1 | /** @file
2 | Initialization routines.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include "Fat.h"
10 |
11 | /**
12 |
13 | Allocates volume structure, detects FAT file system, installs protocol,
14 | and initialize cache.
15 |
16 | @param Handle - The handle of parent device.
17 | @param DiskIo - The DiskIo of parent device.
18 | @param DiskIo2 - The DiskIo2 of parent device.
19 | @param BlockIo - The BlockIo of parent device.
20 |
21 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Allocate a new volume successfully.
22 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - Can not allocate the memory.
23 | @return Others - Allocating a new volume failed.
24 |
25 | **/
27 | FatAllocateVolume (
28 | IN EFI_HANDLE Handle,
32 | )
33 | {
34 | EFI_STATUS Status;
35 | FAT_VOLUME *Volume;
36 |
37 | //
38 | // Allocate a volume structure
39 | //
40 | Volume = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FAT_VOLUME));
41 | if (Volume == NULL) {
43 | }
44 |
45 | //
46 | // Initialize the structure
47 | //
48 | Volume->Signature = FAT_VOLUME_SIGNATURE;
49 | Volume->Handle = Handle;
50 | Volume->DiskIo = DiskIo;
51 | Volume->DiskIo2 = DiskIo2;
52 | Volume->BlockIo = BlockIo;
53 | Volume->MediaId = BlockIo->Media->MediaId;
54 | Volume->ReadOnly = BlockIo->Media->ReadOnly;
55 | Volume->VolumeInterface.Revision = EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL_REVISION;
56 | Volume->VolumeInterface.OpenVolume = FatOpenVolume;
57 | InitializeListHead (&Volume->CheckRef);
58 | InitializeListHead (&Volume->DirCacheList);
59 | //
60 | // Initialize Root Directory entry
61 | //
62 | Volume->RootDirEnt.FileString = Volume->RootFileString;
63 | Volume->RootDirEnt.Entry.Attributes = FAT_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
64 | //
65 | // Check to see if there's a file system on the volume
66 | //
67 | Status = FatOpenDevice (Volume);
68 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
69 | goto Done;
70 | }
71 | //
72 | // Initialize cache
73 | //
74 | Status = FatInitializeDiskCache (Volume);
75 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
76 | goto Done;
77 | }
78 | //
79 | // Install our protocol interfaces on the device's handle
80 | //
81 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
82 | &Volume->Handle,
83 | &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid,
84 | &Volume->VolumeInterface,
85 | NULL
86 | );
87 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
88 | goto Done;
89 | }
90 | //
91 | // Volume installed
92 | //
93 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INIT, "Installed Fat filesystem on %p\n", Handle));
94 | Volume->Valid = TRUE;
95 |
96 | Done:
97 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
98 | FatFreeVolume (Volume);
99 | }
100 |
101 | return Status;
102 | }
103 |
104 | /**
105 |
106 | Called by FatDriverBindingStop(), Abandon the volume.
107 |
108 | @param Volume - The volume to be abandoned.
109 |
110 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Abandoned the volume successfully.
111 | @return Others - Can not uninstall the protocol interfaces.
112 |
113 | **/
115 | FatAbandonVolume (
116 | IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume
117 | )
118 | {
119 | EFI_STATUS Status;
120 | BOOLEAN LockedByMe;
121 |
122 | //
123 | // Uninstall the protocol interface.
124 | //
125 | if (Volume->Handle != NULL) {
126 | Status = gBS->UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
127 | Volume->Handle,
128 | &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid,
129 | &Volume->VolumeInterface,
130 | NULL
131 | );
132 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
133 | return Status;
134 | }
135 | }
136 |
137 | LockedByMe = FALSE;
138 |
139 | //
140 | // Acquire the lock.
141 | // If the caller has already acquired the lock (which
142 | // means we are in the process of some Fat operation),
143 | // we can not acquire again.
144 | //
145 | Status = FatAcquireLockOrFail ();
146 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
147 | LockedByMe = TRUE;
148 | }
149 | //
150 | // The volume is still being used. Hence, set error flag for all OFiles still in
151 | // use. In two cases, we could get here. One is EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED, the other is
152 | // EFI_NO_MEDIA.
153 | //
154 | if (Volume->Root != NULL) {
155 | FatSetVolumeError (
156 | Volume->Root,
157 | Volume->BlockIo->Media->MediaPresent ? EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED : EFI_NO_MEDIA
158 | );
159 | }
160 |
161 | Volume->Valid = FALSE;
162 |
163 | //
164 | // Release the lock.
165 | // If locked by me, this means DriverBindingStop is NOT
166 | // called within an on-going Fat operation, so we should
167 | // take responsibility to cleanup and free the volume.
168 | // Otherwise, the DriverBindingStop is called within an on-going
169 | // Fat operation, we shouldn't check reference, so just let outer
170 | // FatCleanupVolume do the task.
171 | //
172 | if (LockedByMe) {
173 | FatCleanupVolume (Volume, NULL, EFI_SUCCESS, NULL);
174 | FatReleaseLock ();
175 | }
176 |
177 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
178 | }
179 |
180 | /**
181 |
182 | Detects FAT file system on Disk and set relevant fields of Volume.
183 |
184 | @param Volume - The volume structure.
185 |
186 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS - The Fat File System is detected successfully
187 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED - The volume is not FAT file system.
188 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED - The volume is corrupted.
189 |
190 | **/
192 | FatOpenDevice (
193 | IN OUT FAT_VOLUME *Volume
194 | )
195 | {
196 | EFI_STATUS Status;
197 | UINT32 BlockSize;
198 | UINT32 DirtyMask;
201 | FAT_VOLUME_TYPE FatType;
202 | UINTN RootDirSectors;
203 | UINTN FatLba;
204 | UINTN RootLba;
205 | UINTN FirstClusterLba;
206 | UINTN Sectors;
207 | UINTN SectorsPerFat;
208 | UINT8 SectorsPerClusterAlignment;
209 | UINT8 BlockAlignment;
210 |
211 | //
212 | // Read the FAT_BOOT_SECTOR BPB info
213 | // This is the only part of FAT code that uses parent DiskIo,
214 | // Others use FatDiskIo which utilizes a Cache.
215 | //
216 | DiskIo = Volume->DiskIo;
217 | Status = DiskIo->ReadDisk (DiskIo, Volume->MediaId, 0, sizeof (FatBs), &FatBs);
218 |
219 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
220 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INIT, "FatOpenDevice: read of part_lba failed %r\n", Status));
221 | return Status;
222 | }
223 |
224 | FatType = FatUndefined;
225 |
226 | //
227 | // Use LargeSectors if Sectors is 0
228 | //
229 | Sectors = FatBs.FatBsb.Sectors;
230 | if (Sectors == 0) {
231 | Sectors = FatBs.FatBsb.LargeSectors;
232 | }
233 |
234 | SectorsPerFat = FatBs.FatBsb.SectorsPerFat;
235 | if (SectorsPerFat == 0) {
236 | SectorsPerFat = FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.LargeSectorsPerFat;
237 | FatType = Fat32;
238 | }
239 | //
240 | // Is boot sector a fat sector?
241 | // (Note that so far we only know if the sector is FAT32 or not, we don't
242 | // know if the sector is Fat16 or Fat12 until later when we can compute
243 | // the volume size)
244 | //
245 | if (FatBs.FatBsb.ReservedSectors == 0 || FatBs.FatBsb.NumFats == 0 || Sectors == 0) {
246 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
247 | }
248 |
249 | if ((FatBs.FatBsb.SectorSize & (FatBs.FatBsb.SectorSize - 1)) != 0) {
250 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
251 | }
252 |
253 | BlockAlignment = (UINT8) HighBitSet32 (FatBs.FatBsb.SectorSize);
254 | if (BlockAlignment > MAX_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT || BlockAlignment < MIN_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT) {
255 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
256 | }
257 |
258 | if ((FatBs.FatBsb.SectorsPerCluster & (FatBs.FatBsb.SectorsPerCluster - 1)) != 0) {
259 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
260 | }
261 |
262 | SectorsPerClusterAlignment = (UINT8) HighBitSet32 (FatBs.FatBsb.SectorsPerCluster);
263 | if (SectorsPerClusterAlignment > MAX_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER_ALIGNMENT) {
264 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
265 | }
266 |
267 | if (FatBs.FatBsb.Media <= 0xf7 &&
268 | FatBs.FatBsb.Media != 0xf0 &&
269 | FatBs.FatBsb.Media != 0x00 &&
270 | FatBs.FatBsb.Media != 0x01
271 | ) {
272 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
273 | }
274 | //
275 | // Initialize fields the volume information for this FatType
276 | //
277 | if (FatType != Fat32) {
278 | if (FatBs.FatBsb.RootEntries == 0) {
279 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
280 | }
281 | //
282 | // Unpack fat12, fat16 info
283 | //
284 | Volume->RootEntries = FatBs.FatBsb.RootEntries;
285 | } else {
286 | //
287 | // If this is fat32, refuse to mount mirror-disabled volumes
288 | //
289 | if ((SectorsPerFat == 0 || FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.FsVersion != 0) || (FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.ExtendedFlags & 0x80)) {
290 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
291 | }
292 | //
293 | // Unpack fat32 info
294 | //
295 | Volume->RootCluster = FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.RootDirFirstCluster;
296 | }
297 |
298 | Volume->NumFats = FatBs.FatBsb.NumFats;
299 | //
300 | // Compute some fat locations
301 | //
302 | BlockSize = FatBs.FatBsb.SectorSize;
303 | RootDirSectors = ((Volume->RootEntries * sizeof (FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)) + (BlockSize - 1)) / BlockSize;
304 |
305 | FatLba = FatBs.FatBsb.ReservedSectors;
306 | RootLba = FatBs.FatBsb.NumFats * SectorsPerFat + FatLba;
307 | FirstClusterLba = RootLba + RootDirSectors;
308 |
309 | Volume->FatPos = FatLba * BlockSize;
310 | Volume->FatSize = SectorsPerFat * BlockSize;
311 |
312 | Volume->VolumeSize = LShiftU64 (Sectors, BlockAlignment);
313 | Volume->RootPos = LShiftU64 (RootLba, BlockAlignment);
314 | Volume->FirstClusterPos = LShiftU64 (FirstClusterLba, BlockAlignment);
315 | Volume->MaxCluster = (Sectors - FirstClusterLba) >> SectorsPerClusterAlignment;
316 | Volume->ClusterAlignment = (UINT8)(BlockAlignment + SectorsPerClusterAlignment);
317 | Volume->ClusterSize = (UINTN)1 << (Volume->ClusterAlignment);
318 |
319 | //
320 | // If this is not a fat32, determine if it's a fat16 or fat12
321 | //
322 | if (FatType != Fat32) {
323 | if (Volume->MaxCluster >= FAT_MAX_FAT16_CLUSTER) {
325 | }
326 |
327 | FatType = Volume->MaxCluster < FAT_MAX_FAT12_CLUSTER ? Fat12 : Fat16;
328 | //
329 | // fat12 & fat16 fat-entries are 2 bytes
330 | //
331 | Volume->FatEntrySize = sizeof (UINT16);
332 | DirtyMask = FAT16_DIRTY_MASK;
333 | } else {
334 | if (Volume->MaxCluster < FAT_MAX_FAT16_CLUSTER) {
336 | }
337 | //
338 | // fat32 fat-entries are 4 bytes
339 | //
340 | Volume->FatEntrySize = sizeof (UINT32);
341 | DirtyMask = FAT32_DIRTY_MASK;
342 | }
343 | //
344 | // Get the DirtyValue and NotDirtyValue
345 | // We should keep the initial value as the NotDirtyValue
346 | // in case the volume is dirty already
347 | //
348 | if (FatType != Fat12) {
349 | Status = FatAccessVolumeDirty (Volume, ReadDisk, &Volume->NotDirtyValue);
350 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
351 | return Status;
352 | }
353 |
354 | Volume->DirtyValue = Volume->NotDirtyValue & DirtyMask;
355 | }
356 | //
357 | // If present, read the fat hint info
358 | //
359 | if (FatType == Fat32) {
360 | Volume->FreeInfoPos = FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.FsInfoSector * BlockSize;
361 | if (FatBs.FatBse.Fat32Bse.FsInfoSector != 0) {
362 | FatDiskIo (Volume, ReadDisk, Volume->FreeInfoPos, sizeof (FAT_INFO_SECTOR), &Volume->FatInfoSector, NULL);
363 | if (Volume->FatInfoSector.Signature == FAT_INFO_SIGNATURE &&
364 | Volume->FatInfoSector.InfoBeginSignature == FAT_INFO_BEGIN_SIGNATURE &&
365 | Volume->FatInfoSector.InfoEndSignature == FAT_INFO_END_SIGNATURE &&
366 | Volume->FatInfoSector.FreeInfo.ClusterCount <= Volume->MaxCluster
367 | ) {
368 | Volume->FreeInfoValid = TRUE;
369 | }
370 | }
371 | }
372 | //
373 | // Just make up a FreeInfo.NextCluster for use by allocate cluster
374 | //
375 | if (FAT_MIN_CLUSTER > Volume->FatInfoSector.FreeInfo.NextCluster ||
376 | Volume->FatInfoSector.FreeInfo.NextCluster > Volume->MaxCluster + 1
377 | ) {
378 | Volume->FatInfoSector.FreeInfo.NextCluster = FAT_MIN_CLUSTER;
379 | }
380 | //
381 | // We are now defining FAT Type
382 | //
383 | Volume->FatType = FatType;
384 | ASSERT (FatType != FatUndefined);
385 |
386 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
387 | }