
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Additions/common/crOpenGL/ 69206

Last change on this file since 69206 was 63939, checked in by vboxsync, 8 years ago

Build/scripts (bugref:6627): Python build scripts updated to generate the same code when used with Python 2 and 3.

  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 10.7 KB
1# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2# All rights reserved.
4# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
6from __future__ import print_function
7import sys
9import apiutil
13# NOTE: if we need a LIBRARY statement, we would need to create a to generate a .def file for VBoxOGL-x86 library
14#print "LIBRARY VBoxOGL"
15#print "DESCRIPTION \"\"" - warning LNK4017: DESCRIPTION statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
18# XXX can't these values be automatically computed by analyzing parameters?
20stack_sizes = {
21 'Accum': 8,
22 'AlphaFunc': 8,
23 'AreTexturesResident': 12,
24 'ArrayElement': 4,
25 'Begin': 4,
26 'BindTexture': 8,
27 'Bitmap': 28,
28 'BlendFunc': 8,
29 'CallList': 4,
30 'CallLists': 12,
31 'Clear': 4,
32 'ClearAccum': 16,
33 'ClearColor': 16,
34 'ClearDepth': 8,
35 'ClearIndex': 4,
36 'ClearStencil': 4,
37 'ClipPlane': 8,
38 'Color3b': 12,
39 'Color3bv': 4,
40 'Color3d': 24,
41 'Color3dv': 4,
42 'Color3f': 12,
43 'Color3fv': 4,
44 'Color3i': 12,
45 'Color3iv': 4,
46 'Color3s': 12,
47 'Color3sv': 4,
48 'Color3ub': 12,
49 'Color3ubv': 4,
50 'Color3ui': 12,
51 'Color3uiv': 4,
52 'Color3us': 12,
53 'Color3usv': 4,
54 'Color4b': 16,
55 'Color4bv': 4,
56 'Color4d': 32,
57 'Color4dv': 4,
58 'Color4f': 16,
59 'Color4fv': 4,
60 'Color4i': 16,
61 'Color4iv': 4,
62 'Color4s': 16,
63 'Color4sv': 4,
64 'Color4ub': 16,
65 'Color4ubv': 4,
66 'Color4ui': 16,
67 'Color4uiv': 4,
68 'Color4us': 16,
69 'Color4usv': 4,
70 'ColorMask': 16,
71 'ColorMaterial': 8,
72 'ColorPointer': 16,
73 'CopyPixels': 20,
74 'CopyTexImage1D': 28,
75 'CopyTexImage2D': 32,
76 'CopyTexSubImage1D': 24,
77 'CopyTexSubImage2D': 32,
78 'CullFace': 4,
79 'DebugEntry': 8,
80 'DeleteLists': 8,
81 'DeleteTextures': 8,
82 'DepthFunc': 4,
83 'DepthMask': 4,
84 'DepthRange': 16,
85 'Disable': 4,
86 'DisableClientState': 4,
87 'DrawArrays': 12,
88 'DrawBuffer': 4,
89 'DrawElements': 16,
90 'DrawPixels': 20,
91 'EdgeFlag': 4,
92 'EdgeFlagPointer': 8,
93 'EdgeFlagv': 4,
94 'Enable': 4,
95 'EnableClientState': 4,
96 'End': 0,
97 'EndList': 0,
98 'EvalCoord1d': 8,
99 'EvalCoord1dv': 4,
100 'EvalCoord1f': 4,
101 'EvalCoord1fv': 4,
102 'EvalCoord2d': 16,
103 'EvalCoord2dv': 4,
104 'EvalCoord2f': 8,
105 'EvalCoord2fv': 4,
106 'EvalMesh1': 12,
107 'EvalMesh2': 20,
108 'EvalPoint1': 4,
109 'EvalPoint2': 8,
110 'FeedbackBuffer': 12,
111 'Finish': 0,
112 'Flush': 0,
113 'Fogf': 8,
114 'Fogfv': 8,
115 'Fogi': 8,
116 'Fogiv': 8,
117 'FrontFace': 4,
118 'Frustum': 48,
119 'GenLists': 4,
120 'GenTextures': 8,
121 'GetBooleanv': 8,
122 'GetClipPlane': 8,
123 'GetDoublev': 8,
124 'GetError': 0,
125 'GetFloatv': 8,
126 'GetIntegerv': 8,
127 'GetLightfv': 12,
128 'GetLightiv': 12,
129 'GetMapdv': 12,
130 'GetMapfv': 12,
131 'GetMapiv': 12,
132 'GetMaterialfv': 12,
133 'GetMaterialiv': 12,
134 'GetPixelMapfv': 8,
135 'GetPixelMapuiv': 8,
136 'GetPixelMapusv': 8,
137 'GetPointerv': 8,
138 'GetPolygonStipple': 4,
139 'GetString': 4,
140 'GetTexEnvfv': 12,
141 'GetTexEnviv': 12,
142 'GetTexGendv': 12,
143 'GetTexGenfv': 12,
144 'GetTexGeniv': 12,
145 'GetTexImage': 20,
146 'GetTexLevelParameterfv': 16,
147 'GetTexLevelParameteriv': 16,
148 'GetTexParameterfv': 12,
149 'GetTexParameteriv': 12,
150 'Hint': 8,
151 'IndexMask': 4,
152 'IndexPointer': 12,
153 'Indexd': 8,
154 'Indexdv': 4,
155 'Indexf': 4,
156 'Indexfv': 4,
157 'Indexi': 4,
158 'Indexiv': 4,
159 'Indexs': 4,
160 'Indexsv': 4,
161 'Indexub': 4,
162 'Indexubv': 4,
163 'InitNames': 0,
164 'InterleavedArrays': 12,
165 'IsEnabled': 4,
166 'IsList': 4,
167 'IsTexture': 4,
168 'LightModelf': 8,
169 'LightModelfv': 8,
170 'LightModeli': 8,
171 'LightModeliv': 8,
172 'Lightf': 12,
173 'Lightfv': 12,
174 'Lighti': 12,
175 'Lightiv': 12,
176 'LineStipple': 8,
177 'LineWidth': 4,
178 'ListBase': 4,
179 'LoadIdentity': 0,
180 'LoadMatrixd': 4,
181 'LoadMatrixf': 4,
182 'LoadName': 4,
183 'LogicOp': 4,
184 'Map1d': 32,
185 'Map1f': 24,
186 'Map2d': 56,
187 'Map2f': 40,
188 'MapGrid1d': 20,
189 'MapGrid1f': 12,
190 'MapGrid2d': 40,
191 'MapGrid2f': 24,
192 'Materialf': 12,
193 'Materialfv': 12,
194 'Materiali': 12,
195 'Materialiv': 12,
196 'MatrixMode': 4,
197 'MultMatrixd': 4,
198 'MultMatrixf': 4,
199 'NewList': 8,
200 'Normal3b': 12,
201 'Normal3bv': 4,
202 'Normal3d': 24,
203 'Normal3dv': 4,
204 'Normal3f': 12,
205 'Normal3fv': 4,
206 'Normal3i': 12,
207 'Normal3iv': 4,
208 'Normal3s': 12,
209 'Normal3sv': 4,
210 'NormalPointer': 12,
211 'Ortho': 48,
212 'PassThrough': 4,
213 'PixelMapfv': 12,
214 'PixelMapuiv': 12,
215 'PixelMapusv': 12,
216 'PixelStoref': 8,
217 'PixelStorei': 8,
218 'PixelTransferf': 8,
219 'PixelTransferi': 8,
220 'PixelZoom': 8,
221 'PointSize': 4,
222 'PolygonMode': 8,
223 'PolygonOffset': 8,
224 'PolygonStipple': 4,
225 'PopAttrib': 0,
226 'PopClientAttrib': 0,
227 'PopMatrix': 0,
228 'PopName': 0,
229 'PrioritizeTextures': 12,
230 'PushAttrib': 4,
231 'PushClientAttrib': 4,
232 'PushMatrix': 0,
233 'PushName': 4,
234 'RasterPos2d': 16,
235 'RasterPos2dv': 4,
236 'RasterPos2f': 8,
237 'RasterPos2fv': 4,
238 'RasterPos2i': 8,
239 'RasterPos2iv': 4,
240 'RasterPos2s': 8,
241 'RasterPos2sv': 4,
242 'RasterPos3d': 24,
243 'RasterPos3dv': 4,
244 'RasterPos3f': 12,
245 'RasterPos3fv': 4,
246 'RasterPos3i': 12,
247 'RasterPos3iv': 4,
248 'RasterPos3s': 12,
249 'RasterPos3sv': 4,
250 'RasterPos4d': 32,
251 'RasterPos4dv': 4,
252 'RasterPos4f': 16,
253 'RasterPos4fv': 4,
254 'RasterPos4i': 16,
255 'RasterPos4iv': 4,
256 'RasterPos4s': 16,
257 'RasterPos4sv': 4,
258 'ReadBuffer': 4,
259 'ReadPixels': 28,
260 'Rectd': 32,
261 'Rectdv': 8,
262 'Rectf': 16,
263 'Rectfv': 8,
264 'Recti': 16,
265 'Rectiv': 8,
266 'Rects': 16,
267 'Rectsv': 8,
268 'RenderMode': 4,
269 'Rotated': 32,
270 'Rotatef': 16,
271 'Scaled': 24,
272 'Scalef': 12,
273 'Scissor': 16,
274 'SelectBuffer': 8,
275 'ShadeModel': 4,
276 'StencilFunc': 12,
277 'StencilMask': 4,
278 'StencilOp': 12,
279 'TexCoord1d': 8,
280 'TexCoord1dv': 4,
281 'TexCoord1f': 4,
282 'TexCoord1fv': 4,
283 'TexCoord1i': 4,
284 'TexCoord1iv': 4,
285 'TexCoord1s': 4,
286 'TexCoord1sv': 4,
287 'TexCoord2d': 16,
288 'TexCoord2dv': 4,
289 'TexCoord2f': 8,
290 'TexCoord2fv': 4,
291 'TexCoord2i': 8,
292 'TexCoord2iv': 4,
293 'TexCoord2s': 8,
294 'TexCoord2sv': 4,
295 'TexCoord3d': 24,
296 'TexCoord3dv': 4,
297 'TexCoord3f': 12,
298 'TexCoord3fv': 4,
299 'TexCoord3i': 12,
300 'TexCoord3iv': 4,
301 'TexCoord3s': 12,
302 'TexCoord3sv': 4,
303 'TexCoord4d': 32,
304 'TexCoord4dv': 4,
305 'TexCoord4f': 16,
306 'TexCoord4fv': 4,
307 'TexCoord4i': 16,
308 'TexCoord4iv': 4,
309 'TexCoord4s': 16,
310 'TexCoord4sv': 4,
311 'TexCoordPointer': 16,
312 'TexEnvf': 12,
313 'TexEnvfv': 12,
314 'TexEnvi': 12,
315 'TexEnviv': 12,
316 'TexGend': 16,
317 'TexGendv': 12,
318 'TexGenf': 12,
319 'TexGenfv': 12,
320 'TexGeni': 12,
321 'TexGeniv': 12,
322 'TexImage1D': 32,
323 'TexImage2D': 36,
324 'TexImage3D': 36,
325 'TexParameterf': 12,
326 'TexParameterfv': 12,
327 'TexParameteri': 12,
328 'TexParameteriv': 12,
329 'TexSubImage1D': 28,
330 'TexSubImage2D': 36,
331 'Translated': 24,
332 'Translatef': 12,
333 'Vertex2d': 16,
334 'Vertex2dv': 4,
335 'Vertex2f': 8,
336 'Vertex2fv': 4,
337 'Vertex2i': 8,
338 'Vertex2iv': 4,
339 'Vertex2s': 8,
340 'Vertex2sv': 4,
341 'Vertex3d': 24,
342 'Vertex3dv': 4,
343 'Vertex3f': 12,
344 'Vertex3fv': 4,
345 'Vertex3i': 12,
346 'Vertex3iv': 4,
347 'Vertex3s': 12,
348 'Vertex3sv': 4,
349 'Vertex4d': 32,
350 'Vertex4dv': 4,
351 'Vertex4f': 16,
352 'Vertex4fv': 4,
353 'Vertex4i': 16,
354 'Vertex4iv': 4,
355 'Vertex4s': 16,
356 'Vertex4sv': 4,
357 'VertexPointer': 16,
358 'Viewport': 16,
359 'wglChoosePixelFormat': 8,
360 'wglCopyContext': 12,
361 'wglCreateContext': 4,
362 'wglCreateLayerContext': 8,
363 'wglDeleteContext': 4,
364 'wglDescribeLayerPlane': 20,
365 'wglDescribePixelFormat': 16,
366 'wglGetCurrentContext': 0,
367 'wglGetCurrentDC': 0,
368 'wglGetDefaultProcAddress': 4,
369 'wglGetLayerPaletteEntries': 20,
370 'wglGetPixelFormat': 4,
371 'wglGetProcAddress': 4,
372 'wglMakeCurrent': 8,
373 'wglRealizeLayerPalette': 12,
374 'wglSetLayerPaletteEntries': 20,
375 'wglSetPixelFormat': 12,
376 'wglShareLists': 8,
377 'wglSwapBuffers': 4,
378 'wglSwapLayerBuffers': 8,
379 'wglSwapMultipleBuffers': 8,
380 'wglUseFontBitmapsA': 16,
381 'wglUseFontBitmapsW': 16,
382 'wglUseFontOutlinesA': 32,
383 'wglUseFontOutlinesW': 32,
384 'wglChoosePixelFormatEXT' : 24,
385 'wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT' : 24,
386 'wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT' : 24,
387 'wglGetExtensionsStringEXT' : 4,
388 'CopyContext' : 12,
389 'CreateContext' : 4,
390 'CreateLayerContext' : 8,
391 'DeleteContext' : 4,
392 'DescribeLayerPlane' : 20,
393 'DescribePixelFormat' : 16,
394 'GetLayerPaletteEntries' : 20,
395 'GetProcAddress' : 4,
396 'RealizeLayerPalette' : 12,
397 'ReleaseContext' : 4,
398 'SetContext' : 12,
399 'SetLayerPaletteEntries' : 20,
400 'SetPixelFormat' : 12,
401 'ShareLists' : 8,
402 'SwapBuffers' : 4,
403 'SwapLayerBuffers' : 8,
404 'ValidateVersion' : 4,
407noexport_special = [
408 "BoundsInfoCR",
409 "CreateContext",
410 "DestroyContext",
411 "MakeCurrent",
412 "WindowCreate",
413 "WindowDestroy",
414 "WindowSize",
415 "WindowPosition",
416 "WindowVisibleRegion",
417 "WindowShow",
418 "SwapBuffers"
421keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
423for func_name in keys:
424 if func_name in noexport_special:
425 continue
426 try:
427 print("gl%s@%d = cr_gl%s" % (func_name,stack_sizes[func_name],func_name))
428 except KeyError:
429 pass
431for func_name in ( "wglChoosePixelFormat",
432 "wglCopyContext",
433 "wglCreateContext",
434 "wglCreateLayerContext",
435 "wglDeleteContext",
436 "wglDescribeLayerPlane",
437 "wglDescribePixelFormat",
438 "wglGetCurrentContext",
439 "wglGetCurrentDC",
440 "wglGetLayerPaletteEntries",
441 "wglGetPixelFormat",
442 "wglGetProcAddress",
443 "wglMakeCurrent",
444 "wglRealizeLayerPalette",
445 "wglSetLayerPaletteEntries",
446 "wglSetPixelFormat",
447 "wglShareLists",
448 "wglSwapBuffers",
449 "wglSwapLayerBuffers",
450 "wglSwapMultipleBuffers",
451 "wglUseFontBitmapsA",
452 "wglUseFontBitmapsW",
453 "wglUseFontOutlinesA",
454 "wglUseFontOutlinesW",
455 "wglChoosePixelFormatEXT",
456 "wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT",
457 "wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT",
458 "wglGetExtensionsStringEXT"):
459 print("%s = %s_prox" % (func_name,func_name))
462for func_name in ( "CopyContext",
463 "CreateContext",
464 "CreateLayerContext",
465 "DeleteContext",
466 "DescribeLayerPlane",
467 "DescribePixelFormat",
468 "GetLayerPaletteEntries",
469 "GetProcAddress",
470 "RealizeLayerPalette",
471 "SetLayerPaletteEntries",
472 "ShareLists",
473 "SwapBuffers",
474 "SwapLayerBuffers"):
475 print "Drv%s@%d = wgl%s_prox" % (func_name,stack_sizes[func_name],func_name)
485DrvGetProcAddress = wglGetProcAddress_prox
491DrvReleaseContext@4 = DrvReleaseContext
492DrvSetContext@12 = DrvSetContext
493DrvValidateVersion@4 = DrvValidateVersion
494DrvSetPixelFormat@8 = DrvSetPixelFormat""")
505#print "DllMain"
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