/** @file * innotek Portable Runtime - RTLock Classes for Scope-based Locking. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___iprt_lock_h #define ___iprt_lock_h #include __BEGIN_DECLS /** @defgroup grp_rt_lock RTLock - Scope-based Locking (C++). * @ingroup grp_rt * @{ */ class RTLock; /** * The mutex lock. * * This is used as a object data member if the intention is to lock * a single object. This can also be used statically, initialized in * a global variable, for class wide purposes. * * This is best used together with RTLock. */ class RTLockMtx { friend class RTLock; private: RTCRITSECT mMtx; public: RTLockMtx() { RTCritSectInit(&mMtx); } ~RTLockMtx() { RTCritSectDelete(&mMtx); } // lock() and unlock() are private so that only // friend RTLock can access them private: inline void lock() { RTCritSectEnter(&mMtx); } inline void unlock() { RTCritSectLeave(&mMtx); } }; /** * The stack object for automatic locking and unlocking. * * This is a helper class for automatic locks, to simplify * requesting a RTLockMtx and to not forget releasing it. * To request a RTLockMtx, simply create an instance of RTLock * on the stack and pass the mutex to it: * * @code extern RTLockMtx gMtx; // wherever this is ... if (...) { RTLock lock(gMtx); ... // do stuff // when lock goes out of scope, destructor releases the mutex } @endcode * * You can also explicitly release the mutex by calling RTLock::release(). * This might be helpful if the lock doesn't go out of scope early enough * for your mutex to be released. */ class RTLock { private: RTLockMtx &mMtx; bool mfLocked; public: RTLock(RTLockMtx &aMtx) : mMtx(aMtx) { mMtx.lock(); mfLocked = true; } ~RTLock() { if (mfLocked) mMtx.unlock(); } inline void release() { if (mfLocked) { mMtx.unlock(); mfLocked = false; } } }; /** @} */ __END_DECLS #endif