1 | /** @file
2 | The DHCP4 protocol implementation.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef __EFI_DHCP4_IO_H__
10 | #define __EFI_DHCP4_IO_H__
11 |
12 | #include <Uefi.h>
13 |
14 | #include <Protocol/ServiceBinding.h>
15 |
16 | #include <Library/NetLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/UdpIoLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 | #define DHCP_WAIT_OFFER 3 // Time to wait the offers
24 | #define DHCP_DEFAULT_LEASE 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 // Seven days as default.
25 | #define DHCP_SERVER_PORT 67
26 | #define DHCP_CLIENT_PORT 68
27 |
28 | //
29 | // BOOTP header "op" field
30 | //
31 | #define BOOTP_REQUEST 1
32 | #define BOOTP_REPLY 2
33 |
34 | //
35 | // DHCP message types
36 | //
37 | #define DHCP_MSG_DISCOVER 1
38 | #define DHCP_MSG_OFFER 2
39 | #define DHCP_MSG_REQUEST 3
40 | #define DHCP_MSG_DECLINE 4
41 | #define DHCP_MSG_ACK 5
42 | #define DHCP_MSG_NAK 6
43 | #define DHCP_MSG_RELEASE 7
44 | #define DHCP_MSG_INFORM 8
45 |
46 | //
47 | // DHCP notify user type
48 | //
51 | #define DHCP_NOTIFY_ALL 3
52 |
53 | #define DHCP_IS_BOOTP(Parameter) (((Parameter) == NULL) || ((Parameter)->DhcpType == 0))
54 |
55 | #define DHCP_CONNECTED(State) \
56 | (((State) == Dhcp4Bound) || ((State) == (Dhcp4Renewing)) || ((State) == Dhcp4Rebinding))
57 |
58 | /**
59 | Set the DHCP state. If CallUser is true, it will try to notify
60 | the user before change the state by DhcpNotifyUser. It returns
61 | EFI_ABORTED if the user return EFI_ABORTED, otherwise, it returns
62 | EFI_SUCCESS. If CallUser is FALSE, it isn't necessary to test
63 | the return value of this function.
64 |
65 | @param DhcpSb The DHCP service instance
66 | @param State The new DHCP state to change to
67 | @param CallUser Whether we need to call user
68 |
69 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The state is changed
70 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The user asks to abort the DHCP process.
71 |
72 | **/
74 | DhcpSetState (
76 | IN INTN State,
77 | IN BOOLEAN CallUser
78 | );
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Build and transmit a DHCP message according to the current states.
82 | This function implement the Table 5. of RFC 2131. Always transits
83 | the state (as defined in Figure 5. of the same RFC) before sending
84 | a DHCP message. The table is adjusted accordingly.
85 |
86 | @param[in] DhcpSb The DHCP service instance
87 | @param[in] Seed The seed packet which the new packet is based on
88 | @param[in] Para The DHCP parameter of the Seed packet
89 | @param[in] Type The message type to send
90 | @param[in] Msg The human readable message to include in the packet
91 | sent.
92 |
93 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resources for the packet
94 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to transmit the packet through UDP
95 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The message is sent
96 | @retval other Other error occurs
97 |
98 | **/
100 | DhcpSendMessage (
101 | IN DHCP_SERVICE *DhcpSb,
102 | IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Seed,
104 | IN UINT8 Type,
105 | IN UINT8 *Msg
106 | );
107 |
108 | /**
109 | Each DHCP service has three timer. Two of them are count down timer.
110 | One for the packet retransmission. The other is to collect the offers.
111 | The third timer increments the lease life which is compared to T1, T2,
112 | and lease to determine the time to renew and rebind the lease.
113 | DhcpOnTimerTick will be called once every second.
114 |
115 | @param[in] Event The timer event
116 | @param[in] Context The context, which is the DHCP service instance.
117 |
118 | **/
119 | VOID
120 | EFIAPI
121 | DhcpOnTimerTick (
122 | IN EFI_EVENT Event,
123 | IN VOID *Context
124 | );
125 |
126 | /**
127 | Handle the received DHCP packets. This function drives the DHCP
128 | state machine.
129 |
130 | @param UdpPacket The UDP packets received.
131 | @param EndPoint The local/remote UDP access point
132 | @param IoStatus The status of the UDP receive
133 | @param Context The opaque parameter to the function.
134 |
135 | **/
136 | VOID
137 | EFIAPI
138 | DhcpInput (
139 | NET_BUF *UdpPacket,
140 | UDP_END_POINT *EndPoint,
141 | EFI_STATUS IoStatus,
142 | VOID *Context
143 | );
144 |
145 | /**
146 | Send an initial DISCOVER or REQUEST message according to the
147 | DHCP service's current state.
148 |
149 | @param[in] DhcpSb The DHCP service instance
150 |
151 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request has been sent
152 | @retval other Some error occurs when sending the request.
153 |
154 | **/
156 | DhcpInitRequest (
158 | );
159 |
160 | /**
161 | Clean up the DHCP related states, IoStatus isn't reset.
162 |
163 | @param DhcpSb The DHCP instance service.
164 |
165 | **/
166 | VOID
167 | DhcpCleanLease (
169 | );
170 |
171 | /**
172 | Release the net buffer when packet is sent.
173 |
174 | @param UdpPacket The UDP packets received.
175 | @param EndPoint The local/remote UDP access point
176 | @param IoStatus The status of the UDP receive
177 | @param Context The opaque parameter to the function.
178 |
179 | **/
180 | VOID
181 | EFIAPI
182 | DhcpOnPacketSent (
183 | NET_BUF *Packet,
184 | UDP_END_POINT *EndPoint,
185 | EFI_STATUS IoStatus,
186 | VOID *Context
187 | );
188 |
189 | #endif