1 | /** @file
2 | Mtftp6 option parse functions implementation.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 |
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #include "Mtftp6Impl.h"
11 |
12 | CHAR8 *mMtftp6SupportedOptions[MTFTP6_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_NUM] = {
13 | "blksize",
14 | "windowsize",
15 | "timeout",
16 | "tsize",
17 | "multicast"
18 | };
19 |
20 |
21 | /**
22 | Parse the NULL terminated ASCII string of multicast option.
23 |
24 | @param[in] Str The pointer to the Ascii string of multicast option.
25 | @param[in] ExtInfo The pointer to the option information to be filled.
26 |
27 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Parse the multicast option successfully.
28 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The string is malformatted.
29 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to perform the operation due to lack of
30 | resources.
31 |
32 | **/
34 | Mtftp6ParseMcastOption (
35 | IN UINT8 *Str,
37 | )
38 | {
39 | EFI_STATUS Status;
40 | UINT32 Num;
41 | CHAR8 *Ip6Str;
42 | CHAR8 *TempStr;
43 |
44 | //
45 | // The multicast option is formatted like "addr,port,mc"
46 | // The server can also omit the ip and port, use ",,1"
47 | //
48 | if (*Str == ',') {
49 |
50 | ZeroMem (&ExtInfo->McastIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));
51 | } else {
52 |
53 | Ip6Str = (CHAR8 *) AllocateCopyPool (AsciiStrSize ((CHAR8 *) Str), Str);
54 | if (Ip6Str == NULL) {
56 | }
57 |
58 | //
59 | // The IPv6 address locates before comma in the input Str.
60 | //
61 | TempStr = Ip6Str;
62 | while ((*TempStr != '\0') && (*TempStr != ',')) {
63 | TempStr++;
64 | }
65 |
66 | *TempStr = '\0';
67 |
68 | Status = NetLibAsciiStrToIp6 (Ip6Str, &ExtInfo->McastIp);
69 | FreePool (Ip6Str);
70 |
71 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
72 | return Status;
73 | }
74 |
75 | while ((*Str != '\0') && (*Str != ',')) {
76 | Str++;
77 | }
78 | }
79 |
80 | if (*Str != ',') {
82 | }
83 |
84 | Str++;
85 |
86 | //
87 | // Convert the port setting. the server can send us a port number or
88 | // empty string. such as the port in ",,1"
89 | //
90 | if (*Str == ',') {
91 |
92 | ExtInfo->McastPort = 0;
93 | } else {
94 |
95 | Num = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Str);
96 |
97 | if (Num > 65535) {
99 | }
100 |
101 | ExtInfo->McastPort = (UINT16) Num;
102 |
103 | while (NET_IS_DIGIT (*Str)) {
104 | Str++;
105 | }
106 | }
107 |
108 | if (*Str != ',') {
110 | }
111 |
112 | Str++;
113 |
114 | //
115 | // Check the master/slave setting, 1 for master, 0 for slave.
116 | //
117 | Num = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Str);
118 |
119 | if (Num != 0 && Num != 1) {
121 | }
122 |
123 | ExtInfo->IsMaster = (BOOLEAN) (Num == 1);
124 |
125 | while (NET_IS_DIGIT (*Str)) {
126 | Str++;
127 | }
128 |
129 | if (*Str != '\0') {
131 | }
132 |
133 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
134 | }
135 |
136 |
137 | /**
138 | Parse the MTFTP6 extension options.
139 |
140 | @param[in] Options The pointer to the extension options list.
141 | @param[in] Count The num of the extension options.
142 | @param[in] IsRequest If FALSE, the extension options is included
143 | by a request packet.
144 | @param[in] Operation The current performed operation.
145 | @param[in] ExtInfo The pointer to the option information to be filled.
146 |
147 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Parse the multicast option successfully.
148 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER There is one option is malformatted at least.
149 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED There is one option is not supported at least.
150 |
151 | **/
153 | Mtftp6ParseExtensionOption (
154 | IN EFI_MTFTP6_OPTION *Options,
155 | IN UINT32 Count,
156 | IN BOOLEAN IsRequest,
157 | IN UINT16 Operation,
159 | )
160 | {
161 | EFI_STATUS Status;
163 | UINT32 Index;
164 | UINT32 Value;
165 |
166 | ExtInfo->BitMap = 0;
167 |
168 | for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
169 |
170 | Opt = Options + Index;
171 |
172 | if (Opt->OptionStr == NULL || Opt->ValueStr == NULL) {
174 | }
175 |
176 | if (AsciiStriCmp ((CHAR8 *) Opt->OptionStr, "blksize") == 0) {
177 | //
178 | // block size option, valid value is between [8, 65464]
179 | //
180 | Value = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Opt->ValueStr);
181 |
182 | if ((Value < 8) || (Value > 65464)) {
184 | }
185 |
186 | ExtInfo->BlkSize = (UINT16) Value;
187 | ExtInfo->BitMap |= MTFTP6_OPT_BLKSIZE_BIT;
188 |
189 | } else if (AsciiStriCmp ((CHAR8 *) Opt->OptionStr, "timeout") == 0) {
190 | //
191 | // timeout option, valid value is between [1, 255]
192 | //
193 | Value = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Opt->ValueStr);
194 |
195 | if (Value < 1 || Value > 255) {
197 | }
198 |
199 | ExtInfo->Timeout = (UINT8) Value;
200 | ExtInfo->BitMap |= MTFTP6_OPT_TIMEOUT_BIT;
201 |
202 | } else if (AsciiStriCmp ((CHAR8 *) Opt->OptionStr, "tsize") == 0) {
203 | //
204 | // tsize option, the biggest transfer supported is 4GB with block size option
205 | //
206 | ExtInfo->Tsize = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Opt->ValueStr);
207 | ExtInfo->BitMap |= MTFTP6_OPT_TSIZE_BIT;
208 |
209 | } else if (AsciiStriCmp ((CHAR8 *) Opt->OptionStr, "multicast") == 0) {
210 | //
211 | // Multicast option, if it is a request, the value must be a zero string,
212 | // otherwise, it must be like "addr,port,mc" string, mc indicates master.
213 | //
214 | if (!IsRequest) {
215 |
216 | Status = Mtftp6ParseMcastOption (Opt->ValueStr, ExtInfo);
217 |
218 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
219 | return Status;
220 | }
221 | } else if (*(Opt->ValueStr) != '\0') {
222 |
224 | }
225 |
226 | ExtInfo->BitMap |= MTFTP6_OPT_MCAST_BIT;
227 |
228 | } else if (AsciiStriCmp ((CHAR8 *) Opt->OptionStr, "windowsize") == 0) {
229 | if (Operation == EFI_MTFTP6_OPCODE_WRQ) {
230 | //
231 | // Currently, windowsize is not supported in the write operation.
232 | //
233 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
234 | }
235 |
236 | Value = (UINT32) AsciiStrDecimalToUintn ((CHAR8 *) Opt->ValueStr);
237 |
238 | if ((Value < 1)) {
240 | }
241 |
242 | ExtInfo->WindowSize = (UINT16) Value;
243 | ExtInfo->BitMap |= MTFTP6_OPT_WINDOWSIZE_BIT;
244 |
245 | } else if (IsRequest) {
246 | //
247 | // If it's a request, unsupported; else if it's a reply, ignore.
248 | //
249 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
250 | }
251 | }
252 |
253 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
254 | }
255 |
256 |
257 | /**
258 | Go through the packet to fill the options array with the start
259 | addresses of each MTFTP option name/value pair.
260 |
261 | @param[in] Packet The packet to be checked.
262 | @param[in] PacketLen The length of the packet.
263 | @param[in, out] Count The num of the Options on input.
264 | The actual one on output.
265 | @param[in] Options The option array to be filled.
266 | It is optional.
267 |
268 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet has been parsed successfully.
269 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The packet is malformatted.
270 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The Options array is too small.
271 | @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR An unexpected MTFTPv6 packet was received.
272 |
273 | **/
275 | Mtftp6ParsePacketOption (
276 | IN EFI_MTFTP6_PACKET *Packet,
277 | IN UINT32 PacketLen,
278 | IN OUT UINT32 *Count,
280 | )
281 | {
282 | UINT8 *Cur;
283 | UINT8 *Last;
284 | UINT8 Num;
285 | UINT8 *Name;
286 | UINT8 *Value;
287 |
288 | Num = 0;
289 | Cur = (UINT8 *) Packet + MTFTP6_OPCODE_LEN;
290 | Last = (UINT8 *) Packet + PacketLen - 1;
291 |
292 | //
293 | // process option name and value pairs.
294 | // The last byte is always zero.
295 | //
296 | while (Cur < Last) {
297 | Name = Cur;
298 |
299 | while (*Cur != 0) {
300 | Cur++;
301 | }
302 |
303 | if (Cur == Last) {
304 | return EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
305 | }
306 |
307 | Value = ++Cur;
308 |
309 | while (*Cur != 0) {
310 | Cur++;
311 | }
312 |
313 | Num++;
314 |
315 | if (Options != NULL && Num <= *Count) {
316 | Options[Num - 1].OptionStr = Name;
317 | Options[Num - 1].ValueStr = Value;
318 | }
319 |
320 | Cur++;
321 | }
322 |
323 | //
324 | // Return buffer too small if the buffer passed-in isn't enough.
325 | //
326 | if (*Count < Num || Options == NULL) {
327 | *Count = Num;
328 | return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
329 | }
330 |
331 | *Count = Num;
332 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
333 | }
334 |
335 |
336 | /**
337 | Go through the packet, generate option list array and fill it
338 | by the result of parse options.
339 |
340 | @param[in] Packet The packet to be checked.
341 | @param[in] PacketLen The length of the packet.
342 | @param[in, out] OptionCount The num of the Options on input.
343 | The actual one on output.
344 | @param[out] OptionList The option list array to be generated
345 | and filled. It is optional.
346 |
347 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet has been parsed successfully.
348 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The packet is malformatted.
349 | @retval EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR There is one option is malformatted at least.
350 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The packet has no options.
351 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate memory for the array.
352 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of option list array is too small.
353 |
354 | **/
356 | Mtftp6ParseStart (
357 | IN EFI_MTFTP6_PACKET *Packet,
358 | IN UINT32 PacketLen,
359 | IN OUT UINT32 *OptionCount,
361 | )
362 | {
363 | EFI_STATUS Status;
364 |
365 | if (PacketLen == 0 || Packet == NULL || OptionCount == NULL) {
367 | }
368 |
369 | *OptionCount = 0;
370 |
371 | if (OptionList != NULL) {
372 | *OptionList = NULL;
373 | }
374 |
375 | if (NTOHS (Packet->OpCode) != EFI_MTFTP6_OPCODE_OACK) {
377 | }
378 |
379 | //
380 | // The last byte must be zero to terminate the options.
381 | //
382 | if (*((UINT8 *) Packet + PacketLen - 1) != 0) {
383 | return EFI_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
384 | }
385 |
386 | //
387 | // Parse packet with NULL buffer for the first time to get the number
388 | // of options in the packet.
389 | //
390 | Status = Mtftp6ParsePacketOption (Packet, PacketLen, OptionCount, NULL);
391 |
392 | if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
393 | return Status;
394 | }
395 |
396 | //
397 | // Return not found if there is no option parsed.
398 | //
399 | if (*OptionCount == 0) {
400 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
401 | }
402 |
403 | //
404 | // Only need parse out the number of options.
405 | //
406 | if (OptionList == NULL) {
407 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
408 | }
409 |
410 | //
411 | // Allocate the buffer according to the option number parsed before.
412 | //
413 | *OptionList = AllocateZeroPool (*OptionCount * sizeof (EFI_MTFTP6_OPTION));
414 |
415 | if (*OptionList == NULL) {
416 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
417 | }
418 |
419 | //
420 | // Parse packet with allocated buffer for the second time to fill the pointer array
421 | // of the options in the packet.
422 | //
423 | Status = Mtftp6ParsePacketOption (Packet, PacketLen, OptionCount, *OptionList);
424 |
425 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
426 | return Status;
427 | }
428 |
429 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
430 | }