/* $Id: VBoxManage.cpp 23287 2009-09-24 15:04:16Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - VirtualBox's command-line interface. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxManage.h" #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS using namespace com; /** command handler type */ typedef int (*PFNHANDLER)(HandlerArg *a); #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // global variables // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*extern*/ bool g_fDetailedProgress = false; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // functions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS /** * Print out progress on the console */ LONG showProgress(ComPtr progress) { BOOL fCompleted; ULONG ulCurrentPercent; ULONG ulLastPercent = 0; ULONG ulCurrentOperationPercent; ULONG ulLastOperationPercent = (ULONG)-1; ULONG ulLastOperation = (ULONG)-1; Bstr bstrOperationDescription; ULONG cOperations; progress->COMGETTER(OperationCount)(&cOperations); if (!g_fDetailedProgress) { RTPrintf("0%%..."); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); } while (SUCCEEDED(progress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted)))) { ULONG ulOperation; progress->COMGETTER(Operation)(&ulOperation); progress->COMGETTER(Percent(&ulCurrentPercent)); progress->COMGETTER(OperationPercent(&ulCurrentOperationPercent)); if (g_fDetailedProgress) { if (ulLastOperation != ulOperation) { progress->COMGETTER(OperationDescription(bstrOperationDescription.asOutParam())); ulLastPercent = (ULONG)-1; // force print ulLastOperation = ulOperation; } if ( (ulCurrentPercent != ulLastPercent) || (ulCurrentOperationPercent != ulLastOperationPercent) ) { LONG lSecsRem; progress->COMGETTER(TimeRemaining)(&lSecsRem); RTPrintf("(%ld/%ld) %ls %ld%% => %ld%% (%d s remaining)\n", ulOperation + 1, cOperations, bstrOperationDescription.raw(), ulCurrentOperationPercent, ulCurrentPercent, lSecsRem); ulLastPercent = ulCurrentPercent; ulLastOperationPercent = ulCurrentOperationPercent; } } else { /* did we cross a 10% mark? */ if (((ulCurrentPercent / 10) > (ulLastPercent / 10))) { /* make sure to also print out missed steps */ for (ULONG curVal = (ulLastPercent / 10) * 10 + 10; curVal <= (ulCurrentPercent / 10) * 10; curVal += 10) { if (curVal < 100) { RTPrintf("%ld%%...", curVal); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); } } ulLastPercent = (ulCurrentPercent / 10) * 10; } } if (fCompleted) break; /* make sure the loop is not too tight */ progress->WaitForCompletion(100); } /* complete the line. */ LONG iRc; if (SUCCEEDED(progress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc))) { if (SUCCEEDED(iRc)) RTPrintf("100%%\n"); else RTPrintf("FAILED\n"); } else RTPrintf("\n"); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); return iRc; } #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ void showLogo(void) { static bool fShown; /* show only once */ if (!fShown) { RTPrintf("VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version " VBOX_VERSION_STRING "\n" "(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n" "All rights reserved.\n" "\n"); fShown = true; } } #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS static int handleRegisterVM(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; if (a->argc != 1) return errorSyntax(USAGE_REGISTERVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); ComPtr machine; /** @todo Ugly hack to get both the API interpretation of relative paths * and the client's interpretation of relative paths. Remove after the API * has been redesigned. */ rc = a->virtualBox->OpenMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()); if (rc == VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR) { char szVMFileAbs[RTPATH_MAX] = ""; int vrc = RTPathAbs(a->argv[0], szVMFileAbs, sizeof(szVMFileAbs)); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { RTPrintf("Cannot convert filename \"%s\" to absolute path\n", a->argv[0]); return 1; } CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenMachine(Bstr(szVMFileAbs), machine.asOutParam())); } else if (FAILED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ASSERT(machine); CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, RegisterMachine(machine)); } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aUnregisterVMOptions[] = { { "--delete", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "-delete", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, // deprecated }; static int handleUnregisterVM(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; const char *VMName = NULL; bool fDelete = false; int c; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; // start at 0 because main() has hacked both the argc and argv given to us RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, g_aUnregisterVMOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aUnregisterVMOptions), 0, 0 /* fFlags */); while ((c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 'd': // --delete fDelete = true; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: if (!VMName) VMName = ValueUnion.psz; else return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "Invalid parameter '%s'", ValueUnion.psz); break; default: if (c > 0) { if (RT_C_IS_PRINT(c)) return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "Invalid option -%c", c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "Invalid option case %i", c); } else if (c == VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION) return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "unknown option: %s\n", ValueUnion.psz); else if (ValueUnion.pDef) return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "%s: %Rrs", ValueUnion.pDef->pszLong, c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "error: %Rrs", c); } } /* check for required options */ if (!VMName) return errorSyntax(USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, "VM name required"); ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Guid(VMName).toUtf16(), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(VMName), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { Bstr uuid; machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); machine = NULL; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, UnregisterMachine(uuid, machine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && machine && fDelete) CHECK_ERROR(machine, DeleteSettings()); } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleCreateVM(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; Bstr baseFolder; Bstr settingsFile; Bstr name; Bstr osTypeId; RTUUID id; bool fRegister = false; RTUuidClear(&id); for (int i = 0; i < a->argc; i++) { if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--basefolder") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-basefolder")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; baseFolder = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--settingsfile") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-settingsfile")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; settingsFile = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--name") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-name")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; name = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--ostype") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-ostype")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; osTypeId = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--uuid") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-uuid")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; if (RT_FAILURE(RTUuidFromStr(&id, a->argv[i]))) return errorArgument("Invalid UUID format %s\n", a->argv[i]); } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--register") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-register")) { fRegister = true; } else return errorSyntax(USAGE_CREATEVM, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[i]).raw()); } if (!name) return errorSyntax(USAGE_CREATEVM, "Parameter --name is required"); if (!!baseFolder && !!settingsFile) return errorSyntax(USAGE_CREATEVM, "Either --basefolder or --settingsfile must be specified"); do { ComPtr machine; if (!settingsFile) CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->virtualBox, CreateMachine(name, osTypeId, baseFolder, Guid(id).toUtf16(), machine.asOutParam())); else CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->virtualBox, CreateLegacyMachine(name, osTypeId, settingsFile, Guid(id).toUtf16(), machine.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(machine, SaveSettings()); if (fRegister) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->virtualBox, RegisterMachine(machine)); } Bstr uuid; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(machine, COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(machine, COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)(settingsFile.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Virtual machine '%ls' is created%s.\n" "UUID: %s\n" "Settings file: '%ls'\n", name.raw(), fRegister ? " and registered" : "", Utf8Str(uuid).raw(), settingsFile.raw()); } while (0); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } /** * Parses a number. * * @returns Valid number on success. * @returns 0 if invalid number. All necesary bitching has been done. * @param psz Pointer to the nic number. */ unsigned parseNum(const char *psz, unsigned cMaxNum, const char *name) { uint32_t u32; char *pszNext; int rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(psz, &pszNext, 10, &u32); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && *pszNext == '\0' && u32 >= 1 && u32 <= cMaxNum) return (unsigned)u32; errorArgument("Invalid %s number '%s'", name, psz); return 0; } /** @todo refine this after HDD changes; MSC 8.0/64 has trouble with handleModifyVM. */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma optimize("", on) #endif static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aStartVMOptions[] = { { "--type", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "-type", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, // deprecated }; static int handleStartVM(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; const char *VMName = NULL; Bstr sessionType = "gui"; int c; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; // start at 0 because main() has hacked both the argc and argv given to us RTGetOptInit(&GetState, a->argc, a->argv, g_aStartVMOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aStartVMOptions), 0, 0 /* fFlags */); while ((c = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (c) { case 't': // --type if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "gui")) { sessionType = "gui"; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VBOXSDL else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "sdl")) { sessionType = "sdl"; } #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "vrdp")) { sessionType = "vrdp"; } #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_HEADLESS else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "capture")) { sessionType = "capture"; } else if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "headless")) { sessionType = "headless"; } #endif else return errorArgument("Invalid session type '%s'", ValueUnion.psz); break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: if (!VMName) VMName = ValueUnion.psz; else return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "Invalid parameter '%s'", ValueUnion.psz); break; default: if (c > 0) { if (RT_C_IS_PRINT(c)) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "Invalid option -%c", c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "Invalid option case %i", c); } else if (c == VERR_GETOPT_UNKNOWN_OPTION) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "unknown option: %s\n", ValueUnion.psz); else if (ValueUnion.pDef) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "%s: %Rrs", ValueUnion.pDef->pszLong, c); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "error: %Rrs", c); } } /* check for required options */ if (!VMName) return errorSyntax(USAGE_STARTVM, "VM name required"); ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Guid(VMName).toUtf16(), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(VMName), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { Bstr uuid; machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); Bstr env; #if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) /* make sure the VM process will start on the same display as VBoxManage */ Utf8Str str; const char *pszDisplay = RTEnvGet("DISPLAY"); if (pszDisplay) str = Utf8StrFmt("DISPLAY=%s\n", pszDisplay); const char *pszXAuth = RTEnvGet("XAUTHORITY"); if (pszXAuth) str.append(Utf8StrFmt("XAUTHORITY=%s\n", pszXAuth)); env = str; #endif ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, OpenRemoteSession(a->session, uuid, sessionType, env, progress.asOutParam()), rc); RTPrintf("Waiting for the remote session to open...\n"); CHECK_ERROR_RET(progress, WaitForCompletion (-1), 1); BOOL completed; CHECK_ERROR_RET(progress, COMGETTER(Completed)(&completed), rc); ASSERT(completed); LONG iRc; CHECK_ERROR_RET(progress, COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc), rc); if (FAILED(iRc)) { ComPtr errorInfo; CHECK_ERROR_RET(progress, COMGETTER(ErrorInfo)(errorInfo.asOutParam()), 1); ErrorInfo info (errorInfo); com::GluePrintErrorInfo(info); } else { RTPrintf("Remote session has been successfully opened.\n"); } } /* it's important to always close sessions */ a->session->Close(); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleControlVM(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; if (a->argc < 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Not enough parameters"); /* try to find the given machine */ ComPtr machine; Bstr uuid (a->argv[0]); if (!Guid(uuid).isEmpty()) { CHECK_ERROR (a->virtualBox, GetMachine (uuid, machine.asOutParam())); } else { CHECK_ERROR (a->virtualBox, FindMachine (uuid, machine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) machine->COMGETTER(Id) (uuid.asOutParam()); } if (FAILED (rc)) return 1; /* open a session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, OpenExistingSession (a->session, uuid), 1); do { /* get the associated console */ ComPtr console; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); /* ... and session machine */ ComPtr sessionMachine; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->session, COMGETTER(Machine)(sessionMachine.asOutParam())); /* which command? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "pause")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, Pause()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "resume")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, Resume()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "reset")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, Reset()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "poweroff")) { ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, PowerDown(progress.asOutParam())); showProgress(progress); LONG iRc; progress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc); if (FAILED(iRc)) { com::ProgressErrorInfo info(progress); if (info.isBasicAvailable()) { RTPrintf("Error: failed to power off machine. Error message: %lS\n", info.getText().raw()); } else { RTPrintf("Error: failed to power off machine. No error message available!\n"); } } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "savestate")) { ComPtr progress; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, SaveState(progress.asOutParam())); showProgress(progress); LONG iRc; progress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc); if (FAILED(iRc)) { com::ProgressErrorInfo info(progress); if (info.isBasicAvailable()) { RTPrintf("Error: failed to save machine state. Error message: %lS\n", info.getText().raw()); } else { RTPrintf("Error: failed to save machine state. No error message available!\n"); } } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "acpipowerbutton")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, PowerButton()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "acpisleepbutton")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, SleepButton()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "injectnmi")) { /* get the machine debugger. */ ComPtr debugger; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, COMGETTER(Debugger)(debugger.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(debugger, InjectNMI()); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "keyboardputscancode")) { ComPtr keyboard; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, COMGETTER(Keyboard)(keyboard.asOutParam())); if (a->argc <= 1 + 1) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'. Expected IBM PC AT set 2 keyboard scancode(s) as hex byte(s).", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* Arbitrary restrict the length of a sequence of scancodes to 1024. */ LONG alScancodes[1024]; int cScancodes = 0; /* Process the command line. */ int i; for (i = 1 + 1; i < a->argc && cScancodes < (int)RT_ELEMENTS(alScancodes); i++, cScancodes++) { if ( RT_C_IS_XDIGIT (a->argv[i][0]) && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT (a->argv[i][1]) && a->argv[i][2] == 0) { uint8_t u8Scancode; int rc = RTStrToUInt8Ex(a->argv[i], NULL, 16, &u8Scancode); if (RT_FAILURE (rc)) { RTPrintf("Error: converting '%s' returned %Rrc!\n", a->argv[i], rc); rc = E_FAIL; break; } alScancodes[cScancodes] = u8Scancode; } else { RTPrintf("Error: '%s' is not a hex byte!\n", a->argv[i]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } if (FAILED(rc)) break; if ( cScancodes == RT_ELEMENTS(alScancodes) && i < a->argc) { RTPrintf("Error: too many scancodes, maximum %d allowed!\n", RT_ELEMENTS(alScancodes)); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* Send scancodes to the VM. * Note: 'PutScancodes' did not work here. Only the first scancode was transmitted. */ for (i = 0; i < cScancodes; i++) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(keyboard, PutScancode(alScancodes[i])); RTPrintf("Scancode[%d]: 0x%02X\n", i, alScancodes[i]); } } else if (!strncmp(a->argv[1], "setlinkstate", 12)) { /* Get the number of network adapters */ ULONG NetworkAdapterCount = 0; ComPtr info; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (info.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (info, COMGETTER(NetworkAdapterCount) (&NetworkAdapterCount)); unsigned n = parseNum(&a->argv[1][12], NetworkAdapterCount, "NIC"); if (!n) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } if (a->argc <= 1 + 1) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding network adapter */ ComPtr adapter; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (sessionMachine, GetNetworkAdapter(n - 1, adapter.asOutParam())); if (adapter) { if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "on")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (adapter, COMSETTER(CableConnected)(TRUE)); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "off")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (adapter, COMSETTER(CableConnected)(FALSE)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid link state '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[2]).raw()); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } #ifdef VBOX_DYNAMIC_NET_ATTACH /* here the order in which strncmp is called is important * cause nictracefile can be very well compared with * nictrace and nic and thus everything will always fail * if the order is changed */ else if (!strncmp(a->argv[1], "nictracefile", 12)) { /* Get the number of network adapters */ ULONG NetworkAdapterCount = 0; ComPtr info; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (info.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (info, COMGETTER(NetworkAdapterCount) (&NetworkAdapterCount)); unsigned n = parseNum(&a->argv[1][12], NetworkAdapterCount, "NIC"); if (!n) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } if (a->argc <= 2) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding network adapter */ ComPtr adapter; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (sessionMachine, GetNetworkAdapter(n - 1, adapter.asOutParam())); if (adapter) { BOOL fEnabled; adapter->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled); if (fEnabled) { if (a->argv[2]) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(TraceFile) (Bstr(a->argv[2])), 1); } else { errorArgument("Invalid filename or filename not specified for NIC %lu", n); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } else { RTPrintf("The NIC %d is currently disabled and thus can't change its tracefile\n", n); } } } else if (!strncmp(a->argv[1], "nictrace", 8)) { /* Get the number of network adapters */ ULONG NetworkAdapterCount = 0; ComPtr info; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (info.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (info, COMGETTER(NetworkAdapterCount) (&NetworkAdapterCount)); unsigned n = parseNum(&a->argv[1][8], NetworkAdapterCount, "NIC"); if (!n) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } if (a->argc <= 2) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding network adapter */ ComPtr adapter; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (sessionMachine, GetNetworkAdapter(n - 1, adapter.asOutParam())); if (adapter) { BOOL fEnabled; adapter->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled); if (fEnabled) { if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "on")) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(TraceEnabled)(TRUE), 1); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "off")) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(TraceEnabled)(FALSE), 1); } else { errorArgument("Invalid nictrace%lu argument '%s'", n, Utf8Str(a->argv[2]).raw()); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } else { RTPrintf("The NIC %d is currently disabled and thus can't change its tracefile\n", n); } } } else if (!strncmp(a->argv[1], "nic", 3)) { /* Get the number of network adapters */ ULONG NetworkAdapterCount = 0; ComPtr info; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(SystemProperties) (info.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (info, COMGETTER(NetworkAdapterCount) (&NetworkAdapterCount)); unsigned n = parseNum(&a->argv[1][3], NetworkAdapterCount, "NIC"); if (!n) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } if (a->argc <= 2) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding network adapter */ ComPtr adapter; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (sessionMachine, GetNetworkAdapter(n - 1, adapter.asOutParam())); if (adapter) { BOOL fEnabled; adapter->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled); if (fEnabled) { if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "null")) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, Detach(), 1); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "nat")) { CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE), 1); if (a->argc == 4) CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(NATNetwork)(Bstr(a->argv[3])), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, AttachToNAT(), 1); } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[2], "bridged") || !strcmp(a->argv[2], "hostif")) /* backward compatibility */ { if (a->argc <= 3) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[2]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(HostInterface)(Bstr(a->argv[3])), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, AttachToBridgedInterface(), 1); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "intnet")) { if (a->argc <= 3) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[2]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(InternalNetwork)(Bstr(a->argv[3])), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, AttachToInternalNetwork(), 1); } #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "hostonly")) { if (a->argc <= 3) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[2]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(Enabled) (TRUE), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, COMSETTER(HostInterface)(Bstr(a->argv[3])), 1); CHECK_ERROR_RET(adapter, AttachToHostOnlyInterface(), 1); } #endif else { errorArgument("Invalid type '%s' specfied for NIC %lu", Utf8Str(a->argv[2]).raw(), n); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } else { RTPrintf("The NIC %d is currently disabled and thus can't change its attachment type\n", n); } } } #endif /* VBOX_DYNAMIC_NET_ATTACH */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "vrdp")) { if (a->argc <= 1 + 1) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding VRDP server */ ComPtr vrdpServer; sessionMachine->COMGETTER(VRDPServer)(vrdpServer.asOutParam()); ASSERT(vrdpServer); if (vrdpServer) { if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "on")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (vrdpServer, COMSETTER(Enabled)(TRUE)); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "off")) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (vrdpServer, COMSETTER(Enabled)(FALSE)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid vrdp server state '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[2]).raw()); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "vrdpport")) { if (a->argc <= 1 + 1) { errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[1]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* get the corresponding VRDP server */ ComPtr vrdpServer; sessionMachine->COMGETTER(VRDPServer)(vrdpServer.asOutParam()); ASSERT(vrdpServer); if (vrdpServer) { uint16_t vrdpport; if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "default")) { vrdpport = 0; } else { int vrc = RTStrToUInt16Full(a->argv[2], 0, &vrdpport); if (vrc != VINF_SUCCESS) { vrdpport = UINT16_MAX; } } if (vrdpport != UINT16_MAX) { CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(vrdpServer, COMSETTER(Port)(vrdpport)); } else { errorArgument("Invalid vrdp server port '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[2]).raw()); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ else if ( !strcmp (a->argv[1], "usbattach") || !strcmp (a->argv[1], "usbdetach")) { if (a->argc < 3) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Not enough parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } bool attach = !strcmp(a->argv[1], "usbattach"); Bstr usbId = a->argv [2]; if (Guid(usbId).isEmpty()) { // assume address if (attach) { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam())); SafeIfaceArray coll; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, COMGETTER(USBDevices) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll))); ComPtr dev; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, FindUSBDeviceByAddress (Bstr (a->argv [2]), dev.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (dev, COMGETTER(Id) (usbId.asOutParam())); } else { SafeIfaceArray coll; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, COMGETTER(USBDevices)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll))); ComPtr dev; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, FindUSBDeviceByAddress (Bstr (a->argv [2]), dev.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (dev, COMGETTER(Id) (usbId.asOutParam())); } } if (attach) CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, AttachUSBDevice (usbId)); else { ComPtr dev; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (console, DetachUSBDevice (usbId, dev.asOutParam())); } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "setvideomodehint")) { if (a->argc != 5 && a->argc != 6) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } uint32_t xres = RTStrToUInt32(a->argv[2]); uint32_t yres = RTStrToUInt32(a->argv[3]); uint32_t bpp = RTStrToUInt32(a->argv[4]); uint32_t displayIdx = 0; if (a->argc == 6) displayIdx = RTStrToUInt32(a->argv[5]); ComPtr display; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, COMGETTER(Display)(display.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(display, SetVideoModeHint(xres, yres, bpp, displayIdx)); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "setcredentials")) { bool fAllowLocalLogon = true; if (a->argc == 7) { if ( strcmp(a->argv[5], "--allowlocallogon") && strcmp(a->argv[5], "-allowlocallogon")) { errorArgument("Invalid parameter '%s'", a->argv[5]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } if (!strcmp(a->argv[6], "no")) fAllowLocalLogon = false; } else if (a->argc != 5) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } ComPtr guest; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, COMGETTER(Guest)(guest.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(guest, SetCredentials(Bstr(a->argv[2]), Bstr(a->argv[3]), Bstr(a->argv[4]), fAllowLocalLogon)); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "dvdattach")) { if (a->argc != 3) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } ComPtr dvdMedium; /* unmount? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "none")) { /* nothing to do, NULL object will cause unmount */ } /* host drive? */ else if (!strncmp(a->argv[2], "host:", 5)) { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); rc = host->FindHostDVDDrive(Bstr(a->argv[2] + 5), dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (!dvdMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid host DVD drive name \"%s\"", a->argv[2] + 5); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } else { /* first assume it's a UUID */ Bstr uuid(a->argv[2]); rc = a->virtualBox->GetDVDImage(uuid, dvdMedium.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !dvdMedium) { /* must be a filename, check if it's in the collection */ rc = a->virtualBox->FindDVDImage(Bstr(a->argv[2]), dvdMedium.asOutParam()); /* not registered, do that on the fly */ if (!dvdMedium) { Bstr emptyUUID; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenDVDImage(Bstr(a->argv[2]), emptyUUID, dvdMedium.asOutParam())); } } if (!dvdMedium) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } } /** @todo generalize this, allow arbitrary number of DVD drives * and as a consequence multiple attachments and different * storage controllers. */ if (dvdMedium) dvdMedium->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); else uuid = Guid().toString(); CHECK_ERROR(machine, MountMedium(Bstr("IDE Controller"), 1, 0, uuid)); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "floppyattach")) { if (a->argc != 3) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } ComPtr floppyMedium; /* unmount? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[2], "none")) { /* nothing to do, NULL object will cause unmount */ } /* host drive? */ else if (!strncmp(a->argv[2], "host:", 5)) { ComPtr host; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host)(host.asOutParam())); host->FindHostFloppyDrive(Bstr(a->argv[2] + 5), floppyMedium.asOutParam()); if (!floppyMedium) { errorArgument("Invalid host floppy drive name \"%s\"", a->argv[2] + 5); rc = E_FAIL; break; } } else { /* first assume it's a UUID */ Bstr uuid(a->argv[2]); rc = a->virtualBox->GetFloppyImage(uuid, floppyMedium.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !floppyMedium) { /* must be a filename, check if it's in the collection */ rc = a->virtualBox->FindFloppyImage(Bstr(a->argv[2]), floppyMedium.asOutParam()); /* not registered, do that on the fly */ if (!floppyMedium) { Bstr emptyUUID; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenFloppyImage(Bstr(a->argv[2]), emptyUUID, floppyMedium.asOutParam())); } } if (!floppyMedium) { rc = E_FAIL; break; } } floppyMedium->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR(machine, MountMedium(Bstr("Floppy Controller"), 0, 0, uuid)); } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_MEM_BALLOONING else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[1], "--guestmemoryballoon") || !strcmp(a->argv[1], "-guestmemoryballoon")) { if (a->argc != 3) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } uint32_t uVal; int vrc; vrc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(a->argv[2], NULL, 0, &uVal); if (vrc != VINF_SUCCESS) { errorArgument("Error parsing guest memory balloon size '%s'", a->argv[2]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* guest is running; update IGuest */ ComPtr guest; rc = console->COMGETTER(Guest)(guest.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(guest, COMSETTER(MemoryBalloonSize)(uVal)); } #endif else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[1], "--gueststatisticsinterval") || !strcmp(a->argv[1], "-gueststatisticsinterval")) { if (a->argc != 3) { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Incorrect number of parameters"); rc = E_FAIL; break; } uint32_t uVal; int vrc; vrc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(a->argv[2], NULL, 0, &uVal); if (vrc != VINF_SUCCESS) { errorArgument("Error parsing guest statistics interval '%s'", a->argv[2]); rc = E_FAIL; break; } /* guest is running; update IGuest */ ComPtr guest; rc = console->COMGETTER(Guest)(guest.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(guest, COMSETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)(uVal)); } else { errorSyntax(USAGE_CONTROLVM, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[1]).raw()); rc = E_FAIL; } } while (0); a->session->Close(); return SUCCEEDED (rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleDiscardState(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; if (a->argc != 1) return errorSyntax(USAGE_DISCARDSTATE, "Incorrect number of parameters"); ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { do { /* we have to open a session for this task */ Bstr guid; machine->COMGETTER(Id)(guid.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->virtualBox, OpenSession(a->session, guid)); do { ComPtr console; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, ForgetSavedState(true)); } while (0); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->session, Close()); } while (0); } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleAdoptdState(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; if (a->argc != 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_ADOPTSTATE, "Incorrect number of parameters"); ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { do { /* we have to open a session for this task */ Bstr guid; machine->COMGETTER(Id)(guid.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->virtualBox, OpenSession(a->session, guid)); do { ComPtr console; CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(console, AdoptSavedState (Bstr (a->argv[1]))); } while (0); CHECK_ERROR_BREAK(a->session, Close()); } while (0); } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleGetExtraData(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; if (a->argc != 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_GETEXTRADATA, "Incorrect number of parameters"); /* global data? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "global")) { /* enumeration? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "enumerate")) { SafeArray aKeys; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, GetExtraDataKeys(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aKeys))); for (size_t i = 0; i < aKeys.size(); ++i) { Bstr bstrKey(aKeys[i]); Bstr bstrValue; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, GetExtraData(bstrKey, bstrValue.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Key: %lS, Value: %lS\n", bstrKey.raw(), bstrValue.raw()); } } else { Bstr value; CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, GetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), value.asOutParam())); if (!value.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("Value: %lS\n", value.raw()); else RTPrintf("No value set!\n"); } } else { ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { /* enumeration? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "enumerate")) { SafeArray aKeys; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetExtraDataKeys(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aKeys))); for (size_t i = 0; i < aKeys.size(); ++i) { Bstr bstrKey(aKeys[i]); Bstr bstrValue; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetExtraData(bstrKey, bstrValue.asOutParam())); RTPrintf("Key: %lS, Value: %lS\n", bstrKey.raw(), bstrValue.raw()); } } else { Bstr value; CHECK_ERROR(machine, GetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), value.asOutParam())); if (!value.isEmpty()) RTPrintf("Value: %lS\n", value.raw()); else RTPrintf("No value set!\n"); } } } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleSetExtraData(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; if (a->argc < 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETEXTRADATA, "Not enough parameters"); /* global data? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "global")) { if (a->argc < 3) CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, SetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), NULL)); else if (a->argc == 3) CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, SetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), Bstr(a->argv[2]))); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETEXTRADATA, "Too many parameters"); } else { ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); } if (machine) { if (a->argc < 3) CHECK_ERROR(machine, SetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), NULL)); else if (a->argc == 3) CHECK_ERROR(machine, SetExtraData(Bstr(a->argv[1]), Bstr(a->argv[2]))); else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETEXTRADATA, "Too many parameters"); } } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleSetProperty(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; /* there must be two arguments: property name and value */ if (a->argc != 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETPROPERTY, "Incorrect number of parameters"); ComPtr systemProperties; a->virtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()); if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "hdfolder")) { /* reset to default? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "default")) CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)(NULL)); else CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)(Bstr(a->argv[1]))); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "machinefolder")) { /* reset to default? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "default")) CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)(NULL)); else CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)(Bstr(a->argv[1]))); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "vrdpauthlibrary")) { /* reset to default? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "default")) CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)(NULL)); else CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)(Bstr(a->argv[1]))); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "websrvauthlibrary")) { /* reset to default? */ if (!strcmp(a->argv[1], "default")) CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(NULL)); else CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)(Bstr(a->argv[1]))); } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "loghistorycount")) { uint32_t uVal; int vrc; vrc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(a->argv[1], NULL, 0, &uVal); if (vrc != VINF_SUCCESS) return errorArgument("Error parsing Log history count '%s'", a->argv[1]); CHECK_ERROR(systemProperties, COMSETTER(LogHistoryCount)(uVal)); } else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETPROPERTY, "Invalid parameter '%s'", a->argv[0]); return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } static int handleSharedFolder (HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; /* we need at least a command and target */ if (a->argc < 2) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER, "Not enough parameters"); ComPtr machine; /* assume it's a UUID */ rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[1]), machine.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(rc) || !machine) { /* must be a name */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[1]), machine.asOutParam())); } if (!machine) return 1; Bstr uuid; machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "add")) { /* we need at least four more parameters */ if (a->argc < 5) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_ADD, "Not enough parameters"); char *name = NULL; char *hostpath = NULL; bool fTransient = false; bool fWritable = true; for (int i = 2; i < a->argc; i++) { if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--name") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-name")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1]) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; name = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--hostpath") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-hostpath")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1]) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; hostpath = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--readonly") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-readonly")) { fWritable = false; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--transient") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-transient")) { fTransient = true; } else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_ADD, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[i]).raw()); } if (NULL != strstr(name, " ")) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_ADD, "No spaces allowed in parameter '-name'!"); /* required arguments */ if (!name || !hostpath) { return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_ADD, "Parameters --name and --hostpath are required"); } if (fTransient) { ComPtr console; /* open an existing session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, OpenExistingSession (a->session, uuid), 1); /* get the session machine */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->session, COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()), 1); /* get the session console */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam()), 1); CHECK_ERROR(console, CreateSharedFolder(Bstr(name), Bstr(hostpath), fWritable)); if (console) a->session->Close(); } else { /* open a session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, OpenSession(a->session, uuid), 1); /* get the mutable session machine */ a->session->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR(machine, CreateSharedFolder(Bstr(name), Bstr(hostpath), fWritable)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR(machine, SaveSettings()); a->session->Close(); } } else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "remove")) { /* we need at least two more parameters */ if (a->argc < 3) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_REMOVE, "Not enough parameters"); char *name = NULL; bool fTransient = false; for (int i = 2; i < a->argc; i++) { if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--name") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-name")) { if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1]) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); i++; name = a->argv[i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--transient") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-transient")) { fTransient = true; } else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_REMOVE, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[i]).raw()); } /* required arguments */ if (!name) return errorSyntax(USAGE_SHAREDFOLDER_REMOVE, "Parameter --name is required"); if (fTransient) { ComPtr console; /* open an existing session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, OpenExistingSession (a->session, uuid), 1); /* get the session machine */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->session, COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()), 1); /* get the session console */ CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam()), 1); CHECK_ERROR(console, RemoveSharedFolder(Bstr(name))); if (console) a->session->Close(); } else { /* open a session for the VM */ CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, OpenSession(a->session, uuid), 1); /* get the mutable session machine */ a->session->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); CHECK_ERROR(machine, RemoveSharedFolder(Bstr(name))); /* commit and close the session */ CHECK_ERROR(machine, SaveSettings()); a->session->Close(); } } else return errorSyntax(USAGE_SETPROPERTY, "Invalid parameter '%s'", Utf8Str(a->argv[0]).raw()); return 0; } static int handleVMStatistics(HandlerArg *a) { HRESULT rc; /* at least one option: the UUID or name of the VM */ if (a->argc < 1) return errorSyntax(USAGE_VM_STATISTICS, "Incorrect number of parameters"); /* try to find the given machine */ ComPtr machine; Bstr uuid (a->argv[0]); if (!Guid (a->argv[0]).isEmpty()) CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, GetMachine(uuid, machine.asOutParam())); else { CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]), machine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED (rc)) machine->COMGETTER(Id)(uuid.asOutParam()); } if (FAILED(rc)) return 1; /* parse arguments. */ bool fReset = false; bool fWithDescriptions = false; const char *pszPattern = NULL; /* all */ for (int i = 1; i < a->argc; i++) { if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--pattern") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-pattern")) { if (pszPattern) return errorSyntax(USAGE_VM_STATISTICS, "Multiple --patterns options is not permitted"); if (i + 1 >= a->argc) return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]); pszPattern = a->argv[++i]; } else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--descriptions") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-descriptions")) fWithDescriptions = true; /* add: --file and --formatted */ else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--reset") || !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-reset")) fReset = true; else return errorSyntax(USAGE_VM_STATISTICS, "Unknown option '%s'", a->argv[i]); } if (fReset && fWithDescriptions) return errorSyntax(USAGE_VM_STATISTICS, "The --reset and --descriptions options does not mix"); /* open an existing session for the VM. */ CHECK_ERROR(a->virtualBox, OpenExistingSession(a->session, uuid)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* get the session console. */ ComPtr console; CHECK_ERROR(a->session, COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* get the machine debugger. */ ComPtr debugger; CHECK_ERROR(console, COMGETTER(Debugger)(debugger.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (fReset) CHECK_ERROR(debugger, ResetStats(Bstr(pszPattern))); else { Bstr stats; CHECK_ERROR(debugger, GetStats(Bstr(pszPattern), fWithDescriptions, stats.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* if (fFormatted) { big mess } else */ RTPrintf("%ls\n", stats.raw()); } } } a->session->Close(); } } return SUCCEEDED(rc) ? 0 : 1; } #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ // main /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * Before we do anything, init the runtime without loading * the support driver. */ RTR3Init(); bool fShowLogo = true; int iCmd = 1; int iCmdArg; /* global options */ for (int i = 1; i < argc || argc <= iCmd; i++) { if ( argc <= iCmd || !strcmp(argv[i], "help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-?") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { showLogo(); printUsage(USAGE_ALL); return 0; } else if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-version") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-Version") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--version")) { /* Print version number, and do nothing else. */ RTPrintf("%sr%d\n", VBOX_VERSION_STRING, RTBldCfgRevision()); return 0; } else if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "--dumpopts") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-dumpopts")) { /* Special option to dump really all commands, * even the ones not understood on this platform. */ printUsage(USAGE_DUMPOPTS); return 0; } else if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "--nologo") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-nologo") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-q")) { /* suppress the logo */ fShowLogo = false; iCmd++; } else { break; } } iCmdArg = iCmd + 1; if (fShowLogo) showLogo(); #ifdef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS int rc = 0; #else /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ HRESULT rc = 0; rc = com::Initialize(); if (FAILED(rc)) { RTPrintf("ERROR: failed to initialize COM!\n"); return rc; } /* * The input is in the host OS'es codepage (NT guarantees ACP). * For VBox we use UTF-8 and convert to UCS-2 when calling (XP)COM APIs. * For simplicity, just convert the argv[] array here. */ for (int i = iCmdArg; i < argc; i++) { char *converted; RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&converted, argv[i]); argv[i] = converted; } do { // scopes all the stuff till shutdown //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* convertfromraw: does not need a VirtualBox instantiation. */ if (argc >= iCmdArg && ( !strcmp(argv[iCmd], "convertfromraw") || !strcmp(argv[iCmd], "convertdd"))) { rc = handleConvertFromRaw(argc - iCmdArg, argv + iCmdArg); break; } ComPtr virtualBox; ComPtr session; rc = virtualBox.createLocalObject(CLSID_VirtualBox); if (FAILED(rc)) RTPrintf("ERROR: failed to create the VirtualBox object!\n"); else { rc = session.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session); if (FAILED(rc)) RTPrintf("ERROR: failed to create a session object!\n"); } if (FAILED(rc)) { com::ErrorInfo info; if (!info.isFullAvailable() && !info.isBasicAvailable()) { com::GluePrintRCMessage(rc); RTPrintf("Most likely, the VirtualBox COM server is not running or failed to start.\n"); } else com::GluePrintErrorInfo(info); break; } HandlerArg handlerArg = { 0, NULL, virtualBox, session }; /* * All registered command handlers */ struct { const char *command; PFNHANDLER handler; } commandHandlers[] = { { "internalcommands", handleInternalCommands }, { "list", handleList }, { "showvminfo", handleShowVMInfo }, { "registervm", handleRegisterVM }, { "unregistervm", handleUnregisterVM }, { "createhd", handleCreateHardDisk }, { "createvdi", handleCreateHardDisk }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "modifyhd", handleModifyHardDisk }, { "modifyvdi", handleModifyHardDisk }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "clonehd", handleCloneHardDisk }, { "clonevdi", handleCloneHardDisk }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "addiscsidisk", handleAddiSCSIDisk }, { "createvm", handleCreateVM }, { "modifyvm", handleModifyVM }, { "startvm", handleStartVM }, { "controlvm", handleControlVM }, { "discardstate", handleDiscardState }, { "adoptstate", handleAdoptdState }, { "snapshot", handleSnapshot }, { "openmedium", handleOpenMedium }, { "registerimage", handleOpenMedium }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "closemedium", handleCloseMedium }, { "unregisterimage", handleCloseMedium }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "showhdinfo", handleShowHardDiskInfo }, { "showvdiinfo", handleShowHardDiskInfo }, /* backward compatiblity */ { "getextradata", handleGetExtraData }, { "setextradata", handleSetExtraData }, { "setproperty", handleSetProperty }, { "usbfilter", handleUSBFilter }, { "sharedfolder", handleSharedFolder }, { "vmstatistics", handleVMStatistics }, #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS { "guestproperty", handleGuestProperty }, #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS defined */ { "metrics", handleMetrics }, { "import", handleImportAppliance }, { "export", handleExportAppliance }, #if defined(VBOX_WITH_NETFLT) { "hostonlyif", handleHostonlyIf }, #endif { "dhcpserver", handleDHCPServer}, { NULL, NULL } }; int commandIndex; for (commandIndex = 0; commandHandlers[commandIndex].command != NULL; commandIndex++) { if (!strcmp(commandHandlers[commandIndex].command, argv[iCmd])) { handlerArg.argc = argc - iCmdArg; handlerArg.argv = &argv[iCmdArg]; rc = commandHandlers[commandIndex].handler(&handlerArg); break; } } if (!commandHandlers[commandIndex].command) { rc = errorSyntax(USAGE_ALL, "Invalid command '%s'", Utf8Str(argv[iCmd]).raw()); } /* Although all handlers should always close the session if they open it, * we do it here just in case if some of the handlers contains a bug -- * leaving the direct session not closed will turn the machine state to * Aborted which may have unwanted side effects like killing the saved * state file (if the machine was in the Saved state before). */ session->Close(); EventQueue::getMainEventQueue()->processEventQueue(0); // end "all-stuff" scope //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } while (0); com::Shutdown(); #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ /* * Free converted argument vector */ for (int i = iCmdArg; i < argc; i++) RTStrFree(argv[i]); return rc != 0; }