1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 |
3 | ## @file
4 | #
5 | # Automation of instructions from:
6 | # http://mingw-w64.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mingw-w64/trunk/mingw-w64-doc/
7 | # howto-build/mingw-w64-howto-build.txt?revision=216&view=markup
8 | #
9 | # Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
10 | # This program and the accompanying materials
11 | # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
12 | # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
13 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
14 | #
17 | #
18 |
19 |
20 | from optparse import OptionParser
21 | import os
22 | import shutil
23 | import subprocess
24 | import sys
25 | import tarfile
26 | import urllib
27 | import urlparse
28 | try:
29 | from hashlib import md5
30 | except Exception:
31 | from md5 import md5
32 |
33 | if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
34 | #
35 | # This script (and edk2 BaseTools) require Python 2.5 or newer
36 | #
37 | print 'Python version 2.5 or later is required.'
38 | sys.exit(-1)
39 |
40 | #
41 | # Version and Copyright
42 | #
43 | VersionNumber = "0.01"
44 | __version__ = "%prog Version " + VersionNumber
45 | __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved."
46 |
47 | class Config:
48 | """class Config
49 |
50 | Stores the configuration options for the rest of the script.
51 |
52 | Handles the command line options, and allows the code within
53 | the script to easily interact with the 'config' requested by
54 | the user.
55 | """
56 |
57 | def __init__(self):
58 | self.base_dir = os.getcwd()
59 | (self.options, self.args) = self.CheckOptions()
60 | self.__init_dirs__()
61 |
62 | def CheckOptions(self):
63 | Parser = \
64 | OptionParser(
65 | description=__copyright__,
66 | version=__version__,
67 | prog="mingw-gcc-build",
68 | usage="%prog [options] [target]"
69 | )
70 | Parser.add_option(
71 | "--arch",
72 | action = "store", type = "string",
73 | default = '',
74 | dest = "arch",
75 | help = "Processor architecture to build gcc for."
76 | )
77 | Parser.add_option(
78 | "--src-dir",
79 | action = "store", type = "string", dest = "src_dir",
80 | default = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'src'),
81 | help = "Directory to download/extract binutils/gcc sources"
82 | )
83 | Parser.add_option(
84 | "--build-dir",
85 | action = "store", type = "string", dest = "build_dir",
86 | default = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'build'),
87 | help = "Directory to download/extract binutils/gcc sources"
88 | )
89 | Parser.add_option(
90 | "--prefix",
91 | action = "store", type = "string", dest = "prefix",
92 | default = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'install'),
93 | help = "Prefix to install binutils/gcc into"
94 | )
95 | Parser.add_option(
96 | "--skip-binutils",
97 | action = "store_true", dest = "skip_binutils",
98 | default = False,
99 | help = "Will skip building binutils"
100 | )
101 | Parser.add_option(
102 | "--skip-gcc",
103 | action = "store_true", dest = "skip_gcc",
104 | default = False,
105 | help = "Will skip building GCC"
106 | )
107 | Parser.add_option(
108 | "--symlinks",
109 | action = "store", type = "string", dest = "symlinks",
110 | default = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'symlinks'),
111 | help = "Directory to create binutils/gcc symbolic links into."
112 | )
113 | Parser.add_option(
114 | "-v", "--verbose",
115 | action="store_true",
116 | type=None, help="Print verbose messages"
117 | )
118 |
119 | (Opt, Args) = Parser.parse_args()
120 |
121 | self.arch = Opt.arch.lower()
122 | allowedArchs = ('ia32', 'x64', 'ipf')
123 | if self.arch not in allowedArchs:
124 | Parser.error(
125 | 'Please use --arch to specify one of: %s' %
126 | ', '.join(allowedArchs)
127 | )
128 | self.target_arch = {'ia32': 'i686', 'x64': 'x86_64', 'ipf': 'ia64'}[self.arch]
129 | self.target_sys = {'ia32': 'pc', 'x64': 'pc', 'ipf': 'pc'}[self.arch]
130 | self.target_bin = {'ia32': 'mingw32', 'x64': 'mingw32', 'ipf': 'elf'}[self.arch]
131 | self.target_combo = '-'.join((self.target_arch, self.target_sys, self.target_bin))
132 |
133 | return (Opt, Args)
134 |
135 | def __init_dirs__(self):
136 | self.src_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(self.options.src_dir))
137 | self.build_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(self.options.build_dir))
138 | self.prefix = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(self.options.prefix))
139 | self.symlinks = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(self.options.symlinks))
140 |
141 | def IsConfigOk(self):
142 |
143 | building = []
144 | if not self.options.skip_binutils:
145 | building.append('binutils')
146 | if not self.options.skip_gcc:
147 | building.append('gcc')
148 | if len(building) == 0:
149 | print "Nothing will be built!"
150 | print
151 | print "Please try using --help and then change the configuration."
152 | return False
153 |
154 | print "Current directory:"
155 | print " ", self.base_dir
156 | print "Sources download/extraction:", self.Relative(self.src_dir)
157 | print "Build directory :", self.Relative(self.build_dir)
158 | print "Prefix (install) directory :", self.Relative(self.prefix)
159 | print "Create symlinks directory :", self.Relative(self.symlinks)
160 | print "Building :", ', '.join(building)
161 | print
162 | answer = raw_input("Is this configuration ok? (default = no): ")
163 | if (answer.lower() not in ('y', 'yes')):
164 | print
165 | print "Please try using --help and then change the configuration."
166 | return False
167 |
168 | if self.arch.lower() == 'ipf':
169 | print
170 | print 'Please note that the IPF compiler built by this script has'
171 | print 'not yet been validated!'
172 | print
173 | answer = raw_input("Are you sure you want to build it? (default = no): ")
174 | if (answer.lower() not in ('y', 'yes')):
175 | print
176 | print "Please try using --help and then change the configuration."
177 | return False
178 |
179 | print
180 | return True
181 |
182 | def Relative(self, path):
183 | if path.startswith(self.base_dir):
184 | return '.' + path[len(self.base_dir):]
185 | return path
186 |
187 | def MakeDirs(self):
188 | for path in (self.src_dir, self.build_dir,self.prefix, self.symlinks):
189 | if not os.path.exists(path):
190 | os.makedirs(path)
191 |
192 | class SourceFiles:
193 | """class SourceFiles
194 |
195 | Handles the downloading of source files used by the script.
196 | """
197 |
198 | def __init__(self, config):
199 | self.config = config
200 | self.source_files = self.source_files[config.arch]
201 |
202 | if config.options.skip_binutils:
203 | del self.source_files['binutils']
204 |
205 | if config.options.skip_gcc:
206 | del self.source_files['gcc']
207 | del self.source_files['mingw_hdr']
208 |
209 | source_files_common = {
210 | 'binutils': {
211 | 'url': 'http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/devel/binutils/' + \
212 | 'binutils-$version.tar.bz2',
213 | 'version': '',
214 | 'md5': '6d2de7cdf7a8389e70b124e3d73b4d37',
215 | },
216 | }
217 |
218 | source_files_x64 = {
219 | 'gcc': {
220 | 'url': 'http://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gcc/' + \
221 | 'gcc-$version/gcc-$version.tar.bz2',
222 | 'version': '4.3.0',
223 | 'md5': '197ed8468b38db1d3481c3111691d85b',
224 | },
225 | }
226 |
227 | source_files_ia32 = {
228 | 'gcc': source_files_x64['gcc'],
229 | }
230 |
231 | source_files_ipf = source_files_x64.copy()
232 | source_files_ipf['gcc']['configure-params'] = (
233 | '--with-gnu-as', '--with-gnu-ld', '--with-newlib',
234 | '--verbose', '--disable-libssp', '--disable-nls',
235 | '--enable-languages=c,c++'
236 | )
237 |
238 | source_files = {
239 | 'ia32': [source_files_common, source_files_ia32],
240 | 'x64': [source_files_common, source_files_x64],
241 | 'ipf': [source_files_common, source_files_ipf],
242 | }
243 |
244 | for arch in source_files:
245 | mergedSourceFiles = {}
246 | for source_files_dict in source_files[arch]:
247 | mergedSourceFiles.update(source_files_dict)
248 | for downloadItem in mergedSourceFiles:
249 | fdata = mergedSourceFiles[downloadItem]
250 | fdata['filename'] = fdata['url'].split('/')[-1]
251 | if 'extract-dir' not in fdata:
252 | for ext in ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.zip'):
253 | if fdata['filename'].endswith(ext):
254 | fdata['extract-dir'] = fdata['filename'][:-len(ext)]
255 | break
256 | replaceables = ('extract-dir', 'filename', 'url')
257 | for replaceItem in fdata:
258 | if replaceItem in replaceables: continue
259 | if type(fdata[replaceItem]) != str: continue
260 | for replaceable in replaceables:
261 | if type(fdata[replaceable]) != str: continue
262 | if replaceable in fdata:
263 | fdata[replaceable] = \
264 | fdata[replaceable].replace(
265 | '$' + replaceItem,
266 | fdata[replaceItem]
267 | )
268 | source_files[arch] = mergedSourceFiles
269 | #print 'source_files:', source_files
270 |
271 | def GetAll(self):
272 |
273 | def progress(received, blockSize, fileSize):
274 | if fileSize < 0: return
275 | wDots = (100 * received * blockSize) / fileSize / 10
276 | if wDots > self.dots:
277 | for i in range(wDots - self.dots):
278 | print '.',
279 | sys.stdout.flush()
280 | self.dots += 1
281 |
282 | maxRetries = 1
283 | for (fname, fdata) in self.source_files.items():
284 | for retries in range(maxRetries):
285 | try:
286 | self.dots = 0
287 | local_file = os.path.join(self.config.src_dir, fdata['filename'])
288 | url = fdata['url']
289 | print 'Downloading %s:' % fname, url
290 | if retries > 0:
291 | print '(retry)',
292 | sys.stdout.flush()
293 |
294 | completed = False
295 | if os.path.exists(local_file):
296 | md5_pass = self.checkHash(fdata)
297 | if md5_pass:
298 | print '[md5 match]',
299 | else:
300 | print '[md5 mismatch]',
301 | sys.stdout.flush()
302 | completed = md5_pass
303 |
304 | if not completed:
305 | urllib.urlretrieve(url, local_file, progress)
306 |
307 | #
308 | # BUGBUG: Suggest proxy to user if download fails.
309 | #
310 | # export http_proxy=http://proxyservername.mycompany.com:911
311 | # export ftp_proxy=http://proxyservername.mycompany.com:911
312 |
313 | if not completed and os.path.exists(local_file):
314 | md5_pass = self.checkHash(fdata)
315 | if md5_pass:
316 | print '[md5 match]',
317 | else:
318 | print '[md5 mismatch]',
319 | sys.stdout.flush()
320 | completed = md5_pass
321 |
322 | if completed:
323 | print '[done]'
324 | break
325 | else:
326 | print '[failed]'
327 | print ' Tried to retrieve', url
328 | print ' to', local_file
329 | print 'Possible fixes:'
330 | print '* If you are behind a web-proxy, try setting the',
331 | print 'http_proxy environment variable'
332 | print '* You can try to download this file separately',
333 | print 'and rerun this script'
334 | raise Exception()
335 |
336 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
337 | print '[KeyboardInterrupt]'
338 | return False
339 |
340 | except Exception, e:
341 | print e
342 |
343 | if not completed: return False
344 |
345 | return True
346 |
347 | def checkHash(self, fdata):
348 | local_file = os.path.join(self.config.src_dir, fdata['filename'])
349 | expect_md5 = fdata['md5']
350 | data = open(local_file).read()
351 | md5sum = md5()
352 | md5sum.update(data)
353 | return md5sum.hexdigest().lower() == expect_md5.lower()
354 |
355 | def GetModules(self):
356 | return self.source_files.keys()
357 |
358 | def GetFilenameOf(self, module):
359 | return self.source_files[module]['filename']
360 |
361 | def GetMd5Of(self, module):
362 | return self.source_files[module]['md5']
363 |
364 | def GetExtractDirOf(self, module):
365 | return self.source_files[module]['extract-dir']
366 |
367 | def GetAdditionalParameters(self, module, step):
368 | key = step + '-params'
369 | if key in self.source_files[module]:
370 | return self.source_files[module][key]
371 | else:
372 | return tuple()
373 |
374 | class Extracter:
375 | """class Extracter
376 |
377 | Handles the extraction of the source files from their downloaded
378 | archive files.
379 | """
380 |
381 | def __init__(self, source_files, config):
382 | self.source_files = source_files
383 | self.config = config
384 |
385 | def Extract(self, module):
386 | src = self.config.src_dir
387 | extractDst = os.path.join(src, self.config.arch)
388 | local_file = os.path.join(src, self.source_files.GetFilenameOf(module))
389 | moduleMd5 = self.source_files.GetMd5Of(module)
390 | extracted = os.path.join(extractDst, os.path.split(local_file)[1] + '.extracted')
391 | if not os.path.exists(extractDst):
392 | os.mkdir(extractDst)
393 |
394 | extractedMd5 = None
395 | if os.path.exists(extracted):
396 | extractedMd5 = open(extracted).read()
397 |
398 | if extractedMd5 != moduleMd5:
399 | print 'Extracting %s:' % self.config.Relative(local_file)
400 | tar = tarfile.open(local_file)
401 | tar.extractall(extractDst)
402 | open(extracted, 'w').write(moduleMd5)
403 | else:
404 | pass
405 | #print 'Previously extracted', self.config.Relative(local_file)
406 |
407 | def ExtractAll(self):
408 | for module in self.source_files.GetModules():
409 | self.Extract(module)
410 |
411 | class Builder:
412 | """class Builder
413 |
414 | Builds and installs the GCC tool suite.
415 | """
416 |
417 | def __init__(self, source_files, config):
418 | self.source_files = source_files
419 | self.config = config
420 |
421 | def Build(self):
422 | if not self.config.options.skip_binutils:
423 | self.BuildModule('binutils')
424 | if not self.config.options.skip_gcc:
425 | self.BuildModule('gcc')
426 | self.MakeSymLinks()
427 |
428 | def IsBuildStepComplete(self, step):
429 | return \
430 | os.path.exists(
431 | os.path.join(
432 | self.config.build_dir, self.config.arch, step + '.completed'
433 | )
434 | )
435 |
436 | def MarkBuildStepComplete(self, step):
437 | open(
438 | os.path.join(
439 | self.config.build_dir, self.config.arch, step + '.completed'
440 | ),
441 | "w"
442 | ).close()
443 |
444 |
445 | def BuildModule(self, module):
446 | base_dir = os.getcwd()
447 | build_dir = os.path.join(self.config.build_dir, self.config.arch, module)
448 | module_dir = self.source_files.GetExtractDirOf(module)
449 | module_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join('src', self.config.arch, module_dir))
450 | configure = os.path.join(module_dir, 'configure')
451 | prefix = self.config.prefix
452 | if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
453 | os.makedirs(build_dir)
454 | os.chdir(build_dir)
455 |
456 | cmd = (
457 | configure,
458 | '--target=%s' % self.config.target_combo,
459 | '--prefix=' + prefix,
460 | '--with-sysroot=' + prefix,
461 | '--disable-werror',
462 | )
463 | if os.path.exists('/opt/local/include/gmp.h'):
464 | cmd += ('--with-gmp=/opt/local',)
465 | if module == 'gcc': cmd += ('--oldincludedir=/opt/local/include',)
466 | cmd += self.source_files.GetAdditionalParameters(module, 'configure')
467 | self.RunCommand(cmd, module, 'config', skipable=True)
468 |
469 | cmd = ('make',)
470 | if module == 'gcc':
471 | cmd += ('all-gcc',)
472 | self.RunCommand(cmd, module, 'build')
473 |
474 | cmd = ('make',)
475 | if module == 'gcc':
476 | cmd += ('install-gcc',)
477 | else:
478 | cmd += ('install',)
479 | self.RunCommand(cmd, module, 'install')
480 |
481 | os.chdir(base_dir)
482 |
483 | print '%s module is now built and installed' % module
484 |
485 | def RunCommand(self, cmd, module, stage, skipable=False):
486 | if skipable:
487 | if self.IsBuildStepComplete('%s.%s' % (module, stage)):
488 | return
489 |
490 | popen = lambda cmd: \
491 | subprocess.Popen(
492 | cmd,
493 | stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
494 | stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
495 | stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
496 | )
497 |
498 | print '%s [%s] ...' % (module, stage),
499 | sys.stdout.flush()
500 | p = popen(cmd)
501 | output = p.stdout.read()
502 | p.wait()
503 | if p.returncode != 0:
504 | print '[failed!]'
505 | logFile = os.path.join(self.config.build_dir, 'log.txt')
506 | f = open(logFile, "w")
507 | f.write(output)
508 | f.close()
509 | raise Exception, 'Failed to %s %s\n' % (stage, module) + \
510 | 'See output log at %s' % self.config.Relative(logFile)
511 | else:
512 | print '[done]'
513 |
514 | if skipable:
515 | self.MarkBuildStepComplete('%s.%s' % (module, stage))
516 |
517 | def MakeSymLinks(self):
518 | links_dir = os.path.join(self.config.symlinks, self.config.arch)
519 | if not os.path.exists(links_dir):
520 | os.makedirs(links_dir)
521 | startPrinted = False
522 | for link in ('ar', 'ld', 'gcc'):
523 | src = os.path.join(
524 | self.config.prefix, 'bin', self.config.target_combo + '-' + link
525 | )
526 | linkdst = os.path.join(links_dir, link)
527 | if not os.path.lexists(linkdst):
528 | if not startPrinted:
529 | print 'Making symlinks in %s:' % self.config.Relative(links_dir),
530 | startPrinted = True
531 | print link,
532 | os.symlink(src, linkdst)
533 |
534 | if startPrinted:
535 | print '[done]'
536 |
537 | class App:
538 | """class App
539 |
540 | The main body of the application.
541 | """
542 |
543 | def __init__(self):
544 | config = Config()
545 |
546 | if not config.IsConfigOk():
547 | return
548 |
549 | config.MakeDirs()
550 |
551 | sources = SourceFiles(config)
552 | result = sources.GetAll()
553 | if result:
554 | print 'All files have been downloaded & verified'
555 | else:
556 | print 'An error occured while downloading a file'
557 | return
558 |
559 | Extracter(sources, config).ExtractAll()
560 |
561 | Builder(sources, config).Build()
562 |
563 | App()
564 |