/** @file * * VBox frontends: VBoxSDL (simple frontend based on SDL): * Implementation of VBoxSDLFB (SDL framebuffer) class */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 # undef RT_MAX // from # define RT_MAX(Value1, Value2) ((Value1) >= (Value2) ? (Value1) : (Value2)) #endif using namespace com; #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_GUI #include #include #include "VBoxSDL.h" #include "Framebuffer.h" #include "Ico64x01.h" #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_LINUX) #include /* for SDL_GetWMInfo() */ #endif #if defined(VBOX_WITH_XPCOM) NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS1_CI(VBoxSDLFB, IFramebuffer) NS_DECL_CLASSINFO(VBoxSDLFB) NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS2_CI(VBoxSDLFBOverlay, IFramebufferOverlay, IFramebuffer) NS_DECL_CLASSINFO(VBoxSDLFBOverlay) #endif #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL /* function pointers */ extern "C" { DECLSPEC int (SDLCALL *pTTF_Init)(void); DECLSPEC TTF_Font* (SDLCALL *pTTF_OpenFont)(const char *file, int ptsize); DECLSPEC SDL_Surface* (SDLCALL *pTTF_RenderUTF8_Solid)(TTF_Font *font, const char *text, SDL_Color fg); DECLSPEC SDL_Surface* (SDLCALL *pTTF_RenderUTF8_Blended)(TTF_Font *font, const char *text, SDL_Color fg); DECLSPEC void (SDLCALL *pTTF_CloseFont)(TTF_Font *font); DECLSPEC void (SDLCALL *pTTF_Quit)(void); } #endif /* VBOX_SECURELABEL */ static bool gfSdlInitialized = false; /**< if SDL was initialized */ static SDL_Surface *gWMIcon = NULL; /**< the application icon */ static RTNATIVETHREAD gSdlNativeThread = NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD; /**< the SDL thread */ // // Constructor / destructor // VBoxSDLFB::VBoxSDLFB() { } HRESULT VBoxSDLFB::FinalConstruct() { return 0; } void VBoxSDLFB::FinalRelease() { return; } /** * SDL framebuffer constructor. It is called from the main * (i.e. SDL) thread. Therefore it is safe to use SDL calls * here. * @param fFullscreen flag whether we start in fullscreen mode * @param fResizable flag whether the SDL window should be resizable * @param fShowSDLConfig flag whether we print out SDL settings * @param fKeepHostRes flag whether we switch the host screen resolution * when switching to fullscreen or not * @param iFixedWidth fixed SDL width (-1 means not set) * @param iFixedHeight fixed SDL height (-1 means not set) */ HRESULT VBoxSDLFB::init(uint32_t uScreenId, bool fFullscreen, bool fResizable, bool fShowSDLConfig, bool fKeepHostRes, uint32_t u32FixedWidth, uint32_t u32FixedHeight, uint32_t u32FixedBPP, bool fUpdateImage) { int rc; LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::VBoxSDLFB\n")); mScreenId = uScreenId; mfUpdateImage = fUpdateImage; mScreen = NULL; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDL13 mWindow = 0; mTexture = 0; #endif mSurfVRAM = NULL; mfInitialized = false; mfFullscreen = fFullscreen; mfKeepHostRes = fKeepHostRes; mTopOffset = 0; mfResizable = fResizable; mfShowSDLConfig = fShowSDLConfig; mFixedSDLWidth = u32FixedWidth; mFixedSDLHeight = u32FixedHeight; mFixedSDLBPP = u32FixedBPP; mCenterXOffset = 0; mCenterYOffset = 0; /* Start with standard screen dimensions. */ mGuestXRes = 640; mGuestYRes = 480; mPtrVRAM = NULL; mBitsPerPixel = 0; mBytesPerLine = 0; mfSameSizeRequested = false; #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL mLabelFont = NULL; mLabelHeight = 0; mLabelOffs = 0; #endif mfUpdates = false; rc = RTCritSectInit(&mUpdateLock); AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("Error from RTCritSectInit!\n")); resizeGuest(); Assert(mScreen); mfInitialized = true; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS HRESULT hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(this, //GetControllingUnknown(), &m_pUnkMarshaler.p); Log(("CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler hr %08X\n", hr)); #endif return 0; } VBoxSDLFB::~VBoxSDLFB() { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::~VBoxSDLFB\n")); if (mSurfVRAM) { SDL_FreeSurface(mSurfVRAM); mSurfVRAM = NULL; } mScreen = NULL; #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL if (mLabelFont) pTTF_CloseFont(mLabelFont); if (pTTF_Quit) pTTF_Quit(); #endif RTCritSectDelete(&mUpdateLock); } bool VBoxSDLFB::init(bool fShowSDLConfig) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::init\n")); /* memorize the thread that inited us, that's the SDL thread */ gSdlNativeThread = RTThreadNativeSelf(); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* default to DirectX if nothing else set */ if (!RTEnvExist("SDL_VIDEODRIVER")) { _putenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER=directx"); // _putenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windib"); } #endif #ifdef VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 /* On some X servers the mouse is stuck inside the bottom right corner. * See http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/QEMU_mouse_not_working */ RTEnvSet("SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE", "0"); #endif int rc = SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE); if (rc != 0) { RTPrintf("SDL Error: '%s'\n", SDL_GetError()); return false; } gfSdlInitialized = true; const SDL_VideoInfo *videoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); Assert(videoInfo); if (videoInfo) { /* output what SDL is capable of */ if (fShowSDLConfig) RTPrintf("SDL capabilities:\n" " Hardware surface support: %s\n" " Window manager available: %s\n" " Screen to screen blits accelerated: %s\n" " Screen to screen colorkey blits accelerated: %s\n" " Screen to screen alpha blits accelerated: %s\n" " Memory to screen blits accelerated: %s\n" " Memory to screen colorkey blits accelerated: %s\n" " Memory to screen alpha blits accelerated: %s\n" " Color fills accelerated: %s\n" " Video memory in kilobytes: %d\n" " Optimal bpp mode: %d\n" "SDL video driver: %s\n", videoInfo->hw_available ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->wm_available ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_hw ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_hw_CC ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_hw_A ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_sw ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_sw_CC ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_sw_A ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->blit_fill ? "yes" : "no", videoInfo->video_mem, videoInfo->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, RTEnvGet("SDL_VIDEODRIVER")); } if (12320 == g_cbIco64x01) { gWMIcon = SDL_AllocSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, 64, 64, 24, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0); /** @todo make it as simple as possible. No PNM interpreter here... */ if (gWMIcon) { memcpy(gWMIcon->pixels, g_abIco64x01+32, g_cbIco64x01-32); SDL_WM_SetIcon(gWMIcon, NULL); } } return true; } /** * Terminate SDL * * @remarks must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::uninit() { if (gfSdlInitialized) { AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); if (gWMIcon) { SDL_FreeSurface(gWMIcon); gWMIcon = NULL; } } } /** * Returns the current framebuffer width in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param width Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(Width)(ULONG *width) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::GetWidth\n")); if (!width) return E_INVALIDARG; *width = mGuestXRes; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current framebuffer height in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param height Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(Height)(ULONG *height) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::GetHeight\n")); if (!height) return E_INVALIDARG; *height = mGuestYRes; return S_OK; } /** * Return the current framebuffer color depth. * * @returns COM status code * @param bitsPerPixel Address of result variable */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(BitsPerPixel)(ULONG *bitsPerPixel) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::GetBitsPerPixel\n")); if (!bitsPerPixel) return E_INVALIDARG; /* get the information directly from the surface in use */ Assert(mSurfVRAM); *bitsPerPixel = (ULONG)(mSurfVRAM ? mSurfVRAM->format->BitsPerPixel : 0); return S_OK; } /** * Return the current framebuffer line size in bytes. * * @returns COM status code. * @param lineSize Address of result variable. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(BytesPerLine)(ULONG *bytesPerLine) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::GetBytesPerLine\n")); if (!bytesPerLine) return E_INVALIDARG; /* get the information directly from the surface */ Assert(mSurfVRAM); *bytesPerLine = (ULONG)(mSurfVRAM ? mSurfVRAM->pitch : 0); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(PixelFormat) (BitmapFormat_T *pixelFormat) { if (!pixelFormat) return E_POINTER; *pixelFormat = BitmapFormat_BGR; return S_OK; } /** * Returns by how many pixels the guest should shrink its * video mode height values. * * @returns COM status code. * @param heightReduction Address of result variable. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(HeightReduction)(ULONG *heightReduction) { if (!heightReduction) return E_POINTER; #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL *heightReduction = mLabelHeight; #else *heightReduction = 0; #endif return S_OK; } /** * Returns a pointer to an alpha-blended overlay used for displaying status * icons above the framebuffer. * * @returns COM status code. * @param aOverlay The overlay framebuffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(Overlay)(IFramebufferOverlay **aOverlay) { if (!aOverlay) return E_POINTER; /* Not yet implemented */ *aOverlay = 0; return S_OK; } /** * Returns handle of window where framebuffer context is being drawn * * @returns COM status code. * @param winId Handle of associated window. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(WinId)(int64_t *winId) { if (!winId) return E_POINTER; *winId = mWinId; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::COMGETTER(Capabilities)(ComSafeArrayOut(FramebufferCapabilities_T, aCapabilities)) { if (ComSafeArrayOutIsNull(aCapabilities)) return E_POINTER; com::SafeArray caps; if (mfUpdateImage) { caps.resize(1); caps[0] = FramebufferCapabilities_UpdateImage; } else { /* No caps to return. */ } caps.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aCapabilities)); return S_OK; } /** * Notify framebuffer of an update. * * @returns COM status code * @param x Update region upper left corner x value. * @param y Update region upper left corner y value. * @param w Update region width in pixels. * @param h Update region height in pixels. * @param finished Address of output flag whether the update * could be fully processed in this call (which * has to return immediately) or VBox should wait * for a call to the update complete API before * continuing with display updates. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::NotifyUpdate(ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG w, ULONG h) { /* * The input values are in guest screen coordinates. */ LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::NotifyUpdate: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n", x, y, w, h)); #ifdef VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 /* * SDL does not allow us to make this call from any other thread than * the main SDL thread (which initialized the video mode). So we have * to send an event to the main SDL thread and process it there. For * sake of simplicity, we encode all information in the event parameters. */ SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user.code = mScreenId; event.user.type = SDL_USER_EVENT_UPDATERECT; // 16 bit is enough for coordinates event.user.data1 = (void*)(uintptr_t)(x << 16 | y); event.user.data2 = (void*)(uintptr_t)(w << 16 | h); PushNotifyUpdateEvent(&event); #else /* !VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 */ update(x, y, w, h, true /* fGuestRelative */); #endif /* !VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 */ return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::NotifyUpdateImage(ULONG aX, ULONG aY, ULONG aWidth, ULONG aHeight, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, aImage)) { LogFlow(("NotifyUpdateImage: %d,%d %dx%d\n", aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight)); com::SafeArray image(ComSafeArrayInArg(aImage)); /* Copy to mSurfVRAM. */ SDL_Rect srcRect; SDL_Rect dstRect; srcRect.x = 0; srcRect.y = 0; srcRect.w = (uint16_t)aWidth; srcRect.h = (uint16_t)aHeight; dstRect.x = (int16_t)aX; dstRect.y = (int16_t)aY; dstRect.w = (uint16_t)aWidth; dstRect.h = (uint16_t)aHeight; const uint32_t Rmask = 0x00FF0000, Gmask = 0x0000FF00, Bmask = 0x000000FF, Amask = 0; SDL_Surface *surfSrc = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(image.raw(), aWidth, aHeight, 32, aWidth * 4, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); if (surfSrc) { RTCritSectEnter(&mUpdateLock); if (mfUpdates) SDL_BlitSurface(surfSrc, &srcRect, mSurfVRAM, &dstRect); RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); SDL_FreeSurface(surfSrc); } return NotifyUpdate(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight); } extern ComPtr gpDisplay; STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::NotifyChange(ULONG aScreenId, ULONG aXOrigin, ULONG aYOrigin, ULONG aWidth, ULONG aHeight) { LogRel(("NotifyChange: %d %d,%d %dx%d\n", aScreenId, aXOrigin, aYOrigin, aWidth, aHeight)); ComPtr pSourceBitmap; if (!mfUpdateImage) gpDisplay->QuerySourceBitmap(aScreenId, pSourceBitmap.asOutParam()); RTCritSectEnter(&mUpdateLock); /* Disable screen updates. */ mfUpdates = false; if (mfUpdateImage) { mGuestXRes = aWidth; mGuestYRes = aHeight; mPtrVRAM = NULL; mBitsPerPixel = 0; mBytesPerLine = 0; } else { /* Save the new bitmap. */ mpPendingSourceBitmap = pSourceBitmap; } RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user.type = SDL_USER_EVENT_NOTIFYCHANGE; event.user.code = mScreenId; PushSDLEventForSure(&event); RTThreadYield(); return S_OK; } /** * Returns whether we like the given video mode. * * @returns COM status code * @param width video mode width in pixels * @param height video mode height in pixels * @param bpp video mode bit depth in bits per pixel * @param supported pointer to result variable */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::VideoModeSupported(ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG bpp, BOOL *supported) { if (!supported) return E_POINTER; /* are constraints set? */ if ( ( (mMaxScreenWidth != ~(uint32_t)0) && (width > mMaxScreenWidth)) || ( (mMaxScreenHeight != ~(uint32_t)0) && (height > mMaxScreenHeight))) { /* nope, we don't want that (but still don't freak out if it is set) */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("VBoxSDL::VideoModeSupported: we refused mode %dx%dx%d\n", width, height, bpp); #endif *supported = false; } else { /* anything will do */ *supported = true; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::GetVisibleRegion(BYTE *aRectangles, ULONG aCount, ULONG *aCountCopied) { PRTRECT rects = (PRTRECT)aRectangles; if (!rects) return E_POINTER; /// @todo NOREF(aCount); NOREF(aCountCopied); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::SetVisibleRegion(BYTE *aRectangles, ULONG aCount) { PRTRECT rects = (PRTRECT)aRectangles; if (!rects) return E_POINTER; /// @todo NOREF(aCount); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::ProcessVHWACommand(BYTE *pCommand) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFB::Notify3DEvent(ULONG uType, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, aData)) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Internal public methods // /* This method runs on the main SDL thread. */ void VBoxSDLFB::notifyChange(ULONG aScreenId) { /* Disable screen updates. */ RTCritSectEnter(&mUpdateLock); if (!mfUpdateImage && mpPendingSourceBitmap.isNull()) { /* Do nothing. Change event already processed. */ RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); return; } /* Release the current bitmap and keep the pending one. */ mpSourceBitmap = mpPendingSourceBitmap; mpPendingSourceBitmap.setNull(); RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); if (mpSourceBitmap.isNull()) { mPtrVRAM = NULL; mBitsPerPixel = 32; mBytesPerLine = mGuestXRes * 4; } else { BYTE *pAddress = NULL; ULONG ulWidth = 0; ULONG ulHeight = 0; ULONG ulBitsPerPixel = 0; ULONG ulBytesPerLine = 0; BitmapFormat_T bitmapFormat = BitmapFormat_Opaque; mpSourceBitmap->QueryBitmapInfo(&pAddress, &ulWidth, &ulHeight, &ulBitsPerPixel, &ulBytesPerLine, &bitmapFormat); if ( mGuestXRes == ulWidth && mGuestYRes == ulHeight && mBitsPerPixel == ulBitsPerPixel && mBytesPerLine == ulBytesPerLine && mPtrVRAM == pAddress ) { mfSameSizeRequested = true; } else { mfSameSizeRequested = false; } mGuestXRes = ulWidth; mGuestYRes = ulHeight; mPtrVRAM = pAddress; mBitsPerPixel = ulBitsPerPixel; mBytesPerLine = ulBytesPerLine; } resizeGuest(); gpDisplay->InvalidateAndUpdateScreen(aScreenId); } /** * Method that does the actual resize of the guest framebuffer and * then changes the SDL framebuffer setup. */ void VBoxSDLFB::resizeGuest() { LogFlowFunc (("mGuestXRes: %d, mGuestYRes: %d\n", mGuestXRes, mGuestYRes)); AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); RTCritSectEnter(&mUpdateLock); const uint32_t Rmask = 0x00FF0000, Gmask = 0x0000FF00, Bmask = 0x000000FF, Amask = 0; /* first free the current surface */ if (mSurfVRAM) { SDL_FreeSurface(mSurfVRAM); mSurfVRAM = NULL; } if (mPtrVRAM) { /* Create a source surface from the source bitmap. */ mSurfVRAM = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(mPtrVRAM, mGuestXRes, mGuestYRes, mBitsPerPixel, mBytesPerLine, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); LogFlow(("VBoxSDL:: using the source bitmap\n")); } else { mSurfVRAM = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, mGuestXRes, mGuestYRes, mBitsPerPixel, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); LogFlow(("VBoxSDL:: using SDL_SWSURFACE\n")); } LogFlow(("VBoxSDL:: created VRAM surface %p\n", mSurfVRAM)); if (mfSameSizeRequested) { mfSameSizeRequested = false; LogFlow(("VBoxSDL:: the same resolution requested, skipping the resize.\n")); } else { /* now adjust the SDL resolution */ resizeSDL(); } /* Enable screen updates. */ mfUpdates = true; RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); repaint(); } /** * Sets SDL video mode. This is independent from guest video * mode changes. * * @remarks Must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::resizeSDL(void) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDL:resizeSDL\n")); /* * We request a hardware surface from SDL so that we can perform * accelerated system memory to VRAM blits. The way video handling * works it that on the one hand we have the screen surface from SDL * and on the other hand we have a software surface that we create * using guest VRAM memory for linear modes and using SDL allocated * system memory for text and non linear graphics modes. We never * directly write to the screen surface but always use SDL blitting * functions to blit from our system memory surface to the VRAM. * Therefore, SDL can take advantage of hardware acceleration. */ int sdlFlags = SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_ASYNCBLIT | SDL_HWACCEL; #ifndef RT_OS_OS2 /* doesn't seem to work for some reason... */ if (mfResizable) sdlFlags |= SDL_RESIZABLE; #endif if (mfFullscreen) sdlFlags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; /* * Now we have to check whether there are video mode restrictions */ SDL_Rect **modes; /* Get available fullscreen/hardware modes */ modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, sdlFlags); Assert(modes != NULL); /* -1 means that any mode is possible (usually non fullscreen) */ if (modes != (SDL_Rect **)-1) { /* * according to the SDL documentation, the API guarantees that * the modes are sorted from larger to smaller, so we just * take the first entry as the maximum. */ mMaxScreenWidth = modes[0]->w; mMaxScreenHeight = modes[0]->h; } else { /* no restriction */ mMaxScreenWidth = ~(uint32_t)0; mMaxScreenHeight = ~(uint32_t)0; } uint32_t newWidth; uint32_t newHeight; /* reset the centering offsets */ mCenterXOffset = 0; mCenterYOffset = 0; /* we either have a fixed SDL resolution or we take the guest's */ if (mFixedSDLWidth != ~(uint32_t)0) { newWidth = mFixedSDLWidth; newHeight = mFixedSDLHeight; } else { newWidth = RT_MIN(mGuestXRes, mMaxScreenWidth); #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL newHeight = RT_MIN(mGuestYRes + mLabelHeight, mMaxScreenHeight); #else newHeight = RT_MIN(mGuestYRes, mMaxScreenHeight); #endif } /* we don't have any extra space by default */ mTopOffset = 0; #if defined(VBOX_WITH_SDL13) int sdlWindowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; if (mfResizable) sdlWindowFlags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (!mWindow) { SDL_DisplayMode desktop_mode; int x = 40 + mScreenId * 20; int y = 40 + mScreenId * 15; SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(&desktop_mode); /* create new window */ char szTitle[64]; RTStrPrintf(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle), "SDL window %d", mScreenId); mWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(szTitle, x, y, newWidth, newHeight, sdlWindowFlags); if (SDL_CreateRenderer(mWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_SINGLEBUFFER | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTDISCARD) < 0) AssertReleaseFailed(); SDL_GetRendererInfo(&mRenderInfo); mTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(desktop_mode.format, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, newWidth, newHeight); if (!mTexture) AssertReleaseFailed(); } else { int w, h; uint32_t format; int access; /* resize current window */ SDL_GetWindowSize(mWindow, &w, &h); if (w != (int)newWidth || h != (int)newHeight) SDL_SetWindowSize(mWindow, newWidth, newHeight); SDL_QueryTexture(mTexture, &format, &access, &w, &h); SDL_SelectRenderer(mWindow); SDL_DestroyTexture(mTexture); mTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(format, access, newWidth, newHeight); if (!mTexture) AssertReleaseFailed(); } void *pixels; int pitch; int w, h, bpp; uint32_t Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask; uint32_t format; if (SDL_QueryTexture(mTexture, &format, NULL, &w, &h) < 0) AssertReleaseFailed(); if (!SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(format, &bpp, &Rmask, &Gmask, &Bmask, &Amask)) AssertReleaseFailed(); if (SDL_QueryTexturePixels(mTexture, &pixels, &pitch) == 0) { mScreen = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pixels, w, h, bpp, pitch, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); } else { mScreen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, bpp, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); AssertReleaseFailed(); } SDL_SetClipRect(mScreen, NULL); #else /* * Now set the screen resolution and get the surface pointer * @todo BPP is not supported! */ mScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(newWidth, newHeight, 0, sdlFlags); /* * Set the Window ID. Currently used for OpenGL accelerated guests. */ # if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS) SDL_SysWMinfo info; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) mWinId = (LONG64) info.window; # elif defined (RT_OS_LINUX) SDL_SysWMinfo info; SDL_VERSION(&info.version); if (SDL_GetWMInfo(&info)) mWinId = (LONG64) info.info.x11.wmwindow; # else /* XXX ignore this for other architectures */ # endif #endif #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL /* * For non fixed SDL resolution, the above call tried to add the label height * to the guest height. If it worked, we have an offset. If it didn't the below * code will try again with the original guest resolution. */ if (mFixedSDLWidth == ~(uint32_t)0) { /* if it didn't work, then we have to go for the original resolution and paint over the guest */ if (!mScreen) { mScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(newWidth, newHeight - mLabelHeight, 0, sdlFlags); } else { /* we now have some extra space */ mTopOffset = mLabelHeight; } } else { /* in case the guest resolution is small enough, we do have a top offset */ if (mFixedSDLHeight - mGuestYRes >= mLabelHeight) mTopOffset = mLabelHeight; /* we also might have to center the guest picture */ if (mFixedSDLWidth > mGuestXRes) mCenterXOffset = (mFixedSDLWidth - mGuestXRes) / 2; if (mFixedSDLHeight > mGuestYRes + mLabelHeight) mCenterYOffset = (mFixedSDLHeight - (mGuestYRes + mLabelHeight)) / 2; } #endif AssertMsg(mScreen, ("Error: SDL_SetVideoMode failed!\n")); if (mScreen) { #ifdef VBOX_WIN32_UI /* inform the UI code */ resizeUI(mScreen->w, mScreen->h); #endif if (mfShowSDLConfig) RTPrintf("Resized to %dx%d, screen surface type: %s\n", mScreen->w, mScreen->h, ((mScreen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) ? "software" : "hardware"); } } /** * Update specified framebuffer area. The coordinates can either be * relative to the guest framebuffer or relative to the screen. * * @remarks Must be called from the SDL thread on Linux! * @param x left column * @param y top row * @param w width in pixels * @param h height in pixels * @param fGuestRelative flag whether the above values are guest relative or screen relative; */ void VBoxSDLFB::update(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool fGuestRelative) { #ifdef VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); #endif RTCritSectEnter(&mUpdateLock); Log(("Updates %d, %d,%d %dx%d\n", mfUpdates, x, y, w, h)); if (!mfUpdates) { RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); return; } Assert(mScreen); Assert(mSurfVRAM); if (!mScreen || !mSurfVRAM) { RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); return; } /* the source and destination rectangles */ SDL_Rect srcRect; SDL_Rect dstRect; /* this is how many pixels we have to cut off from the height for this specific blit */ int yCutoffGuest = 0; #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL bool fPaintLabel = false; /* if we have a label and no space for it, we have to cut off a bit */ if (mLabelHeight && !mTopOffset) { if (y < (int)mLabelHeight) yCutoffGuest = mLabelHeight - y; } #endif /** * If we get a SDL window relative update, we * just perform a full screen update to keep things simple. * * @todo improve */ if (!fGuestRelative) { #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL /* repaint the label if necessary */ if (y < (int)mLabelHeight) fPaintLabel = true; #endif x = 0; w = mGuestXRes; y = 0; h = mGuestYRes; } srcRect.x = x; srcRect.y = y + yCutoffGuest; srcRect.w = w; srcRect.h = RT_MAX(0, h - yCutoffGuest); /* * Destination rectangle is just offset by the label height. * There are two cases though: label height is added to the * guest resolution (mTopOffset == mLabelHeight; yCutoffGuest == 0) * or the label cuts off a portion of the guest screen (mTopOffset == 0; * yCutoffGuest >= 0) */ dstRect.x = x + mCenterXOffset; #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL dstRect.y = RT_MAX(mLabelHeight, y + yCutoffGuest + mTopOffset) + mCenterYOffset; #else dstRect.y = y + yCutoffGuest + mTopOffset + mCenterYOffset; #endif dstRect.w = w; dstRect.h = RT_MAX(0, h - yCutoffGuest); /* * Now we just blit */ SDL_BlitSurface(mSurfVRAM, &srcRect, mScreen, &dstRect); /* hardware surfaces don't need update notifications */ #if defined(VBOX_WITH_SDL13) AssertRelease(mScreen->flags & SDL_PREALLOC); SDL_SelectRenderer(mWindow); SDL_DirtyTexture(mTexture, 1, &dstRect); AssertRelease(mRenderInfo.flags & SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTCOPY); SDL_RenderCopy(mTexture, &dstRect, &dstRect); SDL_RenderPresent(); #else if ((mScreen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) SDL_UpdateRect(mScreen, dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.w, dstRect.h); #endif #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL if (fPaintLabel) paintSecureLabel(0, 0, 0, 0, false); #endif RTCritSectLeave(&mUpdateLock); } /** * Repaint the whole framebuffer * * @remarks Must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::repaint() { AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::repaint\n")); update(0, 0, mScreen->w, mScreen->h, false /* fGuestRelative */); } /** * Toggle fullscreen mode * * @remarks Must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::setFullscreen(bool fFullscreen) { AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB::SetFullscreen: fullscreen: %d\n", fFullscreen)); mfFullscreen = fFullscreen; /* only change the SDL resolution, do not touch the guest framebuffer */ resizeSDL(); repaint(); } /** * Return the geometry of the host. This isn't very well tested but it seems * to work at least on Linux hosts. */ void VBoxSDLFB::getFullscreenGeometry(uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height) { SDL_Rect **modes; /* Get available fullscreen/hardware modes */ modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_FULLSCREEN); Assert(modes != NULL); /* -1 means that any mode is possible (usually non fullscreen) */ if (modes != (SDL_Rect **)-1) { /* * According to the SDL documentation, the API guarantees that the modes * are sorted from larger to smaller, so we just take the first entry as * the maximum. * * XXX Crude Xinerama hack :-/ */ if ( modes[0]->w > (16*modes[0]->h/9) && modes[1] && modes[1]->h == modes[0]->h) { *width = modes[1]->w; *height = modes[1]->h; } else { *width = modes[0]->w; *height = modes[0]->w; } } } #ifdef VBOX_SECURELABEL /** * Setup the secure labeling parameters * * @returns VBox status code * @param height height of the secure label area in pixels * @param font file path fo the TrueType font file * @param pointsize font size in points */ int VBoxSDLFB::initSecureLabel(uint32_t height, char *font, uint32_t pointsize, uint32_t labeloffs) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFB:initSecureLabel: new offset: %d pixels, new font: %s, new pointsize: %d\n", height, font, pointsize)); mLabelHeight = height; mLabelOffs = labeloffs; Assert(font); pTTF_Init(); mLabelFont = pTTF_OpenFont(font, pointsize); if (!mLabelFont) { AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to open TTF font file %s\n", font)); return VERR_OPEN_FAILED; } mSecureLabelColorFG = 0x0000FF00; mSecureLabelColorBG = 0x00FFFF00; repaint(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Set the secure label text and repaint the label * * @param text UTF-8 string of new label * @remarks must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::setSecureLabelText(const char *text) { mSecureLabelText = text; paintSecureLabel(0, 0, 0, 0, true); } /** * Sets the secure label background color. * * @param colorFG encoded RGB value for text * @param colorBG encored RGB value for background * @remarks must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::setSecureLabelColor(uint32_t colorFG, uint32_t colorBG) { mSecureLabelColorFG = colorFG; mSecureLabelColorBG = colorBG; paintSecureLabel(0, 0, 0, 0, true); } /** * Paint the secure label if required * * @param fForce Force the repaint * @remarks must be called from the SDL thread! */ void VBoxSDLFB::paintSecureLabel(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool fForce) { #ifdef VBOXSDL_WITH_X11 AssertMsg(gSdlNativeThread == RTThreadNativeSelf(), ("Wrong thread! SDL is not threadsafe!\n")); #endif /* only when the function is present */ if (!pTTF_RenderUTF8_Solid) return; /* check if we can skip the paint */ if (!fForce && ((uint32_t)y > mLabelHeight)) { return; } /* first fill the background */ SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, (Uint16)mScreen->w, (Uint16)mLabelHeight}; SDL_FillRect(mScreen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(mScreen->format, (mSecureLabelColorBG & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, /* red */ (mSecureLabelColorBG & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, /* green */ mSecureLabelColorBG & 0x000000FF)); /* blue */ /* now the text */ if ( mLabelFont != NULL && !mSecureLabelText.isEmpty() ) { SDL_Color clrFg = {(uint8_t)((mSecureLabelColorFG & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), (uint8_t)((mSecureLabelColorFG & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (uint8_t)( mSecureLabelColorFG & 0x000000FF ), 0}; SDL_Surface *sText = (pTTF_RenderUTF8_Blended != NULL) ? pTTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(mLabelFont, mSecureLabelText.c_str(), clrFg) : pTTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(mLabelFont, mSecureLabelText.c_str(), clrFg); rect.x = 10; rect.y = mLabelOffs; SDL_BlitSurface(sText, NULL, mScreen, &rect); SDL_FreeSurface(sText); } /* make sure to update the screen */ SDL_UpdateRect(mScreen, 0, 0, mScreen->w, mLabelHeight); } #endif /* VBOX_SECURELABEL */ // IFramebufferOverlay /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor for the VBoxSDLFBOverlay class (IFramebufferOverlay implementation) * * @param x Initial X offset for the overlay * @param y Initial Y offset for the overlay * @param width Initial width for the overlay * @param height Initial height for the overlay * @param visible Whether the overlay is initially visible * @param alpha Initial alpha channel value for the overlay */ VBoxSDLFBOverlay::VBoxSDLFBOverlay(ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height, BOOL visible, VBoxSDLFB *aParent) : mOverlayX(x), mOverlayY(y), mOverlayWidth(width), mOverlayHeight(height), mOverlayVisible(visible), mParent(aParent) {} /** * Destructor for the VBoxSDLFBOverlay class. */ VBoxSDLFBOverlay::~VBoxSDLFBOverlay() { SDL_FreeSurface(mBlendedBits); SDL_FreeSurface(mOverlayBits); } /** * Perform any initialisation of the overlay that can potentially fail * * @returns S_OK on success or the reason for the failure */ HRESULT VBoxSDLFBOverlay::init() { mBlendedBits = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_ANYFORMAT, mOverlayWidth, mOverlayHeight, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0); AssertMsgReturn(mBlendedBits != NULL, ("Failed to create an SDL surface\n"), E_OUTOFMEMORY); mOverlayBits = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, mOverlayWidth, mOverlayHeight, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000); AssertMsgReturn(mOverlayBits != NULL, ("Failed to create an SDL surface\n"), E_OUTOFMEMORY); return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current overlay X offset in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param x Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(X)(ULONG *x) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetX\n")); if (!x) return E_INVALIDARG; *x = mOverlayX; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current overlay height in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param height Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Y)(ULONG *y) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetY\n")); if (!y) return E_INVALIDARG; *y = mOverlayY; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current overlay width in pixels. In fact, this returns the line size. * * @returns COM status code * @param width Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Width)(ULONG *width) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetWidth\n")); if (!width) return E_INVALIDARG; *width = mOverlayBits->pitch; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current overlay line size in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param lineSize Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(BytesPerLine)(ULONG *bytesPerLine) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetBytesPerLine\n")); if (!bytesPerLine) return E_INVALIDARG; *bytesPerLine = mOverlayBits->pitch; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current overlay height in pixels. * * @returns COM status code * @param height Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Height)(ULONG *height) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetHeight\n")); if (!height) return E_INVALIDARG; *height = mOverlayHeight; return S_OK; } /** * Returns whether the overlay is currently visible. * * @returns COM status code * @param visible Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Visible)(BOOL *visible) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetVisible\n")); if (!visible) return E_INVALIDARG; *visible = mOverlayVisible; return S_OK; } /** * Sets whether the overlay is currently visible. * * @returns COM status code * @param visible New value. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMSETTER(Visible)(BOOL visible) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::SetVisible\n")); mOverlayVisible = visible; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the value of the global alpha channel. * * @returns COM status code * @param alpha Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Alpha)(ULONG *alpha) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetAlpha\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Sets whether the overlay is currently visible. * * @returns COM status code * @param alpha new value. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMSETTER(Alpha)(ULONG alpha) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::SetAlpha\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Returns the address of the framebuffer bits for writing to. * * @returns COM status code * @param alpha Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Address)(ULONG *address) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetAddress\n")); if (!address) return E_INVALIDARG; *address = (uintptr_t) mOverlayBits->pixels; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current colour depth. In fact, this is always 32bpp. * * @returns COM status code * @param bitsPerPixel Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(BitsPerPixel)(ULONG *bitsPerPixel) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetBitsPerPixel\n")); if (!bitsPerPixel) return E_INVALIDARG; *bitsPerPixel = 32; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the current pixel format. In fact, this is always RGB. * * @returns COM status code * @param pixelFormat Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(PixelFormat)(ULONG *pixelFormat) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetPixelFormat\n")); if (!pixelFormat) return E_INVALIDARG; *pixelFormat = BitmapFormat_BGR; return S_OK; } /** * Returns whether the guest VRAM is used directly. In fact, this is always FALSE. * * @returns COM status code * @param usesGuestVRAM Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(UsesGuestVRAM)(BOOL *usesGuestVRAM) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetUsesGuestVRAM\n")); if (!usesGuestVRAM) return E_INVALIDARG; *usesGuestVRAM = FALSE; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the height reduction. In fact, this is always 0. * * @returns COM status code * @param heightReduction Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(HeightReduction)(ULONG *heightReduction) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetHeightReduction\n")); if (!heightReduction) return E_INVALIDARG; *heightReduction = 0; return S_OK; } /** * Returns the overlay for this framebuffer. Obviously, we return NULL here. * * @returns COM status code * @param overlay Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(Overlay)(IFramebufferOverlay **aOverlay) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetOverlay\n")); if (!aOverlay) return E_INVALIDARG; *aOverlay = 0; return S_OK; } /** * Returns associated window handle. We return NULL here. * * @returns COM status code * @param winId Address of result buffer. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::COMGETTER(WinId)(LONG64 *winId) { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::GetWinId\n")); if (!winId) return E_INVALIDARG; *winId = 0; return S_OK; } /** * Lock the overlay. This should not be used - lock the parent IFramebuffer instead. * * @returns COM status code */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::Lock() { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::Lock\n")); AssertMsgFailed(("You should not attempt to lock an IFramebufferOverlay object -\n" "lock the parent IFramebuffer object instead.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Unlock the overlay. * * @returns COM status code */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::Unlock() { LogFlow(("VBoxSDLFBOverlay::Unlock\n")); AssertMsgFailed(("You should not attempt to lock an IFramebufferOverlay object -\n" "lock the parent IFramebuffer object instead.\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Change the X and Y co-ordinates of the overlay area. * * @returns COM status code * @param x New X co-ordinate. * @param y New Y co-ordinate. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::Move(ULONG x, ULONG y) { mOverlayX = x; mOverlayY = y; return S_OK; } /** * Notify the overlay that a section of the framebuffer has been redrawn. * * @returns COM status code * @param x X co-ordinate of upper left corner of modified area. * @param y Y co-ordinate of upper left corner of modified area. * @param w Width of modified area. * @param h Height of modified area. * @retval finished Set if the operation has completed. * * All we do here is to send a request to the parent to update the affected area, * translating between our co-ordinate system and the parent's. It would be have * been better to call the parent directly, but such is life. We leave bounds * checking to the parent. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::NotifyUpdate(ULONG x, ULONG y, ULONG w, ULONG h) { return mParent->NotifyUpdate(x + mOverlayX, y + mOverlayY, w, h); } /** * Change the dimensions of the overlay. * * @returns COM status code * @param pixelFormat Must be BitmapFormat_BGR. * @param vram Must be NULL. * @param lineSize Ignored. * @param w New overlay width. * @param h New overlay height. * @retval finished Set if the operation has completed. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::RequestResize(ULONG aScreenId, ULONG pixelFormat, ULONG vram, ULONG bitsPerPixel, ULONG bytesPerLine, ULONG w, ULONG h, BOOL *finished) { AssertReturn(pixelFormat == BitmapFormat_BGR, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn(vram == 0, E_INVALIDARG); AssertReturn(bitsPerPixel == 32, E_INVALIDARG); mOverlayWidth = w; mOverlayHeight = h; SDL_FreeSurface(mOverlayBits); mBlendedBits = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_ANYFORMAT, mOverlayWidth, mOverlayHeight, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0); AssertMsgReturn(mBlendedBits != NULL, ("Failed to create an SDL surface\n"), E_OUTOFMEMORY); mOverlayBits = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA, mOverlayWidth, mOverlayHeight, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000); AssertMsgReturn(mOverlayBits != NULL, ("Failed to create an SDL surface\n"), E_OUTOFMEMORY); return S_OK; } /** * Returns whether we like the given video mode. * * @returns COM status code * @param width video mode width in pixels * @param height video mode height in pixels * @param bpp video mode bit depth in bits per pixel * @retval supported pointer to result variable * * Basically, we support anything with 32bpp. */ STDMETHODIMP VBoxSDLFBOverlay::VideoModeSupported(ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG bpp, BOOL *supported) { if (!supported) return E_POINTER; if (bpp == 32) *supported = true; else *supported = false; return S_OK; }