; $Id: VBoxGuestA-os2.asm 31517 2010-08-10 11:28:35Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; VBoxGuest - OS/2 assembly file, the first file in the link. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007 knut st. osmundsen ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This code is based on: ; ; VBoxDrv - OS/2 assembly file, the first file in the link. ; ; Copyright (c) 2007 knut st. osmundsen ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ; conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %define RT_INCL_16BIT_SEGMENTS %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac" %include "iprt/err.mac" %include "VBox/VBoxGuest.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* Structures and Typedefs * ;******************************************************************************* ;; ; Request packet header. struc PKTHDR .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 endstruc ;; ; Init request packet - input. struc PKTINITIN .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .data_1 resb 1 .fpfnDevHlp resd 1 .fpszArgs resd 1 .data_2 resb 1 endstruc ;; ; Init request packet - output. struc PKTINITOUT .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .cUnits resb 1 ; block devs only. .cbCode16 resw 1 .cbData16 resw 1 .fpaBPBs resd 1 ; block devs only. .data_2 resb 1 endstruc ;; ; Open request packet. struc PKTOPEN .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .sfn resw 1 endstruc ;; ; Close request packet. struc PKTCLOSE .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .sfn resw 1 endstruc ;; ; IOCtl request packet. struc PKTIOCTL .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .cat resb 1 .fun resb 1 .pParm resd 1 .pData resd 1 .sfn resw 1 .cbParm resw 1 .cbData resw 1 endstruc ;; ; Read/Write request packet struc PKTRW .cb resb 1 .unit resb 1 .cmd resb 1 .status resw 1 .res1 resd 1 .link resd 1 .media resb 1 .PhysTrans resd 1 .cbTrans resw 1 .start resd 1 .sfn resw 1 endstruc ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* ; Some devhdr.inc stuff. %define DEVLEV_3 0180h %define DEV_30 0800h %define DEV_IOCTL 4000h %define DEV_CHAR_DEV 8000h %define DEV_16MB 0002h %define DEV_IOCTL2 0001h ; Some dhcalls.h stuff. %define DevHlp_VirtToLin 05bh %define DevHlp_SAVE_MESSAGE 03dh %define DevHlp_EIO 031h %define DevHlp_SetIRQ 01bh %define DevHlp_PhysToVirt 015h ; Fast IOCtl category, also defined in VBoxGuest.h %define VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CATEGORY_FAST 0c3h ;; ; Got some nasm/link trouble, so emit the stuff ourselves. ; @param %1 Must be a GLOBALNAME. %macro JMP32TO16 1 ;jmp far dword NAME(%1) wrt CODE16 db 066h db 0eah dw NAME(%1) wrt CODE16 dw CODE16 %endmacro ;; ; Got some nasm/link trouble, so emit the stuff ourselves. ; @param %1 Must be a GLOBALNAME. %macro JMP16TO32 1 ;jmp far dword NAME(%1) wrt FLAT db 066h db 0eah dd NAME(%1) ;wrt FLAT dw TEXT32 wrt FLAT %endmacro ;******************************************************************************* ;* External Symbols * ;******************************************************************************* segment CODE16 extern DOS16OPEN extern DOS16CLOSE extern DOS16WRITE extern DOS16DEVIOCTL2 segment TEXT32 extern KernThunkStackTo32 extern KernThunkStackTo16 extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Init) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Open) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Close) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IOCtl) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IOCtlFast) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDCConnect) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDCService) extern NAME(VBoxGuestOS2ISR) segment DATA16 ;; ; Device headers. The first one is the one we'll be opening and the ; latter is only used for 32-bit initialization. GLOBALNAME g_VBoxGuestHdr1 dw NAME(g_VBoxGuestHdr2) wrt DATA16 ; NextHeader.off dw DATA16 ; NextHeader.sel dw DEVLEV_3 | DEV_30 | DEV_CHAR_DEV | DEV_IOCTL; SDevAtt dw NAME(VBoxGuestOS2EP) wrt CODE16 ; StrategyEP dw NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDC) wrt CODE16 ; IDCEP db 'vboxgst$' ; DevName dw 0 ; SDevProtCS dw 0 ; SDevProtDS dw 0 ; SDevRealCS dw 0 ; SDevRealDS dd DEV_16MB | DEV_IOCTL2 ; SDevCaps align 4 GLOBALNAME g_VBoxGuestHdr2 dd 0ffffffffh ; NextHeader (NIL) dw DEVLEV_3 | DEV_30 | DEV_CHAR_DEV ; SDevAtt dw NAME(VBoxGuestOS2InitEP) wrt CODE16 ; StrategyEP dw 0 ; IDCEP db 'vboxgs1$' ; DevName dw 0 ; SDevProtCS dw 0 ; SDevProtDS dw 0 ; SDevRealCS dw 0 ; SDevRealDS dd DEV_16MB | DEV_IOCTL2 ; SDevCaps ;; Tristate 32-bit initialization indicator [0 = need init, -1 = init failed, 1 init succeeded]. ; Check in the open path of the primary driver. The secondary driver will ; open the primary one during it's init and thereby trigger the 32-bit init. GLOBALNAME g_fInitialized db 0 align 4 ;; Pointer to the device helper service routine ; This is set during the initialization of the 2nd device driver. GLOBALNAME g_fpfnDevHlp dd 0 ;; VBoxGuestFindAdapter Output ; @{ ;; The MMIO base of the VMMDev. GLOBALNAME g_PhysMMIOBase dd 0 ;; The size of the MMIO memory of the VMMDev. GLOBALNAME g_cbMMIO dd 0 ;; The I/O port base of the VMMDev. GLOBALNAME g_IOPortBase dw 0 ;; The VMMDev Interrupt Line. GLOBALNAME g_bInterruptLine db 0 ;; The PCI bus number returned by Find PCI Device. GLOBALNAME g_bPciBusNo db 0 ;; The PCI Device No / Function Number returned by Find PCI Device. ; (The upper 5 bits is the number, and the lower 3 the function.) GLOBALNAME g_bPciDevFunNo db 0 ;; Flag that is set by the vboxgst$ init routine if VMMDev was found. ; Both init routines must refuse loading the driver if the ; device cannot be located. GLOBALNAME g_fFoundAdapter db 0 ;; @} %ifdef DEBUG_READ ;; Where we write to the log. GLOBALNAME g_offLogHead dw 0 ;; Where we read from the log. GLOBALNAME g_offLogTail dw 0 ;; The size of the log. (power of two!) %define LOG_SIZE 16384 GLOBALNAME g_cchLogMax dw LOG_SIZE ;; The log buffer. GLOBALNAME g_szLog times LOG_SIZE db 0 %endif ; DEBUG_READ ; ; The init data. ; segment DATA16_INIT GLOBALNAME g_InitDataStart ;; Far pointer to the device argument. g_fpszArgs: dd 0 %if 0 ;; Message table for the Save_Message device helper. GLOBALNAME g_MsgTab dw 1178 ; MsgId - 'MSG_REPLACEMENT_STRING'. dw 1 ; cMsgStrings dw NAME(g_szInitText) ; MsgStrings[0] dw seg NAME(g_szInitText) %else ;; Far pointer to DOS16WRITE (corrected set before called). ; Just a temporary hack to work around a wlink issue. GLOBALNAME g_fpfnDos16Write dw DOS16WRITE dw seg DOS16WRITE %endif ;; Size of the text currently in the g_szInitText buffer. GLOBALNAME g_cchInitText dw 0 ;; The max size of text that can fit into the g_szInitText buffer. GLOBALNAME g_cchInitTextMax dw 512 ;; The init text buffer. GLOBALNAME g_szInitText times 512 db 0 ;; Message string that's written on failure. g_achLoadFailureMsg1: db 0dh,0ah,'VBoxGuest: load failure no. ' g_cchLoadFailureMsg1 EQU $ - g_achLoadFailureMsg1 g_achLoadFailureMsg2: db '!',0dh,0ah g_cchLoadFailureMsg2 EQU $ - g_achLoadFailureMsg2 ; ; The 16-bit code segment. ; segment CODE16 ;; ; The strategy entry point (vboxdrv$). ; ; ss:bx -> request packet ; ds:si -> device header ; ; Can clobber any registers it likes except SP. ; BEGINPROC VBoxGuestOS2EP push ebp mov ebp, esp push es ; bp - 2 push bx ; bp - 4 and sp, 0fffch ; ; Check for the most frequent first. ; cmp byte [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 10h ; Generic IOCtl jne near VBoxGuestOS2EP_NotGenIOCtl ; ; Generic I/O Control Request. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl: ; Fast IOCtl? cmp byte [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.cat], VBOXGUEST_IOCTL_CATEGORY_FAST jne VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other ; ; Fast IOCtl. ; DECLASM(int) VBoxGuestOS2IOCtlFast(uint16_t sfn, uint8_t iFunction, uint16_t *pcbParm) ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Fast: mov ax, [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pData + 2] ; LDT selector to flat address. shr ax, 3 shl eax, 16 mov ax, [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pData] push eax ; 08h - pointer to the rc buffer. ; function. movzx edx, byte [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.fun] push edx ; 04h ; system file number. movzx eax, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.sfn] push eax ; 00h JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Fast_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Fast_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; call the C code (don't cleanup the stack). call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IOCtlFast) ; switch back the stack. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Fast_32 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Fast_16 les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. or eax, eax jnz near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure ; setup output stuff. mov edx, esp mov eax, [ss:edx + 0ch] ; output sizes. mov [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.cbParm], eax ; update cbParm and cbData. mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. mov sp, bp pop ebp retf ; ; Other IOCtl (slow) ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other: mov eax, [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.cbParm] ; Load cbParm and cbData push eax ; 1eh - in/out data size. ; 1ch - in/out parameter size. push edx ; 18h - pointer to data size (filled in later). push ecx ; 14h - pointer to param size (filled in later). ; pData (convert to flat 32-bit) mov ax, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pData + 2] ; selector cmp ax, 3 ; <= 3 -> nil selector... jbe .no_data movzx esi, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pData] ; offset mov dl, DevHlp_VirtToLin call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] jc near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure jmp .finish_data .no_data: xor eax, eax .finish_data: push eax ; 10h ; pParm (convert to flat 32-bit) mov ax, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pParm + 2] ; selector cmp ax, 3 ; <= 3 -> nil selector... jbe .no_parm movzx esi, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.pParm] ; offset mov dl, DevHlp_VirtToLin call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] jc near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure jmp .finish_parm .no_parm: xor eax, eax .finish_parm: push eax ; 0ch ; function. movzx edx, byte [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.fun] push edx ; 08h ; category. movzx ecx, byte [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.cat] push ecx ; 04h ; system file number. movzx eax, word [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.sfn] push eax ; 00h JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; update in/out parameter pointers lea eax, [esp + 1ch] mov [esp + 14h], eax lea edx, [esp + 1eh] mov [esp + 18h], edx ; call the C code (don't cleanup the stack). call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IOCtl) ; switch back the stack. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_GenIOCtl_Other_16 les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. or eax, eax jnz near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure ; setup output stuff. mov edx, esp mov eax, [ss:edx + 1ch] ; output sizes. mov [es:bx + PKTIOCTL.cbParm], eax ; update cbParm and cbData. mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. mov sp, bp pop ebp retf ; ; Less Performance Critical Requests. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_NotGenIOCtl: cmp byte [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 0dh ; Open je VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open cmp byte [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 0eh ; Close je VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close cmp byte [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 00h ; Init je VBoxGuestOS2EP_Init %ifdef DEBUG_READ cmp byte [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 04h ; Read je near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Read %endif jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_NotSupported ; ; Open Request. w/ ring-0 init. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open: cmp byte [NAME(g_fInitialized)], 1 jne VBoxGuestOS2EP_OpenOther ; First argument, the system file number. movzx eax, word [es:bx + PKTOPEN.sfn] push eax JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; call the C code. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Open) ; switch back the stack. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open_16 les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. or eax, eax jnz near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done ; Initializing or failed init? VBoxGuestOS2EP_OpenOther: cmp byte [NAME(g_fInitialized)], 0 jne VBoxGuestOS2EP_OpenFailed mov byte [NAME(g_fInitialized)], -1 call NAME(VBoxGuestRing0Init) cmp byte [NAME(g_fInitialized)], 1 je VBoxGuestOS2EP_Open VBoxGuestOS2EP_OpenFailed: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 0810fh ; error, done, init failed. jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done ; ; Close Request. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close: ; First argument, the system file number. movzx eax, word [es:bx + PKTOPEN.sfn] push eax JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; call the C code. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Close) ; switch back the stack. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2EP_Close_16 les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. or eax, eax jnz near VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done ; ; Init Request. ; Find the VMMDev adapter so we can unload the driver (and avoid trouble) if not found. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_Init: call NAME(VBoxGuestFindAdapter) test ax, ax jz .ok mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 0810fh ; error, done, init failed. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2InitFlushText) jmp .next .ok: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. .next: mov byte [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cUnits], 0 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbCode16], NAME(g_InitCodeStart) wrt CODE16 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbData16], NAME(g_InitDataStart) wrt DATA16 mov dword [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.fpaBPBs], 0 jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done %ifdef DEBUG_READ ; ; Read Request. ; Return log data. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_Read: ; Any log data available? xor dx, dx mov ax, [NAME(g_offLogTail)] cmp ax, [NAME(g_offLogHead)] jz near .log_done ; create a temporary mapping of the physical buffer. Docs claims it trashes nearly everything... push ebp mov cx, [es:bx + PKTRW.cbTrans] push cx mov ax, [es:bx + PKTRW.PhysTrans + 2] mov bx, [es:bx + PKTRW.PhysTrans] mov dh, 1 mov dl, DevHlp_PhysToVirt call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] pop bx ; bx = cbTrans pop ebp jc near .log_phystovirt_failed ; es:di -> the output buffer. ; setup the copy operation. mov ax, [NAME(g_offLogTail)] xor dx, dx ; dx tracks the number of bytes copied. .log_loop: mov cx, [NAME(g_offLogHead)] cmp ax, cx je .log_done jb .log_loop_before mov cx, LOG_SIZE .log_loop_before: ; cx = end offset sub cx, ax ; cx = sequential bytes to copy. cmp cx, bx jbe .log_loop_min mov cx, bx ; output buffer is smaller than available data. .log_loop_min: mov si, NAME(g_szLog) add si, ax ; ds:si -> the log buffer. add dx, cx ; update output counter add ax, cx ; calc new offLogTail and ax, LOG_SIZE - 1 rep movsb ; do the copy mov [NAME(g_offLogTail)], ax ; commit the read. jmp .log_loop .log_done: les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. mov word [es:bx + PKTRW.cbTrans], dx mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. jmp near VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done .log_phystovirt_failed: les bx, [bp - 4] ; Reload the packet pointer. jmp VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure %endif ; DEBUG_READ ; ; Return 'unknown command' error. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_NotSupported: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 08103h ; error, done, unknown command. jmp VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done ; ; Return 'general failure' error. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_GeneralFailure: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 0810ch ; error, done, general failure. jmp VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done ; ; Non-optimized return path. ; VBoxGuestOS2EP_Done: mov sp, bp pop ebp retf ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2EP ;; ; The helper device entry point. ; ; This is only used to do the DosOpen on the main driver so we can ; do ring-3 init and report failures. ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2InitEP ; The only request we're servicing is the 'init' one. cmp word [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 0 je near NAME(VBoxGuestOS2InitEPServiceInitReq) ; Ok, it's not the init request, just fail it. mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 08103h ; error, done, unknown command. retf ;; ; The OS/2 IDC entry point. ; ; This is only used to setup connection, the returned structure ; will provide the entry points that we'll be using. ; ; @cproto void far __cdecl VBoxGuestOS2IDC(VBOXGUESTOS2IDCCONNECT far *fpConnectInfo); ; ; @param fpConnectInfo [bp + 8] Pointer to an VBOXGUESTOS2IDCCONNECT structure. ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2IDC push ebp ; bp - 0h mov ebp, esp ; save everything we might touch. push es ; bp - 2h push ds ; bp - 4h push eax ; bp - 8h push ebx ; bp - 0ch push ecx ; bp - 10h push edx ; bp - 14h and sp, 0fffch JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2IDC_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2IDC_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; call the C code. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDCConnect) ; ; Load the return buffer address into ds:ebx and setup the buffer. ; (eax == u32Session) ; mov cx, [ebp + 08h + 2] mov ds, cx movzx ebx, word [ebp + 08h] mov dword [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.u32Version ], VMMDEV_VERSION mov dword [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.u32Session ], eax mov dword [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.pfnServiceEP ], NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDCService) mov word [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.fpfnServiceEP ], NAME(VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16) wrt CODE16 mov word [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.fpfnServiceEP + 2], CODE16 mov word [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.fpfnServiceAsmEP ], NAME(VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16Asm) wrt CODE16 mov word [ebx + VBGOS2IDC.fpfnServiceAsmEP+2],CODE16 mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax ; switch back the stack. call KernThunkStackTo16 JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2IDC_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2IDC_16 ; restore. lea sp, [bp - 14h] pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax pop ds pop es pop ebp retf ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2IDC ;; ; The 16-bit IDC entry point, cdecl. ; ; All this does is thunking the request into something that fits ; the 32-bit IDC service routine. ; ; ; @returns VBox status code. ; @param u32Session bp + 8h - The above session handle. ; @param iFunction bp + 0ch - The requested function. ; @param pvData bp + 0eh - The input/output data buffer. The caller ensures that this ; cannot be swapped out, or that it's acceptable to take a ; page in fault in the current context. If the request doesn't ; take input or produces output, passing NULL is okay. ; @param cbData bp + 12h - The size of the data buffer. ; @param pcbDataReturned bp + 14h - Where to store the amount of data that's returned. ; This can be NULL if pvData is NULL. ; ; @cproto long far __cdecl VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16(uint32_t u32Session, uint16_t iFunction, void far *fpvData, uint16_t cbData, uint16_t far *pcbDataReturned); ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16 push ebp ; bp - 0h mov ebp, esp push es ; bp - 2h push ds ; bp - 4h push ecx ; bp - 8h push edx ; bp - 0ch push esi ; bp - 10h and sp, 0fffch ; align the stack. ; locals push dword 0 ; esp + 18h (dd): cbDataReturned ; load our ds (for g_fpfnDevHlp). mov ax, DATA16 mov ds, ax ; ; Create the call frame before switching. ; push dword 0 ; esp + 14h: &cbDataReturned (filled in after stack switch) movzx ecx, word [bp + 12h] push ecx ; esp + 10h: cbData ; thunk data argument if present. mov ax, [bp + 0eh + 2] ; selector cmp ax, 3 ; <= 3 -> nil selector... jbe .no_data movzx esi, word [bp + 0eh] ; offset mov dl, DevHlp_VirtToLin call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] jc near VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_InvalidPointer jmp .finish_data .no_data: xor eax, eax .finish_data: push eax ; esp + 08h: pvData movzx edx, word [bp + 0ch] push edx ; esp + 04h: iFunction mov ecx, [bp + 08h] push ecx ; esp + 00h: u32Session JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; update the cbDataReturned pointer lea eax, [esp + 18h] mov [esp + 14h], eax ; call the C code (don't cleanup the stack). call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2IDCService) ; switch back the stack. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_16 ; Set *pcbDataReturned. cmp word [bp + 14h + 2], 3 jbe .no_pcbDataReturned xchg dx, bx mov cx, [esp + 18h] les bx, [bp + 14h] mov word [es:bx], cx xchg dx, bx .no_pcbDataReturned: VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_Done: lea sp, [bp - 10h] pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ds pop es pop ebp retf VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_InvalidPointer: mov ax, VERR_INVALID_POINTER jmp VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16_Done ENDPROC VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16 ;; ; The 16-bit IDC entry point, register based. ; ; This is just a wrapper around VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16 to simplify ; calls from 16-bit assembly code. ; ; @returns ax: VBox status code; cx: The amount of data returned. ; ; @param u32Session eax - The above session handle. ; @param iFunction dl - The requested function. ; @param pvData es:bx - The input/output data buffer. ; @param cbData cx - The size of the data buffer. ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16Asm push ebp ; bp - 0h mov ebp, esp push edx ; bp - 4h lea sp, [bp - 18h] ; allocate the call frame. ; bp - 06h (dw): oops... mov [bp - 08h], word 0 ; bp - 08h (dw): cbDataReturned mov [bp - 0eh], cx ; bp - 0eh (dw): cbData (NOTE: out of order to free up CX) lea cx, [bp - 08h] ; bp - 0ch (dd): &cbDataReturned mov [bp - 0ah], cx mov cx, ss mov [bp - 0ch], cx mov [bp - 10h], bx ; bp - 10h (dd): pvData mov cx, es mov [bp - 12h], cx mov [bp - 14h], dl ; bp - 14h (dw): iFunction mov [bp - 13h], byte 0 mov [bp - 18h], eax ; bp - 18h (dd): u32Session call NAME(VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16) mov cx, [bp - 08h] ; cbDataReturned. mov edx, [bp - 4] mov esp, ebp pop ebp retf ENDPROC VBoxGuestOs2IDCService16Asm ;; ; The 16-bit interrupt service routine. ; ; OS/2 saves all registers according to the docs, although it doesn't say whether ; this includes the 32-bit parts. Since it doesn't cost much to be careful, save ; everything. ; ; @returns CF=0 if it's our interrupt, CF=1 it it isn't. ; ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2ISR16 push ebp mov ebp, esp pushf ; bp - 02h cli push eax ; bp - 06h push edx ; bp - 0ah push ebx ; bp - 0eh push ds ; bp - 10h push es ; bp - 12h push ecx ; bp - 16h push esi ; bp - 1ah push edi ; bp - 1eh and sp, 0fff0h ; align the stack (16-bytes make GCC extremely happy). JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2ISR16_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2ISR16_32 mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2ISR) mov ebx, eax call KernThunkStackTo16 JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2ISR16_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2ISR16_16 lea sp, [bp - 1eh] pop edi pop esi pop ecx pop es pop ds test bl, 0ffh jnz .our pop ebx pop edx pop eax popf pop ebp stc retf ; ; Do EIO. ; .our: mov al, [NAME(g_bInterruptLine)] mov dl, DevHlp_EIO call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] pop ebx pop edx pop eax popf pop ebp clc retf ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2ISR16 ; ; The 32-bit text segment. ; segment TEXT32 ;; ; 32-bit worker for registering the ISR. ; ; @returns 0 on success, some non-zero OS/2 error code on failure. ; @param bIrq [ebp + 8] The IRQ number. (uint8_t) ; GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push ds call KernThunkStackTo16 movzx ebx, byte [ebp + 8] ; load bIrq into BX. JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ_16 segment CODE16 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ_16 mov ax, DATA16 ; for g_fpfnDevHlp. mov ds, ax mov ax, NAME(VBoxGuestOS2ISR16) ; The devhlp assume it's relative to DS. mov dh, 1 ; 1 = shared mov dl, DevHlp_SetIRQ call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] jnc .ok movzx eax, ax or eax, eax jnz .go_back or eax, 6 jmp .go_back .ok: xor eax, eax .go_back: JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ_32 pop ds ; KernThunkStackTo32 ASSUMES flat DS and ES. mov ebx, eax call KernThunkStackTo32 mov eax, ebx pop ebx pop ebp ret ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2SetIRQ ; ; The 16-bit init code. ; segment CODE16_INIT GLOBALNAME g_InitCodeStart ;; The device name for DosOpen. g_szDeviceName: db '\DEV\vboxgst$', 0 ; icsdebug can't see where stuff starts otherwise. (kDevTest) int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 int3 ;; ; The Ring-3 init code. ; BEGINPROC VBoxGuestOS2InitEPServiceInitReq push ebp mov ebp, esp push es ; bp - 2 push sp ; bp - 4 push -1 ; bp - 6: hfOpen push 0 ; bp - 8: usAction and sp, 0fffch ; check for the init package. cmp word [es:bx + PKTHDR.cmd], 0 jne near .not_init ; check that we found the VMMDev. test byte [NAME(g_fFoundAdapter)], 1 jz near .done_err ; ; Copy the data out of the init packet. ; mov eax, [es:bx + PKTINITIN.fpfnDevHlp] mov [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)], eax mov edx, [es:bx + PKTINITIN.fpszArgs] mov [g_fpszArgs], edx ; ; Open the first driver, close it, and check status. ; ; APIRET _Pascal DosOpen(PSZ pszFname, PHFILE phfOpen, PUSHORT pusAction, ; ULONG ulFSize, USHORT usAttr, USHORT fsOpenFlags, ; USHORT fsOpenMode, ULONG ulReserved); push seg g_szDeviceName ; pszFname push g_szDeviceName push ss ; phfOpen lea dx, [bp - 6] push dx push ss ; pusAction lea dx, [bp - 8] push dx push dword 0 ; ulFSize push 0 ; usAttr = FILE_NORMAL push 1 ; fsOpenFlags = FILE_OPEN push 00040h ; fsOpenMode = OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY push dword 0 ; ulReserved call far DOS16OPEN push ax ; Quickly flush any text. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2InitFlushText) pop ax or ax, ax jnz .done_err ; APIRET APIENTRY DosClose(HFILE hf); mov cx, [bp - 6] push cx call far DOS16CLOSE or ax, ax jnz .done_err ; This can't happen (I hope). ; ; Ok, we're good. ; mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 00100h ; done, ok. mov byte [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cUnits], 0 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbCode16], NAME(g_InitCodeStart) wrt CODE16 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbData16], NAME(g_InitDataStart) wrt DATA16 mov dword [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.fpaBPBs], 0 jmp .done ; ; Init failure. ; .done_err: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 0810fh ; error, done, init failed. mov byte [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cUnits], 0 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbCode16], 0 mov word [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.cbData16], 0 mov dword [es:bx + PKTINITOUT.fpaBPBs], 0 jmp .done ; ; Not init, return 'unknown command'. ; .not_init: mov word [es:bx + PKTHDR.status], 08103h ; error, done, unknown command. jmp .done ; ; Request done. ; .done: mov sp, bp pop ebp retf ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2InitEPServiceInitReq ;; ; The Ring-0 init code. ; BEGINPROC VBoxGuestRing0Init push es push esi push ebp mov ebp, esp and sp, 0fffch ; ; Thunk the argument string pointer first. ; movzx esi, word [g_fpszArgs] ; offset mov ax, [g_fpszArgs + 2] ; selector mov dl, DevHlp_VirtToLin call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] jc near VBoxGuestRing0Init_done ; eax is non-zero on failure (can't happen) push eax ; 00h - pszArgs (for VBoxGuestOS2Init). ; ; Do 16-bit init? ; ; ; Do 32-bit init ; JMP16TO32 VBoxGuestRing0Init_32 segment TEXT32 GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestRing0Init_32 ; switch stack to 32-bit. mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov es, ax call KernThunkStackTo32 ; call the C code. call NAME(VBoxGuestOS2Init) ; switch back the stack and reload ds. push eax call KernThunkStackTo16 pop eax mov dx, seg NAME(g_fInitialized) mov ds, dx JMP32TO16 VBoxGuestRing0Init_16 segment CODE16_INIT GLOBALNAME VBoxGuestRing0Init_16 ; check the result and set g_fInitialized on success. or eax, eax jnz VBoxGuestRing0Init_done mov byte [NAME(g_fInitialized)], 1 VBoxGuestRing0Init_done: mov sp, bp pop ebp pop esi pop es ret ENDPROC VBoxGuestRing0Init ;; ; Flush any text in the text buffer. ; BEGINPROC VBoxGuestOS2InitFlushText push bp mov bp, sp ; Anything in the buffer? mov ax, [NAME(g_cchInitText)] or ax, ax jz .done %if 1 ; Write it to STDOUT. ; APIRET _Pascal DosWrite(HFILE hf, PVOID pvBuf, USHORT cbBuf, PUSHORT pcbBytesWritten); push ax ; bp - 2 : cbBytesWritten mov cx, sp push 1 ; STDOUT push seg NAME(g_szInitText) ; pvBuf push NAME(g_szInitText) push ax ; cbBuf push ss ; pcbBytesWritten push cx %if 0 ; wlink generates a non-aliased fixup here which results in 16-bit offset with the flat 32-bit selector. call far DOS16WRITE %else ; convert flat pointer to a far pointer using the tiled algorithm. push ds mov ax, DATA32 wrt FLAT mov ds, ax mov eax, g_pfnDos16Write wrt FLAT movzx eax, word [eax + 2] ; High word of the flat address (in DATA32). shl ax, 3 or ax, 0007h pop ds mov [NAME(g_fpfnDos16Write) + 2], ax ; Update the selector (in DATA16_INIT). ; do the call call far [NAME(g_fpfnDos16Write)] %endif %else ; alternative workaround for the wlink issue. ; Use the save message devhlp. push esi push ebx xor bx, bx mov si, NAME(g_MsgTab) mov dx, seg NAME(g_MsgTab) mov ds, dx mov dl, DevHlp_SAVE_MESSAGE call far [NAME(g_fpfnDevHlp)] pop ebx pop esi %endif ; Empty the buffer. mov word [NAME(g_cchInitText)], 0 mov byte [NAME(g_szInitText)], 0 .done: mov sp, bp pop bp ret ENDPROC VBoxGuestOS2InitFlushText ;; The device name for DosOpen. g_szOemHlpDevName: db '\DEV\OEMHLP$', 0 ;; ; Talks to OEMHLP$ about finding the VMMDev PCI adapter. ; ; On success g_fFoundAdapter is set to 1, and g_cbMMIO, ; g_PhysMMIOBase and g_IOPortBase are initialized with ; the PCI data. ; ; @returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure. (eax) ; ; @remark ASSUMES DS:DATA16. ; @uses nothing. ; BEGINPROC VBoxGuestFindAdapter push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi push ebp mov ebp, esp push -1 ; bp - 2: hfOpen %define hfOpen bp - 2 push 0 ; bp - 4: usAction %define usAction bp - 4 sub sp, 20h ; bp - 44: 32 byte parameter buffer. %define abParm bp - 24h sub sp, 40h ; bp - c4: 32 byte data buffer. %define abData bp - 44h ;; VBox stuff %define VBOX_PCI_VENDORID 080eeh %define VMMDEV_DEVICEID 0cafeh ;; OEMHLP$ stuff. %define IOCTL_OEMHLP 80h %define OEMHLP_PCI 0bh %define PCI_FIND_DEVICE 1 %define PCI_READ_CONFIG 3 ;; PCI stuff %define PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE 03ch ;;< 8-bit RW - Interrupt line. %define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 010h ;;< 32-bit RW */ %define PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1 014h ;;< 32-bit RW */ %macro CallIOCtl 2 ; APIRET _Pascal DosDevIOCtl2(PVOID pData, USHORT cbData, PVOID pParm, ; USHORT cbParm, USHORT usFun, USHORT usCategory, ; HFILE hDev); push ss ; pData lea dx, [abData] push dx push %2 ; cbData push ss ; pParm lea dx, [abParm] push dx push %1 ; cbParm push OEMHLP_PCI ; usFun push IOCTL_OEMHLP ; usCategory mov ax, [hfOpen] ; hDev push ax call far DOS16DEVIOCTL2 ; check for error. test ax, ax jnz near .done_err_close cmp [abData + 0], byte 0 jne near .done_err_close %endmacro ; ; Open the OEMHLP$ driver. ; ; APIRET _Pascal DosOpen(PSZ pszFname, PHFILE phfOpen, PUSHORT pusAction, ; ULONG ulFSize, USHORT usAttr, USHORT fsOpenFlags, ; USHORT fsOpenMode, ULONG ulReserved); mov di, '0' push seg g_szOemHlpDevName ; pszFname push g_szOemHlpDevName push ss ; phfOpen lea dx, [hfOpen] push dx push ss ; pusAction lea dx, [usAction] push dx push dword 0 ; ulFSize push 0 ; usAttr = FILE_NORMAL push 1 ; fsOpenFlags = FILE_OPEN push 00040h ; fsOpenMode = OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE | OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY push dword 0 ; ulReserved call far DOS16OPEN or ax, ax jnz near .done ; ; Send a PCI_FIND_DEVICE request. ; ; Initialize the parameter packet. mov [abParm + 0], byte PCI_FIND_DEVICE ; 0 - db - SubFunction Number mov [abParm + 1], word VMMDEV_DEVICEID ; 1 - dw - Device ID mov [abParm + 3], word VBOX_PCI_VENDORID ; 3 - dw - Vendor ID mov [abParm + 5], byte 0 ; 5 - db - (Device) Index ; Zero padd the data packet. mov [abData + 0], dword 0 mov di, '1' CallIOCtl 6, 3 mov al, [abData + 1] ; 1 - db - Bus Number. mov [NAME(g_bPciBusNo)], al mov al, [abData + 2] ; 2 - db - DevFunc Number. mov [NAME(g_bPciDevFunNo)], al ; ; Read the interrupt register (byte). ; mov di, '2' mov ax, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE | 0100h call .NestedReadReg mov [NAME(g_bInterruptLine)], al ; ; Read the first base address (dword), this shall must be in I/O space. ; mov di, '3' mov ax, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 | 0400h call .NestedReadReg mov di, '4' test al, 1h ; Test that it's an I/O space address. jz .done_err_close mov di, '5' test eax, 0ffff0002h ; These shall all be 0 according to the specs. jnz .done_err_close and ax, 0fffeh mov [NAME(g_IOPortBase)], ax ; ; Read the second base address (dword), this shall be in memory space if present. ; mov di, '6' mov ax, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1 | 0400h call .NestedReadReg mov di, '7' test al, 1h ; Test that it's a memory space address. jnz .done_err_close and eax, 0fffffff0h mov [NAME(g_PhysMMIOBase)], eax ;or eax, eax ;jz .done_success ; No memory region. ;; @todo If there is a simple way of determining the size do that, if ; not we can easily handle it the code that does the actual mapping. ; ; Ok, we're good! ; .done_success: or [NAME(g_fFoundAdapter)], byte 1 jmp .done_close ; ; Close the OEMHLP$ driver. ; .done_err_close: or ax, 80h .done_close: ; APIRET APIENTRY DosClose(HFILE hf); push ax ; Save result mov cx, [hfOpen] push cx call far DOS16CLOSE or ax, ax jnz .bitch ; This can't happen (I hope). pop ax or ax, ax jnz .bitch ; ; Return to VBoxGuestOS2EP_Init. ; .done: mov esp, ebp pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx ret ; ; Puts the reason for failure in message buffer. ; The caller will flush this. ; .bitch: push es mov ax, ds mov es, ax mov ax, di ; save the reason. mov di, NAME(g_szInitText) add di, [NAME(g_cchInitText)] mov si, g_achLoadFailureMsg1 mov cx, g_cchLoadFailureMsg1 rep movsb stosb mov si, g_achLoadFailureMsg2 mov cx, g_cchLoadFailureMsg2 rep movsb mov [di], byte 0 sub di, NAME(g_szInitText) mov [NAME(g_cchInitText)], di pop es jmp .done ; ; Nested function which reads a PCI config register. ; (This operates on the VBoxGuestFindAdapter stack frame.) ; ; Input: ; al - register to read ; ah - register size. ; ; Output: ; eax - the value. ; ; Uses: ; dx ; .NestedReadReg: ; Fill in the request packet. mov [abParm + 0], byte PCI_READ_CONFIG ; 0 - db - SubFunction Number mov dl, [NAME(g_bPciBusNo)] mov [abParm + 1], dl ; 1 - db - Bus Number mov dl, [NAME(g_bPciDevFunNo)] mov [abParm + 2], dl ; 2 - db - DevFunc Number mov [abParm + 3], al ; 3 - db - Configuration Register mov [abParm + 4], ah ; 4 - db - (Register) Size ; Pad the data packet. mov [abData + 0], dword 0 mov [abData + 4], dword 0 CallIOCtl 5, 5 mov eax, [abData + 1] ; 1 - dd - Data ret ENDPROC VBoxGuestFindAdapter ;; ; This must be present segment DATA32 g_pfnDos16Write: dd DOS16WRITE ; flat