/* $Id: vboxmrxnp.cpp 76553 2019-01-01 01:45:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Windows Guest Shared Folders - Network provider dll */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../driver/vbsfshared.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U L"VBOXSVR" #define MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_ALT_U L"VBOXSRV" #define WNNC_DRIVER(major, minor) (major * 0x00010000 + minor) static WCHAR vboxToUpper(WCHAR wc) { /* The CharUpper parameter is a pointer to a null-terminated string, * or specifies a single character. If the high-order word of this * parameter is zero, the low-order word must contain a single character to be converted. */ return (WCHAR)(uintptr_t)CharUpperW((LPWSTR)(uintptr_t)wc); } static DWORD vbsfIOCTL(ULONG IoctlCode, PVOID InputDataBuf, ULONG InputDataLen, PVOID OutputDataBuf, PULONG pOutputDataLen) { ULONG cbOut = 0; if (!pOutputDataLen) { pOutputDataLen = &cbOut; } ULONG dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; HANDLE DeviceHandle = CreateFile(DD_MRX_VBOX_USERMODE_DEV_NAME_U, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, (HANDLE)NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != DeviceHandle) { BOOL fSuccess = DeviceIoControl(DeviceHandle, IoctlCode, InputDataBuf, InputDataLen, OutputDataBuf, *pOutputDataLen, pOutputDataLen, NULL); if (!fSuccess) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); Log(("VBOXNP: vbsfIOCTL: DeviceIoctl last error = %d\n", dwStatus)); } CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); } else { dwStatus = GetLastError(); static int sLogged = 0; if (!sLogged) { LogRel(("VBOXNP: vbsfIOCTL: Error opening device, last error = %d\n", dwStatus)); sLogged++; } } return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetCaps(DWORD nIndex) { DWORD rc = 0; Log(("VBOXNP: GetNetCaps: Index = 0x%x\n", nIndex)); switch (nIndex) { case WNNC_SPEC_VERSION: { rc = WNNC_SPEC_VERSION51; } break; case WNNC_NET_TYPE: { rc = WNNC_NET_RDR2SAMPLE; } break; case WNNC_DRIVER_VERSION: { rc = WNNC_DRIVER(1, 0); } break; case WNNC_CONNECTION: { vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_START, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); rc = WNNC_CON_GETCONNECTIONS | WNNC_CON_CANCELCONNECTION | WNNC_CON_ADDCONNECTION | WNNC_CON_ADDCONNECTION3; } break; case WNNC_ENUMERATION: { rc = WNNC_ENUM_LOCAL | WNNC_ENUM_GLOBAL | WNNC_ENUM_SHAREABLE; } break; case WNNC_START: { rc = WNNC_WAIT_FOR_START; break; } case WNNC_DIALOG: { rc = WNNC_DLG_GETRESOURCEPARENT | WNNC_DLG_GETRESOURCEINFORMATION; } break; case WNNC_USER: case WNNC_ADMIN: default: { rc = 0; } break; } return rc; } DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify(PLUID pLogonId, LPCWSTR pAuthentInfoType, LPVOID pAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR pPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID pPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR pStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, LPWSTR *pLogonScript) { RT_NOREF(pLogonId, pAuthentInfoType, pAuthentInfo, pPreviousAuthentInfoType, pPreviousAuthentInfo, pStationName, StationHandle, pLogonScript); Log(("VBOXNP: NPLogonNotify\n")); *pLogonScript = NULL; return WN_SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY NPPasswordChangeNotify(LPCWSTR pAuthentInfoType, LPVOID pAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR pPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID pPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR pStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, DWORD dwChangeInfo) { RT_NOREF(pAuthentInfoType, pAuthentInfo, pPreviousAuthentInfoType, pPreviousAuthentInfo, pStationName, StationHandle, dwChangeInfo); Log(("VBOXNP: NPPasswordChangeNotify\n")); SetLastError(WN_NOT_SUPPORTED); return WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; } DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection(LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource, LPWSTR pPassword, LPWSTR pUserName) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection\n")); return NPAddConnection3(NULL, pNetResource, pPassword, pUserName, 0); } DWORD APIENTRY NPAddConnection3(HWND hwndOwner, LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource, LPWSTR pPassword, LPWSTR pUserName, DWORD dwFlags) { RT_NOREF(hwndOwner, pPassword, pUserName, dwFlags); DWORD dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; WCHAR ConnectionName[256]; WCHAR LocalName[3]; BOOLEAN fLocalName = TRUE; Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: dwFlags = 0x%x\n", dwFlags)); Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: Local Name: %ls\n", pNetResource->lpLocalName )); Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: Remote Name: %ls\n", pNetResource->lpRemoteName )); if ( pNetResource->dwType != RESOURCETYPE_DISK && pNetResource->dwType != RESOURCETYPE_ANY) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: Incorrect net resource type %d\n", pNetResource->dwType)); return WN_BAD_NETNAME; } /* Build connection name: \Device\VBoxMiniRdr\;%DriveLetter%:\vboxsvr\share */ lstrcpy(ConnectionName, DD_MRX_VBOX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U); lstrcat(ConnectionName, L"\\;"); if (pNetResource->lpLocalName == NULL) { LocalName[0] = L'\0'; fLocalName = FALSE; } else { if ( pNetResource->lpLocalName[0] && pNetResource->lpLocalName[1] == L':') { LocalName[0] = vboxToUpper(pNetResource->lpLocalName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; lstrcat(ConnectionName, LocalName); } else { dwStatus = WN_BAD_LOCALNAME; } } if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { /* Append the remote name. */ if ( pNetResource->lpRemoteName && pNetResource->lpRemoteName[0] == L'\\' && pNetResource->lpRemoteName[1] == L'\\' ) { /* No need for (lstrlen + 1), because 'lpNetResource->lpRemoteName' leading \ is not copied. */ if (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + lstrlen(pNetResource->lpRemoteName) <= sizeof(ConnectionName) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { lstrcat(ConnectionName, &pNetResource->lpRemoteName[1]); } else { dwStatus = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } } else { dwStatus = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } } Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: ConnectionName: [%ls], len %d, dwStatus 0x%08X\n", ConnectionName, (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), dwStatus)); if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { WCHAR wszTmp[128]; SetLastError(NO_ERROR); if ( fLocalName && QueryDosDevice(LocalName, wszTmp, sizeof(wszTmp) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: Connection [%ls] already connected.\n", ConnectionName)); dwStatus = WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } else { if ( !fLocalName || GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_ADDCONN, ConnectionName, (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, NULL); if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { if ( fLocalName && !DefineDosDevice(DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM, pNetResource->lpLocalName, ConnectionName)) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } } else { dwStatus = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } } else { dwStatus = WN_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } } } Log(("VBOXNP: NPAddConnection3: Returned 0x%08X\n", dwStatus)); return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPCancelConnection(LPWSTR pName, BOOL fForce) { RT_NOREF(fForce); DWORD dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; Log(("VBOXNP: NPCancelConnection: Name = %ls\n", pName)); if (pName && pName[0] != 0) { WCHAR ConnectionName[256]; if (pName[1] == L':') { WCHAR RemoteName[128]; WCHAR LocalName[3]; LocalName[0] = vboxToUpper(pName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; ULONG cbOut = sizeof(RemoteName) - sizeof(WCHAR); /* Trailing NULL. */ dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETCONN, LocalName, sizeof(LocalName), (PVOID)RemoteName, &cbOut); if ( dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS && cbOut > 0) { RemoteName[cbOut / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; if (lstrlen(DD_MRX_VBOX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U) + 2 + lstrlen(LocalName) + lstrlen(RemoteName) + 1 > sizeof(ConnectionName) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { dwStatus = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } else { lstrcpy(ConnectionName, DD_MRX_VBOX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U); lstrcat(ConnectionName, L"\\;"); lstrcat(ConnectionName, LocalName); lstrcat(ConnectionName, RemoteName); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_DELCONN, ConnectionName, (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, NULL); if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { if (!DefineDosDevice(DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH | DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE, LocalName, ConnectionName)) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); } } } } else { dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; } } else { BOOLEAN Verifier; Verifier = ( pName[0] == L'\\' ); Verifier &= ( pName[1] == L'V' ) || ( pName[1] == L'v' ); Verifier &= ( pName[2] == L'B' ) || ( pName[2] == L'b' ); Verifier &= ( pName[3] == L'O' ) || ( pName[3] == L'o' ); Verifier &= ( pName[4] == L'X' ) || ( pName[4] == L'x' ); Verifier &= ( pName[5] == L'S' ) || ( pName[5] == L's' ); /* Both vboxsvr & vboxsrv are now accepted */ if (( pName[6] == L'V' ) || ( pName[6] == L'v')) { Verifier &= ( pName[6] == L'V' ) || ( pName[6] == L'v' ); Verifier &= ( pName[7] == L'R' ) || ( pName[7] == L'r' ); } else { Verifier &= ( pName[6] == L'R' ) || ( pName[6] == L'r' ); Verifier &= ( pName[7] == L'V' ) || ( pName[7] == L'v' ); } Verifier &= ( pName[8] == L'\\') || ( pName[8] == 0 ); if (Verifier) { /* Full remote path */ if (lstrlen(DD_MRX_VBOX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U) + 2 + lstrlen(pName) + 1 > sizeof(ConnectionName) / sizeof(WCHAR)) { dwStatus = WN_BAD_NETNAME; } else { lstrcpy(ConnectionName, DD_MRX_VBOX_FS_DEVICE_NAME_U); lstrcat(ConnectionName, L"\\;"); lstrcat(ConnectionName, pName); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_DELCONN, ConnectionName, (lstrlen(ConnectionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, NULL); } } else { dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; } } } Log(("VBOXNP: NPCancelConnection: Returned 0x%08X\n", dwStatus)); return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetConnection(LPWSTR pLocalName, LPWSTR pRemoteName, LPDWORD pBufferSize) { DWORD dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; WCHAR RemoteName[128]; ULONG cbOut = 0; Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetConnection: pLocalName = %ls\n", pLocalName)); if (pLocalName && pLocalName[0] != 0) { if (pLocalName[1] == L':') { WCHAR LocalName[3]; cbOut = sizeof(RemoteName) - sizeof(WCHAR); RemoteName[cbOut / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; LocalName[0] = vboxToUpper(pLocalName[0]); LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETCONN, LocalName, sizeof(LocalName), (PVOID)RemoteName, &cbOut); if (dwStatus != NO_ERROR) { /* The device specified by pLocalName is not redirected by this provider. */ dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { RemoteName[cbOut / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; if (cbOut == 0) { dwStatus = WN_NO_NETWORK; } } } } if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { ULONG cbRemoteName = (lstrlen(RemoteName) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); /* Including the trailing 0. */ Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetConnection: RemoteName: %ls, cb %d\n", RemoteName, cbRemoteName)); DWORD len = sizeof(WCHAR) + cbRemoteName; /* Including the leading '\'. */ if (*pBufferSize >= len) { pRemoteName[0] = L'\\'; CopyMemory(&pRemoteName[1], RemoteName, cbRemoteName); Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetConnection: returning pRemoteName: %ls\n", pRemoteName)); } else { if (*pBufferSize != 0) { /* Log only real errors. Do not log a 0 bytes try. */ Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetConnection: Buffer overflow: *pBufferSize = %d, len = %d\n", *pBufferSize, len)); } dwStatus = WN_MORE_DATA; } *pBufferSize = len; } if ((dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS) && (dwStatus != WN_MORE_DATA)) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetConnection: Returned error 0x%08X\n", dwStatus)); } return dwStatus; } static const WCHAR *vboxSkipServerPrefix(const WCHAR *pRemoteName, const WCHAR *pPrefix) { while (*pPrefix) { if (vboxToUpper(*pPrefix) != vboxToUpper(*pRemoteName)) { /* Not a prefix */ return NULL; } pPrefix++; pRemoteName++; } return pRemoteName; } static const WCHAR *vboxSkipServerName(const WCHAR *pRemoteName) { int cLeadingBackslashes = 0; while (*pRemoteName == L'\\') { pRemoteName++; cLeadingBackslashes++; } if (cLeadingBackslashes == 0 || cLeadingBackslashes == 2) { const WCHAR *pAfterPrefix = vboxSkipServerPrefix(pRemoteName, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U); if (!pAfterPrefix) { pAfterPrefix = vboxSkipServerPrefix(pRemoteName, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_ALT_U); } return pAfterPrefix; } return NULL; } /* Enumerate shared folders as hierarchy: * VBOXSVR(container) * +--------------------+ * | \ * Folder1(connectable) FolderN(connectable) */ typedef struct _NPENUMCTX { ULONG index; /* Index of last entry returned. */ DWORD dwScope; DWORD dwOriginalScope; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwUsage; bool fRoot; } NPENUMCTX; DWORD APIENTRY NPOpenEnum(DWORD dwScope, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwUsage, LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource, LPHANDLE lphEnum) { DWORD dwStatus; Log(("VBOXNP: NPOpenEnum: dwScope 0x%08X, dwType 0x%08X, dwUsage 0x%08X, pNetResource %p\n", dwScope, dwType, dwUsage, pNetResource)); if (dwUsage == 0) { /* The bitmask may be zero to match all of the flags. */ dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE | RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; } *lphEnum = NULL; /* Allocate the context structure. */ NPENUMCTX *pCtx = (NPENUMCTX *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(NPENUMCTX)); if (pCtx == NULL) { dwStatus = WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { if (pNetResource && pNetResource->lpRemoteName) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPOpenEnum: pRemoteName %ls\n", pNetResource->lpRemoteName)); } switch (dwScope) { case 6: /* Advertised as WNNC_ENUM_SHAREABLE. This returns C$ system shares. * NpEnumResource will return NO_MORE_ENTRIES. */ { if (pNetResource == NULL || pNetResource->lpRemoteName == NULL) { /* If it is NULL or if the pRemoteName field of the NETRESOURCE is NULL, * the provider should enumerate the top level of its network. * But system shares can't be on top level. */ dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONTAINER; break; } const WCHAR *pAfterName = vboxSkipServerName(pNetResource->lpRemoteName); if ( pAfterName == NULL || (*pAfterName != L'\\' && *pAfterName != 0)) { dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONTAINER; break; } /* Valid server name. */ pCtx->index = 0; pCtx->dwScope = 6; pCtx->dwOriginalScope = dwScope; pCtx->dwType = dwType; pCtx->dwUsage = dwUsage; dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; break; } case RESOURCE_GLOBALNET: /* All resources on the network. */ { if (pNetResource == NULL || pNetResource->lpRemoteName == NULL) { /* If it is NULL or if the pRemoteName field of the NETRESOURCE is NULL, * the provider should enumerate the top level of its network. */ pCtx->fRoot = true; } else { /* Enumerate pNetResource->lpRemoteName container, which can be only the VBOXSVR container. */ const WCHAR *pAfterName = vboxSkipServerName(pNetResource->lpRemoteName); if ( pAfterName == NULL || (*pAfterName != L'\\' && *pAfterName != 0)) { dwStatus = WN_NOT_CONTAINER; break; } /* Valid server name. */ pCtx->fRoot = false; } pCtx->index = 0; pCtx->dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; pCtx->dwOriginalScope = dwScope; pCtx->dwType = dwType; pCtx->dwUsage = dwUsage; dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; break; } case RESOURCE_CONNECTED: /* All currently connected resources. */ case RESOURCE_CONTEXT: /* The interpretation of this is left to the provider. Treat this as RESOURCE_GLOBALNET. */ { pCtx->index = 0; pCtx->dwScope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; pCtx->dwOriginalScope = dwScope; pCtx->dwType = dwType; pCtx->dwUsage = dwUsage; pCtx->fRoot = false; /* Actually ignored for RESOURCE_CONNECTED. */ dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; break; } default: Log(("VBOXNP: NPOpenEnum: unsupported scope 0x%lx\n", dwScope)); dwStatus = WN_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } if (dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPOpenEnum: Returned error 0x%08X\n", dwStatus)); if (pCtx) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCtx); } } else { Log(("VBOXNP: NPOpenEnum: pCtx %p\n", pCtx)); *lphEnum = pCtx; } return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPEnumResource(HANDLE hEnum, LPDWORD lpcCount, LPVOID pBuffer, LPDWORD pBufferSize) { DWORD dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; NPENUMCTX *pCtx = (NPENUMCTX *)hEnum; BYTE ConnectionList[26]; ULONG cbOut; WCHAR LocalName[3]; WCHAR RemoteName[128]; int cbRemoteName; ULONG cbEntry = 0; Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: hEnum %p, lpcCount %p, pBuffer %p, pBufferSize %p.\n", hEnum, lpcCount, pBuffer, pBufferSize)); if (pCtx == NULL) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: WN_BAD_HANDLE\n")); return WN_BAD_HANDLE; } if (lpcCount == NULL || pBuffer == NULL) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: WN_BAD_VALUE\n")); return WN_BAD_VALUE; } Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: *lpcCount 0x%x, *pBufferSize 0x%x, pCtx->index %d\n", *lpcCount, *pBufferSize, pCtx->index)); LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource = (LPNETRESOURCE)pBuffer; ULONG cbRemaining = *pBufferSize; ULONG cEntriesCopied = 0; PWCHAR pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize); PWCHAR pDst; if (pCtx->dwScope == RESOURCE_CONNECTED) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: RESOURCE_CONNECTED\n")); memset(ConnectionList, 0, sizeof(ConnectionList)); cbOut = sizeof(ConnectionList); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETLIST, NULL, 0, ConnectionList, &cbOut); if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS && cbOut > 0) { while (cEntriesCopied < *lpcCount && pCtx->index < RTL_NUMBER_OF(ConnectionList)) { if (ConnectionList[pCtx->index]) { LocalName[0] = L'A' + (WCHAR)pCtx->index; LocalName[1] = L':'; LocalName[2] = L'\0'; memset(RemoteName, 0, sizeof(RemoteName)); cbOut = sizeof(RemoteName); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETCONN, LocalName, sizeof(LocalName), RemoteName, &cbOut); if (dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS || cbOut == 0) { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; break; } /* How many bytes is needed for the current NETRESOURCE data. */ cbRemoteName = (lstrlen(RemoteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += sizeof(LocalName); cbEntry += sizeof(WCHAR) + cbRemoteName; /* Leading \. */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); if (cbEntry > cbRemaining) { break; } cbRemaining -= cbEntry; memset(pNetResource, 0, sizeof (*pNetResource)); pNetResource->dwScope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; pNetResource->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; pNetResource->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; /* Reserve the space in the string area. */ pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pDst = pStrings; pNetResource->lpLocalName = pDst; *pDst++ = L'A' + (WCHAR)pCtx->index; *pDst++ = L':'; *pDst++ = L'\0'; pNetResource->lpRemoteName = pDst; *pDst++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory(pDst, RemoteName, cbRemoteName); pDst += cbRemoteName / sizeof(WCHAR); pNetResource->lpComment = NULL; pNetResource->lpProvider = pDst; CopyMemory(pDst, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: pRemoteName: %ls\n", pNetResource->lpRemoteName)); cEntriesCopied++; pNetResource++; } pCtx->index++; } } else { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } } else if (pCtx->dwScope == RESOURCE_GLOBALNET) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: RESOURCE_GLOBALNET: root %d\n", pCtx->fRoot)); if (pCtx->fRoot) { /* VBOXSVR container. */ if (pCtx->index > 0) { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } else { /* Return VBOXSVR server. * Determine the space needed for this entry. */ cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U); /* \\ + the server name */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); if (cbEntry > cbRemaining) { /* Do nothing. */ } else { cbRemaining -= cbEntry; memset(pNetResource, 0, sizeof (*pNetResource)); pNetResource->dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; pNetResource->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER; pNetResource->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pDst = pStrings; pNetResource->lpLocalName = NULL; pNetResource->lpRemoteName = pDst; *pDst++ = L'\\'; *pDst++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory(pDst, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U)); pDst += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); pNetResource->lpComment = NULL; pNetResource->lpProvider = pDst; CopyMemory(pDst, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); cEntriesCopied++; pCtx->index++; } } } else { /* Shares of VBOXSVR. */ memset(ConnectionList, 0, sizeof (ConnectionList)); cbOut = sizeof(ConnectionList); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETGLOBALLIST, NULL, 0, ConnectionList, &cbOut); if (dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS && cbOut > 0) { while (cEntriesCopied < *lpcCount && pCtx->index < RTL_NUMBER_OF(ConnectionList)) { if (ConnectionList[pCtx->index]) { memset(RemoteName, 0, sizeof(RemoteName)); cbOut = sizeof(RemoteName); dwStatus = vbsfIOCTL(IOCTL_MRX_VBOX_GETGLOBALCONN, &ConnectionList[pCtx->index], sizeof(ConnectionList[pCtx->index]), RemoteName, &cbOut); if (dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS || cbOut == 0) { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; break; } /* How many bytes is needed for the current NETRESOURCE data. */ cbRemoteName = (lstrlen(RemoteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); /* Remote name: \\ + vboxsvr + \ + name. */ cbEntry += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) + cbRemoteName; cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); if (cbEntry > cbRemaining) { break; } cbRemaining -= cbEntry; memset(pNetResource, 0, sizeof (*pNetResource)); pNetResource->dwScope = pCtx->dwOriginalScope; pNetResource->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; pNetResource->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pDst = pStrings; pNetResource->lpLocalName = NULL; pNetResource->lpRemoteName = pDst; *pDst++ = L'\\'; *pDst++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory(pDst, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) - sizeof(WCHAR)); pDst += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; *pDst++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory(pDst, RemoteName, cbRemoteName); pDst += cbRemoteName / sizeof(WCHAR); pNetResource->lpComment = NULL; pNetResource->lpProvider = pDst; CopyMemory(pDst, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: pRemoteName: %ls\n", pNetResource->lpRemoteName)); cEntriesCopied++; pNetResource++; } pCtx->index++; } } else { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } } } else if (pCtx->dwScope == 6) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: dwScope 6\n")); dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } else { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: invalid dwScope 0x%x\n", pCtx->dwScope)); return WN_BAD_HANDLE; } *lpcCount = cEntriesCopied; if (cEntriesCopied == 0 && dwStatus == WN_SUCCESS) { if (pCtx->index >= RTL_NUMBER_OF(ConnectionList)) { dwStatus = WN_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; } else { Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: More Data Needed - %d\n", cbEntry)); *pBufferSize = cbEntry; dwStatus = WN_MORE_DATA; } } Log(("VBOXNP: NPEnumResource: Entries returned %d, dwStatus 0x%08X\n", cEntriesCopied, dwStatus)); return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPCloseEnum(HANDLE hEnum) { NPENUMCTX *pCtx = (NPENUMCTX *)hEnum; Log(("VBOXNP: NPCloseEnum: hEnum %p\n", hEnum)); if (pCtx) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pCtx); } Log(("VBOXNP: NPCloseEnum: returns\n")); return WN_SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceParent(LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource, LPVOID pBuffer, LPDWORD pBufferSize) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceParent: pNetResource %p, pBuffer %p, pBufferSize %p\n", pNetResource, pBuffer, pBufferSize)); /* Construct a new NETRESOURCE which is syntactically a parent of pNetResource, * then call NPGetResourceInformation to actually fill the buffer. */ if (!pNetResource || !pNetResource->lpRemoteName || !pBufferSize) { return WN_BAD_NETNAME; } const WCHAR *pAfterName = vboxSkipServerName(pNetResource->lpRemoteName); if ( pAfterName == NULL || (*pAfterName != L'\\' && *pAfterName != 0)) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceParent: WN_BAD_NETNAME\n")); return WN_BAD_NETNAME; } DWORD RemoteNameLength = lstrlen(pNetResource->lpRemoteName); DWORD cbEntry = sizeof (NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += (RemoteNameLength + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); NETRESOURCE *pParent = (NETRESOURCE *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cbEntry); if (!pParent) { return WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } pParent->lpRemoteName = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pParent + sizeof (NETRESOURCE)); lstrcpy(pParent->lpRemoteName, pNetResource->lpRemoteName); /* Remove last path component of the pParent->lpRemoteName. */ WCHAR *pLastSlash = pParent->lpRemoteName + RemoteNameLength; if (*pLastSlash == L'\\') { /* \\server\share\path\, skip last slash immediately. */ pLastSlash--; } while (pLastSlash != pParent->lpRemoteName) { if (*pLastSlash == L'\\') { break; } pLastSlash--; } DWORD dwStatus = WN_SUCCESS; if ( pLastSlash == pParent->lpRemoteName || pLastSlash == pParent->lpRemoteName + 1) { /* It is a leading backslash. Construct "no parent" NETRESOURCE. */ NETRESOURCE *pNetResource = (NETRESOURCE *)pBuffer; cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); /* remote name */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); /* provider name */ if (cbEntry > *pBufferSize) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceParent: WN_MORE_DATA 0x%x\n", cbEntry)); *pBufferSize = cbEntry; dwStatus = WN_MORE_DATA; } else { memset (pNetResource, 0, sizeof (*pNetResource)); pNetResource->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; pNetResource->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_NETWORK; pNetResource->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; WCHAR *pStrings = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize); pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pNetResource->lpRemoteName = pStrings; CopyMemory (pStrings, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); pNetResource->lpProvider = pStrings; CopyMemory (pStrings, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceParent: no parent, strings %p/%p\n", pStrings, (PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize)); } } else { /* Make the parent remote name and get its information. */ *pLastSlash = 0; LPWSTR pSystem = NULL; dwStatus = NPGetResourceInformation (pParent, pBuffer, pBufferSize, &pSystem); } if (pParent) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pParent); } return dwStatus; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetResourceInformation(LPNETRESOURCE pNetResource, LPVOID pBuffer, LPDWORD pBufferSize, LPWSTR *lplpSystem) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: pNetResource %p, pBuffer %p, pBufferSize %p, lplpSystem %p\n", pNetResource, pBuffer, pBufferSize, lplpSystem)); if ( pNetResource == NULL || pNetResource->lpRemoteName == NULL || pBufferSize == NULL) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: WN_BAD_VALUE\n")); return WN_BAD_VALUE; } Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: pRemoteName %ls, *pBufferSize 0x%x\n", pNetResource->lpRemoteName, *pBufferSize)); const WCHAR *pAfterName = vboxSkipServerName(pNetResource->lpRemoteName); if ( pAfterName == NULL || (*pAfterName != L'\\' && *pAfterName != 0)) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: WN_BAD_NETNAME\n")); return WN_BAD_NETNAME; } if (pNetResource->dwType != 0 && pNetResource->dwType != RESOURCETYPE_DISK) { /* The caller passed in a nonzero dwType that does not match * the actual type of the network resource. */ return WN_BAD_DEV_TYPE; } /* * If the input remote resource name was "\\server\share\dir1\dir2", * then the output NETRESOURCE contains information about the resource "\\server\share". * The pRemoteName, pProvider, dwType, dwDisplayType, and dwUsage fields are returned * containing values, all other fields being set to NULL. */ DWORD cbEntry; WCHAR *pStrings = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize); NETRESOURCE *pNetResourceInfo = (NETRESOURCE *)pBuffer; /* Check what kind of the resource is that by parsing path components. * pAfterName points to first WCHAR after a valid server name. */ if (pAfterName[0] == 0 || pAfterName[1] == 0) { /* "\\VBOXSVR" or "\\VBOXSVR\" */ cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U); /* \\ + server name */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); /* provider name */ if (cbEntry > *pBufferSize) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: WN_MORE_DATA 0x%x\n", cbEntry)); *pBufferSize = cbEntry; return WN_MORE_DATA; } memset(pNetResourceInfo, 0, sizeof (*pNetResourceInfo)); pNetResourceInfo->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; pNetResourceInfo->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER; pNetResourceInfo->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName = pStrings; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory (pStrings, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); pNetResourceInfo->lpProvider = pStrings; CopyMemory (pStrings, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: pRemoteName: %ls, strings %p/%p\n", pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName, pStrings, (PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize)); if (lplpSystem) { *lplpSystem = NULL; } return WN_SUCCESS; } /* *pAfterName == L'\\', could be share or share + path. * Check if there are more path components after the share name. */ const WCHAR *lp = pAfterName + 1; while (*lp && *lp != L'\\') { lp++; } if (*lp == 0) { /* It is a share only: \\vboxsvr\share */ cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U); /* \\ + server name with trailing nul */ cbEntry += (DWORD)((lp - pAfterName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); /* The share name with leading \\ */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); /* provider name */ if (cbEntry > *pBufferSize) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: WN_MORE_DATA 0x%x\n", cbEntry)); *pBufferSize = cbEntry; return WN_MORE_DATA; } memset(pNetResourceInfo, 0, sizeof (*pNetResourceInfo)); pNetResourceInfo->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; pNetResourceInfo->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; pNetResourceInfo->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName = pStrings; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory(pStrings, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) - sizeof (WCHAR)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; CopyMemory (pStrings, pAfterName, (lp - pAfterName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); pStrings += lp - pAfterName + 1; pNetResourceInfo->lpProvider = pStrings; CopyMemory(pStrings, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: pRemoteName: %ls, strings %p/%p\n", pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName, pStrings, (PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize)); if (lplpSystem) { *lplpSystem = NULL; } return WN_SUCCESS; } /* \\vboxsvr\share\path */ cbEntry = sizeof(NETRESOURCE); cbEntry += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U); /* \\ + server name with trailing nul */ cbEntry += (DWORD)((lp - pAfterName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); /* The share name with leading \\ */ cbEntry += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U); /* provider name */ cbEntry += (lstrlen(lp) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); /* path string for lplpSystem */ if (cbEntry > *pBufferSize) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: WN_MORE_DATA 0x%x\n", cbEntry)); *pBufferSize = cbEntry; return WN_MORE_DATA; } memset(pNetResourceInfo, 0, sizeof (*pNetResourceInfo)); pNetResourceInfo->dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; pNetResourceInfo->dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; pNetResourceInfo->dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; pStrings = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pStrings - (cbEntry - sizeof(NETRESOURCE))); /* The server + share. */ pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName = pStrings; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; *pStrings++ = L'\\'; CopyMemory (pStrings, MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) - sizeof (WCHAR)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_SERVER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1; CopyMemory(pStrings, pAfterName, (lp - pAfterName) * sizeof(WCHAR)); pStrings += lp - pAfterName; *pStrings++ = 0; pNetResourceInfo->lpProvider = pStrings; CopyMemory(pStrings, MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U, sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U)); pStrings += sizeof(MRX_VBOX_PROVIDER_NAME_U) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (lplpSystem) { *lplpSystem = pStrings; } lstrcpy(pStrings, lp); pStrings += lstrlen(lp) + 1; Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: pRemoteName: %ls, strings %p/%p\n", pNetResourceInfo->lpRemoteName, pStrings, (PBYTE)pBuffer + *pBufferSize)); Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetResourceInformation: *lplpSystem: %ls\n", *lplpSystem)); return WN_SUCCESS; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetUniversalName(LPCWSTR pLocalPath, DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPVOID pBuffer, LPDWORD pBufferSize) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD BufferRequired = 0; DWORD RemoteNameLength = 0; DWORD RemainingPathLength = 0; WCHAR LocalDrive[3]; const WCHAR *pRemainingPath; WCHAR *pString; Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: pLocalPath = %ls, InfoLevel = %d, *pBufferSize = %d\n", pLocalPath, dwInfoLevel, *pBufferSize)); /* Check is input parameter is OK. */ if ( dwInfoLevel != UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO_LEVEL && dwInfoLevel != REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: Bad dwInfoLevel value: %d\n", dwInfoLevel)); return WN_BAD_LEVEL; } /* The 'lpLocalPath' is "X:\something". Extract the "X:" to pass to NPGetConnection. */ if ( pLocalPath == NULL || pLocalPath[0] == 0 || pLocalPath[1] != L':') { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: Bad pLocalPath.\n")); return WN_BAD_LOCALNAME; } LocalDrive[0] = pLocalPath[0]; LocalDrive[1] = pLocalPath[1]; LocalDrive[2] = 0; /* Length of the original path without the driver letter, including trailing NULL. */ pRemainingPath = &pLocalPath[2]; RemainingPathLength = (DWORD)((wcslen(pRemainingPath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); /* Build the required structure in place of the supplied buffer. */ if (dwInfoLevel == UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO_LEVEL) { LPUNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW pUniversalNameInfo = (LPUNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW)pBuffer; BufferRequired = sizeof (UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW); if (*pBufferSize >= BufferRequired) { /* Enough place for the structure. */ pUniversalNameInfo->lpUniversalName = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pBuffer + sizeof(UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFOW)); /* At least so many bytes are available for obtaining the remote name. */ RemoteNameLength = *pBufferSize - BufferRequired; } else { RemoteNameLength = 0; } /* Put the remote name directly to the buffer if possible and get the name length. */ dwStatus = NPGetConnection(LocalDrive, RemoteNameLength? pUniversalNameInfo->lpUniversalName: NULL, &RemoteNameLength); if ( dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS && dwStatus != WN_MORE_DATA) { if (dwStatus != WN_NOT_CONNECTED) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: NPGetConnection returned error 0x%lx\n", dwStatus)); } return dwStatus; } if (RemoteNameLength < sizeof (WCHAR)) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: Remote name is empty.\n")); return WN_NO_NETWORK; } /* Adjust for actual remote name length. */ BufferRequired += RemoteNameLength; /* And for required place for remaining path. */ BufferRequired += RemainingPathLength; if (*pBufferSize < BufferRequired) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: WN_MORE_DATA BufferRequired: %d\n", BufferRequired)); *pBufferSize = BufferRequired; return WN_MORE_DATA; } /* Enough memory in the buffer. Add '\' and remaining path to the remote name. */ pString = &pUniversalNameInfo->lpUniversalName[RemoteNameLength / sizeof (WCHAR)]; pString--; /* Trailing NULL */ CopyMemory(pString, pRemainingPath, RemainingPathLength); } else { LPREMOTE_NAME_INFOW pRemoteNameInfo = (LPREMOTE_NAME_INFOW)pBuffer; WCHAR *pDelimiter; BufferRequired = sizeof (REMOTE_NAME_INFOW); if (*pBufferSize >= BufferRequired) { /* Enough place for the structure. */ pRemoteNameInfo->lpUniversalName = (PWCHAR)((PBYTE)pBuffer + sizeof(REMOTE_NAME_INFOW)); pRemoteNameInfo->lpConnectionName = NULL; pRemoteNameInfo->lpRemainingPath = NULL; /* At least so many bytes are available for obtaining the remote name. */ RemoteNameLength = *pBufferSize - BufferRequired; } else { RemoteNameLength = 0; } /* Put the remote name directly to the buffer if possible and get the name length. */ dwStatus = NPGetConnection(LocalDrive, RemoteNameLength? pRemoteNameInfo->lpUniversalName: NULL, &RemoteNameLength); if ( dwStatus != WN_SUCCESS && dwStatus != WN_MORE_DATA) { if (dwStatus != WN_NOT_CONNECTED) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: NPGetConnection returned error 0x%lx\n", dwStatus)); } return dwStatus; } if (RemoteNameLength < sizeof (WCHAR)) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: Remote name is empty.\n")); return WN_NO_NETWORK; } /* Adjust for actual remote name length as a part of the universal name. */ BufferRequired += RemoteNameLength; /* And for required place for remaining path as a part of the universal name. */ BufferRequired += RemainingPathLength; /* pConnectionName, which is the remote name. */ BufferRequired += RemoteNameLength; /* pRemainingPath. */ BufferRequired += RemainingPathLength; if (*pBufferSize < BufferRequired) { Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: WN_MORE_DATA BufferRequired: %d\n", BufferRequired)); *pBufferSize = BufferRequired; return WN_MORE_DATA; } /* Enough memory in the buffer. Add \ and remaining path to the remote name. */ pString = &pRemoteNameInfo->lpUniversalName[RemoteNameLength / sizeof (WCHAR)]; pString--; /* Trailing NULL */ pDelimiter = pString; /* Delimiter between the remote name and the remaining path. * May be 0 if the remaining path is empty. */ CopyMemory( pString, pRemainingPath, RemainingPathLength); pString += RemainingPathLength / sizeof (WCHAR); *pDelimiter = 0; /* Keep NULL terminated remote name. */ pRemoteNameInfo->lpConnectionName = pString; CopyMemory( pString, pRemoteNameInfo->lpUniversalName, RemoteNameLength); pString += RemoteNameLength / sizeof (WCHAR); pRemoteNameInfo->lpRemainingPath = pString; CopyMemory( pString, pRemainingPath, RemainingPathLength); /* If remaining path was not empty, restore the delimiter in the universal name. */ if (RemainingPathLength > sizeof(WCHAR)) { *pDelimiter = L'\\'; } } Log(("VBOXNP: NPGetUniversalName: WN_SUCCESS\n")); return WN_SUCCESS; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hDLLInst, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID pvReserved) { RT_NOREF(hDLLInst, pvReserved); BOOL fReturn = TRUE; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: RTR3InitDll(RTR3INIT_FLAGS_UNOBTRUSIVE); VbglR3Init(); LogRel(("VBOXNP: DLL loaded.\n")); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: LogRel(("VBOXNP: DLL unloaded.\n")); VbglR3Term(); /// @todo RTR3Term(); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; default: break; } return fReturn; }