/** $Id: VBoxServiceClipboard-os2.cpp 33540 2010-10-28 09:27:05Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxService - Guest Additions Clipboard Service, OS/2. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define INCL_BASE #define INCL_PM #define INCL_ERRORS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxServiceInternal.h" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** Header for Odin32 specific clipboard entries. * (Used to get the correct size of the data.) */ typedef struct _Odin32ClipboardHeader { /** magic number */ char achMagic[8]; /** Size of the following data. * (The interpretation depends on the type.) */ unsigned cbData; /** Odin32 format number. */ unsigned uFormat; } CLIPHEADER, *PCLIPHEADER; #define CLIPHEADER_MAGIC "Odin\1\0\1" /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** The control thread (main) handle. * Only used to avoid some queue creation trouble. */ static RTTHREAD g_ThreadCtrl = NIL_RTTHREAD; /** The HAB of the control thread (main). */ static HAB g_habCtrl = NULLHANDLE; /** The HMQ of the control thread (main). */ static HMQ g_hmqCtrl = NULLHANDLE; /** The Listener thread handle. */ static RTTHREAD g_ThreadListener = NIL_RTTHREAD; /** The HAB of the listener thread. */ static HAB g_habListener = NULLHANDLE; /** The HMQ of the listener thread. */ static HMQ g_hmqListener = NULLHANDLE; /** Indicator that gets set if the listener thread is successfully initialized. */ static bool volatile g_fListenerOkay = false; /** The HAB of the worker thread. */ static HAB g_habWorker = NULLHANDLE; /** The HMQ of the worker thread. */ static HMQ g_hmqWorker = NULLHANDLE; /** The object window handle. */ static HWND g_hwndWorker = NULLHANDLE; /** The timer id returned by WinStartTimer. */ static ULONG g_idWorkerTimer = ~0UL; /** The state of the clipboard. * @remark I'm trying out the 'k' prefix from the mac here, bear with me. */ static enum { /** The clipboard hasn't been initialized yet. */ kClipboardState_Uninitialized = 0, /** WinSetClipbrdViewer call in progress, ignore WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD. */ kClipboardState_SettingViewer, /** We're monitoring the clipboard as a viewer. */ kClipboardState_Viewer, /** We're monitoring the clipboard using polling. * This usually means something is wrong... */ kClipboardState_Polling, /** We're destroying the clipboard content, ignore WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD. */ kClipboardState_Destroying, /** We're owning the clipboard (i.e. we have data on it). */ kClipboardState_Owner } g_enmState = kClipboardState_Uninitialized; /** Set if the clipboard was empty the last time we polled it. */ static bool g_fEmptyClipboard = false; /** A clipboard format atom for the dummy clipboard data we insert * watching for clipboard changes. If this format is found on the * clipboard, the empty clipboard function has not been called * since we last polled it. */ static ATOM g_atomNothingChanged = 0; /** The clipboard connection client ID. */ static uint32_t g_u32ClientId; /** Odin32 CF_UNICODETEXT. See user32.cpp. */ static ATOM g_atomOdin32UnicodeText = 0; /** Odin32 CF_UNICODETEXT. See user32.cpp. */ #define SZFMT_ODIN32_UNICODETEXT (PCSZ)"Odin32 UnicodeText" /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnPreInit */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PreInit(void) { return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnOption */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Option(const char **ppszShort, int argc, char **argv, int *pi) { return -1; } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnInit */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Init(void) { int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; g_ThreadCtrl = RTThreadSelf(); /* * Make PM happy. */ PPIB pPib; PTIB pTib; DosGetInfoBlocks(&pTib, &pPib); pPib->pib_ultype = 3; /* PM session type */ /* * Since we have to send shutdown messages and such from the * service controller (main) thread, create a HAB and HMQ for it. */ g_habCtrl = WinInitialize(0); if (g_habCtrl == NULLHANDLE) { VBoxServiceError("WinInitialize(0) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(NULLHANDLE)); return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } g_hmqCtrl = WinCreateMsgQueue(g_habCtrl, 0); if (g_hmqCtrl != NULLHANDLE) { /* * Create the 'nothing-changed' format. */ g_atomNothingChanged = WinAddAtom(WinQuerySystemAtomTable(), (PCSZ)"VirtualBox Clipboard Service"); LONG lLastError = WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl); if (g_atomNothingChanged == 0) g_atomNothingChanged = WinFindAtom(WinQuerySystemAtomTable(), (PCSZ)"VirtualBox Clipboard Service"); if (g_atomNothingChanged) { /* * Connect to the clipboard service. */ VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: connecting\n"); rc = VbglR3ClipboardConnect(&g_u32ClientId); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Create any extra clipboard type atoms, like the odin unicode text. */ g_atomOdin32UnicodeText = WinAddAtom(WinQuerySystemAtomTable(), SZFMT_ODIN32_UNICODETEXT); lLastError = WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl); if (g_atomOdin32UnicodeText == 0) g_atomOdin32UnicodeText = WinFindAtom(WinQuerySystemAtomTable(), SZFMT_ODIN32_UNICODETEXT); if (g_atomOdin32UnicodeText == 0) VBoxServiceError("WinAddAtom() failed, lasterr=%lx; WinFindAtom() failed, lasterror=%lx\n", lLastError, WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl)); VBoxServiceVerbose(2, "g_u32ClientId=%RX32 g_atomNothingChanged=%#x g_atomOdin32UnicodeText=%#x\n", g_u32ClientId, g_atomNothingChanged, g_atomOdin32UnicodeText); return VINF_SUCCESS; } VBoxServiceError("Failed to connect to the clipboard service, rc=%Rrc!\n", rc); } else VBoxServiceError("WinAddAtom() failed, lasterr=%lx; WinFindAtom() failed, lasterror=%lx\n", lLastError, WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl)); } else VBoxServiceError("WinCreateMsgQueue(,0) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl)); WinTerminate(g_habCtrl); return rc; } /** * Check that we're still the view / try make us the viewer. */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PollViewer(void) { const int iOrgState = g_enmState; HWND hwndClipboardViewer = WinQueryClipbrdViewer(g_habWorker); if (hwndClipboardViewer == g_hwndWorker) return; if (hwndClipboardViewer == NULLHANDLE) { /* The API will send a WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message before returning. */ g_enmState = kClipboardState_SettingViewer; if (WinSetClipbrdViewer(g_habWorker, g_hwndWorker)) g_enmState = kClipboardState_Viewer; else g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; } else g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; if ((int)g_enmState != iOrgState) { if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Viewer) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "clipboard: viewer\n"); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "clipboard: poller\n"); } } /** * Advertise the formats available from the host. */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2AdvertiseHostFormats(uint32_t fFormats) { /* * Open the clipboard and switch to 'destruction' mode. * Make sure we stop being viewer. Temporarily also make sure we're * not the owner so that PM won't send us any WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD message. */ if (WinOpenClipbrd(g_habWorker)) { if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Viewer) WinSetClipbrdViewer(g_habWorker, NULLHANDLE); if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Owner) WinSetClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker, NULLHANDLE); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Destroying; if (WinEmptyClipbrd(g_habWorker)) { /* * Take clipboard ownership. */ if (WinSetClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker, g_hwndWorker)) { g_enmState = kClipboardState_Owner; /* * Do the format advertising. */ if (fFormats & (VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT/* | VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_HTML ?? */)) { if (!WinSetClipbrdData(g_habWorker, 0, CF_TEXT, CFI_POINTER)) VBoxServiceError("WinSetClipbrdData(,,CF_TEXT,) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); if ( g_atomOdin32UnicodeText && !WinSetClipbrdData(g_habWorker, 0, g_atomOdin32UnicodeText, CFI_POINTER)) VBoxServiceError("WinSetClipbrdData(,,g_atomOdin32UnicodeText,) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); } if (fFormats & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_BITMAP) { /** @todo bitmaps */ } } else { VBoxServiceError("WinSetClipbrdOwner failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; } } else { VBoxServiceError("WinEmptyClipbrd failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; } if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Polling) { g_fEmptyClipboard = true; VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PollViewer(); } WinCloseClipbrd(g_habWorker); } else VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2AdvertiseHostFormats: WinOpenClipbrd failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); } static void *VBoxServiceClipboardOs2ConvertToOdin32(uint32_t fFormat, USHORT usFmt, void *pv, uint32_t cb) { PVOID pvPM = NULL; APIRET rc = DosAllocSharedMem(&pvPM, NULL, cb + sizeof(CLIPHEADER), OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE | OBJ_TILE | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT); if (rc) { PCLIPHEADER pHdr = (PCLIPHEADER)pvPM; memcpy(pHdr->achMagic, CLIPHEADER_MAGIC, sizeof(pHdr->achMagic)); pHdr->cbData = cb; if (usFmt == g_atomOdin32UnicodeText) pHdr->uFormat = usFmt; else AssertFailed(); memcpy(pHdr + 1, pv, cb); } else { VBoxServiceError("DosAllocSharedMem(,,%#x,,) -> %ld\n", cb + sizeof(CLIPHEADER), rc); pvPM = NULL; } return pvPM; } static void *VBoxServiceClipboardOs2ConvertToPM(uint32_t fFormat, USHORT usFmt, void *pv, uint32_t cb) { void *pvPM = NULL; /* * The Odin32 stuff is simple, we just assume windows data from the host * and all we need to do is add the header. */ if ( usFmt && ( usFmt == g_atomOdin32UnicodeText /* || usFmt == ...*/ ) ) pvPM = VBoxServiceClipboardOs2ConvertToOdin32(fFormat, usFmt, pv, cb); else if (usFmt == CF_TEXT) { /* * Convert the unicode text to the current ctype locale. * * Note that we probably should be using the current PM or DOS codepage * here instead of the LC_CTYPE one which iconv uses by default. * -lazybird */ Assert(fFormat & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT); char *pszUtf8; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8((PCRTUTF16)pv, &pszUtf8); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char *pszLocale; rc = RTStrUtf8ToCurrentCP(&pszLocale, pszUtf8); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { size_t cbPM = strlen(pszLocale) + 1; APIRET orc = DosAllocSharedMem(&pvPM, NULL, cbPM, OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE | OBJ_TILE | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT); if (orc == NO_ERROR) memcpy(pvPM, pszLocale, cbPM); else { VBoxServiceError("DosAllocSharedMem(,,%#x,,) -> %ld\n", cb + sizeof(CLIPHEADER), orc); pvPM = NULL; } RTStrFree(pszLocale); } else VBoxServiceError("RTStrUtf8ToCurrentCP() -> %Rrc\n", rc); RTStrFree(pszUtf8); } else VBoxServiceError("RTUtf16ToUtf8() -> %Rrc\n", rc); } return pvPM; } /** * Tries to deliver an advertised host format. * * @param usFmt The PM format name. * * @remark We must not try open the clipboard here because WM_RENDERFMT is a * request send synchronously by someone who has already opened the * clipboard. We would enter a deadlock trying to open it here. * */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2RenderFormat(USHORT usFmt) { bool fSucceeded = false; /* * Determine which format. */ uint32_t fFormat; if ( usFmt == CF_TEXT || usFmt == g_atomOdin32UnicodeText) fFormat = VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT; else /** @todo bitmaps */ fFormat = 0; if (fFormat) { /* * Query the data from the host. * This might require two iterations because of buffer guessing. */ uint32_t cb = _4K; uint32_t cbAllocated = cb; int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; void *pv = RTMemPageAllocZ(cbAllocated); if (pv) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: reading host data (%#x)\n", fFormat); rc = VbglR3ClipboardReadData(g_u32ClientId, fFormat, pv, cb, &cb); if (rc == VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { RTMemPageFree(pv, cbAllocated); cbAllocated = cb = RT_ALIGN_32(cb, PAGE_SIZE); pv = RTMemPageAllocZ(cbAllocated); rc = VbglR3ClipboardReadData(g_u32ClientId, fFormat, pv, cb, &cb); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTMemPageFree(pv, cbAllocated); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: read %u bytes\n", cb); /* * Convert the host clipboard data to PM clipboard data and set it. */ PVOID pvPM = VBoxServiceClipboardOs2ConvertToPM(fFormat, usFmt, pv, cb); if (pvPM) { if (WinSetClipbrdData(g_habWorker, (ULONG)pvPM, usFmt, CFI_POINTER)) fSucceeded = true; else { VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2RenderFormat: WinSetClipbrdData(,%p,%#x, CF_POINTER) failed, lasterror=%lx\n", pvPM, usFmt, WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); DosFreeMem(pvPM); } } RTMemPageFree(pv, cbAllocated); } else VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2RenderFormat: Failed to query / allocate data. rc=%Rrc cb=%#RX32\n", rc, cb); } /* * Empty the clipboard on failure so we don't end up in any loops. */ if (!fSucceeded) { WinSetClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker, NULLHANDLE); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Destroying; WinEmptyClipbrd(g_habWorker); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; g_fEmptyClipboard = true; VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PollViewer(); } } static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2SendDataToHost(uint32_t fFormat) { if (WinOpenClipbrd(g_habWorker)) { PRTUTF16 pwszFree = NULL; void *pv = NULL; uint32_t cb = 0; if (fFormat & VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT) { /* Got any odin32 unicode text? */ PVOID pvPM; PCLIPHEADER pHdr = (PCLIPHEADER)WinQueryClipbrdData(g_habWorker, g_atomOdin32UnicodeText); if ( pHdr && !memcmp(pHdr->achMagic, CLIPHEADER_MAGIC, sizeof(pHdr->achMagic))) { pv = pHdr + 1; cb = pHdr->cbData; } /* Got any CF_TEXT? */ if ( !pv && (pvPM = (PVOID)WinQueryClipbrdData(g_habWorker, CF_TEXT)) != NULL) { char *pszUtf8; int rc = RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&pszUtf8, (const char *)pvPM); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PRTUTF16 pwsz; rc = RTStrToUtf16(pszUtf8, &pwsz); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pv = pwszFree = pwsz; cb = (RTUtf16Len(pwsz) + 1) * sizeof(RTUTF16); } RTStrFree(pszUtf8); } } } if (!pv) VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2SendDataToHost: couldn't find data for %#x\n", fFormat); /* * Now, sent whatever we've got to the host (it's waiting). */ VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: writing %pv/%#d (fFormat=%#x)\n", pv, cb, fFormat); VbglR3ClipboardWriteData(g_u32ClientId, fFormat, pv, cb); RTUtf16Free(pwszFree); WinCloseClipbrd(g_habWorker); } else { VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2SendDataToHost: WinOpenClipbrd failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: writing NULL/0 (fFormat=%x)\n", fFormat); VbglR3ClipboardWriteData(g_u32ClientId, fFormat, NULL, 0); } } /** * Figure out what's on the clipboard and report it to the host. */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2ReportFormats(void) { uint32_t fFormats = 0; ULONG ulFormat = 0; while ((ulFormat = WinEnumClipbrdFmts(g_habWorker, ulFormat)) != 0) { if ( ulFormat == CF_TEXT || ulFormat == g_atomOdin32UnicodeText) fFormats |= VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_FMT_UNICODETEXT; /** @todo else bitmaps and stuff. */ } VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: reporting fFormats=%#x\n", fFormats); VbglR3ClipboardReportFormats(g_u32ClientId, fFormats); } /** * Poll the clipboard for changes. * * This is called both when we're the viewer and when we're * falling back to polling. If something has changed it will * notify the host. */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll(void) { if (WinOpenClipbrd(g_habWorker)) { /* * If our dummy is no longer there, something has actually changed, * unless the clipboard is really empty. */ ULONG fFmtInfo; if (!WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo(g_habWorker, g_atomNothingChanged, &fFmtInfo)) { if (WinEnumClipbrdFmts(g_habWorker, 0) != 0) { g_fEmptyClipboard = false; VBoxServiceClipboardOS2ReportFormats(); /* inject the dummy */ PVOID pv; APIRET rc = DosAllocSharedMem(&pv, NULL, 1, OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT); if (rc == NO_ERROR) { if (WinSetClipbrdData(g_habWorker, (ULONG)pv, g_atomNothingChanged, CFI_POINTER)) VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: Added dummy item.\n"); else { VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll: WinSetClipbrdData failed, lasterr=%#lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); DosFreeMem(pv); } } else VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll: DosAllocSharedMem(,,1,) -> %ld\n", rc); } else if (!g_fEmptyClipboard) { g_fEmptyClipboard = true; VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "Reporting empty clipboard\n"); VbglR3ClipboardReportFormats(g_u32ClientId, 0); } } WinCloseClipbrd(g_habWorker); } else VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll: WinOpenClipbrd failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); } /** * The clipboard we owned was destroyed by someone else. */ static void VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Destroyed(void) { /* make sure we're no longer the owner. */ if (WinQueryClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker) == g_hwndWorker) WinSetClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker, NULLHANDLE); /* switch to polling state and notify the host. */ g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; g_fEmptyClipboard = true; VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "Reporting empty clipboard\n"); VbglR3ClipboardReportFormats(g_u32ClientId, 0); VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PollViewer(); } /** * The window procedure for the object window. * * @returns Message result. * * @param hwnd The window handle. * @param msg The message. * @param mp1 Message parameter 1. * @param mp2 Message parameter 2. */ static MRESULT EXPENTRY VBoxServiceClipboardOS2WinProc(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { if (msg != WM_TIMER) VBoxServiceVerbose(6, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2WinProc: hwnd=%#lx msg=%#lx mp1=%#lx mp2=%#lx\n", hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); switch (msg) { /* * Handle the two system defined messages for object windows. * * We'll just use the CREATE/DESTROY message to create that timer we're * using for the viewer checks and polling fallback. */ case WM_CREATE: g_idWorkerTimer = WinStartTimer(g_habWorker, hwnd, 1 /* id */, 1000 /* 1 second */); g_fEmptyClipboard = true; g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; return NULL; /* FALSE(/NULL) == Continue*/ case WM_DESTROY: WinStopTimer(g_habWorker, hwnd, g_idWorkerTimer); g_idWorkerTimer = ~0UL; g_hwndWorker = NULLHANDLE; break; /* * Clipboard viewer message - the content has been changed. * This is sent *after* releasing the clipboard sem * and during the WinSetClipbrdViewer call. */ case WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD: if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_SettingViewer) break; AssertMsgBreak(g_enmState == kClipboardState_Viewer, ("g_enmState=%d\n", g_enmState)); VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll(); break; /* * Clipboard owner message - the content was replaced. * This is sent by someone with an open clipboard, so don't try open it now. */ case WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD: if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Destroying) break; /* it's us doing the replacing, ignore. */ AssertMsgBreak(g_enmState == kClipboardState_Owner, ("g_enmState=%d\n", g_enmState)); VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Destroyed(); break; /* * Clipboard owner message - somebody is requesting us to render a format. * This is called by someone which owns the clipboard, but that's fine. */ case WM_RENDERFMT: AssertMsgBreak(g_enmState == kClipboardState_Owner, ("g_enmState=%d\n", g_enmState)); VBoxServiceClipboardOS2RenderFormat(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)); break; /* * Clipboard owner message - we're about to quit and should render all formats. * * However, because we're lazy, we'll just ASSUME that since we're quitting * we're probably about to shutdown or something and there is no point in * doing anything here except for emptying the clipboard and removing * ourselves as owner. Any failures at this point are silently ignored. */ case WM_RENDERALLFMTS: WinOpenClipbrd(g_habWorker); WinSetClipbrdOwner(g_habWorker, NULLHANDLE); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Destroying; WinEmptyClipbrd(g_habWorker); g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; g_fEmptyClipboard = true; WinCloseClipbrd(g_habWorker); break; /* * Listener message - the host has new formats to offer. */ case WM_USER + VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_FORMATS: VBoxServiceClipboardOS2AdvertiseHostFormats(LONGFROMMP(mp1)); break; /* * Listener message - the host wish to read our clipboard data. */ case WM_USER + VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_READ_DATA: VBoxServiceClipboardOS2SendDataToHost(LONGFROMMP(mp1)); break; /* * This is just a fallback polling strategy in case some other * app is trying to view the clipboard too. We also use this * to try recover from errors. * * Because the way the clipboard service works, we have to monitor * it all the time and cannot get away with simpler solutions like * synergy is employing (basically checking upon entering and leaving * a desktop). */ case WM_TIMER: if ( g_enmState != kClipboardState_Viewer && g_enmState != kClipboardState_Polling) break; /* Lost the position as clipboard viewer?*/ if (g_enmState == kClipboardState_Viewer) { if (WinQueryClipbrdViewer(g_habWorker) == hwnd) break; g_enmState = kClipboardState_Polling; } /* poll for changes */ VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Poll(); VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PollViewer(); break; /* * Clipboard owner messages dealing with owner drawn content. * We shouldn't be seeing any of these. */ case WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD: case WM_SIZECLIPBOARD: case WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD: case WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD: AssertMsgFailed(("msg=%lx (%ld)\n", msg, msg)); break; /* * We shouldn't be seeing any other messages according to the docs. * But for whatever reason, PM sends us a WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS message * during WinCreateWindow. So, ignore that and assert on anything else. */ default: AssertMsgFailed(("msg=%lx (%ld)\n", msg, msg)); case WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS: break; } return NULL; } /** * The listener thread. * * This thread is dedicated to listening for host messages and forwarding * these to the worker thread (using PM). * * The thread will set g_fListenerOkay and signal its user event when it has * completed initialization. In the case of init failure g_fListenerOkay will * not be set. * * @returns Init error code or VINF_SUCCESS. * @param ThreadSelf Our thread handle. * @param pvUser Pointer to the clipboard service shutdown indicator. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { bool volatile *pfShutdown = (bool volatile *)pvUser; int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener: ThreadSelf=%RTthrd\n", ThreadSelf); g_habListener = WinInitialize(0); if (g_habListener != NULLHANDLE) { g_hmqListener = WinCreateMsgQueue(g_habListener, 0); if (g_hmqListener != NULLHANDLE) { /* * Tell the worker thread that we're good. */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; ASMAtomicXchgBool(&g_fListenerOkay, true); RTThreadUserSignal(ThreadSelf); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener: Started successfully\n"); /* * Loop until termination is requested. */ bool fQuit = false; while (!*pfShutdown && !fQuit) { uint32_t Msg; uint32_t fFormats; rc = VbglR3ClipboardGetHostMsg(g_u32ClientId, &Msg, &fFormats); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener: Msg=%#x fFormats=%#x\n", Msg, fFormats); switch (Msg) { /* * The host has announced available clipboard formats. * Forward the information to the window, so it can later * respond do WM_RENDERFORMAT message. */ case VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_FORMATS: if (!WinPostMsg(g_hwndWorker, WM_USER + VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_FORMATS, MPFROMLONG(fFormats), 0)) VBoxServiceError("WinPostMsg(%lx, FORMATS,,) failed, lasterr=%#lx\n", g_hwndWorker, WinGetLastError(g_habListener)); break; /* * The host needs data in the specified format. */ case VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_READ_DATA: if (!WinPostMsg(g_hwndWorker, WM_USER + VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_READ_DATA, MPFROMLONG(fFormats), 0)) VBoxServiceError("WinPostMsg(%lx, READ_DATA,,) failed, lasterr=%#lx\n", g_hwndWorker, WinGetLastError(g_habListener)); break; /* * The host is terminating. */ case VBOX_SHARED_CLIPBOARD_HOST_MSG_QUIT: fQuit = true; break; default: VBoxServiceVerbose(1, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener: Unknown message %RU32\n", Msg); break; } } else { if (*pfShutdown) break; VBoxServiceError("VbglR3ClipboardGetHostMsg failed, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); RTThreadSleep(1000); } } /* the loop */ WinDestroyMsgQueue(g_hmqListener); } WinTerminate(g_habListener); g_habListener = NULLHANDLE; } /* Signal our semaphore to make the worker catch on. */ RTThreadUserSignal(ThreadSelf); VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener: terminating, rc=%Rrc\n", rc); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnWorker */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Worker(bool volatile *pfShutdown) { int rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* * Standard PM init. */ g_habWorker = RTThreadSelf() != g_ThreadCtrl ? WinInitialize(0) : g_habCtrl; if (g_habWorker != NULLHANDLE) { g_hmqWorker = RTThreadSelf() != g_ThreadCtrl ? WinCreateMsgQueue(g_habWorker, 0) : g_hmqCtrl; if (g_hmqWorker != NULLHANDLE) { /* * Create the object window. */ if (WinRegisterClass(g_habWorker, (PCSZ)"VBoxServiceClipboardClass", VBoxServiceClipboardOS2WinProc, 0, 0)) { g_hwndWorker = WinCreateWindow(HWND_OBJECT, /* hwndParent */ (PCSZ)"VBoxServiceClipboardClass", /* pszClass */ (PCSZ)"VirtualBox Clipboard Service", /* pszName */ 0, /* flStyle */ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* x, y, cx, cy */ NULLHANDLE, /* hwndOwner */ HWND_BOTTOM, /* hwndInsertBehind */ 42, /* id */ NULL, /* pCtlData */ NULL); /* pPresParams */ if (g_hwndWorker != NULLHANDLE) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "g_hwndWorker=%#lx g_habWorker=%#lx g_hmqWorker=%#lx\n", g_hwndWorker, g_habWorker, g_hmqWorker); /* * Create the listener thread. */ g_fListenerOkay = false; rc = RTThreadCreate(&g_ThreadListener, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Listener, (void *)pfShutdown, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "CLIPLISTEN"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTThreadUserWait(g_ThreadListener, 30*1000); RTThreadUserReset(g_ThreadListener); if (!g_fListenerOkay) RTThreadWait(g_ThreadListener, 60*1000, NULL); if (g_fListenerOkay) { /* * Tell the control thread that it can continue * spawning services. */ RTThreadUserSignal(RTThreadSelf()); /* * The PM event pump. */ VBoxServiceVerbose(2, "clipboard: Entering PM message loop.\n"); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; QMSG qmsg; while (WinGetMsg(g_habWorker, &qmsg, NULLHANDLE, NULLHANDLE, 0)) WinDispatchMsg(g_habWorker, &qmsg); VBoxServiceVerbose(2, "clipboard: Exited PM message loop. *pfShutdown=%RTbool\n", *pfShutdown); RTThreadWait(g_ThreadListener, 60*1000, NULL); } g_ThreadListener = NIL_RTTHREAD; } /* * Got a WM_QUIT, clean up. */ if (g_hwndWorker != NULLHANDLE) { WinDestroyWindow(g_hwndWorker); g_hwndWorker = NULLHANDLE; } } else VBoxServiceError("WinCreateWindow() failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); /* no class deregistration in PM. */ } else VBoxServiceError("WinRegisterClass() failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); if (g_hmqCtrl != g_hmqWorker) WinDestroyMsgQueue(g_hmqWorker); g_hmqWorker = NULLHANDLE; } else VBoxServiceError("WinCreateMsgQueue(,0) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habWorker)); if (g_habCtrl != g_habWorker) WinTerminate(g_habWorker); g_habWorker = NULLHANDLE; } else VBoxServiceError("WinInitialize(0) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(NULLHANDLE)); return rc; } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnStop */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Stop(void) { if ( g_hmqWorker != NULLHANDLE && !WinPostQueueMsg(g_hmqWorker, WM_QUIT, NULL, NULL)) VBoxServiceError("WinPostQueueMsg(g_hmqWorker, WM_QUIT, 0,0) failed, lasterr=%lx\n", WinGetLastError(g_habCtrl)); } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnTerm */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Term(void) { VBoxServiceVerbose(4, "clipboard: disconnecting %#x\n", g_u32ClientId); VbglR3ClipboardDisconnect(g_u32ClientId); g_u32ClientId = 0; WinDestroyMsgQueue(g_hmqCtrl); g_hmqCtrl = NULLHANDLE; WinTerminate(g_habCtrl); g_habCtrl = NULLHANDLE; } /** * The OS/2 'clipboard' service description. */ VBOXSERVICE g_Clipboard = { /* pszName. */ "clipboard", /* pszDescription. */ "Shared Clipboard", /* pszUsage. */ "" , /* pszOptions. */ "" , /* methods */ VBoxServiceClipboardOS2PreInit, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Option, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Init, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Worker, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Stop, VBoxServiceClipboardOS2Term };