/* $Id: VBoxDbgConsole.cpp 9268 2008-05-31 14:50:56Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox Debugger GUI - Console. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include "VBoxDbgConsole.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e O u t p u t * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e O u t p u t * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e O u t p u t * * */ VBoxDbgConsoleOutput::VBoxDbgConsoleOutput(QWidget *pParent/* = NULL*/, const char *pszName/* = NULL*/) : QTextEdit(pParent, pszName), m_uCurLine(0), m_uCurPos(0), m_hGUIThread(RTThreadNativeSelf()) { setReadOnly(true); setUndoRedoEnabled(false); setOverwriteMode(true); setTextFormat(PlainText); /* minimal HTML: setTextFormat(LogText); */ #ifdef Q_WS_MAC QFont Font("Monaco", 10, QFont::Normal, FALSE); Font.setStyleStrategy(QFont::NoAntialias); #else QFont Font = font(); Font.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); Font.setFamily("Courier [Monotype]"); #endif setFont(Font); /* green on black */ setPaper(QBrush(Qt::black)); setColor(QColor(qRgb(0, 0xe0, 0))); } VBoxDbgConsoleOutput::~VBoxDbgConsoleOutput() { Assert(m_hGUIThread == RTThreadNativeSelf()); } void VBoxDbgConsoleOutput::appendText(const QString &rStr) { Assert(m_hGUIThread == RTThreadNativeSelf()); if (rStr.isEmpty() || rStr.isNull() || !rStr.length()) return; /* * Insert line by line. */ unsigned cch = rStr.length(); unsigned iPos = 0; while (iPos < cch) { int iPosNL = rStr.find('\n', iPos); int iPosEnd = iPosNL >= 0 ? iPosNL : cch; if ((unsigned)iPosNL != iPos) { QString Str = rStr.mid(iPos, iPosEnd - iPos); if (m_uCurPos == 0) append(Str); else insertAt(Str, m_uCurLine, m_uCurPos); if (iPosNL >= 0) { m_uCurLine++; m_uCurPos = 0; } else m_uCurPos += Str.length(); } else { m_uCurLine++; m_uCurPos = 0; } /* next */ iPos = iPosEnd + 1; } } /* * * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e I n p u t * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e I n p u t * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e I n p u t * * */ VBoxDbgConsoleInput::VBoxDbgConsoleInput(QWidget *pParent/* = NULL*/, const char *pszName/* = NULL*/) : QComboBox(true, pParent, pszName), m_iBlankItem(0), m_hGUIThread(RTThreadNativeSelf()) { insertItem("", m_iBlankItem); setInsertionPolicy(NoInsertion); setMaxCount(50); const QLineEdit *pEdit = lineEdit(); if (pEdit) connect(pEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed())); } VBoxDbgConsoleInput::~VBoxDbgConsoleInput() { Assert(m_hGUIThread == RTThreadNativeSelf()); } void VBoxDbgConsoleInput::setLineEdit(QLineEdit *pEdit) { Assert(m_hGUIThread == RTThreadNativeSelf()); QComboBox::setLineEdit(pEdit); if (lineEdit() == pEdit && pEdit) connect(pEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(returnPressed())); } void VBoxDbgConsoleInput::returnPressed() { Assert(m_hGUIThread == RTThreadNativeSelf()); /* deal with the current command. */ QString Str = currentText(); emit commandSubmitted(Str); /* update the history and clear the entry field */ if (text(m_iBlankItem - 1) != Str) { changeItem(Str, m_iBlankItem); removeItem(m_iBlankItem - maxCount() - 1); insertItem("", ++m_iBlankItem); } clearEdit(); setCurrentItem(m_iBlankItem); } /* * * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e * V B o x D b g C o n s o l e * * */ VBoxDbgConsole::VBoxDbgConsole(PVM pVM, QWidget *pParent/* = NULL*/, const char *pszName/* = NULL*/) : VBoxDbgBase(pVM), m_pOutput(NULL), m_pInput(NULL), m_pszInputBuf(NULL), m_cbInputBuf(0), m_cbInputBufAlloc(0), m_pszOutputBuf(NULL), m_cbOutputBuf(0), m_cbOutputBufAlloc(0), m_pTimer(NULL), m_fUpdatePending(false), m_Thread(NIL_RTTHREAD), m_EventSem(NIL_RTSEMEVENT), m_fTerminate(false) { setCaption("VBoxDbg - Console"); NOREF(pszName); NOREF(pParent); /* * Create the output text box. */ m_pOutput = new VBoxDbgConsoleOutput(this); /* try figure a suitable size */ QLabel *pLabel = new QLabel(NULL, "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112222222222", this); pLabel->setFont(m_pOutput->font()); QSize Size = pLabel->sizeHint(); delete pLabel; Size.setWidth((int)(Size.width() * 1.10)); Size.setHeight(Size.width() / 2); resize(Size); /* * Create the input combo box (with a label). */ QHBox *pHBox = new QHBox(this); pLabel = new QLabel(NULL, " Command ", pHBox); pLabel->setMaximumSize(pLabel->sizeHint()); pLabel->setAlignment(AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter); m_pInput = new VBoxDbgConsoleInput(pHBox); m_pInput->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); connect(m_pInput, SIGNAL(commandSubmitted(const QString &)), this, SLOT(commandSubmitted(const QString &))); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC pLabel = new QLabel(NULL, " ", pHBox); pLabel->setMaximumSize(20, m_pInput->sizeHint().height() + 6); pLabel->setMinimumSize(20, m_pInput->sizeHint().height() + 6); #endif /* * The tab order is from input to output, not the otherway around as it is by default. */ setTabOrder(m_pInput, m_pOutput); /* * Setup the timer. */ m_pTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_pTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(updateOutput())); /* * Init the backend structure. */ m_Back.Core.pfnInput = backInput; m_Back.Core.pfnRead = backRead; m_Back.Core.pfnWrite = backWrite; m_Back.pSelf = this; /* * Create the critical section, the event semaphore and the debug console thread. */ int rc = RTCritSectInit(&m_Lock); AssertRC(rc); rc = RTSemEventCreate(&m_EventSem); AssertRC(rc); rc = RTThreadCreate(&m_Thread, backThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEBUGGER, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "VBoxDbgC"); AssertRC(rc); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) m_Thread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } VBoxDbgConsole::~VBoxDbgConsole() { Assert(isGUIThread()); /* * Wait for the thread. */ ASMAtomicXchgSize(&m_fTerminate, true); RTSemEventSignal(m_EventSem); if (m_Thread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { int rc = RTThreadWait(m_Thread, 15000, NULL); AssertRC(rc); m_Thread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } /* * Free resources. */ delete m_pTimer; m_pTimer = NULL; RTCritSectDelete(&m_Lock); RTSemEventDestroy(m_EventSem); m_EventSem = 0; m_pOutput = NULL; m_pInput = NULL; if (m_pszInputBuf) { RTMemFree(m_pszInputBuf); m_pszInputBuf = NULL; } m_cbInputBuf = 0; m_cbInputBufAlloc = 0; } void VBoxDbgConsole::commandSubmitted(const QString &rCommand) { Assert(isGUIThread()); lock(); RTSemEventSignal(m_EventSem); const char *psz = rCommand;//.utf8(); size_t cb = strlen(psz); /* * Make sure we've got space for the input. */ if (cb + m_cbInputBuf >= m_cbInputBufAlloc) { size_t cbNew = RT_ALIGN_Z(cb + m_cbInputBufAlloc + 1, 128); void *pv = RTMemRealloc(m_pszInputBuf, cbNew); if (!pv) { unlock(); return; } m_pszInputBuf = (char *)pv; m_cbInputBufAlloc = cbNew; } /* * Add the input and output it. */ memcpy(m_pszInputBuf + m_cbInputBuf, psz, cb); m_cbInputBuf += cb; m_pszInputBuf[m_cbInputBuf++] = '\n'; m_pOutput->appendText(rCommand + "\n"); m_pOutput->scrollToBottom(); m_fInputRestoreFocus = m_pInput->hasFocus(); /* dirty focus hack */ m_pInput->setEnabled(false); unlock(); } void VBoxDbgConsole::updateOutput() { Assert(isGUIThread()); lock(); m_fUpdatePending = false; if (m_cbOutputBuf) { m_pOutput->appendText(QString::fromUtf8((const char *)m_pszOutputBuf, m_cbOutputBuf)); m_cbOutputBuf = 0; } unlock(); } /** * Lock the object. */ void VBoxDbgConsole::lock() { RTCritSectEnter(&m_Lock); } /** * Unlocks the object. */ void VBoxDbgConsole::unlock() { RTCritSectLeave(&m_Lock); } /** * Checks if there is input. * * @returns true if there is input ready. * @returns false if there not input ready. * @param pBack Pointer to VBoxDbgConsole::m_Back. * @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait on input data. */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(bool) VBoxDbgConsole::backInput(PDBGCBACK pBack, uint32_t cMillies) { VBoxDbgConsole *pThis = VBOXDBGCONSOLE_FROM_DBGCBACK(pBack); pThis->lock(); /* questing for input means it's done processing. */ pThis->m_pInput->setEnabled(true); /* dirty focus hack: */ if (pThis->m_fInputRestoreFocus) QApplication::postEvent(pThis, new VBoxDbgConsoleEvent(VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kInputRestoreFocus)); bool fRc = true; if (!pThis->m_cbInputBuf) { pThis->unlock(); RTSemEventWait(pThis->m_EventSem, cMillies); pThis->lock(); fRc = pThis->m_cbInputBuf || pThis->m_fTerminate; } pThis->unlock(); return fRc; } /** * Read input. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBack Pointer to VBoxDbgConsole::m_Back. * @param pvBuf Where to put the bytes we read. * @param cbBuf Maximum nymber of bytes to read. * @param pcbRead Where to store the number of bytes actually read. * If NULL the entire buffer must be filled for a * successful return. */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxDbgConsole::backRead(PDBGCBACK pBack, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbRead) { VBoxDbgConsole *pThis = VBOXDBGCONSOLE_FROM_DBGCBACK(pBack); Assert(pcbRead); /** @todo implement this bit */ if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = 0; pThis->lock(); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!pThis->m_fTerminate) { if (pThis->m_cbInputBuf) { const char *psz = pThis->m_pszInputBuf; size_t cbRead = RT_MIN(pThis->m_cbInputBuf, cbBuf); memcpy(pvBuf, psz, cbRead); psz += cbRead; pThis->m_cbInputBuf -= cbRead; if (*psz) memmove(pThis->m_pszInputBuf, psz, pThis->m_cbInputBuf); pThis->m_pszInputBuf[pThis->m_cbInputBuf] = '\0'; *pcbRead = cbRead; } } else rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; pThis->unlock(); return rc; } /** * Write (output). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBack Pointer to VBoxDbgConsole::m_Back. * @param pvBuf What to write. * @param cbBuf Number of bytes to write. * @param pcbWritten Where to store the number of bytes actually written. * If NULL the entire buffer must be successfully written. */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxDbgConsole::backWrite(PDBGCBACK pBack, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbWritten) { VBoxDbgConsole *pThis = VBOXDBGCONSOLE_FROM_DBGCBACK(pBack); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; pThis->lock(); if (cbBuf + pThis->m_cbOutputBuf >= pThis->m_cbOutputBufAlloc) { size_t cbNew = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbBuf + pThis->m_cbOutputBufAlloc + 1, 1024); void *pv = RTMemRealloc(pThis->m_pszOutputBuf, cbNew); if (!pv) { pThis->unlock(); if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = 0; return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } pThis->m_pszOutputBuf = (char *)pv; pThis->m_cbOutputBufAlloc = cbNew; } /* * Add the output. */ memcpy(pThis->m_pszOutputBuf + pThis->m_cbOutputBuf, pvBuf, cbBuf); pThis->m_cbOutputBuf += cbBuf; pThis->m_pszOutputBuf[pThis->m_cbOutputBuf] = '\0'; if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cbBuf; if (pThis->m_fTerminate) rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* * Tell the GUI thread to draw this text. * We cannot do it from here without frequent crashes. */ if (!pThis->m_fUpdatePending) QApplication::postEvent(pThis, new VBoxDbgConsoleEvent(VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kUpdate)); pThis->unlock(); return rc; } /** * The Debugger Console Thread * * @returns VBox status code (ignored). * @param Thread The thread handle. * @param pvUser Pointer to the VBoxDbgConsole object.s */ /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxDbgConsole::backThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { VBoxDbgConsole *pThis = (VBoxDbgConsole *)pvUser; LogFlow(("backThread: Thread=%p pvUser=%p\n", (void *)Thread, pvUser)); NOREF(Thread); /* * Create and execute the console. */ int rc = pThis->dbgcCreate(&pThis->m_Back.Core, 0); LogFlow(("backThread: returns %Vrc\n", rc)); if (!pThis->m_fTerminate) QApplication::postEvent(pThis, new VBoxDbgConsoleEvent(VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kTerminated)); return rc; } bool VBoxDbgConsole::event(QEvent *pGenEvent) { Assert(isGUIThread()); if (pGenEvent->type() == (QEvent::Type)VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kEventNumber) { VBoxDbgConsoleEvent *pEvent = (VBoxDbgConsoleEvent *)pGenEvent; switch (pEvent->command()) { /* make update pending. */ case VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kUpdate: if (!m_fUpdatePending) { m_fUpdatePending = true; m_pTimer->start(10, true /* single shot */); } break; /* dirty hack: restores the focus */ case VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kInputRestoreFocus: if (m_fInputRestoreFocus) { m_fInputRestoreFocus = false; if (!m_pInput->hasFocus()) m_pInput->setFocus(); } break; /* the thread terminated */ case VBoxDbgConsoleEvent::kTerminated: m_pInput->setEnabled(false); break; /* paranoia */ default: AssertMsgFailed(("command=%d\n", pEvent->command())); break; } return true; } return QVBox::event(pGenEvent); }