1 | /** @file
2 | Definitions for network adapter card.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #ifndef _E100B_H_
16 | #define _E100B_H_
17 |
18 | // pci config offsets:
19 |
20 | #define RX_BUFFER_COUNT 32
21 | #define TX_BUFFER_COUNT 32
22 |
23 | #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL 0x8086
24 | #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82557 0x1229
25 | #define D100_VENDOR_ID 0x8086
26 | #define D100_DEVICE_ID 0x1229
27 | #define D102_DEVICE_ID 0x2449
28 |
29 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_1 0x1031
30 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_2 0x1032
31 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_3 0x1033
32 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_4 0x1034
33 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_5 0x1035
34 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_6 0x1036
35 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_7 0x1037
36 | #define ICH3_DEVICE_ID_8 0x1038
37 |
38 | #define SPEEDO_DEVICE_ID 0x1227
39 | #define SPLASH1_DEVICE_ID 0x1226
40 |
41 |
42 | // bit fields for the command
43 | #define PCI_COMMAND_MASTER 0x04 // bit 2
44 | #define PCI_COMMAND_IO 0x01 // bit 0
45 | #define PCI_COMMAND 0x04
46 | #define PCI_LATENCY_TIMER 0x0D
47 |
48 | #define ETHER_MAC_ADDR_LEN 6
49 | #ifdef AVL_XXX
50 | #define ETHER_HEADER_LEN 14
51 | // media interface type
52 | // #define INTERFACE_TYPE "
53 |
54 | // Hardware type values
55 | #define HW_ETHER_TYPE 1
57 | #define HW_IEEE_TYPE 6
58 | #define HW_ARCNET_TYPE 7
59 |
60 | #endif // AVL_XXX
61 |
62 | #define MAX_ETHERNET_PKT_SIZE 1514 // including eth header
63 | #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 1536 // including crc and padding
64 | #define TX_BUFFER_SIZE 64
65 | #define ETH_MTU 1500 // does not include ethernet header length
66 |
67 | #define SPEEDO3_TOTAL_SIZE 0x20
68 |
69 | #pragma pack(1)
70 |
71 | typedef struct eth {
72 | UINT8 dest_addr[PXE_HWADDR_LEN_ETHER];
73 | UINT8 src_addr[PXE_HWADDR_LEN_ETHER];
74 | UINT16 type;
75 | } EtherHeader;
76 |
77 | #pragma pack(1)
78 | typedef struct CONFIG_HEADER {
79 | UINT16 VendorID;
80 | UINT16 DeviceID;
81 | UINT16 Command;
82 | UINT16 Status;
83 | UINT16 RevID;
84 | UINT16 ClassID;
85 | UINT8 CacheLineSize;
86 | UINT8 LatencyTimer;
87 | UINT8 HeaderType; // must be zero to impose this structure...
88 | UINT8 BIST; // built-in self test
89 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_0; // memory mapped address
90 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_1; //io mapped address, Base IO address
91 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_2; // option rom address
92 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_3;
93 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_4;
94 | UINT32 BaseAddressReg_5;
95 | UINT32 CardBusCISPtr;
96 | UINT16 SubVendorID;
97 | UINT16 SubSystemID;
98 | UINT32 ExpansionROMBaseAddr;
99 | UINT8 CapabilitiesPtr;
100 | UINT8 reserved1;
101 | UINT16 Reserved2;
102 | UINT32 Reserved3;
103 | UINT8 int_line;
104 | UINT8 int_pin;
105 | UINT8 Min_gnt;
106 | UINT8 Max_lat;
108 | #pragma pack()
109 |
110 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 | // Offsets to the various registers.
112 | // All accesses need not be longword aligned.
113 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 | enum speedo_offsets {
115 | SCBStatus = 0, SCBCmd = 2, // Rx/Command Unit command and status.
116 | SCBPointer = 4, // General purpose pointer.
117 | SCBPort = 8, // Misc. commands and operands.
118 | SCBflash = 12, SCBeeprom = 14, // EEPROM and flash memory control.
119 | SCBCtrlMDI = 16, // MDI interface control.
120 | SCBEarlyRx = 20, // Early receive byte count.
121 | SCBEarlyRxInt = 24, SCBFlowCtrlReg = 25, SCBPmdr = 27,
122 | // offsets for general control registers (GCRs)
123 | SCBGenCtrl = 28, SCBGenStatus = 29, SCBGenCtrl2 = 30, SCBRsvd = 31
124 | };
125 |
126 | #define GCR2_EEPROM_ACCESS_SEMAPHORE 0x80 // bit offset into the gcr2
127 |
128 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 | // Action commands - Commands that can be put in a command list entry.
130 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 | enum commands {
132 | CmdNOp = 0, CmdIASetup = 1, CmdConfigure = 2, CmdMulticastList = 3,
133 | CmdTx = 4, CmdTDR = 5, CmdDump = 6, CmdDiagnose = 7,
134 | CmdSuspend = 0x4000, /* Suspend after completion. */
135 | CmdIntr = 0x2000, /* Interrupt after completion. */
136 | CmdTxFlex = 0x0008 /* Use "Flexible mode" for CmdTx command. */
137 | };
138 |
139 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 | // port commands
141 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 | #define PORT_RESET 0
143 | #define PORT_SELF_TEST 1
144 | #define POR_SELECTIVE_RESET 2
145 | #define PORT_DUMP_POINTER 2
146 |
147 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 | // SCB Command Word bit definitions
149 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 | //- CUC fields
151 | #define CU_START 0x0010
152 | #define CU_RESUME 0x0020
153 | #define CU_STATSADDR 0x0040
154 | #define CU_SHOWSTATS 0x0050 /* Dump statistics counters. */
155 | #define CU_CMD_BASE 0x0060 /* Base address to add to add CU commands. */
156 | #define CU_DUMPSTATS 0x0070 /* Dump then reset stats counters. */
157 |
158 | //- RUC fields
159 | #define RX_START 0x0001
160 | #define RX_RESUME 0x0002
161 | #define RX_ABORT 0x0004
162 | #define RX_ADDR_LOAD 0x0006 /* load ru_base_reg */
163 | #define RX_RESUMENR 0x0007
164 |
165 | // Interrupt fields (assuming byte addressing)
166 | #define INT_MASK 0x0100
167 | #define DRVR_INT 0x0200 /* Driver generated interrupt. */
168 |
169 | //- CB Status Word
170 | #define CMD_STATUS_COMPLETE 0x8000
171 | #define RX_STATUS_COMPLETE 0x8000
172 | #define CMD_STATUS_MASK 0xF000
173 |
174 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 | //- SCB Status bits:
176 | // Interrupts are ACKed by writing to the upper 6 interrupt bits
177 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 | #define SCB_STATUS_MASK 0xFC00 // bits 2-7 - STATUS/ACK Mask
179 | #define SCB_STATUS_CX_TNO 0x8000 // BIT_15 - CX or TNO Interrupt
180 | #define SCB_STATUS_FR 0x4000 // BIT_14 - FR Interrupt
181 | #define SCB_STATUS_CNA 0x2000 // BIT_13 - CNA Interrupt
182 | #define SCB_STATUS_RNR 0x1000 // BIT_12 - RNR Interrupt
183 | #define SCB_STATUS_MDI 0x0800 // BIT_11 - MDI R/W Done Interrupt
184 | #define SCB_STATUS_SWI 0x0400 // BIT_10 - SWI Interrupt
185 |
186 | // CU STATUS: bits 6 & 7
187 | #define SCB_STATUS_CU_MASK 0x00C0 // bits 6 & 7
188 | #define SCB_STATUS_CU_IDLE 0x0000 // 00
189 | #define SCB_STATUS_CU_SUSPEND 0x0040 // 01
190 | #define SCB_STATUS_CU_ACTIVE 0x0080 // 10
191 |
192 | // RU STATUS: bits 2-5
193 | #define SCB_RUS_IDLE 0x0000
194 | #define SCB_RUS_SUSPENDED 0x0004 // bit 2
195 | #define SCB_RUS_NO_RESOURCES 0x0008 // bit 3
196 | #define SCB_RUS_READY 0x0010 // bit 4
197 |
198 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 | // Bit Mask definitions
200 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | #define BIT_0 0x0001
202 | #define BIT_1 0x0002
203 | #define BIT_2 0x0004
204 | #define BIT_3 0x0008
205 | #define BIT_4 0x0010
206 | #define BIT_5 0x0020
207 | #define BIT_6 0x0040
208 | #define BIT_7 0x0080
209 | #define BIT_8 0x0100
210 | #define BIT_9 0x0200
211 | #define BIT_10 0x0400
212 | #define BIT_11 0x0800
213 | #define BIT_12 0x1000
214 | #define BIT_13 0x2000
215 | #define BIT_14 0x4000
216 | #define BIT_15 0x8000
217 | #define BIT_24 0x01000000
218 | #define BIT_28 0x10000000
219 |
220 |
221 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 | // MDI Control register bit definitions
223 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 | #define MDI_DATA_MASK BIT_0_15 // MDI Data port
225 | #define MDI_REG_ADDR BIT_16_20 // which MDI register to read/write
226 | #define MDI_PHY_ADDR BIT_21_25 // which PHY to read/write
227 | #define MDI_PHY_OPCODE BIT_26_27 // which PHY to read/write
228 | #define MDI_PHY_READY BIT_28 // PHY is ready for another MDI cycle
229 | #define MDI_PHY_INT_ENABLE BIT_29 // Assert INT at MDI cycle completion
230 |
231 | #define BIT_0_2 0x0007
232 | #define BIT_0_3 0x000F
233 | #define BIT_0_4 0x001F
234 | #define BIT_0_5 0x003F
235 | #define BIT_0_6 0x007F
236 | #define BIT_0_7 0x00FF
237 | #define BIT_0_8 0x01FF
238 | #define BIT_0_13 0x3FFF
239 | #define BIT_0_15 0xFFFF
240 | #define BIT_1_2 0x0006
241 | #define BIT_1_3 0x000E
242 | #define BIT_2_5 0x003C
243 | #define BIT_3_4 0x0018
244 | #define BIT_4_5 0x0030
245 | #define BIT_4_6 0x0070
246 | #define BIT_4_7 0x00F0
247 | #define BIT_5_7 0x00E0
248 | #define BIT_5_9 0x03E0
249 | #define BIT_5_12 0x1FE0
250 | #define BIT_5_15 0xFFE0
251 | #define BIT_6_7 0x00c0
252 | #define BIT_7_11 0x0F80
253 | #define BIT_8_10 0x0700
254 | #define BIT_9_13 0x3E00
255 | #define BIT_12_15 0xF000
256 |
257 | #define BIT_16_20 0x001F0000
258 | #define BIT_21_25 0x03E00000
259 | #define BIT_26_27 0x0C000000
260 |
261 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 | // MDI Control register opcode definitions
263 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 | #define MDI_WRITE 1 // Phy Write
265 | #define MDI_READ 2 // Phy read
266 |
267 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | // PHY 100 MDI Register/Bit Definitions
269 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 | // MDI register set
271 | #define MDI_CONTROL_REG 0x00 // MDI control register
272 | #define MDI_STATUS_REG 0x01 // MDI Status regiser
273 | #define PHY_ID_REG_1 0x02 // Phy indentification reg (word 1)
274 | #define PHY_ID_REG_2 0x03 // Phy indentification reg (word 2)
275 | #define AUTO_NEG_ADVERTISE_REG 0x04 // Auto-negotiation advertisement
276 | #define AUTO_NEG_LINK_PARTNER_REG 0x05 // Auto-negotiation link partner ability
277 | #define AUTO_NEG_EXPANSION_REG 0x06 // Auto-negotiation expansion
278 | #define AUTO_NEG_NEXT_PAGE_REG 0x07 // Auto-negotiation next page transmit
279 | #define EXTENDED_REG_0 0x10 // Extended reg 0 (Phy 100 modes)
280 | #define EXTENDED_REG_1 0x14 // Extended reg 1 (Phy 100 error indications)
281 | #define NSC_CONG_CONTROL_REG 0x17 // National (TX) congestion control
282 | #define NSC_SPEED_IND_REG 0x19 // National (TX) speed indication
283 |
284 | // MDI Control register bit definitions
285 | #define MDI_CR_COLL_TEST_ENABLE BIT_7 // Collision test enable
286 | #define MDI_CR_FULL_HALF BIT_8 // FDX =1, half duplex =0
287 | #define MDI_CR_RESTART_AUTO_NEG BIT_9 // Restart auto negotiation
288 | #define MDI_CR_ISOLATE BIT_10 // Isolate PHY from MII
289 | #define MDI_CR_POWER_DOWN BIT_11 // Power down
290 | #define MDI_CR_AUTO_SELECT BIT_12 // Auto speed select enable
291 | #define MDI_CR_10_100 BIT_13 // 0 = 10Mbs, 1 = 100Mbs
292 | #define MDI_CR_LOOPBACK BIT_14 // 0 = normal, 1 = loopback
293 | #define MDI_CR_RESET BIT_15 // 0 = normal, 1 = PHY reset
294 |
295 | // MDI Status register bit definitions
296 | #define MDI_SR_EXT_REG_CAPABLE BIT_0 // Extended register capabilities
297 | #define MDI_SR_JABBER_DETECT BIT_1 // Jabber detected
298 | #define MDI_SR_LINK_STATUS BIT_2 // Link Status -- 1 = link
299 | #define MDI_SR_AUTO_SELECT_CAPABLE BIT_3 // Auto speed select capable
300 | #define MDI_SR_REMOTE_FAULT_DETECT BIT_4 // Remote fault detect
301 | #define MDI_SR_AUTO_NEG_COMPLETE BIT_5 // Auto negotiation complete
302 | #define MDI_SR_10T_HALF_DPX BIT_11 // 10BaseT Half Duplex capable
303 | #define MDI_SR_10T_FULL_DPX BIT_12 // 10BaseT full duplex capable
304 | #define MDI_SR_TX_HALF_DPX BIT_13 // TX Half Duplex capable
305 | #define MDI_SR_TX_FULL_DPX BIT_14 // TX full duplex capable
306 | #define MDI_SR_T4_CAPABLE BIT_15 // T4 capable
307 |
308 | // Auto-Negotiation advertisement register bit definitions
309 | #define NWAY_AD_SELCTOR_FIELD BIT_0_4 // identifies supported protocol
310 | #define NWAY_AD_ABILITY BIT_5_12 // technologies that are supported
311 | #define NWAY_AD_10T_HALF_DPX BIT_5 // 10BaseT Half Duplex capable
312 | #define NWAY_AD_10T_FULL_DPX BIT_6 // 10BaseT full duplex capable
313 | #define NWAY_AD_TX_HALF_DPX BIT_7 // TX Half Duplex capable
314 | #define NWAY_AD_TX_FULL_DPX BIT_8 // TX full duplex capable
315 | #define NWAY_AD_T4_CAPABLE BIT_9 // T4 capable
316 | #define NWAY_AD_REMOTE_FAULT BIT_13 // indicates local remote fault
317 | #define NWAY_AD_RESERVED BIT_14 // reserved
318 | #define NWAY_AD_NEXT_PAGE BIT_15 // Next page (not supported)
319 |
320 | // Auto-Negotiation link partner ability register bit definitions
321 | #define NWAY_LP_SELCTOR_FIELD BIT_0_4 // identifies supported protocol
322 | #define NWAY_LP_ABILITY BIT_5_9 // technologies that are supported
323 | #define NWAY_LP_REMOTE_FAULT BIT_13 // indicates partner remote fault
324 | #define NWAY_LP_ACKNOWLEDGE BIT_14 // acknowledge
325 | #define NWAY_LP_NEXT_PAGE BIT_15 // Next page (not supported)
326 |
327 | // Auto-Negotiation expansion register bit definitions
328 | #define NWAY_EX_LP_NWAY BIT_0 // link partner is NWAY
329 | #define NWAY_EX_PAGE_RECEIVED BIT_1 // link code word received
330 | #define NWAY_EX_NEXT_PAGE_ABLE BIT_2 // local is next page able
331 | #define NWAY_EX_LP_NEXT_PAGE_ABLE BIT_3 // partner is next page able
332 | #define NWAY_EX_PARALLEL_DET_FLT BIT_4 // parallel detection fault
333 | #define NWAY_EX_RESERVED BIT_5_15 // reserved
334 |
335 |
336 | // PHY 100 Extended Register 0 bit definitions
337 | #define PHY_100_ER0_FDX_INDIC BIT_0 // 1 = FDX, 0 = half duplex
338 | #define PHY_100_ER0_SPEED_INDIC BIT_1 // 1 = 100mbs, 0= 10mbs
339 | #define PHY_100_ER0_WAKE_UP BIT_2 // Wake up DAC
340 | #define PHY_100_ER0_RESERVED BIT_3_4 // Reserved
341 | #define PHY_100_ER0_REV_CNTRL BIT_5_7 // Revsion control (A step = 000)
342 | #define PHY_100_ER0_FORCE_FAIL BIT_8 // Force Fail is enabled
343 | #define PHY_100_ER0_TEST BIT_9_13 // Revsion control (A step = 000)
344 | #define PHY_100_ER0_LINKDIS BIT_14 // Link integrity test is disabled
345 | #define PHY_100_ER0_JABDIS BIT_15 // Jabber function is disabled
346 |
347 |
348 | // PHY 100 Extended Register 1 bit definitions
349 | #define PHY_100_ER1_RESERVED BIT_0_8 // Reserved
350 | #define PHY_100_ER1_CH2_DET_ERR BIT_9 // Channel 2 EOF detection error
351 | #define PHY_100_ER1_MANCH_CODE_ERR BIT_10 // Manchester code error
352 | #define PHY_100_ER1_EOP_ERR BIT_11 // EOP error
353 | #define PHY_100_ER1_BAD_CODE_ERR BIT_12 // bad code error
354 | #define PHY_100_ER1_INV_CODE_ERR BIT_13 // invalid code error
355 | #define PHY_100_ER1_DC_BAL_ERR BIT_14 // DC balance error
356 | #define PHY_100_ER1_PAIR_SKEW_ERR BIT_15 // Pair skew error
357 |
358 | // National Semiconductor TX phy congestion control register bit definitions
359 | #define NSC_TX_CONG_TXREADY BIT_10 // Makes TxReady an input
360 | #define NSC_TX_CONG_ENABLE BIT_8 // Enables congestion control
361 | #define NSC_TX_CONG_F_CONNECT BIT_5 // Enables congestion control
362 |
363 | // National Semiconductor TX phy speed indication register bit definitions
364 | #define NSC_TX_SPD_INDC_SPEED BIT_6 // 0 = 100mb, 1=10mb
365 |
366 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 | // Phy related constants
368 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 | #define PHY_503 0
370 | #define PHY_100_A 0x000003E0
371 | #define PHY_100_C 0x035002A8
372 | #define PHY_TX_ID 0x015002A8
373 | #define PHY_NSC_TX 0x5c002000
374 | #define PHY_OTHER 0xFFFF
375 |
377 | #define PARALLEL_DETECT 0
378 | #define N_WAY 1
379 |
380 | #define RENEGOTIATE_TIME 35 // (3.5 Seconds)
381 |
382 | #define CONNECTOR_AUTO 0
383 | #define CONNECTOR_TPE 1
384 | #define CONNECTOR_MII 2
385 |
386 | //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 |
388 | /* The Speedo3 Rx and Tx frame/buffer descriptors. */
389 | #pragma pack(1)
390 | struct CB_Header { /* A generic descriptor. */
391 | UINT16 status; /* Offset 0. */
392 | UINT16 command; /* Offset 2. */
393 | UINT32 link; /* struct descriptor * */
394 | };
395 |
396 | /* transmit command block structure */
397 | #pragma pack(1)
398 | typedef struct s_TxCB {
399 | struct CB_Header cb_header;
400 | UINT32 PhysTBDArrayAddres; /* address of an array that contains
401 | physical TBD pointers */
402 | UINT16 ByteCount; /* immediate data count = 0 always */
403 | UINT8 Threshold;
404 | UINT8 TBDCount;
405 | UINT8 ImmediateData[TX_BUFFER_SIZE];
406 | /* following fields are not seen by the 82557 */
407 | struct TBD {
408 | UINT32 phys_buf_addr;
409 | UINT32 buf_len;
411 | UINT32 PhysArrayAddr; /* in case the one in the header is lost */
412 | UINT32 PhysTCBAddress; /* for this TCB */
413 | struct s_TxCB *NextTCBVirtualLinkPtr;
414 | struct s_TxCB *PrevTCBVirtualLinkPtr;
415 | UINT64 free_data_ptr; // to be given to the upper layer when this xmit completes1
416 | }TxCB;
417 |
418 | /* The Speedo3 Rx and Tx buffer descriptors. */
419 | #pragma pack(1)
420 | typedef struct s_RxFD { /* Receive frame descriptor. */
421 | struct CB_Header cb_header;
422 | UINT32 rx_buf_addr; /* VOID * */
423 | UINT16 ActualCount;
424 | UINT16 RFDSize;
426 | UINT8 forwarded;
427 | UINT8 junk[3];
428 | }RxFD;
429 |
430 | /* Elements of the RxFD.status word. */
431 | #define RX_COMPLETE 0x8000
432 | #define RX_FRAME_OK 0x2000
433 |
434 | /* Elements of the dump_statistics block. This block must be lword aligned. */
435 | #pragma pack(1)
436 | struct speedo_stats {
437 | UINT32 tx_good_frames;
438 | UINT32 tx_coll16_errs;
439 | UINT32 tx_late_colls;
440 | UINT32 tx_underruns;
441 | UINT32 tx_lost_carrier;
442 | UINT32 tx_deferred;
443 | UINT32 tx_one_colls;
444 | UINT32 tx_multi_colls;
445 | UINT32 tx_total_colls;
446 | UINT32 rx_good_frames;
447 | UINT32 rx_crc_errs;
448 | UINT32 rx_align_errs;
449 | UINT32 rx_resource_errs;
450 | UINT32 rx_overrun_errs;
451 | UINT32 rx_colls_errs;
452 | UINT32 rx_runt_errs;
453 | UINT32 done_marker;
454 | };
455 | #pragma pack()
456 |
457 |
458 | struct Krn_Mem{
459 | RxFD rx_ring[RX_BUFFER_COUNT];
460 | TxCB tx_ring[TX_BUFFER_COUNT];
461 | struct speedo_stats statistics;
462 | };
463 | #define MEMORY_NEEDED sizeof(struct Krn_Mem)
464 |
465 | /* The parameters for a CmdConfigure operation.
466 | There are so many options that it would be difficult to document each bit.
467 | We mostly use the default or recommended settings.
468 | */
469 |
470 | /*
471 | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
472 | * Configuration CB Parameter Bit Definitions
473 | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
474 | */
475 | // - Byte 0 (Default Value = 16h)
476 | #define CFIG_BYTE_COUNT 0x16 // 22 Configuration Bytes
477 |
478 | //- Byte 1 (Default Value = 88h)
479 | #define CFIG_TXRX_FIFO_LIMIT 0x88
480 |
481 | //- Byte 2 (Default Value = 0)
482 | #define CFIG_ADAPTIVE_IFS 0
483 |
484 | //- Byte 3 (Default Value = 0, ALWAYS. This byte is RESERVED)
485 | #define CFIG_RESERVED 0
486 |
487 | //- Byte 4 (Default Value = 0. Default implies that Rx DMA cannot be
488 | //- preempted).
489 | #define CFIG_RXDMA_BYTE_COUNT 0
490 |
491 | //- Byte 5 (Default Value = 80h. Default implies that Tx DMA cannot be
492 | //- preempted. However, setting these counters is enabled.)
493 | #define CFIG_DMBC_ENABLE 0x80
494 |
495 | //- Byte 6 (Default Value = 33h. Late SCB enabled, No TNO interrupts,
496 | //- CNA interrupts and do not save bad frames.)
497 | #define CFIG_LATE_SCB 1 // BIT 0
498 | #define CFIG_TNO_INTERRUPT 0x4 // BIT 2
499 | #define CFIG_CI_INTERRUPT 0x8 // BIT 3
500 | #define CFIG_SAVE_BAD_FRAMES 0x80 // BIT_7
501 |
502 | //- Byte 7 (Default Value = 7h. Discard short frames automatically and
503 | //- attempt upto 3 retries on transmit.)
504 | #define CFIG_DISCARD_SHORTRX 0x00001
505 | #define CFIG_URUN_RETRY BIT_1 OR BIT_2
506 |
507 | //- Byte 8 (Default Value = 1. Enable MII mode.)
508 | #define CFIG_503_MII BIT_0
509 |
510 | //- Byte 9 (Default Value = 0, ALWAYS)
511 |
512 | //- Byte 10 (Default Value = 2Eh)
513 | #define CFIG_NSAI BIT_3
514 | #define CFIG_PREAMBLE_LENGTH BIT_5 ;- Bit 5-4 = 1-0
515 | #define CFIG_NO_LOOPBACK 0
517 | #define CFIG_EXT_LOOPBACK BIT_7
519 |
520 | //- Byte 11 (Default Value = 0)
521 | #define CFIG_LINEAR_PRIORITY 0
522 |
523 | //- Byte 12 (Default Value = 60h)
524 | #define CFIG_LPRIORITY_MODE 0
525 | #define CFIG_IFS 6 ;- 6 * 16 = 96
526 |
527 | //- Byte 13 (Default Value = 0, ALWAYS)
528 |
529 | //- Byte 14 (Default Value = 0F2h, ALWAYS)
530 |
531 | //- Byte 15 (Default Value = E8h)
534 | #define CFIG_CRS_CDT BIT_7
535 |
536 | //- Byte 16 (Default Value = 0, ALWAYS)
537 |
538 | //- Byte 17 (Default Value = 40h, ALWAYS)
539 |
540 | //- Byte 18 (Default Value = F2h)
541 | #define CFIG_STRIPPING BIT_0
542 | #define CFIG_PADDING BIT_1
543 | #define CFIG_RX_CRC_TRANSFER BIT_2
544 |
545 | //- Byte 19 (Default Value = 80h)
546 | #define CFIG_FORCE_FDX BIT_6
547 | #define CFIG_FDX_PIN_ENABLE BIT_7
548 |
549 | //- Byte 20 (Default Value = 3Fh)
550 | #define CFIG_MULTI_IA BIT_6
551 |
552 | //- Byte 21 (Default Value = 05)
553 | #define CFIG_MC_ALL BIT_3
554 |
555 | /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
556 | #define D102_REVID 0x0b
557 |
558 | #define HALF_DUPLEX 1
559 | #define FULL_DUPLEX 2
560 |
561 | typedef struct s_data_instance {
562 |
563 | UINT16 State; // stopped, started or initialized
564 | UINT16 Bus;
565 | UINT8 Device;
566 | UINT8 Function;
567 | UINT16 VendorID;
568 | UINT16 DeviceID;
569 | UINT16 RevID;
570 | UINT16 SubVendorID;
571 | UINT16 SubSystemID;
572 |
573 | UINT8 PermNodeAddress[PXE_MAC_LENGTH];
574 | UINT8 CurrentNodeAddress[PXE_MAC_LENGTH];
575 | UINT8 BroadcastNodeAddress[PXE_MAC_LENGTH];
576 | UINT32 Config[MAX_PCI_CONFIG_LEN];
578 |
579 | UINT32 ioaddr;
580 | UINT32 flash_addr;
581 |
582 | UINT16 LinkSpeed; // actual link speed setting
583 | UINT16 LinkSpeedReq; // requested (forced) link speed
584 | UINT8 DuplexReq; // requested duplex
585 | UINT8 Duplex; // Duplex set
586 | UINT8 CableDetect; // 1 to detect and 0 not to detect the cable
587 | UINT8 LoopBack;
588 |
589 | UINT16 TxBufCnt;
590 | UINT16 TxBufSize;
591 | UINT16 RxBufCnt;
592 | UINT16 RxBufSize;
593 | UINT32 RxTotals;
594 | UINT32 TxTotals;
595 |
596 | UINT16 int_mask;
597 | UINT16 Int_Status;
598 | UINT16 PhyRecord[2]; // primary and secondary PHY record registers from eeprom
599 | UINT8 PhyAddress;
600 | UINT8 int_num;
601 | UINT16 NVData_Len;
602 | UINT32 MemoryLength;
603 |
604 | RxFD *rx_ring; // array of rx buffers
605 | TxCB *tx_ring; // array of tx buffers
606 | struct speedo_stats *statistics;
607 | TxCB *FreeTxHeadPtr;
608 | TxCB *FreeTxTailPtr;
609 | RxFD *RFDTailPtr;
610 |
611 | UINT64 rx_phy_addr; // physical addresses
612 | UINT64 tx_phy_addr;
613 | UINT64 stat_phy_addr;
614 | UINT64 MemoryPtr;
615 | UINT64 Mapped_MemoryPtr;
616 |
617 | UINT64 xmit_done[TX_BUFFER_COUNT << 1]; // circular buffer
618 | UINT16 xmit_done_head; // index into the xmit_done array
619 | UINT16 xmit_done_tail; // where are we filling now (index into xmit_done)
620 | UINT16 cur_rx_ind; // current RX Q head index
621 | UINT16 FreeCBCount;
622 |
623 | BOOLEAN in_interrupt;
624 | BOOLEAN in_transmit;
625 | BOOLEAN Receive_Started;
626 | UINT8 Rx_Filter;
627 | UINT8 VersionFlag; // UNDI30 or UNDI31??
628 | UINT8 rsvd[3];
629 |
630 | struct mc{
631 | UINT16 reserved [3]; // padding for this structure to make it 8 byte aligned
632 | UINT16 list_len;
633 | UINT8 mc_list[MAX_MCAST_ADDRESS_CNT][PXE_MAC_LENGTH]; // 8*32 is the size
634 | } mcast_list;
635 |
636 | UINT64 Unique_ID;
637 |
638 | EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *Io_Function;
639 | //
640 | // Original PCI attributes
641 | //
642 | UINT64 OriginalPciAttributes;
643 |
644 | VOID (*Delay_30)(UINTN); // call back routine
645 | VOID (*Virt2Phys_30)(UINT64 virtual_addr, UINT64 physical_ptr); // call back routine
646 | VOID (*Block_30)(UINT32 enable); // call back routine
647 | VOID (*Mem_Io_30)(UINT8 read_write, UINT8 len, UINT64 port, UINT64 buf_addr);
648 | VOID (*Delay)(UINT64, UINTN); // call back routine
649 | VOID (*Virt2Phys)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT64 virtual_addr, UINT64 physical_ptr); // call back routine
650 | VOID (*Block)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT32 enable); // call back routine
651 | VOID (*Mem_Io)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT8 read_write, UINT8 len, UINT64 port,
652 | UINT64 buf_addr);
653 | VOID (*Map_Mem)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT64 virtual_addr, UINT32 size,
654 | UINT32 Direction, UINT64 mapped_addr);
655 | VOID (*UnMap_Mem)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT64 virtual_addr, UINT32 size,
656 | UINT32 Direction, UINT64 mapped_addr);
657 | VOID (*Sync_Mem)(UINT64 unq_id, UINT64 virtual_addr,
658 | UINT32 size, UINT32 Direction, UINT64 mapped_addr);
660 |
661 | #pragma pack(1)
662 | struct MC_CB_STRUCT{
663 | UINT16 count;
665 | };
666 | #pragma pack()
667 |
668 | #define FOUR_GIGABYTE (UINT64)0x100000000ULL
669 |
670 | #endif
671 |