1 | /** @file
2 |
4 |
5 | (C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
6 |
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | **/
10 |
11 | #include "RegularExpressionDxe.h"
12 |
14 | EFI_REGEX_SYNTAX_TYPE * CONST mSupportedSyntaxes[] = {
15 | &gEfiRegexSyntaxTypePosixExtendedGuid,
16 | &gEfiRegexSyntaxTypePerlGuid
17 | };
18 |
21 | RegularExpressionMatch,
22 | RegularExpressionGetInfo
23 | };
24 |
25 |
26 |
28 |
29 | /**
30 | Call the Oniguruma regex match API.
31 |
32 | Same parameters as RegularExpressionMatch, except SyntaxType is required.
33 |
34 | @param String A pointer to a NULL terminated string to match against the
35 | regular expression string specified by Pattern.
36 |
37 | @param Pattern A pointer to a NULL terminated string that represents the
38 | regular expression.
39 | @param SyntaxType A pointer to the EFI_REGEX_SYNTAX_TYPE that identifies the
40 | regular expression syntax type to use. May be NULL in which
41 | case the function will use its default regular expression
42 | syntax type.
43 |
44 | @param Result On return, points to TRUE if String fully matches against
45 | the regular expression Pattern using the regular expression
46 | SyntaxType. Otherwise, points to FALSE.
47 |
48 | @param Captures A Pointer to an array of EFI_REGEX_CAPTURE objects to receive
49 | the captured groups in the event of a match. The full
50 | sub-string match is put in Captures[0], and the results of N
51 | capturing groups are put in Captures[1:N]. If Captures is
52 | NULL, then this function doesn't allocate the memory for the
53 | array and does not build up the elements. It only returns the
54 | number of matching patterns in CapturesCount. If Captures is
55 | not NULL, this function returns a pointer to an array and
56 | builds up the elements in the array. CapturesCount is also
57 | updated to the number of matching patterns found. It is the
58 | caller's responsibility to free the memory pool in Captures
59 | and in each CapturePtr in the array elements.
60 |
61 | @param CapturesCount On output, CapturesCount is the number of matching patterns
62 | found in String. Zero means no matching patterns were found
63 | in the string.
64 |
65 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Regex compilation and match completed successfully.
66 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Regex compilation failed.
67 |
68 | **/
71 | OnigurumaMatch (
72 | IN CHAR16 *String,
73 | IN CHAR16 *Pattern,
75 | OUT BOOLEAN *Result,
77 | OUT UINTN *CapturesCount
78 | )
79 | {
80 | regex_t *OnigRegex;
81 | OnigSyntaxType *OnigSyntax;
82 | OnigRegion *Region;
83 | INT32 OnigResult;
84 | OnigErrorInfo ErrorInfo;
85 | OnigUChar ErrorMessage[ONIG_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN];
86 | UINT32 Index;
87 | OnigUChar *Start;
88 | EFI_STATUS Status;
89 |
90 |
91 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
92 |
93 | //
94 | // Detemine the internal syntax type
95 | //
96 | OnigSyntax = ONIG_SYNTAX_DEFAULT;
97 | if (CompareGuid (SyntaxType, &gEfiRegexSyntaxTypePosixExtendedGuid)) {
99 | } else if (CompareGuid (SyntaxType, &gEfiRegexSyntaxTypePerlGuid)) {
100 | OnigSyntax = ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL;
101 | } else {
102 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unsupported regex syntax - using default\n"));
103 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
104 | }
105 |
106 | //
107 | // Compile pattern
108 | //
109 | Start = (OnigUChar*)Pattern;
110 | OnigResult = onig_new (
111 | &OnigRegex,
112 | Start,
113 | Start + onigenc_str_bytelen_null (CHAR16_ENCODING, Start),
116 | OnigSyntax,
117 | &ErrorInfo
118 | );
119 |
120 | if (OnigResult != ONIG_NORMAL) {
121 | onig_error_code_to_str (ErrorMessage, OnigResult, &ErrorInfo);
122 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Regex compilation failed: %a\n", ErrorMessage));
123 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
124 | }
125 |
126 | //
127 | // Try to match
128 | //
129 | Start = (OnigUChar*)String;
130 | Region = onig_region_new ();
131 | if (Region == NULL) {
132 | onig_free (OnigRegex);
133 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
134 | }
135 | OnigResult = onig_search (
136 | OnigRegex,
137 | Start,
138 | Start + onigenc_str_bytelen_null (CHAR16_ENCODING, Start),
139 | Start,
140 | Start + onigenc_str_bytelen_null (CHAR16_ENCODING, Start),
141 | Region,
143 | );
144 |
145 | if (OnigResult >= 0) {
146 | *Result = TRUE;
147 | } else {
148 | *Result = FALSE;
149 | if (OnigResult != ONIG_MISMATCH) {
150 | onig_error_code_to_str (ErrorMessage, OnigResult);
151 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Regex match failed: %a\n", ErrorMessage));
152 | onig_region_free (Region, 1);
153 | onig_free (OnigRegex);
154 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
155 | }
156 | }
157 |
158 | //
159 | // If successful, copy out the region (capture) information
160 | //
161 | if (*Result && Captures != NULL) {
162 | *CapturesCount = Region->num_regs;
163 | *Captures = AllocateZeroPool (*CapturesCount * sizeof(**Captures));
164 | if (*Captures != NULL) {
165 | for (Index = 0; Index < *CapturesCount; ++Index) {
166 | //
167 | // Region beg/end values represent bytes, not characters
168 | //
169 | (*Captures)[Index].Length = (Region->end[Index] - Region->beg[Index]) / sizeof(CHAR16);
170 | (*Captures)[Index].CapturePtr = AllocateCopyPool (
171 | ((*Captures)[Index].Length) * sizeof (CHAR16),
172 | (CHAR16*)((UINTN)String + Region->beg[Index])
173 | );
174 | if ((*Captures)[Index].CapturePtr == NULL) {
175 | Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
176 | break;
177 | }
178 | }
179 |
180 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
181 | for (Index = 0; Index < *CapturesCount; ++Index) {
182 | if ((*Captures)[Index].CapturePtr != NULL) {
183 | FreePool ((CHAR16*)(*Captures)[Index].CapturePtr);
184 | }
185 | }
186 | FreePool (*Captures);
187 | }
188 | }
189 | }
190 |
191 | onig_region_free (Region, 1);
192 | onig_free (OnigRegex);
193 |
194 | return Status;
195 | }
196 |
197 | /**
198 | Returns information about the regular expression syntax types supported
199 | by the implementation.
200 |
201 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_PROTOCOL
202 | instance.
203 |
204 | @param RegExSyntaxTypeListSize On input, the size in bytes of RegExSyntaxTypeList.
205 | On output with a return code of EFI_SUCCESS, the
206 | size in bytes of the data returned in
207 | RegExSyntaxTypeList. On output with a return code
208 | of EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, the size of
209 | RegExSyntaxTypeList required to obtain the list.
210 |
211 | @param RegExSyntaxTypeList A caller-allocated memory buffer filled by the
212 | driver with one EFI_REGEX_SYNTAX_TYPE element
213 | for each supported Regular expression syntax
214 | type. The list must not change across multiple
215 | calls to the same driver. The first syntax
216 | type in the list is the default type for the
217 | driver.
218 |
219 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The regular expression syntax types list
220 | was returned successfully.
221 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The service is not supported by this driver.
222 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The list of syntax types could not be
223 | retrieved due to a hardware or firmware error.
224 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The buffer RegExSyntaxTypeList is too small
225 | to hold the result.
226 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER RegExSyntaxTypeListSize is NULL
227 |
228 | **/
230 | EFIAPI
231 | RegularExpressionGetInfo (
233 | IN OUT UINTN *RegExSyntaxTypeListSize,
234 | OUT EFI_REGEX_SYNTAX_TYPE *RegExSyntaxTypeList
235 | )
236 | {
237 | UINTN SyntaxSize;
238 | UINTN Index;
239 |
240 | if (This == NULL || RegExSyntaxTypeListSize == NULL) {
242 | }
243 |
244 | if (*RegExSyntaxTypeListSize != 0 && RegExSyntaxTypeList == NULL) {
246 | }
247 |
248 | SyntaxSize = ARRAY_SIZE (mSupportedSyntaxes) * sizeof(**mSupportedSyntaxes);
249 |
250 | if (*RegExSyntaxTypeListSize < SyntaxSize) {
251 | *RegExSyntaxTypeListSize = SyntaxSize;
252 | return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
253 | }
254 |
255 | for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (mSupportedSyntaxes); ++Index) {
256 | CopyMem (&RegExSyntaxTypeList[Index], mSupportedSyntaxes[Index], sizeof(**mSupportedSyntaxes));
257 | }
258 | *RegExSyntaxTypeListSize = SyntaxSize;
259 |
260 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
261 | }
262 |
263 | /**
264 | Checks if the input string matches to the regular expression pattern.
265 |
266 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_PROTOCOL instance.
267 | Type EFI_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_PROTOCOL is defined in Section
268 | XYZ.
269 |
270 | @param String A pointer to a NULL terminated string to match against the
271 | regular expression string specified by Pattern.
272 |
273 | @param Pattern A pointer to a NULL terminated string that represents the
274 | regular expression.
275 |
276 | @param SyntaxType A pointer to the EFI_REGEX_SYNTAX_TYPE that identifies the
277 | regular expression syntax type to use. May be NULL in which
278 | case the function will use its default regular expression
279 | syntax type.
280 |
281 | @param Result On return, points to TRUE if String fully matches against
282 | the regular expression Pattern using the regular expression
283 | SyntaxType. Otherwise, points to FALSE.
284 |
285 | @param Captures A Pointer to an array of EFI_REGEX_CAPTURE objects to receive
286 | the captured groups in the event of a match. The full
287 | sub-string match is put in Captures[0], and the results of N
288 | capturing groups are put in Captures[1:N]. If Captures is
289 | NULL, then this function doesn't allocate the memory for the
290 | array and does not build up the elements. It only returns the
291 | number of matching patterns in CapturesCount. If Captures is
292 | not NULL, this function returns a pointer to an array and
293 | builds up the elements in the array. CapturesCount is also
294 | updated to the number of matching patterns found. It is the
295 | caller's responsibility to free the memory pool in Captures
296 | and in each CapturePtr in the array elements.
297 |
298 | @param CapturesCount On output, CapturesCount is the number of matching patterns
299 | found in String. Zero means no matching patterns were found
300 | in the string.
301 |
302 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The regular expression string matching
303 | completed successfully.
304 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The regular expression syntax specified by
305 | SyntaxType is not supported by this driver.
306 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The regular expression string matching
307 | failed due to a hardware or firmware error.
308 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER String, Pattern, Result, or CapturesCountis
309 | NULL.
310 |
311 | **/
313 | EFIAPI
314 | RegularExpressionMatch (
316 | IN CHAR16 *String,
317 | IN CHAR16 *Pattern,
319 | OUT BOOLEAN *Result,
321 | OUT UINTN *CapturesCount
322 | )
323 | {
324 | EFI_STATUS Status;
325 | UINT32 Index;
326 | BOOLEAN Supported;
327 |
328 | if (This == NULL || String == NULL || Pattern == NULL || Result == NULL || CapturesCount == NULL) {
330 | }
331 |
332 | //
333 | // Figure out which syntax to use
334 | //
335 | if (SyntaxType == NULL) {
336 | SyntaxType = mSupportedSyntaxes[0];
337 | } else {
338 | Supported = FALSE;
339 | for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (mSupportedSyntaxes); ++Index) {
340 | if (CompareGuid (SyntaxType, mSupportedSyntaxes[Index])) {
341 | Supported = TRUE;
342 | break;
343 | }
344 | }
345 | if (!Supported) {
346 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
347 | }
348 | }
349 |
350 | Status = OnigurumaMatch (String, Pattern, SyntaxType, Result, Captures, CapturesCount);
351 |
352 | return Status;
353 | }
354 |
355 | /**
356 | Entry point for RegularExpressionDxe.
357 |
358 | @param ImageHandle Image handle this driver.
359 | @param SystemTable Pointer to SystemTable.
360 |
361 | @retval Status Whether this function complete successfully.
362 |
363 | **/
365 | EFIAPI
366 | RegularExpressionDxeEntry (
367 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
368 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
369 | )
370 | {
371 | EFI_STATUS Status;
372 |
373 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
374 | &ImageHandle,
375 | &gEfiRegularExpressionProtocolGuid,
376 | &mProtocolInstance,
377 | NULL
378 | );
379 |
380 | return Status;
381 | }