1 | # $Id: Makefile.kmk 94160 2022-03-10 19:29:09Z vboxsync $
2 | ## @file
3 | # Makefile for the Windows NT5+ Guest Additions Mouse Filter Driver
4 | #
5 |
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2011-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 |
18 | SUB_DEPTH = ../../../../../..
19 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subheader.kmk
20 |
21 | #
22 | # VBoxMouse - Windows NT5+ Guest Additions Mouse Filter Driver
23 | #
24 | SYSMODS += VBoxMouse
27 | VBoxMouse_SDKS.x86 = ReorderCompilerIncs $(VBOX_WINDDK_GST_W2K)
28 | #VBoxMouse_DEFS += LOG_ENABLED
29 | VBoxMouse_CXXFLAGS = -Od
30 | VBoxMouse_CFLAGS = -Od
31 | VBoxMouse_LDFLAGS.x86 = -Entry:DriverEntry@8
32 | VBoxMouse_LDFLAGS.amd64 = -Entry:DriverEntry
33 | VBoxMouse_SOURCES = \
34 | VBoxMFDriver.cpp \
35 | VBoxMFInternal.cpp \
36 | VBoxMF.rc
37 | VBoxMouse_LIBS.x86 = \
38 | $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINDDK_GST)_LIB)/ntoskrnl.lib \
39 | $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINDDK_GST)_LIB)/hal.lib
40 | ifneq ($(VBOX_VCC_CC_GUARD_CF),)
41 | VBoxMouse_LIBS.x86 += \
42 | $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINDDK_GST)_LIB)/BufferOverflowK.lib
43 | endif
44 | VBoxMouse_LIBS.amd64 = \
45 | $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINDDK_GST)_LIB)/ntoskrnl.lib \
46 | $(PATH_SDK_$(VBOX_WINDDK_GST)_LIB)/hal.lib
47 | VBoxMouse_LIBS = \
49 | $(VBOX_LIB_VBGL_R0)
50 | VBoxMouse_USES.win += vboximportchecker
51 | VBoxMouse_VBOX_IMPORT_CHECKER.win.x86 = w2k/r0
52 | VBoxMouse_VBOX_IMPORT_CHECKER.win.amd64 = xp64/r0
53 |
54 | #
55 | # Install the inf & cat.
56 | #
57 | INSTALLS += VBoxMouse-inf
58 | VBoxMouse-inf_INST = $(INST_ADDITIONS)
59 | VBoxMouse-inf_MODE = a+r,u+w
60 | VBoxMouse-inf_SOURCES = \
61 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.inf
62 | VBoxMouse-inf_CLEAN = $(VBoxMouse-inf_SOURCES)
63 | VBoxMouse-inf_BLDDIRS = $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir
64 |
65 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.inf: $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxMouse.inf $(MAKEFILE_CURRENT) | $$(dir $$@)
66 | $(call MSG_GENERATE,VBoxMouse-inf,$@,$<)
67 | $(call VBOX_EDIT_INF_FN,$<,$@)
68 |
69 | if defined(VBOX_SIGNING_MODE) && defined(VBOX_SIGN_ADDITIONS)
70 | VBoxMouse-inf_SOURCES += \
71 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.sys \
72 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.cat \
73 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.cat=>VBoxMouse-PreW10.cat
74 |
75 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.sys: $$(VBoxMouse_1_TARGET) | $$(dir $$@)
76 | $(INSTALL) -m 644 -- "$<" "$(@D)"
77 |
78 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.cat: \
79 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.inf \
80 | $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxMouseCat.dir/VBoxMouse.sys
81 | $(call MSG_TOOL,Inf2Cat,VBoxMouse-inf,$@,$<)
82 | $(call VBOX_MAKE_CAT_FN, $(@D),$@)
83 | endif # signing
84 |
85 | include $(FILE_KBUILD_SUB_FOOTER)