>
5610 | <message>
5611 | <source>Envelope B4</source>
5612 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5613 | </message>
5614 | <message>
5615 | <source>Envelope B5</source>
5616 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5617 | </message>
5618 | <message>
5619 | <source>Envelope B6</source>
5620 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5621 | </message>
5622 | <message>
5623 | <source>Envelope C0</source>
5624 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5625 | </message>
5626 | <message>
5627 | <source>Envelope C1</source>
5628 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5629 | </message>
5630 | <message>
5631 | <source>Envelope C2</source>
5632 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5633 | </message>
5634 | <message>
5635 | <source>Envelope C3</source>
5636 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5637 | </message>
5638 | <message>
5639 | <source>Envelope C4</source>
5640 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5641 | </message>
5642 | <message>
5643 | <source>Envelope C5</source>
5644 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5645 | </message>
5646 | <message>
5647 | <source>Envelope C6</source>
5648 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5649 | </message>
5650 | <message>
5651 | <source>Envelope C65</source>
5652 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5653 | </message>
5654 | <message>
5655 | <source>Envelope C7</source>
5656 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5657 | </message>
5658 | <message>
5659 | <source>Envelope DL</source>
5660 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5661 | </message>
5662 | <message>
5663 | <source>Envelope US 9</source>
5664 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5665 | </message>
5666 | <message>
5667 | <source>Envelope US 10</source>
5668 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5669 | </message>
5670 | <message>
5671 | <source>Envelope US 11</source>
5672 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5673 | </message>
5674 | <message>
5675 | <source>Envelope US 12</source>
5676 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5677 | </message>
5678 | <message>
5679 | <source>Envelope US 14</source>
5680 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5681 | </message>
5682 | <message>
5683 | <source>Envelope Monarch</source>
5684 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5685 | </message>
5686 | <message>
5687 | <source>Envelope Personal</source>
5688 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5689 | </message>
5690 | <message>
5691 | <source>Envelope Chou 3</source>
5692 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5693 | </message>
5694 | <message>
5695 | <source>Envelope Chou 4</source>
5696 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5697 | </message>
5698 | <message>
5699 | <source>Envelope Invite</source>
5700 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5701 | </message>
5702 | <message>
5703 | <source>Envelope Italian</source>
5704 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5705 | </message>
5706 | <message>
5707 | <source>Envelope Kaku 2</source>
5708 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5709 | </message>
5710 | <message>
5711 | <source>Envelope Kaku 3</source>
5712 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5713 | </message>
5714 | <message>
5715 | <source>Envelope PRC 1</source>
5716 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5717 | </message>
5718 | <message>
5719 | <source>Envelope PRC 2</source>
5720 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5721 | </message>
5722 | <message>
5723 | <source>Envelope PRC 3</source>
5724 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5725 | </message>
5726 | <message>
5727 | <source>Envelope PRC 4</source>
5728 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5729 | </message>
5730 | <message>
5731 | <source>Envelope PRC 5</source>
5732 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5733 | </message>
5734 | <message>
5735 | <source>Envelope PRC 6</source>
5736 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5737 | </message>
5738 | <message>
5739 | <source>Envelope PRC 7</source>
5740 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5741 | </message>
5742 | <message>
5743 | <source>Envelope PRC 8</source>
5744 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5745 | </message>
5746 | <message>
5747 | <source>Envelope PRC 9</source>
5748 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5749 | </message>
5750 | <message>
5751 | <source>Envelope PRC 10</source>
5752 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5753 | </message>
5754 | <message>
5755 | <source>Envelope You 4</source>
5756 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5757 | </message>
5758 | </context>
5759 | <context>
5760 | <name>QPlatformTheme</name>
5761 | <message>
5762 | <source>OK</source>
5763 | <translation type="unfinished">V redu</translation>
5764 | </message>
5765 | <message>
5766 | <source>Save</source>
5767 | <translation type="unfinished">Shrani</translation>
5768 | </message>
5769 | <message>
5770 | <source>Save All</source>
5771 | <translation type="unfinished">Shrani vse</translation>
5772 | </message>
5773 | <message>
5774 | <source>Open</source>
5775 | <translation type="unfinished">Odpri</translation>
5776 | </message>
5777 | <message>
5778 | <source>&Yes</source>
5779 | <translation type="unfinished">&Da</translation>
5780 | </message>
5781 | <message>
5782 | <source>Yes to &All</source>
5783 | <translation type="unfinished">Da za &vse</translation>
5784 | </message>
5785 | <message>
5786 | <source>&No</source>
5787 | <translation type="unfinished">&Ne</translation>
5788 | </message>
5789 | <message>
5790 | <source>N&o to All</source>
5791 | <translation type="unfinished">N&e za vse</translation>
5792 | </message>
5793 | <message>
5794 | <source>Abort</source>
5795 | <translation type="unfinished">Prekini</translation>
5796 | </message>
5797 | <message>
5798 | <source>Retry</source>
5799 | <translation type="unfinished">Poskusi znova</translation>
5800 | </message>
5801 | <message>
5802 | <source>Ignore</source>
5803 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
5804 | </message>
5805 | <message>
5806 | <source>Close</source>
5807 | <translation type="unfinished">Zapri</translation>
5808 | </message>
5809 | <message>
5810 | <source>Cancel</source>
5811 | <translation type="unfinished">Prekliči</translation>
5812 | </message>
5813 | <message>
5814 | <source>Discard</source>
5815 | <translation type="unfinished">Zavrzi</translation>
5816 | </message>
5817 | <message>
5818 | <source>Help</source>
5819 | <translation type="unfinished">Pomoč</translation>
5820 | </message>
5821 | <message>
5822 | <source>Apply</source>
5823 | <translation type="unfinished">Uveljavi</translation>
5824 | </message>
5825 | <message>
5826 | <source>Reset</source>
5827 | <translation type="unfinished">Ponastavi</translation>
5828 | </message>
5829 | <message>
5830 | <source>Restore Defaults</source>
5831 | <translation type="unfinished">Obnovi privzete vrednosti</translation>
5832 | </message>
5833 | </context>
5834 | <context>
5835 | <name>QPluginLoader</name>
5836 | <message>
5837 | <source>Unknown error</source>
5838 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
5839 | </message>
5840 | <message>
5841 | <source>The plugin was not loaded.</source>
5842 | <translation>Vstavek ni bil naložen.</translation>
5843 | </message>
5844 | </context>
5845 | <context>
5846 | <name>QPrintDialog</name>
5847 | <message>
5848 | <source>locally connected</source>
5849 | <translation>Krajevno povezan</translation>
5850 | </message>
5851 | <message>
5852 | <source>Aliases: %1</source>
5853 | <translation>Bližnjice: %1</translation>
5854 | </message>
5855 | <message>
5856 | <source>unknown</source>
5857 | <translation>Neznano</translation>
5858 | </message>
5859 | <message>
5860 | <source>Print To File ...</source>
5861 | <translation>Natisni v datoteko …</translation>
5862 | </message>
5863 | <message>
5864 | <source>File %1 is not writable.
5865 | Please choose a different file name.</source>
5866 | <translation>Datoteka %1 ni zapisljiva.
5867 | Izberite drugo ime datoteke.</translation>
5868 | </message>
5869 | <message>
5870 | <source>%1 already exists.
5871 | Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
5872 | <translation>%1 že obstaja.
5873 | Ali jo želite preprisati?</translation>
5874 | </message>
5875 | <message>
5876 | <source>%1 is a directory.
5877 | Please choose a different file name.</source>
5878 | <translation>%1 je mapa.
5879 | Izberite drugo ime datoeteke.</translation>
5880 | </message>
5881 | <message>
5882 | <source>A0</source>
5883 | <translation>A0</translation>
5884 | </message>
5885 | <message>
5886 | <source>A1</source>
5887 | <translation>A1</translation>
5888 | </message>
5889 | <message>
5890 | <source>A2</source>
5891 | <translation>A2</translation>
5892 | </message>
5893 | <message>
5894 | <source>A3</source>
5895 | <translation>A3</translation>
5896 | </message>
5897 | <message>
5898 | <source>A4</source>
5899 | <translation>A4</translation>
5900 | </message>
5901 | <message>
5902 | <source>A5</source>
5903 | <translation>A5</translation>
5904 | </message>
5905 | <message>
5906 | <source>A6</source>
5907 | <translation>A6</translation>
5908 | </message>
5909 | <message>
5910 | <source>A7</source>
5911 | <translation>A7</translation>
5912 | </message>
5913 | <message>
5914 | <source>A8</source>
5915 | <translation>A8</translation>
5916 | </message>
5917 | <message>
5918 | <source>A9</source>
5919 | <translation>A9</translation>
5920 | </message>
5921 | <message>
5922 | <source>B0</source>
5923 | <translation>B0</translation>
5924 | </message>
5925 | <message>
5926 | <source>B1</source>
5927 | <translation>B1</translation>
5928 | </message>
5929 | <message>
5930 | <source>B2</source>
5931 | <translation>B2</translation>
5932 | </message>
5933 | <message>
5934 | <source>B3</source>
5935 | <translation>B3</translation>
5936 | </message>
5937 | <message>
5938 | <source>B4</source>
5939 | <translation>B4</translation>
5940 | </message>
5941 | <message>
5942 | <source>B5</source>
5943 | <translation>B5</translation>
5944 | </message>
5945 | <message>
5946 | <source>B6</source>
5947 | <translation>B6</translation>
5948 | </message>
5949 | <message>
5950 | <source>B7</source>
5951 | <translation>B7</translation>
5952 | </message>
5953 | <message>
5954 | <source>B8</source>
5955 | <translation>B8</translation>
5956 | </message>
5957 | <message>
5958 | <source>B9</source>
5959 | <translation>B9</translation>
5960 | </message>
5961 | <message>
5962 | <source>B10</source>
5963 | <translation>B10</translation>
5964 | </message>
5965 | <message>
5966 | <source>C5E</source>
5967 | <translation>C5E</translation>
5968 | </message>
5969 | <message>
5970 | <source>DLE</source>
5971 | <translation>DLE</translation>
5972 | </message>
5973 | <message>
5974 | <source>Executive</source>
5975 | <translation>Executive</translation>
5976 | </message>
5977 | <message>
5978 | <source>Folio</source>
5979 | <translation>Folio</translation>
5980 | </message>
5981 | <message>
5982 | <source>Ledger</source>
5983 | <translation>Ledger</translation>
5984 | </message>
5985 | <message>
5986 | <source>Legal</source>
5987 | <translation>Legal</translation>
5988 | </message>
5989 | <message>
5990 | <source>Letter</source>
5991 | <translation>Letter</translation>
5992 | </message>
5993 | <message>
5994 | <source>Tabloid</source>
5995 | <translation>Tabloid</translation>
5996 | </message>
5997 | <message>
5998 | <source>US Common #10 Envelope</source>
5999 | <translation>US Common #10 Envelope</translation>
6000 | </message>
6001 | <message>
6002 | <source>Custom</source>
6003 | <translation>Po meri</translation>
6004 | </message>
6005 | <message>
6006 | <source>&Options >></source>
6007 | <translation>&Možnosti >></translation>
6008 | </message>
6009 | <message>
6010 | <source>&Print</source>
6011 | <translation>&Natisni</translation>
6012 | </message>
6013 | <message>
6014 | <source>&Options <<</source>
6015 | <translation>&Možnosti <<</translation>
6016 | </message>
6017 | <message>
6018 | <source>Print to File (PDF)</source>
6019 | <translation>Natisni v datoteko (PDF)</translation>
6020 | </message>
6021 | <message>
6022 | <source>Print to File (Postscript)</source>
6023 | <translation>Natisni v datoteko (postscript)</translation>
6024 | </message>
6025 | <message>
6026 | <source>Local file</source>
6027 | <translation>Krajevna datoteka</translation>
6028 | </message>
6029 | <message>
6030 | <source>Write %1 file</source>
6031 | <translation>Zapiši datoteko %1</translation>
6032 | </message>
6033 | <message>
6034 | <source>A0 (841 x 1189 mm)</source>
6035 | <translation type="vanished">A0 (841 x 1189 mm)</translation>
6036 | </message>
6037 | <message>
6038 | <source>A1 (594 x 841 mm)</source>
6039 | <translation type="vanished">A1 (594 x 841 mm)</translation>
6040 | </message>
6041 | <message>
6042 | <source>A2 (420 x 594 mm)</source>
6043 | <translation type="vanished">A2 (420 x 594 mm)</translation>
6044 | </message>
6045 | <message>
6046 | <source>A3 (297 x 420 mm)</source>
6047 | <translation type="vanished">A3 (297 x 420 mm)</translation>
6048 | </message>
6049 | <message>
6050 | <source>A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches)</source>
6051 | <translation type="vanished">A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8,26 x 11,7 palcev)</translation>
6052 | </message>
6053 | <message>
6054 | <source>A5 (148 x 210 mm)</source>
6055 | <translation type="vanished">A5 (148 x 210 mm)</translation>
6056 | </message>
6057 | <message>
6058 | <source>A6 (105 x 148 mm)</source>
6059 | <translation type="vanished">A6 (105 x 148 mm)</translation>
6060 | </message>
6061 | <message>
6062 | <source>A7 (74 x 105 mm)</source>
6063 | <translation type="vanished">A7 (74 x 105 mm)</translation>
6064 | </message>
6065 | <message>
6066 | <source>A8 (52 x 74 mm)</source>
6067 | <translation type="vanished">A8 (52 x 74 mm)</translation>
6068 | </message>
6069 | <message>
6070 | <source>A9 (37 x 52 mm)</source>
6071 | <translation type="vanished">A9 (37 x 52 mm)</translation>
6072 | </message>
6073 | <message>
6074 | <source>B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)</source>
6075 | <translation type="vanished">B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)</translation>
6076 | </message>
6077 | <message>
6078 | <source>B1 (707 x 1000 mm)</source>
6079 | <translation type="vanished">B1 (707 x 1000 mm)</translation>
6080 | </message>
6081 | <message>
6082 | <source>B2 (500 x 707 mm)</source>
6083 | <translation type="vanished">B2 (500 x 707 mm)</translation>
6084 | </message>
6085 | <message>
6086 | <source>B3 (353 x 500 mm)</source>
6087 | <translation type="vanished">B3 (353 x 500 mm)</translation>
6088 | </message>
6089 | <message>
6090 | <source>B4 (250 x 353 mm)</source>
6091 | <translation type="vanished">B4 (250 x 353 mm)</translation>
6092 | </message>
6093 | <message>
6094 | <source>B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches)</source>
6095 | <translation type="vanished">B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6,93 x 9,84 palcev)</translation>
6096 | </message>
6097 | <message>
6098 | <source>B6 (125 x 176 mm)</source>
6099 | <translation type="vanished">B6 (125 x 176 mm)</translation>
6100 | </message>
6101 | <message>
6102 | <source>B7 (88 x 125 mm)</source>
6103 | <translation type="vanished">B7 (88 x 125 mm)</translation>
6104 | </message>
6105 | <message>
6106 | <source>B8 (62 x 88 mm)</source>
6107 | <translation type="vanished">B8 (62 x 88 mm)</translation>
6108 | </message>
6109 | <message>
6110 | <source>B9 (44 x 62 mm)</source>
6111 | <translation type="vanished">B9 (44 x 62 mm)</translation>
6112 | </message>
6113 | <message>
6114 | <source>B10 (31 x 44 mm)</source>
6115 | <translation type="vanished">B10 (31 x 44 mm)</translation>
6116 | </message>
6117 | <message>
6118 | <source>C5E (163 x 229 mm)</source>
6119 | <translation type="vanished">C5E (163 x 229 mm)</translation>
6120 | </message>
6121 | <message>
6122 | <source>DLE (110 x 220 mm)</source>
6123 | <translation type="vanished">DLE (110 x 220 mm)</translation>
6124 | </message>
6125 | <message>
6126 | <source>Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm)</source>
6127 | <translation type="vanished">Executive (7,5 x 10 palcev, 191 x 254 mm)</translation>
6128 | </message>
6129 | <message>
6130 | <source>Folio (210 x 330 mm)</source>
6131 | <translation type="vanished">Folio (210 x 330 mm)</translation>
6132 | </message>
6133 | <message>
6134 | <source>Ledger (432 x 279 mm)</source>
6135 | <translation type="vanished">Ledger (432 x 279 mm)</translation>
6136 | </message>
6137 | <message>
6138 | <source>Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm)</source>
6139 | <translation type="vanished">Legal (8,5 x 14 palcev, 216 x 356 mm)</translation>
6140 | </message>
6141 | <message>
6142 | <source>Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm)</source>
6143 | <translation type="vanished">Letter (8,5 x 11 palcev, 216 x 279 mm)</translation>
6144 | </message>
6145 | <message>
6146 | <source>Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)</source>
6147 | <translation type="vanished">Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)</translation>
6148 | </message>
6149 | <message>
6150 | <source>US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)</source>
6151 | <translation type="vanished">US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)</translation>
6152 | </message>
6153 | <message>
6154 | <source>Print current page</source>
6155 | <translation type="vanished">Natisni trenutno stran</translation>
6156 | </message>
6157 | <message>
6158 | <source>OK</source>
6159 | <translation>V redu</translation>
6160 | </message>
6161 | <message>
6162 | <source>Print</source>
6163 | <translation>Natisni</translation>
6164 | </message>
6165 | <message>
6166 | <source>Print range</source>
6167 | <translation type="vanished">Natisni obseg</translation>
6168 | </message>
6169 | <message>
6170 | <source>Print all</source>
6171 | <translation type="vanished">Natisni vse</translation>
6172 | </message>
6173 | <message>
6174 | <source>File exists</source>
6175 | <translation type="vanished">Datoteka obstaja</translation>
6176 | </message>
6177 | <message>
6178 | <source><qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt></source>
6179 | <translation type="vanished"><qt>Ali jo želite nadomestiti?</qt></translation>
6180 | </message>
6181 | <message>
6182 | <source>Print selection</source>
6183 | <translation type="vanished">Natisni izbor</translation>
6184 | </message>
6185 | <message>
6186 | <source>The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.</source>
6187 | <translation>Vrednost »Od« ne more biti večja od vrednosti »Do«.</translation>
6188 | </message>
6189 | <message>
6190 | <source>Left to Right, Top to Bottom</source>
6191 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6192 | </message>
6193 | <message>
6194 | <source>Left to Right, Bottom to Top</source>
6195 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6196 | </message>
6197 | <message>
6198 | <source>Right to Left, Bottom to Top</source>
6199 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6200 | </message>
6201 | <message>
6202 | <source>Right to Left, Top to Bottom</source>
6203 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6204 | </message>
6205 | <message>
6206 | <source>Bottom to Top, Left to Right</source>
6207 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6208 | </message>
6209 | <message>
6210 | <source>Bottom to Top, Right to Left</source>
6211 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6212 | </message>
6213 | <message>
6214 | <source>Top to Bottom, Left to Right</source>
6215 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6216 | </message>
6217 | <message>
6218 | <source>Top to Bottom, Right to Left</source>
6219 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6220 | </message>
6221 | <message>
6222 | <source>1 (1x1)</source>
6223 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6224 | </message>
6225 | <message>
6226 | <source>2 (2x1)</source>
6227 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6228 | </message>
6229 | <message>
6230 | <source>4 (2x2)</source>
6231 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6232 | </message>
6233 | <message>
6234 | <source>6 (2x3)</source>
6235 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6236 | </message>
6237 | <message>
6238 | <source>9 (3x3)</source>
6239 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6240 | </message>
6241 | <message>
6242 | <source>16 (4x4)</source>
6243 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6244 | </message>
6245 | <message>
6246 | <source>All Pages</source>
6247 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6248 | </message>
6249 | <message>
6250 | <source>Odd Pages</source>
6251 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6252 | </message>
6253 | <message>
6254 | <source>Even Pages</source>
6255 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6256 | </message>
6257 | <message>
6258 | <source>Write PDF file</source>
6259 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6260 | </message>
6261 | <message>
6262 | <source>Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
6263 | Please turn one of those options off.</source>
6264 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6265 | </message>
6266 | <message>
6267 | <source>Automatic</source>
6268 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6269 | </message>
6270 | </context>
6271 | <context>
6272 | <name>QPrintPreviewDialog</name>
6273 | <message>
6274 | <source>Page Setup</source>
6275 | <translation>Priprava strani</translation>
6276 | </message>
6277 | <message>
6278 | <source>Print Preview</source>
6279 | <translation>Predogled tiskanja</translation>
6280 | </message>
6281 | <message>
6282 | <source>Next page</source>
6283 | <translation>Naslednja stran</translation>
6284 | </message>
6285 | <message>
6286 | <source>Previous page</source>
6287 | <translation>Prejšnja stran</translation>
6288 | </message>
6289 | <message>
6290 | <source>First page</source>
6291 | <translation>Prva stran</translation>
6292 | </message>
6293 | <message>
6294 | <source>Last page</source>
6295 | <translation>Zadnja stran</translation>
6296 | </message>
6297 | <message>
6298 | <source>Fit width</source>
6299 | <translation>Prilagodi širini</translation>
6300 | </message>
6301 | <message>
6302 | <source>Fit page</source>
6303 | <translation>Prilagodi strani</translation>
6304 | </message>
6305 | <message>
6306 | <source>Zoom in</source>
6307 | <translation>Povečaj</translation>
6308 | </message>
6309 | <message>
6310 | <source>Zoom out</source>
6311 | <translation>Pomanjšaj</translation>
6312 | </message>
6313 | <message>
6314 | <source>Portrait</source>
6315 | <translation>Pokončno</translation>
6316 | </message>
6317 | <message>
6318 | <source>Landscape</source>
6319 | <translation>Ležeče</translation>
6320 | </message>
6321 | <message>
6322 | <source>Show single page</source>
6323 | <translation>Prikaži eno stran</translation>
6324 | </message>
6325 | <message>
6326 | <source>Show facing pages</source>
6327 | <translation>Prikaži nasprotni strani</translation>
6328 | </message>
6329 | <message>
6330 | <source>Show overview of all pages</source>
6331 | <translation>Prikaži pregled vseh strani</translation>
6332 | </message>
6333 | <message>
6334 | <source>Print</source>
6335 | <translation>Natisni</translation>
6336 | </message>
6337 | <message>
6338 | <source>Page setup</source>
6339 | <translation>Priprava strani</translation>
6340 | </message>
6341 | <message>
6342 | <source>Close</source>
6343 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
6344 | </message>
6345 | <message>
6346 | <source>%1%</source>
6347 | <translation>%1 %</translation>
6348 | </message>
6349 | <message>
6350 | <source>Export to PDF</source>
6351 | <translation>Izvozi v PDF</translation>
6352 | </message>
6353 | <message>
6354 | <source>Export to PostScript</source>
6355 | <translation type="vanished">Izvozi v PostScript</translation>
6356 | </message>
6357 | </context>
6358 | <context>
6359 | <name>QPrintPropertiesDialog</name>
6360 | <message>
6361 | <source>Printer Properties</source>
6362 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6363 | </message>
6364 | <message>
6365 | <source>Job Options</source>
6366 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6367 | </message>
6368 | </context>
6369 | <context>
6370 | <name>QPrintPropertiesWidget</name>
6371 | <message>
6372 | <source>Form</source>
6373 | <translation>Oblika</translation>
6374 | </message>
6375 | <message>
6376 | <source>Page</source>
6377 | <translation>Stran</translation>
6378 | </message>
6379 | <message>
6380 | <source>Advanced</source>
6381 | <translation>Napredno</translation>
6382 | </message>
6383 | </context>
6384 | <context>
6385 | <name>QPrintSettingsOutput</name>
6386 | <message>
6387 | <source>Form</source>
6388 | <translation>Oblika</translation>
6389 | </message>
6390 | <message>
6391 | <source>Copies</source>
6392 | <translation>Kopije</translation>
6393 | </message>
6394 | <message>
6395 | <source>Print range</source>
6396 | <translation>Obseg tiskanja</translation>
6397 | </message>
6398 | <message>
6399 | <source>Print all</source>
6400 | <translation>Natisni vse</translation>
6401 | </message>
6402 | <message>
6403 | <source>Pages from</source>
6404 | <translation>Strani od</translation>
6405 | </message>
6406 | <message>
6407 | <source>to</source>
6408 | <translation>do</translation>
6409 | </message>
6410 | <message>
6411 | <source>Selection</source>
6412 | <translation>Izbira</translation>
6413 | </message>
6414 | <message>
6415 | <source>Output Settings</source>
6416 | <translation>Izhodne nastavitve</translation>
6417 | </message>
6418 | <message>
6419 | <source>Copies:</source>
6420 | <translation>Kopije:</translation>
6421 | </message>
6422 | <message>
6423 | <source>Collate</source>
6424 | <translation>Zberi</translation>
6425 | </message>
6426 | <message>
6427 | <source>Reverse</source>
6428 | <translation>Obratno</translation>
6429 | </message>
6430 | <message>
6431 | <source>Options</source>
6432 | <translation>Možnosti</translation>
6433 | </message>
6434 | <message>
6435 | <source>Color Mode</source>
6436 | <translation>Barvni način</translation>
6437 | </message>
6438 | <message>
6439 | <source>Color</source>
6440 | <translation>Barva</translation>
6441 | </message>
6442 | <message>
6443 | <source>Grayscale</source>
6444 | <translation>Sivina</translation>
6445 | </message>
6446 | <message>
6447 | <source>Duplex Printing</source>
6448 | <translation>Dvostransko tiskanje</translation>
6449 | </message>
6450 | <message>
6451 | <source>None</source>
6452 | <translation>Brez</translation>
6453 | </message>
6454 | <message>
6455 | <source>Long side</source>
6456 | <translation>Po dolgem robu</translation>
6457 | </message>
6458 | <message>
6459 | <source>Short side</source>
6460 | <translation>Po kratkem robu</translation>
6461 | </message>
6462 | <message>
6463 | <source>Current Page</source>
6464 | <translation>Trenutna stran</translation>
6465 | </message>
6466 | <message>
6467 | <source>Page Set:</source>
6468 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6469 | </message>
6470 | </context>
6471 | <context>
6472 | <name>QPrintWidget</name>
6473 | <message>
6474 | <source>Form</source>
6475 | <translation>Oblika</translation>
6476 | </message>
6477 | <message>
6478 | <source>Printer</source>
6479 | <translation>Tiskalnik</translation>
6480 | </message>
6481 | <message>
6482 | <source>&Name:</source>
6483 | <translation>I&me:</translation>
6484 | </message>
6485 | <message>
6486 | <source>P&roperties</source>
6487 | <translation>&Lastnosti</translation>
6488 | </message>
6489 | <message>
6490 | <source>Location:</source>
6491 | <translation>Mesto:</translation>
6492 | </message>
6493 | <message>
6494 | <source>Preview</source>
6495 | <translation>Predogled</translation>
6496 | </message>
6497 | <message>
6498 | <source>Type:</source>
6499 | <translation>Vrsta:</translation>
6500 | </message>
6501 | <message>
6502 | <source>Output &file:</source>
6503 | <translation>Iz&hodna datoteka:</translation>
6504 | </message>
6505 | <message>
6506 | <source>...</source>
6507 | <translation>…</translation>
6508 | </message>
6509 | </context>
6510 | <context>
6511 | <name>QProcess</name>
6512 | <message>
6513 | <source>Could not open input redirection for reading</source>
6514 | <translation>Preusmeritve vhoda ni bilo moč odpreti za branje</translation>
6515 | </message>
6516 | <message>
6517 | <source>Could not open output redirection for writing</source>
6518 | <translation>Preusmeritve izhoda ni bilo moč odpreti za pisanje</translation>
6519 | </message>
6520 | <message>
6521 | <source>Resource error (fork failure): %1</source>
6522 | <translation>Napaka vira (spodletela odcepitev): %1</translation>
6523 | </message>
6524 | <message>
6525 | <source>Process operation timed out</source>
6526 | <translation>Čas za dejanje procesa je potekel</translation>
6527 | </message>
6528 | <message>
6529 | <source>Error reading from process</source>
6530 | <translation>Napaka pri branju iz procesa</translation>
6531 | </message>
6532 | <message>
6533 | <source>Error writing to process</source>
6534 | <translation>Napak pri pisanju v proces</translation>
6535 | </message>
6536 | <message>
6537 | <source>Process crashed</source>
6538 | <translation>Program se je sesul</translation>
6539 | </message>
6540 | <message>
6541 | <source>No program defined</source>
6542 | <translation>Določenega ni nobenega programa</translation>
6543 | </message>
6544 | <message>
6545 | <source>Process failed to start: %1</source>
6546 | <translation>Proces se ni uspel zagnati: %1</translation>
6547 | </message>
6548 | <message>
6549 | <source>Process failed to start</source>
6550 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6551 | </message>
6552 | </context>
6553 | <context>
6554 | <name>QProgressDialog</name>
6555 | <message>
6556 | <source>Cancel</source>
6557 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
6558 | </message>
6559 | </context>
6560 | <context>
6561 | <name>QPushButton</name>
6562 | <message>
6563 | <source>Open</source>
6564 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
6565 | </message>
6566 | </context>
6567 | <context>
6568 | <name>QQnxFileDialogHelper</name>
6569 | <message>
6570 | <source>All files (*.*)</source>
6571 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6572 | </message>
6573 | </context>
6574 | <context>
6575 | <name>QQnxFilePicker</name>
6576 | <message>
6577 | <source>Pick a file</source>
6578 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6579 | </message>
6580 | </context>
6581 | <context>
6582 | <name>QRadioButton</name>
6583 | <message>
6584 | <source>Check</source>
6585 | <translation>Preveri</translation>
6586 | </message>
6587 | </context>
6588 | <context>
6589 | <name>QRegExp</name>
6590 | <message>
6591 | <source>no error occurred</source>
6592 | <translation>Nobena napaka se ni pojavila</translation>
6593 | </message>
6594 | <message>
6595 | <source>disabled feature used</source>
6596 | <translation>Uporabljena onemogočena značilnost</translation>
6597 | </message>
6598 | <message>
6599 | <source>bad char class syntax</source>
6600 | <translation>Slaba skladnja razreda znakov</translation>
6601 | </message>
6602 | <message>
6603 | <source>bad lookahead syntax</source>
6604 | <translation>Slaba vnaprejšnja skladnja</translation>
6605 | </message>
6606 | <message>
6607 | <source>bad repetition syntax</source>
6608 | <translation>Slaba ponovitvena skladnja</translation>
6609 | </message>
6610 | <message>
6611 | <source>invalid octal value</source>
6612 | <translation>Slaba osmiška vrednost</translation>
6613 | </message>
6614 | <message>
6615 | <source>missing left delim</source>
6616 | <translation>Manjkajoče levo ločilo</translation>
6617 | </message>
6618 | <message>
6619 | <source>unexpected end</source>
6620 | <translation>Nepričakovan konec</translation>
6621 | </message>
6622 | <message>
6623 | <source>met internal limit</source>
6624 | <translation>Notranja omejitev dosežena</translation>
6625 | </message>
6626 | <message>
6627 | <source>invalid interval</source>
6628 | <translation>neveljaven interval</translation>
6629 | </message>
6630 | <message>
6631 | <source>invalid category</source>
6632 | <translation>neveljavna kategorija</translation>
6633 | </message>
6634 | <message>
6635 | <source>lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371</source>
6636 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6637 | </message>
6638 | </context>
6639 | <context>
6640 | <name>QRegularExpression</name>
6641 | <message>
6642 | <source>no error</source>
6643 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6644 | </message>
6645 | <message>
6646 | <source>\ at end of pattern</source>
6647 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6648 | </message>
6649 | <message>
6650 | <source>\c at end of pattern</source>
6651 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6652 | </message>
6653 | <message>
6654 | <source>unrecognized character follows \</source>
6655 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6656 | </message>
6657 | <message>
6658 | <source>numbers out of order in {} quantifier</source>
6659 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6660 | </message>
6661 | <message>
6662 | <source>number too big in {} quantifier</source>
6663 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6664 | </message>
6665 | <message>
6666 | <source>missing terminating ] for character class</source>
6667 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6668 | </message>
6669 | <message>
6670 | <source>invalid escape sequence in character class</source>
6671 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6672 | </message>
6673 | <message>
6674 | <source>range out of order in character class</source>
6675 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6676 | </message>
6677 | <message>
6678 | <source>nothing to repeat</source>
6679 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6680 | </message>
6681 | <message>
6682 | <source>internal error: unexpected repeat</source>
6683 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6684 | </message>
6685 | <message>
6686 | <source>unrecognized character after (? or (?-</source>
6687 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6688 | </message>
6689 | <message>
6690 | <source>POSIX named classes are supported only within a class</source>
6691 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6692 | </message>
6693 | <message>
6694 | <source>missing )</source>
6695 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6696 | </message>
6697 | <message>
6698 | <source>reference to non-existent subpattern</source>
6699 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6700 | </message>
6701 | <message>
6702 | <source>erroffset passed as NULL</source>
6703 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6704 | </message>
6705 | <message>
6706 | <source>unknown option bit(s) set</source>
6707 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6708 | </message>
6709 | <message>
6710 | <source>missing ) after comment</source>
6711 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6712 | </message>
6713 | <message>
6714 | <source>regular expression is too large</source>
6715 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6716 | </message>
6717 | <message>
6718 | <source>failed to get memory</source>
6719 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6720 | </message>
6721 | <message>
6722 | <source>unmatched parentheses</source>
6723 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6724 | </message>
6725 | <message>
6726 | <source>internal error: code overflow</source>
6727 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6728 | </message>
6729 | <message>
6730 | <source>unrecognized character after (?<</source>
6731 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6732 | </message>
6733 | <message>
6734 | <source>lookbehind assertion is not fixed length</source>
6735 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6736 | </message>
6737 | <message>
6738 | <source>malformed number or name after (?(</source>
6739 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6740 | </message>
6741 | <message>
6742 | <source>conditional group contains more than two branches</source>
6743 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6744 | </message>
6745 | <message>
6746 | <source>assertion expected after (?(</source>
6747 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6748 | </message>
6749 | <message>
6750 | <source>(?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )</source>
6751 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6752 | </message>
6753 | <message>
6754 | <source>unknown POSIX class name</source>
6755 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6756 | </message>
6757 | <message>
6758 | <source>POSIX collating elements are not supported</source>
6759 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6760 | </message>
6761 | <message>
6762 | <source>this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support</source>
6763 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6764 | </message>
6765 | <message>
6766 | <source>character value in \x{...} sequence is too large</source>
6767 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6768 | </message>
6769 | <message>
6770 | <source>invalid condition (?(0)</source>
6771 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6772 | </message>
6773 | <message>
6774 | <source>\C not allowed in lookbehind assertion</source>
6775 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6776 | </message>
6777 | <message>
6778 | <source>PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u</source>
6779 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6780 | </message>
6781 | <message>
6782 | <source>number after (?C is > 255</source>
6783 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6784 | </message>
6785 | <message>
6786 | <source>closing ) for (?C expected</source>
6787 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6788 | </message>
6789 | <message>
6790 | <source>recursive call could loop indefinitely</source>
6791 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6792 | </message>
6793 | <message>
6794 | <source>unrecognized character after (?P</source>
6795 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6796 | </message>
6797 | <message>
6798 | <source>syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)</source>
6799 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6800 | </message>
6801 | <message>
6802 | <source>two named subpatterns have the same name</source>
6803 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6804 | </message>
6805 | <message>
6806 | <source>invalid UTF-8 string</source>
6807 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6808 | </message>
6809 | <message>
6810 | <source>support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled</source>
6811 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6812 | </message>
6813 | <message>
6814 | <source>malformed \P or \p sequence</source>
6815 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6816 | </message>
6817 | <message>
6818 | <source>unknown property name after \P or \p</source>
6819 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6820 | </message>
6821 | <message>
6822 | <source>subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)</source>
6823 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6824 | </message>
6825 | <message>
6826 | <source>too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)</source>
6827 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6828 | </message>
6829 | <message>
6830 | <source>octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)</source>
6831 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6832 | </message>
6833 | <message>
6834 | <source>internal error: overran compiling workspace</source>
6835 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6836 | </message>
6837 | <message>
6838 | <source>internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found</source>
6839 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6840 | </message>
6841 | <message>
6842 | <source>DEFINE group contains more than one branch</source>
6843 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6844 | </message>
6845 | <message>
6846 | <source>repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed</source>
6847 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6848 | </message>
6849 | <message>
6850 | <source>inconsistent NEWLINE options</source>
6851 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6852 | </message>
6853 | <message>
6854 | <source>\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number</source>
6855 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6856 | </message>
6857 | <message>
6858 | <source>a numbered reference must not be zero</source>
6859 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6860 | </message>
6861 | <message>
6862 | <source>an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)</source>
6863 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6864 | </message>
6865 | <message>
6866 | <source>(*VERB) not recognized</source>
6867 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6868 | </message>
6869 | <message>
6870 | <source>number is too big</source>
6871 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6872 | </message>
6873 | <message>
6874 | <source>subpattern name expected</source>
6875 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6876 | </message>
6877 | <message>
6878 | <source>digit expected after (?+</source>
6879 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6880 | </message>
6881 | <message>
6882 | <source>] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode</source>
6883 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6884 | </message>
6885 | <message>
6886 | <source>different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed</source>
6887 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6888 | </message>
6889 | <message>
6890 | <source>(*MARK) must have an argument</source>
6891 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6892 | </message>
6893 | <message>
6894 | <source>this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support</source>
6895 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6896 | </message>
6897 | <message>
6898 | <source>\c must be followed by an ASCII character</source>
6899 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6900 | </message>
6901 | <message>
6902 | <source>\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name</source>
6903 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6904 | </message>
6905 | <message>
6906 | <source>internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()</source>
6907 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6908 | </message>
6909 | <message>
6910 | <source>\N is not supported in a class</source>
6911 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6912 | </message>
6913 | <message>
6914 | <source>too many forward references</source>
6915 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6916 | </message>
6917 | <message>
6918 | <source>disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)</source>
6919 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6920 | </message>
6921 | <message>
6922 | <source>invalid UTF-16 string</source>
6923 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6924 | </message>
6925 | <message>
6926 | <source>name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)</source>
6927 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6928 | </message>
6929 | <message>
6930 | <source>character value in \u.... sequence is too large</source>
6931 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6932 | </message>
6933 | <message>
6934 | <source>invalid UTF-32 string</source>
6935 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6936 | </message>
6937 | <message>
6938 | <source>setting UTF is disabled by the application</source>
6939 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6940 | </message>
6941 | <message>
6942 | <source>non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)</source>
6943 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6944 | </message>
6945 | <message>
6946 | <source>non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)</source>
6947 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6948 | </message>
6949 | <message>
6950 | <source>missing opening brace after \o</source>
6951 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6952 | </message>
6953 | <message>
6954 | <source>parentheses are too deeply nested</source>
6955 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6956 | </message>
6957 | <message>
6958 | <source>invalid range in character class</source>
6959 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6960 | </message>
6961 | <message>
6962 | <source>group name must start with a non-digit</source>
6963 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6964 | </message>
6965 | <message>
6966 | <source>parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)</source>
6967 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6968 | </message>
6969 | <message>
6970 | <source>digits missing in \x{} or \o{}</source>
6971 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
6972 | </message>
6973 | </context>
6974 | <context>
6975 | <name>QSQLite2Driver</name>
6976 | <message>
6977 | <source>Error to open database</source>
6978 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke</translation>
6979 | </message>
6980 | <message>
6981 | <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
6982 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče začeti</translation>
6983 | </message>
6984 | <message>
6985 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
6986 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
6987 | </message>
6988 | <message>
6989 | <source>Unable to rollback Transaction</source>
6990 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
6991 | </message>
6992 | <message>
6993 | <source>Error opening database</source>
6994 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke</translation>
6995 | </message>
6996 | <message>
6997 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
6998 | <translation>Ni moč razveljaviti transakcije</translation>
6999 | </message>
7000 | </context>
7001 | <context>
7002 | <name>QSQLite2Result</name>
7003 | <message>
7004 | <source>Unable to fetch results</source>
7005 | <translation>Pridobivanje rezultatov ni mogoče</translation>
7006 | </message>
7007 | <message>
7008 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
7009 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
7010 | </message>
7011 | </context>
7012 | <context>
7013 | <name>QSQLiteDriver</name>
7014 | <message>
7015 | <source>Error opening database</source>
7016 | <translation>Napaka pri odpiranju podatkovne zbirke</translation>
7017 | </message>
7018 | <message>
7019 | <source>Error closing database</source>
7020 | <translation>Napaka pri zapiranju podatkovne zbirke</translation>
7021 | </message>
7022 | <message>
7023 | <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
7024 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče začeti</translation>
7025 | </message>
7026 | <message>
7027 | <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
7028 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče potrditi</translation>
7029 | </message>
7030 | <message>
7031 | <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
7032 | <translation>Izvršitve ni mogoče povrniti</translation>
7033 | </message>
7034 | </context>
7035 | <context>
7036 | <name>QSQLiteResult</name>
7037 | <message>
7038 | <source>Unable to fetch row</source>
7039 | <translation>Pridobivanje vrstice ni mogoče</translation>
7040 | </message>
7041 | <message>
7042 | <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
7043 | <translation>Izvedba stavka ni mogoča</translation>
7044 | </message>
7045 | <message>
7046 | <source>Unable to reset statement</source>
7047 | <translation>Ponastavitev stavka ni mogoča</translation>
7048 | </message>
7049 | <message>
7050 | <source>Unable to bind parameters</source>
7051 | <translation>Vezava parametrov ni mogoča</translation>
7052 | </message>
7053 | <message>
7054 | <source>Parameter count mismatch</source>
7055 | <translation>Število parametrov ne ne ujema</translation>
7056 | </message>
7057 | <message>
7058 | <source>No query</source>
7059 | <translation>Ni poizvedbe</translation>
7060 | </message>
7061 | <message>
7062 | <source>Unable to execute multiple statements at a time</source>
7063 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
7064 | </message>
7065 | </context>
7066 | <context>
7067 | <name>QSaveFile</name>
7068 | <message>
7069 | <source>Existing file %1 is not writable</source>
7070 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
7071 | </message>
7072 | <message>
7073 | <source>Filename refers to a directory</source>
7074 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
7075 | </message>
7076 | <message>
7077 | <source>Writing canceled by application</source>
7078 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
7079 | </message>
7080 | </context>
7081 | <context>
7082 | <name>QScriptBreakpointsModel</name>
7083 | <message>
7084 | <source>ID</source>
7085 | <translation type="vanished">ID</translation>
7086 | </message>
7087 | <message>
7088 | <source>Location</source>
7089 | <translation type="vanished">Lokacija</translation>
7090 | </message>
7091 | <message>
7092 | <source>Condition</source>
7093 | <translation type="vanished">Pogoj</translation>
7094 | </message>
7095 | <message>
7096 | <source>Ignore-count</source>
7097 | <translation type="vanished">Število prezrtij</translation>
7098 | </message>
7099 | <message>
7100 | <source>Single-shot</source>
7101 | <translation type="vanished">Enojen zadetek</translation>
7102 | </message>
7103 | <message>
7104 | <source>Hit-count</source>
7105 | <translation type="vanished">Število zadetkov</translation>
7106 | </message>
7107 | </context>
7108 | <context>
7109 | <name>QScriptBreakpointsWidget</name>
7110 | <message>
7111 | <source>New</source>
7112 | <translation type="vanished">Nova</translation>
7113 | </message>
7114 | <message>
7115 | <source>Delete</source>
7116 | <translation type="vanished">Izbriši</translation>
7117 | </message>
7118 | </context>
7119 | <context>
7120 | <name>QScriptDebugger</name>
7121 | <message>
7122 | <source>Go to Line</source>
7123 | <translation type="vanished">Pojdi v vrstico</translation>
7124 | </message>
7125 | <message>
7126 | <source>Line:</source>
7127 | <translation type="vanished">Vrstica:</translation>
7128 | </message>
7129 | <message>
7130 | <source>Interrupt</source>
7131 | <translation type="vanished">Prekini</translation>
7132 | </message>
7133 | <message>
7134 | <source>Shift+F5</source>
7135 | <translation type="vanished">Shift+F5</translation>
7136 | </message>
7137 | <message>
7138 | <source>Continue</source>
7139 | <translation type="vanished">Nadaljuj</translation>
7140 | </message>
7141 | <message>
7142 | <source>F5</source>
7143 | <translation type="vanished">F5</translation>
7144 | </message>
7145 | <message>
7146 | <source>Step Into</source>
7147 | <translation type="vanished">Vstopi</translation>
7148 | </message>
7149 | <message>
7150 | <source>F11</source>
7151 | <translation type="vanished">F11</translation>
7152 | </message>
7153 | <message>
7154 | <source>Step Over</source>
7155 | <translation type="vanished">Prestopi</translation>
7156 | </message>
7157 | <message>
7158 | <source>F10</source>
7159 | <translation type="vanished">F10</translation>
7160 | </message>
7161 | <message>
7162 | <source>Step Out</source>
7163 | <translation type="vanished">Izstopi</translation>
7164 | </message>
7165 | <message>
7166 | <source>Shift+F11</source>
7167 | <translation type="vanished">Shift+F11</translation>
7168 | </message>
7169 | <message>
7170 | <source>Run to Cursor</source>
7171 | <translation type="vanished">Zaženi do kazalca</translation>
7172 | </message>
7173 | <message>
7174 | <source>Ctrl+F10</source>
7175 | <translation type="vanished">Ctrl+F10</translation>
7176 | </message>
7177 | <message>
7178 | <source>Run to New Script</source>
7179 | <translation type="vanished">Zaženi do novega skripta</translation>
7180 | </message>
7181 | <message>
7182 | <source>Toggle Breakpoint</source>
7183 | <translation type="vanished">Preklopi prekinitveno točko</translation>
7184 | </message>
7185 | <message>
7186 | <source>F9</source>
7187 | <translation type="vanished">F9</translation>
7188 | </message>
7189 | <message>
7190 | <source>Clear Debug Output</source>
7191 | <translation type="vanished">Počisti razhroščevalni izhod</translation>
7192 | </message>
7193 | <message>
7194 | <source>Clear Error Log</source>
7195 | <translation type="vanished">Počisti dnevnik napak</translation>
7196 | </message>
7197 | <message>
7198 | <source>Clear Console</source>
7199 | <translation type="vanished">Počisti konzolo</translation>
7200 | </message>
7201 | <message>
7202 | <source>&Find in Script...</source>
7203 | <translation type="vanished">Najdi v &skriptu ...</translation>
7204 | </message>
7205 | <message>
7206 | <source>Ctrl+F</source>
7207 | <translation type="vanished">Ctrl+F</translation>
7208 | </message>
7209 | <message>
7210 | <source>Find &Next</source>
7211 | <translation type="vanished">Najdi &naslednje</translation>
7212 | </message>
7213 | <message>
7214 | <source>F3</source>
7215 | <translation type="vanished">F3</translation>
7216 | </message>
7217 | <message>
7218 | <source>Find &Previous</source>
7219 | <translation type="vanished">Najdi &predhodno</translation>
7220 | </message>
7221 | <message>
7222 | <source>Shift+F3</source>
7223 | <translation type="vanished">Shift+F3</translation>
7224 | </message>
7225 | <message>
7226 | <source>Ctrl+G</source>
7227 | <translation type="vanished">Ctrl+G</translation>
7228 | </message>
7229 | <message>
7230 | <source>Debug</source>
7231 | <translation type="vanished">Razhrošči</translation>
7232 | </message>
7233 | </context>
7234 | <context>
7235 | <name>QScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidget</name>
7236 | <message>
7237 | <source>Close</source>
7238 | <translation type="vanished">Zapri</translation>
7239 | </message>
7240 | <message>
7241 | <source>Previous</source>
7242 | <translation type="vanished">Predhodno</translation>
7243 | </message>
7244 | <message>
7245 | <source>Next</source>
7246 | <translation type="vanished">Naslednje</translation>
7247 | </message>
7248 | <message>
7249 | <source>Case Sensitive</source>
7250 | <translation type="vanished">Občutljivo na velikost črk</translation>
7251 | </message>
7252 | <message>
7253 | <source>Whole words</source>
7254 | <translation type="vanished">Cele besede</translation>
7255 | </message>
7256 | <message>
7257 | <source><img src=":/qt/scripttools/debugging/images/wrap.png">&nbsp;Search wrapped</source>
7258 | <translation type="vanished"><img src=":/qt/scripttools/debugging/images/wrap.png">&nbsp;Iskanje se nadaljuje na drugem koncu</translation>
7259 | </message>
7260 | </context>
7261 | <context>
7262 | <name>QScriptDebuggerLocalsModel</name>
7263 | <message>
7264 | <source>Name</source>
7265 | <translation type="vanished">Ime</translation>
7266 | </message>
7267 | <message>
7268 | <source>Value</source>
7269 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost</translation>
7270 | </message>
7271 | </context>
7272 | <context>
7273 | <name>QScriptDebuggerStackModel</name>
7274 | <message>
7275 | <source>Level</source>
7276 | <translation type="vanished">Stopnja</translation>
7277 | </message>
7278 | <message>
7279 | <source>Name</source>
7280 | <translation type="vanished">Ime</translation>
7281 | </message>
7282 | <message>
7283 | <source>Location</source>
7284 | <translation type="vanished">Lokacija</translation>
7285 | </message>
7286 | </context>
7287 | <context>
7288 | <name>QScriptEdit</name>
7289 | <message>
7290 | <source>Toggle Breakpoint</source>
7291 | <translation type="vanished">Preklopi prekinitveno točko</translation>
7292 | </message>
7293 | <message>
7294 | <source>Disable Breakpoint</source>
7295 | <translation type="vanished">Onemogoči prekinitveno točko</translation>
7296 | </message>
7297 | <message>
7298 | <source>Enable Breakpoint</source>
7299 | <translation type="vanished">Omogoči prekinitveno točko</translation>
7300 | </message>
7301 | <message>
7302 | <source>Breakpoint Condition:</source>
7303 | <translation type="vanished">Pogoj za prelomno točko:</translation>
7304 | </message>
7305 | </context>
7306 | <context>
7307 | <name>QScriptEngineDebugger</name>
7308 | <message>
7309 | <source>Loaded Scripts</source>
7310 | <translation type="vanished">Naloženi skripti</translation>
7311 | </message>
7312 | <message>
7313 | <source>Breakpoints</source>
7314 | <translation type="vanished">Prelomne točke</translation>
7315 | </message>
7316 | <message>
7317 | <source>Stack</source>
7318 | <translation type="vanished">Sklad</translation>
7319 | </message>
7320 | <message>
7321 | <source>Locals</source>
7322 | <translation type="vanished">Krajevno</translation>
7323 | </message>
7324 | <message>
7325 | <source>Console</source>
7326 | <translation type="vanished">Konzola</translation>
7327 | </message>
7328 | <message>
7329 | <source>Debug Output</source>
7330 | <translation type="vanished">Razhroščevalni izhod</translation>
7331 | </message>
7332 | <message>
7333 | <source>Error Log</source>
7334 | <translation type="vanished">Dnevnik napak</translation>
7335 | </message>
7336 | <message>
7337 | <source>Search</source>
7338 | <translation type="vanished">Išči</translation>
7339 | </message>
7340 | <message>
7341 | <source>View</source>
7342 | <translation type="vanished">Videz</translation>
7343 | </message>
7344 | <message>
7345 | <source>Qt Script Debugger</source>
7346 | <translation type="vanished">Razhroščevalnik za Qt Script</translation>
7347 | </message>
7348 | </context>
7349 | <context>
7350 | <name>QScriptNewBreakpointWidget</name>
7351 | <message>
7352 | <source>Close</source>
7353 | <translation type="vanished">Zapri</translation>
7354 | </message>
7355 | </context>
7356 | <context>
7357 | <name>QScrollBar</name>
7358 | <message>
7359 | <source>Scroll here</source>
7360 | <translation>Pomakni se sem</translation>
7361 | </message>
7362 | <message>
7363 | <source>Left edge</source>
7364 | <translation>Levi rob</translation>
7365 | </message>
7366 | <message>
7367 | <source>Top</source>
7368 | <translation>Vrh</translation>
7369 | </message>
7370 | <message>
7371 | <source>Right edge</source>
7372 | <translation>Desni rob</translation>
7373 | </message>
7374 | <message>
7375 | <source>Bottom</source>
7376 | <translation>Dno</translation>
7377 | </message>
7378 | <message>
7379 | <source>Page left</source>
7380 | <translation>Stran levo</translation>
7381 | </message>
7382 | <message>
7383 | <source>Page up</source>
7384 | <translation>Stran gor</translation>
7385 | </message>
7386 | <message>
7387 | <source>Page right</source>
7388 | <translation>Stran desno</translation>
7389 | </message>
7390 | <message>
7391 | <source>Page down</source>
7392 | <translation>Stran dol</translation>
7393 | </message>
7394 | <message>
7395 | <source>Scroll left</source>
7396 | <translation>Pomakni levo</translation>
7397 | </message>
7398 | <message>
7399 | <source>Scroll up</source>
7400 | <translation>Pomakni gor</translation>
7401 | </message>
7402 | <message>
7403 | <source>Scroll right</source>
7404 | <translation>Pomakni desno</translation>
7405 | </message>
7406 | <message>
7407 | <source>Scroll down</source>
7408 | <translation>Pomakni dol</translation>
7409 | </message>
7410 | <message>
7411 | <source>Line up</source>
7412 | <translation>Vrstica gor</translation>
7413 | </message>
7414 | <message>
7415 | <source>Position</source>
7416 | <translation>Položaj</translation>
7417 | </message>
7418 | <message>
7419 | <source>Line down</source>
7420 | <translation>Vrstica dol</translation>
7421 | </message>
7422 | </context>
7423 | <context>
7424 | <name>QSharedMemory</name>
7425 | <message>
7426 | <source>%1: unable to set key on lock</source>
7427 | <translation>%1: nastavitev ključa ob zaklepanju ni mogoča</translation>
7428 | </message>
7429 | <message>
7430 | <source>%1: create size is less then 0</source>
7431 | <translation>%1: ustvarjena velikost je manj od 0</translation>
7432 | </message>
7433 | <message>
7434 | <source>%1: unable to lock</source>
7435 | <translation>%1: zaklepanje ni mogoče</translation>
7436 | </message>
7437 | <message>
7438 | <source>%1: unable to unlock</source>
7439 | <translation>%1: odklepanje ni mogoče</translation>
7440 | </message>
7441 | <message>
7442 | <source>%1: permission denied</source>
7443 | <translation>%1: dovoljenje zavrnjeno</translation>
7444 | </message>
7445 | <message>
7446 | <source>%1: already exists</source>
7447 | <translation>%1: že obstaja</translation>
7448 | </message>
7449 | <message>
7450 | <source>%1: doesn't exists</source>
7451 | <translation>%1: ne obstaja</translation>
7452 | </message>
7453 | <message>
7454 | <source>%1: out of resources</source>
7455 | <translation>%1: zmanjkalo virov</translation>
7456 | </message>
7457 | <message>
7458 | <source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
7459 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka %2</translation>
7460 | </message>
7461 | <message>
7462 | <source>%1: key is empty</source>
7463 | <translation>%1: ključ je prazen</translation>
7464 | </message>
7465 | <message>
7466 | <source>%1: unix key file doesn't exists</source>
7467 | <translation>%1: datoteka ključa Unix ne obstaja</translation>
7468 | </message>
7469 | <message>
7470 | <source>%1: ftok failed</source>
7471 | <translation>%1: ftok je spodletel</translation>
7472 | </message>
7473 | <message>
7474 | <source>%1: unable to make key</source>
7475 | <translation>%1: ustvarjanje ključa ni mogoče</translation>
7476 | </message>
7477 | <message>
7478 | <source>%1: system-imposed size restrictions</source>
7479 | <translation>%1: sistemsko vsiljene omejitve velikosti</translation>
7480 | </message>
7481 | <message>
7482 | <source>%1: not attached</source>
7483 | <translation>%1: ni priklopljeno</translation>
7484 | </message>
7485 | <message>
7486 | <source>%1: doesn't exist</source>
7487 | <translation>%1: ne obstaja</translation>
7488 | </message>
7489 | <message>
7490 | <source>%1: UNIX key file doesn't exist</source>
7491 | <translation>%1: UNIX-ova zaklepna datoteka ne obstaja</translation>
7492 | </message>
7493 | <message>
7494 | <source>%1: invalid size</source>
7495 | <translation>%1: neveljavna velikost</translation>
7496 | </message>
7497 | <message>
7498 | <source>%1: key error</source>
7499 | <translation>%1: napaka ključa</translation>
7500 | </message>
7501 | <message>
7502 | <source>%1: size query failed</source>
7503 | <translation>%1: poizvedba po velikosti ni uspela</translation>
7504 | </message>
7505 | <message>
7506 | <source>%1: bad name</source>
7507 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
7508 | </message>
7509 | </context>
7510 | <context>
7511 | <name>QShortcut</name>
7512 | <message>
7513 | <source>Space</source>
7514 | <translation>Presledek</translation>
7515 | </message>
7516 | <message>
7517 | <source>Esc</source>
7518 | <translation>Esc</translation>
7519 | </message>
7520 | <message>
7521 | <source>Tab</source>
7522 | <translation>Tab</translation>
7523 | </message>
7524 | <message>
7525 | <source>Backtab</source>
7526 | <translation>Backtab</translation>
7527 | </message>
7528 | <message>
7529 | <source>Backspace</source>
7530 | <translation>Backspace</translation>
7531 | </message>
7532 | <message>
7533 | <source>Return</source>
7534 | <translation>Return</translation>
7535 | </message>
7536 | <message>
7537 | <source>Enter</source>
7538 | <translation>Enter</translation>
7539 | </message>
7540 | <message>
7541 | <source>Ins</source>
7542 | <translation>Ins</translation>
7543 | </message>
7544 | <message>
7545 | <source>Del</source>
7546 | <translation>Del</translation>
7547 | </message>
7548 | <message>
7549 | <source>Pause</source>
7550 | <translation>Pause</translation>
7551 | </message>
7552 | <message>
7553 | <source>Print</source>
7554 | <translation>Print</translation>
7555 | </message>
7556 | <message>
7557 | <source>SysReq</source>
7558 | <translation>SysReq</translation>
7559 | </message>
7560 | <message>
7561 | <source>Home</source>
7562 | <translation>Home</translation>
7563 | </message>
7564 | <message>
7565 | <source>End</source>
7566 | <translation>End</translation>
7567 | </message>
7568 | <message>
7569 | <source>Left</source>
7570 | <translation>Levo</translation>
7571 | </message>
7572 | <message>
7573 | <source>Up</source>
7574 | <translation>Gor</translation>
7575 | </message>
7576 | <message>
7577 | <source>Right</source>
7578 | <translation>Desno</translation>
7579 | </message>
7580 | <message>
7581 | <source>Down</source>
7582 | <translation>Dol</translation>
7583 | </message>
7584 | <message>
7585 | <source>PgUp</source>
7586 | <translation>PgUp</translation>
7587 | </message>
7588 | <message>
7589 | <source>PgDown</source>
7590 | <translation>PgDown</translation>
7591 | </message>
7592 | <message>
7593 | <source>CapsLock</source>
7594 | <translation>CapsLock</translation>
7595 | </message>
7596 | <message>
7597 | <source>NumLock</source>
7598 | <translation>NumLock</translation>
7599 | </message>
7600 | <message>
7601 | <source>ScrollLock</source>
7602 | <translation>ScrollLock</translation>
7603 | </message>
7604 | <message>
7605 | <source>Menu</source>
7606 | <translation>Meni</translation>
7607 | </message>
7608 | <message>
7609 | <source>Help</source>
7610 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
7611 | </message>
7612 | <message>
7613 | <source>Back</source>
7614 | <translation>Nazaj</translation>
7615 | </message>
7616 | <message>
7617 | <source>Forward</source>
7618 | <translation>Naprej</translation>
7619 | </message>
7620 | <message>
7621 | <source>Stop</source>
7622 | <translation>Ustavi</translation>
7623 | </message>
7624 | <message>
7625 | <source>Refresh</source>
7626 | <translation>Osveži</translation>
7627 | </message>
7628 | <message>
7629 | <source>Volume Down</source>
7630 | <translation>Glasnost dol</translation>
7631 | </message>
7632 | <message>
7633 | <source>Volume Mute</source>
7634 | <translation>Utišaj glasnost</translation>
7635 | </message>
7636 | <message>
7637 | <source>Volume Up</source>
7638 | <translation>Glasnost gor</translation>
7639 | </message>
7640 | <message>
7641 | <source>Bass Boost</source>
7642 | <translation>Ojačanje nizkih tonov</translation>
7643 | </message>
7644 | <message>
7645 | <source>Bass Up</source>
7646 | <translation>Nizki toni gor</translation>
7647 | </message>
7648 | <message>
7649 | <source>Bass Down</source>
7650 | <translation>Nizki toni dol</translation>
7651 | </message>
7652 | <message>
7653 | <source>Treble Up</source>
7654 | <translation>Visoki toni gor</translation>
7655 | </message>
7656 | <message>
7657 | <source>Treble Down</source>
7658 | <translation>Visoki toni dol</translation>
7659 | </message>
7660 | <message>
7661 | <source>Media Play</source>
7662 | <translation>Predvaj predstavnost</translation>
7663 | </message>
7664 | <message>
7665 | <source>Media Stop</source>
7666 | <translation>Ustavi predstavnost</translation>
7667 | </message>
7668 | <message>
7669 | <source>Media Previous</source>
7670 | <translation>Prejšnja predstavnost</translation>
7671 | </message>
7672 | <message>
7673 | <source>Media Next</source>
7674 | <translation>Naslednja predstavnost</translation>
7675 | </message>
7676 | <message>
7677 | <source>Media Record</source>
7678 | <translation>Snemanje predstavnosti</translation>
7679 | </message>
7680 | <message>
7681 | <source>Favorites</source>
7682 | <translation>Priljubljene</translation>
7683 | </message>
7684 | <message>
7685 | <source>Search</source>
7686 | <translation>Poišči</translation>
7687 | </message>
7688 | <message>
7689 | <source>Standby</source>
7690 | <translation>V pripravljenost</translation>
7691 | </message>
7692 | <message>
7693 | <source>Open URL</source>
7694 | <translation>Odpri URL</translation>
7695 | </message>
7696 | <message>
7697 | <source>Launch Mail</source>
7698 | <translation>Zaženi pošto</translation>
7699 | </message>
7700 | <message>
7701 | <source>Launch Media</source>
7702 | <translation>Zaženi predstavnost</translation>
7703 | </message>
7704 | <message>
7705 | <source>Launch (0)</source>
7706 | <translation>Zaženi (0)</translation>
7707 | </message>
7708 | <message>
7709 | <source>Launch (1)</source>
7710 | <translation>Zaženi (1)</translation>
7711 | </message>
7712 | <message>
7713 | <source>Launch (2)</source>
7714 | <translation>Zaženi (2)</translation>
7715 | </message>
7716 | <message>
7717 | <source>Launch (3)</source>
7718 | <translation>Zaženi (3)</translation>
7719 | </message>
7720 | <message>
7721 | <source>Launch (4)</source>
7722 | <translation>Zaženi (4)</translation>
7723 | </message>
7724 | <message>
7725 | <source>Launch (5)</source>
7726 | <translation>Zaženi (5)</translation>
7727 | </message>
7728 | <message>
7729 | <source>Launch (6)</source>
7730 | <translation>Zaženi (6)</translation>
7731 | </message>
7732 | <message>
7733 | <source>Launch (7)</source>
7734 | <translation>Zaženi (7)</translation>
7735 | </message>
7736 | <message>
7737 | <source>Launch (8)</source>
7738 | <translation>Zaženi (8)</translation>
7739 | </message>
7740 | <message>
7741 | <source>Launch (9)</source>
7742 | <translation>Zaženi (9)</translation>
7743 | </message>
7744 | <message>
7745 | <source>Launch (A)</source>
7746 | <translation>Zaženi (A)</translation>
7747 | </message>
7748 | <message>
7749 | <source>Launch (B)</source>
7750 | <translation>Zaženi (B)</translation>
7751 | </message>
7752 | <message>
7753 | <source>Launch (C)</source>
7754 | <translation>Zaženi (C)</translation>
7755 | </message>
7756 | <message>
7757 | <source>Launch (D)</source>
7758 | <translation>Zaženi (D)</translation>
7759 | </message>
7760 | <message>
7761 | <source>Launch (E)</source>
7762 | <translation>Zaženi (E)</translation>
7763 | </message>
7764 | <message>
7765 | <source>Launch (F)</source>
7766 | <translation>Zaženi (F)</translation>
7767 | </message>
7768 | <message>
7769 | <source>Print Screen</source>
7770 | <translation>Natisni zaslon</translation>
7771 | </message>
7772 | <message>
7773 | <source>Page Up</source>
7774 | <translation>Stran gor</translation>
7775 | </message>
7776 | <message>
7777 | <source>Page Down</source>
7778 | <translation>Stran dol</translation>
7779 | </message>
7780 | <message>
7781 | <source>Caps Lock</source>
7782 | <translation>Zaklepanje velikih črk</translation>
7783 | </message>
7784 | <message>
7785 | <source>Num Lock</source>
7786 | <translation>Zaklepanje števičnice</translation>
7787 | </message>
7788 | <message>
7789 | <source>Number Lock</source>
7790 | <translation>Zaklepanje števičnice</translation>
7791 | </message>
7792 | <message>
7793 | <source>Scroll Lock</source>
7794 | <translation>Zaklepanje pomikanja</translation>
7795 | </message>
7796 | <message>
7797 | <source>Insert</source>
7798 | <translation>Vstavi</translation>
7799 | </message>
7800 | <message>
7801 | <source>Delete</source>
7802 | <translation>Brisalka</translation>
7803 | </message>
7804 | <message>
7805 | <source>Escape</source>
7806 | <translation>Ubežalka</translation>
7807 | </message>
7808 | <message>
7809 | <source>System Request</source>
7810 | <translation>Sistemska zahteva</translation>
7811 | </message>
7812 | <message>
7813 | <source>Select</source>
7814 | <translation>Izberi</translation>
7815 | </message>
7816 | <message>
7817 | <source>Yes</source>
7818 | <translation>Da</translation>
7819 | </message>
7820 | <message>
7821 | <source>No</source>
7822 | <translation>Ne</translation>
7823 | </message>
7824 | <message>
7825 | <source>Context1</source>
7826 | <translation>Vsebina 1</translation>
7827 | </message>
7828 | <message>
7829 | <source>Context2</source>
7830 | <translation>Vsebina 2</translation>
7831 | </message>
7832 | <message>
7833 | <source>Context3</source>
7834 | <translation>Vsebina 3</translation>
7835 | </message>
7836 | <message>
7837 | <source>Context4</source>
7838 | <translation>Vsebina 4</translation>
7839 | </message>
7840 | <message>
7841 | <source>Call</source>
7842 | <translation>Pokliči</translation>
7843 | </message>
7844 | <message>
7845 | <source>Hangup</source>
7846 | <translation>Odloži</translation>
7847 | </message>
7848 | <message>
7849 | <source>Flip</source>
7850 | <translation>Zrcali</translation>
7851 | </message>
7852 | <message>
7853 | <source>Ctrl</source>
7854 | <translation>Ctrl</translation>
7855 | </message>
7856 | <message>
7857 | <source>Shift</source>
7858 | <translation>Shift</translation>
7859 | </message>
7860 | <message>
7861 | <source>Alt</source>
7862 | <translation>Alt</translation>
7863 | </message>
7864 | <message>
7865 | <source>Meta</source>
7866 | <translation>Meta</translation>
7867 | </message>
7868 | <message>
7869 | <source>+</source>
7870 | <translation>+</translation>
7871 | </message>
7872 | <message>
7873 | <source>F%1</source>
7874 | <translation>F%1</translation>
7875 | </message>
7876 | <message>
7877 | <source>Home Page</source>
7878 | <translation>Domača stran</translation>
7879 | </message>
7880 | <message>
7881 | <source>Media Pause</source>
7882 | <extracomment>Media player pause button</extracomment>
7883 | <translation>Prekini večpredstavnost</translation>
7884 | </message>
7885 | <message>
7886 | <source>Toggle Media Play/Pause</source>
7887 | <extracomment>Media player button to toggle between playing and paused</extracomment>
7888 | <translation>Preklopi predvajanje/prekinitev večpredstavnosti</translation>
7889 | </message>
7890 | <message>
7891 | <source>Monitor Brightness Up</source>
7892 | <translation>Povečaj svetlost zaslona</translation>
7893 | </message>
7894 | <message>
7895 | <source>Monitor Brightness Down</source>
7896 | <translation>Zmanjšaj svetlost zaslona</translation>
7897 | </message>
7898 | <message>
7899 | <source>Keyboard Light On/Off</source>
7900 | <translation>Vklop/izklop lučk na tipkovnici</translation>
7901 | </message>
7902 | <message>
7903 | <source>Keyboard Brightness Up</source>
7904 | <translation>Povečaj svetlost tipkovnice</translation>
7905 | </message>
7906 | <message>
7907 | <source>Keyboard Brightness Down</source>
7908 | <translation>Zmanjšaj svetlost tipkovnice</translation>
7909 | </message>
7910 | <message>
7911 | <source>Power Off</source>
7912 | <translation>Izklopi</translation>
7913 | </message>
7914 | <message>
7915 | <source>Wake Up</source>
7916 | <translation>Zbudi</translation>
7917 | </message>
7918 | <message>
7919 | <source>Eject</source>
7920 | <translation>Izvrzi</translation>
7921 | </message>
7922 | <message>
7923 | <source>Screensaver</source>
7924 | <translation>Ohranjevalnik zaslona</translation>
7925 | </message>
7926 | <message>
7927 | <source>WWW</source>
7928 | <translation>Svetovni splet</translation>
7929 | </message>
7930 | <message>
7931 | <source>Sleep</source>
7932 | <translation>V pripravljenost</translation>
7933 | </message>
7934 | <message>
7935 | <source>LightBulb</source>
7936 | <translation>Žarnica</translation>
7937 | </message>
7938 | <message>
7939 | <source>Shop</source>
7940 | <translation>Trgovina</translation>
7941 | </message>
7942 | <message>
7943 | <source>History</source>
7944 | <translation>Zgodovina</translation>
7945 | </message>
7946 | <message>
7947 | <source>Add Favorite</source>
7948 | <translation>Dodaj priljubljeno</translation>
7949 | </message>
7950 | <message>
7951 | <source>Hot Links</source>
7952 | <translation>Vroče povezave</translation>
7953 | </message>
7954 | <message>
7955 | <source>Adjust Brightness</source>
7956 | <translation>Prilagodi svetlost</translation>
7957 | </message>
7958 | <message>
7959 | <source>Finance</source>
7960 | <translation>Finance</translation>
7961 | </message>
7962 | <message>
7963 | <source>Community</source>
7964 | <translation>Skupnost</translation>
7965 | </message>
7966 | <message>
7967 | <source>Audio Rewind</source>
7968 | <translation type="vanished">Previj zvok</translation>
7969 | </message>
7970 | <message>
7971 | <source>Back Forward</source>
7972 | <translation>Nazaj naprej</translation>
7973 | </message>
7974 | <message>
7975 | <source>Application Left</source>
7976 | <translation>Program levo</translation>
7977 | </message>
7978 | <message>
7979 | <source>Application Right</source>
7980 | <translation>Program desno</translation>
7981 | </message>
7982 | <message>
7983 | <source>Book</source>
7984 | <translation>Knjiga</translation>
7985 | </message>
7986 | <message>
7987 | <source>CD</source>
7988 | <translation>CD</translation>
7989 | </message>
7990 | <message>
7991 | <source>Calculator</source>
7992 | <translation>Računalo</translation>
7993 | </message>
7994 | <message>
7995 | <source>Clear</source>
7996 | <translation>Počisti</translation>
7997 | </message>
7998 | <message>
7999 | <source>Clear Grab</source>
8000 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8001 | </message>
8002 | <message>
8003 | <source>Close</source>
8004 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
8005 | </message>
8006 | <message>
8007 | <source>Copy</source>
8008 | <translation>Skopiraj</translation>
8009 | </message>
8010 | <message>
8011 | <source>Cut</source>
8012 | <translation>Izreži</translation>
8013 | </message>
8014 | <message>
8015 | <source>Display</source>
8016 | <translation type="unfinished">Prikaz</translation>
8017 | </message>
8018 | <message>
8019 | <source>DOS</source>
8020 | <translation>DOS</translation>
8021 | </message>
8022 | <message>
8023 | <source>Documents</source>
8024 | <translation>Dokumenti</translation>
8025 | </message>
8026 | <message>
8027 | <source>Spreadsheet</source>
8028 | <translation>Preglednica</translation>
8029 | </message>
8030 | <message>
8031 | <source>Browser</source>
8032 | <translation>Brskalnik</translation>
8033 | </message>
8034 | <message>
8035 | <source>Game</source>
8036 | <translation>Igra</translation>
8037 | </message>
8038 | <message>
8039 | <source>Go</source>
8040 | <translation type="unfinished">Pojdi</translation>
8041 | </message>
8042 | <message>
8043 | <source>iTouch</source>
8044 | <translation>iTouch</translation>
8045 | </message>
8046 | <message>
8047 | <source>Logoff</source>
8048 | <translation>Odjavi</translation>
8049 | </message>
8050 | <message>
8051 | <source>Market</source>
8052 | <translation>Trg</translation>
8053 | </message>
8054 | <message>
8055 | <source>Meeting</source>
8056 | <translation>Srečanje</translation>
8057 | </message>
8058 | <message>
8059 | <source>Keyboard Menu</source>
8060 | <translation type="unfinished">Meni tipkovnice</translation>
8061 | </message>
8062 | <message>
8063 | <source>Menu PB</source>
8064 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8065 | </message>
8066 | <message>
8067 | <source>My Sites</source>
8068 | <translation>Moje strani</translation>
8069 | </message>
8070 | <message>
8071 | <source>News</source>
8072 | <translation>Novice</translation>
8073 | </message>
8074 | <message>
8075 | <source>Home Office</source>
8076 | <translation>Domača pisarna</translation>
8077 | </message>
8078 | <message>
8079 | <source>Option</source>
8080 | <translation>Možnost</translation>
8081 | </message>
8082 | <message>
8083 | <source>Paste</source>
8084 | <translation>Prilepi</translation>
8085 | </message>
8086 | <message>
8087 | <source>Phone</source>
8088 | <translation>Telefon</translation>
8089 | </message>
8090 | <message>
8091 | <source>Reply</source>
8092 | <translation>Odgovori</translation>
8093 | </message>
8094 | <message>
8095 | <source>Reload</source>
8096 | <translation>Znova naloži</translation>
8097 | </message>
8098 | <message>
8099 | <source>Rotate Windows</source>
8100 | <translation>Zavrti okna</translation>
8101 | </message>
8102 | <message>
8103 | <source>Rotation PB</source>
8104 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8105 | </message>
8106 | <message>
8107 | <source>Rotation KB</source>
8108 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8109 | </message>
8110 | <message>
8111 | <source>Save</source>
8112 | <translation>Shrani</translation>
8113 | </message>
8114 | <message>
8115 | <source>Send</source>
8116 | <translation>Pošlji</translation>
8117 | </message>
8118 | <message>
8119 | <source>Spellchecker</source>
8120 | <translation>Črkovalnik</translation>
8121 | </message>
8122 | <message>
8123 | <source>Split Screen</source>
8124 | <translation>Razdeli zaslon</translation>
8125 | </message>
8126 | <message>
8127 | <source>Support</source>
8128 | <translation>Podpora</translation>
8129 | </message>
8130 | <message>
8131 | <source>Task Panel</source>
8132 | <translation type="unfinished">Opravilna vrstica</translation>
8133 | </message>
8134 | <message>
8135 | <source>Terminal</source>
8136 | <translation>Konzola</translation>
8137 | </message>
8138 | <message>
8139 | <source>Tools</source>
8140 | <translation>Orodja</translation>
8141 | </message>
8142 | <message>
8143 | <source>Travel</source>
8144 | <translation>Potovanje</translation>
8145 | </message>
8146 | <message>
8147 | <source>Video</source>
8148 | <translation>Video</translation>
8149 | </message>
8150 | <message>
8151 | <source>Word Processor</source>
8152 | <translation>Urejevalnik besedil</translation>
8153 | </message>
8154 | <message>
8155 | <source>XFer</source>
8156 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8157 | </message>
8158 | <message>
8159 | <source>Zoom In</source>
8160 | <translation>Povečaj</translation>
8161 | </message>
8162 | <message>
8163 | <source>Zoom Out</source>
8164 | <translation>Zmanjšaj</translation>
8165 | </message>
8166 | <message>
8167 | <source>Away</source>
8168 | <translation>Odsoten</translation>
8169 | </message>
8170 | <message>
8171 | <source>Messenger</source>
8172 | <translation>Sporočilnik</translation>
8173 | </message>
8174 | <message>
8175 | <source>WebCam</source>
8176 | <translation>Spletna kamera</translation>
8177 | </message>
8178 | <message>
8179 | <source>Mail Forward</source>
8180 | <translation>Posreduj sporočilo</translation>
8181 | </message>
8182 | <message>
8183 | <source>Pictures</source>
8184 | <translation>Slike</translation>
8185 | </message>
8186 | <message>
8187 | <source>Music</source>
8188 | <translation>Glasba</translation>
8189 | </message>
8190 | <message>
8191 | <source>Battery</source>
8192 | <translation>Baterija</translation>
8193 | </message>
8194 | <message>
8195 | <source>Bluetooth</source>
8196 | <translation>Bluetooth</translation>
8197 | </message>
8198 | <message>
8199 | <source>Wireless</source>
8200 | <translation>Brezžično</translation>
8201 | </message>
8202 | <message>
8203 | <source>Ultra Wide Band</source>
8204 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8205 | </message>
8206 | <message>
8207 | <source>Audio Forward</source>
8208 | <translation type="vanished">Zvok naprej</translation>
8209 | </message>
8210 | <message>
8211 | <source>Audio Repeat</source>
8212 | <translation>Zvok ponavljanje</translation>
8213 | </message>
8214 | <message>
8215 | <source>Audio Random Play</source>
8216 | <translation>Zvok naključno</translation>
8217 | </message>
8218 | <message>
8219 | <source>Subtitle</source>
8220 | <translation>Podnaslov</translation>
8221 | </message>
8222 | <message>
8223 | <source>Audio Cycle Track</source>
8224 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8225 | </message>
8226 | <message>
8227 | <source>Time</source>
8228 | <translation>Čas</translation>
8229 | </message>
8230 | <message>
8231 | <source>View</source>
8232 | <translation>Prikaz</translation>
8233 | </message>
8234 | <message>
8235 | <source>Top Menu</source>
8236 | <translation>Vrhnji meni</translation>
8237 | </message>
8238 | <message>
8239 | <source>Suspend</source>
8240 | <translation>Ustavi</translation>
8241 | </message>
8242 | <message>
8243 | <source>Hibernate</source>
8244 | <translation type="unfinished">V hibernacijo</translation>
8245 | </message>
8246 | <message>
8247 | <source>Toggle Call/Hangup</source>
8248 | <extracomment>Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.</extracomment>
8249 | <translation>Preklopi pokliči/odloži</translation>
8250 | </message>
8251 | <message>
8252 | <source>Voice Dial</source>
8253 | <extracomment>Button to trigger voice dialing</extracomment>
8254 | <translation>Glasovni klic</translation>
8255 | </message>
8256 | <message>
8257 | <source>Last Number Redial</source>
8258 | <extracomment>Button to redial the last number called</extracomment>
8259 | <translation>Ponovni klic zadnje številke</translation>
8260 | </message>
8261 | <message>
8262 | <source>Camera Shutter</source>
8263 | <extracomment>Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)</extracomment>
8264 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8265 | </message>
8266 | <message>
8267 | <source>Camera Focus</source>
8268 | <extracomment>Button to focus the camera</extracomment>
8269 | <translation>Fokus fotoaparata</translation>
8270 | </message>
8271 | <message>
8272 | <source>Kanji</source>
8273 | <translation>Kanji</translation>
8274 | </message>
8275 | <message>
8276 | <source>Muhenkan</source>
8277 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8278 | </message>
8279 | <message>
8280 | <source>Henkan</source>
8281 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8282 | </message>
8283 | <message>
8284 | <source>Romaji</source>
8285 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8286 | </message>
8287 | <message>
8288 | <source>Hiragana</source>
8289 | <translation>Hiragana</translation>
8290 | </message>
8291 | <message>
8292 | <source>Katakana</source>
8293 | <translation>Katakana</translation>
8294 | </message>
8295 | <message>
8296 | <source>Hiragana Katakana</source>
8297 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8298 | </message>
8299 | <message>
8300 | <source>Zenkaku</source>
8301 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8302 | </message>
8303 | <message>
8304 | <source>Hankaku</source>
8305 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8306 | </message>
8307 | <message>
8308 | <source>Zenkaku Hankaku</source>
8309 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8310 | </message>
8311 | <message>
8312 | <source>Touroku</source>
8313 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8314 | </message>
8315 | <message>
8316 | <source>Massyo</source>
8317 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8318 | </message>
8319 | <message>
8320 | <source>Kana Lock</source>
8321 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8322 | </message>
8323 | <message>
8324 | <source>Kana Shift</source>
8325 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8326 | </message>
8327 | <message>
8328 | <source>Eisu Shift</source>
8329 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8330 | </message>
8331 | <message>
8332 | <source>Eisu toggle</source>
8333 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8334 | </message>
8335 | <message>
8336 | <source>Code input</source>
8337 | <translation>Vnos kode</translation>
8338 | </message>
8339 | <message>
8340 | <source>Multiple Candidate</source>
8341 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8342 | </message>
8343 | <message>
8344 | <source>Previous Candidate</source>
8345 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8346 | </message>
8347 | <message>
8348 | <source>Hangul</source>
8349 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8350 | </message>
8351 | <message>
8352 | <source>Hangul Start</source>
8353 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8354 | </message>
8355 | <message>
8356 | <source>Hangul End</source>
8357 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8358 | </message>
8359 | <message>
8360 | <source>Hangul Hanja</source>
8361 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8362 | </message>
8363 | <message>
8364 | <source>Hangul Jamo</source>
8365 | <translation>Hangul Jamo</translation>
8366 | </message>
8367 | <message>
8368 | <source>Hangul Romaja</source>
8369 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8370 | </message>
8371 | <message>
8372 | <source>Hangul Jeonja</source>
8373 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8374 | </message>
8375 | <message>
8376 | <source>Hangul Banja</source>
8377 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8378 | </message>
8379 | <message>
8380 | <source>Hangul PreHanja</source>
8381 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8382 | </message>
8383 | <message>
8384 | <source>Hangul PostHanja</source>
8385 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8386 | </message>
8387 | <message>
8388 | <source>Hangul Special</source>
8389 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8390 | </message>
8391 | <message>
8392 | <source>Media Rewind</source>
8393 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8394 | </message>
8395 | <message>
8396 | <source>Media Fast Forward</source>
8397 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8398 | </message>
8399 | <message>
8400 | <source>Power Down</source>
8401 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8402 | </message>
8403 | <message>
8404 | <source>Microphone Mute</source>
8405 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8406 | </message>
8407 | <message>
8408 | <source>Red</source>
8409 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8410 | </message>
8411 | <message>
8412 | <source>Green</source>
8413 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8414 | </message>
8415 | <message>
8416 | <source>Yellow</source>
8417 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8418 | </message>
8419 | <message>
8420 | <source>Blue</source>
8421 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8422 | </message>
8423 | <message>
8424 | <source>Channel Up</source>
8425 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8426 | </message>
8427 | <message>
8428 | <source>Channel Down</source>
8429 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8430 | </message>
8431 | <message>
8432 | <source>Guide</source>
8433 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8434 | </message>
8435 | <message>
8436 | <source>Info</source>
8437 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8438 | </message>
8439 | <message>
8440 | <source>Settings</source>
8441 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8442 | </message>
8443 | <message>
8444 | <source>Microphone Volume Up</source>
8445 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8446 | </message>
8447 | <message>
8448 | <source>Microphone Volume Down</source>
8449 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8450 | </message>
8451 | <message>
8452 | <source>New</source>
8453 | <translation type="unfinished">Nova</translation>
8454 | </message>
8455 | <message>
8456 | <source>Open</source>
8457 | <translation type="unfinished">Odpri</translation>
8458 | </message>
8459 | <message>
8460 | <source>Find</source>
8461 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8462 | </message>
8463 | <message>
8464 | <source>Undo</source>
8465 | <translation type="unfinished">Razveljavi</translation>
8466 | </message>
8467 | <message>
8468 | <source>Redo</source>
8469 | <translation type="unfinished">Uveljavi</translation>
8470 | </message>
8471 | <message>
8472 | <source>Cancel</source>
8473 | <translation type="unfinished">Prekliči</translation>
8474 | </message>
8475 | <message>
8476 | <source>Printer</source>
8477 | <translation type="unfinished">Tiskalnik</translation>
8478 | </message>
8479 | <message>
8480 | <source>Execute</source>
8481 | <translation type="unfinished">Izvedi</translation>
8482 | </message>
8483 | <message>
8484 | <source>Play</source>
8485 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8486 | </message>
8487 | <message>
8488 | <source>Zoom</source>
8489 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8490 | </message>
8491 | <message>
8492 | <source>Exit</source>
8493 | <translation type="unfinished">Končaj</translation>
8494 | </message>
8495 | <message>
8496 | <source>Touchpad Toggle</source>
8497 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8498 | </message>
8499 | <message>
8500 | <source>Touchpad On</source>
8501 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8502 | </message>
8503 | <message>
8504 | <source>Touchpad Off</source>
8505 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8506 | </message>
8507 | <message>
8508 | <source>Num</source>
8509 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8510 | </message>
8511 | </context>
8512 | <context>
8513 | <name>QSlider</name>
8514 | <message>
8515 | <source>Page left</source>
8516 | <translation>Stran levo</translation>
8517 | </message>
8518 | <message>
8519 | <source>Page up</source>
8520 | <translation>Stran gor</translation>
8521 | </message>
8522 | <message>
8523 | <source>Position</source>
8524 | <translation>Položaj</translation>
8525 | </message>
8526 | <message>
8527 | <source>Page right</source>
8528 | <translation>Stran desno</translation>
8529 | </message>
8530 | <message>
8531 | <source>Page down</source>
8532 | <translation>Stran dol</translation>
8533 | </message>
8534 | </context>
8535 | <context>
8536 | <name>QSocks5SocketEngine</name>
8537 | <message>
8538 | <source>Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks server</source>
8539 | <translation>Napaka časovne omejitve Socks5 pri povezavi na strežnik socks</translation>
8540 | </message>
8541 | <message>
8542 | <source>Network operation timed out</source>
8543 | <translation>Omrežno opravilo poteklo</translation>
8544 | </message>
8545 | <message>
8546 | <source>Connection to proxy refused</source>
8547 | <translation>Povezava s posrednikom je bila zavrnjena</translation>
8548 | </message>
8549 | <message>
8550 | <source>Connection to proxy closed prematurely</source>
8551 | <translation>Povezava s posrednikom je bila prekinjena predčasno</translation>
8552 | </message>
8553 | <message>
8554 | <source>Proxy host not found</source>
8555 | <translation>Ni moč najti gostitelja posrednika</translation>
8556 | </message>
8557 | <message>
8558 | <source>Connection to proxy timed out</source>
8559 | <translation>Čas za povezavo s posrednikom je potekel</translation>
8560 | </message>
8561 | <message>
8562 | <source>Proxy authentication failed</source>
8563 | <translation>Neuspešno overjanje posrednika</translation>
8564 | </message>
8565 | <message>
8566 | <source>Proxy authentication failed: %1</source>
8567 | <translation>Neuspešno overjanje posrednika: %1</translation>
8568 | </message>
8569 | <message>
8570 | <source>SOCKS version 5 protocol error</source>
8571 | <translation>Napaka protokola SOCKS različice 5</translation>
8572 | </message>
8573 | <message>
8574 | <source>General SOCKSv5 server failure</source>
8575 | <translation>Splošna napaka strežnika SOCKSv5</translation>
8576 | </message>
8577 | <message>
8578 | <source>Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server</source>
8579 | <translation>Strežnik SOCKSv5 ne dovoljuje povezave</translation>
8580 | </message>
8581 | <message>
8582 | <source>TTL expired</source>
8583 | <translation>TTL je zapadel</translation>
8584 | </message>
8585 | <message>
8586 | <source>SOCKSv5 command not supported</source>
8587 | <translation>Ukaz SOCKSv5 ni podprt</translation>
8588 | </message>
8589 | <message>
8590 | <source>Address type not supported</source>
8591 | <translation>Vrsta naslova ni podprta</translation>
8592 | </message>
8593 | <message>
8594 | <source>Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1</source>
8595 | <translation>Neznana koda napake posrednika SOCKSv5: 0x%1</translation>
8596 | </message>
8597 | </context>
8598 | <context>
8599 | <name>QSoftKeyManager</name>
8600 | <message>
8601 | <source>Ok</source>
8602 | <translation type="vanished">V redu</translation>
8603 | </message>
8604 | <message>
8605 | <source>Select</source>
8606 | <translation type="vanished">Izbor</translation>
8607 | </message>
8608 | <message>
8609 | <source>Done</source>
8610 | <translation type="vanished">Opravljeno</translation>
8611 | </message>
8612 | <message>
8613 | <source>Options</source>
8614 | <translation type="vanished">Možnosti</translation>
8615 | </message>
8616 | <message>
8617 | <source>Cancel</source>
8618 | <translation type="vanished">Prekliči</translation>
8619 | </message>
8620 | <message>
8621 | <source>Exit</source>
8622 | <translation type="vanished">Končaj</translation>
8623 | </message>
8624 | </context>
8625 | <context>
8626 | <name>QSpiAccessibleBridge</name>
8627 | <message>
8628 | <source>invalid role</source>
8629 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed</extracomment>
8630 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8631 | </message>
8632 | <message>
8633 | <source>title bar</source>
8634 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8635 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8636 | </message>
8637 | <message>
8638 | <source>menu bar</source>
8639 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8640 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8641 | </message>
8642 | <message>
8643 | <source>scroll bar</source>
8644 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8645 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8646 | </message>
8647 | <message>
8648 | <source>grip</source>
8649 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object</extracomment>
8650 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8651 | </message>
8652 | <message>
8653 | <source>sound</source>
8654 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8655 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8656 | </message>
8657 | <message>
8658 | <source>cursor</source>
8659 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8660 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8661 | </message>
8662 | <message>
8663 | <source>text caret</source>
8664 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8665 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8666 | </message>
8667 | <message>
8668 | <source>alert message</source>
8669 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8670 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8671 | </message>
8672 | <message>
8673 | <source>frame</source>
8674 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
8675 | ----------
8676 | Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8677 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8678 | </message>
8679 | <message>
8680 | <source>filler</source>
8681 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8682 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8683 | </message>
8684 | <message>
8685 | <source>popup menu</source>
8686 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8687 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8688 | </message>
8689 | <message>
8690 | <source>menu item</source>
8691 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8692 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8693 | </message>
8694 | <message>
8695 | <source>tool tip</source>
8696 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8697 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8698 | </message>
8699 | <message>
8700 | <source>application</source>
8701 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8702 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8703 | </message>
8704 | <message>
8705 | <source>document</source>
8706 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8707 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8708 | </message>
8709 | <message>
8710 | <source>panel</source>
8711 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8712 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8713 | </message>
8714 | <message>
8715 | <source>chart</source>
8716 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8717 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8718 | </message>
8719 | <message>
8720 | <source>dialog</source>
8721 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8722 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8723 | </message>
8724 | <message>
8725 | <source>separator</source>
8726 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8727 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8728 | </message>
8729 | <message>
8730 | <source>tool bar</source>
8731 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8732 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8733 | </message>
8734 | <message>
8735 | <source>status bar</source>
8736 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8737 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8738 | </message>
8739 | <message>
8740 | <source>table</source>
8741 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8742 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8743 | </message>
8744 | <message>
8745 | <source>column header</source>
8746 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
8747 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8748 | </message>
8749 | <message>
8750 | <source>row header</source>
8751 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
8752 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8753 | </message>
8754 | <message>
8755 | <source>column</source>
8756 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
8757 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8758 | </message>
8759 | <message>
8760 | <source>row</source>
8761 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
8762 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8763 | </message>
8764 | <message>
8765 | <source>cell</source>
8766 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - part of a table</extracomment>
8767 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8768 | </message>
8769 | <message>
8770 | <source>link</source>
8771 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8772 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8773 | </message>
8774 | <message>
8775 | <source>help balloon</source>
8776 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8777 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8778 | </message>
8779 | <message>
8780 | <source>assistant</source>
8781 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog</extracomment>
8782 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8783 | </message>
8784 | <message>
8785 | <source>list</source>
8786 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8787 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8788 | </message>
8789 | <message>
8790 | <source>list item</source>
8791 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8792 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8793 | </message>
8794 | <message>
8795 | <source>tree</source>
8796 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8797 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8798 | </message>
8799 | <message>
8800 | <source>tree item</source>
8801 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8802 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8803 | </message>
8804 | <message>
8805 | <source>page tab</source>
8806 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8807 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8808 | </message>
8809 | <message>
8810 | <source>property page</source>
8811 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8812 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8813 | </message>
8814 | <message>
8815 | <source>indicator</source>
8816 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8817 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8818 | </message>
8819 | <message>
8820 | <source>graphic</source>
8821 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8822 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8823 | </message>
8824 | <message>
8825 | <source>label</source>
8826 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8827 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8828 | </message>
8829 | <message>
8830 | <source>text</source>
8831 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8832 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8833 | </message>
8834 | <message>
8835 | <source>push button</source>
8836 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8837 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8838 | </message>
8839 | <message>
8840 | <source>check box</source>
8841 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8842 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8843 | </message>
8844 | <message>
8845 | <source>radio button</source>
8846 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8847 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8848 | </message>
8849 | <message>
8850 | <source>combo box</source>
8851 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8852 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8853 | </message>
8854 | <message>
8855 | <source>progress bar</source>
8856 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8857 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8858 | </message>
8859 | <message>
8860 | <source>dial</source>
8861 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8862 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8863 | </message>
8864 | <message>
8865 | <source>hotkey field</source>
8866 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8867 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8868 | </message>
8869 | <message>
8870 | <source>slider</source>
8871 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8872 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8873 | </message>
8874 | <message>
8875 | <source>spin box</source>
8876 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8877 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8878 | </message>
8879 | <message>
8880 | <source>canvas</source>
8881 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8882 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8883 | </message>
8884 | <message>
8885 | <source>animation</source>
8886 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8887 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8888 | </message>
8889 | <message>
8890 | <source>equation</source>
8891 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8892 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8893 | </message>
8894 | <message>
8895 | <source>button with drop down</source>
8896 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8897 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8898 | </message>
8899 | <message>
8900 | <source>button menu</source>
8901 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8902 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8903 | </message>
8904 | <message>
8905 | <source>button with drop down grid</source>
8906 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.</extracomment>
8907 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8908 | </message>
8909 | <message>
8910 | <source>space</source>
8911 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.</extracomment>
8912 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8913 | </message>
8914 | <message>
8915 | <source>page tab list</source>
8916 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8917 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8918 | </message>
8919 | <message>
8920 | <source>clock</source>
8921 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8922 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8923 | </message>
8924 | <message>
8925 | <source>splitter</source>
8926 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8927 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8928 | </message>
8929 | <message>
8930 | <source>layered pane</source>
8931 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8932 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8933 | </message>
8934 | <message>
8935 | <source>web document</source>
8936 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8937 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8938 | </message>
8939 | <message>
8940 | <source>paragraph</source>
8941 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8942 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8943 | </message>
8944 | <message>
8945 | <source>section</source>
8946 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8947 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8948 | </message>
8949 | <message>
8950 | <source>color chooser</source>
8951 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8952 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8953 | </message>
8954 | <message>
8955 | <source>footer</source>
8956 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8957 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8958 | </message>
8959 | <message>
8960 | <source>form</source>
8961 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8962 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8963 | </message>
8964 | <message>
8965 | <source>heading</source>
8966 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8967 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8968 | </message>
8969 | <message>
8970 | <source>note</source>
8971 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8972 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8973 | </message>
8974 | <message>
8975 | <source>complementary content</source>
8976 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8977 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
8978 | </message>
8979 | <message>
8980 | <source>unknown</source>
8981 | <extracomment>Role of an accessible object</extracomment>
8982 | <translation type="unfinished">neznano</translation>
8983 | </message>
8984 | </context>
8985 | <context>
8986 | <name>QSpinBox</name>
8987 | <message>
8988 | <source>More</source>
8989 | <translation>Več</translation>
8990 | </message>
8991 | <message>
8992 | <source>Less</source>
8993 | <translation>Manj</translation>
8994 | </message>
8995 | </context>
8996 | <context>
8997 | <name>QSql</name>
8998 | <message>
8999 | <source>Delete</source>
9000 | <translation>Izbriši</translation>
9001 | </message>
9002 | <message>
9003 | <source>Delete this record?</source>
9004 | <translation>Izbriši ta zapis?</translation>
9005 | </message>
9006 | <message>
9007 | <source>Yes</source>
9008 | <translation>Da</translation>
9009 | </message>
9010 | <message>
9011 | <source>No</source>
9012 | <translation>Ne</translation>
9013 | </message>
9014 | <message>
9015 | <source>Insert</source>
9016 | <translation>Vstavi</translation>
9017 | </message>
9018 | <message>
9019 | <source>Update</source>
9020 | <translation>Posodobi</translation>
9021 | </message>
9022 | <message>
9023 | <source>Save edits?</source>
9024 | <translation>Shrani urejanja?</translation>
9025 | </message>
9026 | <message>
9027 | <source>Cancel</source>
9028 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
9029 | </message>
9030 | <message>
9031 | <source>Confirm</source>
9032 | <translation>Potrdi</translation>
9033 | </message>
9034 | <message>
9035 | <source>Cancel your edits?</source>
9036 | <translation>Prekliči moja urejanja?</translation>
9037 | </message>
9038 | </context>
9039 | <context>
9040 | <name>QSslSocket</name>
9041 | <message>
9042 | <source>Unable to write data: %1</source>
9043 | <translation>Ni mogoče zapisati podatkov: %1</translation>
9044 | </message>
9045 | <message>
9046 | <source>Error while reading: %1</source>
9047 | <translation>Napaka med branjem: %1</translation>
9048 | </message>
9049 | <message>
9050 | <source>Error during SSL handshake: %1</source>
9051 | <translation>Napaka med izmenjavo signalov SSL: %1</translation>
9052 | </message>
9053 | <message>
9054 | <source>Error creating SSL context (%1)</source>
9055 | <translation>Napaka pri ustvarjanju vsebine SSL (%1)</translation>
9056 | </message>
9057 | <message>
9058 | <source>Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)</source>
9059 | <translation>Neveljaven ali prazen seznam šifer (%1)</translation>
9060 | </message>
9061 | <message>
9062 | <source>Error creating SSL session, %1</source>
9063 | <translation>Napaka pri ustvarjanju seje SSL, %1</translation>
9064 | </message>
9065 | <message>
9066 | <source>Error creating SSL session: %1</source>
9067 | <translation>Napaka pri ustvarjanju seje SSL: %1</translation>
9068 | </message>
9069 | <message>
9070 | <source>Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1</source>
9071 | <translation>Potrdila brez ključa ni mogoče dobaviti, %1</translation>
9072 | </message>
9073 | <message>
9074 | <source>Error loading local certificate, %1</source>
9075 | <translation>Napaka pri nalaganju krajevnega potrdila, %1</translation>
9076 | </message>
9077 | <message>
9078 | <source>Error loading private key, %1</source>
9079 | <translation>Napaka pri nalaganju zasebnega potrdila, %1</translation>
9080 | </message>
9081 | <message>
9082 | <source>Private key does not certificate public key, %1</source>
9083 | <translation>Zasebni ključ ne potrjuje javnega, %1</translation>
9084 | </message>
9085 | <message>
9086 | <source>Unable to decrypt data: %1</source>
9087 | <translation>Ni moč dešifrirati podatkov: %1</translation>
9088 | </message>
9089 | <message>
9090 | <source>Private key does not certify public key, %1</source>
9091 | <translation>Zasebni ključ ne potrjuje javnega ključa: %1</translation>
9092 | </message>
9093 | <message>
9094 | <source>No error</source>
9095 | <translation>Brez napake</translation>
9096 | </message>
9097 | <message>
9098 | <source>The issuer certificate could not be found</source>
9099 | <translation>Potrdila izdajatelja ni bilo moč najti</translation>
9100 | </message>
9101 | <message>
9102 | <source>The certificate signature could not be decrypted</source>
9103 | <translation>Podpisa potrdila ni bilo moč dešifrirati</translation>
9104 | </message>
9105 | <message>
9106 | <source>The public key in the certificate could not be read</source>
9107 | <translation>Javnega ključa iz potrdila ni bilo moč prebrati</translation>
9108 | </message>
9109 | <message>
9110 | <source>The signature of the certificate is invalid</source>
9111 | <translation>Podpis potrdila ni veljaven</translation>
9112 | </message>
9113 | <message>
9114 | <source>The certificate is not yet valid</source>
9115 | <translation>Potrdilo še ni veljavno</translation>
9116 | </message>
9117 | <message>
9118 | <source>The certificate has expired</source>
9119 | <translation>Potrdilo je preteklo</translation>
9120 | </message>
9121 | <message>
9122 | <source>The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time</source>
9123 | <translation>Polje notBefore (ne pred) potrdila vsebuje neveljaven čas</translation>
9124 | </message>
9125 | <message>
9126 | <source>The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time</source>
9127 | <translation>Polje notAfter (ne po) potrdila vsebuje neveljaven čas</translation>
9128 | </message>
9129 | <message>
9130 | <source>The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted</source>
9131 | <translation>Potrdilo je samo-podpisano in nezaupano</translation>
9132 | </message>
9133 | <message>
9134 | <source>The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted</source>
9135 | <translation>Vrhnje potrdilo verige potrdil je samo-podpisano in nezaupano</translation>
9136 | </message>
9137 | <message>
9138 | <source>The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found</source>
9139 | <translation>Potrdila izdajatelja za krajevno najdeno potrdilo ni bilo moč najti</translation>
9140 | </message>
9141 | <message>
9142 | <source>No certificates could be verified</source>
9143 | <translation>Preveriti ni bilo moč nobenega potrdila</translation>
9144 | </message>
9145 | <message>
9146 | <source>One of the CA certificates is invalid</source>
9147 | <translation>Eno izmed potrdil avtoritete za potrdila ni veljavno</translation>
9148 | </message>
9149 | <message>
9150 | <source>The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded</source>
9151 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9152 | </message>
9153 | <message>
9154 | <source>The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose</source>
9155 | <translation>Predloženo potrdilo ni primerno za ta namen</translation>
9156 | </message>
9157 | <message>
9158 | <source>The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose</source>
9159 | <translation>Potrdilo vrhovne avtoritete za potrdila ni zaupano za ta namen</translation>
9160 | </message>
9161 | <message>
9162 | <source>The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose</source>
9163 | <translation>Potrdilo vrhovne avtoritete za potrdila je označeno za zavrnitev navedenega namena</translation>
9164 | </message>
9165 | <message>
9166 | <source>The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate</source>
9167 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9168 | </message>
9169 | <message>
9170 | <source>The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate</source>
9171 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9172 | </message>
9173 | <message>
9174 | <source>The peer did not present any certificate</source>
9175 | <translation>Vrstnik ni predložil nobenega potrdila</translation>
9176 | </message>
9177 | <message>
9178 | <source>The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate</source>
9179 | <translation>Ime gostitelja se ne ujema z nobenim izmed veljavnih gostiteljev za to potrdilo</translation>
9180 | </message>
9181 | <message>
9182 | <source>Unknown error</source>
9183 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
9184 | </message>
9185 | <message>
9186 | <source>Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)</source>
9187 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9188 | </message>
9189 | <message>
9190 | <source>unsupported protocol</source>
9191 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9192 | </message>
9193 | <message>
9194 | <source>OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2</source>
9195 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9196 | </message>
9197 | <message>
9198 | <source>The peer certificate is blacklisted</source>
9199 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9200 | </message>
9201 | <message>
9202 | <source>The TLS/SSL connection has been closed</source>
9203 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9204 | </message>
9205 | <message>
9206 | <source>Unable to init SSL Context: %1</source>
9207 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9208 | </message>
9209 | </context>
9210 | <context>
9211 | <name>QStandardPaths</name>
9212 | <message>
9213 | <source>Desktop</source>
9214 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9215 | </message>
9216 | <message>
9217 | <source>Documents</source>
9218 | <translation type="unfinished">Dokumenti</translation>
9219 | </message>
9220 | <message>
9221 | <source>Fonts</source>
9222 | <translation type="unfinished">Pisave</translation>
9223 | </message>
9224 | <message>
9225 | <source>Applications</source>
9226 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9227 | </message>
9228 | <message>
9229 | <source>Music</source>
9230 | <translation type="unfinished">Glasba</translation>
9231 | </message>
9232 | <message>
9233 | <source>Movies</source>
9234 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9235 | </message>
9236 | <message>
9237 | <source>Pictures</source>
9238 | <translation type="unfinished">Slike</translation>
9239 | </message>
9240 | <message>
9241 | <source>Temporary Directory</source>
9242 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9243 | </message>
9244 | <message>
9245 | <source>Home</source>
9246 | <translation type="unfinished">Začetek</translation>
9247 | </message>
9248 | <message>
9249 | <source>Cache</source>
9250 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9251 | </message>
9252 | <message>
9253 | <source>Shared Data</source>
9254 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9255 | </message>
9256 | <message>
9257 | <source>Runtime</source>
9258 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9259 | </message>
9260 | <message>
9261 | <source>Configuration</source>
9262 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9263 | </message>
9264 | <message>
9265 | <source>Shared Configuration</source>
9266 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9267 | </message>
9268 | <message>
9269 | <source>Shared Cache</source>
9270 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9271 | </message>
9272 | <message>
9273 | <source>Download</source>
9274 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9275 | </message>
9276 | <message>
9277 | <source>Application Data</source>
9278 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9279 | </message>
9280 | <message>
9281 | <source>Application Configuration</source>
9282 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9283 | </message>
9284 | </context>
9285 | <context>
9286 | <name>QStateMachine</name>
9287 | <message>
9288 | <source>Missing initial state in compound state '%1'</source>
9289 | <translation>V sestavljenem stanju »%1« manjka začetno stanje</translation>
9290 | </message>
9291 | <message>
9292 | <source>Missing default state in history state '%1'</source>
9293 | <translation>V zgodovinskem stanju »%1« manjka privzeto stanje</translation>
9294 | </message>
9295 | <message>
9296 | <source>No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'</source>
9297 | <translation>Za cilje in začetek prehoda iz stanja »%1« ni skupnega prednika</translation>
9298 | </message>
9299 | <message>
9300 | <source>Unknown error</source>
9301 | <translation>Neznana napaka</translation>
9302 | </message>
9303 | </context>
9304 | <context>
9305 | <name>QSystemSemaphore</name>
9306 | <message>
9307 | <source>%1: out of resources</source>
9308 | <translation>%1: zmanjkalo je virov</translation>
9309 | </message>
9310 | <message>
9311 | <source>%1: permission denied</source>
9312 | <translation>%1: nimate dovoljenja</translation>
9313 | </message>
9314 | <message>
9315 | <source>%1: already exists</source>
9316 | <translation>%1: že obstaja</translation>
9317 | </message>
9318 | <message>
9319 | <source>%1: does not exist</source>
9320 | <translation>%1: ne obstaja</translation>
9321 | </message>
9322 | <message>
9323 | <source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
9324 | <translation>%1: neznana napaka %2</translation>
9325 | </message>
9326 | </context>
9327 | <context>
9328 | <name>QTDSDriver</name>
9329 | <message>
9330 | <source>Unable to open connection</source>
9331 | <translation>Povezave ni mogoče odpreti</translation>
9332 | </message>
9333 | <message>
9334 | <source>Unable to use database</source>
9335 | <translation>Podatkovne zbirke ni mogoče uporabiti</translation>
9336 | </message>
9337 | </context>
9338 | <context>
9339 | <name>QTabBar</name>
9340 | <message>
9341 | <source>Scroll Left</source>
9342 | <translation>Pomakni levo</translation>
9343 | </message>
9344 | <message>
9345 | <source>Scroll Right</source>
9346 | <translation>Pomakni desno</translation>
9347 | </message>
9348 | </context>
9349 | <context>
9350 | <name>QTcpServer</name>
9351 | <message>
9352 | <source>Operation on socket is not supported</source>
9353 | <translation>Dejanje na vtičnici ni podprto</translation>
9354 | </message>
9355 | </context>
9356 | <context>
9357 | <name>QTextControl</name>
9358 | <message>
9359 | <source>&Undo</source>
9360 | <translation>&Razveljavi</translation>
9361 | </message>
9362 | <message>
9363 | <source>&Redo</source>
9364 | <translation>&Uveljavi</translation>
9365 | </message>
9366 | <message>
9367 | <source>Cu&t</source>
9368 | <translation>I&zreži</translation>
9369 | </message>
9370 | <message>
9371 | <source>&Copy</source>
9372 | <translation>&Kopiraj</translation>
9373 | </message>
9374 | <message>
9375 | <source>Copy &Link Location</source>
9376 | <translation>Kopiraj &mesto povezave</translation>
9377 | </message>
9378 | <message>
9379 | <source>&Paste</source>
9380 | <translation>&Prilepi</translation>
9381 | </message>
9382 | <message>
9383 | <source>Delete</source>
9384 | <translation>Izbriši</translation>
9385 | </message>
9386 | <message>
9387 | <source>Select All</source>
9388 | <translation>Izberi vse</translation>
9389 | </message>
9390 | </context>
9391 | <context>
9392 | <name>QToolButton</name>
9393 | <message>
9394 | <source>Press</source>
9395 | <translation>Pritisni</translation>
9396 | </message>
9397 | <message>
9398 | <source>Open</source>
9399 | <translation>Odpri</translation>
9400 | </message>
9401 | </context>
9402 | <context>
9403 | <name>QUdpSocket</name>
9404 | <message>
9405 | <source>This platform does not support IPv6</source>
9406 | <translation>To okolje ne podpira IPv6</translation>
9407 | </message>
9408 | </context>
9409 | <context>
9410 | <name>QUndoGroup</name>
9411 | <message>
9412 | <source>Undo</source>
9413 | <translation>Razveljavi</translation>
9414 | </message>
9415 | <message>
9416 | <source>Redo</source>
9417 | <translation>Uveljavi</translation>
9418 | </message>
9419 | <message>
9420 | <source>Undo %1</source>
9421 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9422 | </message>
9423 | <message>
9424 | <source>Undo</source>
9425 | <comment>Default text for undo action</comment>
9426 | <translation type="unfinished">Razveljavi</translation>
9427 | </message>
9428 | <message>
9429 | <source>Redo %1</source>
9430 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9431 | </message>
9432 | <message>
9433 | <source>Redo</source>
9434 | <comment>Default text for redo action</comment>
9435 | <translation type="unfinished">Uveljavi</translation>
9436 | </message>
9437 | </context>
9438 | <context>
9439 | <name>QUndoModel</name>
9440 | <message>
9441 | <source><empty></source>
9442 | <translation><prazno></translation>
9443 | </message>
9444 | </context>
9445 | <context>
9446 | <name>QUndoStack</name>
9447 | <message>
9448 | <source>Undo</source>
9449 | <translation>Razveljavi</translation>
9450 | </message>
9451 | <message>
9452 | <source>Redo</source>
9453 | <translation>Uveljavi</translation>
9454 | </message>
9455 | <message>
9456 | <source>Undo %1</source>
9457 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9458 | </message>
9459 | <message>
9460 | <source>Undo</source>
9461 | <comment>Default text for undo action</comment>
9462 | <translation type="unfinished">Razveljavi</translation>
9463 | </message>
9464 | <message>
9465 | <source>Redo %1</source>
9466 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9467 | </message>
9468 | <message>
9469 | <source>Redo</source>
9470 | <comment>Default text for redo action</comment>
9471 | <translation type="unfinished">Uveljavi</translation>
9472 | </message>
9473 | </context>
9474 | <context>
9475 | <name>QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu</name>
9476 | <message>
9477 | <source>LRM Left-to-right mark</source>
9478 | <translation>LRM Oznaka od leve proti desni</translation>
9479 | </message>
9480 | <message>
9481 | <source>RLM Right-to-left mark</source>
9482 | <translation>RLM Oznaka od desne proti levi</translation>
9483 | </message>
9484 | <message>
9485 | <source>ZWJ Zero width joiner</source>
9486 | <translation>ZWJ Združevalnik nične širine</translation>
9487 | </message>
9488 | <message>
9489 | <source>ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner</source>
9490 | <translation>ZWNJ Razdruževalnik nične širine</translation>
9491 | </message>
9492 | <message>
9493 | <source>ZWSP Zero width space</source>
9494 | <translation>ZWSP Presledek nične širine</translation>
9495 | </message>
9496 | <message>
9497 | <source>LRE Start of left-to-right embedding</source>
9498 | <translation>LRE Začetek vstavljanja od leve proti desni</translation>
9499 | </message>
9500 | <message>
9501 | <source>RLE Start of right-to-left embedding</source>
9502 | <translation>RLE Začetek vstavljanja od desne proti levi</translation>
9503 | </message>
9504 | <message>
9505 | <source>LRO Start of left-to-right override</source>
9506 | <translation>LRO Začetek preglasitve od leve proti desni</translation>
9507 | </message>
9508 | <message>
9509 | <source>RLO Start of right-to-left override</source>
9510 | <translation>LRO Začetek preglasitve od desne proti levi</translation>
9511 | </message>
9512 | <message>
9513 | <source>PDF Pop directional formatting</source>
9514 | <translation>PDF Smerno oblikovanje pop</translation>
9515 | </message>
9516 | <message>
9517 | <source>Insert Unicode control character</source>
9518 | <translation>Vstavi krmilni znak Unicode</translation>
9519 | </message>
9520 | <message>
9521 | <source>LRI Left-to-right isolate</source>
9522 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9523 | </message>
9524 | <message>
9525 | <source>RLI Right-to-left isolate</source>
9526 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9527 | </message>
9528 | <message>
9529 | <source>FSI First strong isolate</source>
9530 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9531 | </message>
9532 | <message>
9533 | <source>PDI Pop directional isolate</source>
9534 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
9535 | </message>
9536 | </context>
9537 | <context>
9538 | <name>QWebFrame</name>
9539 | <message>
9540 | <source>Request cancelled</source>
9541 | <translation>Zahteva preklicana</translation>
9542 | </message>
9543 | <message>
9544 | <source>Request blocked</source>
9545 | <translation>Zahteva blokirana</translation>
9546 | </message>
9547 | <message>
9548 | <source>Cannot show URL</source>
9549 | <translation>URL-ja ni mogoče prikazati</translation>
9550 | </message>
9551 | <message>
9552 | <source>Frame load interruped by policy change</source>
9553 | <translation>Sprememba pravilnika je prekinila nalaganje okvirja</translation>
9554 | </message>
9555 | <message>
9556 | <source>Cannot show mimetype</source>
9557 | <translation>Vrste MIME ni mogoče prikazati</translation>
9558 | </message>
9559 | <message>
9560 | <source>File does not exist</source>
9561 | <translation>Datoteka ne obstaja</translation>
9562 | </message>
9563 | <message>
9564 | <source>Frame load interrupted by policy change</source>
9565 | <translation type="vanished">Nalaganje okvirja je bilo prekinjeno zaradi spremembe pravil</translation>
9566 | </message>
9567 | </context>
9568 | <context>
9569 | <name>QWebPage</name>
9570 | <message>
9571 | <source>Bad HTTP request</source>
9572 | <translation>Slaba zahteva HTTP</translation>
9573 | </message>
9574 | <message>
9575 | <source>Submit</source>
9576 | <comment>default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages</comment>
9577 | <translation>Pošlji</translation>
9578 | </message>
9579 | <message>
9580 | <source>Submit</source>
9581 | <comment>Submit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value</comment>
9582 | <translation>Pošlji</translation>
9583 | </message>
9584 | <message>
9585 | <source>Reset</source>
9586 | <comment>default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages</comment>
9587 | <translation>Ponastavi</translation>
9588 | </message>
9589 | <message>
9590 | <source>This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: </source>
9591 | <comment>text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'</comment>
9592 | <translation>To kazalo je mogoče iskati. Vnesite iskalne kjučne besede: </translation>
9593 | </message>
9594 | <message>
9595 | <source>Choose File</source>
9596 | <comment>title for file button used in HTML forms</comment>
9597 | <translation>Izberite datoteko</translation>
9598 | </message>
9599 | <message>
9600 | <source>No file selected</source>
9601 | <comment>text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected</comment>
9602 | <translation>Ni izbranih datotek</translation>
9603 | </message>
9604 | <message>
9605 | <source>Open in New Window</source>
9606 | <comment>Open in New Window context menu item</comment>
9607 | <translation>Odpri v novem oknu</translation>
9608 | </message>
9609 | <message>
9610 | <source>Save Link...</source>
9611 | <comment>Download Linked File context menu item</comment>
9612 | <translation>Shrani povezavo …</translation>
9613 | </message>
9614 | <message>
9615 | <source>Copy Link</source>
9616 | <comment>Copy Link context menu item</comment>
9617 | <translation>Kopiraj povezavo</translation>
9618 | </message>
9619 | <message>
9620 | <source>Open Image</source>
9621 | <comment>Open Image in New Window context menu item</comment>
9622 | <translation>Odpri sliko</translation>
9623 | </message>
9624 | <message>
9625 | <source>Save Image</source>
9626 | <comment>Download Image context menu item</comment>
9627 | <translation>Shrani sliko</translation>
9628 | </message>
9629 | <message>
9630 | <source>Copy Image</source>
9631 | <comment>Copy Link context menu item</comment>
9632 | <translation>Kopiraj sliko</translation>
9633 | </message>
9634 | <message>
9635 | <source>Open Frame</source>
9636 | <comment>Open Frame in New Window context menu item</comment>
9637 | <translation>Odpri okvir</translation>
9638 | </message>
9639 | <message>
9640 | <source>Copy</source>
9641 | <comment>Copy context menu item</comment>
9642 | <translation>Kopiraj</translation>
9643 | </message>
9644 | <message>
9645 | <source>Go Back</source>
9646 | <comment>Back context menu item</comment>
9647 | <translation>Pojdi nazaj</translation>
9648 | </message>
9649 | <message>
9650 | <source>Go Forward</source>
9651 | <comment>Forward context menu item</comment>
9652 | <translation>Pojdi naprej</translation>
9653 | </message>
9654 | <message>
9655 | <source>Stop</source>
9656 | <comment>Stop context menu item</comment>
9657 | <translation>Ustavi</translation>
9658 | </message>
9659 | <message>
9660 | <source>Reload</source>
9661 | <comment>Reload context menu item</comment>
9662 | <translation>Ponovno naloži</translation>
9663 | </message>
9664 | <message>
9665 | <source>Cut</source>
9666 | <comment>Cut context menu item</comment>
9667 | <translation>Izreži</translation>
9668 | </message>
9669 | <message>
9670 | <source>Paste</source>
9671 | <comment>Paste context menu item</comment>
9672 | <translation>Prilepi</translation>
9673 | </message>
9674 | <message>
9675 | <source>No Guesses Found</source>
9676 | <comment>No Guesses Found context menu item</comment>
9677 | <translation>Ni najdenih ugibanj</translation>
9678 | </message>
9679 | <message>
9680 | <source>Ignore</source>
9681 | <comment>Ignore Spelling context menu item</comment>
9682 | <translation>Prezri</translation>
9683 | </message>
9684 | <message>
9685 | <source>Add To Dictionary</source>
9686 | <comment>Learn Spelling context menu item</comment>
9687 | <translation>Dodaj v slovar</translation>
9688 | </message>
9689 | <message>
9690 | <source>Search The Web</source>
9691 | <comment>Search The Web context menu item</comment>
9692 | <translation>Išči po spletu</translation>
9693 | </message>
9694 | <message>
9695 | <source>Look Up In Dictionary</source>
9696 | <comment>Look Up in Dictionary context menu item</comment>
9697 | <translation>Poišči v slovarju</translation>
9698 | </message>
9699 | <message>
9700 | <source>Open Link</source>
9701 | <comment>Open Link context menu item</comment>
9702 | <translation>Odpri povezavo</translation>
9703 | </message>
9704 | <message>
9705 | <source>Ignore</source>
9706 | <comment>Ignore Grammar context menu item</comment>
9707 | <translation>Prezri</translation>
9708 | </message>
9709 | <message>
9710 | <source>Spelling</source>
9711 | <comment>Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item</comment>
9712 | <translation>Črkovanje</translation>
9713 | </message>
9714 | <message>
9715 | <source>Show Spelling and Grammar</source>
9716 | <comment>menu item title</comment>
9717 | <translation>Prikaži črkovanje in slovnico</translation>
9718 | </message>
9719 | <message>
9720 | <source>Hide Spelling and Grammar</source>
9721 | <comment>menu item title</comment>
9722 | <translation>Skriji črkovanje in slovnico</translation>
9723 | </message>
9724 | <message>
9725 | <source>Check Spelling</source>
9726 | <comment>Check spelling context menu item</comment>
9727 | <translation>Preveri črkovanje</translation>
9728 | </message>
9729 | <message>
9730 | <source>Check Spelling While Typing</source>
9731 | <comment>Check spelling while typing context menu item</comment>
9732 | <translation>Preveri črkovanje med tipkanjem</translation>
9733 | </message>
9734 | <message>
9735 | <source>Check Grammar With Spelling</source>
9736 | <comment>Check grammar with spelling context menu item</comment>
9737 | <translation>Preveri slovnico s črkovanjem</translation>
9738 | </message>
9739 | <message>
9740 | <source>Fonts</source>
9741 | <comment>Font context sub-menu item</comment>
9742 | <translation>Pisave</translation>
9743 | </message>
9744 | <message>
9745 | <source>Bold</source>
9746 | <comment>Bold context menu item</comment>
9747 | <translation>Krepko</translation>
9748 | </message>
9749 | <message>
9750 | <source>Italic</source>
9751 | <comment>Italic context menu item</comment>
9752 | <translation>Ležeče</translation>
9753 | </message>
9754 | <message>
9755 | <source>Underline</source>
9756 | <comment>Underline context menu item</comment>
9757 | <translation>Podčrtano</translation>
9758 | </message>
9759 | <message>
9760 | <source>Outline</source>
9761 | <comment>Outline context menu item</comment>
9762 | <translation>Orisano</translation>
9763 | </message>
9764 | <message>
9765 | <source>Direction</source>
9766 | <comment>Writing direction context sub-menu item</comment>
9767 | <translation>Smer</translation>
9768 | </message>
9769 | <message>
9770 | <source>Default</source>
9771 | <comment>Default writing direction context menu item</comment>
9772 | <translation>Privzeto</translation>
9773 | </message>
9774 | <message>
9775 | <source>LTR</source>
9776 | <comment>Left to Right context menu item</comment>
9777 | <translation>Od leve proti desni</translation>
9778 | </message>
9779 | <message>
9780 | <source>RTL</source>
9781 | <comment>Right to Left context menu item</comment>
9782 | <translation>Od desne proti levi</translation>
9783 | </message>
9784 | <message>
9785 | <source>Inspect</source>
9786 | <comment>Inspect Element context menu item</comment>
9787 | <translation>Preglej</translation>
9788 | </message>
9789 | <message>
9790 | <source>No recent searches</source>
9791 | <comment>Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed</comment>
9792 | <translation>Ni nedavnih iskanj</translation>
9793 | </message>
9794 | <message>
9795 | <source>Recent searches</source>
9796 | <comment>label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title</comment>
9797 | <translation>Nedavna iskanja</translation>
9798 | </message>
9799 | <message>
9800 | <source>Clear recent searches</source>
9801 | <comment>menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents</comment>
9802 | <translation>Počisti nedavna iskanja</translation>
9803 | </message>
9804 | <message>
9805 | <source>Unknown</source>
9806 | <comment>Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item</comment>
9807 | <translation>Neznano</translation>
9808 | </message>
9809 | <message>
9810 | <source>%1 (%2x%3 pixels)</source>
9811 | <comment>Title string for images</comment>
9812 | <translation>%1 (%2x%3 sl. točk)</translation>
9813 | </message>
9814 | <message>
9815 | <source>Web Inspector - %2</source>
9816 | <translation>Spletni pregledovalnik - %2</translation>
9817 | </message>
9818 | <message>
9819 | <source>Redirection limit reached</source>
9820 | <translation type="vanished">Dosežena je bila omejitev preusmeritev</translation>
9821 | </message>
9822 | <message>
9823 | <source>Text Direction</source>
9824 | <comment>Text direction context sub-menu item</comment>
9825 | <translation type="vanished">Smer besedila</translation>
9826 | </message>
9827 | <message>
9828 | <source>Left to Right</source>
9829 | <comment>Left to Right context menu item</comment>
9830 | <translation type="vanished">Z leve na desno</translation>
9831 | </message>
9832 | <message>
9833 | <source>Right to Left</source>
9834 | <comment>Right to Left context menu item</comment>
9835 | <translation type="vanished">Z desne na levo</translation>
9836 | </message>
9837 | <message>
9838 | <source>Missing Plug-in</source>
9839 | <comment>Label text to be used when a plug-in is missing</comment>
9840 | <translation type="vanished">Manjkajoč vstavek</translation>
9841 | </message>
9842 | <message>
9843 | <source>Loading...</source>
9844 | <comment>Media controller status message when the media is loading</comment>
9845 | <translation type="vanished">Nalaganje ...</translation>
9846 | </message>
9847 | <message>
9848 | <source>Live Broadcast</source>
9849 | <comment>Media controller status message when watching a live broadcast</comment>
9850 | <translation type="vanished">Prenos v živo</translation>
9851 | </message>
9852 | <message>
9853 | <source>Audio Element</source>
9854 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9855 | <translation type="vanished">Zvočni element</translation>
9856 | </message>
9857 | <message>
9858 | <source>Video Element</source>
9859 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9860 | <translation type="vanished">Video element</translation>
9861 | </message>
9862 | <message>
9863 | <source>Mute Button</source>
9864 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9865 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za utišanje</translation>
9866 | </message>
9867 | <message>
9868 | <source>Unmute Button</source>
9869 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9870 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za preklic utišanja</translation>
9871 | </message>
9872 | <message>
9873 | <source>Play Button</source>
9874 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9875 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za predvajanje</translation>
9876 | </message>
9877 | <message>
9878 | <source>Pause Button</source>
9879 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9880 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za premor</translation>
9881 | </message>
9882 | <message>
9883 | <source>Slider</source>
9884 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9885 | <translation type="vanished">Drsnik</translation>
9886 | </message>
9887 | <message>
9888 | <source>Slider Thumb</source>
9889 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9890 | <translation type="vanished">Ročka na drsniku</translation>
9891 | </message>
9892 | <message>
9893 | <source>Rewind Button</source>
9894 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9895 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za previjanje</translation>
9896 | </message>
9897 | <message>
9898 | <source>Return to Real-time Button</source>
9899 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9900 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za vrnitev na resnični čas</translation>
9901 | </message>
9902 | <message>
9903 | <source>Elapsed Time</source>
9904 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9905 | <translation type="vanished">Pretečeni čas</translation>
9906 | </message>
9907 | <message>
9908 | <source>Remaining Time</source>
9909 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9910 | <translation type="vanished">Preostali čas</translation>
9911 | </message>
9912 | <message>
9913 | <source>Status Display</source>
9914 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9915 | <translation type="vanished">Prikaz stanja</translation>
9916 | </message>
9917 | <message>
9918 | <source>Fullscreen Button</source>
9919 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9920 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za cel zaslon</translation>
9921 | </message>
9922 | <message>
9923 | <source>Seek Forward Button</source>
9924 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9925 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za pomik naprej</translation>
9926 | </message>
9927 | <message>
9928 | <source>Seek Back Button</source>
9929 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9930 | <translation type="vanished">Gumb za pomik nazaj</translation>
9931 | </message>
9932 | <message>
9933 | <source>Audio element playback controls and status display</source>
9934 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9935 | <translation type="vanished">Nadzor in prikaz stanja elementa za predvajanje zvoka</translation>
9936 | </message>
9937 | <message>
9938 | <source>Video element playback controls and status display</source>
9939 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9940 | <translation type="vanished">Nadzor in prikaz stanja elementa za predvajanje videa</translation>
9941 | </message>
9942 | <message>
9943 | <source>Mute audio tracks</source>
9944 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9945 | <translation type="vanished">Utišaj zvočne sledi</translation>
9946 | </message>
9947 | <message>
9948 | <source>Unmute audio tracks</source>
9949 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9950 | <translation type="vanished">Prekliči utišanje zvočnih sledi</translation>
9951 | </message>
9952 | <message>
9953 | <source>Begin playback</source>
9954 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9955 | <translation type="vanished">Začni predvajanje</translation>
9956 | </message>
9957 | <message>
9958 | <source>Pause playback</source>
9959 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9960 | <translation type="vanished">Prekini predvajanje</translation>
9961 | </message>
9962 | <message>
9963 | <source>Movie time scrubber</source>
9964 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9965 | <translation type="vanished">Drsnik za mesto v posnetku</translation>
9966 | </message>
9967 | <message>
9968 | <source>Movie time scrubber thumb</source>
9969 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9970 | <translation type="vanished">Drsnik za mesto v posnetku</translation>
9971 | </message>
9972 | <message>
9973 | <source>Rewind movie</source>
9974 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9975 | <translation type="vanished">Previj film</translation>
9976 | </message>
9977 | <message>
9978 | <source>Return streaming movie to real-time</source>
9979 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9980 | <translation type="vanished">Povrni film na resnični čas</translation>
9981 | </message>
9982 | <message>
9983 | <source>Current movie time</source>
9984 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9985 | <translation type="vanished">Trenutni čas filma</translation>
9986 | </message>
9987 | <message>
9988 | <source>Remaining movie time</source>
9989 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9990 | <translation type="vanished">Preostali čas filma</translation>
9991 | </message>
9992 | <message>
9993 | <source>Current movie status</source>
9994 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
9995 | <translation type="vanished">Trenutno stanje filma</translation>
9996 | </message>
9997 | <message>
9998 | <source>Play movie in full-screen mode</source>
9999 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
10000 | <translation type="vanished">Predvajaj film čez ves zaslon</translation>
10001 | </message>
10002 | <message>
10003 | <source>Seek quickly back</source>
10004 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
10005 | <translation type="vanished">Hitro se pomakni nazaj</translation>
10006 | </message>
10007 | <message>
10008 | <source>Seek quickly forward</source>
10009 | <comment>Media controller element</comment>
10010 | <translation type="vanished">Hitro se pomakni naprej</translation>
10011 | </message>
10012 | <message>
10013 | <source>Indefinite time</source>
10014 | <comment>Media time description</comment>
10015 | <translation type="vanished">Nedoločen čas</translation>
10016 | </message>
10017 | <message>
10018 | <source>%1 days %2 hours %3 minutes %4 seconds</source>
10019 | <comment>Media time description</comment>
10020 | <translation type="vanished">%1 dni %2 ur %3 minut %4 sekund</translation>
10021 | </message>
10022 | <message>
10023 | <source>%1 hours %2 minutes %3 seconds</source>
10024 | <comment>Media time description</comment>
10025 | <translation type="vanished">%1 ur %2 minut %3 sekund</translation>
10026 | </message>
10027 | <message>
10028 | <source>%1 minutes %2 seconds</source>
10029 | <comment>Media time description</comment>
10030 | <translation type="vanished">%1 minut %2 sekund</translation>
10031 | </message>
10032 | <message>
10033 | <source>%1 seconds</source>
10034 | <comment>Media time description</comment>
10035 | <translation type="vanished">%1 sekund</translation>
10036 | </message>
10037 | <message>
10038 | <source>Scroll here</source>
10039 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni sem</translation>
10040 | </message>
10041 | <message>
10042 | <source>Left edge</source>
10043 | <translation type="vanished">Levi rob</translation>
10044 | </message>
10045 | <message>
10046 | <source>Top</source>
10047 | <translation type="vanished">Vrh</translation>
10048 | </message>
10049 | <message>
10050 | <source>Right edge</source>
10051 | <translation type="vanished">Desni rob</translation>
10052 | </message>
10053 | <message>
10054 | <source>Bottom</source>
10055 | <translation type="vanished">Dno</translation>
10056 | </message>
10057 | <message>
10058 | <source>Page left</source>
10059 | <translation type="vanished">Za stran levo</translation>
10060 | </message>
10061 | <message>
10062 | <source>Page up</source>
10063 | <translation type="vanished">Za stran gor</translation>
10064 | </message>
10065 | <message>
10066 | <source>Page right</source>
10067 | <translation type="vanished">Za stran desno</translation>
10068 | </message>
10069 | <message>
10070 | <source>Page down</source>
10071 | <translation type="vanished">Za stran dol</translation>
10072 | </message>
10073 | <message>
10074 | <source>Scroll left</source>
10075 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni levo</translation>
10076 | </message>
10077 | <message>
10078 | <source>Scroll up</source>
10079 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni gor</translation>
10080 | </message>
10081 | <message>
10082 | <source>Scroll right</source>
10083 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni desno</translation>
10084 | </message>
10085 | <message>
10086 | <source>Scroll down</source>
10087 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni dol</translation>
10088 | </message>
10089 | <message numerus="yes">
10090 | <source>%n file(s)</source>
10091 | <comment>number of chosen file</comment>
10092 | <translation type="vanished">
10093 | <numerusform>%n datoteka</numerusform>
10094 | <numerusform>%n datoteki</numerusform>
10095 | <numerusform>%n datoteke</numerusform>
10096 | <numerusform>%n datotek</numerusform>
10097 | </translation>
10098 | </message>
10099 | <message>
10100 | <source>JavaScript Alert - %1</source>
10101 | <translation type="vanished">Opozorilo JavaScript - %1</translation>
10102 | </message>
10103 | <message>
10104 | <source>JavaScript Confirm - %1</source>
10105 | <translation type="vanished">Potrditev JavaScript - %1</translation>
10106 | </message>
10107 | <message>
10108 | <source>JavaScript Prompt - %1</source>
10109 | <translation type="vanished">Poziv JavaScript - %1</translation>
10110 | </message>
10111 | <message>
10112 | <source>JavaScript Problem - %1</source>
10113 | <translation type="vanished">Težava JavaScript - %1</translation>
10114 | </message>
10115 | <message>
10116 | <source>The script on this page appears to have a problem. Do you want to stop the script?</source>
10117 | <translation type="vanished">Kot kaže ima skript na tej strani težavo. Ali želite ustaviti skript?</translation>
10118 | </message>
10119 | <message>
10120 | <source>Move the cursor to the next character</source>
10121 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na naslednji znak</translation>
10122 | </message>
10123 | <message>
10124 | <source>Move the cursor to the previous character</source>
10125 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na prejšnji znak</translation>
10126 | </message>
10127 | <message>
10128 | <source>Move the cursor to the next word</source>
10129 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec v naslednjo besedo</translation>
10130 | </message>
10131 | <message>
10132 | <source>Move the cursor to the previous word</source>
10133 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec v prejšnjo besedo</translation>
10134 | </message>
10135 | <message>
10136 | <source>Move the cursor to the next line</source>
10137 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec v naslednjo vrstico</translation>
10138 | </message>
10139 | <message>
10140 | <source>Move the cursor to the previous line</source>
10141 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec v prejšnjo vrstico</translation>
10142 | </message>
10143 | <message>
10144 | <source>Move the cursor to the start of the line</source>
10145 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na začetek vrstice</translation>
10146 | </message>
10147 | <message>
10148 | <source>Move the cursor to the end of the line</source>
10149 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na konec vrstice</translation>
10150 | </message>
10151 | <message>
10152 | <source>Move the cursor to the start of the block</source>
10153 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na začetek bloka</translation>
10154 | </message>
10155 | <message>
10156 | <source>Move the cursor to the end of the block</source>
10157 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na konec bloka</translation>
10158 | </message>
10159 | <message>
10160 | <source>Move the cursor to the start of the document</source>
10161 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na začetek dokumenta</translation>
10162 | </message>
10163 | <message>
10164 | <source>Move the cursor to the end of the document</source>
10165 | <translation type="vanished">Premakni kazalec na konec dokumenta</translation>
10166 | </message>
10167 | <message>
10168 | <source>Select all</source>
10169 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi vse</translation>
10170 | </message>
10171 | <message>
10172 | <source>Select to the next character</source>
10173 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do naslednjega znaka</translation>
10174 | </message>
10175 | <message>
10176 | <source>Select to the previous character</source>
10177 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do prejšnjega znaka</translation>
10178 | </message>
10179 | <message>
10180 | <source>Select to the next word</source>
10181 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do naslednje besede</translation>
10182 | </message>
10183 | <message>
10184 | <source>Select to the previous word</source>
10185 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do prejšnje besede</translation>
10186 | </message>
10187 | <message>
10188 | <source>Select to the next line</source>
10189 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do naslednje vrstice</translation>
10190 | </message>
10191 | <message>
10192 | <source>Select to the previous line</source>
10193 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do prejšnje vrstice</translation>
10194 | </message>
10195 | <message>
10196 | <source>Select to the start of the line</source>
10197 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do začetka vrstice</translation>
10198 | </message>
10199 | <message>
10200 | <source>Select to the end of the line</source>
10201 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do konca vrstice</translation>
10202 | </message>
10203 | <message>
10204 | <source>Select to the start of the block</source>
10205 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do začetka bloka</translation>
10206 | </message>
10207 | <message>
10208 | <source>Select to the end of the block</source>
10209 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do konca bloka</translation>
10210 | </message>
10211 | <message>
10212 | <source>Select to the start of the document</source>
10213 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do začetka dokumenta</translation>
10214 | </message>
10215 | <message>
10216 | <source>Select to the end of the document</source>
10217 | <translation type="vanished">Izberi do konca dokumenta</translation>
10218 | </message>
10219 | <message>
10220 | <source>Delete to the start of the word</source>
10221 | <translation type="vanished">Izbriši do začetka besede</translation>
10222 | </message>
10223 | <message>
10224 | <source>Delete to the end of the word</source>
10225 | <translation type="vanished">Izbriši do konca besede</translation>
10226 | </message>
10227 | <message>
10228 | <source>Insert a new paragraph</source>
10229 | <translation type="vanished">Vstavi nov odstavek</translation>
10230 | </message>
10231 | <message>
10232 | <source>Insert a new line</source>
10233 | <translation type="vanished">Vstavi novo vrstico</translation>
10234 | </message>
10235 | <message>
10236 | <source>Paste and Match Style</source>
10237 | <translation type="vanished">Prilepi in uskladi slog</translation>
10238 | </message>
10239 | <message>
10240 | <source>Remove formatting</source>
10241 | <translation type="vanished">Odstrani oblikovanje</translation>
10242 | </message>
10243 | <message>
10244 | <source>Strikethrough</source>
10245 | <translation type="vanished">Prečrtano</translation>
10246 | </message>
10247 | <message>
10248 | <source>Subscript</source>
10249 | <translation type="vanished">Podpisano</translation>
10250 | </message>
10251 | <message>
10252 | <source>Superscript</source>
10253 | <translation type="vanished">Nadpisano</translation>
10254 | </message>
10255 | <message>
10256 | <source>Insert Bulleted List</source>
10257 | <translation type="vanished">Vstavi navadni seznam</translation>
10258 | </message>
10259 | <message>
10260 | <source>Insert Numbered List</source>
10261 | <translation type="vanished">Vstavi oštevilčeni seznam</translation>
10262 | </message>
10263 | <message>
10264 | <source>Indent</source>
10265 | <translation type="vanished">Zamakni</translation>
10266 | </message>
10267 | <message>
10268 | <source>Outdent</source>
10269 | <translation type="vanished">Odzamakni</translation>
10270 | </message>
10271 | <message>
10272 | <source>Center</source>
10273 | <translation type="vanished">Sredinsko</translation>
10274 | </message>
10275 | <message>
10276 | <source>Justify</source>
10277 | <translation type="vanished">Obojestransko</translation>
10278 | </message>
10279 | <message>
10280 | <source>Align Left</source>
10281 | <translation type="vanished">Poravnaj levo</translation>
10282 | </message>
10283 | <message>
10284 | <source>Align Right</source>
10285 | <translation type="vanished">Poravnaj desno</translation>
10286 | </message>
10287 | </context>
10288 | <context>
10289 | <name>QWhatsThisAction</name>
10290 | <message>
10291 | <source>What's This?</source>
10292 | <translation>Kaj je to?</translation>
10293 | </message>
10294 | </context>
10295 | <context>
10296 | <name>QWidget</name>
10297 | <message>
10298 | <source>*</source>
10299 | <translation>*</translation>
10300 | </message>
10301 | </context>
10302 | <context>
10303 | <name>QWidgetTextControl</name>
10304 | <message>
10305 | <source>&Undo</source>
10306 | <translation type="unfinished">&Razveljavi</translation>
10307 | </message>
10308 | <message>
10309 | <source>&Redo</source>
10310 | <translation type="unfinished">&Uveljavi</translation>
10311 | </message>
10312 | <message>
10313 | <source>Cu&t</source>
10314 | <translation type="unfinished">&Izreži</translation>
10315 | </message>
10316 | <message>
10317 | <source>&Copy</source>
10318 | <translation type="unfinished">S&kopiraj</translation>
10319 | </message>
10320 | <message>
10321 | <source>Copy &Link Location</source>
10322 | <translation type="unfinished">Skopiraj &povezavo do lokacije</translation>
10323 | </message>
10324 | <message>
10325 | <source>&Paste</source>
10326 | <translation type="unfinished">Pri&lepi</translation>
10327 | </message>
10328 | <message>
10329 | <source>Delete</source>
10330 | <translation type="unfinished">Izbriši</translation>
10331 | </message>
10332 | <message>
10333 | <source>Select All</source>
10334 | <translation type="unfinished">Izberi vse</translation>
10335 | </message>
10336 | </context>
10337 | <context>
10338 | <name>QWindowsDirect2DIntegration</name>
10339 | <message>
10340 | <source>Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
10341 |
10342 | The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.</source>
10343 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10344 | </message>
10345 | <message>
10346 | <source>Cannot load direct2d platform plugin</source>
10347 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10348 | </message>
10349 | </context>
10350 | <context>
10351 | <name>QWizard</name>
10352 | <message>
10353 | <source>Go Back</source>
10354 | <translation>Pojdi nazaj</translation>
10355 | </message>
10356 | <message>
10357 | <source>Continue</source>
10358 | <translation>Nadaljuj</translation>
10359 | </message>
10360 | <message>
10361 | <source>Commit</source>
10362 | <translation>Potrdi</translation>
10363 | </message>
10364 | <message>
10365 | <source>Done</source>
10366 | <translation>Končano</translation>
10367 | </message>
10368 | <message>
10369 | <source>Quit</source>
10370 | <translation>Končaj</translation>
10371 | </message>
10372 | <message>
10373 | <source>Help</source>
10374 | <translation>Pomoč</translation>
10375 | </message>
10376 | <message>
10377 | <source>< &Back</source>
10378 | <translation>< Na&zaj</translation>
10379 | </message>
10380 | <message>
10381 | <source>&Finish</source>
10382 | <translation>&Končaj</translation>
10383 | </message>
10384 | <message>
10385 | <source>Cancel</source>
10386 | <translation>Prekliči</translation>
10387 | </message>
10388 | <message>
10389 | <source>&Help</source>
10390 | <translation>&Pomoč</translation>
10391 | </message>
10392 | <message>
10393 | <source>&Next</source>
10394 | <translation>&Naprej</translation>
10395 | </message>
10396 | <message>
10397 | <source>&Next ></source>
10398 | <translation>&Naprej ></translation>
10399 | </message>
10400 | </context>
10401 | <context>
10402 | <name>QWorkspace</name>
10403 | <message>
10404 | <source>&Restore</source>
10405 | <translation>&Obnovi</translation>
10406 | </message>
10407 | <message>
10408 | <source>&Move</source>
10409 | <translation>&Premakni</translation>
10410 | </message>
10411 | <message>
10412 | <source>&Size</source>
10413 | <translation>&Velikost</translation>
10414 | </message>
10415 | <message>
10416 | <source>Mi&nimize</source>
10417 | <translation>&Skrči</translation>
10418 | </message>
10419 | <message>
10420 | <source>Ma&ximize</source>
10421 | <translation>&Razpni</translation>
10422 | </message>
10423 | <message>
10424 | <source>&Close</source>
10425 | <translation>&Zapri</translation>
10426 | </message>
10427 | <message>
10428 | <source>Stay on &Top</source>
10429 | <translation>&Ostani na vrhu</translation>
10430 | </message>
10431 | <message>
10432 | <source>Sh&ade</source>
10433 | <translation>&Zasenči</translation>
10434 | </message>
10435 | <message>
10436 | <source>%1 - [%2]</source>
10437 | <translation>%1 - [%2]</translation>
10438 | </message>
10439 | <message>
10440 | <source>Minimize</source>
10441 | <translation>Skrči</translation>
10442 | </message>
10443 | <message>
10444 | <source>Restore Down</source>
10445 | <translation>Obnovi dol</translation>
10446 | </message>
10447 | <message>
10448 | <source>Close</source>
10449 | <translation>Zapri</translation>
10450 | </message>
10451 | <message>
10452 | <source>&Unshade</source>
10453 | <translation>&Odsenči</translation>
10454 | </message>
10455 | </context>
10456 | <context>
10457 | <name>QXml</name>
10458 | <message>
10459 | <source>no error occurred</source>
10460 | <translation>Nobena napaka se ni pojavila</translation>
10461 | </message>
10462 | <message>
10463 | <source>error triggered by consumer</source>
10464 | <translation>Napako sprožil potrošnik</translation>
10465 | </message>
10466 | <message>
10467 | <source>unexpected end of file</source>
10468 | <translation>Nepričakovan konec datoteke</translation>
10469 | </message>
10470 | <message>
10471 | <source>more than one document type definition</source>
10472 | <translation>Več kot eno določilo vrste dokumenta</translation>
10473 | </message>
10474 | <message>
10475 | <source>error occurred while parsing element</source>
10476 | <translation>Med razčlenjevanjem elementa se je pojavila napaka</translation>
10477 | </message>
10478 | <message>
10479 | <source>tag mismatch</source>
10480 | <translation>Neujemanje oznak</translation>
10481 | </message>
10482 | <message>
10483 | <source>error occurred while parsing content</source>
10484 | <translation>Med razčlenjevanjem vsebine se je pojavila napaka</translation>
10485 | </message>
10486 | <message>
10487 | <source>unexpected character</source>
10488 | <translation>Nepričakovan znak</translation>
10489 | </message>
10490 | <message>
10491 | <source>invalid name for processing instruction</source>
10492 | <translation>Neveljavno ime ukaza za obdelavo</translation>
10493 | </message>
10494 | <message>
10495 | <source>version expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
10496 | <translation>Med branjem najave XML je pričakovana različica</translation>
10497 | </message>
10498 | <message>
10499 | <source>wrong value for standalone declaration</source>
10500 | <translation>Napačna vrednost za samodstojno najavo</translation>
10501 | </message>
10502 | <message>
10503 | <source>encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
10504 | <translation>Med branjem najave XML je pričakovana najava kodiranja ali samostojna najava</translation>
10505 | </message>
10506 | <message>
10507 | <source>standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
10508 | <translation>Med branjem najave XML je pričakovana samostojna najava</translation>
10509 | </message>
10510 | <message>
10511 | <source>error occurred while parsing document type definition</source>
10512 | <translation>Med razčlenjevanjem določila vrste dokumenta se je pojavila napaka</translation>
10513 | </message>
10514 | <message>
10515 | <source>letter is expected</source>
10516 | <translation>Pričakovana je črka</translation>
10517 | </message>
10518 | <message>
10519 | <source>error occurred while parsing comment</source>
10520 | <translation>Med razčlenjevanjem pripombe se je pojavila napaka</translation>
10521 | </message>
10522 | <message>
10523 | <source>error occurred while parsing reference</source>
10524 | <translation>Med razčlenjevanjem sklica se je pojavila napaka</translation>
10525 | </message>
10526 | <message>
10527 | <source>internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD</source>
10528 | <translation>V DTD-ju ni dovoljen sklic notranjega splošnega predmeta </translation>
10529 | </message>
10530 | <message>
10531 | <source>external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value</source>
10532 | <translation>V vrednosti lastnosti ni dovoljen sklic zunanjega razčlenjenega splošnega predmeta</translation>
10533 | </message>
10534 | <message>
10535 | <source>external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD</source>
10536 | <translation>V DTD-ju ni dovoljen sklic zunanjega razčlenjenega splošnega predmeta </translation>
10537 | </message>
10538 | <message>
10539 | <source>unparsed entity reference in wrong context</source>
10540 | <translation>Sklic nerazčlenjenega predmeta v napačni vsebini</translation>
10541 | </message>
10542 | <message>
10543 | <source>recursive entities</source>
10544 | <translation>ponavljajoči se predmeti</translation>
10545 | </message>
10546 | <message>
10547 | <source>error in the text declaration of an external entity</source>
10548 | <translation>Napaka pri najavi besedila zunanjega predmeta</translation>
10549 | </message>
10550 | </context>
10551 | <context>
10552 | <name>QXmlPatternistCLI</name>
10553 | <message>
10554 | <source>Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4</source>
10555 | <translation type="vanished">Opozorilo v %1, vrstica %2, stolpec %3: %4</translation>
10556 | </message>
10557 | <message>
10558 | <source>Warning in %1: %2</source>
10559 | <translation type="vanished">Opozorilo v %1: %2</translation>
10560 | </message>
10561 | <message>
10562 | <source>Unknown location</source>
10563 | <translation type="vanished">Neznana lokacija</translation>
10564 | </message>
10565 | <message>
10566 | <source>Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5</source>
10567 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka %1 v %2, vrstica %3, stolpec %4: %5</translation>
10568 | </message>
10569 | <message>
10570 | <source>Error %1 in %2: %3</source>
10571 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka %1 v %2: %3</translation>
10572 | </message>
10573 | </context>
10574 | <context>
10575 | <name>QXmlStream</name>
10576 | <message>
10577 | <source>Extra content at end of document.</source>
10578 | <translation>Dodatna vsebina na koncu dokumenta.</translation>
10579 | </message>
10580 | <message>
10581 | <source>Invalid entity value.</source>
10582 | <translation>Neveljavna vrednost predmeta.</translation>
10583 | </message>
10584 | <message>
10585 | <source>Invalid XML character.</source>
10586 | <translation>Neveljaven znak XML.</translation>
10587 | </message>
10588 | <message>
10589 | <source>Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.</source>
10590 | <translation>Zaporedje ']]>' ni dovoljeno v vsebini.</translation>
10591 | </message>
10592 | <message>
10593 | <source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
10594 | <translation>Imenski prostor '%1'ni najavljen.</translation>
10595 | </message>
10596 | <message>
10597 | <source>Attribute redefined.</source>
10598 | <translation>Lastnost ponovno določena.</translation>
10599 | </message>
10600 | <message>
10601 | <source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
10602 | <translation>Nepričakovan znak '%1' v črkovnem simbolu javnega ID-ja.</translation>
10603 | </message>
10604 | <message>
10605 | <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
10606 | <translation>Neveljaven niz različice XML.</translation>
10607 | </message>
10608 | <message>
10609 | <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
10610 | <translation>Nepodprta različica XML-a.</translation>
10611 | </message>
10612 | <message>
10613 | <source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
10614 | <translation>%1 je neveljavno ime kodiranja.</translation>
10615 | </message>
10616 | <message>
10617 | <source>Encoding %1 is unsupported</source>
10618 | <translation>Kodiranje %1 ni podprto.</translation>
10619 | </message>
10620 | <message>
10621 | <source>Standalone accepts only yes or no.</source>
10622 | <translation>Samostojna najava sprejme samo Da ali Ne.</translation>
10623 | </message>
10624 | <message>
10625 | <source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
10626 | <translation>Neveljavna lastnost v najavi XML.</translation>
10627 | </message>
10628 | <message>
10629 | <source>Premature end of document.</source>
10630 | <translation>Prezgodnji konec dokumenta.</translation>
10631 | </message>
10632 | <message>
10633 | <source>Invalid document.</source>
10634 | <translation>Neveljaven dokument.</translation>
10635 | </message>
10636 | <message>
10637 | <source>Expected </source>
10638 | <translation>Pričakovano </translation>
10639 | </message>
10640 | <message>
10641 | <source>, but got '</source>
10642 | <translation>, vendar dobljeno '</translation>
10643 | </message>
10644 | <message>
10645 | <source>Unexpected '</source>
10646 | <translation>Nepričakovano '</translation>
10647 | </message>
10648 | <message>
10649 | <source>Expected character data.</source>
10650 | <translation>Pričakovani podatki znakov.</translation>
10651 | </message>
10652 | <message>
10653 | <source>Recursive entity detected.</source>
10654 | <translation>Zaznan ponavljajoči se predmet.</translation>
10655 | </message>
10656 | <message>
10657 | <source>Start tag expected.</source>
10658 | <translation>Pričakovana začetna oznaka.</translation>
10659 | </message>
10660 | <message>
10661 | <source>XML declaration not at start of document.</source>
10662 | <translation>Najava XML ni začetek dokumenta.</translation>
10663 | </message>
10664 | <message>
10665 | <source>NDATA in parameter entity declaration.</source>
10666 | <translation>NDATA v najavi predmeta parametra.</translation>
10667 | </message>
10668 | <message>
10669 | <source>%1 is an invalid processing instruction name.</source>
10670 | <translation>%1 je neveljavno ime ukaza za obdelavo.</translation>
10671 | </message>
10672 | <message>
10673 | <source>Invalid processing instruction name.</source>
10674 | <translation>Neveljavno ime ukaza za obdelavo.</translation>
10675 | </message>
10676 | <message>
10677 | <source>Illegal namespace declaration.</source>
10678 | <translation>Nedovoljena najava imenskaga prostora.</translation>
10679 | </message>
10680 | <message>
10681 | <source>Invalid XML name.</source>
10682 | <translation>Neveljavno ime XML.</translation>
10683 | </message>
10684 | <message>
10685 | <source>Opening and ending tag mismatch.</source>
10686 | <translation>Začetna in končna oznaka se ne ujemata.</translation>
10687 | </message>
10688 | <message>
10689 | <source>Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.</source>
10690 | <translation>Sklic na nerazčlenjen predmet '%1'.</translation>
10691 | </message>
10692 | <message>
10693 | <source>Entity '%1' not declared.</source>
10694 | <translation>Predmet '%1' ni najavljen.</translation>
10695 | </message>
10696 | <message>
10697 | <source>Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.</source>
10698 | <translation>Sklic na zunanji predmet '%1' v vrednosti lastnosti.</translation>
10699 | </message>
10700 | <message>
10701 | <source>Invalid character reference.</source>
10702 | <translation>Neveljaven sklic znaka.</translation>
10703 | </message>
10704 | <message>
10705 | <source>Encountered incorrectly encoded content.</source>
10706 | <translation>Odkrita nepravilno kodirana vsebina.</translation>
10707 | </message>
10708 | <message>
10709 | <source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
10710 | <translation>Po kodiranju se mora pojaviti samostojna psevdo lastnost.</translation>
10711 | </message>
10712 | <message>
10713 | <source>%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.</source>
10714 | <translation>%1 je neveljavno določilo PUBLIC.</translation>
10715 | </message>
10716 | <message>
10717 | <source>Attribute '%1' redefined.</source>
10718 | <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
10719 | </message>
10720 | </context>
10721 | <context>
10722 | <name>QtXmlPatterns</name>
10723 | <message>
10724 | <source>An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared.</source>
10725 | <translation>Lastnost %1 z vrednostjo %2 je že bila najavljena.</translation>
10726 | </message>
10727 | <message>
10728 | <source>An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't.</source>
10729 | <translation>Lastnost %1 mora kot vrednost imeti veljaven %2, kar %3 ni.</translation>
10730 | </message>
10731 | <message>
10732 | <source>Network timeout.</source>
10733 | <translation>Časovna omejitev omrežja.</translation>
10734 | </message>
10735 | <message>
10736 | <source>Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element.</source>
10737 | <translation>Elementa %1 ni mogoče serailizirati, ker se pojavi zunaj elementa dokumenta.</translation>
10738 | </message>
10739 | <message>
10740 | <source>Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.</source>
10741 | <translation>Leto %1 je neveljavno, ker se začne s/z %2.</translation>
10742 | </message>
10743 | <message>
10744 | <source>Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3.</source>
10745 | <translation>Dan %1 je zunaj obdobja %2. %3.</translation>
10746 | </message>
10747 | <message>
10748 | <source>Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3.</source>
10749 | <translation>Mesec %1 je zunaj obdobja %2. %3.</translation>
10750 | </message>
10751 | <message>
10752 | <source>Overflow: Can't represent date %1.</source>
10753 | <translation>Prekoračitev: datuma %1 ni mogoče predstavljati.</translation>
10754 | </message>
10755 | <message>
10756 | <source>Day %1 is invalid for month %2.</source>
10757 | <translation>Dan %1 je neveljaven za mesec %2.</translation>
10758 | </message>
10759 | <message>
10760 | <source>Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0; </source>
10761 | <translation>Čas 24: %1:%2.%3 je neveljaven. Ure so 24, vendar minute, sekunde in milisekunde niso vse 0; </translation>
10762 | </message>
10763 | <message>
10764 | <source>Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.</source>
10765 | <translation>Čas %1:%2:%3.%4 ni veljaven.</translation>
10766 | </message>
10767 | <message>
10768 | <source>Overflow: Date can't be represented.</source>
10769 | <translation>Prekoračitev: datuma ni mogoče predstavljati.</translation>
10770 | </message>
10771 | <message>
10772 | <source>At least one component must be present.</source>
10773 | <translation>Prisoten mora biti vsaj en sestavni del.</translation>
10774 | </message>
10775 | <message>
10776 | <source>At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.</source>
10777 | <translation>Po ločilu %1 se mora pojaviti vsaj en sestavni del.</translation>
10778 | </message>
10779 | <message>
10780 | <source>No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.</source>
10781 | <translation>Ni deljenca ali delitelja pri deljenju celih števil, %1 je lahko %2.</translation>
10782 | </message>
10783 | <message>
10784 | <source>The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).</source>
10785 | <translation>Deljenec pri deljenju celih števil %1 ne sme biti neskončnost (%2).</translation>
10786 | </message>
10787 | <message>
10788 | <source>The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).</source>
10789 | <translation>Delitelj pri deljenju %1 ne sme biti nič (%2).</translation>
10790 | </message>
10791 | <message>
10792 | <source>%1 is not a valid value of type %2.</source>
10793 | <translation>%1 ni veljavna vrednost vrste %2.</translation>
10794 | </message>
10795 | <message>
10796 | <source>Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.</source>
10797 | <translation>Deljenje celih števil (%1) z nič (%2) ni določeno.</translation>
10798 | </message>
10799 | <message>
10800 | <source>Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.</source>
10801 | <translation>Deljenje (%1) z nič (%2) ni določeno.</translation>
10802 | </message>
10803 | <message>
10804 | <source>Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.</source>
10805 | <translation>Deljenje z ostankom (%1) z nič (%2) ni določeno.</translation>
10806 | </message>
10807 | <message>
10808 | <source>Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.</source>
10809 | <translation>Deljenje vrednosti vrste %1 s/z %2 (ni število) ni dovoljeno.</translation>
10810 | </message>
10811 | <message>
10812 | <source>Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.</source>
10813 | <translation>Deljenje vrednosti vrste %1 s/z %2 ali %3 (pozitivna ali negativna ničla) ni dovoljeno.</translation>
10814 | </message>
10815 | <message>
10816 | <source>Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.</source>
10817 | <translation>Množenje vrednosti vrste %1 s/z %2 ali %3 (pozitivna ali negativna neskončnost) ni dovoljeno.</translation>
10818 | </message>
10819 | <message>
10820 | <source>A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.</source>
10821 | <translation>Vrednost vrste %1 ne sme imeti dejanske logične vrednosti.</translation>
10822 | </message>
10823 | <message>
10824 | <source>Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.</source>
10825 | <translation>Dejanska logična vrednost ne sme biti izračunana za zaporedje, ki vsebuje dve ali več atomskih vrednosti.</translation>
10826 | </message>
10827 | <message>
10828 | <source>Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).</source>
10829 | <translation>Vrednost %1 vrste %2 presega največjo vrednost (%3).</translation>
10830 | </message>
10831 | <message>
10832 | <source>Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).</source>
10833 | <translation>Vrednost %1 vrste %2 je pod najmanjšo vrednostjo (%3).</translation>
10834 | </message>
10835 | <message>
10836 | <source>A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.</source>
10837 | <translation>Vrednost vrste %1 mora vsebovati sodo število številk. Vrednost %2 jih ne.</translation>
10838 | </message>
10839 | <message>
10840 | <source>%1 is not valid as a value of type %2.</source>
10841 | <translation>%1 ni veljaven kot vrednost vrste %2.</translation>
10842 | </message>
10843 | <message>
10844 | <source>Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.</source>
10845 | <translation>Operatorja %1 se ne sme uporabljati na vrsti %2.</translation>
10846 | </message>
10847 | <message>
10848 | <source>Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.</source>
10849 | <translation>Operatorja %1 se ne sme uporabljati na atomskih vrednostih vrste %2 in %3.</translation>
10850 | </message>
10851 | <message>
10852 | <source>The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.</source>
10853 | <translation>Imenski prostor URI v imenu za izračunano lastnost ne sme biti %1.</translation>
10854 | </message>
10855 | <message>
10856 | <source>The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.</source>
10857 | <translation>Ime za izračunano lastnost ne sme imete imenskega prostora URI %1 s krajevnim imenom %2.</translation>
10858 | </message>
10859 | <message>
10860 | <source>No casting is possible with %1 as the target type.</source>
10861 | <translation>S/z %1 kot ciljno vrsto pretvarjanje ni mogoče.</translation>
10862 | </message>
10863 | <message>
10864 | <source>It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2.</source>
10865 | <translation>Pretvarjanje iz vrste %1 v %2 ni mogoče.</translation>
10866 | </message>
10867 | <message>
10868 | <source>Casting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated.</source>
10869 | <translation>Pretvarjanje v %1 ni mogoče, ker je abstraktne vrste in se zatorej iz nje ne da ustvarjati primerkov.</translation>
10870 | </message>
10871 | <message>
10872 | <source>It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3</source>
10873 | <translation>Vrednosti %1 vrste %2 v %3 ni mogoče pretvoriti.</translation>
10874 | </message>
10875 | <message>
10876 | <source>Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3</source>
10877 | <translation>Pretvarjanje iz %1 v %2 je spodeltelo: %3</translation>
10878 | </message>
10879 | <message>
10880 | <source>A comment cannot contain %1</source>
10881 | <translation>Pripomba ne sme vsebovati %1.</translation>
10882 | </message>
10883 | <message>
10884 | <source>A comment cannot end with a %1.</source>
10885 | <translation>Pripomba se ne sme končati s/z %1.</translation>
10886 | </message>
10887 | <message>
10888 | <source>No comparisons can be done involving the type %1.</source>
10889 | <translation>Z vrstami %1 se ne sme opravljati primerjav.</translation>
10890 | </message>
10891 | <message>
10892 | <source>Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3.</source>
10893 | <translation>Operator %1 med atomskimi vrednostmi vrste %2 in %3 ni na voljo.</translation>
10894 | </message>
10895 | <message>
10896 | <source>A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.</source>
10897 | <translation>Modula knjižnice ni mogoče neposredno ovrednotiti. Uvožen mora biti iz glavnega modula.</translation>
10898 | </message>
10899 | <message>
10900 | <source>The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, is %2 invalid.</source>
10901 | <translation>Ciljno ime ukaza za obdelavo ne sme biti %1 v katerikoli kombinaciji velikih in malih črk. Zatorej je %2 neveljaven.</translation>
10902 | </message>
10903 | <message>
10904 | <source>The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1</source>
10905 | <translation>Podatki ukaza za obdelavo ne smejo vsebovati niza %1.</translation>
10906 | </message>
10907 | <message>
10908 | <source>%1 is an invalid %2</source>
10909 | <translation>%1 je neveljaven %2.</translation>
10910 | </message>
10911 | <message numerus="yes">
10912 | <source>%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.</source>
10913 | <translation>
10914 | <numerusform>%1 sprejme največ %n argument. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10915 | <numerusform>%1 sprejme največ %n argumenta. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10916 | <numerusform>%1 sprejme največ %n argumente. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10917 | <numerusform>%1 sprejme največ %n argumentov. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10918 | </translation>
10919 | </message>
10920 | <message numerus="yes">
10921 | <source>%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.</source>
10922 | <translation>
10923 | <numerusform>%1 zahteva vsaj %n argument. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10924 | <numerusform>%1 zahteva vsaj %n argumenta. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10925 | <numerusform>%1 zahteva vsaj %n argumente. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10926 | <numerusform>%1 zahteva vsaj %n argumentov. %2 je zatorej neveljaven.</numerusform>
10927 | </translation>
10928 | </message>
10929 | <message>
10930 | <source>The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.</source>
10931 | <translation>Prvi argument za %1 ne sme biti vrste %2. Biti mora številčne vrste xs:yearMonthDuration ali xs:dayTimeDuration.</translation>
10932 | </message>
10933 | <message>
10934 | <source>The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.</source>
10935 | <translation>Prvi argument za %1 ne sme biti vrste %2. Biti mora vrste %3, %4 ali %5.</translation>
10936 | </message>
10937 | <message>
10938 | <source>The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.</source>
10939 | <translation>Drugi argument za %1 ne sme biti vrste %2. Biti mora vrste %3, %4 ali %5.</translation>
10940 | </message>
10941 | <message>
10942 | <source>%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.</source>
10943 | <translation>%1 ni veljaven znak XML 1.0.</translation>
10944 | </message>
10945 | <message>
10946 | <source>The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2.</source>
10947 | <translation>Prvi argument za %1 ne sme biti vrste %2.</translation>
10948 | </message>
10949 | <message>
10950 | <source>%1 was called.</source>
10951 | <translation>%1 je bil klican.</translation>
10952 | </message>
10953 | <message>
10954 | <source>%1 matches newline characters</source>
10955 | <translation>%1 se ujema z znaki za novo vrstico.</translation>
10956 | </message>
10957 | <message>
10958 | <source>%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.</source>
10959 | <translation>%1 in %2 se ujemata z začetkom in koncem vrstice.</translation>
10960 | </message>
10961 | <message>
10962 | <source>Matches are case insensitive</source>
10963 | <translation>Ujemanja so občutljiva na velikost črk.</translation>
10964 | </message>
10965 | <message>
10966 | <source>Whitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes</source>
10967 | <translation>Presledni znaki so odstranjeni razen, ko se pojavijo v razredih znakov.</translation>
10968 | </message>
10969 | <message>
10970 | <source>%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2</source>
10971 | <translation>%1 je neveljaven vzorec običajnega izraza: %2</translation>
10972 | </message>
10973 | <message>
10974 | <source>If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.</source>
10975 | <translation>Če je prvi argument prazno zaporedje ali niz nične dolžine (brez imenskega prostora), predpone ni mogoče navesti. Navedena je bila predpona %1.</translation>
10976 | </message>
10977 | <message>
10978 | <source>It will not be possible to retrieve %1.</source>
10979 | <translation>Pridobivanje %1 ne bo mogoče.</translation>
10980 | </message>
10981 | <message>
10982 | <source>The default collection is undefined</source>
10983 | <translation>Privzeta zbirka ni določena.</translation>
10984 | </message>
10985 | <message>
10986 | <source>%1 cannot be retrieved</source>
10987 | <translation>%1 ni mogoče pridobiti.</translation>
10988 | </message>
10989 | <message>
10990 | <source>%1 is not a whole number of minutes.</source>
10991 | <translation>%1 ni celo število minut.</translation>
10992 | </message>
10993 | <message>
10994 | <source>The item %1 did not match the required type %2.</source>
10995 | <translation>Predmet %1 se ne ujema z zahtevano vrsto %2.</translation>
10996 | </message>
10997 | <message>
10998 | <source>%1 is an unknown schema type.</source>
10999 | <translation>%1 je neznana vrsta sheme.</translation>
11000 | </message>
11001 | <message>
11002 | <source>The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself</source>
11003 | <translation>Nastavljanje začetnih vrednosti spremenljivke %1 je odvisno od samega sebe.</translation>
11004 | </message>
11005 | <message>
11006 | <source>No variable by name %1 exists</source>
11007 | <translation>Spremenljivka z imenom %1 ne obstaja.</translation>
11008 | </message>
11009 | <message>
11010 | <source>The variable %1 is unused</source>
11011 | <translation>Spremenljivka %1 ni uporabljena.</translation>
11012 | </message>
11013 | <message>
11014 | <source>Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.</source>
11015 | <translation>Različica %1 ni podprta. Podprta različica XQueryja je 1.0.</translation>
11016 | </message>
11017 | <message>
11018 | <source>The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.</source>
11019 | <translation>Kodiranje %1 ni veljavno. Vsebovati mora samo latinske znake, ne sme vsebovati preslednih znakov in se mora ujemati z običajnim izrazom %2.</translation>
11020 | </message>
11021 | <message>
11022 | <source>No function with signature %1 is available</source>
11023 | <translation>Nobena funkcija s podpisom %1 ni na voljo.</translation>
11024 | </message>
11025 | <message>
11026 | <source>A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.</source>
11027 | <translation>Privzeta najava imenskega prostora se mora pojaviti pred najavami funkcij, spremenljivk in možnosti.</translation>
11028 | </message>
11029 | <message>
11030 | <source>Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.</source>
11031 | <translation>Najava imenskega prostora se mora pojaviti pred najavami funkcij, spremenljivk in možnosti.</translation>
11032 | </message>
11033 | <message>
11034 | <source>Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.</source>
11035 | <translation>Uvozi modulov se morajo pojaviti pred najavami funkcij, spremenljivk in možnosti.</translation>
11036 | </message>
11037 | <message>
11038 | <source>It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.</source>
11039 | <translation>Predpone %1 ni mogoče ponovno najaviti.</translation>
11040 | </message>
11041 | <message>
11042 | <source>Only the prefix %1 can be declared to bind the namespace %2. By default, it is already bound to the prefix %1.</source>
11043 | <translation>Za vezavo imenskega prostora %2 se lahko najavi samo predpona %1. Privzeto je že vezana na predpono %1.</translation>
11044 | </message>
11045 | <message>
11046 | <source>The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.</source>
11047 | <translation>Ime možnosti mora imeti predpono. Za možnosti ni privzetega imenskega prostora.</translation>
11048 | </message>
11049 | <message>
11050 | <source>The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.</source>
11051 | <translation>Ciljni imenski prostor %1 ne sme biti prazen.</translation>
11052 | </message>
11053 | <message>
11054 | <source>The module import feature is not supported</source>
11055 | <translation>Značilnost uvoza modulov ni podprta.</translation>
11056 | </message>
11057 | <message>
11058 | <source>A variable by name %1 has already been declared in the prolog.</source>
11059 | <translation>Spremenljivka z imenom %1 je že bila najavljena v uvodu.</translation>
11060 | </message>
11061 | <message>
11062 | <source>No value is available for the external variable by name %1.</source>
11063 | <translation>Nobena vrednost ni na voljo za zunanjo spremenljivko z imenom %1.</translation>
11064 | </message>
11065 | <message>
11066 | <source>The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.</source>
11067 | <translation>Imenski prostor %1 je pridržan, zatorej ga uporabniško določene funkcije ne smejo uporabljati. Poizkusite z vnaprej določeno predpono %2, ki obstaja za te primere.</translation>
11068 | </message>
11069 | <message>
11070 | <source>The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2</source>
11071 | <translation>Imenski prostor uporabniško določene funlcije v modulu knjižnice mora biti enakovreden imenskemu prostoru modula. Z drugimi besedami, biti mora %1 namesto %2.</translation>
11072 | </message>
11073 | <message>
11074 | <source>A function already exists with the signature %1.</source>
11075 | <translation>Funkcija že obstaja s podpisom %1.</translation>
11076 | </message>
11077 | <message>
11078 | <source>No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external</source>
11079 | <translation>Nobena zunanja funkcija ni podprta. Vse podprte funkcije lahko neposredno uporabite, brez da bi jih najprej najavili kot zunanje.</translation>
11080 | </message>
11081 | <message>
11082 | <source>An argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.</source>
11083 | <translation>Argument z imenom %1 je že bil najavljen. Vsako ime argumenta mora biti edinstveno.</translation>
11084 | </message>
11085 | <message>
11086 | <source>The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.</source>
11087 | <translation>Ime spremenljivke vezane v izrazu for mora biti drugačna od položajne spremenljivke. Zatorej sta dve spremenljivki z imenom %1 v sporu.</translation>
11088 | </message>
11089 | <message>
11090 | <source>The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery</source>
11091 | <translation>Os %1 ni podprta v XQueryju.</translation>
11092 | </message>
11093 | <message>
11094 | <source>No function by name %1 is available.</source>
11095 | <translation>Nobena funkcija z imenom %1 ni na voljo.</translation>
11096 | </message>
11097 | <message>
11098 | <source>%1 is an invalid namespace URI.</source>
11099 | <translation>%1 ni veljaven imenski prostor URI.</translation>
11100 | </message>
11101 | <message>
11102 | <source>Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).</source>
11103 | <translation>Imenski prostor %1 je lahko vezan samo na %2 (in je v vsakem primeru vnaprej najavljen).</translation>
11104 | </message>
11105 | <message>
11106 | <source>Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).</source>
11107 | <translation>Predpona %1 je lahko vezana samo na %2 (in je v vsakem primeru vnaprej najavljena).</translation>
11108 | </message>
11109 | <message>
11110 | <source>Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.</source>
11111 | <translation>Dve lastnosti najave imenskega prostora imata enako ime: %1.</translation>
11112 | </message>
11113 | <message>
11114 | <source>An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element.</source>
11115 | <translation>Lastnost z imenom %1 se je že pojavila v tem elementu.</translation>
11116 | </message>
11117 | <message>
11118 | <source>The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.</source>
11119 | <translation>Ime %1 se ne nanaša na nobeno vrsto sheme.</translation>
11120 | </message>
11121 | <message>
11122 | <source>%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. Therefore this name test will never match.</source>
11123 | <translation>%1 ni veljavno ime ukaza za obdelavo. Zatorej se ta preizkus imena ne bo nikoli ujemal.</translation>
11124 | </message>
11125 | <message>
11126 | <source>The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.</source>
11127 | <translation>Ime izraza razširitve mora biti imenski prostor.</translation>
11128 | </message>
11129 | <message>
11130 | <source>empty</source>
11131 | <translation>prazno</translation>
11132 | </message>
11133 | <message>
11134 | <source>zero or one</source>
11135 | <translation>nič ali ena</translation>
11136 | </message>
11137 | <message>
11138 | <source>exactly one</source>
11139 | <translation>natačno ena</translation>
11140 | </message>
11141 | <message>
11142 | <source>one or more</source>
11143 | <translation>ena ali več</translation>
11144 | </message>
11145 | <message>
11146 | <source>zero or more</source>
11147 | <translation>nič ali več</translation>
11148 | </message>
11149 | <message>
11150 | <source>Required type is %1, but %2 was found.</source>
11151 | <translation>Zahtevana vrsta je %1, vendar je bila najdena %2.</translation>
11152 | </message>
11153 | <message>
11154 | <source>Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.</source>
11155 | <translation>Napredovanje %1 v %2 lahko povzroči izgubo natančnosti.</translation>
11156 | </message>
11157 | <message>
11158 | <source>The focus is undefined.</source>
11159 | <translation>Žarišče ni določeno.</translation>
11160 | </message>
11161 | <message>
11162 | <source>An attribute by name %1 has already been created.</source>
11163 | <translation>Lastnost z imenom %1 je že bila ustvarjena.</translation>
11164 | </message>
11165 | <message>
11166 | <source>The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this)</source>
11167 | <translation>Imenski prostor za uporabniško določeno funkcijo ne sme biti prazen (poizkusite z vnaprej določeno predpono %1, ki obstaja za te primere).</translation>
11168 | </message>
11169 | <message>
11170 | <source>No template by name %1 exists.</source>
11171 | <translation type="vanished">Predloga z imenom %1 ne obstaja.</translation>
11172 | </message>
11173 | <message>
11174 | <source>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.</source>
11175 | <translation type="vanished">V XSL-T vzorcu funkcija %1 ne more imeti tretjega argumenta.</translation>
11176 | </message>
11177 | <message>
11178 | <source>%1 is an unsupported encoding.</source>
11179 | <translation type="vanished">%1 ni podprto kodiranje.</translation>
11180 | </message>
11181 | <message>
11182 | <source>Ambiguous rule match.</source>
11183 | <translation type="vanished">Dvoumno ujemanje s pravilom.</translation>
11184 | </message>
11185 | <message>
11186 | <source>The prefix %1 cannot be bound.</source>
11187 | <translation type="vanished">Predpone %1 ni moč navezati.</translation>
11188 | </message>
11189 | <message>
11190 | <source>Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa.</source>
11191 | <translation type="vanished">Na %2 je lahko navezana le predpona %1 in obratno.</translation>
11192 | </message>
11193 | <message>
11194 | <source>The parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied.</source>
11195 | <translation type="vanished">Potreben je parameter %1, vendar ustrezen %2 ni bil podan.</translation>
11196 | </message>
11197 | <message>
11198 | <source>The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists.</source>
11199 | <translation type="vanished">Podan je bil parameter %1, vendar ustrezen %2 ne obstaja.</translation>
11200 | </message>
11201 | <message>
11202 | <source>Element %1 is not allowed at this location.</source>
11203 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 na tej lokaciji ni dovoljen.</translation>
11204 | </message>
11205 | <message>
11206 | <source>Text nodes are not allowed at this location.</source>
11207 | <translation type="vanished">Besedilna vozlišča na tej lokaciji niso dovoljena.</translation>
11208 | </message>
11209 | <message>
11210 | <source>Parse error: %1</source>
11211 | <translation type="vanished">Napaka pri razčlenjevanju: %1</translation>
11212 | </message>
11213 | <message>
11214 | <source>The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't.</source>
11215 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost lastnosti različice XSL-T mora biti vrednost vrste %1, %2 pa to ni.</translation>
11216 | </message>
11217 | <message>
11218 | <source>Unknown XSL-T attribute %1.</source>
11219 | <translation type="vanished">Neznana XSL-T lastnost %1.</translation>
11220 | </message>
11221 | <message>
11222 | <source>Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive.</source>
11223 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnosti %1 in %2 sta medsebojno izključujoči.</translation>
11224 | </message>
11225 | <message>
11226 | <source>If element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4.</source>
11227 | <translation type="vanished">Če element %1 nima lastnosti %2, ne more imeti lastnosti %3 ali %4.</translation>
11228 | </message>
11229 | <message>
11230 | <source>Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3.</source>
11231 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 mora imeti vsaj eno izmed lastnosti %2 in %3.</translation>
11232 | </message>
11233 | <message>
11234 | <source>Element %1 must come last.</source>
11235 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 mora biti zadnji.</translation>
11236 | </message>
11237 | <message>
11238 | <source>Element %1 cannot have children.</source>
11239 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 ne more imeti podelementov.</translation>
11240 | </message>
11241 | <message>
11242 | <source>The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5.</source>
11243 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost lastnosti %1 elementa %2 mora biti %3 ali %4 in ne %5.</translation>
11244 | </message>
11245 | <message>
11246 | <source>Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2.</source>
11247 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 ne more imeti vrednosti %2.</translation>
11248 | </message>
11249 | <message>
11250 | <source>The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element.</source>
11251 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 se lahko pojavi le pri prvem elementu %2.</translation>
11252 | </message>
11253 | <message>
11254 | <source>Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice.</source>
11255 | <translation type="vanished">Skupina lastnosti %1 dvakrat vsebuje lastnost %2.</translation>
11256 | </message>
11257 | <message>
11258 | <source>Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice.</source>
11259 | <translation type="vanished">Kompleksna vrsta %1 dvakrat vsebuje lastnost %2.</translation>
11260 | </message>
11261 | <message>
11262 | <source>Element %1 exists twice with different types.</source>
11263 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 obstaja dvakrat, z različnima vrstama.</translation>
11264 | </message>
11265 | <message>
11266 | <source>Type of %1 element must be a simple type, %2 is not.</source>
11267 | <translation type="vanished">Vrsta elementa %1 mora biti preprosta, %2 to ni.</translation>
11268 | </message>
11269 | <message>
11270 | <source>Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element.</source>
11271 | <translation type="vanished">Podvojeni imeni elementov %1 v elementu %2.</translation>
11272 | </message>
11273 | <message>
11274 | <source>%1 element is not allowed in this scope</source>
11275 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 v tem obsegu ni dovoljen</translation>
11276 | </message>
11277 | <message>
11278 | <source>Simple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.</source>
11279 | <translation type="vanished">Preproste vrste izpeljanega elementa %1 ni moč veljavno izpeljati iz osnovnega elementa.</translation>
11280 | </message>
11281 | <message>
11282 | <source>Complex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.</source>
11283 | <translation type="vanished">Kompleksne vrste izpeljanega elementa %1 ni moč veljavno izpeljati iz osnovnega elementa.</translation>
11284 | </message>
11285 | <message>
11286 | <source>Element %1 is missing in derived particle.</source>
11287 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 v izpeljanem delcu manjka.</translation>
11288 | </message>
11289 | <message>
11290 | <source>Wildcard in derived particle is not a valid subset of wildcard in base particle.</source>
11291 | <translation type="vanished">Vzorec v izpeljanem delcu ni veljavna podmnoživa vzorca iz osnovnega razreda.</translation>
11292 | </message>
11293 | <message>
11294 | <source>processContent of wildcard in derived particle is weaker than wildcard in base particle.</source>
11295 | <translation type="vanished">processContent vzorca v izpeljanem delcu je šibkejši kot vzorec v osnovnem delcu.</translation>
11296 | </message>
11297 | <message>
11298 | <source>Derived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle.</source>
11299 | <translation type="vanished">Izpeljani delec dovoljuje vsebino, ki v osnovnem delcu ni dovoljena.</translation>
11300 | </message>
11301 | <message>
11302 | <source>Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2.</source>
11303 | <translation type="vanished">Ni moč obdelati neznanega elementa %1, pričakovani elementi so: %2.</translation>
11304 | </message>
11305 | <message>
11306 | <source>Element %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2.</source>
11307 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 v tem obsegu ni dovoljen, možni elementi so: %2.</translation>
11308 | </message>
11309 | <message>
11310 | <source>Child element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1.</source>
11311 | <translation type="vanished">V tem obsegu manjka podelement, možni podelementi so: %1.</translation>
11312 | </message>
11313 | <message>
11314 | <source>Document is not a XML schema.</source>
11315 | <translation type="vanished">Dokument ni shema XML.</translation>
11316 | </message>
11317 | <message>
11318 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4.</source>
11319 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 vsebuje neveljavno vsebino: {%3} ni vrednost vrste %4.</translation>
11320 | </message>
11321 | <message>
11322 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}.</source>
11323 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 vsebuje neveljavno vsebino: {%3}.</translation>
11324 | </message>
11325 | <message>
11326 | <source>%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present.</source>
11327 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 znotraj elementa %2 ni dovoljen, če je prisotna lastnost %3.</translation>
11328 | </message>
11329 | <message>
11330 | <source>%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.</source>
11331 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 nima niti lastnosti %2 niti podelementa %3.</translation>
11332 | </message>
11333 | <message>
11334 | <source>%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.</source>
11335 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 s podelementom %2 ne sme imeti lastnosti %3.</translation>
11336 | </message>
11337 | <message>
11338 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4.</source>
11339 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora biti %3 ali %4.</translation>
11340 | </message>
11341 | <message>
11342 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3.</source>
11343 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora imeti vrednost %3.</translation>
11344 | </message>
11345 | <message>
11346 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4.</source>
11347 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora imeti vrednost %3 ali %4.</translation>
11348 | </message>
11349 | <message>
11350 | <source>%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.</source>
11351 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 hkrati ne sme imeti lastnosti %2 in %3.</translation>
11352 | </message>
11353 | <message>
11354 | <source>Content of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3.</source>
11355 | <translation type="vanished">Vsebina lastnosti %1 elementa %2 ne sme biti iz imenskega prostora %3.</translation>
11356 | </message>
11357 | <message>
11358 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3.</source>
11359 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 ne sme biti %3.</translation>
11360 | </message>
11361 | <message>
11362 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set.</source>
11363 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora imeti vrednost %3, ker je nastavljena lastnost %4.</translation>
11364 | </message>
11365 | <message>
11366 | <source>Specifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect.</source>
11367 | <translation type="vanished">Določitev use='prohibited' znotraj skupine lastnosti nima nobenega učinka.</translation>
11368 | </message>
11369 | <message>
11370 | <source>%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute.</source>
11371 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 mora imeti lastnost %2 ali %3.</translation>
11372 | </message>
11373 | <message>
11374 | <source>%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element.</source>
11375 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 mora imeti bodisi lastnost %2 bodisi vsebovati %3 ali %4 kot podelement.</translation>
11376 | </message>
11377 | <message>
11378 | <source>%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute.</source>
11379 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 potrebuje vsaj lastnost %2 ali %3.</translation>
11380 | </message>
11381 | <message>
11382 | <source>Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element</source>
11383 | <translation type="vanished">Sklici na besedilo ali entiteto znotraj elementa %1 niso dovoljeni.</translation>
11384 | </message>
11385 | <message>
11386 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs.</source>
11387 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora vsebovati %3, %4 ali pa seznam URI-jev.</translation>
11388 | </message>
11389 | <message>
11390 | <source>%1 element is not allowed in this context.</source>
11391 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 v tem kontekstu ni dovoljen.</translation>
11392 | </message>
11393 | <message>
11394 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute.</source>
11395 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 ima višjo vrednost kot lastnost %3.</translation>
11396 | </message>
11397 | <message>
11398 | <source>Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.</source>
11399 | <translation type="vanished">Predpona kvalificiranega imena %1 ni določena.</translation>
11400 | </message>
11401 | <message>
11402 | <source>%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values.</source>
11403 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 elementa %2 mora vsebovati bodisi %3 bodisi druge vrednosti.</translation>
11404 | </message>
11405 | <message>
11406 | <source>Component with ID %1 has been defined previously.</source>
11407 | <translation type="vanished">Komponenta z ID-jem %1 je že bila definirana.</translation>
11408 | </message>
11409 | <message>
11410 | <source>Element %1 already defined.</source>
11411 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 je že definiran.</translation>
11412 | </message>
11413 | <message>
11414 | <source>Attribute %1 already defined.</source>
11415 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 je že definirana.</translation>
11416 | </message>
11417 | <message>
11418 | <source>Type %1 already defined.</source>
11419 | <translation type="vanished">Vrsta %1 je že definirana.</translation>
11420 | </message>
11421 | <message>
11422 | <source>Attribute group %1 already defined.</source>
11423 | <translation type="vanished">Skupina lastnosti %1 je že definirana.</translation>
11424 | </message>
11425 | <message>
11426 | <source>Element group %1 already defined.</source>
11427 | <translation type="vanished">Skupina elementov %1 je že definirana.</translation>
11428 | </message>
11429 | <message>
11430 | <source>Notation %1 already defined.</source>
11431 | <translation type="vanished">Zapis %1 je že definiran.</translation>
11432 | </message>
11433 | <message>
11434 | <source>Identity constraint %1 already defined.</source>
11435 | <translation type="vanished">Omejitev identitete %1 je že določena.</translation>
11436 | </message>
11437 | <message>
11438 | <source>%1 is not valid according to %2.</source>
11439 | <translation type="vanished">%1 glede na %2 ni veljaven.</translation>
11440 | </message>
11441 | <message>
11442 | <source>Invalid QName content: %1.</source>
11443 | <translation type="vanished">Neveljavna vsebina QName: %1.</translation>
11444 | </message>
11445 | <message>
11446 | <source>Data of type %1 are not allowed to be empty.</source>
11447 | <translation type="vanished">Podatki vrste %1 ne smejo biti prazni.</translation>
11448 | </message>
11449 | <message>
11450 | <source>Element %1 is missing child element.</source>
11451 | <translation type="vanished">Elementu %1 manjka podelement.</translation>
11452 | </message>
11453 | <message>
11454 | <source>There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1.</source>
11455 | <translation type="vanished">Obstaja ena vrednost IDREF brez ustreznega ID-ja: %1</translation>
11456 | </message>
11457 | <message>
11458 | <source>Loaded schema file is invalid.</source>
11459 | <translation type="vanished">Naložena datoteka s shemo ni veljavna.</translation>
11460 | </message>
11461 | <message>
11462 | <source>%1 contains invalid data.</source>
11463 | <translation type="vanished">%1 vsebuje neveljavne podatke.</translation>
11464 | </message>
11465 | <message>
11466 | <source>No schema defined for validation.</source>
11467 | <translation type="vanished">Določene ni nobene sheme za potrjevanje.</translation>
11468 | </message>
11469 | <message>
11470 | <source>No definition for element %1 available.</source>
11471 | <translation type="vanished">Definicija za element %1 ni na voljo.</translation>
11472 | </message>
11473 | <message>
11474 | <source>Specified type %1 is not known to the schema.</source>
11475 | <translation type="vanished">Določena vrsta %1 shemi ni znana.</translation>
11476 | </message>
11477 | <message>
11478 | <source>Element %1 is not defined in this scope.</source>
11479 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 v tem obsegu ni definiran.</translation>
11480 | </message>
11481 | <message>
11482 | <source>Declaration for element %1 does not exist.</source>
11483 | <translation type="vanished">Deklaracija elementa %1 ne obstaja.</translation>
11484 | </message>
11485 | <message>
11486 | <source>Element %1 contains invalid content.</source>
11487 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje neveljavno vsebino.</translation>
11488 | </message>
11489 | <message>
11490 | <source>Element %1 is declared as abstract.</source>
11491 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 je deklariran kot abstrakten.</translation>
11492 | </message>
11493 | <message>
11494 | <source>Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2</source>
11495 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 vsebuje neveljavne podatke: %2</translation>
11496 | </message>
11497 | <message>
11498 | <source>Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract.</source>
11499 | <translation type="vanished">Kompleksna vrsta %1 ne sme biti abstraktna.</translation>
11500 | </message>
11501 | <message>
11502 | <source>Element %1 contains not allowed attributes.</source>
11503 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje nedovoljene lastnosti.</translation>
11504 | </message>
11505 | <message>
11506 | <source>Element %1 contains not allowed child element.</source>
11507 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje nedovoljen podelement.</translation>
11508 | </message>
11509 | <message>
11510 | <source>Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2.</source>
11511 | <translation type="vanished">Vsebina elementa %1 ne ustreza zanj določeni vrsti: %2.</translation>
11512 | </message>
11513 | <message>
11514 | <source>Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint.</source>
11515 | <translation type="vanished">Vsebina elementa %1 ne ustreza določeni omejitvi vrednosti.</translation>
11516 | </message>
11517 | <message>
11518 | <source>Element %1 contains not allowed child content.</source>
11519 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje nedovoljeno vsebino v podelementih.</translation>
11520 | </message>
11521 | <message>
11522 | <source>Element %1 contains not allowed text content.</source>
11523 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje nedovoljeno besedilno vsebino.</translation>
11524 | </message>
11525 | <message>
11526 | <source>Element %1 is missing required attribute %2.</source>
11527 | <translation type="vanished">Elementu %1 manjka obvezna lastnost %2.</translation>
11528 | </message>
11529 | <message>
11530 | <source>Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard.</source>
11531 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 ne ustreza vzorcu za lastnost.</translation>
11532 | </message>
11533 | <message>
11534 | <source>Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist.</source>
11535 | <translation type="vanished">Deklaracija lastnosti %1 ne obstaja.</translation>
11536 | </message>
11537 | <message>
11538 | <source>Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2.</source>
11539 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje dve lastnosti vrste %2.</translation>
11540 | </message>
11541 | <message>
11542 | <source>Attribute %1 contains invalid content.</source>
11543 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost %1 vsebuje neveljavno vsebino.</translation>
11544 | </message>
11545 | <message>
11546 | <source>Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2.</source>
11547 | <translation type="vanished">Element %1 vsebuje neznano lastnost %2.</translation>
11548 | </message>
11549 | <message>
11550 | <source>Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2.</source>
11551 | <translation type="vanished">Vsebina lastnosti %1 ne ustreza zanjo določeni vrsti: %2.</translation>
11552 | </message>
11553 | <message>
11554 | <source>Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint.</source>
11555 | <translation type="vanished">Vsebina lastnosti %1 ne ustreza zanjo določeni omejitvi vrednosti.</translation>
11556 | </message>
11557 | <message>
11558 | <source>Non-unique value found for constraint %1.</source>
11559 | <translation type="vanished">Za omejitev %1 je bila najdena ne-edinstvena vrednost.</translation>
11560 | </message>
11561 | <message>
11562 | <source>Key constraint %1 contains absent fields.</source>
11563 | <translation type="vanished">Omejitev ključa %1 vsebuje manjkajoča polja.</translation>
11564 | </message>
11565 | <message>
11566 | <source>More than one value found for field %1.</source>
11567 | <translation type="vanished">Za polje %1 je bila najdena več kot ena vrednost.</translation>
11568 | </message>
11569 | <message>
11570 | <source>Field %1 has no simple type.</source>
11571 | <translation type="vanished">Polje %1 nima preproste vrste.</translation>
11572 | </message>
11573 | <message>
11574 | <source>ID value '%1' is not unique.</source>
11575 | <translation type="vanished">Vrednost ID »%1« ni edinstvena.</translation>
11576 | </message>
11577 | <message>
11578 | <source>'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2.</source>
11579 | <translation type="vanished">Lastnost »%1« vsebuje neveljavno vsebino QName: %2.</translation>
11580 | </message>
11581 | <message>
11582 | <source>When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.</source>
11583 | <translation>Pri pretvarjanju podatkovne vrste iz %2 v %1 izvorna vrednost ne sme biti %3.</translation>
11584 | </message>
11585 | <message>
11586 | <source>Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.</source>
11587 | <translation>Napaka vrste v pretvarjanju, pričakovano %1, prejeto %2.</translation>
11588 | </message>
11589 | <message>
11590 | <source>When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.</source>
11591 | <translation>Ob pretvarjanju v %1 ali iz nje izpeljanih vrst mora biti izvorna vrednost iste vrste ali črkovni simbol. Vrsta %2 ni dovoljena.</translation>
11592 | </message>
11593 | <message>
11594 | <source>An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.</source>
11595 | <translation>Vozlišče lastnosti ne sme biti podrejeno vozlišču dokumenta. Zatorej je lastnost %1 neprimerna.</translation>
11596 | </message>
11597 | <message>
11598 | <source>A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.</source>
11599 | <translation>Vrednost vrste %1 ne sme biti povedek. Povedek mora imeti ali številčno vrsto ali vrsto dejanske logične vrednosti.</translation>
11600 | </message>
11601 | <message>
11602 | <source>A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.</source>
11603 | <translation>Rezultat položajnega povedka mora biti ena številčna vrednost.</translation>
11604 | </message>
11605 | <message>
11606 | <source>%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.</source>
11607 | <translation>%1 ni veljavno ciljno ime v ukazu za obdelavo. Biti mora vrednost %2, npr. %3.</translation>
11608 | </message>
11609 | <message>
11610 | <source>The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.</source>
11611 | <translation>Zadnji korak v poti mora vsebovati ali vozlišča ali atomske vrednosti. Ne sme biti mešanica obeh.</translation>
11612 | </message>
11613 | <message>
11614 | <source>No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1</source>
11615 | <translation>Za predpono %1 ne obstaja nobena vezava imenskega prostora.</translation>
11616 | </message>
11617 | <message>
11618 | <source>No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2</source>
11619 | <translation>Za predpono %1 v %2 ne obstaja nobena vezava imenskega prostora.</translation>
11620 | </message>
11621 | <message>
11622 | <source>If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.</source>
11623 | <translation>Če imata obe vrednosti območni zamik, ga morata imeti enakega. %1 in %2 nista enaka.</translation>
11624 | </message>
11625 | <message>
11626 | <source>%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.</source>
11627 | <translation>%1 mora slediti %2 ali %3, ne na koncu nadomestnega niza.</translation>
11628 | </message>
11629 | <message>
11630 | <source>In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.</source>
11631 | <translation>V nadomestnem nizu mora %1 slediti vsaj ena številka, ko ne vsebuje ubežnega znaka.</translation>
11632 | </message>
11633 | <message>
11634 | <source>In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3</source>
11635 | <translation>V nadomestnem nizu se %1 lahko uporabi samo z ubežnim znakom ali %2, ne %3.</translation>
11636 | </message>
11637 | <message>
11638 | <source>%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:</source>
11639 | <translation>%1 je neveljavna zastavica za običajne izraze. Veljavne zastavice so:</translation>
11640 | </message>
11641 | <message>
11642 | <source>The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.</source>
11643 | <translation>Korensko vozlišče drugega argumenta funkcije %1 mora biti vozlišče dokumenta. %2 ni vozlišče dokumenta.</translation>
11644 | </message>
11645 | <message>
11646 | <source>The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).</source>
11647 | <translation>Oblika normalizacije %1 ni podprta. Podprte oblike so %2, %3, %4 in %5, in brez - prazen niz (brez normalizacije).</translation>
11648 | </message>
11649 | <message>
11650 | <source>A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.</source>
11651 | <translation>Območni zamik mora biti v območju %1, vključno s/z %2. %3 je izven območja.</translation>
11652 | </message>
11653 | <message>
11654 | <source>Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.</source>
11655 | <translation>Zahtevana moč množice je %1, dobljena je %2.</translation>
11656 | </message>
11657 | <message>
11658 | <source>Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.</source>
11659 | <translation>V uvodu poizvedbe se lahko pojavi samo ena najava %1.</translation>
11660 | </message>
11661 | <message>
11662 | <source>Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.</source>
11663 | <translation>Predpona %1 je že najavljena v uvodu.</translation>
11664 | </message>
11665 | <message>
11666 | <source>The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.</source>
11667 | <translation>Značilnost uvoza shem ni podprta in zatorej se najava %1 ne sme pojaviti.</translation>
11668 | </message>
11669 | <message>
11670 | <source>The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.</source>
11671 | <translation>Značilnost preverjanja veljavnosti sheme ni podprta. Zatorej se izrazov %1 ne sme uporabljati.</translation>
11672 | </message>
11673 | <message>
11674 | <source>None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present</source>
11675 | <translation>Izrazi pragma niso podprti. Zatorej mora biti prisoten izraz za izhod v sili.</translation>
11676 | </message>
11677 | <message>
11678 | <source>%1 is not a valid numeric literal.</source>
11679 | <translation>%1 ni veljaven številčni simbol.</translation>
11680 | </message>
11681 | <message>
11682 | <source>The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.</source>
11683 | <translation>Imenski prostor URI ne sme biti prazen niz ob vezavi na predpono %1.</translation>
11684 | </message>
11685 | <message>
11686 | <source>It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1</source>
11687 | <translation>Na predpono %1 se ni mogoče vezati.</translation>
11688 | </message>
11689 | <message>
11690 | <source>The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.</source>
11691 | <translation>Imenski prostor URI mora biti stalnica in ne sme uporabljati ograjenih izrazov.</translation>
11692 | </message>
11693 | <message>
11694 | <source>A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.</source>
11695 | <translation>Graditelj neposrednega elementa ni dobro oblikovan. %1 se konča s/z %2.</translation>
11696 | </message>
11697 | <message>
11698 | <source>%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.</source>
11699 | <translation>%1 je zapletene vrste. Pretvarjanje v zapletene vrste ni mogoče. Vendar pretvarjanje v atomske vrste, kot je %2, deluje.</translation>
11700 | </message>
11701 | <message>
11702 | <source>%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.</source>
11703 | <translation>%1 ni atomske vrste. Pretvarjanje je mogoče samo v atomske vrste.</translation>
11704 | </message>
11705 | <message>
11706 | <source>%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.</source>
11707 | <translation>%1 ni v najavah lastnosti v obsegu. Upoštevajte, da značilnost uvoza shem ni podprta.</translation>
11708 | </message>
11709 | <message>
11710 | <source>It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.</source>
11711 | <translation>Dodajanje lastnosti za kateremkoli vozliščem ni mogoče.</translation>
11712 | </message>
11713 | <message>
11714 | <source>Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.</source>
11715 | <translation>Podprta je samo primerjava Unicode Codepoint (%1). %2 ni podprta.</translation>
11716 | </message>
11717 | <message>
11718 | <source>Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level.</source>
11719 | <translation>Lastnosti %1 ni mogoče serailizirati, ker se pojavi na vrhnji ravni.</translation>
11720 | </message>
11721 | </context>
11722 | <context>
11723 | <name>VolumeSlider</name>
11724 | <message>
11725 | <source>Muted</source>
11726 | <translation>Utišano</translation>
11727 | </message>
11728 | <message>
11729 | <source>Volume: %1%</source>
11730 | <translation>Glasnost: %1%</translation>
11731 | </message>
11732 | </context>
11733 | <context>
11734 | <name>WebCore::PlatformScrollbar</name>
11735 | <message>
11736 | <source>Scroll here</source>
11737 | <translation>Pomakni se sem</translation>
11738 | </message>
11739 | <message>
11740 | <source>Left edge</source>
11741 | <translation>Levi rob</translation>
11742 | </message>
11743 | <message>
11744 | <source>Top</source>
11745 | <translation>Vrh</translation>
11746 | </message>
11747 | <message>
11748 | <source>Right edge</source>
11749 | <translation>Desni rob</translation>
11750 | </message>
11751 | <message>
11752 | <source>Bottom</source>
11753 | <translation>Dno</translation>
11754 | </message>
11755 | <message>
11756 | <source>Page left</source>
11757 | <translation>Stran levo</translation>
11758 | </message>
11759 | <message>
11760 | <source>Page up</source>
11761 | <translation>Stran gor</translation>
11762 | </message>
11763 | <message>
11764 | <source>Page right</source>
11765 | <translation>Stran desno</translation>
11766 | </message>
11767 | <message>
11768 | <source>Page down</source>
11769 | <translation>Stran dol</translation>
11770 | </message>
11771 | <message>
11772 | <source>Scroll left</source>
11773 | <translation>Pomakni levo</translation>
11774 | </message>
11775 | <message>
11776 | <source>Scroll up</source>
11777 | <translation>Pomakni gor</translation>
11778 | </message>
11779 | <message>
11780 | <source>Scroll right</source>
11781 | <translation>Pomakni desno</translation>
11782 | </message>
11783 | <message>
11784 | <source>Scroll down</source>
11785 | <translation>Pomakni dol</translation>
11786 | </message>
11787 | </context>
11788 | </TS>