1 | # Support for RISC-V QEMU virt platform
2 |
3 | ## Overview
4 | RISC-V QEMU 'virt' is a generic platform which does not correspond to any real
5 | hardware.
6 |
7 | EDK2 for RISC-V virt platform is a payload (S-mode) for the previous stage M-mode
8 | firmware like OpenSBI. It follows PEI less design.
9 |
10 | The minimum QEMU version required is
11 | **[8.1](https://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/8.1)** or with commit
12 | [7efd65423a](https://github.com/qemu/qemu/commit/7efd65423ab22e6f5890ca08ae40c84d6660242f)
13 | which supports separate pflash devices for EDK2 code and variable storage.
14 |
15 | ## Get edk2 sources
16 |
17 | git clone --recurse-submodule git@github.com:tianocore/edk2.git
18 |
19 | ## Build
20 |
21 | ### Using GCC toolchain
22 | **Prerequisite**: RISC-V GNU compiler toolchain should be installed.
23 |
24 | export WORKSPACE=`pwd`
25 | export GCC5_RISCV64_PREFIX=riscv64-linux-gnu-
27 | export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2/BaseTools
28 | source edk2/edksetup.sh --reconfig
29 | make -C edk2/BaseTools
30 | source edk2/edksetup.sh BaseTools
31 | build -a RISCV64 --buildtarget RELEASE -p OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirtQemu.dsc -t GCC5
32 |
33 | ### Using CLANGDWARF toolchain (clang + lld)
34 | **Prerequisite**: LLVM toolchain with clang and lld should be installed.
35 |
36 | export WORKSPACE=`pwd`
37 | export CLANGDWARF_BIN=/usr/bin/
39 | export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=$WORKSPACE/edk2/BaseTools
40 | source edk2/edksetup.sh --reconfig
41 | make -C edk2/BaseTools
42 | source edk2/edksetup.sh BaseTools
43 | build -a RISCV64 --buildtarget RELEASE -p OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt/RiscVVirtQemu.dsc -t CLANGDWARF
44 |
45 | After a successful build, two files namely **RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd** and **RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd** are created.
46 |
47 | ## Test
48 | Below example shows how to boot openSUSE Tumbleweed E20.
49 |
50 | 1) RISC-V QEMU pflash devices should be of of size 32MiB.
51 |
52 | `truncate -s 32M RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd`
53 |
54 | `truncate -s 32M RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd`
55 |
56 | 2) Running QEMU
57 |
58 | qemu-system-riscv64 \
59 | -M virt,pflash0=pflash0,pflash1=pflash1,acpi=off \
60 | -m 4096 -smp 2 \
61 | -serial mon:stdio \
62 | -device virtio-gpu-pci -full-screen \
63 | -device qemu-xhci \
64 | -device usb-kbd \
65 | -device virtio-rng-pci \
66 | -blockdev node-name=pflash0,driver=file,read-only=on,filename=RISCV_VIRT_CODE.fd \
67 | -blockdev node-name=pflash1,driver=file,filename=RISCV_VIRT_VARS.fd \
68 | -netdev user,id=net0 \
69 | -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0 \
70 | -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 \
71 | -drive file=openSUSE-Tumbleweed-RISC-V-E20-efi.riscv64.raw,format=raw,id=hd0