1 | /** @file
2 | FUSE_READ / FUSE_READDIRPLUS wrapper for the Virtio Filesystem device.
3 |
4 | Copyright (C) 2020, Red Hat, Inc.
5 |
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include "VirtioFsDxe.h"
10 |
11 | /**
12 | Read a chunk from a regular file or a directory stream, by sending the
13 | FUSE_READ / FUSE_READDIRPLUS request to the Virtio Filesystem device.
14 |
15 | The function may only be called after VirtioFsFuseInitSession() returns
16 | successfully and before VirtioFsUninit() is called.
17 |
18 | @param[in,out] VirtioFs The Virtio Filesystem device to send the FUSE_READ
19 | or FUSE_READDIRPLUS request to. On output, the FUSE
20 | request counter "VirtioFs->RequestId" will have been
21 | incremented.
22 |
23 | @param[in] NodeId The inode number of the regular file or directory
24 | stream to read from.
25 |
26 | @param[in] FuseHandle The open handle to the regular file or directory
27 | stream to read from.
28 |
29 | @param[in] IsDir TRUE if NodeId and FuseHandle refer to a directory,
30 | FALSE if NodeId and FuseHandle refer to a regular
31 | file.
32 |
33 | @param[in] Offset If IsDir is FALSE: the absolute file position at
34 | which to start reading.
35 |
36 | If IsDir is TRUE: the directory stream cookie at
37 | which to start or continue reading. The zero-valued
38 | cookie identifies the start of the directory stream.
39 | Further positions in the directory stream can be
40 | passed in from the CookieForNextEntry field of
42 |
43 | @param[in,out] Size On input, the number of bytes to read. On successful
44 | return, the number of bytes actually read, which may
45 | be smaller than the value on input.
46 |
47 | When reading a regular file (i.e., when IsDir is
48 | FALSE), EOF can be detected by passing in a nonzero
49 | Size, and finding a zero Size on output.
50 |
51 | When reading a directory stream (i.e., when IsDir is
52 | TRUE), Data consists of a sequence of variably-sized
53 | records (directory entries). A read operation
54 | returns the maximal sequence of records that fits in
55 | Size, without having to truncate a record. In order
56 | to guarantee progress, call
57 |
58 | VirtioFsFuseStatFs (VirtioFs, NodeId,
59 | &FilesysAttr)
60 |
61 | first, to learn the maximum Namelen for the
62 | directory stream. Then assign Size at least
63 |
65 | FilesysAttr.Namelen)
66 |
67 | on input. (Remember that
69 | 0 if its Namelen argument is invalid.) EOF can be
70 | detected if Size is set on input like described
71 | above, and Size is zero on output.
72 |
73 | @param[out] Data Buffer to read the bytes from the regular file or
74 | the directory stream into. The caller is responsible
75 | for providing room for (at least) as many bytes in
76 | Data as Size is on input.
77 |
78 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read successful. The caller is responsible for checking
79 | Size to learn the actual byte count transferred.
80 |
81 | @return The "errno" value mapped to an EFI_STATUS code, if the
82 | Virtio Filesystem device explicitly reported an error.
83 |
84 | @return Error codes propagated from VirtioFsSgListsValidate(),
85 | VirtioFsFuseNewRequest(), VirtioFsSgListsSubmit(),
86 | VirtioFsFuseCheckResponse().
87 | **/
89 | VirtioFsFuseReadFileOrDir (
90 | IN OUT VIRTIO_FS *VirtioFs,
91 | IN UINT64 NodeId,
92 | IN UINT64 FuseHandle,
93 | IN BOOLEAN IsDir,
94 | IN UINT64 Offset,
95 | IN OUT UINT32 *Size,
96 | OUT VOID *Data
97 | )
98 | {
101 | VIRTIO_FS_IO_VECTOR ReqIoVec[2];
104 | VIRTIO_FS_IO_VECTOR RespIoVec[2];
106 | EFI_STATUS Status;
107 | UINTN TailBufferFill;
108 |
109 | //
110 | // Set up the scatter-gather lists.
111 | //
112 | ReqIoVec[0].Buffer = &CommonReq;
113 | ReqIoVec[0].Size = sizeof CommonReq;
114 | ReqIoVec[1].Buffer = &ReadReq;
115 | ReqIoVec[1].Size = sizeof ReadReq;
116 | ReqSgList.IoVec = ReqIoVec;
117 | ReqSgList.NumVec = ARRAY_SIZE (ReqIoVec);
118 |
119 | RespIoVec[0].Buffer = &CommonResp;
120 | RespIoVec[0].Size = sizeof CommonResp;
121 | RespIoVec[1].Buffer = Data;
122 | RespIoVec[1].Size = *Size;
123 | RespSgList.IoVec = RespIoVec;
124 | RespSgList.NumVec = ARRAY_SIZE (RespIoVec);
125 |
126 | //
127 | // Validate the scatter-gather lists; calculate the total transfer sizes.
128 | //
129 | Status = VirtioFsSgListsValidate (VirtioFs, &ReqSgList, &RespSgList);
130 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
131 | return Status;
132 | }
133 |
134 | //
135 | // Populate the common request header.
136 | //
137 | Status = VirtioFsFuseNewRequest (
138 | VirtioFs,
139 | &CommonReq,
140 | ReqSgList.TotalSize,
141 | IsDir ? VirtioFsFuseOpReadDirPlus : VirtioFsFuseOpRead,
142 | NodeId
143 | );
144 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
145 | return Status;
146 | }
147 |
148 | //
149 | // Populate the FUSE_READ- / FUSE_READDIRPLUS-specific fields.
150 | //
151 | ReadReq.FileHandle = FuseHandle;
152 | ReadReq.Offset = Offset;
153 | ReadReq.Size = *Size;
154 | ReadReq.ReadFlags = 0;
155 | ReadReq.LockOwner = 0;
156 | ReadReq.Flags = 0;
157 | ReadReq.Padding = 0;
158 |
159 | //
160 | // Submit the request.
161 | //
162 | Status = VirtioFsSgListsSubmit (VirtioFs, &ReqSgList, &RespSgList);
163 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
164 | return Status;
165 | }
166 |
167 | //
168 | // Verify the response. Note that TailBufferFill is variable.
169 | //
170 | Status = VirtioFsFuseCheckResponse (&RespSgList, CommonReq.Unique,
171 | &TailBufferFill);
172 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
173 | if (Status == EFI_DEVICE_ERROR) {
174 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Label=\"%s\" NodeId=%Lu FuseHandle=%Lu "
175 | "IsDir=%d Offset=0x%Lx Size=0x%x Data@%p Errno=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
176 | VirtioFs->Label, NodeId, FuseHandle, IsDir, Offset, *Size, Data,
177 | CommonResp.Error));
178 | Status = VirtioFsErrnoToEfiStatus (CommonResp.Error);
179 | }
180 | return Status;
181 | }
182 |
183 | //
184 | // Report the actual transfer size.
185 | //
186 | // Integer overflow in the (UINT32) cast below is not possible; the
187 | // VIRTIO_FS_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST functions would have caught that.
188 | //
189 | *Size = (UINT32)TailBufferFill;
190 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
191 | }