1 | ## @ GenCfgOpt.py
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 | # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
5 | # the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
6 | # The full text of the license may be found at
7 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
8 | #
11 | #
12 | ##
13 |
14 | import os
15 | import re
16 | import sys
17 | import struct
18 | from datetime import date
19 |
20 | # Generated file copyright header
21 |
22 | __copyright_txt__ = """## @file
23 | #
25 | #
26 | # This file lists all VPD informations for a platform collected by build.exe.
27 | #
28 | # Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
29 | # This program and the accompanying materials
30 | # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
31 | # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
32 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
33 | #
36 | #
37 | """
38 |
39 | __copyright_bsf__ = """/** @file
40 |
41 | Boot Setting File for Platform Configuration.
42 |
43 | Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
44 | This program and the accompanying materials
45 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
46 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
47 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
48 |
51 |
52 | This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
53 |
54 | **/
55 |
56 | """
57 |
58 | __copyright_h__ = """/** @file
59 |
60 | Copyright (c) %4d, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
61 |
62 | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
63 | are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
64 |
65 | * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
66 | list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
67 | * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
68 | list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
69 | other materials provided with the distribution.
70 | * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may
71 | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
72 | specific prior written permission.
73 |
85 |
86 | This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
87 |
88 | **/
89 | """
90 |
91 | def UpdateMemSiUpdInitOffsetValue (DscFile):
92 | DscFd = open(DscFile, "r")
93 | DscLines = DscFd.readlines()
94 | DscFd.close()
95 |
96 | DscContent = []
97 | MemUpdInitOffset = 0
98 | SiUpdInitOffset = 0
99 | MemUpdInitOffsetValue = 0
100 | SiUpdInitOffsetValue = 0
101 |
102 | while len(DscLines):
103 | DscLine = DscLines.pop(0)
104 | DscContent.append(DscLine)
105 | DscLine = DscLine.strip()
106 | Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).(MemoryInitUpdOffset)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
107 | if Match:
108 | MemUpdInitOffsetValue = int(Match.group(5), 0)
109 | Match = re.match("^\s*([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).(SiliconInitUpdOffset)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
110 | if Match:
111 | SiUpdInitOffsetValue = int(Match.group(5), 0)
112 | Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(0x244450554D454D24)",DscLine)
113 | if Match:
114 | MemUpdInitOffset = int(Match.group(3), 0)
115 | Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(0x244450555F495324)",DscLine)
116 | if Match:
117 | SiUpdInitOffset = int(Match.group(3), 0)
118 |
119 | if MemUpdInitOffsetValue != MemUpdInitOffset or SiUpdInitOffsetValue != SiUpdInitOffset:
120 | MemUpdInitOffsetStr = "0x%08X" % MemUpdInitOffset
121 | SiUpdInitOffsetStr = "0x%08X" % SiUpdInitOffset
122 | DscFd = open(DscFile,"w")
123 | for DscLine in DscContent:
124 | Match = re.match("^\s*([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).(MemoryInitUpdOffset)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
125 | if Match:
126 | DscLine = re.sub(r'(?:[^\s]+\s*$)', MemUpdInitOffsetStr + '\n', DscLine)
127 | Match = re.match("^\s*([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).(SiliconInitUpdOffset)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
128 | if Match:
129 | DscLine = re.sub(r'(?:[^\s]+\s*$)', SiUpdInitOffsetStr + '\n', line)
130 | DscFd.writelines(DscLine)
131 | DscFd.close()
132 |
133 | class CLogicalExpression:
134 | def __init__(self):
135 | self.index = 0
136 | self.string = ''
137 |
138 | def errExit(self, err = ''):
139 | print "ERROR: Express parsing for:"
140 | print " %s" % self.string
141 | print " %s^" % (' ' * self.index)
142 | if err:
143 | print "INFO : %s" % err
144 | raise SystemExit
145 |
146 | def getNonNumber (self, n1, n2):
147 | if not n1.isdigit():
148 | return n1
149 | if not n2.isdigit():
150 | return n2
151 | return None
152 |
153 | def getCurr(self, lens = 1):
154 | try:
155 | if lens == -1:
156 | return self.string[self.index :]
157 | else:
158 | if self.index + lens > len(self.string):
159 | lens = len(self.string) - self.index
160 | return self.string[self.index : self.index + lens]
161 | except Exception:
162 | return ''
163 |
164 | def isLast(self):
165 | return self.index == len(self.string)
166 |
167 | def moveNext(self, len = 1):
168 | self.index += len
169 |
170 | def skipSpace(self):
171 | while not self.isLast():
172 | if self.getCurr() in ' \t':
173 | self.moveNext()
174 | else:
175 | return
176 |
177 | def normNumber (self, val):
178 | return True if val else False
179 |
180 | def getNumber(self, var):
181 | var = var.strip()
182 | if re.match('^0x[a-fA-F0-9]+$', var):
183 | value = int(var, 16)
184 | elif re.match('^[+-]?\d+$', var):
185 | value = int(var, 10)
186 | else:
187 | value = None
188 | return value
189 |
190 | def parseValue(self):
191 | self.skipSpace()
192 | var = ''
193 | while not self.isLast():
194 | char = self.getCurr()
195 | if re.match('^[\w.]', char):
196 | var += char
197 | self.moveNext()
198 | else:
199 | break
200 | val = self.getNumber(var)
201 | if val is None:
202 | value = var
203 | else:
204 | value = "%d" % val
205 | return value
206 |
207 | def parseSingleOp(self):
208 | self.skipSpace()
209 | if re.match('^NOT\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
210 | self.moveNext(3)
211 | op = self.parseBrace()
212 | val = self.getNumber (op)
213 | if val is None:
214 | self.errExit ("'%s' is not a number" % op)
215 | return "%d" % (not self.normNumber(int(op)))
216 | else:
217 | return self.parseValue()
218 |
219 | def parseBrace(self):
220 | self.skipSpace()
221 | char = self.getCurr()
222 | if char == '(':
223 | self.moveNext()
224 | value = self.parseExpr()
225 | self.skipSpace()
226 | if self.getCurr() != ')':
227 | self.errExit ("Expecting closing brace or operator")
228 | self.moveNext()
229 | return value
230 | else:
231 | value = self.parseSingleOp()
232 | return value
233 |
234 | def parseCompare(self):
235 | value = self.parseBrace()
236 | while True:
237 | self.skipSpace()
238 | char = self.getCurr()
239 | if char in ['<', '>']:
240 | self.moveNext()
241 | next = self.getCurr()
242 | if next == '=':
243 | op = char + next
244 | self.moveNext()
245 | else:
246 | op = char
247 | result = self.parseBrace()
248 | test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
249 | if test is None:
250 | value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result))
251 | else:
252 | self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid number for comparision" % test)
253 | elif char in ['=', '!']:
254 | op = self.getCurr(2)
255 | if op in ['==', '!=']:
256 | self.moveNext(2)
257 | result = self.parseBrace()
258 | test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
259 | if test is None:
260 | value = "%d" % self.normNumber((eval (value + op + result)))
261 | else:
262 | value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval ("'" + value + "'" + op + "'" + result + "'"))
263 | else:
264 | break
265 | else:
266 | break
267 | return value
268 |
269 | def parseAnd(self):
270 | value = self.parseCompare()
271 | while True:
272 | self.skipSpace()
273 | if re.match('^AND\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
274 | self.moveNext(3)
275 | result = self.parseCompare()
276 | test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
277 | if test is None:
278 | value = "%d" % self.normNumber(int(value) & int(result))
279 | else:
280 | self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for AND" % test)
281 | else:
282 | break
283 | return value
284 |
285 | def parseOrXor(self):
286 | value = self.parseAnd()
287 | op = None
288 | while True:
289 | self.skipSpace()
290 | op = None
291 | if re.match('^XOR\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
292 | self.moveNext(3)
293 | op = '^'
294 | elif re.match('^OR\W', self.getCurr(-1)):
295 | self.moveNext(2)
296 | op = '|'
297 | else:
298 | break
299 | if op:
300 | result = self.parseAnd()
301 | test = self.getNonNumber(result, value)
302 | if test is None:
303 | value = "%d" % self.normNumber(eval (value + op + result))
304 | else:
305 | self.errExit ("'%s' is not a valid op number for XOR/OR" % test)
306 | return value
307 |
308 | def parseExpr(self):
309 | return self.parseOrXor()
310 |
311 | def getResult(self):
312 | value = self.parseExpr()
313 | self.skipSpace()
314 | if not self.isLast():
315 | self.errExit ("Unexpected character found '%s'" % self.getCurr())
316 | test = self.getNumber(value)
317 | if test is None:
318 | self.errExit ("Result '%s' is not a number" % value)
319 | return int(value)
320 |
321 | def evaluateExpress (self, Expr):
322 | self.index = 0
323 | self.string = Expr
324 | if self.getResult():
325 | Result = True
326 | else:
327 | Result = False
328 | return Result
329 |
330 | class CGenCfgOpt:
331 | def __init__(self):
332 | self.Debug = False
333 | self.Error = ''
334 |
335 | self._GlobalDataDef = """
336 | GlobalDataDef
337 | SKUID = 0, "DEFAULT"
338 | EndGlobalData
339 |
340 | """
341 | self._BuidinOptionTxt = """
342 | List &EN_DIS
343 | Selection 0x1 , "Enabled"
344 | Selection 0x0 , "Disabled"
345 | EndList
346 |
347 | """
348 |
349 | self._BsfKeyList = ['FIND','NAME','HELP','TYPE','PAGE','OPTION','ORDER']
350 | self._HdrKeyList = ['HEADER','STRUCT', 'EMBED']
351 | self._BuidinOption = {'$EN_DIS' : 'EN_DIS'}
352 |
353 | self._MacroDict = {}
354 | self._CfgBlkDict = {}
355 | self._CfgPageDict = {}
356 | self._CfgItemList = []
357 | self._DscFile = ''
358 | self._FvDir = ''
359 | self._MapVer = 0
360 |
361 | def ParseMacros (self, MacroDefStr):
362 | # ['-DABC=1', '-D', 'CFG_DEBUG=1', '-D', 'CFG_OUTDIR=Build']
363 | self._MacroDict = {}
364 | IsExpression = False
365 | for Macro in MacroDefStr:
366 | if Macro.startswith('-D'):
367 | IsExpression = True
368 | if len(Macro) > 2:
369 | Macro = Macro[2:]
370 | else :
371 | continue
372 | if IsExpression:
373 | IsExpression = False
374 | Match = re.match("(\w+)=(.+)", Macro)
375 | if Match:
376 | self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2)
377 | else:
378 | Match = re.match("(\w+)", Macro)
379 | if Match:
380 | self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = ''
381 | if len(self._MacroDict) == 0:
382 | Error = 1
383 | else:
384 | Error = 0
385 | if self.Debug:
386 | print "INFO : Macro dictionary:"
387 | for Each in self._MacroDict:
388 | print " $(%s) = [ %s ]" % (Each , self._MacroDict[Each])
389 | return Error
390 |
391 | def EvaulateIfdef (self, Macro):
392 | Result = Macro in self._MacroDict
393 | if self.Debug:
394 | print "INFO : Eval Ifdef [%s] : %s" % (Macro, Result)
395 | return Result
396 |
397 | def ExpandMacros (self, Input):
398 | Line = Input
399 | Match = re.findall("\$\(\w+\)", Input)
400 | if Match:
401 | for Each in Match:
402 | Variable = Each[2:-1]
403 | if Variable in self._MacroDict:
404 | Line = Line.replace(Each, self._MacroDict[Variable])
405 | else:
406 | if self.Debug:
407 | print "WARN : %s is not defined" % Each
408 | Line = Line.replace(Each, Each[2:-1])
409 | return Line
410 |
411 | def EvaluateExpress (self, Expr):
412 | ExpExpr = self.ExpandMacros(Expr)
413 | LogExpr = CLogicalExpression()
414 | Result = LogExpr.evaluateExpress (ExpExpr)
415 | if self.Debug:
416 | print "INFO : Eval Express [%s] : %s" % (Expr, Result)
417 | return Result
418 |
419 | def FormatListValue(self, ConfigDict):
420 | Struct = ConfigDict['struct']
421 | if Struct not in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']:
422 | return
423 |
424 | dataarray = []
425 | binlist = ConfigDict['value'][1:-1].split(',')
426 | for each in binlist:
427 | each = each.strip()
428 | if each.startswith('0x'):
429 | value = int(each, 16)
430 | else:
431 | value = int(each)
432 | dataarray.append(value)
433 |
434 | unit = int(Struct[4:]) / 8
435 | if int(ConfigDict['length']) != unit * len(dataarray):
436 | raise Exception("Array size is not proper for '%s' !" % ConfigDict['cname'])
437 |
438 | bytearray = []
439 | for each in dataarray:
440 | value = each
441 | for loop in xrange(unit):
442 | bytearray.append("0x%02X" % (value & 0xFF))
443 | value = value >> 8
444 | newvalue = '{' + ','.join(bytearray) + '}'
445 | ConfigDict['value'] = newvalue
446 | return ""
447 |
448 | def ParseDscFile (self, DscFile, FvDir):
449 | self._CfgItemList = []
450 | self._CfgPageDict = {}
451 | self._CfgBlkDict = {}
452 | self._DscFile = DscFile
453 | self._FvDir = FvDir
454 |
455 | IsDefSect = False
456 | IsUpdSect = False
457 | IsVpdSect = False
458 | Found = False
459 |
460 | IfStack = []
461 | ElifStack = []
462 | Error = 0
463 | ConfigDict = {}
464 |
465 | DscFd = open(DscFile, "r")
466 | DscLines = DscFd.readlines()
467 | DscFd.close()
468 |
469 | while len(DscLines):
470 | DscLine = DscLines.pop(0).strip()
471 | Handle = False
472 | Match = re.match("^\[(.+)\]", DscLine)
473 | if Match is not None:
474 | if Match.group(1).lower() == "Defines".lower():
475 | IsDefSect = True
476 | IsVpdSect = False
477 | IsUpdSect = False
478 | elif Match.group(1).lower() == "PcdsDynamicVpd".lower():
479 | ConfigDict = {}
480 | ConfigDict['header'] = 'ON'
481 | ConfigDict['region'] = 'VPD'
482 | ConfigDict['order'] = -1
483 | ConfigDict['page'] = ''
484 | ConfigDict['name'] = ''
485 | ConfigDict['find'] = ''
486 | ConfigDict['struct'] = ''
487 | ConfigDict['embed'] = ''
488 | ConfigDict['subreg'] = []
489 | IsDefSect = False
490 | IsVpdSect = True
491 | IsUpdSect = False
492 | elif Match.group(1).lower() == "PcdsDynamicVpd.Upd".lower():
493 | ConfigDict = {}
494 | ConfigDict['header'] = 'ON'
495 | ConfigDict['region'] = 'UPD'
496 | ConfigDict['order'] = -1
497 | ConfigDict['page'] = ''
498 | ConfigDict['name'] = ''
499 | ConfigDict['find'] = ''
500 | ConfigDict['struct'] = ''
501 | ConfigDict['embed'] = ''
502 | ConfigDict['subreg'] = []
503 | IsDefSect = False
504 | IsUpdSect = True
505 | IsVpdSect = False
506 | Found = True
507 | else:
508 | IsDefSect = False
509 | IsUpdSect = False
510 | IsVpdSect = False
511 | else:
512 | if IsDefSect or IsUpdSect or IsVpdSect:
513 | if re.match("^!else($|\s+#.+)", DscLine):
514 | if IfStack:
515 | IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1]
516 | else:
517 | print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!else' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
518 | raise SystemExit
519 | elif re.match("^!endif($|\s+#.+)", DscLine):
520 | if IfStack:
521 | IfStack.pop()
522 | Level = ElifStack.pop()
523 | if Level > 0:
524 | del IfStack[-Level:]
525 | else:
526 | print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!endif' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
527 | raise SystemExit
528 | else:
529 | Result = False
530 | Match = re.match("!(ifdef|ifndef)\s+(.+)", DscLine)
531 | if Match:
532 | Result = self.EvaulateIfdef (Match.group(2))
533 | if Match.group(1) == 'ifndef':
534 | Result = not Result
535 | IfStack.append(Result)
536 | ElifStack.append(0)
537 | else:
538 | Match = re.match("!(if|elseif)\s+(.+)", DscLine)
539 | if Match:
540 | Result = self.EvaluateExpress(Match.group(2))
541 | if Match.group(1) == "if":
542 | ElifStack.append(0)
543 | IfStack.append(Result)
544 | else: #elseif
545 | if IfStack:
546 | IfStack[-1] = not IfStack[-1]
547 | IfStack.append(Result)
548 | ElifStack[-1] = ElifStack[-1] + 1
549 | else:
550 | print("ERROR: No paired '!if' found for '!elif' for line '%s'" % DscLine)
551 | raise SystemExit
552 | else:
553 | if IfStack:
554 | Handle = reduce(lambda x,y: x and y, IfStack)
555 | else:
556 | Handle = True
557 | if Handle:
558 | Match = re.match("!include\s+(.+)", DscLine)
559 | if Match:
560 | IncludeFilePath = Match.group(1)
561 | IncludeFilePath = self.ExpandMacros(IncludeFilePath)
562 | try:
563 | IncludeDsc = open(IncludeFilePath, "r")
564 | except:
565 | print("ERROR: Cannot open file '%s'" % IncludeFilePath)
566 | raise SystemExit
567 | NewDscLines = IncludeDsc.readlines()
568 | IncludeDsc.close()
569 | DscLines = NewDscLines + DscLines
570 | else:
571 | if DscLine.startswith('!'):
572 | print("ERROR: Unrecoginized directive for line '%s'" % DscLine)
573 | raise SystemExit
574 | if not Handle:
575 | continue
576 |
577 | if IsDefSect:
578 | #DEFINE UPD_TOOL_GUID = 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E09
579 | Match = re.match("^\s*(?:DEFINE\s+)*(\w+)\s*=\s*([-.\w]+)", DscLine)
580 | if Match:
581 | self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2)
582 | if self.Debug:
583 | print "INFO : DEFINE %s = [ %s ]" % (Match.group(1), Match.group(2))
584 | else:
585 | Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+!(BSF|HDR)\s+(.+)", DscLine)
586 | if Match:
587 | Remaining = Match.group(2)
588 | if Match.group(1) == 'BSF':
589 | Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)PAGES:{(.+?)}", Remaining)
590 | if Match:
591 | # !BSF PAGES:{HSW:"Haswell System Agent", LPT:"Lynx Point PCH"}
592 | PageList = Match.group(1).split(',')
593 | for Page in PageList:
594 | Page = Page.strip()
595 | Match = re.match("(\w+):\"(.+)\"", Page)
596 | self._CfgPageDict[Match.group(1)] = Match.group(2)
597 |
598 | Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)BLOCK:{NAME:\"(.+)\"\s*,\s*VER:\"(.+)\"\s*}", Remaining)
599 | if Match:
600 | self._CfgBlkDict['name'] = Match.group(1)
601 | self._CfgBlkDict['ver'] = Match.group(2)
602 |
603 | for Key in self._BsfKeyList:
604 | Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining)
605 | if Match:
606 | if Key in ['NAME', 'HELP', 'OPTION'] and Match.group(1).startswith('+'):
607 | ConfigDict[Key.lower()] += Match.group(1)[1:]
608 | else:
609 | ConfigDict[Key.lower()] = Match.group(1)
610 | else:
611 | for Key in self._HdrKeyList:
612 | Match = re.match("(?:^|.+\s+)%s:{(.+?)}" % Key, Remaining)
613 | if Match:
614 | ConfigDict[Key.lower()] = Match.group(1)
615 |
616 | # Check VPD/UPD
617 | if IsUpdSect:
618 | Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)\s*\|\s*(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*\|\s*(.+)",DscLine)
619 | else:
620 | Match = re.match("^([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(0x[0-9A-F]+)(?:\s*\|\s*(.+))?", DscLine)
621 | if Match:
622 | ConfigDict['space'] = Match.group(1)
623 | ConfigDict['cname'] = Match.group(2)
624 | ConfigDict['offset'] = int (Match.group(3), 16)
625 | if ConfigDict['order'] == -1:
626 | ConfigDict['order'] = ConfigDict['offset'] << 8
627 | else:
628 | (Major, Minor) = ConfigDict['order'].split('.')
629 | ConfigDict['order'] = (int (Major, 16) << 8 ) + int (Minor, 16)
630 | if IsUpdSect:
631 | Value = Match.group(5).strip()
632 | if Match.group(4).startswith("0x"):
633 | Length = int (Match.group(4), 16)
634 | else :
635 | Length = int (Match.group(4))
636 | else:
637 | Value = Match.group(4)
638 | if Value is None:
639 | Value = ''
640 | Value = Value.strip()
641 | if '|' in Value:
642 | Match = re.match("^.+\s*\|\s*(.+)", Value)
643 | if Match:
644 | Value = Match.group(1)
645 | Length = -1
646 |
647 | ConfigDict['length'] = Length
648 | Match = re.match("\$\((\w+)\)", Value)
649 | if Match:
650 | if Match.group(1) in self._MacroDict:
651 | Value = self._MacroDict[Match.group(1)]
652 |
653 | ConfigDict['value'] = Value
654 | if (len(Value) > 0) and (Value[0] == '{'):
655 | Value = self.FormatListValue(ConfigDict)
656 |
657 | if ConfigDict['name'] == '':
658 | # Clear BSF specific items
659 | ConfigDict['bsfname'] = ''
660 | ConfigDict['help'] = ''
661 | ConfigDict['type'] = ''
662 | ConfigDict['option'] = ''
663 |
664 | self._CfgItemList.append(ConfigDict.copy())
665 | ConfigDict['name'] = ''
666 | ConfigDict['find'] = ''
667 | ConfigDict['struct'] = ''
668 | ConfigDict['embed'] = ''
669 | ConfigDict['order'] = -1
670 | ConfigDict['subreg'] = []
671 | else:
672 | # It could be a virtual item as below
673 | # !BSF FIELD:{1:SerialDebugPortAddress0}
674 | Match = re.match("^\s*#\s+!BSF\s+FIELD:{(.+):(\d+)}", DscLine)
675 | if Match:
676 | SubCfgDict = ConfigDict
677 | SubCfgDict['cname'] = Match.group(1)
678 | SubCfgDict['length'] = int (Match.group(2))
679 | if SubCfgDict['length'] > 0:
680 | LastItem = self._CfgItemList[-1]
681 | if len(LastItem['subreg']) == 0:
682 | SubOffset = 0
683 | else:
684 | SubOffset += LastItem['subreg'][-1]['length']
685 | SubCfgDict['offset'] = SubOffset
686 | LastItem['subreg'].append (SubCfgDict.copy())
687 | ConfigDict['name'] = ''
688 | return Error
689 |
690 | def UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue (self):
691 | Error = 0
692 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
693 | if len(Item['subreg']) == 0:
694 | continue
695 | bytearray = []
696 | if Item['value'][0] == '{':
697 | binlist = Item['value'][1:-1].split(',')
698 | for each in binlist:
699 | each = each.strip()
700 | if each.startswith('0x'):
701 | value = int(each, 16)
702 | else:
703 | value = int(each)
704 | bytearray.append(value)
705 | else:
706 | if Item['value'].startswith('0x'):
707 | value = int(Item['value'], 16)
708 | else:
709 | value = int(Item['value'])
710 | idx = 0;
711 | while idx < Item['length']:
712 | bytearray.append(value & 0xFF)
713 | value = value >> 8
714 | idx = idx + 1
715 | for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
716 | if SubItem['length'] in (1,2,4,8):
717 | valuelist = [b for b in bytearray[SubItem['offset']:SubItem['offset']+SubItem['length']]]
718 | valuelist.reverse()
719 | valuestr = "".join('%02X' % b for b in valuelist)
720 | SubItem['value'] = '0x%s' % valuestr
721 | else:
722 | valuestr = ",".join('0x%02X' % b for b in bytearray[SubItem['offset']:SubItem['offset']+SubItem['length']])
723 | SubItem['value'] = '{%s}' % valuestr
724 | return Error
725 |
726 | def UpdateVpdSizeField (self):
727 | FvDir = self._FvDir;
728 |
729 | if 'VPD_TOOL_GUID' not in self._MacroDict:
730 | self.Error = "VPD_TOOL_GUID definition is missing in DSC file"
731 | return 1
732 |
733 | VpdMapFile = os.path.join(FvDir, self._MacroDict['VPD_TOOL_GUID'] + '.map')
734 | if not os.path.exists(VpdMapFile):
735 | self.Error = "VPD MAP file '%s' does not exist" % VpdMapFile
736 | return 2
737 |
738 | MapFd = open(VpdMapFile, "r")
739 | MapLines = MapFd.readlines()
740 | MapFd.close()
741 |
742 | VpdDict = {}
743 | PcdDict = {}
744 | for MapLine in MapLines:
745 | #gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVpdRegionSign | DEFAULT | 0x0000 | 8 | 0x534450565F425346
746 | #gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdVpdRegionSign | 0x0000 | 8 | 0x534450565F425346
747 | #gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTest | 0x0008 | 5 | {0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05}
748 | Match = re.match("([_a-zA-Z0-9]+).([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\s\|\sDEFAULT)?\s\|\s(0x[0-9A-F]{4})\s\|\s(\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s\|\s(\{?[x0-9a-fA-F,\s]+\}?)", MapLine)
749 | if Match:
750 | Space = Match.group(1)
751 | Name = Match.group(2)
752 | if (self._MapVer == 0) and (Match.group(3) != None):
753 | self._MapVer = 1
754 | Offset = int (Match.group(4), 16)
755 | if Match.group(5).startswith("0x"):
756 | Length = int (Match.group(5), 16)
757 | else :
758 | Length = int (Match.group(5))
759 | PcdDict["len"] = Length
760 | PcdDict["value"] = Match.group(6)
761 | VpdDict[Space+'.'+Name] = dict(PcdDict)
762 |
763 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
764 | if Item['value'] == '':
765 | Item['value'] = VpdDict[Item['space']+'.'+Item['cname']]['value']
766 | if Item['length'] == -1:
767 | Item['length'] = VpdDict[Item['space']+'.'+Item['cname']]['len']
768 | if Item['struct'] != '':
769 | Type = Item['struct'].strip()
770 | if Type.endswith('*') and (Item['length'] != 4):
771 | self.Error = "Struct pointer '%s' has invalid size" % Type
772 | return 3
773 |
774 | return 0
775 |
776 | def CreateUpdTxtFile (self, UpdTxtFile):
777 | FvDir = self._FvDir
778 | if 'UPD_TOOL_GUID' not in self._MacroDict:
779 | self.Error = "UPD_TOOL_GUID definition is missing in DSC file"
780 | return 1
781 |
782 | if UpdTxtFile == '':
783 | UpdTxtFile = os.path.join(FvDir, self._MacroDict['UPD_TOOL_GUID'] + '.txt')
784 |
785 | ReCreate = False
786 | if not os.path.exists(UpdTxtFile):
787 | ReCreate = True
788 | else:
789 | DscTime = os.path.getmtime(self._DscFile)
790 | TxtTime = os.path.getmtime(UpdTxtFile)
791 | if DscTime > TxtTime:
792 | ReCreate = True
793 |
794 | if not ReCreate:
795 | # DSC has not been modified yet
796 | # So don't have to re-generate other files
797 | self.Error = 'No DSC file change, skip to create UPD TXT file'
798 | return 256
799 |
800 | TxtFd = open(UpdTxtFile, "w")
801 | TxtFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_txt__ % date.today().year))
802 |
803 | NextOffset = 0
804 | SpaceIdx = 0
805 | if self._MapVer == 1:
806 | Default = 'DEFAULT|'
807 | else:
808 | Default = ''
809 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
810 | if Item['region'] != 'UPD':
811 | continue
812 | Offset = Item['offset']
813 | if NextOffset < Offset:
814 | # insert one line
815 | TxtFd.write("%s.UnusedUpdSpace%d|%s0x%04X|0x%04X|{0}\n" % (Item['space'], SpaceIdx, Default, NextOffset, Offset - NextOffset))
816 | SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1
817 | NextOffset = Offset + Item['length']
818 | TxtFd.write("%s.%s|%s0x%04X|%s|%s\n" % (Item['space'],Item['cname'],Default,Item['offset'],Item['length'],Item['value']))
819 | TxtFd.close()
820 | return 0
821 |
822 | def CreateField (self, Item, Name, Length, Offset, Struct, BsfName, Help):
823 | PosName = 28
824 | PosComment = 30
825 | NameLine=''
826 | HelpLine=''
827 |
828 | IsArray = False
829 | if Length in [1,2,4,8]:
830 | Type = "UINT%d" % (Length * 8)
831 | else:
832 | IsArray = True
833 | Type = "UINT8"
834 |
835 | if Item and Item['value'].startswith('{'):
836 | Type = "UINT8"
837 | IsArray = True
838 |
839 | if Struct != '':
840 | Type = Struct
841 | if Struct in ['UINT8','UINT16','UINT32','UINT64']:
842 | IsArray = True
843 | Unit = int(Type[4:]) / 8
844 | Length = Length / Unit
845 | else:
846 | IsArray = False
847 |
848 | if IsArray:
849 | Name = Name + '[%d]' % Length
850 |
851 | if len(Type) < PosName:
852 | Space1 = PosName - len(Type)
853 | else:
854 | Space1 = 1
855 |
856 | if BsfName != '':
857 | NameLine=" %s\n" % BsfName
858 |
859 | if Help != '':
860 | HelpLine=" %s\n" % Help
861 |
862 | if Offset is None:
863 | OffsetStr = '????'
864 | else:
865 | OffsetStr = '0x%04X' % Offset
866 |
867 | return "/** Offset %s\n%s%s**/\n %s%s%s;\n" % (OffsetStr, NameLine, HelpLine, Type, ' ' * Space1, Name,)
868 |
869 | def PostProcessBody (self, TextBody):
870 | NewTextBody = []
871 | OldTextBody = []
872 | IncludeLine = False
873 | StructName = ''
874 | VariableName = ''
875 | for Line in TextBody:
876 | Match = re.match("^/\*\sEMBED_STRUCT:(\w+):(\w+):(START|END)\s\*/\s([\s\S]*)", Line)
877 | if Match:
878 | Line = Match.group(4)
879 |
880 | if Match and Match.group(3) == 'START':
881 | NewTextBody.append ('typedef struct {\n')
882 | StructName = Match.group(1)
883 | VariableName = Match.group(2)
884 | MatchOffset = re.search('/\*\*\sOffset\s0x([a-fA-F0-9]+)', Line)
885 | if MatchOffset:
886 | Offset = int(MatchOffset.group(1), 16)
887 | else:
888 | Offset = None
889 | Line
890 | IncludeLine = True
891 | OldTextBody.append (self.CreateField (None, VariableName, 0, Offset, StructName, '', ''))
892 | if IncludeLine:
893 | NewTextBody.append (Line)
894 | else:
895 | OldTextBody.append (Line)
896 |
897 | if Match and Match.group(3) == 'END':
898 | if (StructName != Match.group(1)) or (VariableName != Match.group(2)):
899 | print "Unmatched struct name '%s' and '%s' !" % (StructName, Match.group(1))
900 | else:
901 | NewTextBody.append ('} %s;\n\n' % StructName)
902 | IncludeLine = False
903 | NewTextBody.extend(OldTextBody)
904 | return NewTextBody
905 |
906 | def CreateHeaderFile (self, InputHeaderFile, IsInternal):
907 | FvDir = self._FvDir
908 |
909 | if IsInternal:
910 | HeaderFile = os.path.join(FvDir, 'FspUpdVpdInternal.h')
911 | else:
912 | HeaderFile = os.path.join(FvDir, 'FspUpdVpd.h')
913 |
914 | # Check if header needs to be recreated
915 | ReCreate = False
916 | if IsInternal:
917 | if not os.path.exists(HeaderFile):
918 | ReCreate = True
919 | else:
920 | DscTime = os.path.getmtime(self._DscFile)
921 | HeadTime = os.path.getmtime(HeaderFile)
922 | if not os.path.exists(InputHeaderFile):
923 | InpTime = HeadTime
924 | else:
925 | InpTime = os.path.getmtime(InputHeaderFile)
926 | if DscTime > HeadTime or InpTime > HeadTime:
927 | ReCreate = True
928 |
929 | if not ReCreate:
930 | self.Error = "No DSC or input header file is changed, skip the header file generating"
931 | return 256
932 |
933 | TxtBody = []
934 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
935 | if str(Item['cname']) == 'Signature' and Item['length'] == 8:
936 | Value = int(Item['value'], 16)
937 | Chars = []
938 | while Value != 0x0:
939 | Chars.append(chr(Value & 0xFF))
940 | Value = Value >> 8
941 | SignatureStr = ''.join(Chars)
942 | if int(Item['offset']) == 0:
943 | TxtBody.append("#define FSP_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
944 | elif 'MEM' in SignatureStr:
945 | TxtBody.append("#define FSP_MEMORY_INIT_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
946 | else:
947 | TxtBody.append("#define FSP_SILICON_INIT_UPD_SIGNATURE %s /* '%s' */\n" % (Item['value'], SignatureStr))
948 | TxtBody.append("\n")
949 |
950 | for Region in ['UPD', 'VPD']:
951 |
952 | # Write PcdVpdRegionSign and PcdImageRevision
953 | if Region[0] == 'V':
954 | if 'VPD_TOOL_GUID' not in self._MacroDict:
955 | self.Error = "VPD_TOOL_GUID definition is missing in DSC file"
956 | return 1
957 |
958 | BinFile = os.path.join(FvDir, self._MacroDict['VPD_TOOL_GUID'] + ".bin")
959 | if not os.path.exists(BinFile):
960 | self.Error = "VPD binary file '%s' does not exist" % BinFile
961 | return 2
962 |
963 | BinFd = open(BinFile, "rb")
964 | IdStr = BinFd.read(0x08)
965 | ImageId = struct.unpack('<Q', IdStr)
966 | ImageRev = struct.unpack('<I', BinFd.read(0x04))
967 | BinFd.close()
968 |
969 | TxtBody.append("#define FSP_IMAGE_ID 0x%016X /* '%s' */\n" % (ImageId[0], IdStr))
970 | TxtBody.append("#define FSP_IMAGE_REV 0x%08X \n\n" % ImageRev[0])
971 |
972 | TxtBody.append("typedef struct _" + Region[0] + "PD_DATA_REGION {\n")
973 | NextOffset = 0
974 | SpaceIdx = 0
975 | Offset = 0
976 |
977 | LastVisible = True
978 | ResvOffset = 0
979 | ResvIdx = 0
980 | LineBuffer = []
981 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
982 | if Item['region'] != Region:
983 | continue
984 |
985 | NextVisible = LastVisible
986 | if not IsInternal:
987 | if LastVisible and (Item['header'] == 'OFF'):
988 | NextVisible = False
989 | ResvOffset = Item['offset']
990 | elif (not LastVisible) and Item['header'] == 'ON':
991 | NextVisible = True
992 | Name = "Reserved" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % ResvIdx
993 | ResvIdx = ResvIdx + 1
994 | TxtBody.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - ResvOffset, ResvOffset, '', '', ''))
995 |
996 | if Offset < Item["offset"]:
997 | if IsInternal or LastVisible:
998 | Name = "Unused" + Region[0] + "pdSpace%d" % SpaceIdx
999 | LineBuffer.append(self.CreateField (Item, Name, Item["offset"] - Offset, Offset, '', '', ''))
1000 | SpaceIdx = SpaceIdx + 1
1001 | Offset = Item["offset"]
1002 |
1003 | if Offset != Item["offset"]:
1004 | self.Error = "Unsorted offset 0x%04X\n" % Item["offset"]
1005 | return 3
1006 |
1007 | LastVisible = NextVisible
1008 |
1009 | Offset = Offset + Item["length"]
1010 | if IsInternal or LastVisible:
1011 | for Each in LineBuffer:
1012 | TxtBody.append (Each)
1013 | LineBuffer = []
1014 | Embed = Item["embed"].upper()
1015 | if Embed.endswith(':START') or Embed.endswith(':END'):
1016 | Marker = '/* EMBED_STRUCT:%s */ ' % Item["embed"]
1017 | else:
1018 | if Embed == '':
1019 | Marker = '';
1020 | else:
1021 | self.Error = "Invalid embedded structure format '%s'!\n" % Item["embed"]
1022 | return 4
1023 | Line = Marker + self.CreateField (Item, Item["cname"], Item["length"], Item["offset"], Item['struct'], Item['name'], Item['help'])
1024 | TxtBody.append(Line)
1025 |
1026 | TxtBody.append("} " + Region[0] + "PD_DATA_REGION;\n\n")
1027 |
1028 | # Handle the embedded data structure
1029 | TxtBody = self.PostProcessBody (TxtBody)
1030 |
1031 | HeaderFd = open(HeaderFile, "w")
1032 | FileBase = os.path.basename(HeaderFile)
1033 | FileName = FileBase.replace(".", "_").upper()
1034 | HeaderFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_h__ % date.today().year))
1035 | HeaderFd.write("#ifndef __%s__\n" % FileName)
1036 | HeaderFd.write("#define __%s__\n\n" % FileName)
1037 | HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack(1)\n\n")
1038 |
1039 | if InputHeaderFile != '':
1040 | if not os.path.exists(InputHeaderFile):
1041 | self.Error = "Input header file '%s' does not exist" % InputHeaderFile
1042 | return 6
1043 |
1044 | InFd = open(InputHeaderFile, "r")
1045 | IncLines = InFd.readlines()
1046 | InFd.close()
1047 |
1048 | Export = False
1049 | for Line in IncLines:
1050 | Match = re.search ("!EXPORT\s+EXTERNAL_BOOTLOADER_STRUCT_(BEGIN|END)\s+", Line)
1051 | if Match:
1052 | if Match.group(1) == "BEGIN":
1053 | Export = True
1054 | continue
1055 | else:
1056 | Export = False
1057 | continue
1058 | if Export:
1059 | HeaderFd.write(Line)
1060 | HeaderFd.write("\n\n")
1061 |
1062 | for Line in TxtBody:
1063 | HeaderFd.write (Line)
1064 | HeaderFd.write("#pragma pack()\n\n")
1065 | HeaderFd.write("#endif\n")
1066 | HeaderFd.close()
1067 |
1068 | return 0
1069 |
1070 | def WriteBsfStruct (self, BsfFd, Item):
1071 | if Item['type'] == "None":
1072 | Space = "gPlatformFspPkgTokenSpaceGuid"
1073 | else:
1074 | Space = Item['space']
1075 | Line = " $%s_%s" % (Space, Item['cname'])
1076 | Match = re.match("\s*\{([x0-9a-fA-F,\s]+)\}\s*", Item['value'])
1077 | if Match:
1078 | DefaultValue = Match.group(1).strip()
1079 | else:
1080 | DefaultValue = Item['value'].strip()
1081 | BsfFd.write(" %s%s%4d bytes $_DEFAULT_ = %s\n" % (Line, ' ' * (64 - len(Line)), Item['length'], DefaultValue))
1082 | TmpList = []
1083 | if Item['type'] == "Combo":
1084 | if not Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption:
1085 | OptList = Item['option'].split(',')
1086 | for Option in OptList:
1087 | Option = Option.strip()
1088 | (OpVal, OpStr) = Option.split(':')
1089 | TmpList.append((OpVal, OpStr))
1090 | return TmpList
1091 |
1092 | def WriteBsfOption (self, BsfFd, Item):
1093 | PcdName = Item['space'] + '_' + Item['cname']
1094 | WriteHelp = 0
1095 | if Item['type'] == "Combo":
1096 | if Item['option'] in self._BuidinOption:
1097 | Options = self._BuidinOption[Item['option']]
1098 | else:
1099 | Options = PcdName
1100 | BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s", &%s,\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name'], Options));
1101 | WriteHelp = 1
1102 | elif Item['type'].startswith("EditNum"):
1103 | Match = re.match("EditNum\s*,\s*(HEX|DEC)\s*,\s*\((\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*,\s*(\d+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\)", Item['type'])
1104 | if Match:
1105 | BsfFd.write(' EditNum $%s, "%s", %s,\n' % (PcdName, Item['name'], Match.group(1)));
1106 | WriteHelp = 2
1107 | elif Item['type'].startswith("EditText"):
1108 | BsfFd.write(' %s $%s, "%s",\n' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name']));
1109 | WriteHelp = 1
1110 | elif Item['type'] == "Table":
1111 | Columns = Item['option'].split(',')
1112 | if len(Columns) != 0:
1113 | BsfFd.write(' %s $%s "%s",' % (Item['type'], PcdName, Item['name']));
1114 | for Col in Columns:
1115 | Fmt = Col.split(':')
1116 | if len(Fmt) != 3:
1117 | raise Exception("Column format '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt)
1118 | try:
1119 | Dtype = int(Fmt[1].strip())
1120 | except:
1121 | raise Exception("Column size '%s' is invalid !" % Fmt[1])
1122 | BsfFd.write('\n Column "%s", %d bytes, %s' % (Fmt[0].strip(), Dtype, Fmt[2].strip()))
1123 | BsfFd.write(',\n')
1124 | WriteHelp = 1
1125 |
1126 | if WriteHelp > 0:
1127 | HelpLines = Item['help'].split('\\n\\r')
1128 | FirstLine = True
1129 | for HelpLine in HelpLines:
1130 | if FirstLine:
1131 | FirstLine = False
1132 | BsfFd.write(' Help "%s"\n' % (HelpLine));
1133 | else:
1134 | BsfFd.write(' "%s"\n' % (HelpLine));
1135 | if WriteHelp == 2:
1136 | BsfFd.write(' "Valid range: %s ~ %s"\n' % (Match.group(2), Match.group(3)));
1137 |
1138 | def GenerateBsfFile (self, BsfFile):
1139 |
1140 | if BsfFile == '':
1141 | self.Error = "BSF output file '%s' is invalid" % BsfFile
1142 | return 1
1143 |
1144 | Error = 0
1145 | OptionDict = {}
1146 | BsfFd = open(BsfFile, "w")
1147 | BsfFd.write("%s\n" % (__copyright_bsf__ % date.today().year))
1148 | BsfFd.write("%s\n" % self._GlobalDataDef);
1149 | BsfFd.write("StructDef\n")
1150 | NextOffset = -1
1151 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
1152 | if Item['find'] != '':
1153 | BsfFd.write('\n Find "%s"\n' % Item['find'])
1154 | NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
1155 | if Item['name'] != '':
1156 | if NextOffset != Item['offset']:
1157 | BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (Item['offset'] - NextOffset))
1158 | if len(Item['subreg']) > 0:
1159 | NextOffset = Item['offset']
1160 | for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
1161 | NextOffset += SubItem['length']
1162 | if SubItem['name'] == '':
1163 | BsfFd.write(" Skip %d bytes\n" % (SubItem['length']))
1164 | else:
1165 | Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, SubItem)
1166 | if len(Options) > 0:
1167 | OptionDict[SubItem['space']+'_'+SubItem['cname']] = Options
1168 | if (Item['offset'] + Item['length']) < NextOffset:
1169 | self.Error = "BSF sub region '%s' length does not match" % (Item['space']+'.'+Item['cname'])
1170 | return 2
1171 | else:
1172 | NextOffset = Item['offset'] + Item['length']
1173 | Options = self.WriteBsfStruct(BsfFd, Item)
1174 | if len(Options) > 0:
1175 | OptionDict[Item['space']+'_'+Item['cname']] = Options
1176 | BsfFd.write("\nEndStruct\n\n")
1177 |
1178 | BsfFd.write("%s" % self._BuidinOptionTxt);
1179 |
1180 | for Each in OptionDict:
1181 | BsfFd.write("List &%s\n" % Each);
1182 | for Item in OptionDict[Each]:
1183 | BsfFd.write(' Selection %s , "%s"\n' % (Item[0], Item[1]));
1184 | BsfFd.write("EndList\n\n");
1185 |
1186 | BsfFd.write("BeginInfoBlock\n");
1187 | BsfFd.write(' PPVer "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['ver']));
1188 | BsfFd.write(' Description "%s"\n' % (self._CfgBlkDict['name']));
1189 | BsfFd.write("EndInfoBlock\n\n");
1190 |
1191 | for Each in self._CfgPageDict:
1192 | BsfFd.write('Page "%s"\n' % self._CfgPageDict[Each]);
1193 | BsfItems = []
1194 | for Item in self._CfgItemList:
1195 | if Item['name'] != '':
1196 | if Item['page'] != Each:
1197 | continue
1198 | if len(Item['subreg']) > 0:
1199 | for SubItem in Item['subreg']:
1200 | if SubItem['name'] != '':
1201 | BsfItems.append(SubItem)
1202 | else:
1203 | BsfItems.append(Item)
1204 |
1205 | BsfItems.sort(key=lambda x: x['order'])
1206 |
1207 | for Item in BsfItems:
1208 | self.WriteBsfOption (BsfFd, Item)
1209 | BsfFd.write("EndPage\n\n");
1210 |
1211 | BsfFd.close()
1212 | return Error
1213 |
1214 |
1215 | def Usage():
1216 | print "GenCfgOpt Version 0.50"
1217 | print "Usage:"
1218 | print " GenCfgOpt UPDTXT PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [TxtOutFile] [-D Macros]"
1219 | print " GenCfgOpt HEADER PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir [InputHFile] [-D Macros]"
1220 | print " GenCfgOpt GENBSF PlatformDscFile BuildFvDir BsfOutFile [-D Macros]"
1221 |
1222 | def Main():
1223 | #
1224 | # Parse the options and args
1225 | #
1226 | GenCfgOpt = CGenCfgOpt()
1227 | argc = len(sys.argv)
1228 | if argc < 4:
1229 | Usage()
1230 | return 1
1231 | else:
1232 | DscFile = sys.argv[2]
1233 | if not os.path.exists(DscFile):
1234 | print "ERROR: Cannot open DSC file '%s' !" % DscFile
1235 | return 2
1236 |
1237 | UpdateMemSiUpdInitOffsetValue(DscFile)
1238 |
1239 | OutFile = ''
1240 | if argc > 4:
1241 | if sys.argv[4][0] == '-':
1242 | Start = 4
1243 | else:
1244 | OutFile = sys.argv[4]
1245 | Start = 5
1246 | if GenCfgOpt.ParseMacros(sys.argv[Start:]) != 0:
1247 | print "ERROR: Macro parsing failed !"
1248 | return 3
1249 |
1250 | FvDir = sys.argv[3]
1251 | if not os.path.isdir(FvDir):
1252 | print "ERROR: FV folder '%s' is invalid !" % FvDir
1253 | return 4
1254 |
1255 | if GenCfgOpt.ParseDscFile(DscFile, FvDir) != 0:
1256 | print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error
1257 | return 5
1258 |
1259 | if GenCfgOpt.UpdateVpdSizeField() != 0:
1260 | print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error
1261 | return 6
1262 |
1263 | if GenCfgOpt.UpdateSubRegionDefaultValue() != 0:
1264 | print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error
1265 | return 7
1266 |
1267 | if sys.argv[1] == "UPDTXT":
1268 | Ret = GenCfgOpt.CreateUpdTxtFile(OutFile)
1269 | if Ret != 0:
1270 | # No change is detected
1271 | if Ret == 256:
1272 | print "INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error)
1273 | else :
1274 | print "ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error)
1275 | return Ret
1276 | elif sys.argv[1] == "HEADER":
1277 | Ret = GenCfgOpt.CreateHeaderFile(OutFile, True)
1278 | if Ret != 0:
1279 | # No change is detected
1280 | if Ret == 256:
1281 | print "INFO: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error)
1282 | else :
1283 | print "ERROR: %s !" % (GenCfgOpt.Error)
1284 | return Ret
1285 | if GenCfgOpt.CreateHeaderFile(OutFile, False) != 0:
1286 | print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error
1287 | return 8
1288 | elif sys.argv[1] == "GENBSF":
1289 | if GenCfgOpt.GenerateBsfFile(OutFile) != 0:
1290 | print "ERROR: %s !" % GenCfgOpt.Error
1291 | return 9
1292 | else:
1293 | if argc < 5:
1294 | Usage()
1295 | return 1
1296 | print "ERROR: Unknown command '%s' !" % sys.argv[1]
1297 | Usage()
1298 | return 1
1299 | return 0
1300 | return 0
1301 |
1302 |
1303 | if __name__ == '__main__':
1304 | sys.exit(Main())