/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include "cr_spu.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_mem.h" #include "stub.h" #include #ifdef GLX Display* stubGetWindowDisplay(WindowInfo *pWindow) { #if defined(CR_NEWWINTRACK) if ((NIL_RTTHREAD!=stub.hSyncThread) && (RTThreadNativeSelf()==RTThreadGetNative(stub.hSyncThread))) { if (pWindow && pWindow->dpy && !pWindow->syncDpy) { crDebug("going to XOpenDisplay(%s)", pWindow->dpyName); pWindow->syncDpy = XOpenDisplay(pWindow->dpyName); if (!pWindow->syncDpy) { crWarning("Failed to open display %s", pWindow->dpyName); } return pWindow->syncDpy; } else { return pWindow ? pWindow->syncDpy:NULL; } } else #endif { return pWindow ? pWindow->dpy:NULL; } } #endif /** * Returns -1 on error */ GLint APIENTRY crCreateContext(char *dpyName, GLint visBits) { ContextInfo *context; stubInit(); /* XXX in Chromium 1.5 and earlier, the last parameter was UNDECIDED. * That didn't seem right so it was changed to CHROMIUM. (Brian) */ context = stubNewContext(dpyName, visBits, CHROMIUM, 0 #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) , NULL #endif ); return context ? (int) context->id : -1; } void APIENTRY crDestroyContext( GLint context ) { stubDestroyContext(context); } void APIENTRY crMakeCurrent( GLint window, GLint context ) { WindowInfo *winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); ContextInfo *contextInfo = (ContextInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.contextTable, context); if (contextInfo && contextInfo->type == NATIVE) { crWarning("Can't call crMakeCurrent with native GL context"); return; } stubMakeCurrent(winInfo, contextInfo); } GLint APIENTRY crGetCurrentContext( void ) { ContextInfo *context; stubInit(); context = stubGetCurrentContext(); if (context) return (GLint) context->id; else return 0; } GLint APIENTRY crGetCurrentWindow( void ) { ContextInfo *context; stubInit(); context = stubGetCurrentContext(); if (context && context->currentDrawable) return context->currentDrawable->spuWindow; else return -1; } void APIENTRY crSwapBuffers( GLint window, GLint flags ) { WindowInfo *winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); if (winInfo) stubSwapBuffers(winInfo, flags); } /** * Returns -1 on error */ GLint APIENTRY crWindowCreate( const char *dpyName, GLint visBits ) { stubInit(); return stubNewWindow( dpyName, visBits ); } void APIENTRY crWindowDestroy( GLint window ) { stubDestroyWindow( 0, window ); } void APIENTRY crWindowSize( GLint window, GLint w, GLint h ) { const WindowInfo *winInfo = (const WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); if (winInfo && winInfo->type == CHROMIUM) { crDebug("Dispatched crWindowSize (%i)", window); stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowSize( window, w, h ); } } void APIENTRY crWindowPosition( GLint window, GLint x, GLint y ) { const WindowInfo *winInfo = (const WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); if (winInfo && winInfo->type == CHROMIUM) { crDebug("Dispatched crWindowPosition (%i)", window); stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowPosition( window, x, y ); } } void APIENTRY crWindowVisibleRegion( GLint window, GLint cRects, const void *pRects ) { const WindowInfo *winInfo = (const WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); if (winInfo && winInfo->type == CHROMIUM) { crDebug("Dispatched crWindowVisibleRegion (%i, cRects=%i)", window, cRects); stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowVisibleRegion( window, cRects, pRects ); } } void APIENTRY crVBoxTexPresent(GLuint texture, GLuint cfg, GLint xPos, GLint yPos, GLint cRects, const GLint *pRects) { RT_NOREF(texture, cfg, xPos, yPos, cRects, pRects); crError("not expected!"); } void APIENTRY crWindowShow( GLint window, GLint flag ) { WindowInfo *winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) window); if (winInfo && winInfo->type == CHROMIUM) stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowShow( window, flag ); winInfo->mapped = flag ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; } void APIENTRY stub_GetChromiumParametervCR( GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum type, GLsizei count, GLvoid *values ) { char **ret; switch( target ) { case GL_HEAD_SPU_NAME_CR: ret = (char **) values; *ret = stub.spu->name; return; default: stub.spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR( target, index, type, count, values ); break; } } /* * Updates geometry info for given spu window. * Returns GL_TRUE if it changed since last call, GL_FALSE otherwise. * bForceUpdate - forces dispatching of geometry info even if it's unchanged */ GLboolean stubUpdateWindowGeometry(WindowInfo *pWindow, GLboolean bForceUpdate) { int winX, winY; unsigned int winW, winH; GLboolean res = GL_FALSE; CRASSERT(pWindow); stubGetWindowGeometry(pWindow, &winX, &winY, &winW, &winH); /* @todo remove "if (winW && winH)"?*/ if (winW && winH) { if (stub.trackWindowSize) { if (bForceUpdate || winW != pWindow->width || winH != pWindow->height) { crDebug("Dispatched WindowSize (%i)", pWindow->spuWindow); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM if (!stub.bRunningUnderWDDM || pWindow->mapped) #endif { stub.spuDispatch.WindowSize(pWindow->spuWindow, winW, winH); } pWindow->width = winW; pWindow->height = winH; res = GL_TRUE; } } if (stub.trackWindowPos) { if (bForceUpdate || winX != pWindow->x || winY != pWindow->y) { crDebug("Dispatched WindowPosition (%i)", pWindow->spuWindow); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM if (!stub.bRunningUnderWDDM || pWindow->mapped) #endif { stub.spuDispatch.WindowPosition(pWindow->spuWindow, winX, winY); } pWindow->x = winX; pWindow->y = winY; res = GL_TRUE; } } } return res; } #ifdef WINDOWS /* * Updates visible regions for given spu window. * Returns GL_TRUE if regions changed since last call, GL_FALSE otherwise. */ GLboolean stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(WindowInfo *pWindow) { HRGN hVisRgn; HWND hwnd; DWORD dwCount; LPRGNDATA lpRgnData; POINT pt; int iret; if (!pWindow) return GL_FALSE; hwnd = pWindow->hWnd; if (!hwnd) return GL_FALSE; if (hwnd!=WindowFromDC(pWindow->drawable)) { crWarning("Window(%i) DC is no longer valid", pWindow->spuWindow); return GL_FALSE; } hVisRgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0); iret = GetRandomRgn(pWindow->drawable, hVisRgn, SYSRGN); if (iret==1) { /*@todo check win95/win98 here, as rects should be already in client space there*/ /* Convert screen related rectangles to client related rectangles */ pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); OffsetRgn(hVisRgn, pt.x, pt.y); /* dwCount = GetRegionData(hVisRgn, 0, NULL); lpRgnData = crAlloc(dwCount); crDebug("GetRandomRgn returned 1, dwCount=%d", dwCount); GetRegionData(hVisRgn, dwCount, lpRgnData); crDebug("Region consists of %d rects", lpRgnData->rdh.nCount); pRects = (RECT*) lpRgnData->Buffer; for (i=0; irdh.nCount; ++i) { crDebug("Rgn[%d] = (%d, %d, %d, %d)", i, pRects[i].left, pRects[i].top, pRects[i].right, pRects[i].bottom); } crFree(lpRgnData); */ if (pWindow->hVisibleRegion==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !EqualRgn(pWindow->hVisibleRegion, hVisRgn)) { DeleteObject(pWindow->hVisibleRegion); pWindow->hVisibleRegion = hVisRgn; dwCount = GetRegionData(hVisRgn, 0, NULL); lpRgnData = crAlloc(dwCount); if (lpRgnData) { GetRegionData(hVisRgn, dwCount, lpRgnData); crDebug("Dispatched WindowVisibleRegion (%i, cRects=%i)", pWindow->spuWindow, lpRgnData->rdh.nCount); stub.spuDispatch.WindowVisibleRegion(pWindow->spuWindow, lpRgnData->rdh.nCount, (GLint*) lpRgnData->Buffer); crFree(lpRgnData); return GL_TRUE; } else crWarning("GetRegionData failed, VisibleRegions update failed"); } else { DeleteObject(hVisRgn); } } else { crWarning("GetRandomRgn returned (%d) instead of (1), VisibleRegions update failed", iret); DeleteObject(hVisRgn); } return GL_FALSE; } # ifndef CR_NEWWINTRACK static void stubCBCheckWindowsInfo(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { WindowInfo *winInfo = (WindowInfo *) data1; CWPRETSTRUCT *pMsgInfo = (PCWPRETSTRUCT) data2; (void) key; if (winInfo && pMsgInfo && winInfo->type == CHROMIUM) { switch (pMsgInfo->message) { case WM_MOVING: case WM_SIZING: case WM_MOVE: case WM_CREATE: case WM_SIZE: { GLboolean changed = stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn && stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(winInfo); if (stubUpdateWindowGeometry(winInfo, GL_FALSE) || changed) { stubForcedFlush(0); } break; } case WM_SHOWWINDOW: case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: case WM_PAINT: case WM_NCPAINT: case WM_NCACTIVATE: case WM_ERASEBKGND: { if (stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn && stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(winInfo)) { stubForcedFlush(0); } break; } default: { if (stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn && stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(winInfo)) { crDebug("Visibility info updated due to unknown hooked message (%d)", pMsgInfo->message); stubForcedFlush(0); } break; } } } } LRESULT CALLBACK stubCBWindowMessageHookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CWPRETSTRUCT *pMsgInfo = (PCWPRETSTRUCT) lParam; if (nCode>=0 && pMsgInfo) { switch (pMsgInfo->message) { case WM_MOVING: case WM_SIZING: case WM_MOVE: case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: case WM_NCPAINT: case WM_NCACTIVATE: case WM_ERASEBKGND: case WM_CREATE: case WM_SIZE: case WM_SHOWWINDOW: { crHashtableWalk(stub.windowTable, stubCBCheckWindowsInfo, (void *) lParam); break; } /* @todo remove it*/ default: { /*crDebug("hook: unknown message (%d)", pMsgInfo->message);*/ crHashtableWalk(stub.windowTable, stubCBCheckWindowsInfo, (void *) lParam); break; } } } return CallNextHookEx(stub.hMessageHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } void stubInstallWindowMessageHook() { stub.hMessageHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET, stubCBWindowMessageHookProc, 0, crThreadID()); if (!stub.hMessageHook) crWarning("Window message hook install failed! (not fatal)"); } void stubUninstallWindowMessageHook() { if (stub.hMessageHook) UnhookWindowsHookEx(stub.hMessageHook); } # endif /*# ifndef CR_NEWWINTRACK*/ #elif defined(GLX) //#ifdef WINDOWS void stubCheckXExtensions(WindowInfo *pWindow) { int evb, erb, vmi=0, vma=0; Display *dpy = stubGetWindowDisplay(pWindow); stub.bXExtensionsChecked = GL_TRUE; stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 0; XLOCK(dpy); if (XCompositeQueryExtension(dpy, &evb, &erb) && XCompositeQueryVersion(dpy, &vma, &vmi) && (vma>0 || vmi>=4)) { stub.bHaveXComposite = GL_TRUE; crDebug("XComposite %i.%i", vma, vmi); vma=0; vmi=0; if (XFixesQueryExtension(dpy, &evb, &erb) && XFixesQueryVersion(dpy, &vma, &vmi) && vma>=2) { crDebug("XFixes %i.%i", vma, vmi); stub.bHaveXFixes = GL_TRUE; stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 1; XUNLOCK(dpy); return; } else { crWarning("XFixes not found or old version (%i.%i), no VisibilityTracking", vma, vmi); } } else { crWarning("XComposite not found or old version (%i.%i), no VisibilityTracking", vma, vmi); } XUNLOCK(dpy); return; } /* * Updates visible regions for given spu window. * Returns GL_TRUE if regions changed since last call, GL_FALSE otherwise. */ GLboolean stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(WindowInfo *pWindow) { XserverRegion xreg; int cRects, i; XRectangle *pXRects; GLint* pGLRects; Display *dpy; bool bNoUpdate = false; if (!stub.bXExtensionsChecked) { stubCheckXExtensions(pWindow); if (!stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn) { return GL_FALSE; } } dpy = stubGetWindowDisplay(pWindow); /*@todo see comment regarding size/position updates and XSync, same applies to those functions but * it seems there's no way to get even based updates for this. Or I've failed to find the appropriate extension. */ XLOCK(dpy); xreg = XCompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip(dpy, pWindow->drawable); pXRects = XFixesFetchRegion(dpy, xreg, &cRects); XFixesDestroyRegion(dpy, xreg); XUNLOCK(dpy); /* Check for compiz main window */ if (!pWindow->pVisibleRegions && !cRects) { bNoUpdate = true; } if (!bNoUpdate && (!pWindow->pVisibleRegions || pWindow->cVisibleRegions!=cRects || (pWindow->pVisibleRegions && crMemcmp(pWindow->pVisibleRegions, pXRects, cRects * sizeof(XRectangle))))) { if (pWindow->pVisibleRegions) { XFree(pWindow->pVisibleRegions); } pWindow->pVisibleRegions = pXRects; pWindow->cVisibleRegions = cRects; pGLRects = crAlloc(cRects ? 4*cRects*sizeof(GLint) : 4*sizeof(GLint)); if (!pGLRects) { crWarning("stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions: failed to allocate %lu bytes", (unsigned long)(4*cRects*sizeof(GLint))); return GL_FALSE; } //crDebug("Got %i rects.", cRects); for (i=0; ispuWindow, cRects); stub.spuDispatch.WindowVisibleRegion(pWindow->spuWindow, cRects, pGLRects); crFree(pGLRects); return GL_TRUE; } else { XFree(pXRects); } return GL_FALSE; } #endif //#ifdef WINDOWS