/* $Id: DrvDiskIntegrity.cpp 44528 2013-02-04 14:27:54Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox storage devices: Disk integrity check. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_DISK_INTEGRITY #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Transfer direction. */ typedef enum DRVDISKAIOTXDIR { /** Read */ DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_READ = 0, /** Write */ DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_WRITE, /** Flush */ DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_FLUSH, /** Discard */ DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_DISCARD } DRVDISKAIOTXDIR; /** * async I/O request. */ typedef struct DRVDISKAIOREQ { /** Transfer direction. */ DRVDISKAIOTXDIR enmTxDir; /** Start offset. */ uint64_t off; /** Transfer size. */ size_t cbTransfer; /** Segment array. */ PCRTSGSEG paSeg; /** Number of array entries. */ unsigned cSeg; /** User argument */ void *pvUser; /** Slot in the array. */ unsigned iSlot; /** Start timestamp */ uint64_t tsStart; /** Completion timestamp. */ uint64_t tsComplete; /** I/O log entry if configured. */ VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; /** Ranges to discard. */ PCRTRANGE paRanges; /** Number of ranges. */ unsigned cRanges; } DRVDISKAIOREQ, *PDRVDISKAIOREQ; /** * I/O log entry. */ typedef struct IOLOGENT { /** Start offset */ uint64_t off; /** Write size */ size_t cbWrite; /** Number of references to this entry. */ unsigned cRefs; } IOLOGENT, *PIOLOGENT; /** * Disk segment. */ typedef struct DRVDISKSEGMENT { /** AVL core. */ AVLRFOFFNODECORE Core; /** Size of the segment */ size_t cbSeg; /** Data for this segment */ uint8_t *pbSeg; /** Number of entries in the I/O array. */ unsigned cIoLogEntries; /** Array of I/O log references. */ PIOLOGENT apIoLog[1]; } DRVDISKSEGMENT, *PDRVDISKSEGMENT; /** * Active requests list entry. */ typedef struct DRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE { /** Pointer to the request. */ volatile PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq; /** Start timestamp. */ uint64_t tsStart; } DRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE, *PDRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE; /** * Disk integrity driver instance data. * * @implements PDMIMEDIA */ typedef struct DRVDISKINTEGRITY { /** Pointer driver instance. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Pointer to the media driver below us. * This is NULL if the media is not mounted. */ PPDMIMEDIA pDrvMedia; /** Our media interface */ PDMIMEDIA IMedia; /** The media port interface above. */ PPDMIMEDIAPORT pDrvMediaPort; /** Media port interface */ PDMIMEDIAPORT IMediaPort; /** Pointer to the media async driver below us. * This is NULL if the media is not mounted. */ PPDMIMEDIAASYNC pDrvMediaAsync; /** Our media async interface */ PDMIMEDIAASYNC IMediaAsync; /** The async media port interface above. */ PPDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT pDrvMediaAsyncPort; /** Our media async port interface */ PDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT IMediaAsyncPort; /** Flag whether consistency checks are enabled. */ bool fCheckConsistency; /** AVL tree containing the disk blocks to check. */ PAVLRFOFFTREE pTreeSegments; /** Flag whether async request tracing is enabled. */ bool fTraceRequests; /** Interval the thread should check for expired requests (milliseconds). */ uint32_t uCheckIntervalMs; /** Expire timeout for a request (milliseconds). */ uint32_t uExpireIntervalMs; /** Thread which checks for lost requests. */ RTTHREAD hThread; /** Event semaphore */ RTSEMEVENT SemEvent; /** Flag whether the thread should run. */ bool fRunning; /** Array containing active requests. */ DRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE apReqActive[128]; /** Next free slot in the array */ volatile unsigned iNextFreeSlot; /** Flag whether we check for requests completing twice. */ bool fCheckDoubleCompletion; /** Number of requests we go back. */ unsigned cEntries; /** Array of completed but still observed requests. */ PDRVDISKAIOREQ *papIoReq; /** Current entry in the array. */ unsigned iEntry; /** I/O logger to use if enabled. */ VDIOLOGGER hIoLogger; } DRVDISKINTEGRITY, *PDRVDISKINTEGRITY; /** * Allocate a new I/O request. * * @returns New I/O request. * @param enmTxDir Transfer direction. * @param off Start offset. * @param paSeg Segment array. * @param cSeg Number of segments. * @param cbTransfer Number of bytes to transfer. * @param pvUser User argument. */ static PDRVDISKAIOREQ drvdiskintIoReqAlloc(DRVDISKAIOTXDIR enmTxDir, uint64_t off, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg, size_t cbTransfer, void *pvUser) { PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = (PDRVDISKAIOREQ)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(DRVDISKAIOREQ)); if (RT_LIKELY(pIoReq)) { pIoReq->enmTxDir = enmTxDir; pIoReq->off = off; pIoReq->cbTransfer = cbTransfer; pIoReq->paSeg = paSeg; pIoReq->cSeg = cSeg; pIoReq->pvUser = pvUser; pIoReq->iSlot = 0; pIoReq->tsStart = RTTimeSystemMilliTS(); pIoReq->tsComplete = 0; pIoReq->hIoLogEntry = NULL; } return pIoReq; } /** * Free a async I/O request. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis Disk driver. * @param pIoReq The I/O request to free. */ static void drvdiskintIoReqFree(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq) { if (pThis->fCheckDoubleCompletion) { /* Search if the I/O request completed already. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pThis->cEntries; i++) { if (RT_UNLIKELY(pThis->papIoReq[i] == pIoReq)) { RTMsgError("Request %#p completed already!\n", pIoReq); RTMsgError("Start timestamp %llu Completion timestamp %llu (completed after %llu ms)\n", pIoReq->tsStart, pIoReq->tsComplete, pIoReq->tsComplete - pIoReq->tsStart); RTAssertDebugBreak(); } } pIoReq->tsComplete = RTTimeSystemMilliTS(); Assert(!pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry]); pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry] = pIoReq; pThis->iEntry = (pThis->iEntry+1) % pThis->cEntries; if (pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry]) { RTMemFree(pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry]); pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry] = NULL; } } else RTMemFree(pIoReq); } static void drvdiskintIoLogEntryRelease(PIOLOGENT pIoLogEnt) { pIoLogEnt->cRefs--; if (!pIoLogEnt->cRefs) RTMemFree(pIoLogEnt); } /** * Record a successful write to the virtual disk. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis Disk integrity driver instance data. * @param paSeg Segment array of the write to record. * @param cSeg Number of segments. * @param off Start offset. * @param cbWrite Number of bytes to record. */ static int drvdiskintWriteRecord(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg, uint64_t off, size_t cbWrite) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("pThis=%#p paSeg=%#p cSeg=%u off=%llx cbWrite=%u\n", pThis, paSeg, cSeg, off, cbWrite)); /* Update the segments */ size_t cbLeft = cbWrite; RTFOFF offCurr = (RTFOFF)off; RTSGBUF SgBuf; PIOLOGENT pIoLogEnt = (PIOLOGENT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(IOLOGENT)); if (!pIoLogEnt) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pIoLogEnt->off = off; pIoLogEnt->cbWrite = cbWrite; pIoLogEnt->cRefs = 0; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, paSeg, cSeg); while (cbLeft) { PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetRangeGet(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr); size_t cbRange = 0; bool fSet = false; unsigned offSeg = 0; if (!pSeg) { /* Get next segment */ pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetGetBestFit(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr, true); if ( !pSeg || offCurr + (RTFOFF)cbLeft <= pSeg->Core.Key) cbRange = cbLeft; else cbRange = pSeg->Core.Key - offCurr; Assert(cbRange % 512 == 0); /* Create new segment */ pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKSEGMENT, apIoLog[cbRange / 512])); if (pSeg) { pSeg->Core.Key = offCurr; pSeg->Core.KeyLast = offCurr + (RTFOFF)cbRange - 1; pSeg->cbSeg = cbRange; pSeg->pbSeg = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(cbRange); pSeg->cIoLogEntries = cbRange / 512; if (!pSeg->pbSeg) RTMemFree(pSeg); else { bool fInserted = RTAvlrFileOffsetInsert(pThis->pTreeSegments, &pSeg->Core); AssertMsg(fInserted, ("Bug!\n")); fSet = true; } } } else { fSet = true; offSeg = offCurr - pSeg->Core.Key; cbRange = RT_MIN(cbLeft, (size_t)(pSeg->Core.KeyLast + 1 - offCurr)); } if (fSet) { AssertPtr(pSeg); size_t cbCopied = RTSgBufCopyToBuf(&SgBuf, pSeg->pbSeg + offSeg, cbRange); Assert(cbCopied == cbRange); /* Update the I/O log pointers */ Assert(offSeg % 512 == 0); Assert(cbRange % 512 == 0); while (offSeg < cbRange) { uint32_t uSector = offSeg / 512; PIOLOGENT pIoLogOld = NULL; AssertMsg(uSector < pSeg->cIoLogEntries, ("Internal bug!\n")); pIoLogOld = pSeg->apIoLog[uSector]; if (pIoLogOld) { pIoLogOld->cRefs--; if (!pIoLogOld->cRefs) RTMemFree(pIoLogOld); } pSeg->apIoLog[uSector] = pIoLogEnt; pIoLogEnt->cRefs++; offSeg += 512; } } else RTSgBufAdvance(&SgBuf, cbRange); offCurr += cbRange; cbLeft -= cbRange; } return rc; } /** * Verifies a read request. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis Disk integrity driver instance data. * @param paSeg Segment array of the containing the data buffers to verify. * @param cSeg Number of segments. * @param off Start offset. * @param cbWrite Number of bytes to verify. */ static int drvdiskintReadVerify(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg, uint64_t off, size_t cbRead) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("pThis=%#p paSeg=%#p cSeg=%u off=%llx cbRead=%u\n", pThis, paSeg, cSeg, off, cbRead)); Assert(off % 512 == 0); Assert(cbRead % 512 == 0); /* Compare read data */ size_t cbLeft = cbRead; RTFOFF offCurr = (RTFOFF)off; RTSGBUF SgBuf; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, paSeg, cSeg); while (cbLeft) { PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetRangeGet(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr); size_t cbRange = 0; bool fCmp = false; unsigned offSeg = 0; if (!pSeg) { /* Get next segment */ pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetGetBestFit(pThis->pTreeSegments, offCurr, true); if (!pSeg) { /* No data in the tree for this read. Assume everything is ok. */ cbRange = cbLeft; } else if (offCurr + (RTFOFF)cbLeft <= pSeg->Core.Key) cbRange = cbLeft; else cbRange = pSeg->Core.Key - offCurr; } else { fCmp = true; offSeg = offCurr - pSeg->Core.Key; cbRange = RT_MIN(cbLeft, (size_t)(pSeg->Core.KeyLast + 1 - offCurr)); } if (fCmp) { RTSGSEG Seg; RTSGBUF SgBufCmp; size_t cbOff = 0; Seg.cbSeg = cbRange; Seg.pvSeg = pSeg->pbSeg + offSeg; RTSgBufInit(&SgBufCmp, &Seg, 1); if (RTSgBufCmpEx(&SgBuf, &SgBufCmp, cbRange, &cbOff, true)) { /* Corrupted disk, print I/O log entry of the last write which accessed this range. */ uint32_t cSector = (offSeg + cbOff) / 512; AssertMsg(cSector < pSeg->cIoLogEntries, ("Internal bug!\n")); RTMsgError("Corrupted disk at offset %llu (%u bytes in the current read buffer)!\n", offCurr + cbOff, cbOff); RTMsgError("Last write to this sector started at offset %llu with %u bytes (%u references to this log entry)\n", pSeg->apIoLog[cSector]->off, pSeg->apIoLog[cSector]->cbWrite, pSeg->apIoLog[cSector]->cRefs); RTAssertDebugBreak(); } } else RTSgBufAdvance(&SgBuf, cbRange); offCurr += cbRange; cbLeft -= cbRange; } return rc; } /** * Discards the given ranges from the disk. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis Disk integrity driver instance data. * @param paRanges Array of ranges to discard. * @param cRanges Number of ranges in the array. */ static int drvdiskintDiscardRecords(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PCRTRANGE paRanges, unsigned cRanges) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("pThis=%#p paRanges=%#p cRanges=%u\n", pThis, paRanges, cRanges)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cRanges; i++) { uint64_t offStart = paRanges[i].offStart; size_t cbLeft = paRanges[i].cbRange; LogFlowFunc(("Discarding off=%llu cbRange=%zu\n", offStart, cbLeft)); while (cbLeft) { size_t cbRange; PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetRangeGet(pThis->pTreeSegments, offStart); if (!pSeg) { /* Get next segment */ pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTAvlrFileOffsetGetBestFit(pThis->pTreeSegments, offStart, true); if ( !pSeg || (RTFOFF)offStart + (RTFOFF)cbLeft <= pSeg->Core.Key) cbRange = cbLeft; else cbRange = pSeg->Core.Key - offStart; Assert(!(cbRange % 512)); } else { size_t cbPreLeft, cbPostLeft; cbRange = RT_MIN(cbLeft, pSeg->Core.KeyLast - offStart + 1); cbPreLeft = offStart - pSeg->Core.Key; cbPostLeft = pSeg->cbSeg - cbRange - cbPreLeft; Assert(!(cbRange % 512)); Assert(!(cbPreLeft % 512)); Assert(!(cbPostLeft % 512)); LogFlowFunc(("cbRange=%zu cbPreLeft=%zu cbPostLeft=%zu\n", cbRange, cbPreLeft, cbPostLeft)); RTAvlrFileOffsetRemove(pThis->pTreeSegments, pSeg->Core.Key); if (!cbPreLeft && !cbPostLeft) { /* Just free the whole segment. */ LogFlowFunc(("Freeing whole segment pSeg=%#p\n", pSeg)); RTMemFree(pSeg->pbSeg); for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < pSeg->cIoLogEntries; idx++) drvdiskintIoLogEntryRelease(pSeg->apIoLog[idx]); RTMemFree(pSeg); } else if (cbPreLeft && !cbPostLeft) { /* Realloc to new size and insert. */ LogFlowFunc(("Realloc segment pSeg=%#p\n", pSeg)); pSeg->pbSeg = (uint8_t *)RTMemRealloc(pSeg->pbSeg, cbPreLeft); for (unsigned idx = cbPreLeft / 512; idx < pSeg->cIoLogEntries; idx++) drvdiskintIoLogEntryRelease(pSeg->apIoLog[idx]); pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTMemRealloc(pSeg, RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKSEGMENT, apIoLog[cbPreLeft / 512])); pSeg->Core.KeyLast = pSeg->Core.Key + cbPreLeft - 1; pSeg->cbSeg = cbPreLeft; pSeg->cIoLogEntries = cbPreLeft / 512; bool fInserted = RTAvlrFileOffsetInsert(pThis->pTreeSegments, &pSeg->Core); Assert(fInserted); } else if (!cbPreLeft && cbPostLeft) { /* Move data to the front and realloc. */ LogFlowFunc(("Move data and realloc segment pSeg=%#p\n", pSeg)); memmove(pSeg->pbSeg, pSeg->pbSeg + cbRange, cbPostLeft); for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < cbRange / 512; idx++) drvdiskintIoLogEntryRelease(pSeg->apIoLog[idx]); for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < cbPostLeft /512; idx++) pSeg->apIoLog[idx] = pSeg->apIoLog[(cbRange / 512) + idx]; pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTMemRealloc(pSeg, RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKSEGMENT, apIoLog[cbPostLeft / 512])); pSeg->pbSeg = (uint8_t *)RTMemRealloc(pSeg->pbSeg, cbPostLeft); pSeg->Core.Key += cbRange; pSeg->cbSeg = cbPostLeft; pSeg->cIoLogEntries = cbPostLeft / 512; bool fInserted = RTAvlrFileOffsetInsert(pThis->pTreeSegments, &pSeg->Core); Assert(fInserted); } else { /* Split the segment into 2 new segments. */ LogFlowFunc(("Split segment pSeg=%#p\n", pSeg)); PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSegPost = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTMemAllocZ(RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKSEGMENT, apIoLog[cbPostLeft / 512])); if (pSegPost) { pSegPost->Core.Key = pSeg->Core.Key + cbPreLeft + cbRange; pSegPost->Core.KeyLast = pSeg->Core.KeyLast; pSegPost->cbSeg = cbPostLeft; pSegPost->pbSeg = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(cbPostLeft); pSegPost->cIoLogEntries = cbPostLeft / 512; if (!pSegPost->pbSeg) RTMemFree(pSegPost); else { memcpy(pSegPost->pbSeg, pSeg->pbSeg + cbPreLeft + cbRange, cbPostLeft); for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < cbPostLeft / 512; idx++) pSegPost->apIoLog[idx] = pSeg->apIoLog[((cbPreLeft + cbRange) / 512) + idx]; bool fInserted = RTAvlrFileOffsetInsert(pThis->pTreeSegments, &pSegPost->Core); Assert(fInserted); } } /* Shrink the current segment. */ pSeg->pbSeg = (uint8_t *)RTMemRealloc(pSeg->pbSeg, cbPreLeft); for (unsigned idx = cbPreLeft / 512; idx < (cbPreLeft + cbRange) / 512; idx++) drvdiskintIoLogEntryRelease(pSeg->apIoLog[idx]); pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)RTMemRealloc(pSeg, RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKSEGMENT, apIoLog[cbPreLeft / 512])); pSeg->Core.KeyLast = pSeg->Core.Key + cbPreLeft - 1; pSeg->cbSeg = cbPreLeft; pSeg->cIoLogEntries = cbPreLeft / 512; bool fInserted = RTAvlrFileOffsetInsert(pThis->pTreeSegments, &pSeg->Core); Assert(fInserted); } /* if (cbPreLeft && cbPostLeft) */ } offStart += cbRange; cbLeft -= cbRange; } } LogFlowFunc(("returns rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Adds a request to the active list. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis The driver instance data. * @param pIoReq The request to add. */ static void drvdiskintIoReqAdd(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq) { PDRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE pReqActive = &pThis->apReqActive[pThis->iNextFreeSlot]; Assert(!pReqActive->pIoReq); pReqActive->tsStart = pIoReq->tsStart; pReqActive->pIoReq = pIoReq; pIoReq->iSlot = pThis->iNextFreeSlot; /* Search for the next one. */ while (pThis->apReqActive[pThis->iNextFreeSlot].pIoReq) pThis->iNextFreeSlot = (pThis->iNextFreeSlot+1) % RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->apReqActive); } /** * Removes a request from the active list. * * @returns nothing. * @param pThis The driver instance data. * @param pIoReq The request to remove. */ static void drvdiskintIoReqRemove(PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis, PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq) { PDRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE pReqActive = &pThis->apReqActive[pIoReq->iSlot]; Assert(pReqActive->pIoReq == pIoReq); ASMAtomicWriteNullPtr(&pReqActive->pIoReq); } /** * Thread checking for expired requests. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pThread Thread handle. * @param pvUser Opaque user data. */ static int drvdiskIntIoReqExpiredCheck(RTTHREAD pThread, void *pvUser) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = (PDRVDISKINTEGRITY)pvUser; while (pThis->fRunning) { int rc = RTSemEventWait(pThis->SemEvent, pThis->uCheckIntervalMs); if (!pThis->fRunning) break; Assert(rc == VERR_TIMEOUT); /* Get current timestamp for comparison. */ uint64_t tsCurr = RTTimeSystemMilliTS(); /* Go through the array and check for expired requests. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->apReqActive); i++) { PDRVDISKAIOREQACTIVE pReqActive = &pThis->apReqActive[i]; PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = ASMAtomicReadPtrT(&pReqActive->pIoReq, PDRVDISKAIOREQ); if ( pIoReq && (tsCurr > pReqActive->tsStart) && (tsCurr - pReqActive->tsStart) >= pThis->uExpireIntervalMs) { RTMsgError("Request %#p expired (active for %llu ms already)\n", pIoReq, tsCurr - pReqActive->tsStart); RTAssertDebugBreak(); } } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* -=-=-=-=- IMedia -=-=-=-=- */ /** Makes a PDRVDISKINTEGRITY out of a PPDMIMEDIA. */ #define PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface) ( (PDRVDISKINTEGRITY)((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKINTEGRITY, IMedia)) ) /** Makes a PDRVDISKINTEGRITY out of a PPDMIMEDIAASYNC. */ #define PDMIMEDIAASYNC_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface) ( (PDRVDISKINTEGRITY)((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKINTEGRITY, IMediaAsync)) ) /******************************************************************************* * Media interface methods * *******************************************************************************/ /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnRead */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintRead(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, uint64_t off, void *pvBuf, size_t cbRead) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { rc = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, false, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_READ, off, cbRead, NULL, &hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnRead(pThis->pDrvMedia, off, pvBuf, cbRead); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { RTSGSEG Seg; RTSGBUF SgBuf; Seg.pvSeg = pvBuf; Seg.cbSeg = cbRead; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, &Seg, 1); int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, hIoLogEntry, rc, &SgBuf); AssertRC(rc2); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) { /* Verify the read. */ RTSGSEG Seg; Seg.cbSeg = cbRead; Seg.pvSeg = pvBuf; rc = drvdiskintReadVerify(pThis, &Seg, 1, off, cbRead); } return rc; } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnWrite */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintWrite(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, uint64_t off, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbWrite) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { RTSGSEG Seg; RTSGBUF SgBuf; Seg.pvSeg = (void *)pvBuf; Seg.cbSeg = cbWrite; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, &Seg, 1); rc = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, false, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_WRITE, off, cbWrite, &SgBuf, &hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnWrite(pThis->pDrvMedia, off, pvBuf, cbWrite); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, hIoLogEntry, rc, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) { /* Record the write. */ RTSGSEG Seg; Seg.cbSeg = cbWrite; Seg.pvSeg = (void *)pvBuf; rc = drvdiskintWriteRecord(pThis, &Seg, 1, off, cbWrite); } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintStartRead(PPDMIMEDIAASYNC pInterface, uint64_t uOffset, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg, size_t cbRead, void *pvUser) { LogFlow(("%s: uOffset=%llu paSeg=%#p cSeg=%u cbRead=%d pvUser=%#p\n", __FUNCTION__, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbRead, pvUser)); PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIAASYNC_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = drvdiskintIoReqAlloc(DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_READ, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbRead, pvUser); AssertPtr(pIoReq); if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqAdd(pThis, pIoReq); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, true, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_READ, uOffset, cbRead, NULL, &pIoReq->hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc2); } int rc = pThis->pDrvMediaAsync->pfnStartRead(pThis->pDrvMediaAsync, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbRead, pIoReq); if (rc == VINF_VD_ASYNC_IO_FINISHED) { /* Verify the read now. */ if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) { int rc2 = drvdiskintReadVerify(pThis, paSeg, cSeg, uOffset, cbRead); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->hIoLogger) { RTSGBUF SgBuf; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, paSeg, cSeg); int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, pIoReq->hIoLogEntry, VINF_SUCCESS, &SgBuf); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqRemove(pThis, pIoReq); RTMemFree(pIoReq); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS) RTMemFree(pIoReq); LogFlow(("%s: returns %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, rc)); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintStartWrite(PPDMIMEDIAASYNC pInterface, uint64_t uOffset, PCRTSGSEG paSeg, unsigned cSeg, size_t cbWrite, void *pvUser) { LogFlow(("%s: uOffset=%#llx paSeg=%#p cSeg=%u cbWrite=%d pvUser=%#p\n", __FUNCTION__, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbWrite, pvUser)); PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIAASYNC_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = drvdiskintIoReqAlloc(DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_WRITE, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbWrite, pvUser); AssertPtr(pIoReq); if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqAdd(pThis, pIoReq); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { RTSGBUF SgBuf; RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, paSeg, cSeg); int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, true, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_WRITE, uOffset, cbWrite, &SgBuf, &pIoReq->hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc2); } int rc = pThis->pDrvMediaAsync->pfnStartWrite(pThis->pDrvMediaAsync, uOffset, paSeg, cSeg, cbWrite, pIoReq); if (rc == VINF_VD_ASYNC_IO_FINISHED) { /* Record the write. */ if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) { int rc2 = drvdiskintWriteRecord(pThis, paSeg, cSeg, uOffset, cbWrite); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, pIoReq->hIoLogEntry, VINF_SUCCESS, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqRemove(pThis, pIoReq); RTMemFree(pIoReq); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS) RTMemFree(pIoReq); LogFlow(("%s: returns %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIAASYNC::pfnStartFlush */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintStartFlush(PPDMIMEDIAASYNC pInterface, void *pvUser) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIAASYNC_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = drvdiskintIoReqAlloc(DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_FLUSH, 0, NULL, 0, 0, pvUser); AssertPtr(pIoReq); if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqAdd(pThis, pIoReq); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { rc = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, true, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_FLUSH, 0, 0, NULL, &pIoReq->hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMediaAsync->pfnStartFlush(pThis->pDrvMediaAsync, pIoReq); if (rc == VINF_VD_ASYNC_IO_FINISHED) { if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, pIoReq->hIoLogEntry, VINF_SUCCESS, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } RTMemFree(pIoReq); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS) RTMemFree(pIoReq); LogFlow(("%s: returns %Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, rc)); return rc; } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIAASYNC::pfnStartDiscard */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintStartDiscard(PPDMIMEDIAASYNC pInterface, PCRTRANGE paRanges, unsigned cRanges, void *pvUser) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = drvdiskintIoReqAlloc(DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_DISCARD, 0, NULL, 0, 0, pvUser); AssertPtr(pIoReq); pIoReq->paRanges = paRanges; pIoReq->cRanges = cRanges; if (pThis->hIoLogger) { rc = VDDbgIoLogStartDiscard(pThis->hIoLogger, true, paRanges, cRanges, &hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMediaAsync->pfnStartDiscard(pThis->pDrvMediaAsync, paRanges, cRanges, pIoReq); if (rc == VINF_VD_ASYNC_IO_FINISHED) { if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, pIoReq->hIoLogEntry, VINF_SUCCESS, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } RTMemFree(pIoReq); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS) RTMemFree(pIoReq); return rc; } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnFlush */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintFlush(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { rc = VDDbgIoLogStart(pThis->hIoLogger, false, VDDBGIOLOGREQ_FLUSH, 0, 0, NULL, &hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnFlush(pThis->pDrvMedia); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, hIoLogEntry, rc, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } return rc; } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnGetSize */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint64_t) drvdiskintGetSize(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnGetSize(pThis->pDrvMedia); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnIsReadOnly */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) drvdiskintIsReadOnly(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnIsReadOnly(pThis->pDrvMedia); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnBiosGetPCHSGeometry */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintBiosGetPCHSGeometry(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PPDMMEDIAGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnBiosGetPCHSGeometry(pThis->pDrvMedia, pPCHSGeometry); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnBiosSetPCHSGeometry */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintBiosSetPCHSGeometry(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PCPDMMEDIAGEOMETRY pPCHSGeometry) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnBiosSetPCHSGeometry(pThis->pDrvMedia, pPCHSGeometry); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnBiosGetLCHSGeometry */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintBiosGetLCHSGeometry(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PPDMMEDIAGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnBiosGetLCHSGeometry(pThis->pDrvMedia, pLCHSGeometry); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnBiosSetLCHSGeometry */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintBiosSetLCHSGeometry(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PCPDMMEDIAGEOMETRY pLCHSGeometry) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnBiosSetLCHSGeometry(pThis->pDrvMedia, pLCHSGeometry); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnGetUuid */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintGetUuid(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PRTUUID pUuid) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnGetUuid(pThis->pDrvMedia, pUuid); } /** @copydoc PDMIMEDIA::pfnDiscard */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintDiscard(PPDMIMEDIA pInterface, PCRTRANGE paRanges, unsigned cRanges) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; VDIOLOGENT hIoLogEntry; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIA_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { rc = VDDbgIoLogStartDiscard(pThis->hIoLogger, false, paRanges, cRanges, &hIoLogEntry); AssertRC(rc); } rc = pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnDiscard(pThis->pDrvMedia, paRanges, cRanges); if (pThis->hIoLogger) { int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, hIoLogEntry, rc, NULL); AssertRC(rc2); } if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) rc = drvdiskintDiscardRecords(pThis, paRanges, cRanges); return rc; } /* -=-=-=-=- IMediaAsyncPort -=-=-=-=- */ /** Makes a PDRVBLOCKASYNC out of a PPDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT. */ #define PDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface) ( (PDRVDISKINTEGRITY((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKINTEGRITY, IMediaAsyncPort))) ) static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintAsyncTransferCompleteNotify(PPDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT pInterface, void *pvUser, int rcReq) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); PDRVDISKAIOREQ pIoReq = (PDRVDISKAIOREQ)pvUser; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFunc(("pIoReq=%#p\n", pIoReq)); /* Remove from the active list. */ if (pThis->fTraceRequests) drvdiskintIoReqRemove(pThis, pIoReq); if (RT_SUCCESS(rcReq) && pThis->fCheckConsistency) { if (pIoReq->enmTxDir == DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_READ) rc = drvdiskintReadVerify(pThis, pIoReq->paSeg, pIoReq->cSeg, pIoReq->off, pIoReq->cbTransfer); else if (pIoReq->enmTxDir == DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_WRITE) rc = drvdiskintWriteRecord(pThis, pIoReq->paSeg, pIoReq->cSeg, pIoReq->off, pIoReq->cbTransfer); else if (pIoReq->enmTxDir == DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_DISCARD) rc = drvdiskintDiscardRecords(pThis, pIoReq->paRanges, pIoReq->cRanges); else AssertMsg(pIoReq->enmTxDir == DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_FLUSH, ("Huh?\n")); AssertRC(rc); } if (pThis->hIoLogger) { RTSGBUF SgBuf; if (pIoReq->enmTxDir == DRVDISKAIOTXDIR_READ) RTSgBufInit(&SgBuf, pIoReq->paSeg, pIoReq->cSeg); int rc2 = VDDbgIoLogComplete(pThis->hIoLogger, pIoReq->hIoLogEntry, rc, &SgBuf); AssertRC(rc2); } void *pvUserComplete = pIoReq->pvUser; drvdiskintIoReqFree(pThis, pIoReq); rc = pThis->pDrvMediaAsyncPort->pfnTransferCompleteNotify(pThis->pDrvMediaAsyncPort, pvUserComplete, rcReq); return rc; } /* -=-=-=-=- IMediaPort -=-=-=-=- */ /** Makes a PDRVBLOCK out of a PPDMIMEDIAPORT. */ #define PDMIMEDIAPORT_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface) ( (PDRVDISKINTEGRITY((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVDISKINTEGRITY, IMediaPort))) ) /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIMEDIAPORT,pfnQueryDeviceLocation} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintQueryDeviceLocation(PPDMIMEDIAPORT pInterface, const char **ppcszController, uint32_t *piInstance, uint32_t *piLUN) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMIMEDIAPORT_2_DRVDISKINTEGRITY(pInterface); return pThis->pDrvMediaPort->pfnQueryDeviceLocation(pThis->pDrvMediaPort, ppcszController, piInstance, piLUN); } /* -=-=-=-=- IBase -=-=-=-=- */ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvdiskintQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVDISKINTEGRITY); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIA, &pThis->IMedia); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIAASYNC, pThis->pDrvMediaAsync ? &pThis->IMediaAsync : NULL); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT, &pThis->IMediaAsyncPort); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIMEDIAPORT, &pThis->IMediaPort); return NULL; } /* -=-=-=-=- driver interface -=-=-=-=- */ static int drvdiskintTreeDestroy(PAVLRFOFFNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser) { PDRVDISKSEGMENT pSeg = (PDRVDISKSEGMENT)pNode; RTMemFree(pSeg->pbSeg); RTMemFree(pSeg); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc FNPDMDRVDESTRUCT */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvdiskintDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVDISKINTEGRITY); if (pThis->pTreeSegments) { RTAvlrFileOffsetDestroy(pThis->pTreeSegments, drvdiskintTreeDestroy, NULL); RTMemFree(pThis->pTreeSegments); } if (pThis->fTraceRequests) { pThis->fRunning = false; RTSemEventSignal(pThis->SemEvent); RTSemEventDestroy(pThis->SemEvent); } if (pThis->fCheckDoubleCompletion) { /* Free all requests */ while (pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry]) { RTMemFree(pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry]); pThis->papIoReq[pThis->iEntry] = NULL; pThis->iEntry = (pThis->iEntry+1) % pThis->cEntries; } } if (pThis->hIoLogger) VDDbgIoLogDestroy(pThis->hIoLogger); } /** * Construct a disk integrity driver instance. * * @copydoc FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvdiskintConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDRVDISKINTEGRITY pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVDISKINTEGRITY); LogFlow(("drvdiskintConstruct: iInstance=%d\n", pDrvIns->iInstance)); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); /* * Validate configuration. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "CheckConsistency\0" "TraceRequests\0" "CheckIntervalMs\0" "ExpireIntervalMs\0" "CheckDoubleCompletions\0" "HistorySize\0" "IoLog\0")) return VERR_PDM_DRVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES; rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "CheckConsistency", &pThis->fCheckConsistency, false); AssertRC(rc); rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "TraceRequests", &pThis->fTraceRequests, false); AssertRC(rc); rc = CFGMR3QueryU32Def(pCfg, "CheckIntervalMs", &pThis->uCheckIntervalMs, 5000); /* 5 seconds */ AssertRC(rc); rc = CFGMR3QueryU32Def(pCfg, "ExpireIntervalMs", &pThis->uExpireIntervalMs, 20000); /* 20 seconds */ AssertRC(rc); rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "CheckDoubleCompletions", &pThis->fCheckDoubleCompletion, false); AssertRC(rc); rc = CFGMR3QueryU32Def(pCfg, "HistorySize", &pThis->cEntries, 512); AssertRC(rc); char *pszIoLogFilename = NULL; rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfg, "IoLog", &pszIoLogFilename); Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND); /* * Initialize most of the data members. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase. */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvdiskintQueryInterface; /* IMedia */ pThis->IMedia.pfnRead = drvdiskintRead; pThis->IMedia.pfnWrite = drvdiskintWrite; pThis->IMedia.pfnFlush = drvdiskintFlush; pThis->IMedia.pfnGetSize = drvdiskintGetSize; pThis->IMedia.pfnIsReadOnly = drvdiskintIsReadOnly; pThis->IMedia.pfnBiosGetPCHSGeometry = drvdiskintBiosGetPCHSGeometry; pThis->IMedia.pfnBiosSetPCHSGeometry = drvdiskintBiosSetPCHSGeometry; pThis->IMedia.pfnBiosGetLCHSGeometry = drvdiskintBiosGetLCHSGeometry; pThis->IMedia.pfnBiosSetLCHSGeometry = drvdiskintBiosSetLCHSGeometry; pThis->IMedia.pfnGetUuid = drvdiskintGetUuid; /* IMediaAsync */ pThis->IMediaAsync.pfnStartRead = drvdiskintStartRead; pThis->IMediaAsync.pfnStartWrite = drvdiskintStartWrite; pThis->IMediaAsync.pfnStartFlush = drvdiskintStartFlush; /* IMediaAsyncPort. */ pThis->IMediaAsyncPort.pfnTransferCompleteNotify = drvdiskintAsyncTransferCompleteNotify; /* IMediaPort. */ pThis->IMediaPort.pfnQueryDeviceLocation = drvdiskintQueryDeviceLocation; /* Query the media port interface above us. */ pThis->pDrvMediaPort = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMIMEDIAPORT); if (!pThis->pDrvMediaPort) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_BELOW, N_("No media port inrerface above")); /* Try to attach async media port interface above.*/ pThis->pDrvMediaAsyncPort = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMIMEDIAASYNCPORT); /* * Try attach driver below and query it's media interface. */ PPDMIBASE pBase; rc = PDMDrvHlpAttach(pDrvIns, fFlags, &pBase); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDrvHlpVMSetError(pDrvIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Failed to attach driver below us! %Rrc"), rc); pThis->pDrvMedia = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pBase, PDMIMEDIA); if (!pThis->pDrvMedia) return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_BELOW, N_("No media or async media interface below")); pThis->pDrvMediaAsync = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pBase, PDMIMEDIAASYNC); if (pThis->pDrvMedia->pfnDiscard) pThis->IMedia.pfnDiscard = drvdiskintDiscard; if ( pThis->pDrvMediaAsync && pThis->pDrvMediaAsync->pfnStartDiscard) pThis->IMediaAsync.pfnStartDiscard = drvdiskintStartDiscard; if (pThis->fCheckConsistency) { /* Create the AVL tree. */ pThis->pTreeSegments = (PAVLRFOFFTREE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(AVLRFOFFTREE)); if (!pThis->pTreeSegments) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (pThis->fTraceRequests) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->apReqActive); i++) { pThis->apReqActive[i].pIoReq = NULL; pThis->apReqActive[i].tsStart = 0; } pThis->iNextFreeSlot = 0; /* Init event semaphore. */ rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pThis->SemEvent); AssertRC(rc); pThis->fRunning = true; rc = RTThreadCreate(&pThis->hThread, drvdiskIntIoReqExpiredCheck, pThis, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_INFREQUENT_POLLER, 0, "DiskIntegrity"); AssertRC(rc); } if (pThis->fCheckDoubleCompletion) { pThis->iEntry = 0; pThis->papIoReq = (PDRVDISKAIOREQ *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->cEntries * sizeof(PDRVDISKAIOREQ)); AssertPtr(pThis->papIoReq); } if (pszIoLogFilename) { rc = VDDbgIoLogCreate(&pThis->hIoLogger, pszIoLogFilename, VDDBG_IOLOG_LOG_DATA); MMR3HeapFree(pszIoLogFilename); } return rc; } /** * Block driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvDiskIntegrity = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "DiskIntegrity", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "Disk integrity driver.", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_BLOCK, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVDISKINTEGRITY), /* pfnConstruct */ drvdiskintConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvdiskintDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };