/* $Id: VBoxManageGuestCtrl.cpp 47874 2013-08-20 07:33:42Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - Implementation of guestcontrol command. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include "VBoxManage.h" #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For RTProcSelf(). */ #include #include #include #ifdef USE_XPCOM_QUEUE # include # include #endif #include #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN # include #endif using namespace com; /** * Handler for guest events. */ class GuestEventListener { public: GuestEventListener(void) { } virtual ~GuestEventListener(void) { } HRESULT init(void) { return S_OK; } void uninit(void) { mSession.setNull(); } STDMETHOD(HandleEvent)(VBoxEventType_T aType, IEvent *aEvent) { switch (aType) { case VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRegistered: break; case VBoxEventType_OnGuestProcessRegistered: break; case VBoxEventType_OnGuestSessionRegistered: { HRESULT rc; do { ComPtr pEvent = aEvent; Assert(!pEvent.isNull()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(pEvent, COMGETTER(Session)(mSession.asOutParam())); AssertBreak(!mSession.isNull()); BOOL fRegistered; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(pEvent, COMGETTER(Registered)(&fRegistered)); Bstr strName; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(mSession, COMGETTER(Name)(strName.asOutParam())); ULONG uID; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(mSession, COMGETTER(Id)(&uID)); RTPrintf("Session ID=%RU32 \"%s\" %s\n", uID, Utf8Str(strName).c_str(), fRegistered ? "registered" : "unregistered"); if (fRegistered) { #if 0 /* Register for IGuestSession events. */ ComPtr es; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(pSession, COMGETTER(EventSource)(es.asOutParam())); com::SafeArray eventTypes; eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRegistered); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestProcessRegistered); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(es, RegisterListener(this, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(eventTypes), true /* Active listener */)); #endif } else { mSession.setNull(); } } while (0); break; } default: AssertFailed(); } return S_OK; } protected: ComPtr mSession; }; typedef ListenerImpl GuestEventListenerImpl; VBOX_LISTENER_DECLARE(GuestEventListenerImpl) /** Set by the signal handler. */ static volatile bool g_fGuestCtrlCanceled = false; /** Our global session object which is also used in the * signal handler to abort operations properly. */ static ComPtr g_pGuestSession; typedef struct COPYCONTEXT { COPYCONTEXT() : fVerbose(false), fDryRun(false), fHostToGuest(false) { } ComPtr pGuestSession; bool fVerbose; bool fDryRun; bool fHostToGuest; } COPYCONTEXT, *PCOPYCONTEXT; /** * An entry for a source element, including an optional DOS-like wildcard (*,?). */ class SOURCEFILEENTRY { public: SOURCEFILEENTRY(const char *pszSource, const char *pszFilter) : mSource(pszSource), mFilter(pszFilter) {} SOURCEFILEENTRY(const char *pszSource) : mSource(pszSource) { Parse(pszSource); } const char* GetSource() const { return mSource.c_str(); } const char* GetFilter() const { return mFilter.c_str(); } private: int Parse(const char *pszPath) { AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if ( !RTFileExists(pszPath) && !RTDirExists(pszPath)) { /* No file and no directory -- maybe a filter? */ char *pszFilename = RTPathFilename(pszPath); if ( pszFilename && strpbrk(pszFilename, "*?")) { /* Yep, get the actual filter part. */ mFilter = RTPathFilename(pszPath); /* Remove the filter from actual sourcec directory name. */ RTPathStripFilename(mSource.mutableRaw()); mSource.jolt(); } } return VINF_SUCCESS; /* @todo */ } private: Utf8Str mSource; Utf8Str mFilter; }; typedef std::vector SOURCEVEC, *PSOURCEVEC; /** * An entry for an element which needs to be copied/created to/on the guest. */ typedef struct DESTFILEENTRY { DESTFILEENTRY(Utf8Str strFileName) : mFileName(strFileName) {} Utf8Str mFileName; } DESTFILEENTRY, *PDESTFILEENTRY; /* * Map for holding destination entires, whereas the key is the destination * directory and the mapped value is a vector holding all elements for this directoy. */ typedef std::map< Utf8Str, std::vector > DESTDIRMAP, *PDESTDIRMAP; typedef std::map< Utf8Str, std::vector >::iterator DESTDIRMAPITER, *PDESTDIRMAPITER; /** * Special exit codes for returning errors/information of a * started guest process to the command line VBoxManage was started from. * Useful for e.g. scripting. * * @note These are frozen as of 4.1.0. */ enum EXITCODEEXEC { EXITCODEEXEC_SUCCESS = RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS, /* Process exited normally but with an exit code <> 0. */ EXITCODEEXEC_CODE = 16, EXITCODEEXEC_FAILED = 17, EXITCODEEXEC_TERM_SIGNAL = 18, EXITCODEEXEC_TERM_ABEND = 19, EXITCODEEXEC_TIMEOUT = 20, EXITCODEEXEC_DOWN = 21, EXITCODEEXEC_CANCELED = 22 }; /** * RTGetOpt-IDs for the guest execution control command line. */ enum GETOPTDEF_EXEC { GETOPTDEF_EXEC_IGNOREORPHANEDPROCESSES = 1000, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_NO_PROFILE, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_OUTPUTFORMAT, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_DOS2UNIX, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_UNIX2DOS, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_PASSWORD, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_WAITFOREXIT, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_WAITFORSTDOUT, GETOPTDEF_EXEC_WAITFORSTDERR }; enum GETOPTDEF_COPY { GETOPTDEF_COPY_DRYRUN = 1000, GETOPTDEF_COPY_FOLLOW, GETOPTDEF_COPY_PASSWORD, GETOPTDEF_COPY_TARGETDIR }; enum GETOPTDEF_MKDIR { GETOPTDEF_MKDIR_PASSWORD = 1000 }; enum GETOPTDEF_SESSIONCLOSE { GETOPTDEF_SESSIONCLOSE_ALL = 1000 }; enum GETOPTDEF_STAT { GETOPTDEF_STAT_PASSWORD = 1000 }; enum OUTPUTTYPE { OUTPUTTYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, OUTPUTTYPE_DOS2UNIX = 10, OUTPUTTYPE_UNIX2DOS = 20 }; static int ctrlCopyDirExists(PCOPYCONTEXT pContext, bool bGuest, const char *pszDir, bool *fExists); #endif /* VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ void usageGuestControl(PRTSTREAM pStrm, const char *pcszSep1, const char *pcszSep2) { RTStrmPrintf(pStrm, "%s guestcontrol %s \n" " exec[ute]\n" " --image --username \n" " [--passwordfile | --password ]\n" " [--domain ] [--verbose] [--timeout ]\n" " [--environment \"= [=]\"]\n" " [--wait-exit] [--wait-stdout] [--wait-stderr]\n" " [--dos2unix] [--unix2dos]\n" " [-- [] ... []]\n" /** @todo Add a "--" parameter (has to be last parameter) to directly execute * stuff, e.g. "VBoxManage guestcontrol execute --username <> ... -- /bin/rm -Rf /foo". */ "\n" " copyfrom\n" " --username \n" " [--passwordfile | --password ]\n" " [--domain ] [--verbose]\n" " [--dryrun] [--follow] [--recursive]\n" "\n" " copyto|cp\n" " --username \n" " [--passwordfile | --password ]\n" " [--domain ] [--verbose]\n" " [--dryrun] [--follow] [--recursive]\n" "\n" " createdir[ectory]|mkdir|md\n" " ... --username \n" " [--passwordfile | --password ]\n" " [--domain ] [--verbose]\n" " [--parents] [--mode ]\n" "\n" " createtemp[orary]|mktemp\n" "