1 | /** @file
2 | Cache implementation for EFI FAT File system driver.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
6 | under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
7 | distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #include "Fat.h"
16 |
17 | /**
18 |
19 | This function is used by the Data Cache.
20 |
21 | When this function is called by write command, all entries in this range
22 | are older than the contents in disk, so they are invalid; just mark them invalid.
23 |
24 | When this function is called by read command, if any entry in this range
25 | is dirty, it means that the relative info directly readed from media is older than
26 | than the info in the cache; So need to update the relative info in the Buffer.
27 |
28 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
29 | @param IoMode - This function is called by read command or write command
30 | @param StartPageNo - First PageNo to be checked in the cache.
31 | @param EndPageNo - Last PageNo to be checked in the cache.
32 | @param Buffer - The user buffer need to update. Only when doing the read command
33 | and there is dirty cache in the cache range, this parameter will be used.
34 |
35 | **/
37 | VOID
38 | FatFlushDataCacheRange (
39 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
40 | IN IO_MODE IoMode,
41 | IN UINTN StartPageNo,
42 | IN UINTN EndPageNo,
43 | OUT UINT8 *Buffer
44 | )
45 | {
46 | UINTN PageNo;
47 | UINTN GroupNo;
48 | UINTN GroupMask;
49 | UINTN PageSize;
50 | UINT8 PageAlignment;
51 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
52 | CACHE_TAG *CacheTag;
53 | UINT8 *BaseAddress;
54 |
55 | DiskCache = &Volume->DiskCache[CacheData];
56 | BaseAddress = DiskCache->CacheBase;
57 | GroupMask = DiskCache->GroupMask;
58 | PageAlignment = DiskCache->PageAlignment;
59 | PageSize = (UINTN)1 << PageAlignment;
60 |
61 | for (PageNo = StartPageNo; PageNo < EndPageNo; PageNo++) {
62 | GroupNo = PageNo & GroupMask;
63 | CacheTag = &DiskCache->CacheTag[GroupNo];
64 | if (CacheTag->RealSize > 0 && CacheTag->PageNo == PageNo) {
65 | //
66 | // When reading data form disk directly, if some dirty data
67 | // in cache is in this rang, this data in the Buffer need to
68 | // be updated with the cache's dirty data.
69 | //
70 | if (IoMode == ReadDisk) {
71 | if (CacheTag->Dirty) {
72 | CopyMem (
73 | Buffer + ((PageNo - StartPageNo) << PageAlignment),
74 | BaseAddress + (GroupNo << PageAlignment),
75 | PageSize
76 | );
77 | }
78 | } else {
79 | //
80 | // Make all valid entries in this range invalid.
81 | //
82 | CacheTag->RealSize = 0;
83 | }
84 | }
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | /**
89 |
90 | Exchange the cache page with the image on the disk
91 |
92 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
93 | @param DataType - Indicate the cache type.
94 | @param IoMode - Indicate whether to load this page from disk or store this page to disk.
95 | @param CacheTag - The Cache Tag for the current cache page.
96 | @param Task point to task instance.
97 |
98 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Cache page exchanged successfully.
99 | @return Others - An error occurred when exchanging cache page.
100 |
101 | **/
102 | STATIC
104 | FatExchangeCachePage (
105 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
106 | IN CACHE_DATA_TYPE DataType,
107 | IN IO_MODE IoMode,
108 | IN CACHE_TAG *CacheTag,
109 | IN FAT_TASK *Task
110 | )
111 | {
112 | EFI_STATUS Status;
113 | UINTN GroupNo;
114 | UINTN PageNo;
115 | UINTN WriteCount;
116 | UINTN RealSize;
117 | UINT64 EntryPos;
118 | UINT64 MaxSize;
119 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
120 | VOID *PageAddress;
121 | UINT8 PageAlignment;
122 |
123 | DiskCache = &Volume->DiskCache[DataType];
124 | PageNo = CacheTag->PageNo;
125 | GroupNo = PageNo & DiskCache->GroupMask;
126 | PageAlignment = DiskCache->PageAlignment;
127 | PageAddress = DiskCache->CacheBase + (GroupNo << PageAlignment);
128 | EntryPos = DiskCache->BaseAddress + LShiftU64 (PageNo, PageAlignment);
129 | RealSize = CacheTag->RealSize;
130 | if (IoMode == ReadDisk) {
131 | RealSize = (UINTN)1 << PageAlignment;
132 | MaxSize = DiskCache->LimitAddress - EntryPos;
133 | if (MaxSize < RealSize) {
134 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "FatDiskIo: Cache Page OutBound occurred! \n"));
135 | RealSize = (UINTN) MaxSize;
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | WriteCount = 1;
140 | if (DataType == CacheFat && IoMode == WriteDisk) {
141 | WriteCount = Volume->NumFats;
142 | }
143 |
144 | do {
145 | //
146 | // Only fat table writing will execute more than once
147 | //
148 | Status = FatDiskIo (Volume, IoMode, EntryPos, RealSize, PageAddress, Task);
149 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
150 | return Status;
151 | }
152 |
153 | EntryPos += Volume->FatSize;
154 | } while (--WriteCount > 0);
155 |
156 | CacheTag->Dirty = FALSE;
157 | CacheTag->RealSize = RealSize;
158 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
159 | }
160 |
161 | /**
162 |
163 | Get one cache page by specified PageNo.
164 |
165 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
166 | @param CacheDataType - The cache type: CACHE_FAT or CACHE_DATA.
167 | @param PageNo - PageNo to match with the cache.
168 | @param CacheTag - The Cache Tag for the current cache page.
169 |
170 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Get the cache page successfully.
171 | @return other - An error occurred when accessing data.
172 |
173 | **/
174 | STATIC
176 | FatGetCachePage (
177 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
178 | IN CACHE_DATA_TYPE CacheDataType,
179 | IN UINTN PageNo,
180 | IN CACHE_TAG *CacheTag
181 | )
182 | {
183 | EFI_STATUS Status;
184 | UINTN OldPageNo;
185 |
186 | OldPageNo = CacheTag->PageNo;
187 | if (CacheTag->RealSize > 0 && OldPageNo == PageNo) {
188 | //
189 | // Cache Hit occurred
190 | //
191 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
192 | }
193 |
194 | //
195 | // Write dirty cache page back to disk
196 | //
197 | if (CacheTag->RealSize > 0 && CacheTag->Dirty) {
198 | Status = FatExchangeCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, WriteDisk, CacheTag, NULL);
199 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
200 | return Status;
201 | }
202 | }
203 | //
204 | // Load new data from disk;
205 | //
206 | CacheTag->PageNo = PageNo;
207 | Status = FatExchangeCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, ReadDisk, CacheTag, NULL);
208 |
209 | return Status;
210 | }
211 |
212 | /**
213 |
214 | Read Length bytes from the position of Offset into Buffer, or
215 | write Length bytes from Buffer into the position of Offset.
216 |
217 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
218 | @param CacheDataType - The type of cache: CACHE_DATA or CACHE_FAT.
219 | @param IoMode - Indicate the type of disk access.
220 | @param PageNo - The number of unaligned cache page.
221 | @param Offset - The starting byte of cache page.
222 | @param Length - The number of bytes that is read or written
223 | @param Buffer - Buffer containing cache data.
224 |
225 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The data was accessed correctly.
226 | @return Others - An error occurred when accessing unaligned cache page.
227 |
228 | **/
229 | STATIC
231 | FatAccessUnalignedCachePage (
232 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
233 | IN CACHE_DATA_TYPE CacheDataType,
234 | IN IO_MODE IoMode,
235 | IN UINTN PageNo,
236 | IN UINTN Offset,
237 | IN UINTN Length,
238 | IN OUT VOID *Buffer
239 | )
240 | {
241 | EFI_STATUS Status;
242 | VOID *Source;
243 | VOID *Destination;
244 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
245 | CACHE_TAG *CacheTag;
246 | UINTN GroupNo;
247 |
248 | DiskCache = &Volume->DiskCache[CacheDataType];
249 | GroupNo = PageNo & DiskCache->GroupMask;
250 | CacheTag = &DiskCache->CacheTag[GroupNo];
251 | Status = FatGetCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, PageNo, CacheTag);
252 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
253 | Source = DiskCache->CacheBase + (GroupNo << DiskCache->PageAlignment) + Offset;
254 | Destination = Buffer;
255 | if (IoMode != ReadDisk) {
256 | CacheTag->Dirty = TRUE;
257 | DiskCache->Dirty = TRUE;
258 | Destination = Source;
259 | Source = Buffer;
260 | }
261 |
262 | CopyMem (Destination, Source, Length);
263 | }
264 |
265 | return Status;
266 | }
267 |
268 | /**
269 |
270 | Read BufferSize bytes from the position of Offset into Buffer,
271 | or write BufferSize bytes from Buffer into the position of Offset.
272 |
273 | Base on the parameter of CACHE_DATA_TYPE, the data access will be divided into
274 | the access of FAT cache (CACHE_FAT) and the access of Data cache (CACHE_DATA):
275 |
276 | 1. Access of FAT cache (CACHE_FAT): Access the data in the FAT cache, if there is cache
277 | page hit, just return the cache page; else update the related cache page and return
278 | the right cache page.
279 | 2. Access of Data cache (CACHE_DATA):
280 | The access data will be divided into UnderRun data, Aligned data and OverRun data;
281 | The UnderRun data and OverRun data will be accessed by the Data cache,
282 | but the Aligned data will be accessed with disk directly.
283 |
284 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
285 | @param CacheDataType - The type of cache: CACHE_DATA or CACHE_FAT.
286 | @param IoMode - Indicate the type of disk access.
287 | @param Offset - The starting byte offset to read from.
288 | @param BufferSize - Size of Buffer.
289 | @param Buffer - Buffer containing cache data.
290 | @param Task point to task instance.
291 |
292 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The data was accessed correctly.
293 | @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED - The MediaId does not match the current device.
294 | @return Others - An error occurred when accessing cache.
295 |
296 | **/
298 | FatAccessCache (
299 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
300 | IN CACHE_DATA_TYPE CacheDataType,
301 | IN IO_MODE IoMode,
302 | IN UINT64 Offset,
303 | IN UINTN BufferSize,
304 | IN OUT UINT8 *Buffer,
305 | IN FAT_TASK *Task
306 | )
307 | {
308 | EFI_STATUS Status;
309 | UINTN PageSize;
310 | UINTN UnderRun;
311 | UINTN OverRun;
312 | UINTN AlignedSize;
313 | UINTN Length;
314 | UINTN PageNo;
315 | UINTN AlignedPageCount;
316 | UINTN OverRunPageNo;
317 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
318 | UINT64 EntryPos;
319 | UINT8 PageAlignment;
320 |
321 | ASSERT (Volume->CacheBuffer != NULL);
322 |
323 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
324 | DiskCache = &Volume->DiskCache[CacheDataType];
325 | EntryPos = Offset - DiskCache->BaseAddress;
326 | PageAlignment = DiskCache->PageAlignment;
327 | PageSize = (UINTN)1 << PageAlignment;
328 | PageNo = (UINTN) RShiftU64 (EntryPos, PageAlignment);
329 | UnderRun = ((UINTN) EntryPos) & (PageSize - 1);
330 |
331 | if (UnderRun > 0) {
332 | Length = PageSize - UnderRun;
333 | if (Length > BufferSize) {
334 | Length = BufferSize;
335 | }
336 |
337 | Status = FatAccessUnalignedCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, IoMode, PageNo, UnderRun, Length, Buffer);
338 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
339 | return Status;
340 | }
341 |
342 | Buffer += Length;
343 | BufferSize -= Length;
344 | PageNo++;
345 | }
346 |
347 | AlignedPageCount = BufferSize >> PageAlignment;
348 | OverRunPageNo = PageNo + AlignedPageCount;
349 | //
350 | // The access of the Aligned data
351 | //
352 | if (AlignedPageCount > 0) {
353 | //
354 | // Accessing fat table cannot have alignment data
355 | //
356 | ASSERT (CacheDataType == CacheData);
357 |
358 | EntryPos = Volume->RootPos + LShiftU64 (PageNo, PageAlignment);
359 | AlignedSize = AlignedPageCount << PageAlignment;
360 | Status = FatDiskIo (Volume, IoMode, EntryPos, AlignedSize, Buffer, Task);
361 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
362 | return Status;
363 | }
364 | //
365 | // If these access data over laps the relative cache range, these cache pages need
366 | // to be updated.
367 | //
368 | FatFlushDataCacheRange (Volume, IoMode, PageNo, OverRunPageNo, Buffer);
369 | Buffer += AlignedSize;
370 | BufferSize -= AlignedSize;
371 | }
372 | //
373 | // The access of the OverRun data
374 | //
375 | OverRun = BufferSize;
376 | if (OverRun > 0) {
377 | //
378 | // Last read is not a complete page
379 | //
380 | Status = FatAccessUnalignedCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, IoMode, OverRunPageNo, 0, OverRun, Buffer);
381 | }
382 |
383 | return Status;
384 | }
385 |
386 | /**
387 |
388 | Flush all the dirty cache back, include the FAT cache and the Data cache.
389 |
390 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
391 | @param Task point to task instance.
392 |
393 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Flush all the dirty cache back successfully
394 | @return other - An error occurred when writing the data into the disk
395 |
396 | **/
398 | FatVolumeFlushCache (
399 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume,
400 | IN FAT_TASK *Task
401 | )
402 | {
403 | EFI_STATUS Status;
404 | CACHE_DATA_TYPE CacheDataType;
405 | UINTN GroupIndex;
406 | UINTN GroupMask;
407 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
408 | CACHE_TAG *CacheTag;
409 |
410 | for (CacheDataType = (CACHE_DATA_TYPE) 0; CacheDataType < CacheMaxType; CacheDataType++) {
411 | DiskCache = &Volume->DiskCache[CacheDataType];
412 | if (DiskCache->Dirty) {
413 | //
414 | // Data cache or fat cache is dirty, write the dirty data back
415 | //
416 | GroupMask = DiskCache->GroupMask;
417 | for (GroupIndex = 0; GroupIndex <= GroupMask; GroupIndex++) {
418 | CacheTag = &DiskCache->CacheTag[GroupIndex];
419 | if (CacheTag->RealSize > 0 && CacheTag->Dirty) {
420 | //
421 | // Write back all Dirty Data Cache Page to disk
422 | //
423 | Status = FatExchangeCachePage (Volume, CacheDataType, WriteDisk, CacheTag, Task);
424 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
425 | return Status;
426 | }
427 | }
428 | }
429 |
430 | DiskCache->Dirty = FALSE;
431 | }
432 | }
433 | //
434 | // Flush the block device.
435 | //
436 | Status = Volume->BlockIo->FlushBlocks (Volume->BlockIo);
437 | return Status;
438 | }
439 |
440 | /**
441 |
442 | Initialize the disk cache according to Volume's FatType.
443 |
444 | @param Volume - FAT file system volume.
445 |
446 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The disk cache is successfully initialized.
447 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Not enough memory to allocate disk cache.
448 |
449 | **/
451 | FatInitializeDiskCache (
452 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume
453 | )
454 | {
455 | DISK_CACHE *DiskCache;
456 | UINTN FatCacheGroupCount;
457 | UINTN DataCacheSize;
458 | UINTN FatCacheSize;
459 | UINT8 *CacheBuffer;
460 |
461 | DiskCache = Volume->DiskCache;
462 | //
463 | // Configure the parameters of disk cache
464 | //
465 | if (Volume->FatType == Fat12) {
466 | FatCacheGroupCount = FAT_FATCACHE_GROUP_MIN_COUNT;
467 | DiskCache[CacheFat].PageAlignment = FAT_FATCACHE_PAGE_MIN_ALIGNMENT;
468 | DiskCache[CacheData].PageAlignment = FAT_DATACACHE_PAGE_MIN_ALIGNMENT;
469 | } else {
470 | FatCacheGroupCount = FAT_FATCACHE_GROUP_MAX_COUNT;
471 | DiskCache[CacheFat].PageAlignment = FAT_FATCACHE_PAGE_MAX_ALIGNMENT;
472 | DiskCache[CacheData].PageAlignment = FAT_DATACACHE_PAGE_MAX_ALIGNMENT;
473 | }
474 |
475 | DiskCache[CacheData].GroupMask = FAT_DATACACHE_GROUP_COUNT - 1;
476 | DiskCache[CacheData].BaseAddress = Volume->RootPos;
477 | DiskCache[CacheData].LimitAddress = Volume->VolumeSize;
478 | DiskCache[CacheFat].GroupMask = FatCacheGroupCount - 1;
479 | DiskCache[CacheFat].BaseAddress = Volume->FatPos;
480 | DiskCache[CacheFat].LimitAddress = Volume->FatPos + Volume->FatSize;
481 | FatCacheSize = FatCacheGroupCount << DiskCache[CacheFat].PageAlignment;
482 | DataCacheSize = FAT_DATACACHE_GROUP_COUNT << DiskCache[CacheData].PageAlignment;
483 | //
484 | // Allocate the Fat Cache buffer
485 | //
486 | CacheBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (FatCacheSize + DataCacheSize);
487 | if (CacheBuffer == NULL) {
488 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
489 | }
490 |
491 | Volume->CacheBuffer = CacheBuffer;
492 | DiskCache[CacheFat].CacheBase = CacheBuffer;
493 | DiskCache[CacheData].CacheBase = CacheBuffer + FatCacheSize;
494 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
495 | }