1 | /*
2 | * edid.h: defines to parse an EDID block
3 | *
4 | * This file contains all information to interpret a standard EDIC block
5 | * transmitted by a display device via DDC (Display Data Channel). So far
6 | * there is no information to deal with optional EDID blocks.
7 | * DDC is a Trademark of VESA (Video Electronics Standard Association).
8 | *
9 | * Copyright 1998 by Egbert Eich <Egbert.Eich@Physik.TU-Darmstadt.DE>
10 | */
11 |
12 | #ifndef _EDID_H_
13 | #define _EDID_H_
14 |
15 | /* read complete EDID record */
16 | #define EDID1_LEN 128
17 | #define BITS_PER_BYTE 9
19 | #define HEADER 6
20 |
21 | #define STD_TIMINGS 8
22 | #define DET_TIMINGS 4
23 |
24 | #ifdef _PARSE_EDID_
25 |
26 | /* header: 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x00 */
27 | #define HEADER_SECTION 0
28 | #define HEADER_LENGTH 8
29 |
30 | /* vendor section */
32 | #define V_MANUFACTURER 0
33 | #define V_PROD_ID (V_MANUFACTURER + 2)
34 | #define V_SERIAL (V_PROD_ID + 2)
35 | #define V_WEEK (V_SERIAL + 4)
36 | #define V_YEAR (V_WEEK + 1)
37 | #define VENDOR_LENGTH (V_YEAR + 1)
38 |
39 | /* EDID version */
41 | #define V_VERSION 0
42 | #define V_REVISION (V_VERSION + 1)
43 | #define VERSION_LENGTH (V_REVISION + 1)
44 |
45 | /* display information */
47 | #define D_INPUT 0
48 | #define D_HSIZE (D_INPUT + 1)
49 | #define D_VSIZE (D_HSIZE + 1)
50 | #define D_GAMMA (D_VSIZE + 1)
51 | #define FEAT_S (D_GAMMA + 1)
52 | #define D_RG_LOW (FEAT_S + 1)
53 | #define D_BW_LOW (D_RG_LOW + 1)
54 | #define D_REDX (D_BW_LOW + 1)
55 | #define D_REDY (D_REDX + 1)
56 | #define D_GREENX (D_REDY + 1)
57 | #define D_GREENY (D_GREENX + 1)
58 | #define D_BLUEX (D_GREENY + 1)
59 | #define D_BLUEY (D_BLUEX + 1)
60 | #define D_WHITEX (D_BLUEY + 1)
61 | #define D_WHITEY (D_WHITEX + 1)
62 | #define DISPLAY_LENGTH (D_WHITEY + 1)
63 |
64 | /* supported VESA and other standard timings */
66 | #define E_T1 0
67 | #define E_T2 (E_T1 + 1)
68 | #define E_TMANU (E_T2 + 1)
69 | #define E_TIMING_LENGTH (E_TMANU + 1)
70 |
71 | /* non predefined standard timings supported by display */
73 | #define STD_TIMING_INFO_LEN 2
76 |
77 | /* detailed timing info of non standard timings */
79 | #define DET_TIMING_INFO_LEN 18
83 |
84 | /* number of EDID sections to follow */
86 | /* one byte checksum */
87 | #define CHECKSUM (NO_EDID + 1)
88 |
89 | #if (CHECKSUM != (EDID1_LEN - 1))
90 | # error "EDID1 length != 128!"
91 | #endif
92 |
93 |
94 | #define SECTION(x,y) (Uchar *)(x + y)
95 | #define GET_ARRAY(y) ((Uchar *)(c + y))
96 | #define GET(y) *(Uchar *)(c + y)
97 |
98 | /* extract information from vendor section */
99 | #define _PROD_ID(x) x[0] + (x[1] << 8);
101 | #define _SERIAL_NO(x) x[0] + (x[1] << 8) + (x[2] << 16) + (x[3] << 24)
103 | #define _YEAR(x) (x & 0xFF) + 1990
104 | #define YEAR _YEAR(GET(V_YEAR))
105 | #define WEEK GET(V_WEEK) & 0xFF
106 | #define _L1(x) ((x[0] & 0x7C) >> 2) + '@'
107 | #define _L2(x) ((x[0] & 0x03) << 3) + ((x[1] & 0xE0) >> 5) + '@'
108 | #define _L3(x) (x[1] & 0x1F) + '@';
109 | #define L1 _L1(GET_ARRAY(V_MANUFACTURER))
110 | #define L2 _L2(GET_ARRAY(V_MANUFACTURER))
111 | #define L3 _L3(GET_ARRAY(V_MANUFACTURER))
112 |
113 | /* extract information from version section */
114 | #define VERSION GET(V_VERSION)
116 |
117 | /* extract information from display section */
118 | #define _INPUT_TYPE(x) ((x & 0x80) >> 7)
120 | #define _INPUT_VOLTAGE(x) ((x & 0x60) >> 5)
122 | #define _SETUP(x) ((x & 0x10) >> 4)
123 | #define SETUP _SETUP(GET(D_INPUT))
124 | #define _SYNC(x) (x & 0x0F)
125 | #define SYNC _SYNC(GET(D_INPUT))
126 | #define _DFP(x) (x & 0x01)
127 | #define DFP _DFP(GET(D_INPUT))
128 | #define _BPC(x) ((x & 0x70) >> 4)
129 | #define BPC _BPC(GET(D_INPUT))
130 | #define _DIGITAL_INTERFACE(x) (x & 0x0F)
132 | #define _GAMMA(x) (x == 0xff ? 0.0 : ((x + 100.0)/100.0))
133 | #define GAMMA _GAMMA(GET(D_GAMMA))
134 | #define HSIZE_MAX GET(D_HSIZE)
135 | #define VSIZE_MAX GET(D_VSIZE)
136 | #define _DPMS(x) ((x & 0xE0) >> 5)
137 | #define DPMS _DPMS(GET(FEAT_S))
138 | #define _DISPLAY_TYPE(x) ((x & 0x18) >> 3)
140 | #define _MSC(x) (x & 0x7)
141 | #define MSC _MSC(GET(FEAT_S))
142 |
143 |
144 | /* color characteristics */
145 | #define CC_L(x,y) ((x & (0x03 << y)) >> y)
146 | #define CC_H(x) (x << 2)
147 | #define I_CC(x,y,z) CC_H(y) | CC_L(x,z)
148 | #define F_CC(x) ((x)/1024.0)
149 | #define REDX F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_RG_LOW)),(GET(D_REDX)),6))
150 | #define REDY F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_RG_LOW)),(GET(D_REDY)),4))
151 | #define GREENX F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_RG_LOW)),(GET(D_GREENX)),2))
152 | #define GREENY F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_RG_LOW)),(GET(D_GREENY)),0))
153 | #define BLUEX F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_BLUEX)),6))
154 | #define BLUEY F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_BLUEY)),4))
155 | #define WHITEX F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_WHITEX)),2))
156 | #define WHITEY F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_WHITEY)),0))
157 |
158 | /* extract information from standard timing section */
159 | #define T1 GET(E_T1)
160 | #define T2 GET(E_T2)
161 | #define T_MANU GET(E_TMANU)
162 |
163 | /* extract information from estabished timing section */
164 | #define _VALID_TIMING(x) !(((x[0] == 0x01) && (x[1] == 0x01)) \
165 | || ((x[0] == 0x00) && (x[1] == 0x00)) \
166 | || ((x[0] == 0x20) && (x[1] == 0x20)) )
168 | #define _HSIZE1(x) ((x[0] + 31) * 8)
169 | #define HSIZE1 _HSIZE1(c)
170 | #define RATIO(x) ((x[1] & 0xC0) >> 6)
171 | #define RATIO1_1 0
172 | /* EDID Ver. 1.3 redefined this */
173 | #define RATIO16_10 RATIO1_1
174 | #define RATIO4_3 1
175 | #define RATIO5_4 2
176 | #define RATIO16_9 3
177 | #define _VSIZE1(x,y,r) switch(RATIO(x)){ \
178 | case RATIO1_1: y = ((v->version > 1 || v->revision > 2) \
179 | ? (_HSIZE1(x) * 10) / 16 : _HSIZE1(x)); break; \
180 | case RATIO4_3: y = _HSIZE1(x) * 3 / 4; break; \
181 | case RATIO5_4: y = _HSIZE1(x) * 4 / 5; break; \
182 | case RATIO16_9: y = _HSIZE1(x) * 9 / 16; break; \
183 | }
184 | #define VSIZE1(x) _VSIZE1(c,x,v)
185 | #define _REFRESH_R(x) (x[1] & 0x3F) + 60
186 | #define REFRESH_R _REFRESH_R(c)
187 | #define _ID_LOW(x) x[0]
188 | #define ID_LOW _ID_LOW(c)
189 | #define _ID_HIGH(x) (x[1] << 8)
190 | #define ID_HIGH _ID_HIGH(c)
191 | #define STD_TIMING_ID (ID_LOW | ID_HIGH)
192 | #define _NEXT_STD_TIMING(x) (x = (x + STD_TIMING_INFO_LEN))
194 |
195 |
196 | /* EDID Ver. >= 1.2 */
197 | /**
198 | * Returns true if the pointer is the start of a monitor descriptor block
199 | * instead of a detailed timing descriptor.
200 | *
201 | * Checking the reserved pad fields for zeroes fails on some monitors with
202 | * broken empty ASCII strings. Only the first two bytes are reliable.
203 | */
204 | #define _IS_MONITOR_DESC(x) (x[0] == 0 && x[1] == 0)
206 | #define _PIXEL_CLOCK(x) (x[0] + (x[1] << 8)) * 10000
207 | #define PIXEL_CLOCK _PIXEL_CLOCK(c)
208 | #define _H_ACTIVE(x) (x[2] + ((x[4] & 0xF0) << 4))
209 | #define H_ACTIVE _H_ACTIVE(c)
210 | #define _H_BLANK(x) (x[3] + ((x[4] & 0x0F) << 8))
211 | #define H_BLANK _H_BLANK(c)
212 | #define _V_ACTIVE(x) (x[5] + ((x[7] & 0xF0) << 4))
213 | #define V_ACTIVE _V_ACTIVE(c)
214 | #define _V_BLANK(x) (x[6] + ((x[7] & 0x0F) << 8))
215 | #define V_BLANK _V_BLANK(c)
216 | #define _H_SYNC_OFF(x) (x[8] + ((x[11] & 0xC0) << 2))
217 | #define H_SYNC_OFF _H_SYNC_OFF(c)
218 | #define _H_SYNC_WIDTH(x) (x[9] + ((x[11] & 0x30) << 4))
219 | #define H_SYNC_WIDTH _H_SYNC_WIDTH(c)
220 | #define _V_SYNC_OFF(x) ((x[10] >> 4) + ((x[11] & 0x0C) << 2))
221 | #define V_SYNC_OFF _V_SYNC_OFF(c)
222 | #define _V_SYNC_WIDTH(x) ((x[10] & 0x0F) + ((x[11] & 0x03) << 4))
223 | #define V_SYNC_WIDTH _V_SYNC_WIDTH(c)
224 | #define _H_SIZE(x) (x[12] + ((x[14] & 0xF0) << 4))
225 | #define H_SIZE _H_SIZE(c)
226 | #define _V_SIZE(x) (x[13] + ((x[14] & 0x0F) << 8))
227 | #define V_SIZE _V_SIZE(c)
228 | #define _H_BORDER(x) (x[15])
229 | #define H_BORDER _H_BORDER(c)
230 | #define _V_BORDER(x) (x[16])
231 | #define V_BORDER _V_BORDER(c)
232 | #define _INTERLACED(x) ((x[17] & 0x80) >> 7)
234 | #define _STEREO(x) ((x[17] & 0x60) >> 5)
235 | #define STEREO _STEREO(c)
236 | #define _STEREO1(x) (x[17] & 0x1)
237 | #define STEREO1 _STEREO(c)
238 | #define _SYNC_T(x) ((x[17] & 0x18) >> 3)
239 | #define SYNC_T _SYNC_T(c)
240 | #define _MISC(x) ((x[17] & 0x06) >> 1)
241 | #define MISC _MISC(c)
242 |
243 | #define _MONITOR_DESC_TYPE(x) x[3]
245 | #define SERIAL_NUMBER 0xFF
246 | #define ASCII_STR 0xFE
247 | #define MONITOR_RANGES 0xFD
248 | #define _MIN_V_OFFSET(x) ((!!(x[4] & 0x01)) * 255)
249 | #define _MAX_V_OFFSET(x) ((!!(x[4] & 0x02)) * 255)
250 | #define _MIN_H_OFFSET(x) ((!!(x[4] & 0x04)) * 255)
251 | #define _MAX_H_OFFSET(x) ((!!(x[4] & 0x08)) * 255)
252 | #define _MIN_V(x) x[5]
253 | #define MIN_V (_MIN_V(c) + _MIN_V_OFFSET(c))
254 | #define _MAX_V(x) x[6]
255 | #define MAX_V (_MAX_V(c) + _MAX_V_OFFSET(c))
256 | #define _MIN_H(x) x[7]
257 | #define MIN_H (_MIN_H(c) + _MIN_H_OFFSET(c))
258 | #define _MAX_H(x) x[8]
259 | #define MAX_H (_MAX_H(c) + _MAX_H_OFFSET(c))
260 | #define _MAX_CLOCK(x) x[9]
261 | #define MAX_CLOCK _MAX_CLOCK(c)
262 | #define _HAVE_2ND_GTF(x) (x[10] == 0x02)
263 | #define HAVE_2ND_GTF _HAVE_2ND_GTF(c)
264 | #define _F_2ND_GTF(x) (x[12] * 2)
265 | #define F_2ND_GTF _F_2ND_GTF(c)
266 | #define _C_2ND_GTF(x) (x[13] / 2)
267 | #define C_2ND_GTF _C_2ND_GTF(c)
268 | #define _M_2ND_GTF(x) (x[14] + (x[15] << 8))
269 | #define M_2ND_GTF _M_2ND_GTF(c)
270 | #define _K_2ND_GTF(x) (x[16])
271 | #define K_2ND_GTF _K_2ND_GTF(c)
272 | #define _J_2ND_GTF(x) (x[17] / 2)
273 | #define J_2ND_GTF _J_2ND_GTF(c)
274 | #define _HAVE_CVT(x) (x[10] == 0x04)
275 | #define HAVE_CVT _HAVE_CVT(c)
276 | #define _MAX_CLOCK_KHZ(x) (x[12] >> 2)
277 | #define MAX_CLOCK_KHZ (MAX_CLOCK * 10000) - (_MAX_CLOCK_KHZ(c) * 250)
278 | #define _MAXWIDTH(x) ((x[13] == 0 ? 0 : x[13] + ((x[12] & 0x03) << 8)) * 8)
279 | #define MAXWIDTH _MAXWIDTH(c)
280 | #define _SUPPORTED_ASPECT(x) x[14]
282 | #define SUPPORTED_ASPECT_4_3 0x80
283 | #define SUPPORTED_ASPECT_16_9 0x40
284 | #define SUPPORTED_ASPECT_16_10 0x20
285 | #define SUPPORTED_ASPECT_5_4 0x10
286 | #define SUPPORTED_ASPECT_15_9 0x08
287 | #define _PREFERRED_ASPECT(x) ((x[15] & 0xe0) >> 5)
289 | #define PREFERRED_ASPECT_4_3 0
290 | #define PREFERRED_ASPECT_16_9 1
291 | #define PREFERRED_ASPECT_16_10 2
292 | #define PREFERRED_ASPECT_5_4 3
293 | #define PREFERRED_ASPECT_15_9 4
294 | #define _SUPPORTED_BLANKING(x) ((x[15] & 0x18) >> 3)
296 | #define CVT_STANDARD 0x01
297 | #define CVT_REDUCED 0x02
298 | #define _SUPPORTED_SCALING(x) ((x[16] & 0xf0) >> 4)
300 | #define SCALING_HSHRINK 0x08
301 | #define SCALING_HSTRETCH 0x04
302 | #define SCALING_VSHRINK 0x02
303 | #define SCALING_VSTRETCH 0x01
304 | #define _PREFERRED_REFRESH(x) x[17]
306 |
307 | #define MONITOR_NAME 0xFC
308 | #define ADD_COLOR_POINT 0xFB
309 | #define WHITEX F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_WHITEX)),2))
310 | #define WHITEY F_CC(I_CC((GET(D_BW_LOW)),(GET(D_WHITEY)),0))
311 | #define _WHITEX_ADD(x,y) F_CC(I_CC(((*(x + y))),(*(x + y + 1)),2))
312 | #define _WHITEY_ADD(x,y) F_CC(I_CC(((*(x + y))),(*(x + y + 2)),0))
313 | #define _WHITE_INDEX1(x) x[5]
314 | #define WHITE_INDEX1 _WHITE_INDEX1(c)
315 | #define _WHITE_INDEX2(x) x[10]
316 | #define WHITE_INDEX2 _WHITE_INDEX2(c)
317 | #define WHITEX1 _WHITEX_ADD(c,6)
318 | #define WHITEY1 _WHITEY_ADD(c,6)
319 | #define WHITEX2 _WHITEX_ADD(c,12)
320 | #define WHITEY2 _WHITEY_ADD(c,12)
321 | #define _WHITE_GAMMA1(x) _GAMMA(x[9])
322 | #define WHITE_GAMMA1 _WHITE_GAMMA1(c)
323 | #define _WHITE_GAMMA2(x) _GAMMA(x[14])
324 | #define WHITE_GAMMA2 _WHITE_GAMMA2(c)
325 | #define ADD_STD_TIMINGS 0xFA
326 | #define COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DATA 0xF9
327 | #define CVT_3BYTE_DATA 0xF8
328 | #define ADD_EST_TIMINGS 0xF7
329 | #define ADD_DUMMY 0x10
330 |
331 | #define _NEXT_DT_MD_SECTION(x) (x = (x + DET_TIMING_INFO_LEN))
333 |
334 | #endif /* _PARSE_EDID_ */
335 |
336 | /* input type */
337 | #define DIGITAL(x) x
338 |
339 | /* DFP */
340 | #define DFP1(x) x
341 |
342 | /* input voltage level */
343 | #define V070 0 /* 0.700V/0.300V */
344 | #define V071 1 /* 0.714V/0.286V */
345 | #define V100 2 /* 1.000V/0.400V */
346 | #define V007 3 /* 0.700V/0.000V */
347 |
348 | /* Signal level setup */
349 | #define SIG_SETUP(x) (x)
350 |
351 | /* sync characteristics */
352 | #define SEP_SYNC(x) (x & 0x08)
353 | #define COMP_SYNC(x) (x & 0x04)
354 | #define SYNC_O_GREEN(x) (x & 0x02)
355 | #define SYNC_SERR(x) (x & 0x01)
356 |
357 | /* DPMS features */
358 | #define DPMS_STANDBY(x) (x & 0x04)
359 | #define DPMS_SUSPEND(x) (x & 0x02)
360 | #define DPMS_OFF(x) (x & 0x01)
361 |
362 | /* display type, analog */
363 | #define DISP_MONO 0
364 | #define DISP_RGB 1
365 | #define DISP_MULTCOLOR 2
366 |
367 | /* display color encodings, digital */
368 | #define DISP_YCRCB444 0x01
369 | #define DISP_YCRCB422 0x02
370 |
371 | /* Msc stuff EDID Ver > 1.1 */
372 | #define STD_COLOR_SPACE(x) (x & 0x4)
373 | #define PREFERRED_TIMING_MODE(x) (x & 0x2)
374 | #define GFT_SUPPORTED(x) (x & 0x1)
375 | #define GTF_SUPPORTED(x) (x & 0x1)
376 | #define CVT_SUPPORTED(x) (x & 0x1)
377 |
378 | /* detailed timing misc */
379 | #define IS_INTERLACED(x) (x)
380 | #define IS_STEREO(x) (x)
381 | #define IS_RIGHT_STEREO(x) (x & 0x01)
382 | #define IS_LEFT_STEREO(x) (x & 0x02)
383 | #define IS_4WAY_STEREO(x) (x & 0x03)
384 | #define IS_RIGHT_ON_SYNC(x) IS_RIGHT_STEREO(x)
385 | #define IS_LEFT_ON_SYNC(x) IS_LEFT_STEREO(x)
386 |
387 |
388 | typedef unsigned int Uint;
389 | typedef unsigned char Uchar;
390 |
391 | struct vendor {
392 | char name[4];
393 | int prod_id;
394 | Uint serial;
395 | int week;
396 | int year;
397 | };
398 |
399 | struct edid_version {
400 | int version;
401 | int revision;
402 | };
403 |
404 | struct disp_features {
405 | unsigned int input_type:1;
406 | unsigned int input_voltage:2;
407 | unsigned int input_setup:1;
408 | unsigned int input_sync:5;
409 | unsigned int input_dfp:1;
410 | unsigned int input_bpc:3;
411 | unsigned int input_interface:4;
412 | /* 15 bit hole */
413 | int hsize;
414 | int vsize;
415 | float gamma;
416 | unsigned int dpms:3;
417 | unsigned int display_type:2;
418 | unsigned int msc:3;
419 | float redx;
420 | float redy;
421 | float greenx;
422 | float greeny;
423 | float bluex;
424 | float bluey;
425 | float whitex;
426 | float whitey;
427 | };
428 |
429 | struct established_timings {
430 | Uchar t1;
431 | Uchar t2;
432 | Uchar t_manu;
433 | };
434 |
435 | struct std_timings {
436 | int hsize;
437 | int vsize;
438 | int refresh;
439 | CARD16 id;
440 | };
441 |
442 | struct detailed_timings {
443 | int clock;
444 | int h_active;
445 | int h_blanking;
446 | int v_active;
447 | int v_blanking;
448 | int h_sync_off;
449 | int h_sync_width;
450 | int v_sync_off;
451 | int v_sync_width;
452 | int h_size;
453 | int v_size;
454 | int h_border;
455 | int v_border;
456 | unsigned int interlaced:1;
457 | unsigned int stereo:2;
458 | unsigned int sync:2;
459 | unsigned int misc:2;
460 | unsigned int stereo_1:1;
461 | };
462 |
463 | #define DT 0
464 | #define DS_SERIAL 0xFF
465 | #define DS_ASCII_STR 0xFE
466 | #define DS_NAME 0xFC
467 | #define DS_RANGES 0xFD
468 | #define DS_WHITE_P 0xFB
469 | #define DS_STD_TIMINGS 0xFA
470 | #define DS_CMD 0xF9
471 | #define DS_CVT 0xF8
472 | #define DS_EST_III 0xF7
473 | #define DS_DUMMY 0x10
474 | #define DS_UNKOWN 0x100 /* type is an int */
475 | #define DS_VENDOR 0x101
476 | #define DS_VENDOR_MAX 0x110
477 |
478 | struct monitor_ranges {
479 | int min_v;
480 | int max_v;
481 | int min_h;
482 | int max_h;
483 | int max_clock; /* in mhz */
484 | int gtf_2nd_f;
485 | int gtf_2nd_c;
486 | int gtf_2nd_m;
487 | int gtf_2nd_k;
488 | int gtf_2nd_j;
489 | int max_clock_khz;
490 | int maxwidth; /* in pixels */
491 | char supported_aspect;
492 | char preferred_aspect;
493 | char supported_blanking;
494 | char supported_scaling;
495 | int preferred_refresh; /* in hz */
496 | };
497 |
498 | struct whitePoints{
499 | int index;
500 | float white_x;
501 | float white_y;
502 | float white_gamma;
503 | };
504 |
505 | struct cvt_timings {
506 | int width;
507 | int height;
508 | int rate;
509 | int rates;
510 | };
511 |
512 | /*
513 | * Be careful when adding new sections; this structure can't grow, it's
514 | * embedded in the middle of xf86Monitor which is ABI. Sizes below are
515 | * in bytes, for ILP32 systems. If all else fails just copy the section
516 | * literally like serial and friends.
517 | */
518 | struct detailed_monitor_section {
519 | int type;
520 | union {
521 | struct detailed_timings d_timings; /* 56 */
522 | Uchar serial[13];
523 | Uchar ascii_data[13];
524 | Uchar name[13];
525 | struct monitor_ranges ranges; /* 56 */
526 | struct std_timings std_t[5]; /* 80 */
527 | struct whitePoints wp[2]; /* 32 */
528 | /* color management data */
529 | struct cvt_timings cvt[4]; /* 64 */
530 | Uchar est_iii[6]; /* 6 */
531 | } section; /* max: 80 */
532 | };
533 |
534 | /* flags */
535 | #define EDID_COMPLETE_RAWDATA 0x1
536 |
537 | typedef struct {
538 | int scrnIndex;
539 | struct vendor vendor;
540 | struct edid_version ver;
541 | struct disp_features features;
542 | struct established_timings timings1;
543 | struct std_timings timings2[8];
544 | struct detailed_monitor_section det_mon[4];
545 | unsigned long flags;
546 | int no_sections;
547 | Uchar *rawData;
548 | } xf86Monitor, *xf86MonPtr;
549 |
550 | extern xf86MonPtr ConfiguredMonitor;
551 |
552 | #endif /* _EDID_H_ */