/** @file * IPRT - A Simple Heap. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ___iprt_heap_h #define ___iprt_heap_h #include #include __BEGIN_DECLS /** * Initializes the heap. * * @returns IPRT status code on success. * @param pHeap Where to store the heap anchor block on success. * @param pvMemory Pointer to the heap memory. * @param cbMemory The size of the heap memory. */ RTDECL(int) RTHeapSimpleInit(PRTHEAPSIMPLE pHeap, void *pvMemory, size_t cbMemory); /** * Merge two simple heaps into one. * * The requiremet is of course that they next two each other memory wise. * * @returns IPRT status code on success. * @param pHeap Where to store the handle to the merged heap on success. * @param Heap1 Handle to the first heap. * @param Heap2 Handle to the second heap. * @remark This API isn't implemented yet. */ RTDECL(int) RTHeapSimpleMerge(PRTHEAPSIMPLE pHeap, RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap1, RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap2); /** * Allocates memory from the specified simple heap. * * @returns Pointer to the allocated memory block on success. * @returns NULL if the request cannot be satisfied. (A VERR_NO_MEMORY condition.) * * @param Heap The heap to allocate the memory on. * @param cb The requested heap block size. * @param cbAlignment The requested heap block alignment. Pass 0 for default alignment. * Must be a power of 2. */ RTDECL(void *) RTHeapSimpleAlloc(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, size_t cb, size_t cbAlignment); /** * Allocates zeroed memory from the specified simple heap. * * @returns Pointer to the allocated memory block on success. * @returns NULL if the request cannot be satisfied. (A VERR_NO_MEMORY condition.) * * @param Heap The heap to allocate the memory on. * @param cb The requested heap block size. * @param cbAlignment The requested heap block alignment. Pass 0 for default alignment. * Must be a power of 2. */ RTDECL(void *) RTHeapSimpleAllocZ(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, size_t cb, size_t cbAlignment); /** * Reallocates / Allocates / Frees a heap block. * * @param Heap The heap. This is optional and will only be used for strict assertions. * @param pv The heap block returned by RTHeapSimple. If NULL it behaves like RTHeapSimpleAlloc(). * @param cbNew The new size of the heap block. If NULL it behaves like RTHeapSimpleFree(). * @param cbAlignment The requested heap block alignment. Pass 0 for default alignment. * Must be a power of 2. * @remark This API isn't implemented yet. */ RTDECL(void *) RTHeapSimpleRealloc(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, void *pv, size_t cbNew, size_t cbAlignment); /** * Reallocates / Allocates / Frees a heap block, zeroing any new bits. * * @param Heap The heap. This is optional and will only be used for strict assertions. * @param pv The heap block returned by RTHeapSimple. If NULL it behaves like RTHeapSimpleAllocZ(). * @param cbNew The new size of the heap block. If NULL it behaves like RTHeapSimpleFree(). * @param cbAlignment The requested heap block alignment. Pass 0 for default alignment. * Must be a power of 2. * @remark This API isn't implemented yet. */ RTDECL(void *) RTHeapSimpleReallocZ(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, void *pv, size_t cbNew, size_t cbAlignment); /** * Frees memory allocated from a simple heap. * * @param Heap The heap. This is optional and will only be used for strict assertions. * @param pv The heap block returned by RTHeapSimple */ RTDECL(void) RTHeapSimpleFree(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, void *pv); /** * Gets the size of the specified heap block. * * @returns The actual size of the heap block. * @returns 0 if \a pv is NULL or it doesn't point to a valid heap block. An invalid \a pv * can also cause traps or trigger assertions. * @param Heap The heap. This is optional and will only be used for strict assertions. * @param pv The heap block returned by RTHeapSimple */ RTDECL(size_t) RTHeapSimpleSize(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, void *pv); /** * Gets the size of the heap. * * This size includes all the internal heap structures. So, even if the heap is * empty the RTHeapSimpleGetFreeSize() will never reach the heap size returned * by this function. * * @returns The heap size. * @returns 0 if heap was safely detected as being bad. * @param Heap The heap. */ RTDECL(size_t) RTHeapSimpleGetHeapSize(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap); /** * Returns the sum of all free heap blocks. * * This is the amount of memory you can theoretically allocate * if you do allocations exactly matching the free blocks. * * @returns The size of the free blocks. * @returns 0 if heap was safely detected as being bad. * @param Heap The heap. */ RTDECL(size_t) RTHeapSimpleGetFreeSize(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap); /** * Printf like callbaclk function for RTHeapSimpleDump. * @param pszFormat IPRT format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNRTHEAPSIMPLEPRINTF(const char *pszFormat, ...); /** Pointer to a FNRTHEAPSIMPLEPRINTF function. */ typedef FNRTHEAPSIMPLEPRINTF *PFNRTHEAPSIMPLEPRINTF; /** * Dumps the hypervisor heap. * * @param Heap The heap handle. * @param pfnPrintf Printf like function that groks IPRT formatting. */ RTDECL(void) RTHeapSimpleDump(RTHEAPSIMPLE Heap, PFNRTHEAPSIMPLEPRINTF pfnPrintf); __END_DECLS #endif