1 | /* $Id: kDbgModPE.cpp 2 2007-11-16 16:07:14Z bird $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * kDbg - The Debug Info Reader, PE Module (Generic).
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 knut st. osmundsen <bird-kStuff-spam@anduin.net>
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of kStuff.
10 | *
11 | * kStuff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 | *
16 | * In addition to the permissions in the GNU Lesser General Public
17 | * License, you are granted unlimited permission to link the compiled
18 | * version of this file into combinations with other programs, and to
19 | * distribute those combinations without any restriction coming from
20 | * the use of this file.
21 | *
22 | * kStuff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
26 | *
27 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
28 | * License along with kStuff; if not, write to the Free Software
29 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
30 | * 02110-1301, USA
31 | */
32 |
33 | /*******************************************************************************
34 | * Header Files *
35 | *******************************************************************************/
36 | #include "kDbg.h"
37 | #include "kDbgInternal.h"
38 | #include <kLdrModPE.h>
39 | #include <string.h>
40 |
41 |
42 | /*******************************************************************************
43 | * Structures and Typedefs *
44 | *******************************************************************************/
45 | /**
46 | * A dbghelp based PE debug reader.
47 | */
48 | typedef struct KDBGMODPE
49 | {
50 | /** The common module core. */
51 | KDBGMOD Core;
52 | /** The image size. */
53 | uint32_t cbImage;
54 | /** The number of sections. (We've added the implicit header section.) */
55 | int32_t cSections;
56 | /** The section headers (variable size). The first section is the
57 | * implicit header section.*/
58 | IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aSections[1];
60 |
61 |
62 | /**
63 | * Calcs the RVA for a segment:offset address.
64 | *
65 | * @returns IPRT status code.
66 | *
67 | * @param pModPe The PE debug module instance.
68 | * @param iSegment The segment number. Special segments are dealt with as well.
69 | * @param off The segment offset.
70 | * @param puRVA Where to store the RVA on success.
71 | */
72 | static int kDbgModPeSegOffToRVA(PKDBGMODPE pModPe, int32_t iSegment, KDBGADDR off, uint32_t *puRVA)
73 | {
74 | if (iSegment >= 0)
75 | {
76 | kDbgAssertMsgReturn(iSegment < pModPe->cSections, ("iSegment=%x cSections=%x\n", iSegment, pModPe->cSections),
78 | kDbgAssertMsgReturn(off < pModPe->aSections[iSegment].Misc.VirtualSize,
79 | ("off=" PRI_KDBGADDR " VirtualSize=%x\n", off, pModPe->aSections[iSegment].Misc.VirtualSize),
81 | *puRVA = pModPe->aSections[iSegment].VirtualAddress + (uint32_t)off;
82 | return 0;
83 | }
84 |
85 | if (iSegment == KDBGSEG_RVA)
86 | {
87 | kDbgAssertMsgReturn(off < pModPe->cbImage, ("off=" PRI_KDBGADDR ", cbImage=%x\n", off, pModPe->cbImage),
89 | *puRVA = (uint32_t)off;
90 | return 0;
91 | }
92 | kDbgAssertMsgFailedReturn(("iSegment=%d\n", iSegment), KDBG_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS);
93 | }
94 |
95 |
96 | /**
97 | * Calcs the segment:offset address for a RVA.
98 | *
99 | * @returns IPRT status code.
100 | *
101 | * @param pModPe The PE debug module instance.
102 | * @param uRVA The RVA.
103 | * @param piSegment Where to store the segment number.
104 | * @param poff Where to store the segment offset.
105 | */
106 | static int kDbgModPeRVAToSegOff(PKDBGMODPE pModPe, uint32_t uRVA, int32_t *piSegment, KDBGADDR *poff)
107 | {
108 | kDbgAssertMsgReturn(uRVA < pModPe->cbImage, ("uRVA=%x, cbImage=%x\n", uRVA, pModPe->cbImage),
110 | for (int32_t iSegment = 0; iSegment < pModPe->cSections; iSegment++)
111 | {
112 | /** @todo should probably be less strict about address in the alignment gaps. */
113 | uint32_t off = uRVA - pModPe->aSections[iSegment].VirtualAddress;
114 | if (off < pModPe->aSections[iSegment].Misc.VirtualSize)
115 | {
116 | *poff = off;
117 | *piSegment = iSegment;
118 | return 0;
119 | }
120 | }
121 | kDbgAssertMsgFailedReturn(("uRVA=%x\n", uRVA), KDBG_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS);
122 | }
123 |
124 |
125 | /**
126 | * @copydoc KDBGMODOPS::pfnQueryLine
127 | */
128 | static int kDbgModPeQueryLine(PKDBGMOD pMod, int32_t iSegment, KDBGADDR off, PKDBGLINE pLine)
129 | {
131 |
132 | /*
133 | * Translate the address to an RVA.
134 | */
135 | uint32_t uRVA;
136 | int rc = kDbgModPeSegOffToRVA(pModPe, iSegment, off, &uRVA);
137 | if (!rc)
138 | {
139 | #if 0
140 | DWORD64 off;
141 | IMAGEHLP_LINE64 Line;
142 | Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(Line);
143 | if (g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr64(pModPe->hSymInst, pModPe->ImageBase + uRVA, &off, &Line))
144 | {
145 | pLine->RVA = (KDBGADDR)(Line.Address - pModPe->ImageBase);
146 | rc = kDbgModPeRVAToSegOff(pModPe, pLine->RVA, &pLine->iSegment, &pLine->offSegment);
147 | pLine->iLine = Line.LineNumber;
148 | pLine->cchFile = strlen(Line.FileName);
149 | if (pLine->cchFile >= sizeof(pLine->szFile))
150 | pLine->cchFile = sizeof(pLine->szFile) - 1;
151 | memcpy(pLine->szFile, Line.FileName, pLine->cchFile + 1);
152 | }
153 | else
154 | {
155 | DWORD Err = GetLastError();
156 | rc = kDbgModPeConvWinError(Err);
157 | }
158 | #endif
160 | }
161 | return rc;
162 | }
163 |
164 |
165 | /**
166 | * @copydoc KDBGMODOPS::pfnQuerySymbol
167 | */
168 | static int kDbgModPeQuerySymbol(PKDBGMOD pMod, int32_t iSegment, KDBGADDR off, PKDBGSYMBOL pSym)
169 | {
171 |
172 | /*
173 | * Translate the address to an RVA.
174 | */
175 | uint32_t uRVA;
176 | int rc = kDbgModPeSegOffToRVA(pModPe, iSegment, off, &uRVA);
177 | if (!rc)
178 | {
179 | #if 0
180 | DWORD64 off;
181 | union
182 | {
183 | SYMBOL_INFO Sym;
184 | char achBuffer[sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + KDBG_SYMBOL_MAX];
185 | } Buf;
186 | Buf.Sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
187 | Buf.Sym.MaxNameLen = KDBG_SYMBOL_MAX;
188 | if (g_pfnSymFromAddr(pModPe->hSymInst, pModPe->ImageBase + uRVA, &off, &Buf.Sym))
189 | {
190 | pSym->cb = Buf.Sym.Size;
191 | pSym->fFlags = 0;
192 | if (Buf.Sym.Flags & SYMFLAG_FUNCTION)
193 | pSym->fFlags |= KDBGSYM_FLAGS_CODE;
194 | else if (Buf.Sym.Flags & SYMFLAG_CONSTANT)
195 | pSym->fFlags |= KDBGSYM_FLAGS_ABS; /** @todo SYMFLAG_CONSTANT must be tested - documentation is too brief to say what is really meant here.*/
196 | else
197 | pSym->fFlags |= KDBGSYM_FLAGS_DATA;
198 | if (Buf.Sym.Flags & SYMFLAG_EXPORT)
199 | pSym->fFlags |= KDBGSYM_FLAGS_EXPORTED;
201 | {
202 | pSym->iSegment = KDBGSEG_ABS;
203 | pSym->offSegment = (KDBGADDR)Buf.Sym.Value;
204 | pSym->RVA = (KDBGADDR)Buf.Sym.Value;
205 | }
206 | else
207 | {
208 | pSym->RVA = (KDBGADDR)(Buf.Sym.Address - pModPe->ImageBase);
209 | rc = kDbgModPeRVAToSegOff(pModPe, pSym->RVA, &pSym->iSegment, &pSym->offSegment);
210 | }
211 | pSym->cchName = (uint16_t)Buf.Sym.NameLen;
212 | if (pSym->cchName >= sizeof(pSym->szName))
213 | pSym->cchName = sizeof(pSym->szName) - 1;
214 | memcpy(pSym->szName, Buf.Sym.Name, Buf.Sym.NameLen);
215 | pSym->szName[Buf.Sym.NameLen] = '\0';
216 | }
217 | else
218 | {
219 | DWORD Err = GetLastError();
220 | rc = kDbgModPeConvWinError(Err);
221 | }
222 | #endif
224 | }
225 | return rc;
226 | }
227 |
228 |
229 | /**
230 | * @copydoc KDBGMODOPS::pfnClose
231 | */
232 | static int kDbgModPeClose(PKDBGMOD pMod)
233 | {
235 |
236 | //if (g_pfnSymCleanup(pModPe->hSymInst))
237 | // return 0;
238 | //
239 | //DWORD Err = GetLastError();
240 | //int rc = kDbgModPeConvWinError(Err);
241 | //kDbgAssertMsgFailed(("SymInitialize failed: Err=%d rc=%Rrc\n", Err, rc));
242 | //return rc;
244 | }
245 |
246 |
247 | /**
248 | * Opens the debug info for a PE image using the windows dbghelp library.
249 | *
250 | * @returns IPRT status code.
251 | *
252 | * @param pFile The handle to the module.
253 | * @param offHdr The offset of the PE header.
254 | * @param pszModulePath The path to the module.
255 | * @param ppDbgMod Where to store the module handle.
256 | *
257 | */
258 | int kdbgModPEOpen(PKDBGHLPFILE pFile, int64_t offHdr, const char *pszModulePath, PKDBGMOD *ppDbgMod)
259 | {
260 | /*
261 | * We need to read the section headers and get the image size.
262 | */
264 | int rc = kDbgHlpReadAt(pFile, offHdr + KDBG_OFFSETOF(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, FileHeader), &FHdr, sizeof(FHdr));
265 | kDbgAssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
266 |
267 | uint32_t cbImage;
268 | if (FHdr.SizeOfOptionalHeader == sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32))
269 | rc = kDbgHlpReadAt(pFile, offHdr + KDBG_OFFSETOF(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage),
270 | &cbImage, sizeof(cbImage));
271 | else if (FHdr.SizeOfOptionalHeader == sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64))
272 | rc = kDbgHlpReadAt(pFile, offHdr + KDBG_OFFSETOF(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64, OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage),
273 | &cbImage, sizeof(cbImage));
274 | else
275 | kDbgAssertFailedReturn(KDBG_ERR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT);
276 | kDbgAssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
277 |
278 | /*
279 | * Allocate the module and read/construct the section headers.
280 | */
281 | PKDBGMODPE pModPe = (PKDBGMODPE)kDbgHlpAlloc(KDBG_OFFSETOF(KDBGMODPE, aSections[FHdr.NumberOfSections + 2]));
282 | kDbgAssertReturn(pModPe, KERR_NO_MEMORY);
283 | pModPe->Core.u32Magic = KDBGMOD_MAGIC;
284 | pModPe->Core.pOps = &g_kDbgModPeOps;
285 | pModPe->Core.pFile = pFile;
286 | pModPe->cbImage = cbImage;
287 | pModPe->cSections = 1 + FHdr.NumberOfSections;
288 | rc = kDbgHlpReadAt(pFile, offHdr + KDBG_OFFSETOF(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32, OptionalHeader) + FHdr.SizeOfOptionalHeader,
289 | &pModPe->aSections[1], sizeof(pModPe->aSections[0]) * FHdr.NumberOfSections);
290 | if (!rc)
291 | {
292 | PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSH = &pModPe->aSections[0];
293 | memcpy(pSH->Name, "headers", sizeof(pSH->Name));
294 | pSH->Misc.VirtualSize = pModPe->aSections[1].VirtualAddress;
295 | pSH->VirtualAddress = 0;
296 | pSH->SizeOfRawData = pSH->Misc.VirtualSize;
297 | pSH->PointerToRawData = 0;
298 | pSH->PointerToRelocations = 0;
299 | pSH->PointerToLinenumbers = 0;
300 | pSH->NumberOfRelocations = 0;
301 | pSH->NumberOfLinenumbers = 0;
303 |
304 | uint32_t uTheEnd = pModPe->aSections[FHdr.NumberOfSections].VirtualAddress
305 | + pModPe->aSections[FHdr.NumberOfSections].Misc.VirtualSize;
306 | if (uTheEnd < cbImage)
307 | {
308 | pSH = &pModPe->aSections[pModPe->cSections++];
309 | memcpy(pSH->Name, "tail\0\0\0", sizeof(pSH->Name));
310 | pSH->Misc.VirtualSize = cbImage - uTheEnd;
311 | pSH->VirtualAddress = uTheEnd;
312 | pSH->SizeOfRawData = pSH->Misc.VirtualSize;
313 | pSH->PointerToRawData = 0;
314 | pSH->PointerToRelocations = 0;
315 | pSH->PointerToLinenumbers = 0;
316 | pSH->NumberOfRelocations = 0;
317 | pSH->NumberOfLinenumbers = 0;
319 | }
320 |
321 | #if 0
322 | /*
323 | * Find a new dbghelp handle.
324 | *
325 | * We assume 4GB of handles outlast most debugging sessions, or in anyways that
326 | * when we start reusing handles they are no longer in use. :-)
327 | */
328 | static volatile uint32_t s_u32LastHandle = 1;
329 | HANDLE hSymInst = (HANDLE)ASMAtomicIncU32(&s_u32LastHandle);
330 | while ( hSymInst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
331 | || hSymInst == (HANDLE)0
332 | || hSymInst == GetCurrentProcess())
333 | hSymInst = (HANDLE)ASMAtomicIncU32(&s_u32LastHandle);
334 |
335 | /*
336 | * Initialize dbghelp and try open the specified module.
337 | */
338 | if (g_pfnSymInitialize(hSymInst, NULL, FALSE))
339 | {
341 |
342 | kDbgHlpSeek(pFile, 0); /* don't know if this is required or not... */
343 | DWORD64 ImageBase = g_pfnSymLoadModule64(hSymInst, (HANDLE)File, pszModulePath, NULL, 0x00400000, 0);
344 | if (ImageBase)
345 | {
346 | pModPe->hSymInst = hSymInst;
347 | pModPe->ImageBase = ImageBase;
348 | *ppDbgMod = &pModPe->Core;
349 | return rc;
350 | }
351 |
352 | DWORD Err = GetLastError();
353 | rc = kDbgModPeConvWinError(Err);
354 | kDbgAssertMsgFailed(("SymLoadModule64 failed: Err=%d rc=%Rrc\n", Err, rc));
355 | g_pfnSymCleanup(hSymInst);
356 | }
357 | else
358 | {
359 | DWORD Err = GetLastError();
360 | rc = kDbgModPeConvWinError(Err);
361 | kDbgAssertMsgFailed(("SymInitialize failed: Err=%d rc=%Rrc\n", Err, rc));
362 | }
363 | #endif
365 | }
366 | else
367 | kDbgAssertRC(rc);
368 |
369 | kDbgHlpFree(pModPe);
370 | return rc;
371 | }
372 |
373 |
374 | /**
375 | * Methods for a PE module.
376 | */
377 | const KDBGMODOPS g_kDbgModPeOps =
378 | {
379 | "PE",
380 | kDbgModPeClose,
381 | kDbgModPeQuerySymbol,
382 | kDbgModPeQueryLine
383 | };
384 |
385 |
386 |