/** @file * * Simple VBox HDD container test utility. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #define VHD_TEST #define VDI_TEST #define VMDK_TEST /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** The error count. */ unsigned g_cErrors = 0; static void tstVDError(void *pvUser, int rc, RT_SRC_POS_DECL, const char *pszFormat, va_list va) { g_cErrors++; RTPrintf("tstVD: Error %Rrc at %s:%u (%s): ", rc, RT_SRC_POS_ARGS); RTPrintfV(pszFormat, va); RTPrintf("\n"); } static int tstVDCreateDelete(const char *pszBackend, const char *pszFilename, uint64_t cbSize, VDIMAGETYPE enmType, unsigned uFlags, bool fDelete) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY PCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY LCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); rc = VDCreateBase(pVD, pszBackend, pszFilename, enmType, cbSize, uFlags, "Test image", &PCHS, &LCHS, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCreateBase()"); VDDumpImages(pVD); VDClose(pVD, fDelete); if (fDelete) { RTFILE File; rc = RTFileOpen(&File, pszFilename, RTFILE_O_READ); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(File); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } VDDestroy(pVD); #undef CHECK return 0; } static int tstVDOpenDelete(const char *pszBackend, const char *pszFilename) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY PCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY LCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); rc = VDOpen(pVD, pszBackend, pszFilename, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL); CHECK("VDOpen()"); VDDumpImages(pVD); VDClose(pVD, true); RTFILE File; rc = RTFileOpen(&File, pszFilename, RTFILE_O_READ); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(File); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } VDDestroy(pVD); #undef CHECK return 0; } #undef RTDECL #define RTDECL(x) static x /* Start of IPRT code */ /** * The following code is based on the work of George Marsaglia * taken from * http://groups.google.ws/group/comp.sys.sun.admin/msg/7c667186f6cbf354 * and * http://groups.google.ws/group/comp.lang.c/msg/0e170777c6e79e8d */ /* A C version of a very very good 64-bit RNG is given below. You should be able to adapt it to your particular needs. It is based on the complimentary-multiple-with-carry sequence x(n)=a*x(n-4)+carry mod 2^64-1, which works as follows: Assume a certain multiplier 'a' and a base 'b'. Given a current x value and a current carry 'c', form: t=a*x+c Then the new carry is c=floor(t/b) and the new x value is x = b-1-(t mod b). Ordinarily, for 32-bit mwc or cmwc sequences, the value t=a*x+c can be formed in 64 bits, then the new c is the top and the new x the bottom 32 bits (with a little fiddling when b=2^32-1 and cmwc rather than mwc.) To generate 64-bit x's, it is difficult to form t=a*x+c in 128 bits then get the new c and new x from the top and bottom halves. But if 'a' has a special form, for example, a=2^62+2^47+2 and b=2^64-1, then the new c and the new x can be formed with shifts, tests and +/-'s, again with a little fiddling because b=2^64-1 rather than 2^64. (The latter is not an optimal choice because, being a square, it cannot be a primitive root of the prime a*b^k+1, where 'k' is the 'lag': x(n)=a*x(n-k)+carry mod b.) But the multiplier a=2^62+2^47+2 makes a*b^4+1 a prime for which b=2^64-1 is a primitive root, and getting the new x and new c can be done with arithmetic on integers the size of x. */ struct RndCtx { uint64_t x; uint64_t y; uint64_t z; uint64_t w; uint64_t c; uint32_t u32x; uint32_t u32y; }; typedef struct RndCtx RNDCTX; typedef RNDCTX *PRNDCTX; /** * Initialize seeds. * * @remarks You should choose ANY 4 random 64-bit * seeds x,y,z,w < 2^64-1 and a random seed c in * 0<= c < a = 2^62+2^47+2. * There are P=(2^62+2^46+2)*(2^64-1)^4 > 2^318 possible choices * for seeds, the period of the RNG. */ RTDECL(int) RTPRandInit(PRNDCTX pCtx, uint32_t u32Seed) { if (u32Seed == 0) u32Seed = (uint32_t)(ASMReadTSC() >> 8); /* Zero is not a good seed. */ if (u32Seed == 0) u32Seed = 362436069; pCtx->x = u32Seed; pCtx->y = 17280675555674358941ULL; pCtx->z = 6376492577913983186ULL; pCtx->w = 9064188857900113776ULL; pCtx->c = 123456789; pCtx->u32x = 2282008; pCtx->u32y = u32Seed; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(uint32_t) RTPRandGetSeedInfo(PRNDCTX pCtx) { return pCtx->u32y; } /** * Generate a 64-bit unsigned random number. * * @returns The pseudo random number. */ RTDECL(uint64_t) RTPRandU64(PRNDCTX pCtx) { uint64_t t; t = (pCtx->x<<47) + (pCtx->x<<62) + (pCtx->x<<1); t += pCtx->c; t+= (t < pCtx->c); pCtx->c = (tc) + (pCtx->x>>17) + (pCtx->x>>2) + (pCtx->x>>63); pCtx->x = pCtx->y; pCtx->y = pCtx->z ; pCtx->z = pCtx->w; return (pCtx->w = ~(t + pCtx->c)-1); } /** * Generate a 64-bit unsigned pseudo random number in the set * [u64First..u64Last]. * * @returns The pseudo random number. * @param u64First First number in the set. * @param u64Last Last number in the set. */ RTDECL(uint64_t) RTPRandU64Ex(PRNDCTX pCtx, uint64_t u64First, uint64_t u64Last) { if (u64First == 0 && u64Last == UINT64_MAX) return RTPRandU64(pCtx); uint64_t u64Tmp; uint64_t u64Range = u64Last - u64First + 1; uint64_t u64Scale = UINT64_MAX / u64Range; do { u64Tmp = RTPRandU64(pCtx) / u64Scale; } while (u64Tmp >= u64Range); return u64First + u64Tmp; } /** * Generate a 32-bit unsigned random number. * * @returns The pseudo random number. */ RTDECL(uint32_t) RTPRandU32(PRNDCTX pCtx) { return ( pCtx->u32x = 69069 * pCtx->u32x + 123, pCtx->u32y ^= pCtx->u32y<<13, pCtx->u32y ^= pCtx->u32y>>17, pCtx->u32y ^= pCtx->u32y<<5, pCtx->u32x + pCtx->u32y ); } /** * Generate a 32-bit unsigned pseudo random number in the set * [u32First..u32Last]. * * @returns The pseudo random number. * @param u32First First number in the set. * @param u32Last Last number in the set. */ RTDECL(uint32_t) RTPRandU32Ex(PRNDCTX pCtx, uint32_t u32First, uint32_t u32Last) { if (u32First == 0 && u32Last == UINT32_MAX) return RTPRandU32(pCtx); uint32_t u32Tmp; uint32_t u32Range = u32Last - u32First + 1; uint32_t u32Scale = UINT32_MAX / u32Range; do { u32Tmp = RTPRandU32(pCtx) / u32Scale; } while (u32Tmp >= u32Range); return u32First + u32Tmp; } /* End of IPRT code */ struct Segment { uint64_t u64Offset; uint32_t u32Length; uint32_t u8Value; }; typedef struct Segment *PSEGMENT; static void initializeRandomGenerator(PRNDCTX pCtx, uint32_t u32Seed) { int rc = RTPRandInit(pCtx, u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTPrintf("ERROR: Failed to initialize random generator. RC=%Rrc\n", rc); else { RTPrintf("INFO: Random generator seed used: %x\n", RTPRandGetSeedInfo(pCtx)); RTLogPrintf("INFO: Random generator seed used: %x\n", RTPRandGetSeedInfo(pCtx)); } } static int compareSegments(const void *left, const void *right) { /* Note that no duplicates are allowed in the array being sorted. */ return ((PSEGMENT)left)->u64Offset < ((PSEGMENT)right)->u64Offset ? -1 : 1; } static void generateRandomSegments(PRNDCTX pCtx, PSEGMENT pSegment, uint32_t nSegments, uint32_t u32MaxSegmentSize, uint64_t u64DiskSize, uint32_t u32SectorSize, uint8_t u8ValueLow, uint8_t u8ValueHigh) { uint32_t i; /* Generate segment offsets. */ for (i = 0; i < nSegments; i++) { bool fDuplicateFound; do { pSegment[i].u64Offset = RTPRandU64Ex(pCtx, 0, u64DiskSize / u32SectorSize - 1) * u32SectorSize; fDuplicateFound = false; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < i; j++) if (pSegment[i].u64Offset == pSegment[j].u64Offset) { fDuplicateFound = true; break; } } while (fDuplicateFound); } /* Sort in offset-ascending order. */ qsort(pSegment, nSegments, sizeof(*pSegment), compareSegments); /* Put a sentinel at the end. */ pSegment[nSegments].u64Offset = u64DiskSize; pSegment[nSegments].u32Length = 0; /* Generate segment lengths and values. */ for (i = 0; i < nSegments; i++) { pSegment[i].u32Length = RTPRandU32Ex(pCtx, 1, RT_MIN(pSegment[i+1].u64Offset - pSegment[i].u64Offset, u32MaxSegmentSize) / u32SectorSize) * u32SectorSize; Assert(pSegment[i].u32Length <= u32MaxSegmentSize); pSegment[i].u8Value = RTPRandU32Ex(pCtx, (uint32_t)u8ValueLow, (uint32_t)u8ValueHigh); } } static void mergeSegments(PSEGMENT pBaseSegment, PSEGMENT pDiffSegment, PSEGMENT pMergeSegment, uint32_t u32MaxLength) { while (pBaseSegment->u32Length > 0 || pDiffSegment->u32Length > 0) { if (pBaseSegment->u64Offset < pDiffSegment->u64Offset) { *pMergeSegment = *pBaseSegment; if (pMergeSegment->u64Offset + pMergeSegment->u32Length <= pDiffSegment->u64Offset) pBaseSegment++; else { pMergeSegment->u32Length = pDiffSegment->u64Offset - pMergeSegment->u64Offset; Assert(pMergeSegment->u32Length <= u32MaxLength); if (pBaseSegment->u64Offset + pBaseSegment->u32Length > pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length) { pBaseSegment->u32Length -= pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length - pBaseSegment->u64Offset; Assert(pBaseSegment->u32Length <= u32MaxLength); pBaseSegment->u64Offset = pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length; } else pBaseSegment++; } pMergeSegment++; } else { *pMergeSegment = *pDiffSegment; if (pMergeSegment->u64Offset + pMergeSegment->u32Length <= pBaseSegment->u64Offset) { pDiffSegment++; pMergeSegment++; } else { if (pBaseSegment->u64Offset + pBaseSegment->u32Length > pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length) { pBaseSegment->u32Length -= pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length - pBaseSegment->u64Offset; Assert(pBaseSegment->u32Length <= u32MaxLength); pBaseSegment->u64Offset = pDiffSegment->u64Offset + pDiffSegment->u32Length; pDiffSegment++; pMergeSegment++; } else pBaseSegment++; } } } } static void writeSegmentsToDisk(PVBOXHDD pVD, void *pvBuf, PSEGMENT pSegment) { while (pSegment->u32Length) { //memset((uint8_t*)pvBuf + pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u8Value, pSegment->u32Length); memset(pvBuf, pSegment->u8Value, pSegment->u32Length); VDWrite(pVD, pSegment->u64Offset, pvBuf, pSegment->u32Length); pSegment++; } } static int readAndCompareSegments(PVBOXHDD pVD, void *pvBuf, PSEGMENT pSegment) { while (pSegment->u32Length) { int rc = VDRead(pVD, pSegment->u64Offset, pvBuf, pSegment->u32Length); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("ERROR: Failed to read from virtual disk\n"); return rc; } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < pSegment->u32Length; i++) if (((uint8_t*)pvBuf)[i] != pSegment->u8Value) { RTPrintf("ERROR: Segment at %Lx of %x bytes is corrupt at offset %x (found %x instead of %x)\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, i, ((uint8_t*)pvBuf)[i], pSegment->u8Value); RTLogPrintf("ERROR: Segment at %Lx of %x bytes is corrupt at offset %x (found %x instead of %x)\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, i, ((uint8_t*)pvBuf)[i], pSegment->u8Value); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } pSegment++; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge(const char *pszBackend, const char *pszBaseFilename, const char *pszDiffFilename, uint32_t u32Seed) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; char *pszFormat; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY PCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY LCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; uint64_t u64DiskSize = 1000 * _1M; uint32_t u32SectorSize = 512; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ if (pvBuf) \ RTMemFree(pvBuf); \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) void *pvBuf = RTMemAlloc(_1M); /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); RTFILE File; rc = RTFileOpen(&File, pszBaseFilename, RTFILE_O_READ); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(File); rc = VDGetFormat(pszBaseFilename, &pszFormat); RTPrintf("VDGetFormat() pszFormat=%s rc=%Rrc\n", pszFormat, rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && strcmp(pszFormat, pszBackend)) { rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; RTPrintf("VDGetFormat() returned incorrect backend name\n"); } RTStrFree(pszFormat); CHECK("VDGetFormat()"); rc = VDOpen(pVD, pszBackend, pszBaseFilename, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL); CHECK("VDOpen()"); } else { rc = VDCreateBase(pVD, pszBackend, pszBaseFilename, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, u64DiskSize, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, "Test image", &PCHS, &LCHS, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCreateBase()"); } int nSegments = 100; /* Allocate one extra element for a sentinel. */ PSEGMENT paBaseSegments = (PSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(struct Segment) * (nSegments + 1)); PSEGMENT paDiffSegments = (PSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(struct Segment) * (nSegments + 1)); PSEGMENT paMergeSegments = (PSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(struct Segment) * (nSegments + 1) * 3); RNDCTX ctx; initializeRandomGenerator(&ctx, u32Seed); generateRandomSegments(&ctx, paBaseSegments, nSegments, _1M, u64DiskSize, u32SectorSize, 0u, 127u); generateRandomSegments(&ctx, paDiffSegments, nSegments, _1M, u64DiskSize, u32SectorSize, 128u, 255u); /*PSEGMENT pSegment; RTPrintf("Base segments:\n"); for (pSegment = paBaseSegments; pSegment->u32Length; pSegment++) RTPrintf("off: %08Lx len: %05x val: %02x\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, pSegment->u8Value);*/ writeSegmentsToDisk(pVD, pvBuf, paBaseSegments); rc = VDCreateDiff(pVD, pszBackend, pszDiffFilename, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, "Test diff image", NULL, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCreateDiff()"); /*RTPrintf("\nDiff segments:\n"); for (pSegment = paDiffSegments; pSegment->u32Length; pSegment++) RTPrintf("off: %08Lx len: %05x val: %02x\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, pSegment->u8Value);*/ writeSegmentsToDisk(pVD, pvBuf, paDiffSegments); VDDumpImages(pVD); RTPrintf("Merging diff into base..\n"); rc = VDMerge(pVD, VD_LAST_IMAGE, 0, NULL); CHECK("VDMerge()"); mergeSegments(paBaseSegments, paDiffSegments, paMergeSegments, _1M); /*RTPrintf("\nMerged segments:\n"); for (pSegment = paMergeSegments; pSegment->u32Length; pSegment++) RTPrintf("off: %08Lx len: %05x val: %02x\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, pSegment->u8Value);*/ rc = readAndCompareSegments(pVD, pvBuf, paMergeSegments); CHECK("readAndCompareSegments()"); RTMemFree(paMergeSegments); RTMemFree(paDiffSegments); RTMemFree(paBaseSegments); VDDumpImages(pVD); VDDestroy(pVD); if (pvBuf) RTMemFree(pvBuf); #undef CHECK return 0; } static int tstVDCreateWriteOpenRead(const char *pszBackend, const char *pszFilename, uint32_t u32Seed) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY PCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDMMEDIAGEOMETRY LCHS = { 0, 0, 0 }; uint64_t u64DiskSize = 1000 * _1M; uint32_t u32SectorSize = 512; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ if (pvBuf) \ RTMemFree(pvBuf); \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) void *pvBuf = RTMemAlloc(_1M); /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); RTFILE File; rc = RTFileOpen(&File, pszFilename, RTFILE_O_READ); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFileClose(File); RTFileDelete(pszFilename); } rc = VDCreateBase(pVD, pszBackend, pszFilename, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, u64DiskSize, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, "Test image", &PCHS, &LCHS, NULL, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCreateBase()"); int nSegments = 100; /* Allocate one extra element for a sentinel. */ PSEGMENT paSegments = (PSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(struct Segment) * (nSegments + 1)); RNDCTX ctx; initializeRandomGenerator(&ctx, u32Seed); generateRandomSegments(&ctx, paSegments, nSegments, _1M, u64DiskSize, u32SectorSize, 0u, 127u); /*for (PSEGMENT pSegment = paSegments; pSegment->u32Length; pSegment++) RTPrintf("off: %08Lx len: %05x val: %02x\n", pSegment->u64Offset, pSegment->u32Length, pSegment->u8Value);*/ writeSegmentsToDisk(pVD, pvBuf, paSegments); VDCloseAll(pVD); rc = VDOpen(pVD, pszBackend, pszFilename, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL); CHECK("VDOpen()"); rc = readAndCompareSegments(pVD, pvBuf, paSegments); CHECK("readAndCompareSegments()"); RTMemFree(paSegments); VDDestroy(pVD); if (pvBuf) RTMemFree(pvBuf); #undef CHECK return 0; } static int tstVmdkRename(const char *src, const char *dst) { int rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ VDDestroy(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); rc = VDOpen(pVD, "VMDK", src, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL); CHECK("VDOpen()"); rc = VDCopy(pVD, 0, pVD, "VMDK", dst, true, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CHECK("VDCopy()"); VDDestroy(pVD); #undef CHECK return 0; } static int tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen(const char *src, const char *dst, uint64_t cbSize, VDIMAGETYPE enmType, unsigned uFlags) { int rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", src, cbSize, enmType, uFlags, false); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = tstVmdkRename(src, dst); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; PVBOXHDD pVD = NULL; PVDINTERFACE pVDIfs = NULL; VDINTERFACE VDIError; VDINTERFACEERROR VDIErrorCallbacks; #define CHECK(str) \ do \ { \ RTPrintf("%s rc=%Rrc\n", str, rc); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ VDCloseAll(pVD); \ return rc; \ } \ } while (0) /* Create error interface. */ VDIErrorCallbacks.cbSize = sizeof(VDINTERFACEERROR); VDIErrorCallbacks.enmInterface = VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR; VDIErrorCallbacks.pfnError = tstVDError; rc = VDInterfaceAdd(&VDIError, "tstVD_Error", VDINTERFACETYPE_ERROR, &VDIErrorCallbacks, NULL, &pVDIfs); AssertRC(rc); rc = VDCreate(&VDIError, &pVD); CHECK("VDCreate()"); rc = VDOpen(pVD, "VMDK", dst, VD_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL, NULL); CHECK("VDOpen()"); VDClose(pVD, true); CHECK("VDClose()"); VDDestroy(pVD); #undef CHECK return rc; } #if defined(RT_OS_OS2) || defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) #define DST_PATH "tmp\\tmpVDRename.vmdk" #else #define DST_PATH "tmp/tmpVDRename.vmdk" #endif static void tstVmdk() { int rc = tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen("tmpVDCreate.vmdk", "tmpVDRename.vmdk", _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK rename (single extent, embedded descriptor, same dir) test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen("tmpVDCreate.vmdk", "tmpVDRename.vmdk", _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_VMDK_IMAGE_FLAGS_SPLIT_2G); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK rename (multiple extent, separate descriptor, same dir) test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen("tmpVDCreate.vmdk", DST_PATH, _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK rename (single extent, embedded descriptor, another dir) test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen("tmpVDCreate.vmdk", DST_PATH, _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_VMDK_IMAGE_FLAGS_SPLIT_2G); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK rename (multiple extent, separate descriptor, another dir) test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } RTFILE File; rc = RTFileOpen(&File, DST_PATH, RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_WRITE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) RTFileClose(File); rc = tstVmdkCreateRenameOpen("tmpVDCreate.vmdk", DST_PATH, _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_VMDK_IMAGE_FLAGS_SPLIT_2G); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK rename (multiple extent, separate descriptor, another dir, already exists) test failed!\n"); g_cErrors++; } RTFileDelete(DST_PATH); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s003.vmdk"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { RTR3Init(); int rc; uint32_t u32Seed = 0; // Means choose random if (argc > 1) if (sscanf(argv[1], "%x", &u32Seed) != 1) { RTPrintf("ERROR: Invalid parameter %s. Valid usage is %s <32-bit seed>.\n", argv[1], argv[0]); return 1; } RTPrintf("tstVD: TESTING...\n"); /* * Clean up potential leftovers from previous unsuccessful runs. */ RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s003.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s003.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmp/tmpVDRename.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmp/tmpVDRename-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmp/tmpVDRename-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmp/tmpVDRename-s003.vmdk"); if (!RTDirExists("tmp")) { rc = RTDirCreate("tmp", RTFS_UNIX_IRWXU); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: Failed to create 'tmp' directory! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } } #ifdef VMDK_TEST rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, false); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDOpenDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK delete test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } tstVmdk(); #endif /* VMDK_TEST */ #ifdef VDI_TEST rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VDI", "tmpVDCreate.vdi", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic VDI create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VDI", "tmpVDCreate.vdi", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: fixed VDI create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VDI_TEST */ #ifdef VMDK_TEST rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_VMDK_IMAGE_FLAGS_SPLIT_2G, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic split VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: fixed VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VMDK", "tmpVDCreate.vmdk", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED, VD_VMDK_IMAGE_FLAGS_SPLIT_2G, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: fixed split VMDK create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VMDK_TEST */ #ifdef VHD_TEST rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VHD", "tmpVDCreate.vhd", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: dynamic VHD create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDCreateDelete("VHD", "tmpVDCreate.vhd", 2 * _4G, VD_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED, VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_NONE, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: fixed VHD create test failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VHD_TEST */ #ifdef VDI_TEST rc = tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge("VDI", "tmpVDBase.vdi", "tmpVDDiff.vdi", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VDI test failed (new image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge("VDI", "tmpVDBase.vdi", "tmpVDDiff.vdi", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VDI test failed (existing image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VDI_TEST */ #ifdef VMDK_TEST rc = tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge("VMDK", "tmpVDBase.vmdk", "tmpVDDiff.vmdk", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK test failed (new image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge("VMDK", "tmpVDBase.vmdk", "tmpVDDiff.vmdk", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VMDK test failed (existing image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VMDK_TEST */ #ifdef VHD_TEST rc = tstVDCreateWriteOpenRead("VHD", "tmpVDCreate.vhd", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VHD test failed (creating image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } rc = tstVDOpenCreateWriteMerge("VHD", "tmpVDBase.vhd", "tmpVDDiff.vhd", u32Seed); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: VHD test failed (existing image)! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } #endif /* VHD_TEST */ /* * Clean up any leftovers. */ RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vdi"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDBase.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDDiff.vhd"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDCreate-s003.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s001.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s002.vmdk"); RTFileDelete("tmpVDRename-s003.vmdk"); rc = VDShutdown(); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("tstVD: unloading backends failed! rc=%Rrc\n", rc); g_cErrors++; } /* * Summary */ if (!g_cErrors) RTPrintf("tstVD: SUCCESS\n"); else RTPrintf("tstVD: FAILURE - %d errors\n", g_cErrors); return !!g_cErrors; }