1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 |
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 | **/
7 |
8 | #ifndef AML_CPC_INFO_H_
9 | #define AML_CPC_INFO_H_
10 |
11 | #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h>
12 |
13 | #pragma pack(1)
14 |
15 | /** A structure that describes the Cpc information.
16 |
17 | Continuous Performance Control is described in DSDT/SSDT and associated
18 | to cpus/clusters in the cpu topology.
19 |
20 | Unsupported Optional registers should be encoded with NULL resource
21 | Register {(SystemMemory, 0, 0, 0, 0)}
22 |
23 | For values that support Integer or Buffer, integer will be used
24 | if buffer is NULL resource.
25 | If resource is not NULL then Integer must be 0
26 |
27 | Cf. ACPI 6.4, s8.4.7.1 _CPC (Continuous Performance Control)
28 |
29 | **/
30 |
31 | typedef struct AmlCpcInfo {
32 | /// The revision number of the _CPC package format.
33 | UINT32 Revision;
34 |
35 | /// Indicates the highest level of performance the processor
36 | /// is theoretically capable of achieving.
37 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE HighestPerformanceBuffer;
38 | UINT32 HighestPerformanceInteger;
39 |
40 | /// Indicates the highest sustained performance level of the processor.
41 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE NominalPerformanceBuffer;
42 | UINT32 NominalPerformanceInteger;
43 |
44 | /// Indicates the lowest performance level of the processor with non-linear power savings.
45 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE LowestNonlinearPerformanceBuffer;
46 | UINT32 LowestNonlinearPerformanceInteger;
47 |
48 | /// Indicates the lowest performance level of the processor..
49 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE LowestPerformanceBuffer;
50 | UINT32 LowestPerformanceInteger;
51 |
52 | /// Guaranteed Performance Register Buffer.
53 | /// Optional
54 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE GuaranteedPerformanceRegister;
55 |
56 | /// Desired Performance Register Buffer.
57 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE DesiredPerformanceRegister;
58 |
59 | /// Minimum Performance Register Buffer.
60 | /// Optional
61 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE MinimumPerformanceRegister;
62 |
63 | /// Maximum Performance Register Buffer.
64 | /// Optional
65 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE MaximumPerformanceRegister;
66 |
67 | /// Performance Reduction Tolerance Register.
68 | /// Optional
69 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE PerformanceReductionToleranceRegister;
70 |
71 | /// Time Window Register.
72 | /// Optional
74 |
75 | /// Counter Wraparound Time
76 | /// Optional
77 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE CounterWraparoundTimeBuffer;
78 | UINT32 CounterWraparoundTimeInteger;
79 |
80 | /// Reference Performance Counter Register
81 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE ReferencePerformanceCounterRegister;
82 |
83 | /// Delivered Performance Counter Register
84 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE DeliveredPerformanceCounterRegister;
85 |
86 | /// Performance Limited Register
87 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE PerformanceLimitedRegister;
88 |
89 | /// CPPC EnableRegister
90 | /// Optional
92 |
93 | /// Autonomous Selection Enable
94 | /// Optional
95 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE AutonomousSelectionEnableBuffer;
96 | UINT32 AutonomousSelectionEnableInteger;
97 |
98 | /// AutonomousActivity-WindowRegister
99 | /// Optional
100 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE AutonomousActivityWindowRegister;
101 |
102 | /// EnergyPerformance-PreferenceRegister
103 | /// Optional
104 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE EnergyPerformancePreferenceRegister;
105 |
106 | /// Reference Performance
107 | /// Optional
108 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE ReferencePerformanceBuffer;
109 | UINT32 ReferencePerformanceInteger;
110 |
111 | /// Lowest Frequency
112 | /// Optional
113 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE LowestFrequencyBuffer;
114 | UINT32 LowestFrequencyInteger;
115 |
116 | /// Nominal Frequency
117 | /// Optional
118 | EFI_ACPI_6_4_GENERIC_ADDRESS_STRUCTURE NominalFrequencyBuffer;
119 | UINT32 NominalFrequencyInteger;
120 | } AML_CPC_INFO;
121 |
122 | #pragma pack()
123 |
124 | #endif //AML_CPC_INFO_H_