1 | ## @file
2 | # Provide EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL instances on virtio-fs devices.
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (C) 2020, Red Hat, Inc.
5 | #
6 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 | #
8 | #
9 | # Permission Model of this driver:
10 | #
11 | # Regardless of the UID and GID values this driver send in the FUSE request
12 | # header, the daemon (that is, the Virtio Filesystem device) always acts with
13 | # root privileges on the host side. The only time the daemon considers said UID
14 | # and GID fields is when creating a new file or directory. Thus, the guest
15 | # driver cannot rely on the host for enforcing any file mode permissions,
16 | # regardless of the "personality" that the guest driver poses as, because
17 | # "root" on the host side ignores all file mode bits.
18 | #
19 | # Therefore the guest driver has to do its own permission checking, and use the
20 | # host-side file mode bits only as a kind of "metadata storage" or "reminder"
21 | # -- hopefully in a way that makes some sense on the host side too.
22 | #
23 | # The complete mapping between the EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL and the host-side file
24 | # mode bits is described below.
25 | #
26 | # - The guest driver poses as UID 0, GID 0, PID 1.
27 | #
28 | # - If and only if all "w" bits are missing from a file on the host side, then
29 | # the file or directory is reported as EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY in the guest. When
30 | # setting EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY in the guest, all "w" bits (0222) are cleared on
31 | # the host; when clearing EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY in the guest, all "w" bits are
32 | # set on the host. Viewed from the host side, this sort of reflects that an
33 | # EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY file should not be written by anyone.
34 | #
36 | # EFI_FILE_ARCHIVE are never reported in the guest, and they are silently
37 | # ignored when a SetInfo() call or a file-creating Open() call requests them.
38 | #
39 | # - On the host, files are created with 0666 file mode bits, directories are
40 | # created with 0777 file mode bits.
41 | #
42 | # - In the guest, the EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY attribute only controls the permitted
43 | # open mode. In particular, on directories, the EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY attribute
44 | # does not prevent the creation or deletion of entries inside the directory;
45 | # EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY only prevents the renaming, deleting, flushing (syncing)
46 | # and touching of the directory itself (with "touching" meaning updating the
47 | # timestamps). The fact that EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY being set on a directory is
48 | # irrelevant in the guest with regard to entry creation/deletion, is
49 | # well-mirrored by the fact that virtiofsd -- which runs as root, regardless
50 | # of guest driver personality -- ignores the absence of "w" permissions on a
51 | # host-side directory, when creating or removing entries in it.
52 | #
53 | # - When an EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL is opened read-only, then the Delete(), Write()
54 | # and Flush() member functions are disabled for it. Additionally, SetInfo()
55 | # is restricted to flipping the EFI_FILE_READ_ONLY bit (which takes effect at
56 | # the next Open()).
57 | #
58 | # - As a consequence of the above, for deleting a directory, it must be
59 | # presented in the guest as openable for writing.
60 | #
61 | # - We diverge from the UEFI spec, and permit Flush() on a directory that has
62 | # been opened read-write; otherwise the only way to invoke FUSE_FSYNCDIR on a
63 | # directory would be to Close() it.
64 | #
65 | # - OpenVolume() opens the root directory for read-only access. The Open()
66 | # member function may open it for read-write access. While the root directory
67 | # cannot be renamed or deleted, opening it for read-write access is useful
68 | # for calling Flush(), according to the previous paragraph, or for updating
69 | # the root directory's timestamps with SetInfo().
70 | ##
71 |
72 | [Defines]
73 | INF_VERSION = 1.29
74 | BASE_NAME = VirtioFsDxe
75 | FILE_GUID = 7BD9DDF7-8B83-488E-AEC9-24C78610289C
77 | ENTRY_POINT = VirtioFsEntryPoint
78 |
79 | [Packages]
80 | EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedPkg.dec
81 | MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
82 | OvmfPkg/OvmfPkg.dec
83 |
84 | [Sources]
85 | DriverBinding.c
86 | FuseFlush.c
87 | FuseForget.c
88 | FuseFsync.c
89 | FuseGetAttr.c
90 | FuseInit.c
91 | FuseLookup.c
92 | FuseMkDir.c
93 | FuseOpen.c
94 | FuseOpenDir.c
95 | FuseOpenOrCreate.c
96 | FuseRead.c
97 | FuseRelease.c
98 | FuseRename.c
99 | FuseSetAttr.c
100 | FuseStatFs.c
101 | FuseUnlink.c
102 | FuseWrite.c
103 | Helpers.c
104 | SimpleFsClose.c
105 | SimpleFsDelete.c
106 | SimpleFsFlush.c
107 | SimpleFsGetInfo.c
108 | SimpleFsGetPosition.c
109 | SimpleFsOpen.c
110 | SimpleFsOpenVolume.c
111 | SimpleFsRead.c
112 | SimpleFsSetInfo.c
113 | SimpleFsSetPosition.c
114 | SimpleFsWrite.c
115 | VirtioFsDxe.h
116 |
117 | [LibraryClasses]
118 | BaseLib
119 | BaseMemoryLib
120 | DebugLib
121 | MemoryAllocationLib
122 | TimeBaseLib
123 | UefiBootServicesTableLib
124 | UefiDriverEntryPoint
125 | VirtioLib
126 |
127 | [Protocols]
128 | gEfiComponentName2ProtocolGuid ## PRODUCES
129 | gEfiDriverBindingProtocolGuid ## PRODUCES
130 | gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid ## BY_START
131 | gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid ## TO_START
132 |
133 | [Guids]
134 | gEfiFileInfoGuid
135 | gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid
136 | gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid