1 | # Edk2 Continuous Integration
2 |
3 | This file focuses on information for those working with the `.pytools` directory
4 | directly or interested in lower-level details about how CI works.
5 |
6 | If you just want to get started building code, visit
7 | [Build Instructions](https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Build-Instruction)
8 | on the TianoCore wiki.
9 |
10 | ## Basic Status
11 |
12 | | Package | Windows VS2019 (IA32/X64)| Ubuntu GCC (IA32/X64/ARM/AARCH64) | Known Issues |
13 | | :---- | :----- | :---- | :--- |
14 | | ArmPkg | | :heavy_check_mark: |
15 | | ArmPlatformPkg | | :heavy_check_mark: |
17 | | CryptoPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode
18 | | DynamicTablesPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
19 | | EmbeddedPkg |
20 | | EmulatorPkg | SEE PACKAGE README | SEE PACKAGE README | Spell checking in audit mode
21 | | FatPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
22 | | FmpDevicePkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
23 | | IntelFsp2Pkg |
24 | | IntelFsp2WrapperPkg |
25 | | MdeModulePkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DxeIpl dependency on ArmPkg, Depends on StandaloneMmPkg, Spell checking in audit mode
26 | | MdePkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode
27 | | NetworkPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode
28 | | OvmfPkg | SEE PACKAGE README | SEE PACKAGE README | Spell checking in audit mode
29 | | PcAtChipsetPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
30 | | SecurityPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode
31 | | ShellPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode, 3 modules are not being built by DSC
32 | | SignedCapsulePkg |
33 | | SourceLevelDebugPkg |
34 | | StandaloneMmPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
35 | | UefiCpuPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Spell checking in audit mode, 2 binary modules not being built by DSC
36 | | UefiPayloadPkg |
37 | | UnitTestFrameworkPkg | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
38 |
39 | For more detailed status look at the test results of the latest CI run on the
40 | repo readme.
41 |
42 | ## Background
43 |
44 | This Continuous integration and testing infrastructure leverages the TianoCore EDKII Tools PIP modules:
45 | [library](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-library/) and
46 | [extensions](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-extensions/) (with repos
47 | located [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-library) and
48 | [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions)).
49 |
50 | The primary execution flows can be found in the
51 | `.azurepipelines/Windows-VS2019.yml` and `.azurepipelines/Ubuntu-GCC5.yml`
52 | files. These YAML files are consumed by the Azure Dev Ops Build Pipeline and
53 | dictate what server resources should be used, how they should be configured, and
54 | what processes should be run on them. An overview of this schema can be found
55 | [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/yaml-schema?view=azure-devops&tabs=schema).
56 |
57 | Inspection of these files reveals the EDKII Tools commands that make up the
58 | primary processes for the CI build: 'stuart_setup', 'stuart_update', and
59 | 'stuart_ci_build'. These commands come from the EDKII Tools PIP modules and are
60 | configured as described below. More documentation on the tools can be
61 | found [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/using.md)
62 | and [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/features/feature_invocables.md).
63 |
64 | ## Configuration
65 |
66 | Configuration of the CI process consists of (in order of precedence):
67 |
68 | * command-line arguments passed in via the Pipeline YAML
69 | * a per-package configuration file (e.g. `<package-name>.ci.yaml`) that is
70 | detected by the CI system in EDKII Tools.
71 | * a global configuration Python module (e.g. `CISetting.py`) passed in via the
72 | command-line
73 |
74 | The global configuration file is described in
75 | [this readme](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/usability/using_settings_manager.md)
76 | from the EDKII Tools documentation. This configuration is written as a Python
77 | module so that decisions can be made dynamically based on command line
78 | parameters and codebase state.
79 |
80 | The per-package configuration file can override most settings in the global
81 | configuration file, but is not dynamic. This file can be used to skip or
82 | customize tests that may be incompatible with a specific package. Each test generally requires
83 | per package configuration which comes from this file.
84 |
85 | ## Running CI locally
86 |
87 | The EDKII Tools environment (and by extension the ci) is designed to support
88 | easily and consistently running locally and in a cloud ci environment. To do
89 | that a few steps should be followed. Details of EDKII Tools can be found in the
90 | [docs folder here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/tree/master/docs)
91 |
92 | ### Running CI
93 |
94 | Quick notes:
95 |
96 | * By default all CI plugins are opted in.
97 | * Setting the plugin to `skip` as an argument will skip running the plugin.
98 | Examples:
99 | * `CompilerPlugin=skip` skip the build test
100 | * `GuidCheck=skip` skip the Guid check
101 | * `SpellCheck=skip` skip the spell checker
102 | * etc.
103 | * Detailed reports and logs per package are captured in the `Build` directory.
104 |
105 | ## Current PyTool Test Capabilities
106 |
107 | All CI tests are instances of EDKII Tools plugins. Documentation on the plugin
108 | system can be found [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/usability/using_plugin_manager.md)
109 | and [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/features/feature_plugin_manager.md).
110 | Upon invocation, each plugin will be passed the path to the current package
111 | under test and a dictionary containing its targeted configuration, as assembled
112 | from the command line, per-package configuration, and global configuration.
113 |
114 | Note: CI plugins are considered unique from build plugins and helper plugins,
115 | even though some CI plugins may execute steps of a build.
116 |
117 | In the example, these plugins live alongside the code under test (in the
118 | `.pytool/Plugin` directory), but may be moved to the 'edk2-test' repo if that
119 | location makes more sense for the community.
120 |
121 | ### Module Inclusion Test - DscCompleteCheck
122 |
123 | This scans all INF files from a package and confirms they are
124 | listed in the package level DSC file. The test considers it an error if any INF
125 | does not appear in the `Components` section of the package-level DSC (indicating
126 | that it would not be built if the package were built). This is critical because
127 | much of the CI infrastructure assumes that all modules will be listed in the DSC
128 | and compiled.
129 |
130 | This test will ignore INFs in the following cases:
131 |
133 | 2. When a Library instance **only** supports the `HOST_APPLICATION` environment
134 |
135 | ### Host Module Inclusion Test - HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck
136 |
137 | This test scans all INF files from a package for those related to host
138 | based unit tests and confirms they are listed in the unit test DSC file for the package.
139 | The test considers it an error if any INF meeting the requirements does not appear
140 | in the `Components` section of the unit test DSC. This is critical because
141 | much of the CI infrastructure assumes that modules will be listed in the DSC
142 | and compiled.
143 |
144 | This test will only require INFs in the following cases:
145 |
147 | 2. When a Library instance explicitly supports the `HOST_APPLICATION` environment
148 |
149 | ### Code Compilation Test - CompilerPlugin
150 |
151 | Once the Module Inclusion Test has verified that all modules would be built if
152 | all package-level DSCs were built, the Code Compilation Test simply runs through
153 | and builds every package-level DSC on every toolchain and for every architecture
154 | that is supported. Any module that fails to build is considered an error.
155 |
156 | ### Host Unit Test Compilation and Run Test - HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin
157 |
158 | A test that compiles the dsc for host based unit test apps.
159 | On Windows this will also enable a build plugin to execute that will run the unit tests and verify the results.
160 |
161 | These tools will be invoked on any CI
162 | pass that includes the NOOPT target. In order for these tools to do their job,
163 | the package and tests must be configured in a particular way...
164 |
165 | #### Including Host-Based Tests in the Package YAML
166 |
167 | For example, looking at the `MdeModulePkg.ci.yaml` config file, there are two
168 | config options that control HostBased test behavior:
169 |
170 | ```json
171 | ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin
172 | "HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin": {
173 | "DscPath": "Test/MdeModulePkgHostTest.dsc"
174 | },
175 | ```
176 |
177 | This option tell the test builder to run. The test builder needs to know which
178 | modules in this package are host-based tests, so that DSC path is provided.
179 |
180 | #### Configuring the HostBased DSC
181 |
182 | The HostBased DSC for `MdeModulePkg` is located at
183 | `MdeModulePkg/Test/MdeModulePkgHostTest.dsc`.
184 |
185 | To add automated host-based unit test building to a new package, create a
186 | similar DSC. The new DSC should make sure to have the `NOOPT` BUILD_TARGET
187 | and should include the line:
188 |
189 | ```
190 | !include UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestFrameworkPkgHost.dsc.inc
191 | ```
192 |
193 | All of the modules that are included in the `Components` section of this
194 | DSC should be of type HOST_APPLICATION.
195 |
196 | ### GUID Uniqueness Test - GuidCheck
197 |
198 | This test works on the collection of all packages rather than an individual
199 | package. It looks at all FILE_GUIDs and GUIDs declared in DEC files and ensures
200 | that they are unique for the codebase. This prevents, for example, accidental
201 | duplication of GUIDs when using an existing INF as a template for a new module.
202 |
203 | ### Cross-Package Dependency Test - DependencyCheck
204 |
205 | This test compares the list of all packages used in INFs files for a given
206 | package against a list of "allowed dependencies" in plugin configuration for
207 | that package. Any module that depends on a disallowed package will cause a test
208 | failure.
209 |
210 | ### Library Declaration Test - LibraryClassCheck
211 |
212 | This test scans at all library header files found in the `Library` folders in
213 | all of the package's declared include directories and ensures that all files
214 | have a matching LibraryClass declaration in the DEC file for the package. Any
215 | missing declarations will cause a failure.
216 |
217 | ### Invalid Character Test - CharEncodingCheck
218 |
219 | This test scans all files in a package to make sure that there are no invalid
220 | Unicode characters that may cause build errors in some character
221 | sets/localizations.
222 |
223 | ### Spell Checking - cspell
224 |
225 | This test runs a spell checker on all files within the package. This is done
226 | using the NodeJs cspell tool. For details check `.pytool/Plugin/SpellCheck`.
227 | For this plugin to run during ci you must install nodejs and cspell and have
228 | both available to the command line when running your CI.
229 |
230 | Install
231 |
232 | * Install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/
233 | * Install cspell
234 | 1. Open cmd prompt with access to node and npm
235 | 2. Run `npm install -g cspell`
236 |
237 | More cspell info: https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell
238 |
239 | ### License Checking - LicenseCheck
240 |
241 | Scans all new added files in a package to make sure code is contributed under
242 | BSD-2-Clause-Patent.
243 |
244 | ### Ecc tool - EccCheck
245 |
246 | Run the Ecc tool on the package. The Ecc tool is available in the BaseTools
247 | package. It checks that the code complies to the EDKII coding standard.
248 |
249 | ### Coding Standard Compliance - UncrustifyCheck
250 |
251 | Runs the Uncrustify application to check for coding standard compliance issues.
252 |
253 | ## PyTool Scopes
254 |
255 | Scopes are how the PyTool ext_dep, path_env, and plugins are activated. Meaning
256 | that if an invocable process has a scope active then those ext_dep and path_env
257 | will be active. To allow easy integration of PyTools capabilities there are a
258 | few standard scopes.
259 |
260 | | Scope | Invocable | Description |
261 | | :---- | :----- | :---- |
262 | | global | edk2_invocable++ - should be base_abstract_invocable | Running an invocables |
263 | | global-win | edk2_invocable++ | Running on Microsoft Windows |
264 | | global-nix | edk2_invocable++ | Running on Linux based OS |
265 | | edk2-build | | This indicates that an invocable is building EDK2 based UEFI code |
266 | | cibuild | set in .pytool/CISettings.py | Suggested target for edk2 continuous integration builds. Tools used for CiBuilds can use this scope. Example: asl compiler |
267 | | host-based-test | set in .pytool/CISettings.py | Turns on the host based tests and plugin |
268 | | host-test-win | set in .pytool/CISettings.py | Enables the host based test runner for Windows |
269 |
270 | ## Future investments
271 |
272 | * PatchCheck tests as plugins
273 | * MacOS/xcode support
274 | * Clang/LLVM support
275 | * Visual Studio AARCH64 and ARM support
276 | * BaseTools C tools CI/PR and binary release process
277 | * BaseTools Python tools CI/PR process
278 | * Extensible private/closed source platform reporting
279 | * UEFI SCTs
280 | * Other automation