/* $Id: VBoxGuestInstallHelperDll.cpp 107942 2025-01-27 14:57:22Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxGuestInstallHelper - Various helper routines for Windows guest installer. * Works with NSIS 3.x. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNICODE # define UNICODE #endif #include #include #include "exdll.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Required structures/defines of VBoxTray. */ #include "../../VBoxTray/VBoxTrayMsg.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define VBOXINSTALLHELPER_EXPORT extern "C" DECLEXPORT(void) /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PFNSFCFILEEXCEPTION)(DWORD param1, PWCHAR param2, DWORD param3); /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static HINSTANCE g_hInstance; static HWND g_hwndParent; /** * Frees a popped stack entry after use. */ DECLINLINE(void) vboxFreeStackEntry(stack_t *pEntry) { if (pEntry) GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)pEntry); } /** * Allocates a new stack entry for containing a string of the given length * (excluding terminator) */ DECLINLINE(stack_t *) vboxAllocStackEntry(size_t cwcString) { return (stack_t *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(stack_t, text[cwcString + 1])); } /** * Pops an entry off the stack, return NULL if empty. * * Call vboxFreeStackEntry when done. * */ DECLINLINE(stack_t *) vboxPopStack(stack_t **ppTopOfStack) { stack_t *pEntry = ppTopOfStack ? *ppTopOfStack : NULL; if (pEntry) *ppTopOfStack = pEntry->next; return pEntry; } /** * Pushes an entry onto the stack. */ DECLINLINE(void) vboxPushStack(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, stack_t *pEntry) { pEntry->next = *ppTopOfStack; *ppTopOfStack = pEntry; } static void vboxPushUtf16N(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, wchar_t const *pwszString, size_t cwcString) { stack_t *pEntry = vboxAllocStackEntry(cwcString); memcpy(pEntry->text, pwszString, cwcString * sizeof(pEntry->text[0])); pEntry->text[cwcString] = '\0'; vboxPushStack(ppTopOfStack, pEntry); } static void vboxPushUtf16(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, wchar_t const *pwszString) { return vboxPushUtf16N(ppTopOfStack, pwszString, RTUtf16Len(pwszString)); } #define VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(a_ppTopOfStack, a_szLiteral) \ vboxPushUtf16N(a_ppTopOfStack, RT_CONCAT(L, a_szLiteral), sizeof(RT_CONCAT(L, a_szLiteral)) / sizeof(wchar_t) - 1) static void vboxPushUtf8(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, char const *pszString) { size_t cwcUtf16 = RTStrCalcUtf16Len(pszString); stack_t *pEntry = vboxAllocStackEntry(cwcUtf16); PRTUTF16 pwszUtf16 = pEntry->text; int rc = RTStrToUtf16Ex(pszString, RTSTR_MAX, &pwszUtf16, cwcUtf16 + 1, NULL); AssertRC(rc); vboxPushStack(ppTopOfStack, pEntry); } /** * Pushes a string containing an error message and a VBox status code. */ static void vboxPushVBoxError(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, char const *pszString, int vrc) { RTUTF16 wszTmp[128]; RTUtf16Printf(wszTmp, RT_ELEMENTS(wszTmp), "Error: %s! %Rrc", pszString, vrc); vboxPushUtf16(ppTopOfStack, wszTmp); } static void vboxPushLastError(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, char const *pszString) { DWORD const dwErr = GetLastError(); RTUTF16 wszTmp[128]; RTUtf16Printf(wszTmp, RT_ELEMENTS(wszTmp), "Error: %s! lasterr=%u (%#x)", pszString, dwErr, dwErr); vboxPushUtf16(ppTopOfStack, wszTmp); } static void vboxPushLastErrorF(stack_t **ppTopOfStack, const char *pszFormat, ...) { DWORD const dwErr = GetLastError(); RTUTF16 wszTmp[128]; va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); RTUtf16Printf(wszTmp, RT_ELEMENTS(wszTmp), "Error: %N! lasterr=%u (%#x)", pszFormat, &va, dwErr, dwErr); va_end(va); vboxPushUtf16(ppTopOfStack, wszTmp); } /** * Convers a parameter to uint32_t. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pwsz Will be trimmed. * @param puValue Where to return the value. */ static int vboxUtf16ToUInt32(PRTUTF16 pwsz, uint32_t *puValue) { *puValue = 0; /* Trim the input: */ RTUTF16 wc; while ((wc = *pwsz) == ' ' || wc == '\t') pwsz++; size_t cwc = RTUtf16Len(pwsz); while (cwc > 0 && ((wc = pwsz[cwc - 1]) == ' ' || wc == '\t')) pwsz[--cwc] = '\0'; /* Convert the remains into an UTF-8 string. */ char szValue[128]; char *pszValue = &szValue[0]; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pwsz, cwc, &pszValue, sizeof(szValue), NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(pszValue, 0, puValue); return rc; } /** * Connects to VBoxTray IPC under the behalf of the user running in the current * thread context. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param phSession Where to store the IPC session. */ static int vboxConnectToVBoxTray(RTLOCALIPCSESSION *phSession) { char szPipeName[512 + sizeof(VBOXTRAY_IPC_PIPE_PREFIX)]; memcpy(szPipeName, VBOXTRAY_IPC_PIPE_PREFIX, sizeof(VBOXTRAY_IPC_PIPE_PREFIX)); int rc = RTProcQueryUsername(NIL_RTPROCESS, &szPipeName[sizeof(VBOXTRAY_IPC_PIPE_PREFIX) - 1], sizeof(szPipeName) - sizeof(VBOXTRAY_IPC_PIPE_PREFIX) + 1, NULL /*pcbUser*/); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTLocalIpcSessionConnect(phSession, szPipeName, RTLOCALIPC_FLAGS_NATIVE_NAME); return rc; } /** * Retrieves a file's architecture. * * @retval "x86" on the stack for a 32-bit x86 file. * @retval "amd64" on the stack for a 64-bit x86_64 file. * @retval "arm64" on the stack for a 64-bit ARM file. * @param hwndParent Window handle of parent. * @param string_size Size of variable string. * @param variables The actual variable string. * @param stacktop Pointer to a pointer to the current stack. * @param extra Extra parameters. */ VBOXINSTALLHELPER_EXPORT FileGetArchitecture(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, WCHAR *variables, stack_t **stacktop, extra_parameters *extra) { RT_NOREF(hwndParent, string_size, variables, extra); stack_t *pEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); if (pEntry) { char *pszFileUtf8; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(pEntry->text, &pszFileUtf8); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTLDRMOD hLdrMod; rc = RTLdrOpen(pszFileUtf8, RTLDR_O_FOR_VALIDATION, RTLDRARCH_WHATEVER, &hLdrMod); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (RTLdrGetFormat(hLdrMod) == RTLDRFMT_PE) { RTLDRARCH enmLdrArch = RTLdrGetArch(hLdrMod); switch (enmLdrArch) { case RTLDRARCH_X86_32: VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "x86"); break; case RTLDRARCH_AMD64: VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "amd64"); break; case RTLDRARCH_ARM64: VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "arm64"); break; default: VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Unknown / invalid architecture"); break; } } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Unknown / invalid PE signature"); RTLdrClose(hLdrMod); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "RTLdrOpen failed", rc); RTStrFree(pszFileUtf8); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "RTUtf16ToUtf8 failed", rc); } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Could not retrieve file name"); vboxFreeStackEntry(pEntry); } /** * Retrieves a file's vendor. * * Outputs the vendor's name or an error message (if not found/invalid) on stack. * * @param hwndParent Window handle of parent. * @param string_size Size of variable string. * @param variables The actual variable string. * @param stacktop Pointer to a pointer to the current stack. * @param extra Extra parameters. */ VBOXINSTALLHELPER_EXPORT FileGetVendor(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, WCHAR *variables, stack_t **stacktop, extra_parameters *extra) { RT_NOREF(hwndParent, string_size, variables, extra); stack_t *pEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); if (pEntry) { DWORD dwInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(pEntry->text, NULL /* lpdwHandle */); if (dwInfoSize) { void *pvFileInfo = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, dwInfoSize); if (pvFileInfo) { if (GetFileVersionInfoW(pEntry->text, 0, dwInfoSize, pvFileInfo)) { LPVOID pvInfo; UINT cbInfo; if (VerQueryValueW(pvFileInfo, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &pvInfo, &cbInfo)) { WORD wCodePage = LOWORD(*(DWORD const *)pvInfo); WORD wLanguageID = HIWORD(*(DWORD const *)pvInfo); WCHAR wszQuery[80]; RTUtf16Printf(wszQuery, RT_ELEMENTS(wszQuery), "StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\CompanyName", wCodePage, wLanguageID); LPCWSTR pwszData; if (VerQueryValueW(pvFileInfo, wszQuery, (void **)&pwszData, &cbInfo)) vboxPushUtf16(stacktop, pwszData); else vboxPushLastErrorF(stacktop, "VerQueryValueW '%ls' failed", wszQuery); } else vboxPushLastError(stacktop, "VerQueryValueW '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation' failed"); } else vboxPushLastError(stacktop, "GetFileVersionInfo failed"); GlobalFree(pvFileInfo); } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: GlobalAlloc failed"); } else vboxPushLastError(stacktop, "GetFileVersionInfoSizeW failed"); } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Could not retrieve file name"); vboxFreeStackEntry(pEntry); } /** * Shows a balloon message using VBoxTray's notification area in the * Windows task bar. * * @param hwndParent Window handle of parent. * @param string_size Size of variable string. * @param variables The actual variable string. * @param stacktop Pointer to a pointer to the current stack. * @param extra Extra parameters. */ VBOXINSTALLHELPER_EXPORT VBoxTrayShowBallonMsg(HWND hwndParent, int string_size, WCHAR *variables, stack_t **stacktop, extra_parameters *extra) { RT_NOREF(hwndParent, string_size, variables, extra); /* * Get parameters from the stack. */ stack_t * const pMsgEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); stack_t * const pTitleEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); stack_t * const pTypeEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); stack_t * const pTimeoutEntry = vboxPopStack(stacktop); if (pTimeoutEntry) { /* * Allocate an IPC message payload structure of the right size. */ size_t const cchMsg = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(pMsgEntry->text); size_t const cchTitle = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(pTitleEntry->text); size_t const cbPayload = RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(VBOXTRAYIPCMSG_SHOW_BALLOON_MSG_T, szzStrings[cchMsg + 1 + cchTitle + 1]); PVBOXTRAYIPCMSG_SHOW_BALLOON_MSG_T pPayload = (PVBOXTRAYIPCMSG_SHOW_BALLOON_MSG_T)RTMemAllocZVar(cbPayload); if (pPayload) { VBOXTRAYIPCHEADER const MsgHdr = { VBOXTRAY_IPC_HDR_MAGIC, VBOXTRAY_IPC_HDR_VERSION, VBOXTRAYIPCMSGTYPE_SHOW_BALLOON_MSG, (uint32_t)cbPayload }; /* * Convert the parametes and put them into the payload structure. */ pPayload->cchMsg = (uint32_t)cchMsg; pPayload->cchTitle = (uint32_t)cchTitle; char *psz = &pPayload->szzStrings[0]; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pMsgEntry->text, RTSTR_MAX, &psz, cchMsg + 1, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { psz = &pPayload->szzStrings[cchMsg + 1]; rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pTitleEntry->text, RTSTR_MAX, &psz, cchTitle + 1, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = vboxUtf16ToUInt32(pTypeEntry->text, &pPayload->uType); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = vboxUtf16ToUInt32(pTypeEntry->text, &pPayload->cMsTimeout); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Connect to VBoxTray and send the message. */ RTLOCALIPCSESSION hSession = 0; rc = vboxConnectToVBoxTray(&hSession); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTLocalIpcSessionWrite(hSession, &MsgHdr, sizeof(MsgHdr)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTLocalIpcSessionWrite(hSession, pPayload, cbPayload); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "Failed to write message payload", rc); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "Failed to write message header", rc); int rc2 = RTLocalIpcSessionClose(hSession); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2) && RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "RTLocalIpcSessionClose failed", rc); rc = rc2; } } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "vboxConnectToVBoxTray failed", rc); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "MyUtf16ToUInt32 failed on the timeout value", rc); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "MyUtf16ToUInt32 failed on the type value", rc); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex failed on the title text", rc); } else vboxPushVBoxError(stacktop, "RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex failed on the message text", rc); } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Out of memory!"); } else VBOX_PUSH_STRING_LITERAL(stacktop, "Error: Too few parameters on the stack!"); vboxFreeStackEntry(pTimeoutEntry); vboxFreeStackEntry(pTypeEntry); vboxFreeStackEntry(pTitleEntry); vboxFreeStackEntry(pMsgEntry); } /** * Dumps the UI log to a file in UTF-8 format. * * Does not return any values on the stack. * * @param hWndParent Window handle of parent. * @param string_size Size of variable string. * @param variables The actual variable string. * @param stacktop Pointer to a pointer to the current stack. * @param extra Extra parameters. */ VBOXINSTALLHELPER_EXPORT DumpLog(HWND hWndParent, int string_size, WCHAR *variables, stack_t **stacktop, extra_parameters *extra) { RT_NOREF(string_size, variables, extra); /* * Get parameters from the stack. */ stack_t * const pFilename = vboxPopStack(stacktop); if (pFilename) { /* * Open the output file. */ HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(pFilename->text, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL /*pSecAttr*/, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL /*hTemplateFile*/); if (hFile != NULL) { DWORD dwIgn; /* * Locate the list view widget. */ HWND hWndDialog = FindWindowExW(hWndParent, NULL /*hWndChildAfter*/, L"#32770" /*pwszClass*/, NULL /*pwszTitle*/); if (hWndDialog) { HWND hWndList = FindWindowExW(hWndDialog, NULL /*hWndChildAfter*/, L"SysListView32", NULL /*pwszTitle*/); if (hWndList != NULL) { uint32_t const cLines = (uint32_t)SendMessageW(hWndList, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0); if (cLines > 0) { /* Allocate a buffer for retriving the text. */ uint32_t cwcBuf = RT_MAX(string_size + 16, _8K); wchar_t *pwszBuf = (wchar_t *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cwcBuf * sizeof(wchar_t)); wchar_t * const pwszBufFree = pwszBuf; if (!pwszBuf) { cwcBuf = _4K; pwszBuf = (wchar_t *)alloca(cwcBuf * sizeof(wchar_t)); } /* * Retreive the lines and write them to the output file. */ for (uint32_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++) { LVITEMW Item = { /* .mask = */ 0, /* .iItem = */ (int)iLine, /* .iSubItem = */ 0, /* .state = */ 0, /* .stateMask = */ 0, /* .pszText = */ pwszBuf, /* .cchTextMax = */ (int)cwcBuf, }; uint32_t const cwcRet = (uint32_t)SendMessageW(hWndList, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, iLine, (LPARAM)&Item); if (cwcRet < cwcBuf) { pwszBuf[cwcRet] = '\0'; bool fNeedsNewline = cwcRet + 2 >= cwcBuf; if (!fNeedsNewline) { pwszBuf[cwcRet + 0] = '\r'; pwszBuf[cwcRet + 1] = '\n'; pwszBuf[cwcRet + 2] = '\0'; } char *pszUtf8; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(pwszBuf, &pszUtf8); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { WriteFile(hFile, pszUtf8, (DWORD)strlen(pszUtf8), &dwIgn, NULL); if (fNeedsNewline) WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); RTStrFree(pszUtf8); } else WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("!RTUtf16ToUtf8 failed!\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); } else WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("!LVM_GETITEMTEXT overflow!\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); } /* for loop*/ RTMemTmpFree(pwszBufFree); } else WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("Log is empty.\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); } else WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("FindWindowEx failed to locate the log control!\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); } else WriteFile(hFile, RT_STR_TUPLE("FindWindowEx failed to locate dialog windows!\r\n"), &dwIgn, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } } vboxFreeStackEntry(pFilename); } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hInst, ULONG uReason, LPVOID pReserved) { RT_NOREF(pReserved); g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)hInst; switch (uReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: RTR3InitDll(RTR3INIT_FLAGS_UNOBTRUSIVE); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; default: break; } return TRUE; }